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Vol 21 No. 06 - March 1944
Chief Red Cloud Of The Sioux
By J. Marvin Hunter
Red Cloud (Kukhpiyalutat), 'Scarlet Cloud,' frequently known among his people as Mahhpinslut, (Red Cloud) was a principal chief of the Ogalala Teton Sioux of Pine Ridge Reservation, the largest hand of the Sioux nation, and probably the most famous and powerful chief in the history of the tribe. Here is his story.
Mentions: Dr. F. W. Hodge * McGillycuddy * Fort Laramie, Wyoming * Fort Phil Kearny and Fort C. F. Smith * Carrington * Captain Fetterman
Ancient Aztecs Were Cannibals
William H. Prescott
Human sacrifices were adopted by the Aztecs early in the fourteenth century, about two hundred years before the Conquest. Rare at first, they became more frequent with the wider extent of their empire till at length, almost every festival was closed with this cruel abomination. Here is the gruesome account.
Mentions: the god Tezcatlipoca * Anahuac * Huitzilopotehli * Tlaxcala * Moutezuma * Toltecs * Tezeucans
John Bell Hood: A Great Soldier
By J. Marvin Hunter
There is little doubt in the minds of those who have closely followed his life but that John Bell Hood was a great man, one of the greatest generals of the Confederate army, which was noted for its great warriors. Here is his story.
Mentions: Owingsville Kentucky * Fort Mason, Texas * Kiowa Creek * Devil's River * General Twigg * Hood's Texas Brigade * 'Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Newton Harless of Center Point * Mrs. George Robertson * Mrs. A. L. Fitch of Center Point * Will H. Harless of Rogers * Mrs. George Robertson *
Bloody Kate Bender Of Kansas
By Roscoe Logue
In the spring of 1871 the Bender family moved to the southeastern portion of Kansas and homesteaded. In the main they were an uncouth, unsociable German family of four, the elderly parents, their queer son, John, and a 20 year old daughter, Kate. She was the exception - brilliant, sociable, and attractive in fact; a contrast from the others. But she was a decoy and a snare—the plotter—the master mind. Her bosom nursed as foul a heart as ever fiction painted, a ghoul haunting the darkest recesses of Hell's Half Acre. Here is the bloody story.
Mentions: Dr. York * a brother, Colonel York * Fort Scott * Thayer
The Old Ledbetter Salt Works
By Don H. Biggers
About eight miles a little west of south from the town of Albany, TX is the old Ledbetter salt works, one of the most extensively heard of landmarks in the western portion of the State, and for many reasons the place occupies a most unique and unusual position in relation to the strenuous history of the West. Here Indian legends lead to the inception of the white man's commerce, both of which in turn harmoniously blend with the thrilling, tragic and romantic events incident to pioneer life. The old salt works are located just east of a chain of considerable elevations and on the bank of what is known as the Salt Prong of the Hubbard, and is surrounded by what would be termed a considerably broken but not mountainous country, and the fame or notoriety of the place is founded upon the vast salt deposit found in the stream at this particular point. Here is the story.
Mentions: Cal Greer, William King and Vol Simonds * Fort Phantom Hill * Stephens and Shackelford counties * George W. Greer and George Hazlewood, two well known ranchmen, then living on the Hubbard * Judge W. H. Ledbetter * Judge Hood of Weatherford * a young man by the name of Thornton * the Salt Prong * Mugginsville * Phil Reynolds * Johnny Ledbetter
The Mysterious Ledbetter Boy
Written in 1927 by John C. Jacobs.
Account details the strange events surrounding the abduction by Indians and consequent long-term disappearance of the young boy, Johnny Ledbetter in the late 1860's around Fort Griffin, TX. His whereabouts were never discovered, unless he turned out to be the strange figure who showed up one day…
Mentions: The Tonkaways * Tiger Jim * Buckskin Bob * Mrs. Jackson * Devil's River Canyon
The Montagues: Pioneer Stock
By J. Marvin Hunter
Account of the family history of Charles Montague Sr who with son Charles Jr came to Bandera Co and established a ranch and became prominent cattlemen and pioneers of the region. Includes old photo of the whole family, another one of Charles Jr family, and one of Gene Seng and Charlie Montague who fought and died together in the South Pacific in their uniforms.
Mentions: Miss Laura Lytle * Castroville * Capt. John T. Lytle * : Mrs. Rose Gardiner and Miss Victoria Montague * Charles Montague III * Caeanen Consolidated Copper Company * Hon Brian Montague * Hon. Joe G. Montague * postmaster at Lordsburg * Edinburg * Frank M. Montague * Miss Margaret Montague of Bandera * Judge Brian Montague of Del Rio * Judge Joe G. Montague of Fort Worth * Frank M . Montague of Bandera * Miss Margaret Montague of Bandera * John V. Montague of Middlebury * Dr. J. J. Montague * Eugene Montague of Lordsburg * Miss Victoria Montague * Tulagi * Gavutu * Joe G. Montague * Robert Sherrod * Luther Johnson * Major General Julian Smith * the Gilbert Islands * General Holland Smith * R. C. McKinney, G. G. Seng, R.C. Kountzman, R. L. Jarrett, Max J. Lynton, C. Montague, S. P. Parsons, M. W. Waltz, II. H Watkins, H. B. Lanning, J. S. Castle, A. B. Roads, A. R. Mitlick, W. A. Larson, and R. W. Vincent * A. A. Vandergrift
Our Declaration Of Independence
By J. Marvin Hunter.
Lengthy and detailed account describing the signing and the signers of the Declaration of the Independence of Texas. Contains full text of the Declaration.
Mentions: Richard Ellis * Charles B. Stewart * Charles Taylor * Jas. Collinsworth * Edwin Waller * Asa Brigham * John S. D. Byrom * Franco Ruiz * Thomas Jefferson Rusk * Thos. Barnett * John S. Roberts * Robert Hamilton * Collin McKinney * Albert H. Latimer * James Power * Jose Antonio Navarro * Jesse B. Badgett * Wm. D. Lacey * William Menefee * Jno. Fisher * Thos. J. Gazley * R. M. Coleman * Sterling C. Robertson * Sam Houston * David Thomas * Mw. Conrad * Martin Farmer * Edwin O. Learand * Stephen W. Blount * Jas. Gaines * Wm. Clark, Jr. * Sidney O. Pennington * Willim Carrot Crawford * Jno. Turner * Benjamin Briggs Goodrich * Sam. P. Carson * B. W. Barnett * James G. Swisher * Mathew Caldwell * William Motley * Lorenzo de Zavala * Stephen H. Everitt * Geo. W. Smyth * Elijah Stapp * Claiborne West * Wm. B. Scates * M. B. Menard * A. B. Hardin * J. W. Bunton * Jesse Crimes * R. Rhoads Fisher * John W. Moore * Geo. C. Childress * Bailey Hardman * Rob. Potter * Saml. A. Maverick * A Briscoe * J. B. Woods * H. S. Kimblye * Colonel William F. Gray * Mrs Jane Y. McCallum * Hon. Thomas S Herderson * William H. Wharton
Hauled 50,000 Pounds Of Salt
By August Santleben.
Account of pioneer Texas freighter, August Santleben whose train of schooners and oxen was the first that ever hauled salt from the Pecos Salt Lake and he assumed great risks when doing it. Story goes on to detail some other adventurous and risky undertakings by the master freighter and early frontier entrepreneur.
Mentions: Fort Davis * Horsehead Crossing * Fort Lancaster * Howard's Well * Anastacio Gonzales * Lieutenant Vinson * Fort Clark * Knox's ranch * Griller * Wish * Rheiner * Mr. Salliway * Norton & Deutz * . Mr. Gustave Moye * Governor Tarrassas * El Camado * Mr. Moye * Mr. A. Cohen * Fort Stockton * the old Cassiano homestead on Houston street * the Kunkel building * North Flores street * Henry Wagner * Thos. R. McCall * James Connell * the Dignowitys * sheriff John Fries * Sheriff Thomas B. McCall * Johnson's Run * El Padron * Julio Castro * Forts Davis and Quitman * Entimio Magenta * Devil's River * Beaver Lake * John Kenedy of Sabinal * Jose Telamantes and Juan Montes * Kaneghean & Bro * Mr. Smelcher * Geronimo Morales * Julimes and Chupadero * Fred Miller * San Luis Potosi * Piedras Negras
Frederick R. Gipson
'Ol 'HardPressed' Sam, the tick inspector. Here's what happens to those 'ol boys when they get 'em a Guv'ment job!
Belles And Beaux Of 40 Years Ago
By J. Marvin Hunter
Account of couples and marriages enacted in Mason, TX during early 1890's.
Mentions: Herbert Zork, Will H. Dodd, Webster McGinnis, Ovy Garner, George Harris, Bud Garner, Benno Schmidt, Jim Rogers, Jim Butler, Charlie Mangham, John Schaeg, Charlie Bierschwhle, Ernest Lemburg, John Franklin, John Lemburg, Charlie Harris, Frank Moody, David Doole, John Poole, Grattov Crosby, Alfred Koock, Otto Koock, Hugo Koock, Toni Elliott, John Butler, Peter Bickenbach, Bob Baird, Jim Garner, Will Bickenbach, Charlie Kettner, Will Kettner, Ben Hoerster, Ben Mayo, George Todd, Ed Todd, Robert Todd, Ben Hey, John Geistweidt, Dillon Bridges, Frank Bridges, Robert Base, Cap Bellows, Austin Leslie, John Leslie, Dolly Payne, George Wilson, Dee Payne, Jasper Redman, Marion Morrow, Bob Lackey, Charlie Hoffman, Henry Hoffman, Ed Smith, Morgah Hamilton, Emanuel Broad, Ed Broad, Jeff McSwain, Frank Husband, Charlie Schuessler, Andy Adcock, Gus Schuessler, Mark Adcock, Charlie Stapleton, Emil Fostell, Will Worley, Charley Worley, Otto Mebus, Rudolph Doell, Albert Metzker, John Allen, Alex Allen, August Henrich, Pat Rogers, John Rogers, Toile Rogers, J. H. Johes, N. C. Woods, Wells Smith, Alvin Bernhard, Dick Woods, Corker Boyd, Seth Gooch, Ed Garner, and others. Misses Ratie Ricks, Ruth Henry, Hattie Henry, Hattie Ricks, Annie Loring, Cora Bridges, Lula Bridges, ,Jennie Garner, Alice Hunter, Cora Hunter, Lode Hunter, Nellie Broad, Dona Boston, Mattie Boston, Lydia Fellmore, Daisy Wheeler, Annie Hoerster, Lydia Garver, Dona Garner. Charlie Schuessler, Helen TAO, nettle Todd, Mollie King, Maggie Payne, Mamie Brotherton, Sadie McAllister, May McAllister; Theresa Lemburg, Carrie Lemburg, May Bridges, Belle Bird, Constance Schmidt, Ann Crosby, Lola Bird, Vic McGinnis, Nannie McGinnis, Mabel McGinnis, Neva Moody, Maude Moody, Bernice Doole, Nettie Hill, Myrtle Butler, Clara Morrow, Winnie Murray, Jennie Todd, Alice Hey, Kate Hey, Eugenia McReynolds, Alice Blakey, Hermenla Mebus, Josie Bridge's, Anna Koock, Alice Gooch, Isla Bridges, Willie, Burnham, Emma Burnham, Ida Maugham, Frances Tohey, Rosa Tobey, Maggie Bowser, Delia Lindsey, Emma Lindsey, Quint Garner, Bertha Henrich, Alice Eckert, Emma Martin, Minnie Eckert, Alvin Eckert, Clara Millerkin, Ella Rogers, Hattie Rogers, Lizzie Wilson, Alice Wilson, Maggie Wilson, Nellie Wilson, Annie Hunter, and Ollie Hunter, the marriage of Alfred Koock and Miss Helen Todd, * the Ranck building * Charles Bierschwale and Miss Mamie Brotherton * John Schaeg married Lula Bridges * Nellie Broad married John Schaeg * Cora Hunter married Will Bickenbach * Alice Hunter married Marion McMahan * Maggie Payne married Benno Schmidt * Constance Schmidt married Frank Husband * Annie Hunter married Corker Boyd * Eugenia McReynolds married Ovy Garner * Winnie Murray married Marion Morrow * Jennie Todd married Morgan Hamilton * Cora Bridges married J. W. White * Hermenia Mebus married Ty Young * Anna Koock married Tom Elliott * Willie Burnham married Ed Todd * Josie Bridges * Ed Lemburg, Will Lemburg, Wilson (Mick) Hey, Walter Todd, Hanks King, Sterling King, George Leslie, Jess Leslie, Wilson Leslie, Jim Lemhurg, Arthur Lemburg, Robert Bogusch, Otto Bogusch, Otto Schmidt, Robert Roffman, Irvine Mayo, John Mayo, Howard Smith, Wes Smith, Orb Stapleton, Willie Garner, Paul Doole, Holmes Doole, Charlie Broad, Howard Broad, Will Broad, Jim Hey, Ike Martin, Will Holland, Clyde Traweek, Ernest Roffman, Frank Garner, Charlie Bernhard, Lawrence Christopher, Eugene Murray, Allen Murray, Paul Allen, Carl Runge, Roscoe Runge, Felix Garner, Wallace Boston, Charlie Leslie. Lawrence Thorn, Sam McCollum, Arthur Hayes, Charlie Keller, Otto Keller, Henry Keller, Ed Henrich, Hooper King,, Max McAllister. Misses Ada Garner, Bertha Todd, may Hamilton, Rath Hamilton, Lillie McReynolds, Markle Miller, Effie Camel, Nellie Garnet, Lena Bernhart, Nellie Ioerster, Annie Hoerster, Alice Hoerster, Ruby Payne. Minnie Murphy, Sophie Leslie, Olive Thorn,, Marian Holland. Eva Thorn, Rath McGinnis, Emma Cbenault, Alice Payne, Bertie Payne, Minnie Hey, Faye Hey, Annie Allman, Ethel Allman, Lou Garner, Callie Garner, Alice Ricks, Ivy Murray, Clara Sands, Ruth Sands, Lillie Wheeler, Mny King, Alma Schmidt; Cora Schmidt, Allie Garner, Lola Koock, Lillie Wilkinson, Nettie Wilkinspn, Ella Hoffman, Lydia Murray, Bessie Sntith. Alta Smith, Kitty Smith Emma Lindsey, Ella Schmidt, Mary Schmidt, Pearl King, Mary Kensing, Mary Nagel, Ethel Millerkin, Mary Leslie, Ethel Adcock, Georgic Rogers, Susie Rogers, Ruby Grandstaft, Mabel Grandstaft Mary King, Lizzie Moran, Mattie Ficker, Lena Either, Nannie Burnham, Nina Burnham, Mackie Leslie, Sallie Hubbard, Lillian Mebus Emma Wilson, Hattie Wilson, Anna McCollum, Florence Fellmore, Clara Bogusch, Lelia Bogusch, * E. M. Reynolds was the cashier of the Mason National Bank * including Mrs. J. G. Adcock, Mrs. Josie Todd, Miss Victoria McGinnik * John Mayo and George Leslie
R. M. Potter's "Hymn Of The Alamo"
Complete lyrics and story behind foremost early Texas patriotic poem, R. M. Potter's "Hymn of the Alamo."
Brief sketch of Dr. Benjamin B. Beakley, a true type of the faithful old country doctor, who never failed to respond to calls to relieve human misery. Dr. Beakley had practiced medicine in Mason county for about forty years. Here is his story.
Mentions: Dr. W. B. and America (Santlen) Beakley * a large farm and ranch near Coleman and Santa Anna * Floresville Academy * Fort Worth University * Miss Mary Effie Davidson of Poteet * Nella Mae * Chester Evans * Raymah Muriel * Lyall M. Bare * Mrs. E. P. Rendelman * Dr. J. D. Beakley * Lavernia * Lyall Haze
Brief sketch of Miss Nan Hillary Harrison, who was a well known newspaper woman and writer. For several years she was on the staff of the San Antonio Express and was the author of several books, one of which was "Frontier Fighter," the life story of George Coe of New Mexico.
Further Mentions: Joe K. Harrison of Roswell * Horace Cook, W. L. McKeen, John Patton, Moody Nivens, Fred Carpenter and Lawrence Busas * Tom H. Davis, John C. Ross, Louis Reuter, Judge A. M. Felts, Dr. M. F. Kreisle, and Rev. O. C. Crow * Buford Brown * Barton cemetery at Buda * C. S. Harrison of Austin * Mrs. S. H. Nivens of Austin
Mentions: pioneer mother Mrs. Hannah Hey * Wilson Hey * Fort Mason * Hannah Korn * Post Hill * Colonel Robert E. Lee
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