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Vol 22 No. 02 - November 1944

The Frazer-Miller Feud

El Paso Morning Times, July 17, 1910.

When Jim B. Miller was hanged by a mob of citizens at Ada, Okla., in 1910 there ended the career of one of the worst and most dangerous of all the bad men who in the old days made a practice of man killing, and when the wires flashed the news throughout the length and breadth of Texas there was rejoicing in many places where Miller had formerly lived. Especially was this the case in Reeves County, the scene of the notorious Frazer-Miller Feud. Here is the story.

Mentions: Bud Frazer was sheriff of Reeves county * Manen Clements * Judge Walthall * Senator Turney * Con Gibson * Eddy, N. M., * John Denson * John Wesley Hardin, a cousin of Miller's wife * E. J. Davis * John SeDaian * George Scarborough * the old Acme saloon on San Antonio street * the T. & P. company * Eastland * Barney Riggs * Frank Simmons, Joe Escajeda * Tom Bendy * John Denson and Bill Earheart * Jack Edwards of El Paso * Judge Hefner of Pecos * Buck Chadhorn * Fort Stockton * Pat Garrett * Frazer, Hardin, Denson, Earheart, Gibson and Clements

Texas Journalism In The Old Days

Castroville Era, Feb. 26, 1878.

Account details when The San Antonio Express and Evening Courier reported the fact that an officer of the law went to see Blind Tom, on the first night of his entertainment, with his pistol on. The officer was Ferdinand Niggli, the sheriff of Medina county, who on that day conveyed from Castroville to Sao Antonio a prisoner (King Fisher) who was confined in the county jail of Medina county. Mentions: Bradin's stable * the Tremble murders * the Cordovas * Mr. Joe Benton of Nocella, Texas * C. N. Jones, and Mr. J. W. Wiseman

Girls Didn't Bother This Cowboy

By Effie Alexander.

Account of Rufus McCormick Alexander and of his first and only trip up the old Chisholm Trail.

Mentions: The Sand Bar ranch * Julia Garrett from Rough Acres * Mr. Fields * Lee Gordon * Scepter Goode * Jesse Chisholm * The Sand Bar gang * Fayette county, Round Top, Texas * John Rufus Alexander * Mary Jane Jones Alexander * Meyer Fisher Jones * John Rice Jones * Julia C. Garrett * Weimar * Marble Falls

A Dream Saved Josiah Wilbarger

From Wilbarger's "Indian Depredations in Texas."

Account describes events that occurred in the region of what is now Travis County, TX in August, 1833. Josiah Wilbarger and Reuben Hornsby were of the earliest settlers in the region and were some of the first white blood shed by Indians in this part of Texas. Wilbarger would have been killed in the brutal attack were it not for the strange dream he had, as well as a dream that happened upon Hornsby's wife the very night of the attack. Here is the bloody and brutal story.

Mentions: Stephen F. Austin * the upper Colorado * Webber, Duty * the Jesse Tannehill league * the crossing of the San Antonio and Nacogdoches road * Two young men, Standifer and Haynie * Walnut creek * James Rogers * Margaret Clifton * Florisant * Joseph Rogers * John Walters * William Hornsby * Billy Hornsby and Leman Barker * Talbert Chambers * John Chambers * Georgetown * Matthias Wilbarger * Sallie Wilbarger * Mrs. W. C. Dalrymple * Mrs. Lewis Jones * Edward Burleson * M. M. Hornsby * Mrs. Sarah Hornsby * Mrs. Sarah Hilbins *

Texas Politics Now And Then

By Marcelle Lively Hamer.

Mentions: Branch T. Archer * Captain George Erath * Henry Smith, Provisional Governor of Texas in 1358 * Thomas Jefferson Rusk * Judge Campbell and W. S. Oldham * Mr. Bullock * Count de Saligny * Urrutia * Cabeza de Vaca * Captain Jose Urrutia

The Passing Of James E. Ferguson

James Edward Ferguson, a native Texan, was born near Salado, Bell county, August 31, 1871. He was raised on a Bell county farm as an orphan but educated himself in law and was admitted to practice as an attorney in Belton, and later to become governor of the state of Texas. His life and long career in politics is described in this account.

First German Societies In Texas

By Moritz Tiling

The Germans are pre eminently a sociable people. They cultivate with reverence the strongest family life and family ties, and are bound together in friendship by innumerable social, benevolent and literary societies and secret orders. In all of these societies the "Gemutlichkeit," a term beat translated by "good fellowship," predominates, diffusing good cheer among their members. In every city or town in Germany there exist several singing societies, athletic and gun clubs, social, literary, political and secret organizations, all established for the purpose of promoting good comradeship and rendering assistance to the needy. This commendable trait made itself felt with undiminished force among the Germans in Texas. After the first few strenuous years had passed and the German settlements had been firmly established the German's love for sociability, intellectual entertainment, mutual protection and pleasure asserted itself in their early Texas experience. Here is the story.

Mentions: A. C. Allen * J. K. Allen * George Fischer * Henry F. Fischer * Charles Gerlach * Conrad Franke * Franke & Lemsky * Theodor Miller * Gene Fischer * Robert H. Levenhagen * Henry Levenhagen * Gottlieb Gasche * Jacob Schroeder * Martin Rumpff * T. Herman * William Schroeder * Gustav Erichson * Jacob Buchmann * I. T. Knoll * A. Jung * Emil Slimier * Friedr. Otto * Ch. Ricnitz * Charles Baumann * Henry A. Kykendall * Wendelin Bock * Ylrich Fischer * Carl Fischer * John H. Mueller * Friedr. Schiermann * John Koop * Daniel Super * Joseph Ehlinger * Theodor Miller * Anton Denegemmm * William Ewald * Cosner Gerlach * Friedr. Barthold * Dr. K. Hermann Jaeger * Abraham Brodbeek * Joseph Sandman * Christian A. Kasting * Peter Dickmann * William Weigand * Ant. E. Spellenberg * Peter Rohl * William Schrimpf * Dr. I. Anton Fischer * Dr. De Witt * A. Schanten * Johann Schweikert * George W. Lively * Moreau Forest * William Bronaugh * Harry Levenlragen * John Koap * Deutsche Gesellschaft * Fritz Ernst * Gustav Koerner * Teutonic Order * Giessener Auswanderungs Gesellsehaft * L. C. Ervendberg * F. Ernst * J. G. Kleper * F. W. Huesmann * G. Stoehr * H. Amthor * H. Ernst * Jacob Rien * E. H. Yordt * Dr. E. Becker * William Trich * Charles Yordt * Hermann Frets and Ed Ruhmann * Frelsburg

Son Of A Gun In A Sack

By Fred Gipson.

Events that occured in Tom Green county (Coke county) in 1875. Numerous characters and places are described including: Uncle John Durham * Yellow Wolf Creek * Charlie Capps * Richland Springs and W. S. Castle of San Angelo * the Pierce Ranch in Wharton Co * Boerne * Bill Voss, of San Angelo * Dick Nasworthy of San Angelo * Leo Huff of Merkel * W. S. Castle of San Angelo * the famous old Pierce Ranch down in Wharton county * R. L. Henderson * the old J. B. Slaughter outfit * Ed Duncan * Judge T. W. Hunter of Hugo, Oklahoma * J. Tom Mercer of San Angelo * the Mill Creek ranch in Mason county * George Littlefield of Austin * Henry Brockmann * Geistweidt family * the Brandenberger family * the Martins, the Lemburg family * Loeffler family * Leifeste family * Mertzon * L. S. Brown, an old Texas Ranger of Rocksprings * Buck Jackson of Pecos * Ranger E. J. Wood * Mrs. Emery H. Hughes * John Reynolds Hughes * Captain Ira Aten

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Our Testimonials

Frontier Times is an invaluable resource to the staff at Washington  on the Brazos State Historic site, as it contains several articles about  Washington and the part it played in the Texas revolution. We are  thrilled to add the Frontier Times to our collection.
Thanks again,
Ginger Moreland
Washington on the Brazos
State Park Association