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Vol 20 No. 08 - May 1943
The Real Texas Cowboy
By J. Marvin Hunter.
The Texas cowboy had his interpreters, plenty of them, yet today he is a very much misunderstood and misrepresented character. This account seeks to give the reader an insight to his real character and appearance.
"Between the cowboy's riding and that of the Eastern man who exhibits himself on horseback in city parks or "follows the hounds," no comparison can be made. It is only to be contrasted. It would seem that a better rider than this cattle-guarding man of the plains never lived, and certainly his ease, litheness, and gracefulness in the saddle, contrasted with the usual trussed-up, apprehensive, and sometimes simian-like attitude of the park horseman, made the latter appear about as ridiculous as some of the rigged out "dude cowboys" who are frequently seen on the streets of Bandera in these times. While the Texas cowboy had an elaborate vocabulary of forceful adjectives at his command, he found himself unable fully to express the disdain with which he regarded the little pad-saddle—or "postage stamp saddle"—and the short-hitched stirrups of the conventional rider. He would have none but the "real saddle," and his stirrups hung just enough above the length of his legs to afford his feet a firm hold in them. When riding he did not perch in his stirrups, but rested his body on the saddle and kept it there without letting daylight show under him; and it may be remarked here, this continues to be the ranchman's mode of riding, as well as that of all Western men who have occasion to mount a horse. In his large and comfortable saddle with its long-hitched stirrups the cowboy could do with ease and grace all that is possible to the conventional horseman, beside a multitude of things…"
The "Old Amy" Swimmin' Hole
By J. Marvin Hunter
Mentions: southwest of the town of Mason at the edge of Wheeler's pasture on the General Longstreet tract * Cal Moody * Ernest Lemburg, John Lemburg, Ed Lemburg, Will Lemburg, Jim Lemburg, and Arthur Lemburg * George Todd, Ed Todd, Rob Todd, and Walter Todd * John Leslie, Frank Leslie, Charlie Leslie, George Leslie Wilson and Jess Leslie * Frank Garner, Bud Garner, Ed Garner, Ovy Garner, Felix Garner, and Jim Garner * Eugene Murray, Allen Murray * Glen Murray * Lindsey Murray * Fritz Wartenbach, Wendland Wartenbach, Louie Wartenbach, John Wartenbach, Emil Wartenbach and Ed Wartenbach * Will Bickenbach and Ed Bickenbach * : Ben Mayo, Silas Mayo, Irvine Mayo and John Mayo * Jim Rogers, Pat Rogers, John Rogers, and Toad Rogers * Ed Smith, Howard Smith, Wes Smith, and Caleb Smith * Frank Moody and Cal Moody * Jim Butler and John Butler * Ben Hey, Wilson (Mick) Hey, and Jim Hey * Dolly Payne and Dee Payne * the Bogusch boys : Robert Bogusch, Otto Bogusch, Erich Bogusch, Max Bogusch, and Harry Bogusch * Gus Sheppard and Tom Sheppard * Will Broad, Charlie Broad and Howard Broad * Ed Broad * Dave Doole, John Doole, Paul Doole and 'Holmes Doole * Bud Martin, Ike Martin and Moad Martin * Will Holland, Warren Holland, and George Holland * Andy Boston, Wallace Boston and Ed Boston * Manx King; Sterling King, Hooper King, and Ben King * John Nagel, Ben Hoerster, Edgar Mebus, Clyde Traweek, Otto Schmidt, Corker Boyd, Buck McGinnis, Arthur Hayes, Lamar Thaxtor, Harry Bierschwale; Wiley Mangum, Jahn Rainey, Magi Hubbard, Bob Lackey, John Lackey, Kay Hubbard, Max McAllister, Sam McCollum, Charlie Grote, Emil Fostel, Albert Metzker, Hugo Koerner * Alfred Koock, Hugo Koock, and Otto Koock * Dillon Bridges, Charlie Bridges and Willie Bridges * Charlie Stapleton; Orb Stapleton, and Guy Stapleton * Charlie Hoffmann, Henry Hoffmann and Ernest Hoffmann * Will Eckert, Gus Eckert and Felix Eckert * Will Schuessler, Charlie Schuessler and Gus Schuessler * Will Sands and Walter Sands * Emil Schraeder (Minnie), Otto Schraeder, and Oppie Schraeder * Charley Worley and Will Worley * Andy Adcock and Mark Adcock * Alfred Grosse and Alex Grosse * Alvin Bernhard, Charlie Bernhard * Emil Bernhard *
Reid's Tramp
A Ten Months' Trip Through Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, California and Mexico in 1857
By John C. Reid
(EDITOR'S NOTE.-This is one of the most remarkable and interesting stories of Western travel ever written. The book was published in 1858, and we are printing it in Frontier Times as a serial, but not in full because of space, omitting many of the incidents of lesser importance. It will run in this magazine six or seven months, and those who read every installment will gain a knowledge of much hitherto unpublished history. Coming first hand as it does from a man who participated in some of the historical incidents mentioned, it is authentic and reliable. Remember, it was written in 1857.)
Further Mentions: the Gadsden Purchase * Marion, Alabama * James W. Clarke, J. C. Reid, J. R. Parker, John Hodge, J. T. Severn, F. A. Phillips, R. A. Lowry, E. L. Turnbow, E. B. Radford, Abram Morris, Philip Henson, T. R. Rootes, E. D. Nave, M. Livingston, Danl. Stewart, C. J. Phillips, M. L. McMahan, F. W. West * Fort Bowyer * Mr. Adrian * Gov. Claiborne * La Fitte * J. W. Clarke * Jno. C. Reid * F. A. Phillips * M. Livingston * E. D. Nave * Campeachy * Galveston city * Matagorda Bay * Powder Horn and Indianola * Port Lavaca
Stampede Of The Wheel-Oxen
By John R. Cook.This story of the Plains country, was written many years ago by Captain John R. Cook, author of "The Border and the Buffalo," a rare book long out of print. This account details certain events the author had while buffalo hunting in the Panhandle and the confusion of getting his oxen mingled together with a herd of stampeding buffalo.
Further Mentions: South Pease * the Brazos hunting grounds * Salt Fork of the Brazos * Hadley the freighter * Powder Horn * Port Lavaca * Charles Hart
Pre-Arranged Head-On Collision
By J. Marvin Hunter
Account of the pre-arranged head-on collision of two railway locomotives that took place between Waco and Hillsboro, in the summer of 1896. It was one of the most exciting affairs ever staged for the entertainment of a Texas crowd. Here is the story.
Mentions: William George Crush veteran railroad man at Dallas * the Missouri, Kansas & Texas Railroad * Ed Wood * Engine No. 999 manned by Engineer Stanton and Fireman Barnes * Engineer Cain and Fireman Dickerson * Engine No. 1001 * J. C. Deane a photographer * the City of Crush
"We have frequently been asked to print old home remedies for illness, and also cooking recipes used by the pioneers of Texas. Here are two old home-tried and successfully used remedies, one for pneumonia, and the other for poison oak:"
"For Pneumonia. — Take six to ten onions, according to size, and chop fine, put in a large skillet over a hot fire, then add about the same quantity of rye meal and vinegar …"
"For Poison Oak. — Use equal parts of coal oil and …"
Mentions: the present town of Happy in Swisher county Texas * Happy Station * Happy Draw * Tulia * Plainview * Lubbock * Floydada * South Plains
Fighting Indians On Little Saline
By Captain Dale W. Roberts.
First hand account detailing incursions with Comanches on the little Saline, San Saba, Menard county areas in 1874-5.
Mentions: Captain Rufe Perry * Fort McKavett * George Bird * Murphy * Major John B. Jones * the Lost Valley fight * Elm Creek * John Skaggs a young man who lived in Menard county * Lientenant Best * Corporal Thurlow Weed * Private George Bryant * Los floras Creek * Menardville * Mr. Moore - a ranchman * Sergeant N. O. Reynolds * James Hawkins, John Cupp and William Springer * Captain L. P. Seiker * Captain C. L. Neville * John R. Hughes *
The Lobo, Or "Loafer" Wolf
By J. Marvin Hunter.
Account describing the history, characteristics and unique qualities of the lobo wolf in west Texas.
Mentions: Noah Smithwick * Brushy Creek * Webber's Prairie * the Seco river * Henry Ramsey * Indian Creek * Dr. Peacock * Senator Julius Real * Mrs. W. A. Roberts
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