J Marvin Hunter's



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Vol 26 No. 11 - August 1949

Gen. Houston at San Jacinto

Tex Oran

The San Jacinto campaign lasted one month and 11 days, beginning properly on March 11, 1836, and ending at the battle of San Jacinto on April 21, 1836. For one month and ten days of this time the Texas army was either running from or dodging battle with their Mexican pursuers. When the scrappy Texans at last rebelled against their general and turned on their pursuers at San Jacinto, they killed 630 Mexicans; wounded 208 and captured 730 in an 18-minute fight in which the Texans lost only two men killed.

Just why General Houston continued to flee before the Mexicans has never been made clear. This account sheds light on that question.

Mentions: * Gonzales, Lipantilan and Conception * Thomas Jefferson Rusk * Groce's Crossing on the Brazos * Ben Milam * General Burleson * the Wolff & Marx store * San Fernando Cathedral * Deaf Smith, Henry Karnes and R. E. Handy * Mrs. Dickinson * Sidney Sherman and Alexander Somerveil * Beason's Ford *

The Heroism of Elfego Baca

James H. Cook

Account of a Mexican named Elfego Baca rode into the San Francisco Plaza. He was a special deputy sheriff from the county seat of Socorro county, and he was out on an electioneering trip, making speeches in the various Mexican settlements of the county. McCarty, a drunken cowboy, did not notice Baca's arrival, but Baca had noticed him. Meeting the justice of the peace and some of the other residents of the Plaza, Baca asked them why they allowed the cowboy to jeopardize their lives and property in such a manner. The reply was that, if they arrested or harmed McCarty, his friends would come and do a lot of harm to the settlement. So began the trigger of events which resulted in a great display of rare courage and heroism. Elfego Baca became one of the most outstanding attorneys in New Mexico. He was absolutely fearless as a peace officer and as a prosecuting attorney. He stood high in the estimation of the citizens of that state. This is his story.

Mentions:* the San Francisco River * Mr. Slaughter * Mr. Perham * Charlie Moore * Mr. Herne * the Cooney mining camp * Mr. Rose *

Grandma Called Them Wrappers

“An interesting story has been recently written by Grave Miller, of Chicago, Illinois, with the caption, "Grandma Started It," in which she told the evolution of the smart summer cottons of today from the very beginnings. Her story deals with that variety of grandmother's wardrobe, known as the "wrapper," and it was also a variation of the once familiar "Mother Hubbard."

Mentions:* Chicago's National Wash Apparel Show * Glenn G. Hayes * Marion Schmidt *

A Gallant Texas Ranger Occupies Grave Prepared for Another

J. Marvin Hunter, Sr.

Account of the tragic death of a gallant Ranger named Nat Mangum who received a mortal wound from a large bullet. He was buried in the gave dug for another Ranger who was not expected to recover from his wounds, but got better after all.

Mentions:* Gillette's company of Texas Rangers * the Seco river, near D'Hanis, in Medina county * Captain Warfield * William Knox * man named Casey * Wesley Deer * John Saddler * Golston, Hack and Huffman * Peach Creek * Ben Pettit * Sabinal Canyon in Uvalde county * Tom Galbreath * Captain Warfield * A. J. Sowell, * Ranger named William Lowe *

Mrs. Mahala Jones Came to Texas In 1850

A. J. Sowell

Mrs. Mahala Jones, one of the early pioneers of Bandera County, was born in Granger County, Tennessee, in 1825, and came to Texas from Missouri in 1850. Her grandfather, Joseph Yaden, was a revolutionary soldier and was present at the battle of Bunker Hill as a drummer boy, and lustily beat his drum while the British troops were advancing to assault the American works. Mrs. Jones lived at Indian Springs, on Myrtle Creek, six miles north of the town of Bandera, coming to this place in 1863 with her husband John A. Jones.

Mentions:* Mr. Tom Click * Dr. FitzGibbons * Mr. Joseph Moore * John Walker * Boerne, in Kendall County * Mrs. Curtis * the Crockett place * Mr. Joe Sheppard * John Henning * Capt. Bob Valentine * Andy Jones, son of Mrs. Mahala Jones * Pipe Creek * John Scott * Mr. Capps * Mr. Delaney Capps * Felix Kyle, at Sink Springs * General H. E. McCulloch * Capt. Jesse Billingsly * Gen. Ed Burleson *

Sonora's Official Hostess Has Lived There 59 Years

Jackie Derebery

Account of Mrs. Josie McDonald and her Hotel McDonald which she ran for over 50 years in downtown Sonora, TX.

Mentions:* the Devil's River News * Mike and Steve Murphy * the John Steigal Ranch * Lampasas * George Murdoch * the F. Mayer Dry Goods Store * Sol Mayer of San Angelo * F. Mayer * Major de Berry * Dr. E. M. de Berry of Sonora * Dr. J. R. McDonald * Del Rio * Mrs. W. P. McConnell, Jr., of Iraan * two daughters, Estelle and Ethel * Dr. A. L. Taylor * the VanderStucken Store * President McKinley * Rock Springs * Pecan Station, Hackberry, Eldorado, and the Ernest ranch 12 miles out of Sonora * Will Rogers, Mr. and Mrs. William Jennings Bryan, Admiral Nimitz, General George Patton * Beauford Jester * VanZandt *

Death of Ben Thompson and King Fisher

A. H. Gregory

When King Fisher, who has come down in history as the most notorious and colorful of all bandits on the Texas border, decided to reform, he did it in a wholehearted manner and removed immediately to Uvalde County, served two terms as deputy sheriff and was waging an active campaign for election as sheriff when he was killed in San Antonio on March 11, 1884 at the age of 27 years in one of the most spectacular battles in history. Here is that story.

Mentions:* Judge Thomas Paschal * his ranch, located 35 miles from Eagle Pass * a Mexican bandit leader, Cortines * Jack Harris, proprietor of Harris' Variety Show * East Lynne at Turner Hall * Billie Simms and Joe Foster * Justice Anton Adam * J. C. Cochran * Phil Shardien * Billy Sims * Andreas Coy * Joe Foster * James H. French * Alamo City * Leo Tarleton *

Historical Places in Texas

Mentions:* The Capitol at Austin * statue of Jefferson Davis * the memory of the Heroes of the Alamo * Elizabeth Ney * John H. Reagan * James Stephen Hogg * the grave of Miss Johonna Troutman * the old French Embassy * William S. Porter, known as O'Henry * "Lee's Oak." * the grave of Sam Bass * Sebe Barns * Kenney's Fort * San Gabriel Mission * Major Sterling C. Robertson * George C. Childress * Glen Rose * Judge F. L. Bates * John Wilkes Booth * John St. Helen * the town of Acton is the grave of David Crockett's wife * Philip Nolan * Ellis Bean * Cynthia Ann Parker * Groesbeck * Stone Fort * Henry Smith * George Childress * Dr. R. C. Burleson *

The Sad Story of Cynthia Ann Parker

J. Marvin Hunter, Sr.

The massacre of the inmates of Parker's Fort, near the present site of Groesbeck, Texas, on May 19, 1836, and the capture of Mrs. Elizabeth Kellogg and Mrs. Rachel Plummer and the children, Cynthia Ann and John Parker, provides a chapter of our Texas history which portrayed the savage cruelty of the Indians of that early day. The fate of Cynthia Ann Parker has been told and retold around many hearth-sides. Here is Mr. Hunter's excellent account.

Mentions:* Pete Nocona * Captain Sul Ross * Frank Gholson * Ben Dragoo * Florence Wesleyan University of Alabama * Fort Belknap * Captain N. G. Evans * Captain Jack Cureton, of Bosque county * Tom Killiheir *

The 30th Annual Reunion of the Texas Ex-Rangers

Col. M. L. Crimmins

Mentions:* Will H. Roberts * Major Caleb M. Grady * Sam Graham of San Antonio * Noah Armstrong of Coleman * Major Grady's brother, Willie * Caleb * Roy Holt of Coleman * Sampson Milliard * Clyde Pittman * Judge R. C. Crane * Charles L. Neville * George W. Roberts * Caleb W. Grady * Dr. P. B. Hill

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