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Vol 21 No. 01 - October 1943
Gus T. Jones Retires From F. B. I.
Account of Gus T. Jones who served two years as a Texas Ranger, a short term as night marshal of the city of San Angelo, and then in the service of the F. B. I., having belonged to the division of criminal investigation of the department of justice, from which the F.B.I. was created. He was the holder of the world's championship with the Thompson sub-machine gun, won at Camp Perry, Ohio, during the National Matches held in 1935. He was also the holder of many marksmanship medals, citations for courage and efficiency, and letters of commendation from his superiors in many branches of service as well as from the government of Mexico. His grandfather had emigrated to Texas in 1829 and fought in the Texas War of Independence. His father, also born in Texas, had served from 1870 to 1874 in the Texas Rangers.
Further Mentions: John Edgar Hoover * General Alfonso Rojo Rello * curley wolf * Lothar Witcke * Pablo Warbeski * the Black Tom explosion * Fort Sam Houston * the Pershing expedition * Hugh Gant and Dewey Hunt * Charles Urschel * the Urschel kidnapping case * Harvey Bailey * Machine Gun Kelley and Albert Bates * Alcatraz prison * Gerhard William Kunze * President Manuel Avila Camacho
A Treaty That Was Kept
By J. Marvin Hunter.
Account of daring meeting between John O. Meusebach of the Fredericksburg colony and Ketemoczy, one of the Comanche chiefs, on January 26, 1847. This meeting, or pow-wow, which was held on the San Saba river, and was probably the most notable in the annals of Texas history. It was attended by twenty chieftains, most prominent of whom were Chief Ketemoczy, Chief Santana, Chief Mopechucope,. and Chief Poc-Nana-gnarhip. The meting resulted in a treaty whereby the colonists would be allowed to go unmolested on their grants. The whites agreed to treat the Indians with fairness at all times, and would welcome them to their colony. This treaty was never broken by the colonists or the Indians during the time John O. Muesebach was in leadership at Fredericksburg. There is the story.
Mentions: Dillenberg Nassau in Prussia * Clausthal * Naumberg * Halle * Stettin * Miss Agnes Coreth Caurtess * cemetery at Cherry Springs * Loyal Valley
A Beloved Daughter Of Texas
Account of Miss Clarinda Loveworth Latham, also known as "Aunt Rin' Latham, who was born and reared in the Hill Country of Texas. Her parents were Rev. and Mrs. G. W. A. Latham, early settlers of Llano and Blanco counties. Rev. Latham was one of the pioneer Baptist ministers of that section, and preached in many of the frontier settlements. The family moved to New Mexico in 1898, and pioneered out there. Rev. and Mrs. Latham raised a family of twelve children. One of the sons, James V. Latham, became a Texas Ranger, serving in Company D under Captains Frank Jones and John R. Hughes. Includes photo of Latham, Hunter and Dave Dillingham.
Further Mentions: T. U. Taylor and Dave Dillingham * homesteaded land in the Sacramento Mountains * Alamogordo
Captain James B. Gillett
By Colonel M. L. Crimmins
Account of James Buchanan Gillett, who was born in Austin, Texas, November 1, 1856. He joined the Texas Rangers in 1875 and first served under Captain Dan W. Roberts in Menard county, with Company D, for 16 months. This began Gillett's long-time service to the Rangers over the course of many years. He was marked by courage, ingenuity, and great physical endurance and left a legacy as one of the foremost Texas Rangers of pioneer days. This is his story.
Further Mentions: Major John B. Jones * Captain Neal Coldwell * Lt. N. U. Reynolds * Sam Bass and Frank Jackson * Pat Dolan * Lt. George W. Baylor * Socorro * M. Conklin * Abran and Enofrio Baca * Jose Baca * Captain George W. Baylor * the Baca boys * Jim Fitch * Matthias Baca * Abran Baca * Enofrio Baca * Saragosa * Ysleta * George Lloyd * El Paso del Norte * Billy the Kid * Rincon New Mexico * J. W. Bell * Bob Ollinger * the A. T. & S. F. railway * Deputy Sheriff Eaton * Governor O. M. Roberts * Dallas Stoudenmire * the Estryda Land & Cattle Company * James G. Blaine * Marfa * Roswell * Barrel Springs Ranch
Texas' First West Point Graduates
By George T. Ness Jr.
Although Texas has produced many able officers in Many conflicts, it is an interesting fact that none of them in the earlier days of the Nation had been trained at the United States Military Academy. It was not until 1874, that Frederick William Sibley, her first native born West Point graduate was commissioned from that famous institution. This is the story of Sibley, and of other early West Point graduates from Texas such as General Ebenezer Swift and of John Pitcher.
Further Mentions: Colonel Caleb B. Sibley * Robert E. Lee * the Omaha Barracks * the Big Horn Expedition of 1876 * General Custer * Little Big Horn * Robert S. Garnett, Wm. H. T. Walker, William J. Hardee of the Confederate army * Charles F. Smith, John F.. Reynolds and Emory Upton of the Union * General Ebenezer Swift * Eben Swift * General Wesley Merritt * General Thomas G. .Pitcher * General Schofield * Edgewater
George Montague, Young Editor
Account of thirteen year old editor, George Montague the son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank M. Montague, Sr. of Bandera.
From Cattle Range To Cotton Patch
By Don H. Biggers.
Texas journalist, author, and politician, Don Hampton Biggers was born September 27, 1868, in Meridian, Texas, and grew up in a ranching environment. He edited and wrote for several West Texas newspapers, served in the Texas Legislature, and was active in land promotion in West Texas and Eastern New Mexico. These sketches are presented in serial form and offer historical accounts dealing with industrial, social, and commercial evolutions that have taken place in western Texas from the beginning of the buffalo slaughter to the turn of the century (1900).
This first account in the series deals with the establishment of five Texas frontier forts and of the booming Buffalo industry (slaughter).
Mentions: Capt. W. J. Maltby * Fort Phantom Hill * Fort Belknap * Forts Croghan * General Arbuckle * Captain Marcy * Major Thomas * Black Beaver * Camp Necessity * James Moorehead was from Missouri * Billy Benton * Senator Benton * Mr. Locklin * William Kempner and William Luce * Major Thomas * Colonel Abercrombe * Fort McIntosh * Fort Ewell * Colonel Buck Barry * Camp Cooper * John R.. Baylor * Major Earl Van Dorn * Albert Sidney Johnston * Fort Chadbourne * Llano Estacado * Colonel Charles Goodnight * the Cimarron river * J. Wright Mooar * John W. Mooar * Mooar Brothers & White * James White, Mike O'Brien * Fort Dodge * Lake Creek * Big Lake * Haskell and Knox counties * Millar Creek * Charley Rath * Sam Carr * the Yellow House Canyon country * the Goodnight pasture on the Quitaque * Jim White and George Causey * Marshall Sewell * Bull Creek
A Green Ranchman's Experience
By J. Marvin Hunter.
The editor, who was for more than fifty years a plain country newspaperman, dod try his hand, for a brief season, as a cattle rancher on Copperas Creek in Kimble county. This is the story of his experience.
Mentions: R. G. Lackey * Garden City, Texas * the Robertson pasture * Horace E. Wilson * Junction City * Ben Carter * Sterling City * Water Valley * J. M. Stevenson * F. M. Chase * J. M. Fish * Sutton county * Roosevelt * H. & T. C. Railroad * John Wilson, J. M. Fish, Fred Schwiening * Otto Thiers, Albert Owens, Bob Owens * Mr. Sykes, Wm. Farmer * Carlsbad * San Angelo
The Elizabeth Powell Home
By H. N. Darst, Richmond Texas
Account of Mrs. Elizabeth Powell, or the Widow Powell, as she was known to early settlers of Fort Bend county, and of the old Elizabeth Powell home, located on the east bank of Turkey Creek, about fourteen miles west of Richmond.
Mentions: the towns of Beasley and Kendleton * Stephen F. Austin, Henry Smith, Dr. Archer, the Whartons * San Felipe * Columbia * Captain Mosley Baker * Groce's * Richmond ferry * Filisola * Urrea * Robert Hodges * the Hodges family * R. H. Darst *
Four old Texas Rangers In A Group
Brief sketches and old photo of four old Texas Rangers, Frank M. McMahan, Captain John R. Hughes, James V. Latham, and Captain Ira Aten.
Early Day Orders At Fort Sill
By Major Morris U. Lively, Chaplain U. S. Army.
Account of early day orders of Fort Sill, Oklahoma from old, leather-bound voumes found in the basement of the Library of the Field Artillery School, Fort Sill, Oklahoma. Excellent early history of the region.
Mentions: Surgeon A. G. Robinson * Reverend Alexander Garrett - Bishop of North Texas * Lieutenant Colonel Davidson * Maj. G. W. Schofield * Major J. W. Williams * Mr. H. P. Jones * Master Sergeant Morris Swett
Ab Blocker And The XIT
By J. Marvin Hunter.
Account of the famous old XIT headquarters ranch, and of Walter Farwell, Ab Blocker, and other prominent cattlemen associated with the famous three-million acre ranch - the biggest in the history of ranching.
Mentions: Buffalo Springs * C. D. Shamburger * the S. A. L. Morgan ranch * Governor Oran M. Roberts * Charles B. Farwell and John V. Farwell * B. H. (Barbecue) Campbell * John Blocker and Bill Blocker
Uncle Pleas Tackitt and His Boys
Account of a fight between Indians and "Uncle" Pleas Tackitt, in Young county in 1860, written by James N. Frazier.
Mentions: James Tackitt, Like Tackitt and George Tackitt * Walnut creek * Margaret Lee * Perry Tackitt * Salt creek * Fish creek * Parker county * T. F. Belknap * Dr. Hill of Springtown
Sketch of Uncle Alf Reeves, one of the earliest settlers of Mason county, one of the most widely known pioneers of that section. Mr. and Mrs. Reeves came to Mason county soon after their marriage on September 10, 1874 and lived on their ranch for 58 years.
Mentions: the Hext cemetery * C. H. Garrett of Mason * Miss Charlie Blair * Mrs. Kate Waddell and Else Reeves of Menard * Mrs. Will Bell of Eden * Mrs. Max Jacoby of Ranger * Nat Reeves of Hext * Arch Reeves of Grit * Mrs. Otto Surber of Katemcy * Mrs. Len Wootton * Mrs. Lois Marschall of Grit * Mrs. Jolla Herrington of Christoval and Mrs. Mollie Key * Felix Mann * W. E. Wheeler * the famous Block House ranch in northwest Mason county * the Ten Mile community * Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Reeves * Captain F. C. Groves * Captain J. B. Dunn * S. H. Gilliland of Coleman
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