J Marvin Hunter's



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Vol 17 No. 12 - September 1940

Raid Into Cook County, December 1863

By John Henry Brown

On the 22d and 23d days of. December, 1863, occurred one of the most bloody and destructive Indian raids to which our poorly protected frontier was subject during and for some years after the late war. At this time Col. James Bourland, one of the bravest and truest of all our frontiersmen, commanded a regiment of Confederate troops with his headquarters at Gainesville, but at the time of this particular raid he was in Bonham, on official business with General Henry E. McCulloch. Col. Bourland had to protect with his regiment such an extended reach of frontier that he was compelled to scatter his troops in small squads far apart, and for this reason it was impossible to concentrate any considerable number of his troops at any given point in time to repel such an invasion as this. At this time Captain Wm. C. Twitty, a brave and true soldier, was in command of the few troops of Col. Bourland's regiment, that then happened to be at and near Gainesville not exceeding fifty or seventy-five in number.

Mentions: Capt. Jno. T. Rowland, a brave and experienced Indian fighter * Red River Station in Montague county * the house of Mr. Anderson * the residence of Wesley Willet * Mr. G. L. Hatfield * the Wallace Settlement, in Sadler's bend in Cooke county * the Elmore settlement, on the head of Fish creek, about six miles east of Wallace's * the Potter settlement, some four miles southeast from Elmore's * Capt. C. Potter * Capt. S. P. C. Patton * Mr. Dawson * the families of Ephraim Clark and Harrison Lander * James McNabb * Mr. Green * S. B. Potter. a son of Capt. Potter * Wood's Company of Fitzhugh's Regiment * Dry Elm * Mr. White * Millican's Bend * Miss Gonna * Maj. Diamond * Col. Showalter * Wm. S. Rather

The women gathered in the house were frantic. It was supposed that all had been killed at Elmore's as the house had been seen to burn. It was known that they had as much or more fighting force at Elmore's than they had at Lander's and when the overwhelming force of Indians came in sight strung out for a considerable distance, with their yells and queer decorations, all hope sank. Some women prayed, others screamed and cried, while others held their children to their bosoms in mute despair. Soon the Indians were around the place and...


In the University of Texas Library are graphic accounts of a little-known chapter in Texas history—the State's own refugee horror known as the "Runaway Scrape," a pell-mell flight of Texas settlers that began in mid-April, 1836, with the Alamo's fall, and didn't stop until Houston's retreating army—barely a day's march behind the refugees—turned and defeated Santa Anna at San Jacinto April 21st.

Most graphic account, Texas collection libraries agree, is in the memories of Mrs. Dilue Harris, member of a pioneering Texas family...


Mentions: for E. D. Harrington, veteran Indian fighter and Southern Arizona cattleman * Harrington was born in Blanco County, Texas * Emmett D. Harrington * Robert M. Harrington Pantano, Ariz * Victor E. Harrington, Silver City, N. M * William H. Harrington, Benson, Ariz * six daughters, Mrs. Irene Merrill, Big Spring, Texas; Mrs. Pearl Ruschaupp, Los Angeles, Calif.; Mrs. Norah Anderson, Oakland, Calif. ; Mrs. Ethel Jester, Corpus Christi ; Mrs. Velma Trimmer, Houston, and Thelma Thompson, Long Beach, California. * the Packsaddle Mountain Indian fight * Mr. Jos. Weidel, of LaGrange, Illinois * Mrs. Weidel, Mrs. J. W. Wurzbach and Miss Frances Aschbacher of San Antonio

Heroines Of The Hills

By T. U. Taylor

Narrative of numerous pioneer women who made a notable impact on the frontier settlements of Texas hill country, particularly of Bandera county. These glimpses and sketches help to underscore the character of those who carved out a life from hostile frontier and left a great Texas legacy.


Mentions: John and Frances Pyka, peasant emigrants from Poland * Constantino Pyka * John Adamietz


Mentions: One of the most colorful characters of Bandera county is Grandma Jones * Sam Jones * Henry Stevens * Mrs. Mahal1 Southward * James I. .Jones * Mrs. Arnnoia Gibbons * William C. Jones * Sarah Binyard, Sarah Kelly, Sarah O'Bryant, Fannie Thompson, and Christina, Wish * Sabinal Canyon * Martha Southward * Tom Laxson and Rufana Chipman * Hugh Bandy * Mandy Rowland


Mentions: Jack Stevens * They located on Hicks' Creek, nine miles from Bandera * Near them there were some families by the name of Taylor, four Pue brothers, and on Laxson's Creek two miles to the west, there were the Laxson's, Arnold's, Merritts, Walkers, and Buckelews. * Aunt Ollie Peril in Gillespie county * Mrs. Moore * Mrs. R. C. Barney * Martha Stevens, Emma Stevens, Mrs. Jas. Hammond of Medina; J. E. Stevens of Lovington, New Mexico; Sidney A. Stevens, ; Cora Stevens, Mrs. W. Rees of Medina; Samuel I. Stevens of Bandera ; Edwin P. Stevens of Medina; Stella Stevens, Mrs. W. A. Meadows, Bandera; Mae Stevens, Mrs. W. B. Elkins, San Antonio; Homer T. Stevens of Bandera; Ida Stevens, Mrs. D. O. Tallman, Bandera; and Thomas F. Stevens of San Antonio * Almond E. Stevens


Mentions: Mrs, L. Hicks of Tarpley, Texas * Souse Creek * Mrs. Santeleben * Eagle Pass * Kincheloe prairie * Castroville * Devine * Mr. Lewis and his family on Williams Creek * Hon. E. H. Terrell * her home near Darnley in Bandera county


Mentions: Mormon Mills in Burnet county * Nauvoo, Illinois * Fredericksburg * Lake Medina


Mentions: George Hay * a Mormon settlement had been established on Hamilton Creek in Burnet county * Mormon settlement on the Pedernales River, three miles below Fredericksburg * Eder Lyman Wight * Charles de Mantel * Amasa Clark, DeWitt Burney, and August Klappenpach *


Mentions: Mrs. Walker was born in Claiborne Parish, Louisiana, November 18, 1834 * William Andrew Walker * the John W. Minear place * Joseph' W. Moore * Mrs. William Moore


Mentions: Mrs. Charles Eckhart * Miss Josephine Thallmen * Mrs. Samantha Elizabeth Mayfield * Miss Martha Buckalew * Thomas L. Buckner * Mrs. Sarah Kathrine (Lewis) Stanard * Harvey A. Stanard * Dr. Hudspeth * Laxson's Creek * Sarah Lewis * Jack Potter or "the Fighting Parson" * Mrs. M. F. Weldon * J. F. Weldon * Mrs. L. N. Coffey and Miss May Weldon

The Old "Sunny South"

By J. Marvin Hunter

Account describing the old "Sunny South" a story paper, published at Brownwood, Texas, by the Mickle brothers. Ed P. Mickle and Harvey A. Mickle. This little paper carried advertising matter for firms all over the United States. It was published twice-a-month, contained illustrations, and from the very start its circulation grew by leaps and bounds, despite the fact that it was printed in a mere village, some sixty miles from the nearest railroad.

Mentions: the Brownwood Banner, a live weekly newspaper * Eastland * Hull's Printing House


Mentions: General Santa Anna styled himself "The Napoleon of the West," * Sion R. Bostick * Santa Autoa, President of Mexico * Colonel Almonte

Santleben's Experience On The Border

By August Santleben

First-hand account of a frontier freight hauler who for a time was contracted to carry the United States mail from San Antonio to Eagle Pass and that from Eagle Pass to Fort Clark. The length of the first route was one hundred and sixty-two miles, and he was required to make the round trip once every six days. The post offices were Castroville, New Fountain, D’Hanis, Sabinal, Uvalde and Eagle Pass. Account describes dangers nad tribulations that met him in the way of his business.

Mentions: George Swanda * Fort Clark * Fort Duncan * Henry Bruhn, of San Antonio * Thomas B. McManus * Otto Evert and Ed Galm * El Canado * Mr. Black, of Uvalde, and Angel Torres, of San Antonio * Turkey Creek on the Eagle Pass road * Mr. Charles Hummel, of San Antonio * Goldfrank, Frank & Co., wholesale merchant's in San Antonio * John Sanders * Tom Wall * Pablo Castro * Modesto Torres, of San Antonio * Sam White * Herman Seldeuning * Ranchera Creek * Sabinal station * Chichon station * Major Porter * Salinas Victoria * Palo Blanco ranch * Daniel Wucste of Eagle Pass, Carlos Sada of Monterrey, Pedro Morales * Matamoras road near Lenares

Moore's Defeat On The San Saba, 1839

By John Henry Brown

Due to the repeated and continued inroads of the Indians through 1837 and 1838, Col. John H. Moore, of Fayette, already distinguished alike for gallantry and patriotism, determined to chastise them. Calling for volunteers from the thinly settled country around him, he succeeded in raising a force of fifty-five whites, forty-two Lipan and twelve Toncahua Indians, for a total of one hundred and nine persons. Among this little troop of whites was Mr. Andrew Lockhart, of the Guadalupe, impelled by an agonizing desire to rescue his beautiful little daughter, Matilda, who had been captured with the four Putman children near his home. Together they made the hopeful assault. This account describes the sad event.

Further Mentions: the Council House fight in San Antonio, on the 19th' of March, 1840 * Col. Castro, chief of the Lipans * William M. Eastland * S. S. B. Fields, a lawyer of La Grange * James Manor, Felix Taylor * Leffingwell * Martin * Gonzalvo Wood * Cicero Rufus Perry *

"It was at this moment, amid the screams, yells and war-whoops resounding through the valley, that Mr. Lockhart plunged forward in advance of his comrades, calling aloud: "Matilda! If you are here, run to me! Your father calls !" And though yet too dark to see, every word pierced the child's heart as she recognized her father's wailing voice, while she was lashed into a run with the retreating squaws…"

Early Day Stage Line Schedule

By J. Marvin Hunter

In 1873 several stage lines were in operation in Texas, among them being the line to El Paso from San Antonio. This line did a big business in hauling passengers and express matter, for at that time neither El Paso or San Antonio had railroad connection. F. C. Taylor was manager of the El Paso Mail Company's division, while F. H. Wright was superintendent of the Eastern Division, which operated daily between Marshall and Jefferson, Texas. The schedule for the El Paso division, as given in the Texas Almanac for 1873, is described in detail in this account.

Mentions: 1. Leave San Antonio for El Paso, via Leon Springs, Boerne, Fredericksburg, Loyal Valley, Mason, Rock Springs, Menardville, Coglin's, McKavett, Kickapoo Springs, Lipan Springs, Coneho Mail Station, Fort Concho, Centralia, Camp Melvin, Fort Stockton, Fort Davis, Fors, Quitman, Toro, San Elizario, and Ysleta, triweekly from San Antonio to Concho, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 8 a. m., and semi-weekly from Concho… * Dripping Springs and Blanco * Castroville, D'Hanis, Uvalde, and Fort Clark * the Menardville road * the Felix Oldham ranch * etc, etc, etc

Mrs. Alice Jones Townsend Passes On

By Dr. Clifford B. Casey (Includes old photo of Mrs. Townsend)

Account of the life of Mrs. Alice Jones Townsend, of Alpine, Texas, in the heart of the Big Bend. She and her husband, Everett Ewing Townsend, had lived a long, useful, exciting, prosperous, and happy married life for forty-five years in this region. Here is her story.

Mentions: Alice Jones, daughter of James Cunningham and Alice Hollingsworth Jones, was born at Gonzales, Texas * General Augustus H. Jones, her grandfather * James C. Jones * Her mother, Alice Victoria Hollingsworth * the Gonzales Rifles * Captain Isham G. Jones * "Grandma" Law, an English lady who added the "Victoria" to the name of her young ward in honor of England's Queen Victoria * her mother, Alice Jones * Marian Carter * William E. Jones * Augustus H. Jones * Ursuline Convent and Academy at San Antonio, Texas * the Circle Dot ranch in Brewster county * her brother A. H (Gus) Jones * M. Halff and Bra * Marathon, Texas * Everett Ewing Townsend * E. E. Townsend * Mrs. Charles Thompson * the Circle-Dot ranch * Old Fort Pena Colorado * Marfa * the Humphrey family * Dave Aiken * Shafter * their first and only child, Margaret * Del Rio, Texas * E. L. Lockwood ranch, owned by the Elsinore Cattle Company * the E L Ranch * Captain R. W. Aldrich * Coke R. Stevenson * Philip Townsend Hudgins * Reverend Ray McGrew

Captain James Calahan's Expedition

A. J. Sowell

In 1855 the Indians made a daring raid upon the settlers east of San Antonio and penetrated as far as the Cibolo along and in the western edge of Guadalupe County. This action precipitated an expedition to pursue and chastise the hostile Indians. The expedition took Calahan and his men to the border regions where hostilities broke out among Indians and Mexicans against them. Here is the story.

Mentions: Doc McGee, son of a Methodist preacher * Gov. E. M. Pease * the Leona River * Seguin * Las Moras Creek * Eustis Benton (son of Captain Benton), Henry King, Hughes Toni, Ben Patton, John W. Sansom, Fabian L. Hicks, James McCormick, Hal Holland, Willis Jones, Wesley Harris, Wall, Colopton, Baasham, Smith, Gregor * Captain Henry * a man named Gregor * Willis Jones was the son of Hon. W. E. Jones; Hal Holland was from San Marcos; Clopton lived up on the Guadalupe, and Smith was from San Antonio * Henry King * Wesley Harris, of Seguin * A man named Wall * the road to Piedras Negras * Hughes Tom from Seguin * Capt. Nat Benton * Blair's Landing, in Louisiana *


Brief account of well known San Antonio physician, Dr. H. Graham Watts, who was born in England in 1847, and came to the United States in May, 1882, settling for many years in San Antonio.

Further Mentions: Dr. Watts served in an ambulance corps in the Franco-Prussian War in 1871 * A son, Dr. James A. Watts * A daughter, Mrs. Annie Barnard Turnbull * Hugh Watts * Mason Watts * "Barney" Watts

Partial list of names mentioned in this volume:

Mrs Constantina Adamietz; John Adamietz; Dave Aiken; Capt R. W. Aldrich; Almonte; Mrs Norah Anderson; Miss Frances Aschbacher; Hugh Bandy; Jim Bandy; Mrs R. C. Barnes; Capt Benton; Eustis Benton; Capt Nat Benton; Capt Nat Bentton; Sarah Binyard; Sion R. Bostick; Col Bourland; James Col Bourland; Mrs Annie E. Brown; Henry Bruhn; Martha Miss Buckalew; Thomas L. Buckner; DeWitt Burney; Felipe Calabera; Jesus Calabera; Capt Calahan; Capt James Calahan; Capt Carpenter; Dr Clifford B. Casey; Dr Clifford Casey; Col Castro; Pablo; Rufana Chipman; Chisholm; Chisum; Ephraim Clark; Mrs L. N. Coffey; Conwill; Cook; Maj Diamond; William M. Eastland; Mrs Charles Eckhart; Elmer J. Edwards Jr; Mrs W. B. Elkins; James Elmore; Otto Evert; S. S. B. Fields; Chief Flacco; Fletcher; Ed Galm; Mrs Armena Gibbons; M. Halff; Mrs Jas Hammond; Emmett D. Harrington; Robert M. Harrington; Victor E. Harrington; William H. Harrington; Mrs Dilue Harris; Wesley; Benjamin Harrison; G. L. Hatfield; Mrs Virginia Minear Hay; Capt Henry; Fabian L. Hicks; Mrs L. Hicks; Hal Holland; Alice Victoria Hollingsworth; Margaret Hudgins; Philip Hudgins; Philip Townsend Hudgins; Dr Hudspeth; Tom Hughes; Charles Hummel; Mrs Ethel Jester; A. H. (Gus) Jones; Alice Jones; Alice Hollingsworth Jones; Miss Allie Jones; Augustus H. Jones; Gen Augustus H. Jones; Capt Isham G. Jones; James C. Jones; James Cunningham Jones; James I. Jones; Marian Carter Jones; Mrs Martha Jones; Miles Jones; Sam Jr Jones; W. E. Hon Jones; William C. Jones; William E. Jones; Willis Jones; Keiser; Sarah Kelly; Henry King; August Klappenpach; Harrison Lander; Langford; Tom Laxson; Andrew Lockhart; Matilda Lockhart; E. L. Lockwood; James Manor; Mrs Samanthe Elizabeth Mayfield; James McCormick; McCoy; Gen Henry E. McCulloch;; Doc McGee; Rev Ray McGrew; Thomas B. McManus; McManus; James McNabb; Mrs W. A. Meadows; Mrs Irene Merrill; Ed Mickle; Ed P. Mickle; Harvey Mickle; Harvey A. Mickle; Milam; John W. Minear; Virginia Minear; Minear; Montel; Joseph W. Moore; Mary Jane Moore; Mrs William Moore; Pedro Morales; Capt Mosby; Sarah O'Bryant; Felix Oldham; Ben Patten; Ben Patton; Cicero Rufus Perry; Maj Porter; Capt C. Potter; Constantina Pyka; Frances Pyka; Capt Wm S. Rather; Mrs W. Rees; Rose; Capt Rowland; Capt Jno T. Rowland; Mandy Rowland; Mrs Pearl Ruschaupp; Carlos Sada; John Sanders; John W. Sansom; Santa Anna; August Santleben; Saunders; Herman Schleuning; Col Lt Showalter; Mrs Mahala Southward; Martha Southward; Mattie Southward; Sowell; Harvey A. Stanard; Mrs Sarah Kathrine Lewis; Almond E. Stevens; Cora Stevens; Edwin P. Stevens; Emma Stevens; Henry Stevens; Homer T. Stevens; Ida Stevens; J. E. Stevens; Jack Stevens; Lucy (Wells) Stevens; Mrs Lucy (Wells) Stevens; Mae Stevens; Martha Stevens; Samuel I. Stevens; Sidney A. Stevens; Stella Stevens; Thomas F. Stevens; Coke R. Stevenson; George Swanda; Mrs D. O. Tallman; F. C. Taylor; Felix Taylor; ; E. H. Hon Terrell; Miss Josephine Thallman; Thalmann; Mrs Charles Thompson; Fannie Thompson; Thelma; Hughes Tom; Angel Torres; Modesto; Mrs Alice Jones Townsend; Allie Townsend; Miss Allie Townsend; E. E. Townsend; Everett E. Townsend; Everett Ewing Townsend; Inspector Townsend; Margaret Townsend; Mrs Velma Trimmer; Mrs Annie Barnard Turnbull; Capt Twitty; Capt Wm C. Twitty; Mrs Mary Jane Walker; William Andrew; Tom Wall; Barney Watts; Dr H. Graham Watts; Hugh Watts; Dr James A. Watts; Mason Watts; Jos Weidel; J. F. Weldon; Mrs M. F. Weldon; Lucy Wells; Parker White; Sam White; Wiemers; Elder Wight; Wesley Willet; Capt Wilson; Christina Wish; F. H. Wright; Daniel Wueste; Mrs J. W. Wurzbach; Wuppermann.

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Our Testimonials

Glad to get networked with you Jim. I have really had a lot of success  with my research thanks to Frontier Times and yourself of course. Mr.  Hunter was a God send in helping record enough information to help  future generations track our history. When our families arrived here in  Texas they were ahead of government, counties, etc. so it is a great  task to piece together details. Thanks and have a Merry Christmas  brother!