J Marvin Hunter's



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Vol 27 No. 08 - May 1950

Contents of this issue

  • Charley Chandler, A Rancher'of the Pecos - J. Marvin Hunter, Sr.

  • A Bareback Chase After  Indians - J. Marvin Hunter, Sr.

  • Thomas Jefferson Rusk - From Texas Almanac, 1858

  • Indians Eat A Man Alive

  • Brann , And The Iconoclast - From Waco Tribune-Herald, Oct. 30, 1949

  • A Desperate Hand To Hand Fight - J. Marvin Hunter, Sr.

  • A Pre-arranged Head-on Collision - J. Marvin Hunter, Sr.

  • Quihi Settled 105 Years Ago - From Hondo Anvil Herald

  • The First Sermon in Deadwood , S . D. - Colonel Harry Young

  • Felix Aubrey's Famous Ride

  • The Bonnie Blue Flag - J. Marvin Hunter, Sr.

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I appreciate your help  in quickly resolving this problem.  If all businessmen responded to a  customer's need as you have, it would be a much better world.