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Vol 16 No. 04 - January 1939

Fort Worth Was An Early Army Post

By Colonel M. L. Crimmins.

Account of the army post that was Fort Worth from June 6, 1849, and was garrisoned until September 17, 1853. Following the War with Mexico, the government the recently acquired State of Texas, established a cordon of army posts from the Red River to the Gulf of Mexico to protect citizens from marauding Indians. Fort Worth was among those strategic posts.

Further Mentions: Forts Croghan, Gates, Graham * Major Ripley Allen Arnold * General William Jenkins Worth * the James House in San Antonio * Fort Belknap * Jose Maria * Bvt. Maj. Merrill * Maj. H. W. Merrill * Lt. J. P. Holliday * Maj. R. S. Neighbours * Phantom Hill * Caddoes and Ionies * Wacoes, Keechies, Tawaconies, Witchitas * Fort Arbuckle *

From Log Cabin To University Professor

Will H. Mayes.

From a log cabin, with a dirt floor and split-log benches, in the southeast corner of Parker county, to a professorship for 50 years in the University of Texas; from the Caddo Mound one-teacher school in Johnson county to a career of 30 years as dean of the college of engineering in the university dreamed of by Mirabeau B. Lamar! Such is the record, briefly stated, of T. U. Taylor, lovingly called by thousands of students and ex-students "the Grand Old Man" of the University of Texas. Here is his story.

Mentions: Stephen Heffington, the grandfather of the assessor-collector of Travis county * Tom Taylor * the Pratt farm * Cleburne * Weatherford * Buffalo Spring * Carlton Seminary at Bonham * Mark Hopkins, Alexander Campbell * Charles Carlton * Oscar H. Cooper * Col. Charles S. Venable * Dudley Wooten * U. M. Roberts * D. F. Houston * Robert L. Dabney, chief of Stonewall Jackson's staff *

Daniel Boone, The Great Kentuckian

Daniel Boone was the son of Quaker parents who lived in Pennsylvania. Although the principal doctrine in the Quaker creed is that man must not kill, Daniel departed from the faith of his fathers early and he became one of the greatest Indian fighters in American history. Here is a brief account of his life.

Mentions: Yadkin valley North Carolina * Boonesborough * Chief Black Fish * Big Turtle *


Mentions: Judge J. A. Matthews, Albany, Texas, Mrs. Mary V. Cooke, Byars, Oklahoma; Mrs. Sallie Reynolds Matthews, Albany. Texas; S. R. Pinkston, Wellington, Tex. Vaida Stewart Montgomery, Dallas, Texas; Whitney Montgomery, Dallas, Texas. J. F. Lord, Cheans'de, Texas: Amelia Williams, Au: tin, Texas; Frank Welch, Houston. Texas; James Buchanan Gillett, Marfa Texas; Zuma Rouse Head, San Antonio, Texas; Lucille Gilbert Sanderfer, Abilene, Texas.

The Lone Tree Fight With Comanches

J. J. Clinton, for many years Chief of Police of Abilene, Texas, was one of the best known peace officers ever identified with Western or frontier life. He spent more than fifty years in Kansas and Western Texas, and participated in three of the most noted Indians fights that have ever taken place Western Texas or Western Kansas, the first being the fight for the Water Hole, which took place near the town of Van Horn, afterwards in the famous Adobe Walls fight, where thirty men withstood an attack of over 500 Kiowa, Comanche and Arapaho Indians, and two years later, in 1878, had his third and most remarkable Indian fight and escape. This was what is known as the Lone Tree fight, and occurred at a crossing on the Arkansas River about twenty miles from Dodge City. Here is a detailed and fairly lengthy story of Mr. Clinton and his eye-witness account of that fight.

Mentions: Don Bigger * the King Ranch, in Southern Texas * Sand Creek, a small tributary of the Arkansas River * Lone Tree crossing on the Arkansas River * Juan Gonzales * Dull Knife, chief of the Comanches * Sun Boy, a sub chief and participant in the Lone Tree fight *

When Texas Won Her Independence

(From Thrall's "History of Texas.")

Mentions: General Filisola * Powell's, on the Bernard * Gaona's division * Urrea's from Matagorda * General Andrade * President David G. Burnet * Almonte * Robert Potter * Lynchburg * Red Fish Bar * Colonel A. Huston and Colonel James Morgan * Colonel Thomas Jefferson Green * Major Patton * Orizaha * Dr. Phelps *

The Perfidy Of Francisco Pizarro

In the beginning of the 16th century stories were circulating around Panama and also in Mexico about the fabulous wealth of the Incas ruling an empire in a country south of the Spanish Main—all unexplored land fairly overflowing with gold and silver. One of the adventurers who took the rumors seriously was a Spaniard named Francisco Pizarro. As early as 1525 he left Panama and sailed southward along the coast to check up on the tales he had heard. He landed first at Tumbes on the Gulf of Guayaquil, where he discovered a wealthy city. From there he continued southward until he reached the site of Trujillo, Peru. Satisfied that there were riches in this region, he turned back and hastened across to Spain for permission to lead an expedition into the country.

Armed with a royal warrant, Pizarro set out again in 1531 from Panama to Tumbes to begin his conquest. While he was in Piura which he had founded, he heard that Atahualpa, ruler of the Incan Empire, was taking the baths at Cajamarca, Peru. Quick to seize an opportunity, Pizarro—with less than 400 followers—proceeded, in November of 1532, across the desert and over the mountains to make a friendly all on the Inca, only to find that…

So begins this excellent account of these events.

Further Mentions: Athualpa * battle of Cajamarca * Cerro de Pasco and of Potosi * the Rimac River * Cajamarca * Fray Vincente de Valverde *

On A Mexican Mustang Through Texas

By ALEX E. SWEET and J. ARMOY KNOX (Continued from Last. Month)

This is part of a serial account of two daring adventurers who colorfully describe their exciting and sometimes humorous happenings on their trip through the wilds and wiles of Texas during the 1870's.

Mentions: Don Ignacio Gonzales * Don Jose Maria de Valgame Dios Tres Pelacios * Judge Thomas J. Devine * Judge John H. Duncan, city attorney of Houston * San Pedro * Verimendi House * General Ord * General Trevino * General Orclwhen * General Trevino * Don Bustamente * Lord Palmerston * Bourgeois d'Orvanne *

The Texas Longhorn Made History

J. Frank Dobie.

The Longhorn will be forever Texan. And as long as the memories of open ranges, cattle trails and range riders endure, the Texas Longhorn will be a name and a symbol. Here is a lengthy and detailed account of how they came to Texas, and the part they played in Texas history.

Mentions: Will C. Barnes * Longhorns on the Wichita National Forest Reserve * Charles Goodnight * Louis Schreiner started a little herd of Longhorns at Kerrville * George W. Saunders * E. R. Earhart, of Lubbock * a herd of steers owned by Greathouse of San Antonio * Joe Brundette, an old trail man and Texas Ranger living in Oklahoma * the Wiley Brothers, below Red River * John Rigby, formerly cattle inspector at Beeville * the Shiner Brothers, below San Antonio * Esperanza Creek in Atascosa county * the Saneho steer * Ogallala town * CR brand * Kerr's place on the Esperanza * Shiner's 7Z * Andy Adams * Bar Y cattle * Borroum and Choate * Col. Charles Goodnight * Frank S. Hastings * the great SMS Ranch, with headquarters at Stamford * R. B. Townshend * J. E. Farrington * JA cattle * Farrington * the VVN range * Jeff Chisum * Ben Prewett * Horace Wilson * Windy Bill * Col. R. I. Dodge * L. D. Bertillion, of Mineola * George West, a great cowman * J. M. Dobie * Cabeza de Vaca * Pease River * Dillard R. Fant, of the Santa Rosa Ranch * Russell, Majors and Waddell * Barnes Tillus * the Quien Sabe outfit on the Pecos *


Mentions: Mr. and Mrs. E. O. Knopp and W. A Davis, of San Antonio * Mrs. T. K. Lindsay of Dallas * John Knott the famous Dallas News artist * Rev. J. E. Fuller, pastor of the First Methodist Church of Bandera * George B. Davis of San Antonio * Dr. A. E. Brammer of Bandera * Walter Godkin, of Pipe Creek, Texas * Miss Evelyn Joyce Lancaster of Kerrville * W. L. Fries, of Tarpley * Ed C. de Montel of Wichita Falls, and J. Ralph Jackson of Holliday, Texas * Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Maxwell of Roston, Texas, Mrs. G. W. Payne of Clarksville, and Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Maxwell of San Antonio * Mr. and Mrs. John Stitt of Ballinger * J. L. Stitt, of Fort Worth * Colonel Charles E. Schoff, president of the San Antonio Paper Co., San Antonio * Mr. and Mrs. Howard S. Payne * Henry A. Rogers, furniture dealer, and J. L. Smith, animist, of Hondo. Texas * Mr. and Mrs. Ben F. Blackmon and sell. Ben F. Blackmon, Jr., of Corsicana. Texas * Colonel and Mrs. John N. Sweeney, who ranch about sixteen miles southeast of Bandera * Rev. Jesse Moorman * D. R. Francis *


Mentions: W. Lee O'Daniel * James V. Allred * Jimmie Allred * Mrs. Fannie Ellis, oldest living native of Menard county * Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Splittgaber * Fred Ellis and Mrs. F. T. Neel of Mallard, and a half-brother, Bill Kingston, of Toyahvale, Texas * W. T. Witt of Clifton, and J. T. Witt of Kingman, Arizona * W. N. Brooks, of Goose Creek * C. H. Langford, * Goose Creek Hospital * Judge O. W. Williams, of Fort Stockton, Texas * Guyton Lewis * The Junction Eagle * the Kimble County Crony * Brother E. C. Ray * Howard Horn and Frank Mueller * Captain Ira Aten * F. L. Aten, Round Rock, Texas * C. G. Aten, Lelia Lake, Texas * Fritz Luckenbach * Miss Anna Nauwald *

Let's Know Texas And Texans


Mentions: the "Battle Creek" Indian fight * Hopkins County * Sulphur Springs * Timber Ridge * etc, etc

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Glad to get networked with you Jim. I have really had a lot of success  with my research thanks to Frontier Times and yourself of course. Mr.  Hunter was a God send in helping record enough information to help  future generations track our history. When our families arrived here in  Texas they were ahead of government, counties, etc. so it is a great  task to piece together details. Thanks and have a Merry Christmas  brother!