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Vol 18 No. 01 - October 1940
Some Early History Of Texas
By Colonel A. M. Hobby
From the first settlement of Texas, in 1691 to 1821, Texas and Coahuila constituted a province of Mexico under the domination of Spanish authority. After the achievement of Mexican independence, and by the Constitution of the Mexican United States, adopted in 1824, this territory constituted the State of the combined States decreed its installation, agreeably to the constitutive act of the Mexican Confederation, in 1824, but the State Constitution was not framed and sanctioned until 1827. Public officers were appointed provisionally, and derived their authority from the constituent Congress. This union, alike between the States and the Republic, proved to be au unhappy one. There was little in common between the inhabitants of Coahuila and the intrepid Anglo-American of Texas. So great was the national dissimilarity that even judicious compromises, early and graciously made, nor reciprocal forbearance generously practiced, would long have preserved the hollow truce between these divided States. Out of this tension, arose the Republic and then the great state of Texas - here is the story.
Basket Weavers Of Ancient Times
By J. Marvin Hunter
Account describing the archeological research that has been done in the Chisos Mountains area in the Big Bend region of the Rio Grande, and of the prehistoric peoples who dwelt in caves. These ancient people were master basket-weavers. Here is the story.
Mentions: the Hopi of Arizona * The Athapascan tribes in the interior of Alaska * The Eskimo about Bering Strait manufactured both woven mattings and wallets and coiled basketry of pliable grass. The Aleutian islanders are now among the most re-fined artisans in twined work. South of them the Tlingit and the Haida * Dr. Dora Neill Raymond, of Sweet Briar College. Sweet Briar, Virginia * Colonel Martin L. Crimmins * Marquis James *
Brief account of Mrs. Tom C. Head who faithfully executed duties for 20 years straight as a linotype operator in the printing establishment of The Commercial Recorder, a daily newspaper in San Antonio.
Further Mentions: Mrs. Head, then Miss Zuma Rouse * Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Miskimon *
Gov. Fitzhugh Lee's Fight With A Warrior
Account derived from Capt. Jack Hayes, the only witness of the scene, of an incident that occurred about 1855, when Fitzhugh Lee, then a young Lieutenant of cavalry in the United States army, afterwards distinguished as a General of cavalry in the Confederate army and still later as Governor of Virginia, fought hand to hand with a large, robust Indian warrior.
Mentions: He is a nephew of Gen. Robert E. Lee, and a son of Com. Sidney Smith Lee * Light Horse Harry Lee * Richard Lee * Governor Sir William Beverly *
Was Red Man Or White Man To Blame?
By W. C. Holden
The trials, troubles, and tribulations of the frontiersman who grimly faced the wilderness and the "red man" is an old story. The Texas frontier was harassed, pillaged, and plundered for half a century. Indian raids were almost as common as sand-storms. White men, women, and children were butchered and scalped. The primary object of the deprecators, however, was not to extinguish human life, but to steal the horses, mules, and cattle of the settlers. Hundreds of thousands of animals were driven away by the raiders to be sold or bartered to the traders who connived with them. The loss of his work stock and cattle was a serious matter for the isolated settler. His plight was not unlike that of a man adrift in a boat at sea without an oar. There is small wonder that the frontiers man developed an aversion, nay, loathing for the Indian whom he considered as the sole perpetrator of all of his troubles. The Indian, in time, came to bear the blame, often justly, no doubt, of most of the adversities of the frontier. The early settlers came to regard the Indian in the same manner as they did the coyote and other predatory animals. Only recently we have come to wonder if he was always as guilty and depraved as he was given credit for being.
During the fall months of 1927, I had occasion to work through the records in the archives of the Adjutant General's office at Austin. One afternoon I came upon a file of material, marked "unclassified." The assistant in charge told me that the records it contained had been found a short time before in a damp storeroom of the basement of the Capitol where they had lain unmolested since the completion and occupation of the building. When I learned that it was highly probable that these bundles of letters and documents had not been opened since the Civil War, I felt that occasional thrill which sometimes comes to one while engaged in the monotonous routine, digging post holes so to speak, of research work. Before long, I came to a packet of musty letters marked 1859. Among others was a letter addressed to the Governor from the commanding officer at Camp Cooper. The commandant stated that he was enclosing to the Governor a copy of a letter which had been taken from the body of a dead man found recently in the vicinity of Camp Cooper by a scouting party of Federal troops. It is about the revelations contained in this enclosed letter, when considered in connection with the stirring events of that year, that this article is to deal.
Mentions: Fort Terrett in Kimble county * Fort Belknap * Camp Cooper on the Clear Fork of the Brazos * the Camp Cooper reservation * Judge N. W. Battle of Waco * Captain Ford of the Texas Rangers * Elm Springs * Jamison's Peak * George B. Erath * Edwin J. Curley * Colonel M. P. Johnson * Governor Runnels * General Twiggs * John H. Brown * Indian Superintendent, R. S. Neighbors * the agents, Ross and Leeper * Major George H. Thomas * Fort Cobb * Wooten * Gabb * Williams * Garry * The Whiteman was the newspaper published at Weatherford * the Old Stone Ranch * the Mathews pasture about six miles from old Camp Cooper *
A Texas Town That Faded
By J. Marvin Hunter
Account of the little town of Carlsbad, Texas, which was located fifteen miles northwest of San Angelo. Today Carlsbad is a "ghost town" almost, but back in 1908 it gave promise of being one of the "coming" health resort towns of West Texas. In that year the Concho Land Co. of San Angelo acquired the Mason and Hughes ranch property of 60,000 acres along the North Concho river, and cut up this vast body of land into small tracts of from 80 to 320 acres, and placed it on the market. This company, of which T. J. Clegg was the head and E. C. Perry a manager, laid out a town which they called Hughes, on the North Concho river, and every purchaser of a farm tract was given a lot in the new town. Application was made for a post office to be called Hughes, but the post office department rejected the application because there was a Hughes Springs in Texas. Then it was suggested that the place be called Carlsbad. Here is the story.
Further Mentions: The Carlsbad Headlight * The Santa Fe railroad * Sterling City * the palatial home of E. C. Perry * Mr. and Mrs. E. Laubenheim, Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Camp-bell, Dr. and Mrs. DuBose, Mr. and Mrs. L. W. King, Mrs. Pritchett, Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Perry, Mr. and Mrs. Gabe Staggs, Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Schultz, Mr. and Mrs. George Roberts, Roy Duran, Mr. and Mrs. Foster Gentry, Mrs. Lou Goodwin, the Hoopengarners, the Spellbrings, the Colletts, the Livesays, the Hamiltons, Dr. and Mrs. J. A. Rickman, Luther Hardin, the Seales, the Collins, the Brokaws, the Kramers, Bernard Martin, the Mace family *
By Lynn Eliot
Heroines Of The Hills
By T. U. Taylor, Austin, Texas
When Texas became a State there were several settlers in the territory now known as Blanco county. Homes slowly crept up the valleys of the Pedernales, the Blanco, Onion Creek, and other streams. By the middle fifties settlers were considering the creation of a new county, and on February 12, 1858, the new county was created out of part of Burnet, Comal, and Gillespie, and it was christened Blanco. Here is the story of that county, its formation, early development and notable citizens.
Mentions: the first county seat was called Pittsburg, named for General William A. Pitts * the Pittsburg Company * Jas. H. Callahan, F. W. Chandler, William E. Jones, A. M. Lindsay, and John D. Pitts * Sam B. Paton, County Judge. John B. Tennyson, District Clerk. Hardy Stockman, Sheriff * Samuel Johnson, County Clerk. W. A. Blackwell, County Treasurer * J. W. Hermann, Assessor and Collector * W. N. Trainer, E. Krueger, and Jacob Watson * a few small settlements Blanco, Birds Town (at site of present Round Mountain), Middleton, and Pittsburg * The town of Johnson City * leading pioneer women of Blanco county: Mrs. Joseph Bird, Mrs. William Bishop, Mrs. Woodson Blassingame, Mrs. George Boon, Mrs. Jas. H. Callahan, Mrs. Cloud, Mrs. Carl Koch, Mrs. Tom Felps, Cynthia George, Mrs. William Hamilton, Mrs. Clem Hinds (Kate McCoy), Mrs. N. R. Huckaby, Mrs. Samuel Johnson (Eliza Bunton), Mrs. William E. Jones, Mrs. Felix Kyle, five Lindemann daughters, Mrs. Morgan, Mrs. Ragland, Mrs. Henry Rowan, Mrs. Naaman Shropshire, Mrs. Robert Silleman, Mrs. Snow, Mrs. J. B. Tennyson, Mrs. Williams * the cemeteries at Blanco, Johnson City and Round Mountain * Judge William E. Jones * Samuel Johnson * Tom Johnson * Includes a photo of The Old Hinds Home * Uncle Clem Hinds * Kate McCoy of Gonzales county * Captain James H. Callahan * Maulheel Johnson * the Blassingame guns * J. M. Watson * W. S. Johnson * James Clements Hinds married Colvin Pruitt * Ellen Hinds married first Ben Hinds and second, John Hinds * Kate Hinds, married Robert Kelley * Susan Hinds, married Jasper Cloud * Nancy Hinds, married first Perry Bay; second Henry * Elijah C. Pruitt * John B. Hinds, married Emma Ferguson * Minerva Hinds * Laura Hinds * Alice Hinds * Kitty McCoy * John B. Tennyson of Blanco county * W. H. Bruce * John W. Speer arrived in Blanco in 1859 * Judge Gates * Joseph Speer; John Speer; Maggie Speer; Mary Speer, Martha Speer, Harry Speer, Thomas Speer and James Speer * THE JOHNSONS OF BLANCO * W. S. (Maulheel) Johnson * Reverend Samuel Johnson * A. V. Gates * Tom Johnson * Samuel Ealy Johnson * Johnson's Ranch * Mrs. A. Fawcett * Jesse Johnson, John Johnson, and James Johnson * Samuel Ealy Johnson * Eliza Bunton, a daughter of Robert Deshea Bunton * Johnson Wheeler Bunton, signer of the Declaration of Independence and Constitution of Texas * Deer Creek * , Eliza Bunton Johnson * Mrs. Bill Moss * Governor Joseph Deshea and John W. Brackenridge of Kentucky, Miss Mary Deshea, founder of the D. A. R., and her brother, Joe Bunton * Joseph B. Sheers * Terry Rangers * George W. Littlefield of Austin * DeBray's Regiment * Ed Walling * Frank Johnson, married Clarence Martin * J. H. Bright * Ava Johnson * Lucie Johnson, married J. S. Price * Samuel Ealy Johnson, married Rebekah Baines * Thomas Jesse Johnson, married Kittie Chapman * Tom Odiorne * Turner Martin * S. W. Hatcher * Jessie Johnson * Samuel Ealy Johnson, Jr., was the father of the present Congressman, Lyndon Johnson * Joseph W. Baines of Blanco county * Governor Throckmorton * John Ireland * LINDEMAN KIN * John Lindeman * Col. Richard Briscoe Goar * daughter, Effie * a private cemetery about three miles southeast of the town of Blanco * battle of Pea Ridge, Ark * Adam Lindeman * Edward Lindeman * Mary Harrell * Laura Greer * Henry Lindeman married Mattie Stayton * Julis Lindeman married Mattie Cramack * George Palmer; Pauline Lindeman * James M. Campbell * Herminia (Mina) married Sam Durham; Annie Lindeman married Herman Fisher; Frederika (Rika) married Ben Palmer * Effie Lindeman * John C. Goar; Edward C. Goar ; Oak Goar * Jane Breed; Ann Goar, married Otto Sherman; Mary Goar, married Thrasher * Col. Richard B. Goar * George Palmer * George Palmer of Coleman, Texas * Melinda Palmer; Dora Palmer * Porter Conn * Luella Palmer, who married Ferguson * Ben Palmer * Delicia Stubbs * John C. Goar * Phil C. Goar and Oscar Goar * Dora E. Blackwell * William Blackwell * Vernon B. Goar * L. G. Goar ; Eula Goar * Claude Paris * William P. Goar * John E. Goar * Joyce Goar * Dr. W. H. Bruce * Blanco high school * His sister, Ada * Joseph A. Speer * C. J. Durham * Kate Bruce * Sam Durhham * Dr. W. H. Bruce a missionary in the field of education * O. H. Cooper * The Lackey Tragedy * the Pedernales River * Al Lackey * Mr. and Mrs. Stokes * Al Bundick * Charlie Calvin * Brushy Top * Phil P. Cage * North Texas Teachers College at Denton *
Killing Of James Winters By Indians
A. J. Sowell
This account of the Killing Of James Winters By Indians by Dr. Thomas Speed is taken from an old copy of the San Antonio Herald, bearing date of November 2, 1861. It is an eye-witness description of the tragedy.
Mentions: Mr. N. Kennard * Mr. Hood * Mr. T. L. Ward, James Bishop, James Craig * the southfork of Cesquadara * San Maguel * the San Maguel valley, * saw Mr. James M. Winters and W. W. Davidson * Black Creek * Mr. Marcellus French * Craig and Bishop * Major A. Allen, Nathaniel Terry * D. Yarboe * J. W. Bennett * R. Cootie * Mrs. Tomlin * D'Hanis * a man by the name of Herndon * Norvill Kennard *
Moore's Victory On The Colorado, 1840
John Henry Brown
Account of the veteran soldier, Col. John H. Moore, of Fayette, who, after calling for volunteers to penetrate the country of the hostile Indians, on the upper waters of the Colorado, as another lesson to then that the whites were determined to either compel them to abstain from robbing, murdering and capturing their fellow citizens or exterminate them. A prompt response followed, and about the first of October the expedition left Austin, at once entering the wilderness. Here is the story of that confrontation.
Further Mentions: Col. Moore's defeat on the San Saba in January, 1839 * the capture of Mrs. Webster * Williamson county * the Council House fight, in San Antonio * the robbery and burning of the village of Lionville two miles above the present Lavaca * the decisive battle of Plum Creek * S. S. B. Fields, a lawyer of LaGrange * Thomas D. Rabb and Nicholas Dawson, of Fayette * the Dawson massacre * Clark L. Owen, of Texana * . R. Addison Gillespie * Bishop's palace at Monterrey, * Isaac N. Mitchell * Joseph Simons, of Texana, Nicholas J. Ryan and Peter Rockfeller * Mason B. Foley * Col. Castro * Isaac Mitchell *
Joe Wilton Killed By Indians, 1877
Tragic account of a young man named Joe Wilton, 18 years of age, who on the 22d day of April, 1877, started from the ranch of Mr. Dan Patterson, who lived about one mile east from the present town of Devine, to go to a store on the Hondo kept by a man named Segenus, at the Eagle Pass crossing of the river. The boy never made it. Here are the details.
Further Mentions: Black Creek * Devine, in Medina county * Mr. Bee Tilley * the Patterson ranch * Rev. C. B. Huskill * Rev. Burkitt * Lon Moore * Rufus Ketchum * Napoleon Harr, Charles Harr, Frank Jackson * Hay Moore * John Tilley * Rube Ketchum *
Mentions: Miss Rina Latham * the Old Macedonia Baptist Church in Blanco county * James V. Latham, former Texas Ranger * George Wilson of Norfolk, Virginia * Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Rucker, and Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Meadows * State Senator Harry Hertzberg of, San Antonio * Anna Hertzberg Hall of Music * Sykes C. Butler and Henry W. Dailey of Kenedy * Mr. and Mrs. Walter Russell, of Menard, Texas * Miss Ruby Grandstaff * J. E. Grinstead * Mrs. Miranda Elizabeth Priest Grinstead * Mrs. Eliza Hall, Tulsa, Oklahoma * Mrs. E. H. Bounds, Sherman * Jesse E. Grinstead, Kerrville, Texas * W. W. Gibbard * Mrs. Walter Shunaker of Torrance, California * Mr. and Mrs. John E. Owens of Dallas * Mr. George B. Montague of Wills Point, Texas * Captain John Dunn, former Texas Ranger * the Hearn Museum, four miles this side of Beeville * Mrs. George Fahr * Mrs. Mary E. Bell, or "Mother Bell," * Kimble county * Mrs. G. T. May * Nora Stewart * Mrs. Glenn Zellner * Francis Fry * Miss Reynolds * Michael Fry * Mrs. Zellner * Mr. and Mrs. D. H. D. White, of Greenwood, Mississippi * Mrs. Joe G. Callahan, of Pipe Creek * Admiral Montejo * Reina Cristina * Dewey's fleet in Manila Bay * Mrs. William Edwards of Pipe Creek * Rancho Jarral, near Zapata, Mexico * Mr. P. E. Johnson of San Antonio * Mayor Maury Maverick of San Antonio ... thinking, and vote as he prays. With a new precedent set by peacetime conscription, and the calling of about a million young men to Military training during the next year; with the general mobilization of the National Guard; with munitions factories speeding up to produce war materials —we repeat: every individual voter should do some serious thinking.36 FRONTIER TIMES
Museum Is A Little Girl's Dream Come True
By Harold Severson
Mentions: Mrs. Myrle Hearn Fahr * Hearn Memorial Hall * Ku Klux Hill * Joseph Henry and Mira Baines Hearn * Mrs. Ernestine Hearn Thompson *
Strenuous Life In A Kansas Cow Town
By J. Marvin Hunter
Account describinbg the riproaring, wild, reckless town of Dodge City, Kansas during that colorful period immediately following the Civil War, when the Texas cattle drives brought more than prosperity to the region.
Mentions: Joe G. McCoy established a cattle mart at Abilene, Kansas * Red River Station * Col. Harry (Sam) Young * Billy Brooks, of Newton fame * ; "Dog" Kelly, * Pete Hicks * Bat Masterson * Lushy Bill, Ed. Hurley, Fancy Pat, Tom Sherman, Mose Walters, Jim Hannafan, Joe Hunt, George Peacock * dance hall girl named Nellie Rivers * McClelland * Tex Williams * Frank Pedrie * Sherman's dance hall * the Hicks Brothers * Darcey, one of the town's old drunks *
In The Good Old Days
By Austin Callan
Quaint old story comparing the "virtues" of the modern world (of the 1930's) to Pioneer times.
Longhorn Helped To Build An Empire
From Kerrville Times
Perhaps no other animal has had a more vital part in the building of a nation than the Texas Longhorn behind whose thundering hoofs hardy pioneers rode to civilize the West. Many are the tales of the Longhorn's fierce nature, his daring and stamina. But more fascinating than any of these is the story of how he paved the way for economic development of the West.
Mentions: noble Andalusian cattle * J. G. McCoy of Indiana, a cattle dealer * A man named Thompson is said to have driven the first Abilene-bound herd of cattle north from Texas, and on September 5, 1867
Partial list of names mentioned in this volume:
Maj A. Allen; Joseph W. Baines; Rebekah Baines; Baker; Judge N. W. Battle; Perry Bay; Mrs Mary E. Bell; J. W. Bennett; Gov William Beverly; Lushy Bill; Mrs Joseph Bird; James Bishop; Jas Bishop; Mrs William Bishop; Dora E. Blackwell; W. A. Blackwell; William Blackwell; Mrs Woodson Blassingame; Mrs George Boon; Mrs E. H. Bounds; John W. Brackenridge; Jane Breed; J. H. Bright; Billy Brooks; Capt Brown; John H. Brown; ; Miss Ada Bruce; Kate Miss Bruce; W. H. Bruce; Dr W. H. Bruce; Al Bundick; Eliza Bunton; Joe Bunton; Johnson Wheeler Bunton; Robert Deshea Bunton; Rev Burkitt; Burnet; Bushick; Sykes C. Butler; Charlie Cabaniss; Phil P. Cage; Callahan; Jas H. Callahan; Mrs Jas H. Callahan; Mrs Joe E. Callahan; Austin Callan; Callan; James M. Campbell; S. D. Campbell; Mrs S. D. Campbell; Carlton; Col Castro; F. W. Chandler; Kittie Chapman; Chisholm; Chisum; T. J. Clegg; Jasper Cloud; Porter Conn; Conwill; R. Coode; Cook; Cooper; William Corner; Cousins; James Craig; Jas Craig; Mattie Cramack; Crimmins; French Cummings; Edwin J. Curley; Henry W. Dailey; W. W. Davidson; Davis; Dawson; Gov Joseph Deshea; Miss Mary Deshea; Adm Dewey; Dobie; Douglas; Dr Dubose; Capt John Dunn; Roy Duran; C. J. Durham; Sam Durham; Duval; Earp; Mrs William Edwards; H. Eggleston; Eliot; Emmett; Erath; Fagan; Mrs George Fahr; Mrs Myrle Hearn Fahr; Mrs A. W. Fawcett; Mrs Tom Felps; Fenley; Emma Ferguson; S. S. B. Fields; Herman Fisher; Chief Flacco; Fletcher; Mason B. Foley; Foote; Ford; Marcellus French; Francis Fry; Michael Fry; Fulmore; A. V. Gates; Foster Gentry; Mrs Foster Gentry; Cynthia George; Mrs W. W. Gibbard; R. Addison Gillespie; Ann Goar; Edward C. Goar; Eula Goar; John C. Goar; John E. Goar; Joyce Goar; L. G. Goar; Mary Goar; Oak Goar; Oscar Goar; Phil C. Goar; R. B. Goar; Col Richard Briscoe Goar; Vernon B. Goar; William P. Goar; Mrs Lou Goodwin; Ruby Grandstaff; Ruby Miss Grandstaff; Green; Laura Greer; Jesse E. Grinstead; Miranda Elizabeth Priest Grinstead; Mrs Eliza Hall; Mrs William Hamilton; Jim Hannafan; Luther Hardin; Charles Harr; Charley Harr; Napoleon Harr; Mary Harrell; S. W. Hatcher; Kenneth M. Hay; Capt Hayes; Tom Head; Mrs Tom Head; Joseph Henry Hearn; Mira Baines; J. W. Hermann; Anna Hertzberg; Harry Hertzberg; Bill Hicks; Pete Hicks; Alice Hinds; Ben Hinds; Clem Hinds; Mrs Clem Hinds; Ellen Hinds; James Clements Hinds; John Hinds; John B. Hinds; Kate Hinds; Kate McCoy Hinds; Laura Hinds; Mary Hinds; Minerva Hinds; Nancy Hinds; Susan Hinds; William Hinds; Col A. M. Hobby; W. C. Holden; Holley; Gov Houston; Mrs N. R. Huckaby; Joe Hunt; Ed Hurley; Rev C. B. Huskill; Ireland; Jackson; Marquis James; Jennings; Ava Johnson; Eliza Bunton Johnson; George Deshea Johnson; James Johnson; Jesse Johnson; Jessie Johnson; John Johnson; Kate Johnson; Lucie Johnson; Lyndon Johnson; Col M. G. Johnson; Mary Johnson; Maulheel Johnson; P. E. Johnson; Samuel Johnson; Samuel Ealy Johnson; Samuel Ealy Jr Johnson; Mrs Samuel Johnson; Rev Samuel Johnson; Thomas Jesse Johnson; Tom Johnson; W. S. Johnson; W. S. (Maulheel) Johnson; William E. Jones; William E. Judge Jones; Mrs William E. Jones; Robert Kelley; Dog Kelly; Kendall; N. Kennard; Norvill; Rube Ketchum; Rufe Ketchum; Rufus Ketchum; L. W. King; Mrs L. W. King; Mrs Carl Koch; E. Krueger; Mrs Felix Kyle; Al Lackey; Langford; Rin Latham; Miss Rina Latham; E. Laubenheim; Mrs E. Laubenheim; Henry Lawson; Fitzhugh Gov Lee; Harry (Light Horse) Lee; Richard Lee; Comm Sidney Smith Lee; Adam Lindeman; Annie Lindeman; Edward Lindeman; Effie Lindeman; Frederika Lindeman; Henry Lindeman; Herminia Lindeman; John Lindeman; Julis Lindeman; Pauline Lindeman; A. M. Lindsay; Joanne Little; Littlefield; Bernard Martin; Clarence Martin; Turner Martin; Masterson; Maverick; Mrs G. T. May; J. G. McCoy; Kate McCoy; Kitty McCoy; J. S. Jr McNeel; C. B. Meadows; Mrs C. B. Meadows; Miller; H. L. Miskimon; Mrs H. L. Miskimon; Isaac Mitchell; Isaac N. Mitchell; George B. Montague; Adm Montejo; Moore; Cull Moore; Hay Moore; Cul More; Hay More; Mrs Bill Moss; R. S. Neighbors; Newell; O'Daniel; Tom Odiorne; Clark L. Owen; Lt; John E. Owens; Mrs John E. Owens; Ben Palmer; Dora Palmer; George Palmer; Luella Palmer; Melinda Palmer; Claude Paris; Fancy Pat; Sam B. Paton; Dan Patterson; George Peacock; Frank Pedric; E. C. Perry; Mrs E. C. Perry; John D. Pitts; Gen William A. Pitts; J. S. Price; Clem Pruitt; Colvin Pruitt; Elijah C. Pruitt; Lige Pruitt; Mary Pruitt; Capt Thomas J. Rabb; Dr Dora Neill Raymond; Reid; Dr J. A. Rickman; Mrs J. A. Rickman; Rister; Nellie Rivers; George Roberts; Mrs George Roberts; Peter Rockfeller;; Rose; Zuma Miss Rouse; Mrs Henry Rowan; J. O. Rucker; Mrs J. O. Rucker; Gov Runnels; Walter Russell; Mrs Walter Russell; Nicholas J. Ryan; Saunders; F. W. Schultz; Mrs F. W. Schultz; Harold Severson; Severson; Shawver; Joseph B. Sheers; Otto Sherman; Tom Sherman; Short; Mrs Naaman Shropshire; Mrs Walter Shumaker; Mrs Robert Silleman; Joseph Simons; Smith; Smithwick; Sowell; Dr Speed; Thomas; Dr Thomas; Harry Speer; James Speer; John Speer; John W. Speer; Mrs John W. Speer; Joseph A. Speer; Maggie Speer; Martha Speer; Mary Speer; Thomas Speer; Gabe Staggs; Mrs Gabe Staggs; Mattie Stayton; Nora Miss Stewart; Delicia Stubbs; ; ; Mrs J. B. Tennyson; John B. Tennyson; Nathaniel Terry; Thalmann; Thomas; Mrs Ernestine Hearn Thompson; Throckmorton; Bee Tilley; Tilley; W. N. Trainer; Twiggs; Wallace; Ed Walling; Mose Walters; L. T. Ward; T. L. Ward; J. M. Watson; Jacob Watson; Mrs D. H. D. White; Dub White; Mrs Dub White; Wiemers; Wilbarger; Tex Williams; George Wilson; Joe Wilton; Winters; James Winters; James M. Winters; D. Yarboe; Yoakum; Col Harry Sam Young; Mrs Glenn Zellner; Zedio
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