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Vol 18 No. 06 - March 1941



Massacre Of Mose Jackson's Family

Russell H. Ware

Moses Jackson was born in North Carolina but his father moved the family to Mississippi when Mose was a very small child. They settled at and founded the town of Jackson, Mississippi. The elder Jackson was a blacksmith and started the town that now bears his name. When Mose grew up, he married and moved to Texas. He finally settled in Brown county, in the Northeast part, on Pecan Bayou. There were twelve families in this neighborhood banded together for mutual protection against the Indians. Mr. Jackson prospered and his family grew larger until in 1861 the Jacksons had eight children. But the dark cloud of fate was hovering over the happy family. Here is the sad tale.

Mentions: two neighbors, Kirkpatrick and King * Jevan Jackson * family by the name of Jenkins * a Mr. Strand * J. T. Jackson * Marble Falls * Travis Jackson, Chester Jackson, Alfred Jackson, Mrs. John Barnes, J. T. Jackson Jr., Morris Jackson, Bowen Jackson, and Elwood Jackson * Lake Brownwood

A Journey On The Historic San Saba

A. B. Reagan

Historic account of the regions along the San Saba including: Richland Springs * the Gibbons pastures * Brady Creek * Rock Shoal ford * the Sloan ranch * Henderson Spring * the Old Rose Mill * Wallace Creek * Major A. J. Rose * G. W. Morrow and Bill Miller * Voca * McCulloch Lodge No. 273, A. F. & A. M., * Lost Creek * etc.

Further Mentions: San Saba Lodge No. 225 * Grand Master Bramlett. Major D. Poole of Mason, Texas * Von Muesebach * Mopechercope, Santa Anna and Buffalo Hump * Col. John H. Moore * La Grange * Head Spring * Lee Wilson * Mr. Ed Burrow * Col. John H. Moore * the Hoffman survey

The Inauguration Was A Jubilee

Mentions: The inauguration of W. Lee O'Daniel as Governor of Texas * Coke R. Stevenson

A Texas Troubadour

By Grace Miller White, San Antonio, Texas

Account of the life of William Sidney Porter, the writer "O. Henry" who lived what may have been the most important years of his life, in terms of his development for later fame, on a ranch in Texas. Nowhere, perhaps, could this impressionable young man have found an environment more conducive to his love for adventure than in Texas. In 1882, when Dr. and Mrs. Hall of Greensboro came to Southwest Texas to visit their sons, Lee, Frank, and Dick, they brought Will Porter with them. Dr. Hall feared that Will was developing tuberculosis and thought the climate would benefit him. At that time Lee and Dick Hall with their families were living on a ranch in La Salle county, about thirty miles from Cotulla. Though the parents stayed more than three months, when they did return to North Carolina they left Will, who chose to remain on the ranch. Here is the story of those Texas years in the life of O. Henry.

Further Mentions: Greensboro, North Carolina * the O. Henry Drug Store * the O. Henry Hotel * Bob Buckley * Jimmy Hayes and Muriel * Fort Ewing * Sam Galloway * the Harrells * Margaret Worth * Athol Estes * Dr. Smoot * W. C. Braun * The Rolling Stone * R N. Johnson * Mr. Ed McLean * Mr. A. E. Clarkson * Marcellus E. Foster * W. P. Hobby * Dan W. Hollis * Mr. and Mrs. Ed Freeman, of Laramie, Wyoming

Disaster At Dead Man's Hole

By Walter Richter

"Dead Man's Hole" is the rather sinister sounding name of an unusual cavity in a cow pasture some five miles south of Marble Falls in Burnet county. Nor is the name ill-chosen. Historically, the hole is steeped in blood stains and beclouded with many tragic tales of murder and mystery during the musty years of the Nineteenth Century. For, hidden by dense cedar brakes and opening downward with startling abruptness, the foreboding cavity was a convenient spot for outlaws and other criminals to deposit murdered bodies whose discovery would likely have proved incriminating. Here is the story.

Further Mentions: Adolph Hoppe * a Mr. Flour * Flat Rock Creek * Home Guard Company * Herman Richter * Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Height

Heroines Of The Hills

By T. U. Taylor,

HERE IS EXCELLENT EARLY HISTORY AND GENEALOGY OF KERR COUNTY TEXAS. Mentions: James J. Starkey, Edward Starkey of Oklahoma City, Mrs. Henry Weiss, Mrs. Herman Schulze, Judge Charles Real * Mrs. Raymond A. Franklin * J. M. Ridley * Jonathan Scott * T. A. Saner * W. B. Hindricks, J. M. Ridley and E. A. McFadden * D. A. Rees * Kerrville * Comfort * Captain Charles Schreiner * James Kerr * James Caldwell * the DeWitt colony * Miss Elaine Enderle * Michel Enderle and Mary Mansord Enderle * Charles A. Schreiner * Aime Charles Schreiner, Gustav Fritz Schreiner, Louis Albert Schreiner, Walter Richard Schreiner, Charles Armand Schreiner * Carline Marie Schreiner, who married Hiram Partee; Emilia Louise Schreiner, who married W. C. Rigsby, and Frances Helen Schreiner, who married S. L. Jeffers * August Faltin of Comfort * Elaine Schreiner * Augusta Schulze * Christian Dietert was born in Tesen, District of Magdaburg, Germany * William Dietert, who later settled in Boerne, Texas * Cypress Creek * Mr. Altgelt * Miss Rosalie Hess * Jena, Germany * Mr. and Mrs. Gustav Dietert * Frederick Dietert and Henry Dietert * Ferdinand Schulze * Herman Schulze of Split Rock Farm * Fredericksburg * the Van der Stucken mill * Earl Garrett Street * Mr. C. H. Guenther on Live Oak Creek * Gustav Dietert, Del Rio ; Mrs. Clara Osche * Mrs. Lena Herzog, Kerrville * Mrs. Amelia Enderle * Rudolph Dietert * Henry Dietert, Kerrville; Otto Dietert, San Antonio ; Mrs. Augusta Schulze, Kerrville; Mrs. Emma Rosenthal, Houston; Mrs. Valeska Mosel, Kerrville, and Mrs. Flora Weiss, Kerrville * Mrs. H. Weiss * Glen Rest Cemetery, Kerrville * Louise Hasley * Robert Osche * Lena Dietert married Nathan Herzog * Emilia Dietert married Albert Enderle * Lillie Griffin * Betty Swenson * Henry Dietert married first Paula Schulze * Clara Reed * Otto Dietert married Halanda Boeckmann * Augusta Dietert married Herman Schulze * Emma Dietert married Oscar Rosenthal * Velaska Dietert married Edward Mosel, * Rosalie Hess * Rudolph Dietert * Hance M. Burney was postmaster * Robert J. Farr * Joseph F. H. Back * Charles C. Lockett * Charles Real * W. G. Carpenter * Emil Gold * Gober L. Gibson * Emilie Schreiner was born at Riguewhr, near Strassberg in Alsace Lorraine * Emilie Schreiner * Martinez Creek * Caspar Real * Adolph Real * Gustave Real, Fritz Real, Charles Real, and Aime Real * Southwestern University at Georgetown * Eight children were born to Mr. and Mrs. Real, named as follows: Walter Real, a rancher living near Kerrville; Emma Real (deceased) wife of Herman Stieler, of Comfort; Albert Real (deceased) rancher near Kerrville; Arthur Real, a rancher now living near San Antonio; Julius Real, formerly State Senator, living on a ranch near Kerrville ; Robert Real (deceased) a rancher near Mountain Home; Mathilde Real, wife of Hubert. Ingenhuett, formerly of Comfort, now lives in New York City: Charles Real, the youngest, a rancher but now in the State Comptroller's department at Austin, Texas. Mrs. Real left the old ranch home in 1900—seven years after her husband's death' to live with her daughter. Mrs. Ingenhuett * Henrietta Lowrance * John Rees * McNairy county, Tennessee * Sidney Benner Rees * Daniel Adolphus Rees * Martha Adeline Rees (Starkey), * Alonzo Rees * Emily Tedford * Lucy Ann Nowlin * Martha Adeline * James Monroe Starkey * Eleanor Ann Brown * Sidney Benner Rees * Emily Tedford * Turtle Creek * Verde Creek * Daniel Adolphus Rees * Judge James Monroe Starkey * Martha Adeline Rees * the Glen Rest Cemetery in Kerrville * Martha Adeline Rees * James Monroe Starkey * Elizabeth Young Ridley * John James Starkey * Jones Starkey * Alonzo Lycurgus Starkey * Edwin Starkey * Pattie Hugh Goodwin * Dukie Ramey Hugh * Eleanor Brown * Joshua Brown * James Kerr of DeWitt's colony * John B. Rees, who married Josephine Klein * Willie Ella, who married Rev. C. W. Goodwin * Martha Adeline married Charles Barlemann * William Alexander Cocke; Joe Denton * Gertrude Ridley; Louis Luke * Evvie D. Hagens * Frederick A. West * Wesley Carroll Carringer; Charles Jacob * Abigail Katherine * Douglas Graves Decherd * Mrs. Whitfield Scott * Harriet Gill * Whitfield Scott * Mrs. A. C. Schreiner of Kerrville * St. Charles Hotel * E. E. Palmer * Harriet Dill * McLellan county * The two Tivy sisters * Joseph Tivy * Tivy Mountain * Miss Mary Tatum married Judge H. M. Burney * Judge R. H. Burney * Judge I. H Burney * Lee Burney * Judge J. G. Burney * W. B. Burney * W. M. Burney * P. C. Burney * Mac Burney * John Burney * Mrs. Herman Schulze * Mrs. Christian or Rosalie Dietert * University City of Jena, Germany * Mrs. Theo. Wiedenfeld near Comfort * Mrs. Ridley * Mrs. Gustave Dietert * Mrs. T. K. Carr

Wet Northers And Black Waxy Land

By Dr. Robert T. Hill

Account of the unique features of both soil and climatic conditions that make for the exceedingly rich, but at times, haphazardous landscape and features of the north Texas and the panhandle.

Mentions: Mrs. Mickey McCormick * Pat Garrett and Billy the Kid * Tascosa's "Boot Hill" Cemetery * Aunt Josephine Charlton * Mrs. William S. Hall * Miss F. W. Wolfe * Elizabeth McGraw * Mrs. Lola Blackwell * the old Romero Cemetery across the Canadian River from "Boot Hill." * John A. Lomax

The Captivity Of Herman Lehmann

Account of long-term Indian captive, Herman Lehmann whose family came over from Germany with the Prince Solms colony in 1846, and settled in Fredericksburg, Gillespie county, Texas. Some time after the close of the Civil War they secured a large tract of land on the waters of Beaver Creek, some 25 or 30 miles northwest of Fredericksburg. It was in May, 1869, when Hermann was captured as a young boy by a large party of mounted Apaches. He later resided with the Comanches. This is his story and it includes a couple of old photos of Mr. Lehmann.

"When the Indians who had captured Herman reached their village, the boy captive became the object of particular attention on the part of the squaws and children. They would gather round him in large groups, and each young Indian vied with the others in heaping taunts, sneers and insults upon the boy. These he bore with stoicism and sullen silence the first day, but when the rabble of the tribe gathered about him the second day and began their savage pastime at his expense, the spirit of his brave mother rose up in him, and with a desperation most unexpected in one so young, he lay about him with rocks, clubs, or whatever else came within his reach, and soon put the rabble to flight. His pugnacity was greeted with shouts of laughter and uproarious cheers on the part of the men who had witnessed the affray, and from that moment he received all the kind treatment that the savage mind was capable of bestowing. He was initiated into the tribe and became to all intents and purposes a full-blooded Apache. He was adopted into a family and given an Indian name…"

Further Mentions: Willie and Caroline Lehmann * the Lehmann ranch * G. A. Lehmann * House Mountain * Willow Creek, east of Mason * Menardville * Kickapoo Springs * Fort Concho * Fort McKavett * Twin Mountains * Willie Lehmann * Mrs. Mina Keyser * Loyal Valley * Mrs. Caroline Dye a sister to Mrs. Keyser * the Lipan Flat near Fort Concho * Captain Dan Roberts * Capt. Gillett * Carnoviste * Aodlph Korn and Fischer * Quanah Parker * Montechema * Mr. Buchmier * Miss Fannie Light * Fort Sill, Oklahoma * Congressman Slayden * Maurice J. Lehmann of Boerne * Dudley R. Dobie * Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Newcomer

An Interesting Trip To Mier, Mexico

Author Elmer J. Edwards, Jr. of San Antonio, Texas describes historical trip to the city south of the border that, in the minds of all Texans, will forever be a symbol of tragedy, brutality, infamy and courage.

Mentions: Cuidad Mier, in the Mexican state of Tamaulipas * Pleasanton, in the sandhills of Atascosa * John Bowen of San Antonio * Jourdan Campbell * noted old trail driver, R. J. Lauderdale * Campbellton, founded in 1876 by John Campbell * Mrs. Mary Campbell * Oakville * Sulphur Creek * Robstown * Roy Swift * Robstown Record * Santa Helena Canyon in West Texas * Bob Driscoll * Z. N. Bishop * Kingsville * the King Ranch, "Santa Gertrudis," * Miss Sarita East the owner of other large ranch properties in Jim Hogg County near Hebbronville * Mifflin Kenedy * "La Parra," the ranch headquarters of the Kenedy Ranch domain, and located six miles east of Sarita * Captain Richard King * Miss Petra Vela de Vidal * Raymondville * Captain John Armstrong * the El Jardin Hotel * Heroica. Matamoros, in Tamaulipas State * the Palm Grove of the Rabbs * Casa Muerta * Casa de las Palmas Hotel in McAllen * the Edinburg Highway * Miss Jovita Gonzales


Mentions: Mrs. Lillie Terrell Shaver of Dallas * Mrs. Willie Williamson Rogers of San Marcos * Dr. Sam E. Thompson of Kerrville * Dr. J. W. Goode of San Antonio * Dr. Temple Fay of the Temple University Medical School * Dr. Lee Rice * Major Jack Moore * Frank M. Montague * Lewellen Moore * Edwin Ward Moore * J. H. Moore * Miguel Hidalgo y Costillo * Elmer Edwards * Elizondo at Acatita de Bajan * Guanajuato * Dolores * Mrs. Tennessee Slinsky of Medina * Miss Sarah Faye Keese * Eugene Breit, of San Antonio * Mr. and Mrs. Martin Breit

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As a western artist that paints the history of the West, particularly  Texas history, there is no better resource to find the "facts" than in  "Frontier Times". The articles are derived from actual conversations and  written documents of the people in Texas who lived them. I strongly  recommend these publications to anyone interested in the history of  Texas.