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Vol 25 No. 03 - December 1947
Member of Famous Family Celebrates Birthday
Julia Jones (Includes old photo)
Account of Colonel Robert M. Coleman, for whom Coleman county is named. "`Colonel Bob," as he was affectionately known to early Texans, because of his tireless efforts to protect them, was born in Kentucky, son of James and Rebecca Coleman. With his wife and several children, he came to Texas with Austin's first colonists, making his home about four miles north of Mina, now Bastrop. He was a ruthless Indian fighter, and when the Ranger service was established, he was the logical person to lead them. Colonel Coleman was among the signers of the Texas Declaration of Independence, served as aide-de-camp to Houston during the Texas Revolution and won distinction at the Battle of San Jacinto. Here is his story.
Mentions: Albert Wilson McClelland, grandson ,Mr. L. W. Kemp ,three daughters, Sarah Elizabeth, Sarah Ann and Rebecca M. ,second son, James William ,Colonel Edward Burleson ,Brushy Creek ,youngest son, Thomas ,oldest son, Albert V. ,Dime Box ,Sarah Ann Coleman McClelland ,W. J.. Albert Thomas ,James A., Abbie T.. Cora, Anna. Arthur and Alice.
Romantic Attempt at Civilization
Account describing the efforts made to bring take Indians into civilization by means of the reservation system. The effort was doomed to failure from the beginning. This is the story.
Mentions: Sarah Matthews ,Fort Richardson ,Gen. Sherman ,Fort Griffin, in Shackelford county ,Maj. R. S. Neighbors ,the Brazos Agency ,Clear Fork, in Shackelford county ,Capt. S. P. Ross ,Col. M. Leeper ,Mai: Earl Van Dorn ,the False Washita river ,George H. Thomas ,Mrs. Sherman, at Weatherford ,Capt. N. G. Evans ,the Comanche camp on Pease River ,Peta Nocona ,Isaac Parker of Tarrant county ,Col. M. T. Johnson ,Henry E. McCulloch ,Mr. S. Weatherford ,Capt. Currenton ,Brigadier Gen. Nat. Terry ,Decatur ,Gainsville
Columbus Redman, Pioneer Printer
J. Marvin Hunter, Sr.
Account of W. C. Redman, known generally as Columbus Redman, West Texas a pioneer printer, who engaged in the weekly newspaper business in different towns, and was a factor in the development of those towns.
Mentions: the Menardville Monitor ,Jasper Redman ,Annie Laura Wilhelm ,Clyde, in Callahan county ,the San Angelo Standard ,the Fort McKavett Breeze ,Paint Rock in Concho county ,B. L. Bourland ,the Menardville Record ,John Warren Hunter ,the Katemcy neighborhood ,the Hammerville Bugle ,Jim Jones ,Julius Jason ,Betty Bray ,the Ben Ficklin flood, Mrs. W. C. Redman ,the San Angelo Standard ,Spaulding ,Indianola ,Anna Laura Wilhelm ,Rev. Mr. Stephens ,McCaulev in Fisher county ,O'Brien in Knox county ,Bronte ,the "Enterprise" ,Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Abbott ,Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Redman of Pampa; Mrs. Ray Williams and daughters, Marie and Mrs. Mona King, of Port Arthur; Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Redman of Dallas ; Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Johnston, Big Lake; Emila Ann Ford, a granddaughter, of Austin ; Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Switzer and son, Dawse, Alonso Redman and Mr. and Mrs. Abbott of San Angelo.
Life and Letters of William Hickman Dunman, Texas Ranger
Juanita C. Duncan
The story of the life of William Hickman Dunman and many of the letter he wrote during the years that he served as a member of the famous Frontier Battalion.
Mentions: his niece, Miss Alice Haynes of Round Mountain, Texas ,Leon M. Haynes ,Fort Quitman ,Lt. Neville ,Corporal R. G. Kimball ,Captain Dan Roberts ,James Potter ,Fort Terrett ,Horse Head ,the J. W. Carter ranch ,Mr. Bill Smith ,Pope's Crossing ,Corporal Kimball ,Bill Dunman ,Sgt. Kimball ,Frank Potter ,Walter Haynes ,J. B. Duncan, Jr., a nephew of the Ranger ,F. A. Tipps & Co. ,Jim Latham ,Buzard and Hilard ,William Hickman Dunman ,A. J. Highsmith ,Richard Holden ,Mrs. C. P. Haynes ,Mrs. J. B. Duncan, Senior ,the Dunman Cemetery on Walnut Creek in Blanco county
Extermination of The Buffalo
“The best friend the Indian had was the buffalo. The two disappeared from this history together. When the plains contained only the whitening skeletons of the herds that once roamed in uncountable numbers from the Rio Grande far north to the Dominion of Canada, the Indian had no incentive to draw him away from his reservation and mark his hunting expedition with trouble and depredation for the whites.”
Mentions: George Catlin ,J. Wright Mooar, of Colorado City, Texas ,J. J. Bate & Company ,the firm of Mooar Brothers ,J. Wright Mooar ,the town of Haskell ,W. H. Snyder ,Lobenstein of Leavenworth, Kansas ,Miller Creek ,the Causey and West outfit ,Yellow House canyon ,Uncle Charley Sebastian ,F. E. Conrad ,T. E. Jackson & Co. ,S. T. Steirson ,Bill Akers ,McCamy and Wilson ,the Wichita Hotel ,G. O. Mathis ,G. S. Jones ,C. Meyer ,B. Marks and Co ,James Murphy ,Cupp Bros ,C. Wabel ,Baker and O'Brien ,A. A. Prince ,William Wilson ,Cary Wickey ,E. Frankle ,Stribling and Kirkland, ,Dr. W. T. Baird, M. D.; J. A. Roach, stockman ; F. E. Conrad
The Battle of Agua Dulce
Tilloson Cyrus
Five miles above Banquete, near the banks of Agua Dulce Creek, in northwestern Nueces county, lies the site of one of the little known battlefields of the Texas Revolution. It is true that it was only a minor skirmish, when considered by the number of men engaged, but it was one of the deciding factors in the outcome of the Revolution. Here is the story.
Mentions: Col. Francis Johnson and Dr. James Grant ,John C. Beales ,Col. Neill ,Yoakum ,Johnson and Grant ,Capt. Rodriques ,Ft. Lipantitlan ,Sandia ,Reuben Brown, a survivor of Grant's party ,Camargo ,Gen. Jose Urrea ,Los Cuates ,Maj. Robert C. Morris ,Placide Benavides ,Gen. Fernandes ,Texan prisoner, named McNeely ,Brown, John Collett, Stillman S. Curtis and Nelson Jones ,Randolph deSpain ,William James Gatlin ,David Moses, James Reed ,James M. Cass, James Carpenter, Stephen Denison, Pr. Grant, Dr. Charles P. Heartt, J. T. Howard, Joseph Smith. Johnson. Thomas Liewollen, Horace Ovid Marshall, John C. McLanglin, Robert C. Morris and James W. Wentworth ,De Leon.
Yellow Fever Epidemic Of 1867
This is the account of the devastating yellow fever epidemic as it reached Texas in 1867. Its disastrous effects were multiplied in consequence of the fever epidemic having extended to many interior towns of the State, which prior to that time had been deemed entirely safe from such a visitation. Here is the story.
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