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Vol 22 No. 01 - October 1944
Hitler's Europe Is Crumbling
By J. Marvin Hunter.
It is not the rule of Frontier Times to publish news of current events, except wherein such news in time may become matters of historical record, and of interest to future generations. The daily and weekly newspapers of the country cover the field of current events so well that we have been content to devote our space to "frontier history, border tragedy and pioneer achievement." Now and then we may depart from this rule to publish something that is of interest to the geologist, the archaeologist, the botanist, the ornithologist, or the scientist, and sometimes we mention the demise of a pioneer who has had a part in the making of Texas history.
The favorable turn of the war in Europe, brought about by the American troops' invasion of Normandy less than three months ago, and the rapid liberation of France and Belgium as a result of our American farces superior strategy and fighting ability, and the victories they have thus far achieved, despite the vaunted impregnability of "fortified Europe" and Nazi "secret weapons," impels us to give our readers our view of the situation as it exists today, September 12, 1944
Execution Of Nine Horse Thieves
By J. Marvin Hunter
Bell county had a short way with horse thieves in the 1870's; in fact, the good folk of that county felt strong and severe disapproval for wrongdoers of all kinds, particularly horse thieves. Some time during the early 1870's there was a flare-up of honest indignation which gave Bell county the name of being unhealthy for desperadoes. This is the story of when sheriff Sneed Blanton arrested nine men for horse thievery and how they dealt with it.
Presidential Campaign Of 1884
Election of Grover Cleveland. Mentions Theodore Roosevelt, Lily Langtry, Mary Anderson and a boy named Calvin Coolidge on his father's tiny farm at Plymouth VT
Further mentions: James G. Blaine, the "plumed knight" in the presidential race * Henry Cabot Lodge * Thomas E. Dewey * James A. Garfield * Winfield S. Hancock * Jay Gould * Frances Willard
An Early Day Murder Indictment
Temple Telegram.
Account of Bell county's first murder -- The case of the slaying of Donald Smith -- the victim in a bloody axe murder that occurred on Apr. 18, 1852 in the town of Nolanville now Belton, TX.
Mentions: W D Eastland, Asa H. Miller, Judge Baylor * James M. Cross * John Franks * Donald Smith
The Savage Jibaro Head Hunters
By J. Marvin Hunter
The story and histories of the people who inhabit the virgin forests and the great rivers Pastaza, Morona, Upano, Santiago, etc. They represent the most warlike of all Indian tribes in South America. Includes photo of Shrunken Human Head in the Frontier Times Museum.
Mentions: Mr. Charles L. Fagan * Rafael Karsten * Sevilla de Oro, Logrono, and Mendoza * the tsantsa * Mr. C. Stanley Banks of San Antonio * Lawrence Griswold * Shuara * Maikoa * the Oriente Shuara
Belle Starr, "Queen Of Bandits"
Vivian Richardson
This is the story of Belle Starr, one of the most daring female desperadoes in history. This woman possessed a feminine appeal that rivaled that of Cleopatra, and a power of leadership comparable to the genius of Napoleon, she was one of the most agreeable, yet craftiest, persons of her sex. Her deeds of outlawry seemed to be more for the pleasure of excitement and chase than for the desire to take human life and, according to old timers who knew her personally, she never killed a man. This is her story.
Mentions: Myra Belle Shirley * Major Enos, a Federal commander * Quantrell's band of guerillas * Carthage, Mo * Jim Reed * Tom Starr, prominent Cherokee * Watt Grayson * John Morris * McKinney, in Collin county * Jack Spaniard, Jim French and Blue Duck * Gatlin * Henry Starr, the famous bank robber * Belle's daughter, Pearl * Saratoga * Fort Smith, Arkansas * Judge Isaac Parker * Attorney Clayton * Bentonville Ark
Studemeier, El Paso City Marshal
By W. W. Mills
With the coming of the first railroad to El Paso, there came also many bad men, and that city's mayor and city fathers concluded in their wisdom that they must have a city marshal who would be "badder'n anybody," and they succeeded beyond their expectations when they imported one Dallas Studemeier, and installed him in that office. Here is his story.
Mentions: "Doc" Cummings * Jim Manning * the four Manning brothers * Canutilla, 16 miles above El Paso * a young German named Kramkauer * one Campbell * Johnnie Hale * Dr. Manning * Colonel Purdue * Uncle Ben Dowell's saloon
The School House Massacre
From Wilbarger's "Indian Depredations in Texas."
Detailed account of the brutal Indian attack upon a brave teacher and her log schoolhouse in 1867, on the south bank of the Leon river in Hamilton county.
Mentions: Worlene Valley * John Haggett * The Massengill, Dane, Strangeline, Cole Kuykendall and James Kuykendall * The Howard family * J. B. Hendrix and sons * Crockett and Abe * Judge D. C. Snow * Nel Livingston * The town of Hamilton * Ezekiel Manning * Miss Ann Whitney * Olivia Barbee * John Barbee * Alexander Powers * Miss Whitney * James M. Kuykendall * Little Mary Jane Manning * John Kuykendall * Josiah Massengill * Miss Amanda Howard * Volney Howard * John Baggett * Miss Amanda * Mrs. Sarah Howard * Mr. Strangeline * Mr. Hendrix * the Pierson ranch * Judge D. C. Snow * J. O. W Pierson * Abe Hendrix * the Leon river * Volney Howard * the Cow House
German Immigration To Texas
By J. Marvin Hunter.
Account offers detailed history concerning the German colonists who came early to Texas and became an integral part of the citizenship of the Republic, and later the State of Texas.
Mentions: Joseph Vehlein * Robert Leftwich * the original Leftvich grant * Sterling C. Robertson * J. V. Hecke * Joseph Dirksen, Eduard Hanstein, Wilhelm Miller, Erpst von Rosenberg, Carl Calms * Caspar Porten * Ernst von Rosenberg * the County of Elmenhorst, Grandduchy of Oldenburg * W. Sandusky * Montopolis * General Sidney Johnston, Colonel Edward Burleson and Judge Waller * two families, Becker and Harrel * John Edwin Waller * Prince Metteruich * Bromine, Gerke, Arends and linden * Gottfried Duden * St. Gallen, Switzerland * Baden, Wuerttemberg * Rhenish Prussia * 'Europamude' * Ernest Bnmeken * G. G. Benjamin * the Emigration Society of Giessen * Carl Pollen * Friedrich Ernst and Charles Fordtran * Charles Fordtran * Minden, Westphalia * S. M. Williams * Mr. Stoehr * Mr. J. J. Astor * German named Wertzner * the families of Bartels, Zimmerschreit and Juergens * Amsler, Wolters, Kleberg, von Roeder, Frels, Siebel, Grassmeyer, Riegel * Mr. J. Robinson * Warrentown * Mr. Juergens * Father Muldoon * Post Oak Point * L. F. Lafrentz in Texnische Monatshefte * C. S. Rafinesque * Dr. E. D. Merrill * Dr. F. W. Pennell * G. E. Stechert & Co * General Thomas Cruse * Eugene Cunningham
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