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Vol 21 No. 08 - May 1944
Hauled A Big Meteor From Mexico
August Santleben
Pioneer Texas freighter, Mr. August Santleben was in Chihuahua, Mexico in the spring of 1875, and was told that several years before a large aerolite had fallen on the ranch of Mr. Henry Mueller near San Lorenzo, about ten miles from the city, which was said to be one of the most massive known to the scientific world, (about 5400 pounds). He became very much interested in the subject, and decided that if it was possible to secure the stone he would haul it to Texas and place it on exhibition at the World's Fair in Philadelphia. Here is the account of that adventure.
Further Mentions: Forts Davis * the Veramendi House * Captain Rufus Perry * Major Jones * Luling * Mr. Dan Price * the Galveston, Harrisburg & San Antonio railroad * Messrs. Hoick & Helfrisch * Presidio del Norte * Henry Vonflie * Timps * Landrum
Chief Wildcat's Vision
By Colonel M. L. Crimmins.
Account of Coacooche, or Wildcat, the Seminole Indian chief who reluctantly surrendered with his people to the whites and came to Texas, where they eventually made a settlement in the early 1850's at Fort Duncan, near Eagle Pass; many of them fought and served under Lieut. John L. Bullis of San Antonio. and descendants lived at Brackettville, Texas.
Further Mentions: Otulke * Dr. Kenneth Porter, Vassar College * Colonel Albert G. Brackett * Colonel Albert Sidney Johnston * Forts Clark and McIntosh, and Camps Sabinal, Hudson, Van Camp, Ives, and Verde * Jefferson Barracks, Mo * Arroya de las Encinas, between Eagle Pass and Laredo * the Presidio of San Vicente * Laguna de Leche * Arthur Burum * Conroe
Captures Two Highwaymen
B. F. Watson, Bowie, Texas.
Mr. Watson offers a first-hand account of events that occurred on Sunday night, May 9, 1900, at Stoneburg, Montague county. Watson and his wife were accosted by two young men at gunpoint and robbed. Almost immediately, Watson in company with John Prater, deputy sheriff, rode all night in pursuit of the outlaws. Here is the story.
Mentions: Red River near Terrell, Oklahoma * the Rock Island Railroad * Jacksboro * Olney, in Young county * Mr. J. M. Chambers, attorney for the Katy Railroad * Judge Chambers * Billy Small and Sid Key
A Little Bay Mare Called Ginger
By Renne Allred, Sr.
In the November, 1943, issue of this magazine appeared a good article written by Mr. Alfred, telling of some of his experiences as a rural mail carrier in Montague county. Here is another good story, which relates mostly to the faithful little bay mare he used on the route. Contains nice old B&W of Alred and his faithful bay mare called Ginger.
Mentions: Hardie Overstreet * Mr. Tinkle * Ben Pulliam * Captain W. T. Coffield * Tom Southard * Judge John Speer * W. H. Cantwell and his nephew, Noah Cantwell * Bushy Creek * Henry Gething * Charley Downs * East Tarrant Street * Bob's Hotel * Mrs. Darrough * W. L. Buchanan * W. H. Carter * J. W. Winn * Echelberger * J. W. Giles * Pleasant Ridge School * D. L. Edgin * William McKee * H. B. Cox * Mayor J. W. Chancellor * Horace Wright * Trail Creek * Frank Moore
A Great Museum Is Built In A Small Country Town
By Marvin Hunter
Mentions: Noah Rose * J. A. Miller * Mrs. A. E. Davenport * A. C. (Amy) Schreiner * Charles Schreiner * Charles Urrsdorff * Mrs. Louisa Gordon * Louisa Malim *
Captain John E. Elgin, Texian
By Grace Miller White.
The late Captain John E. Elgin was, in many ways, a remarkable person. He grew up in and with the State of Texas, which was still in its swaddling clothes when he was born in Austin in 1850. He lived his life span of 88 years in Texas and he lived it with an active and keen aliveness toward events that were shaping up about him; the fact is, he had a goodly share in the shaping up. Here is his story.
Further Mentions: Betty Elgin Gilmer * the Swinsons, the Palms, the Robinsons, the Fontaines * President Lamar * Captain Elgin's father was Dr. John E. Elgin * Oakwood Cemetery * Mary Elizabeth Mitchell Elgin * Robert M. Elgin * St. David's Episcopal church * J. B. Gilmer * Reverend Edward Fontaine * Mirabeau B. Lamar * Missouri House * Swisher's Tavern * Anson Jones * the Houston & Texas Central Railroad in the Llano Estacado lands * Edmund J. Davis * Double Mountain * Des Mazieres house * General Twiggs
Texas Coast Country Pioneers
By Ida B. Hall.
Mrs. Hall, describes scenes and early events in the area around Port Lavaca, Calhoun county Texas in early days. Good genealogy and history of the area.
Mentions: Flanders Field * William Sonnemann * Carl Sonnemann, Sr * the Decrow family * Decrow's Point * Lavaca Bay * Carl and Emilie Sonnemann * Long Mott and Seadrift * Rockport * Corpus Christi * Herman Freese * Mrs. Mattie Hogue of Electra, Texas * Miss May Babcock of Burnet county * Mrs. Alma Watkins * Mrs. Elise Bierman * Harmon and Louis Sonnemann * Augusta Roemer—Annie Roemer * Alfred Roemer * Mrs. Rosa Walker * Robert Sonnemann * Mrs. W. A. Roberts of Frio Town
The Deming I Knew 44 Years Ago
By J. Marvin Hunter
The author Hunter describes Deming, NM at the turn of the century and his experiences there. This is good history of the city and that part of New Mexico.
Mentions: The Copper Era at Clifton, Arizona * the Deming Headlight * George L. Shakespeare * Clifton * Morenci * the Adelphi Club * Silver City * the Phelps-Dodge Company * Joe A. Mahoney * Solomon Luna * Governor Miguel A. Otero * W. R. Merrill * Joe Keihy * Cipriano Baca * Sigmund Lindauer * H. Nordhans * J. A. Mahoney * W. J. Wamel * J. Kinnear * Dr. J. P. Byron * W. P. Tossell * J. B. Hodgdon * J. W. Matthews * Dr. Tom Wells * Dr. Swope * N. A. Bolich * Leon Godcheaux * Tricamolican Barber Shop * Misses Barbara Raithel * Annie Scarborough, Rose Conley, Nooki Hedrick, Nellie Deemer * Jessie Redding * Georgie Scarborough, Minnie McGlinchey, Medora Faulkner, Blanch Hodgdon, Vida McChristy, Willetta Redding, Daisy Wamel * Beulah Redding, Maud Claussen, Ivy Green * Ony Mastick, Albert Field, Frank Nordhaus, Maurice Nordhans, Arthur Raithel, Alex Thompson, Dan Hathaway, Pliny Burdick, Tom Green Upton, Steve Birchfield, Jr.; Walter Pickard, .Jim Lewis * Miss Daisy Wamel * Tom Green Upton * Uncle Steve Birchfield * Dan Hathaway * President McKinley * Miss Georgie Scarborough and Miss Maud Clausen * Ruth and Raymond Russell Ray * Milton Kerr * A. O. Larrazola * B. S. Rodey * John Hyatt and James Hyatt * Doughboy Taylor * Sim Holstein * Loyal Valley * Ottmar Mergenthaler * Fort Griffin * Lottie Denno
An Easterner's View Of Texas
By Richard Harding Davis.
Excellent description of the life of the Texas Ranger in Pioneer days. Mentions: Hon. William F. Cody * the Garza revolution * Captain Chase of the Third Cavalry * Rufus Glover * Captain McNelly * General Mabry * Sheriff Scheeley
Some names mentioned in this issue:
Allred; Jimmie Allred; Renne Allred; Renne Sr. Allred; Renne Sr. Alred; May Babcock; Cipriano Baca; D. W. C. Baker; Bass; Bean; Elisa Bierman; Steve Birchfield; Steve Jr. Birchfield; Boatright; N. A. Bolich; Borden; Albert G. Brackett; Albert G. Col. Brackett; Capt. Brooks; Capt J. A.. Brooks; Brown; W. L. Buchanan; John L. Lt. Bullis; Pliny Burdick; Arthur Burum; Bushick; Dr J. P.. Byron; Maud Calussen; Noah Cantwell; W. H. Cantwell; Anson Carter; W. H. Carter; Caudle; J. M. Chambers; Esq. Chancellor; J. W. Mayor Chancellor; J. W. Chancellor; Capt. Chase; Chisholm; Maud Claussen; Cody; Capt W. T.. Coffield; Rose Conley; D. E. Conwill; H. B. Cox; Crimmins; M. L. Col. Crimmins; Crockett; Mrs Davy Crockett. ; J. Ralph Dailey; Mrs. Darrough; Mrs A. E.. Davenport; Davis; Richard Harding; Nellie Deemer; Lottie Denno; Dobie; Charley Downs; Duval; Eckhart; D. L. Edgin; Capt Elgin; Capt John E.. Elgin; Dr John E.. Elgin; Mary Elizabeth Mitchell ; Robert M. Mitchell; Herman Emilie; Fagan; Medora Faulkner; Albert Field; W. R. Fletcher; Rev Edward Fontaine; Emelia Freese; Herman Freese; Bordier Freres; Z. T. Fulmore; Charles Gersdorff; Henry Gething; J. W. Giles; Betty Elgin Gilmer; J. B. Gilmer; Rufus Glover; Leon Godcheaux; G. Keith Gordon; G. Keith Comm. ; Louisa; Green; Ivy Green; Ida B. Hall; Hamrick; J. M. Harlan; Dan Hathaway; Nooki Hedrick; Hendricks; Ira D. Henry; Blanch Hodgdon; J. B. Hodgson; Mattie Hogue; Hohes; Holley; Sim Holstein; John M. Holt; Pauline K. Holt; Houston; Dr Leonidas. Hudspeth; Hughes; Joshua Humphreys; Dr T. F.. Hung; Capt. Hunter; ; James Hyatt; John Hyatt; Jackson Hyatt; James Hyatt; Albert Sidney Col. Johnston; Jones; Major; Joe Keiley; Kendall; Goergie Kerr; Milton; Sid Key; J. Kinnear; Pres Mirabeau B. Lamar; Gen Joseph. Lane; B. F. Langford; A. O. Larrazola; Gen. Lee; Robert E. Col. ; Jim Lewis; Sigmund Lindauer; Lloyd; Solomon Luna; Gen. Mabry; J. A. Mahoney; Joe A. Mahoney; Louisa Malim; Martin; Ony Mastick; J. W. Matthews; Vida McChristy; Minnie McGlinchey; William McKee; President McKinley; Capt. McNelly; Ottmar Mergenthaler; W. R. Merrill; J. A. Miller; John Albert; Montel; Dee Moore; Frank; Henry; Henry Mueller; Frank Nordhaus; H. Nordhaus; Maurice Nordhaus; Miguel A. Gov. Otero; Hardie Overstreet; Beard Patterson; Capt Rufus. Perry; Capt Jack. Phillips; Walter Pickard; Ignace Pieyel; Dr Kenneth. Porter; John Prater; Dan Price; Pulliam; ; Arthur Raithel; Barbara Raithel; Raymond Russell Ray; Ruth Kerr; Beulah Redding; Jessie Redding; Willetta Redding; Reid; Mrs W. A.. Roberts; B. S. Rodey; Rodriguez; Alfred Roemer; Annie ; Augusta ; Franklin Roosevelt; N. H. Rose; Santleben; Saunders; Annie Scarborough; Georgie; Sheriff Scheeley; Will Scheeley; A. C. (Amy) Schreiner; Scully; George L. Shakespeare; Billy Small; Smith; Smithwick; Carl Sonnemann; Carl Sr. Sonnemann; Emilie Sonnemann; Harmon Sonnemann; Louis Sonnemann; May Babcock Sonnemann; Robert Sonnemann; William K. Sonnemann; Tom Southard; Southard; Sowell; John Judge Speer; Dr. Swope; Emperor Tao-Kwang; Taylor; Doughboy; I. T. ; Thomas Ulvan Dean; T. U. Dean; Thalmann; Alex Thompson; W. P. Tossell; Toulouse; Toulouse; Gen. Twiggs; Tyler; Daisy Wamel Upton; Tom Green; Jules Verne; Hugo Villa; Henry Vonflie; Vonflie; Rosa Walker; Wallace; ; Daisy Wamel; W. J. Wamel; Mrs Alma. Watkins; B. F. Watson; Dr Tom Wells; Wharton; White; B. G. Wiemers; Mark Wilcox; L. R. Wilson; J. W. Winn; Woods; Wooten; Horace Wright
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