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Vol 17 No. 08 - May 1940
The Bonnie Blue Flag
By Col. M. L. Crimmins
The first flag unfurled in the young Republic of Texas became known as the Bonnie Blue Flag. It was designed by General Lorenzo de Zavala, the grandfather of Miss Adina de Zavala, 141 Taylor Street, San Antonio, and adopted May 11, 1836, by the Republic. of Texas. This is the personal account of F. G. Crawford, of Oakville, Texas, who had written some of his experience while a soldier in the 32nd Texas Cavalry. He describes the story of the flag.
Mentions: C. R. Dickson * Honorable William S. Barry of Lowndes county, Mississippi * H. H. Smythe of Jackson, Mississippi * Mrs. Mamie Wynne Cox * Harry McCarty * Ben Butler * Mr.. Fred Green * Major Bliss * General Tom Green * Mrs. Mary Ann Maverick * the "Sunshine Ranch" * Mayor Maury Maverick
The Dinosaur Tracks In Bandera County
Account describing the work of Dr. Roland T. Bird, of the Department of Vertebrate Paleontology of the American Museum of Natural History of New York, who did extensive research work in Bandera county, uncovering evidence that prehistoric animals once lived and roamed throughout Southwestern Texas.
Mentions: the H. J. Mesch ranch near Tarpley * the Mayan Guest Ranch just across the river from Bandera * the ranch of Mrs. Cleora Davenport on the West Verde Creek, thirteen miles south of Bandera * Mr. C. F. Pitta of Taylor, Texas * O. L. Adams' ranch at Tuff * B. G. Weimers on West Verde Creek. * the ranches of Earl Parsons and Ben Gerdes on West Verde * Turtle Creek in Kerr county
The Turbulent Rio Grande
From El Paso to the sea flows a river. It rolls out of the mountains of Colorado, hell-bent for leather, tires when it hits the hot tamale and frijole country, staggers and, finally, falls into the Gulf of Mexico. It is soaked with the blood of men. The bottom is laid with the bones of those who fought for money, love, glory and politics…
The Diary Of A Frontier Preacher
Account continues the diary of Rev. Walter Smith South, a Methodist preacher on the frontier of Texas. Here are more extracts from his experiences in 1860 to 1869. These ex-tracts taken from the original diary, appear in Frontier Times at intervals for several months, and will continue in later issues. If you want the whole series, contact us here at Oldventures Frontier Times Archive.
Mentions: Hugh Ingram * Mollie and Mrs. Win. Ingram * Mr. Barlow * Bro. Puryear * Rural Shade, Ingram neighborhood * F. Simmons * Dunn's School House * A. Simmotie, Missionary Baptist minister * Wade's store * Sidney Jones * Miss Rebecca Rankin * Mr. A. Dunn * Chamber's Creek * Fred Cox * Mr. James Ingram * Jude Fowler * Miss F. Wade * Billie South * Dr. Crume * Col. Eliot * Bro. Jernigan * Alex Dunn. * A. Simmons * Rush Creek * Marion Martin * Dr. Felder * Mac Wade
A Long Dry Drive On The Cattle Trail
By Adolph Huffmeyer, San Antonio, Texas
Account of old trail driver, Adolph Huffmeyer who, in April, 1878, drove cattle on the Old Chisholm Trail from Texas to Ogallala, Nebraska.
Mentions: the Wichita Mountains * Virgil Johnston was the foreman of the Woodward & Oge herd * Mr. Caylor * Doan's Store
By Larry Chittenden.
He's a quiet, easy fellow, with his pants tucked in his boots,
And he wears a big revolver, which he seldom ever shoots.
He has served. his time as ranger on the reckless Rio Grande,
And he has the reputation for great marksmanship and sand ;
He has strung up several horse thieves in the rustler days gone by,
And although he seems so pleasant there's a devil in his eye.
When he goes to take a prisoner he...
Flowers And Fruits From The Wilderness
Written by Z. N. Morrell, in 1871
(Continued from last Month)
The famous fighting parson continues in this excellent series of articles, to describe the period of Texas history from December, 1835 to October, 1871. It was during this time that Morrell settled and labored in Texas, having come here from Tennessee at a time of great conflicts and conquests—conflicts between barbarism and civilization, anarchy and well regulated government; conquests of truth over error, and the faith of the gospel over priestcraft and superstition.
Mentions: Anson Jones * James K. Polk * Anderson and Huntsville * Elder N. T. Byars who then lived on Richland Creek, in Navarro county * two brothers by the name of Dorsey * Leona * R. E. B. Baylor * Richland Association * Judge Hemphill
The Counties Of Texas
By James A. Wright
Interesting information and little known facts about Texas counties taken from early records and historical documents.
Mentions: Texas came into existence in 1,836 with 23 orginal counties. These were Austin, Bastrop, Bexar, Brazoria, Colorado, Goliad, Gonzales, Harris… * In 1858 Callahan county was created from Bexar, Bosque and McLennan; Dawson from Bexar; Dimmit from Bexar, Maverick, Uvalde and Webb; Edwards from Bexar; Frio from Atascosa, Bexar and Uvalde; Jones from Bexar ; McMullen from Atascosa, Bexar and Live Oak, which had been organised from Golaid and San Patricio in 1856; Mason from Bexar; Menard from Bexar; Runnels from Bexar and Travis; Taylor from Bexar and Travis; and Wilbarger from Bexar…etc, etc, etc.
June 18, 119 years ago, Stephen Austin left New Orleans for Texas. In his mind there were doubts regarding the province of Texas, but in his heart were the ringing words of his father that he push forward the colonization plans.
Unknowingly Stephen Austin was launching again into a brilliant career...
The Big Thicket Of East Texas
W. C. Moore
Excellent article on the Big Thicket of East Texas – the uniqueness, the wildlife, the hunting, etc. A very informative and interesting article.
Mentions: Judge L. B. Hightower who presided over the district courts in Liberty, Chambers and Hardin county, told me about the middle of the 90's he and others that hunted with him had killed 70 bears in Southeast Texas up to that date * There were other noted bear hunters in Liberty county, namely, Bob Whittington, Aaron Cheery, Nev Green, Marion Wells and Will Berrybill. * Hardin county contributed its quota of bear hunters, who enjoyed the sport and killed a great many bear, and whose names are as follows: Carter Hite, Johan Pevito, Eh Chance, Hardy Turner, Bud Hooks, Ben Hooks, Jake Lloyd, Wiley Brackin, John Jordan, Tom Hughes, L. B. Hightower Jr., and Dunk Grattin * Captain Barbee, who lived at Wharton
A Tribute To Charles Carlton
By T. U. Taylor
Charles Carlton was born in Kent County, England, August 21, 1821. He was the son of Charles and Mary Carlton. In 1829 his father came to America and was influential factor in building the first railroad from New Orleans to Lake Ponchartrain in 1829. Charles later made his home in Bonham, TX where he became an influential teacher and preacher of the gospel, being of the Campbellite (Church of Christ) persuasion. This is his story.
Mentions: New Brunswick, Nova Scotia * Fredonia, N. Y. * Bethany College * Alexander Campbell * Harriet Ann Taylor * Charles T. Carlton., Mary Carlton Ella Carlton, Gracie Carlton, and Sallie Jo Carlton * Mrs. Abernathy * Mr. G. W. Lewis, a strong friend of Charles in Fredonia * W. K. Pendleton * Harriet Ann Taylor * Robert Graham * Van Buren * Mrs. Sallie Abernathy * Dudley Gordon * Willow Wild Cemetery * James Chenoweth * Joe W. Bailey, Cone Johnson, DeWitt Talmage * Frank K. Taylor * Lindly Murray * Randolph Clark * Thorp Springs * Carlton Seminary * Add-Ran College at Thorp Springs * Bill Bagby
Menions: W. F. (Uncle Bill) Kellis * Glade Springs, two miles south of Mount Vernon, Titus county (now Franklin county), Texas * Sterling City, Texas *
The Long Arm Of The Law Reached Out To Avenge The Murder Of Sam Sparks
By Eula Sue (Sparks) Fisher
Lengthy and detailed account of the murder of Sam Sparks (the author’s grandfather) who was born in Tennessee in about 1854. He was the son of Anderson Sparks and Mattie Aiken Sparks, and an elder brother to Hugh, Will and Ike West Sparks. The Sparks boys were induced to come to Texas after the Civil War through the prosperity of their mother's relatives, Wash, Sol and George West. The mystery that surrounded the assassination of Sparks was not a mystery to his family, his close friends, or to many other citizens in Giddings at that time. But in those days it was best to keep quiet on some things and this case was one of them. Here is the story.
Further Mentions: the Curtaindoll (Kuykendall) herd * a Texas Ranger under McNelly * the old Sparks homestead which was located four miles out of Giddings on the old San Antonio and Nacogdoches road * Jim Brown * Ed Myers * the Cowden boys * Sheriff Scarborough of Lee county * Sue Burden Sparks * Eula Lee Sparks * Mrs. Edwin Templeton * Mrs. Willis P. Fisher * Mrs. Ray J. Lawrence * Mrs. Frank Moulton * Mrs. Nelson Elliott * Quinn Ike * Mrs. M. Krouse * Yevone Lawrence of La Mesa * Glenda Elliott * Mr. J. T. Wroe * C. Peery, W. T. Wroe, Franz Hoffman, A. Hirschberg, R. D. McClellan, F. Raube * B. L. Zander & Co's. store * Carlisle And Luttrell * Revs. Sheldon and Wilson * Drs. Winn and Matthews of Sherman Hoard of Whitewright * Savage and Wilson of Denison * Rev. Sheldon * Luttrell * Mrs. Sharman * Joe Melton * W. T. Sharman, a blacksmith * Sheriff McAfee * Sheriff Jim Scarborough * Garfield Park * John T. Carlisle * Sheriffs Scarborough, * Ed Myers * Tom Shams * Frank Fogg, a liveryman of Fort Worth * John Poe, alias Joe Brooks * Dick Harrison, a restaurant. keeper at Fort Worth * John Thomas * Fred Robinson of Orange, Texas * Cecil Smith and Col. Scarborough of Waco * S. B. Cox * Judge Teague * J. W. Fed * Judge T. J. Brown * Jan T. Carlisle * Charles Luttrell * Woodville
Captain And Mrs. G. W. Arrington
By Mrs. Sam Isaacs, Canadian, Texas.
G. W. Arrington, a native of Alabama, served with the Confederate forces during the-Civil War. In 1867 he made a trip to Central America but returned to settle in Brown County, Texas. While living there, he entered the service of the Texas Rangers with the title of Sergeant. In 1877 he received a First Lieutenant's commission and in 1878 was promoted to Captain, a title by which he was ever afterwards known. This is his story.
Mentions: In 1882 he met Miss Sallie Burnett of Westboro, Missouri * Mrs. H. L. Eubank * the Connell-Eubank ranch * Old Mobeetie * the Rocking Chair ranch in Collingsworth county * French Arrington * John Arrington * L. F. Sheffy * Mrs. Jesse Grimes and Mrs. Chas Teas * Dr. Roland T. Bird * Mr. and Mrs. D. R. Burgin of Refugio * Mrs. H. N. Burgin, postmaster at Yancey * Sarco Creek in Goliad county * Caddo Cameron * President J. D. Sandifer * Carl Coke Rister * Rupert. N. Richardson
Partial list of names mentioned in this volume:
Mrs Sallie Abernathy; Adams; French Arrington; Mrs G. W. Arrington; John Arrington; Austin; Elfego Baca; Bill Bagby; Sen Joe W. Bailey; Sheriff Baker; Capt Barbee; William S. Barry; Baylor; Will Berryhill; Bertillion; Dr Bird; Roland T. Bird; Dr Roland T. Bird; D. R. Birgin; Mrs D. R. Birgin; Maj Bliss; Wiley Brackin; Joe Brooks; ; T. J. Judge Brown; Mrs H. N. Burgin; Sallie Miss Burnett; Gen Ben Butler; N. T. Byars; Dottie Cameron; Alexander Campbell; John Carlisle; John T. Carlisle; Charles Carlton; Charles T. Carlton; Charlie Carlton; Gracie Carlton; Miss Gracie Carlton; Mary Carlton; Mary Ella Carlton; Sallie Carlton; Sallie Jo Carlton; Miss Sallie Jo Carlton; Sally Carlton; Sally Jo Carlton; Eli Chance; Aaron Cheery; James Q. Chenoweth; Chisholm; Chisum; Chittenden; Add Clark; Addison Clark; Ran Clark; Randolph Clark; Conwill; Cook; W. M. Corner; Fred Cox; Mrs Mamie Wynne Cox; S. B. Cox; F. G. Crawford; Crimmins; Dr Crume; Mrs Cleora Davenport; C. R. Dickson; A. Dunn; Alex Dunn; John Elam; Mrs Nelson Elliott; Mrs H. L. Eubank; Dr Felder; Eula Sue (Sparks) Fisher; Kathleen Fisher; Mrs Willis P. Fisher; Father Flannagan; Fletcher; Frank Fogg; Jude Fowler; J. W. Fox; Gerdes; Dudley Gordon; Jay Gould; Robert Graham; Dunk Grattin; Fred Green; Nev Green; Mrs Jesse Grimes; Rebecca Miss Hankins; Dick Harrison; Joseph H. Hawkins; Hemphill; L. B. Jr Hightower; L. B. Judge Hightower; A. Hirschberg; Carter Hite; Dr Hoard; Franz Hoffman; Ben Hooks; Bud Hooks; Mark Hopkins; Houston; Sam Howard; Huffmeyer; Sheriff Hughes; Tom Hughes; Eddie Hunt; ; Hugh Ingram; James Ingram; Mrs Wm Ingram; Mrs Sam Isaacs; Isaacs; Cone Johnson; Virgil Johnston; Sidney Jones; John Jordan; Mrs Melanie Earle Keiser; Bill Kellis; W. F. Kellis; Francis Scott Key; Mrs M. Krouse; Lamar; Langford; Mrs Ray J. Lawrence; Yevone Lawrence; G. W. Lewis; Lincoln; Jake Lloyd; Charles Luttrell; Chas Luttrell; Joe Luttrell; Sheriff Marrs; Marion Martin; Martinez; Dr Matthews; George Maverick; Lewis Maverick; Mrs Mary Ann Maverick; Maury Mayor; Mrs Sam Mayor; William Mayor; Lee McAfee; Harry McCarty; R. D. McClellan; McCoy; Joe Melton; H. J. Mesch; Dwight L. Moody; W. C. Moore; Rev Morrell; Mrs Frank Moulton; Lindly Murray; Ed Myers; Earl Parsons; C. Peery; W. K. Pendleton; Gen John J. Pershing;; Johan Pevito; Gov Phelps; C. F. Pitts; John Poe; Polk; Miss Rebecca Rankin; F. Raube; Richardson; Rister; Fred Robinson; Rose; Pres J. D. Sandifer; Saunders; Dr Savage; Col Scarborough; Jim Scarborough; Sheriff Scarborough; Tom Sharman; W. T. Sharman; L. F. Sheffy; Rev Sheldon; A. Simmons; F. Simmons; Cecil Smith; Mrs H. H. Smythe; Billie South; John South; Mollie South; Alice Sparks; Anderson Sparks; Clarice Sparks; Eula Lee Sparks; Eula Sue Sparks; Glynn Sparks; Hugh Sparks; Ike West Sparks; Lenamyrle Sparks; Lucy Sparks; Mattie Aiken Sparks; Quinn Ike Sparks; Sam Sparks; Sue Burden Sparks; Mrs Will Sue Burden Sparks; Mrs Sue Burden Sparks Stark; DeWitt Talmage; Frank Taylor; Frank K. Taylor; Harriet Ann Taylor; ; Tom Taylor; Judge Teague; Mrs Chas Teas; Mrs Edwin Templeton; Thalmann; John Thomas; Spencer Tracy; Hardy Turner; Francisco Villa Tyler; F. Miss Wade; Mac Wade; B. G. Weimers; Marion Wells; Sol West; Wash; Bob Whittington; Wiemers; Dr Wilson; Rev Wilson; Dr Winn; Wright; J. T. Wroe; W. T. Wroe; B. L. Zander
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