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Vol 17 No. 11 - August 1940
Samuel H. Sutton, A Frontiersman
The excellent, detailed and historically valuable autobiography of Samuel H. Sutton, of Bandera county, Texas, was prepared and written by his daughter, Mrs. F. V. Tankersley, of Medina, Texas.
Mentions: Little Rock, Arkansas * . In 1861 we move west, and stopped at several places for a short time, until 1863, when we located in the Gillentine settlement in Erath county * the Robertson children * Captain Gillentine * the battle of Dove Creek, which took place near the present city of San Angelo, in January, 1865 * John Gillentine * Captain Totten and Captain Fossett, * Frank Sutton * Jim Sansom * Lockhart * Chickasha * Bluff Creek * John Wesley Hardin, the famous Texas gunman * Wild Bill Hickok * Buck Smith, Bob Finch * Johnny Sloane * Council Grove * Boggy Creek * Miss Callie Sapp, daughter of William and Martha Sapp * Red Bluff Creek below Bandera * the Jones Ranch on the West Prong of the Medina river * Wilson Banta, the father of Mrs. Alma Keese, Ernest Banta, and Mrs. Betty Greer * , J. h. (Dock) Fellers * Maxey * S. 1'. Sutton * W. F. Sutton * Mrs. John Adams * J. W. Sutton * Mrs. Mack Palmer, Mrs. Jim Yoast * Mrs. Frank *
White Men Suspected Of Indian Raids
By J. M. Franks
Account mentions certain raids that occured in the year 1869 and 1870 Coryell county and one or two men killed, but there weren’t any Indians in that country in either year, but white men playing Indian. This is the story.
Mentions: Owl or Henderson Creek * Beahouse Creek * Wiley Squires and Charles Wicker * Charles Wicker * Straws mill * Shoal Creek * Uncle Frank Parker * U. R. Franks * Sam Dyer * Joe Friends * the Dr. Ashley place * Fisher * Browns Creek * Lige Martin *
Mentions: a Mr. Rogers * Kenney's Fort on Brushy Creek, now in Williamson county, Texas * a young man named Ladd * Dr Beazley , Houston, Texas *
Mentions: Nuckols county, Nebraska * J. D. Figgius * A. M. Brooking * the Hastings Museum, Hastings, Nebraska * Ross Brooks
Pioneer Points On The Pecos
By T. U. Taylor, Austin, Texas
Mentions: Major Powell * the Texas Pacific railroad * the T. and P. track * Toyah Creek * Guadalupe Peaks * Emigrant's Crossing * Pope', Wells * J. H. Young * Connelly's Trail * the Butterfield Trail * W. A. Peril * Oliver Loving * Captain Marcy, Lieutenant W. F. Smith. W. H. C. Whiting, Francis T. Bryan * Billy (W. A.) Peril * Henry Connelly, a merchant of Chihuahua * Judge O. W. Williams * Live Oak Creek * Howard Springs * Devil's river at Pecan Springs * the Phoenix Bridge Company * B. M. Temple * W. F. Kendall * the Southern Pacific *
A Woman In A Texas Ranger Camp
Account is taken from the experiences of Mrs. Dan W. Roberts, wife of Ranger Captain Dan W. Roberts, about the camp life at Menard, situated on the beautiful San Saba river. It contained only a few houses in 1875, and most of them were made of cedar pickets, had dirt floors and no spare room. The Roberts were fortunate to find one house with three rooms. The family that occupied it numbered seven, but were kind enough to spare one room for the Ranger and his wife.
Mentions: Eagle Lake * Columbus * Captain James B. Gillett * General John B. Jones * J. W. Bell * Captain Nevill * Grooms Lee * L. Seiker * R. R. Russell * Scott Cooley * etc, etc.
White Man Makes Flint Arrowheads
Mentions: Mack Matthews * Tom W. Matthews * the Hamilton-Comanche highway * Lake Eases * Gustine * John Wesley Hardin
Heroines Of The Hills
By T. U. Taylor, Austin, Texas
First hand account and wonderful glimpse into frontier home life of a typical pioneer homestead in Parker county.
It was a log cabin with one room, a dirt floor, clapboard roof, a large chimney on the south side, a lean-to cut into two small rooms. One of the small rooms was occupied by the old loom, the spinning wheel, and the wools rolls. The other was a kind of pantry store-room All the cooking was done in the main room. As you entered the door, you passed under the old rifle which hung over the entrance. On the right of the door was the bed with one post, the side and the end rails attached to the walls. The trundle bed was under it. Across the front of the fire-place was an iron bar from which hung a big pot, 9x12 inches across and 10x15 inches deep, in which was boiled the greens and jowls and out of which…
Mentions: Mrs. Stephen Heffington, whose home was a half a mile away * The Tankersleys, the Glenns * Aunt Mandy *
John Reed Robbins, Native Texan
By Mrs. Carl Brown
Account depicting some of the high lights in the life of the first white male child born upon Texas soil. These fact, were taken from an old diary held sacred by a granddaughter, the writer of this biography. The account is gathered from the diary of John Reed Robbins.
Mentions: William and May Robbins * [his] parents who migrated to this country from Scotland and were among the first group to join Stephen F. Austin in colonizing Texas in 1821, settling in Grimes county, and the Brazos river * Miss Martha Jane Fitchett of Houston, Texas
By Lynn Eliot
Jack Hays, The Texas Ranger
By Col. M. L. Crimmins
Perhaps the most distinguished of all the gallant host that made up the Texas Rangers during the frontier days, was Colonel John (Jack) Coffee Hays. The best tradition of the Texas Rangers was established under the leadership of Captain Hays who seemed destined for greatness from his earliest days, being a very specimen of both wisdom and courage. Here is the great man’s story.
Mentions: His home in "La Villita'' on the northwest corner of Nueva and South Presa Streets * "Deaf" Smith, who helped to make victory possible at the Battle of San Jacinto, by burning Vince's bridge * General Andrew Jackson and General Ben McCullough * Little Cedar Creek, Wilson county, Tennessee * "The Hermitage" that General Andrew Jackson bought * the Battle of Plum Creek * Flacco * Peter Fohr * Captain Richard Addison Gillespie * Captain Tom Walker * General Rafeal Vasquez * General Adrian Well * Matthew Caldwell * John McCullough' and his wife * Captain Nicholas Dawson * General William Jenkins Worth * Miss Susan Calvert * Colonel John C. Hays Was pioneer of pioneers. His heroic courage, dauntless bravery, great endurance and perseverance was protecting settlers along Texas frontiers from the scalping knife of savage Indians. He had few peers and no superiors. For magnetic power in firing the hearts of his comrades to emulate his daring spirit he equaled the great leaders knew in our history. As a soldier, civil officer, citizen, husband, and father, his life was such that he was respected and beloved by all that knew him.
The Editor's Box
Mentions: Mr. Guy J. Giffen of La Canada, California * Col. S. H. Gilliland of Coleman * Captain F. W. Benteen * Mr. Phillip C. Tucker, of Bradenton, Florida * Miss Maria Brown of Philadelphia, Pa * James F. Perry * John Perry. Guy M. Bryan * James Bryan * James Perry * Adeline Lamothe of Rapides Parish, La * Beauregard Bryan * James, L. R., and S. J. Bryan * T. F. Harwell of Kyle * General N. L. Baugh of Dallas * Gen. N. B. Harless * Camp Ben McCulloch, near Driftwood, 'Hays county * Mrs. L. A. Scott of McKinney, Texas
Partial list of names mentioned in this volume:
Mrs John Adams; Rube Anderson; Dr Ashley; Emily Austin; Henry W. Austin; Stephen Fuller; First Lord Baltimore; Ernest Banta; Wilson Banta; Gen N. L. Baugh; J. W. Bell; Capt F. W. Benteen; George R. Bingham; A. M. Brooking; Ross Brooks; Mrs Carl Brown; Maria Miss Brown; Beauregard Bryan; Francis T. Bryan; Guy M. Bryan; James Bryan; L. R. Bryan; Moses Austin; S. J. Austin; Burnet; Caldwell; John C. Calhoun; Miss Susan Calvert; Capt Carpenter; Alex Casparis; Chisholm; Chisum; Gen John Coffee; Henry Connelly; Conwill; Cook; Cooley; Chief Crazy Horse; Crimmins; Dawson; Sam Dyer; Lynn Eliot; J. H. (Dock) Fellers; J. D. Figgins; Bob Finch; Miss Martha Jane Fitchett; Chief Flacco; Fletcher; Peter Fohr; Fossett; D. R. Franks; Joe Friends; Capt Garcia; Guy J. Giffen; John Gillentine; Capt Richard Addison Gillespie; Capt James B. Gillet; Col S. H. Gilliland; Goodnight; Green; Mrs Betty Greer; Hardin; Gen N. B. Harless; T. F. Harwell; Hatcher; ; John Coffee Hays; Col John Coffee Hays; ; Mrs Stephen Heffington; Steve Heffington; Hickok; Holley; Houston; Dr Ales Hrdlicka; ; Gen John B. Jones; Mrs Alma Keese; Mrs Melanie Earle Keiser; W. F. Kendall; Patsy Kirkpatrick; Lamar; Adeline Lamothe; Langford; Grooms Lee; Cora Lewis; Ira Randolph Lewis; Loving; J. T. Mahl; Marcy; Lige Martin; Mack Matthews; Tom W. Matthews; Mary A. Maverick; Mrs Frank Maxey; McCoy; Gen Ben McCulloch; John McCullough; Capt Nevill; Charlie Nevill; John Palm; Mrs Mack Palmer; Frank Parker; Pate Patterson; Capt Antonio Perez; Billy (W. A. ) Peril; Emily Austin Perry; James Perry; James P. Perry; John Perry; Capt Rufe Perry; Gen Pierce; Maj Powell; Chief Red Cloud; Samuel P. Reid Jr; Maj Reno; John Reed Robbins; May Robbins; William Robbins; Mrs Dan W. Roberts; Lt; Roberts; lt Rooseve; Vivtor M. Rose; R. R. Russell; Jim Sansom; Miss Callie Sapp; Martha Sapp; William Sapp; Saunders; Scott; L. P. Seiker; Johnny Sloane; Buck Smith; Jim Smith; W. F. Smith; Sowell; Wiley Squires; Edwin Starkey; Robert E. Strahorn; Frank Sutton; J. W. Sutton; S. P. Sutton; Samuel H. Sutton; W. F. Sutton; Mrs F. V. Tankersley; Maj B. M. Temple; Thalmann; Totten; Phillip Tucker; Gen Rafael Vasquez; Capt Tom Walker; Webb; Webster; Thurlow Weed; V. O. Weed; W. H. C. Whiting; Charles Wicker; Wiemers; Wilbarger; Williams; Woll; Worth; Mrs Jim Yoast; J. H. Young; Youmans
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