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Vol 19 No. 05 - February 1942
Calamity Jane A Frontier Character
By Colonel Harry S. Young
(Editor's Note.—We have read many good stories about "Calamity Jane" the most noted woman character of the Wild West but the following story by Colonel Harry S. Young is about the best we have run across. This story appeared in some magazine many years ago and was sent to Frontier Times by a South Dakota subscriber and we are taking the liberty to reprint it because of some of the facts it contains. Our regret is that we do not know the name of the magazine in which it appeared for we would like to give full credit.) NOTE: This is a first-hand account by a man who knew Calamity Jane personally.
Mentions: a soldier named Dalton * Fort Laramie Wyoming * Sergeant Bassett * Sergeant Shaw of Company E * Colonel Dodge * California Joe * Professor Jenny and Doc * Spring Creek * French Creek in the Black Hills * Custer City * a man by the name of Swearington * Deadwood * McGuilycuddy * George Dow and Bunny Goff * John Pencil's saloon * Crook City * Hiram Smith * the first man to preach the Word of God in the Black Hills * Jim Wall's gang of road agents * Tom Blackburn * the Pinkerton Detective Agency * the Hat Creek ranch * Spring Creek * Wild Bill Hickok * Mrs. Ryan
All Texas Mourns Beloved First Lady
Account of the life of Mrs. Coke R. Stevenson, wife of popular Texas Governor who died in the executive mansion in Austin on Saturday January 3rd, 1942.
Mentions: James Stephen Hogg * Fay Wright * Willow City Gillespie county * Fredericksburg * Dr. Preston Wright * Mrs. Beatrice Wright * Athens Texas * Kerrville * a ranch on the South Llano River * Junction * Rev. Ennis B. Hill of San Antonio * Dr. Kenneth Pope of Austin * George McCreary * E. A. Loeffler * Roy Borden * John Hankins * C. T. Holecamp * S. S. Bundy * Wilson Buster * Scottie Gayle * Linda Fay Stevenson * Mrs. Beatrice Wright * Nowell Wright of Junction * Dr. Carleton Wright of Dallas * Mrs. French Murphy of Nacogdoches * Mrs. Creighton Secor of Hunt * Mrs. Grady Perry of Stephenville * Mrs. Pierce Hoggett of Kerrville
Obit and brief history of Sam Reid Kone of San Marcos Texas who was born near San Marcos in the Stringtown community on May 9, 1855 and was one of Hays county's oldest citizens having spent all his life there with the exception of a short period spent in Waco.
Mentions: San Marcos Lodge No. 342 A. F. & A. M. * the Royal Arch chapter the Council of Royal and Select Masters and San Marcos Commandery Knights Templar * San Antonio Consistory Scottish Rite Masons and of Alsafar Shrine * Rebecca Pits Kone * Miss Laura M. Smith. daughter of Rev. and Mrs. F. S. Smith * Miss Florence Kone of San Marcos * Mrs. C. A. Campbell * Spencer R. Kone and Sam L. Kone * Mrs. L. J. Clarrett * Mrs. F. K. Lawton * Rev. C. P. Marshall * Rev. Frank L. Meadow of Beeville * Rev. H. O. Launch * Tom Garrett * Prel Storey * W. N. Joiner * Chas. H Bass * Clay Combs * Tom Garrett Jr
A Thumbnail History Of Fayette County
By Houston Wade
Mentions: Tonkawas * Town of Cistern * Round Top * Buckner's Creek * Schulenburg * Hallettsville * the La Bahia Road * the first white man to settle permanently was a bachelor by the name of Aylett C. Buckner * residence of old man Zadock Wood * Wood's prairie * Jesse Burnam's ferry * La Grange * Cummin's Creek * Skull Creek * Hayden Edwards * John Henry Moore * Richard (Big Dick) Andrews of Gay Hill between Ellinger and La Grange * Micah Andrews brother of Richard Andrews * David Berry * Socrates Darling * the Criswell boys and John Ingram * Dr. Wm. P. Smith of Fayetteville * Burnam's Ferry * John Henry Moore * Thomas J. Rabb * Zadock Woods * Captain Gibson Kuykendall * Colonel John H. Moore * the Eblin League of land near La Grange * Jesse H. Cartright * Rev. R. E. B. Baylor * Rev. Thomas Washington Cox * Rev. Z. N. Morrell * Plum Grove * the Battle of Plumb Creek * Brush Creek * Santa Fe Expedition * the Vasquez Raid * Thomas J. Rabb * Nicholas Mosby Dawson * William Mosby Eastland * Colonel James S. Mayfield * the Dawson Massacre * General A. Somervell * Colonel Jacob Shively * Captain Myers Fisher Jones * Jones P. O. * Eli Chandler * Christian Gotthelf Wertzner * Joseph Riegel * Boos Waldeck and Solms Braunfels * Carlshaven * Adelsverein * Auswanderungs-Gesellesehaft * W. H. Jack League of land * Boos-Waldeck * Nassau Farm * Wertzner * Bernhardt Scherrer
Texas Has Many Court Houses
Texas has more courthouses than any other state not because more Texans take their disputes to judge and jury but because the state has more counties. The building denotes that within a definitely bounded area the people are sovereign. It is a symbol that they have the unqualified right to tax themselves for public improvements maintain order through the person of a sheriff established and conduct schools and other issues pertaining to local, civil government - Here is an account of the history, architecture and prominent place held by many Texas courthouses. Particularly focuses on the Falls county courthouse at Marlin Texas. Further Mentions: * J. R. Fitzpatrick * Brazos River * old Viesca * Hog Island * W. A. Rose M. W. G. M. * Sen. Tom Connally
Seventeen Years In The Royal Navy
The Memoirs of Commander G. Keith Gordon R. N. Retired
These Memoirs of Commander George Keith Gordon were written by him, and were furnished to Frontier Times by his widow, Mrs. Louisa Gordon. Just before he was fourteen years of age he joined the British Navy, and upon passing the entrance examination was appointed to His Majesty's Ship Britannia at Dartmouth, and after a year's stay there became a midshipman. He tells of his experiences on the sea for the next sixteen years in a most interesting manner in the following narrative. In 1881 he retired from the British Navy and came to the United States, and established the OWL ranch in Kimble county, Texas. (Continued from Last Month)
Mentions: Tanga Bay * Dr. Kirk * Captain Wharton * Magila Mission * the Kaffir war * Simon's Bay * the Farquhar and Cosmoledo group of islands * Sea of Marnuira * the Dardenelles * Artaki Bay * Schlieman * Bournabashi village * Koum Kaleh Fort * Seddul Bahr Fort * the Gulf of Ismid * Yeni Reui * Beikos Bay * Rumili Hissar * Robert College
The Bowie Brothers And Their Famous Knife
Account is written by a descendent of the Bowie family and is based upon the traditions of the family by word of mouth and contains an extensive history of the Bowies from the time of their entrance into this country from Scotland written by Matilda Manor Bowie.
Mentions: Mrs. Joseph H. Moore * Resin Pleasant Bowie * Rezin Bowie Moore * Elveanua Bowie * John Taylor Moore * Jess Cliff * Bessie Bird (Moore) Bryant * General Robert F. Bowie * Ameslea * Dr. Allan F. Bowie * Natchez Miss * Elve Jones * Savannah Georgia * Tint Jones * Mrs. McDaniels and Mrs. Williams * Mrs. Lamae Mrs. McRea * Seaborne Jones * Laminia and Lavisia * Isequina county * John Jay * Catahoula Parish * Opelousas District * Elve Jones * Alex B. Sterrett * Sarah Bowie * Mr. Davis * John Jay Bowie * Margaret Frances Neville * Denis Neville * Matilda Eleanor * Mrs. Jos. H. Moore * Mrs. John Taylor Moore * Elve Anna * Martha Andrewella * Maria Ursula de Veramendi * Bayou Boeuf * Elizabeth Compton * Philip Compton * Abram Bird * James Nugent * Alexander B. Sterrett * Thibodeauxville on the Bayou Lafourche * Robt. J. Walker * Duncan Walker * Mr. Wilkins * Doctors Parrish and Valentine Mott * Iberville * Avoyelles * Kemper * Jess Cliffe * Major Wright * Natchitoches * Yankee by the name of Willey * Blanchard and Wells * Dr. Mattox * Thos. Bernard of Natchez * Mr. Curry * Col. Crane * Mr. Samuel Wells * Dr. Denny and Cox * Col. Wm. Barnard * Vidalia House
Barbecue At Junction City 59 Years Ago
The Southern Messenger August. 17
Account describes a massive event that occurred in August of 1893 at the ranch of Capt. Keith Gordon near Junction City in Kimble county, Texas. Ranchers and citizens of all the region attended.
Mentions: Mr. Mudge * Mrs. Keaton * Mr. Holekamp * Mrs. Patterson * Mr. Pierce Keaton * Conway Younger * rk Lance * the Bengal Lancers * Mr. Saudheer * Mr. Cloud * Mr. Braggin * Mr. Morgan * Miss Onie Davis * Miss Ethel Gordon * Miss Serena Felps and Miss Mary Hall * Miss Clara Allen * Otto Brock * Tom Johnson * Will Joy * Felix Watson * Walter Bradshaw
Killing Of Ben Thompson And King Fisher
Account describes the events of March 11, 1884, when notorious outlaw, gambler and lawman, Ben Thompson and John King Fisher were slain in the Jack Harris Vaudeville Theater at Commerce and Soledad streets in San Antonio. This double killing is probably the most famous in crime annals of old San Antonio.
Mentions: Joe K. Foster * Jacob S. Coy * Bill Thompson * Simms * City Marshal Shardein * Justice Anton Adam * Carter and Mullaly * the Bill Burton gang * George Hilgers * H. L. Ansell * J. A. Bennett * R J. Gaston * J. M. Martin * R. W. Wallace * Col. John A. Green * Marls Wilson *
Contemporaries Of Eli Terry The Clockmaker
By George B. Davis
Mentions: the house of Scribner * Roger Burlingame * Seth Thomas * Silas Hoadley * the Pillar and Scroll Top clock * Chauncey Jerome * Riley Whiting * Samuel and Luther Hoadley * Wm. I . Gilbert * Lucius Clarke * Elisha Hotchkiss * Crum &' Barber * Judge Geo. B. Runyan * Terry & Andrews * George Marsh * John Birge * Rev Irenuts Atkins * Atkins & Downs * George Mitchell * Ephriam Downs * John Fitch * Eli Whitney * Joseph Ives * Birge Case & Company * Birge Gilbert & Company. * Mr. Edward Ingraham * the E. Ingraham Company * Birge Peck & Company
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