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Vol 14 No. 12 - September 1937

San Patricio Dedicates A Memorial

Corpus Christi Caller.

July 26 was a proud occasion and a red letter day for history-minded citizens of San Patricia county when a gathering of 1,000 persons from all parts of the county and from adjoining counties, assembled at Round Lake, near the town of San Patricio on that date for dedicatory ceremonies of a marker for commemorating the founding of the Irish colony which settled the county in 1836.

Mentions: the old Dougherty home * Miss Lida Dougherty and Miss Ruth Dodson * the McMullen-McGloin Historical society * St. Paul's Academy for Boys * Miss Barbara Timon of San Patricio * Mrs. Johnny Wagnon and Mrs. F. J. Russek of Mathis * Mrs. J. Sutherland * the B.G. Rodriguez band of Corpus Christi * C. Burtt Potter, San Patricio county attorney * Miller Harwood of Taft * M. S. Carriga, Bishop * Old Constitutional Square * Miller Harwood * James Addison Peralta-Reavis * Misses Katherine and Ann McGloin, of Corpus Christi * Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert McGloin * James McGloin * Stanley Brinkoeter, Billy Hopson, Harry and Billy Trodlier * M. C. Stewart * Agua Duke Creek *

The Title Of Dona Sofia

By Beatrice Chauvenet, New Mexico Magazine

Dona Sofia, was the great-granddaughter of Don Miguel Nemecio Silva de Peralta de la Cordoba y Garcia de Carrillo de la Woes, the original grantee. As indicated by his name he was a nobleman of great distinction, holding among other orders such exalted titles as Grandee of Spain, Sir Knight of the Redlands, Gentleman of the King's Chamber with privileged entrance, and of course Baron of Arizonaca. The title dispute of this nobleman was against the United States of America and pretained to a massive 12 ½ million acres of land roughly between Phoenix, AZ and Silver City, NM.

Mentions: Maricopa Mountain * the Peralta Grant * The Silver King Mining Co. * Matt G. Reynolds * Severo Mallet-Prevost * Will M. Tipton * Levi A. Hughes, business man of Santa Fe * Summers Burkhart of Albuquerque * Mr. Reavis * James Addison * King Philip V * the "Baron of Arizonaca." * the Bandini Ranch near San Bernardino, California. * John A. Treadway * Surveyor-General Royal A. Johnson of Arizona * John W. Mackay of San Francisco * Geo. M. Willing, Jr * an Indian woman called Kate * Henry County, Missouri * George M. Willing, Jr., * Don Miguel Peralta. * John Addison Reavis * :


Mentions: Major George B. Black of Comanche, Major-Commanding; John Menges, 85, of Menard ; J. Allen New-ton, 73, of Galveston ; M. R. Cheatam, 87, of Rockwood; A. T. Mitchell, 83, of Lampasas; S. N. Sparks, 87, of Mil-burn, Oklahoma; W. J. Snearly, 80, of Yoakum; B. G. Kimball, of Altus, Oklahoma; Noah Armstrong, of Cole-man, R. W. Hardesty of Houston, and E. F. Campbell of Brownwood. C. M. Grady of Brownwood * Captain John R. Hughes, of El Paso * Captain and Mrs. E. E. Townsend, ofAlpine * Mrs. Marguerite Johnson, of Vivian, Louisiana * Walter Travis Campbell * Dr. Kenny, who built Kenny's Fort in Williamson county, Texas, in the early 1830's *

Monumenting At The San Saba Mission

By Dr. Robert T. Hilt, in The Dallas News.

Three conspicuous characters stand boldly out in the early history of the two San Saba Mission settlements They are as follows: Father Giraldo de Terrero, a priest outwardly had charge of founding of the mission and the handling of its funds. Colonel Parilla was the military executive in command. But the real control was two hidden hands of Don Pedro Romero de Terreros of Mexico City, cousin to Father Terrero, alleged owner of rich mines at Padueea and Real del Norte, and founder of the National Pawn Shop of Mexico, although in plain words he was a promoter. The third and most outstanding name in connection with the mission villages is …

Mentions: L. W. Kemp * the Mission San Saba and the Battle of Taovaya * Presidio de Armaryllis at Menard * the Battle of Taovaya * Spanish Fort in North-east Montague County * Professor H. E. Bolton * Cabeza de Vaca * Father Giraldo de Terrero * Colonel Parilla * Pedro Romero de Terreros of Mexico City * San Teogora, near Spanish Fort on Red River * Colonel Parilla * the Wichitas (Caddos) * the Edwards Plateau * the Lipan Apache tribe * Father Varela * the Nueces Canyon * the Balcones escarpment * the Lipan Muscogean * "Cagua" * "Caygua" * Algonquin * Dallasites * the Ceni (Hasini), Caddos, Keechi, Pani Picts, Anadarkos, Huecos, Toavoyas and others * the Palo Duro Canyon * De Mezieres * La Harpe * Robert Burns * Houston Wade, of Houston * Miss Estelle Wade * F. A. Hicks *

A Yacht Voyage To The New World

By Mrs. Houstoun

Lengthy, detailed and thrilling account of voyage that was made by this intrepid young woman in September, 1843, on the schooner yacht Dolphin from England to the then struggling Republic of Texas. This installment focuses on her arrival at the port of New Orleans – her description of 1840’s New Orleans is striking. Story goes on to describe first sights of Texas.

(Continued from Last Month)

Travis, The Firebrand Of The Revolution

By J. M. Woods, San Antonio, Texas

Much of the greatness and glory of Texas, rests upon the supreme sacrifice made by William Barrett Travis and his immortal comrades at the Alamo, when those glorious one hundred and seventy-one heroes for eleven long days held four thousand of the best trained and armed soldiers of Mexico at bay and fanned to white heat the fires of patriotism in the hearts of the colonists and inspired them to achieve victory and independence on the immortal field of San Jacinto. This is Travis’ story.

Mentions: Father Ryan * Henry Smith * Rossanna E. Cato * Don Erasmo Seguin * Revs. Henry Stevenon and J. W. Kennedy * "camp meeting" at Caney * Col. Juan Davis Bradburn * Lynch's Ferry * Col. Tenorio * Lorenzo De Zavalla * J. W. Smith * Castrillion * Mrs. Dickson, wife of Lieutenant Dickson * Dr. Herbert E. Bolton *

Woman's Death Recalls Frontier Tragedy

Fredericksburg Standard

Mrs. Fred Ludwig, whose death was recorded in a recent issue of the Standard, was the last surviving member of the Henry Kensing, Sr., family. When Mrs. Ludwig was but five years old her parents were brutally murdered by a group of marauding Comanche Indians. This account is translated from the "Test Ausgabe" issued on the occasion of Fredericksburg's fiftieth jubilee celebration in 1896 by Robert Penniger. The story, told by the mother of Mrs Ludwig before her death from the wounds inflicted by the Indians, was originally written in German.

Mentions: Beaver Creek, in upper Gillespie county * H. Bierschwale, a teacher at the Beaver Creek School and a good friend of the family * his wife, Johanne * Squaw Creek * Lehmann * S. Lehmann * the Welge home * Mr. Welge * Mrs. Louis Schmidt of Mason *

When Lieutenant Sheridan Came To Texas

By Colonel M. L. Crimmins

The early career of General Phil Sheridan started in Texas. It was General Sheridan's impetuous charge with 20,000 Union troops up the sides of Missionary Ridge in November 25, 1863 that added a new dramatic and courageous page to American history. In the Battle of Chattanooga the four greatest generals of the Union army were present—Grant, Sherman, Thomas, and Sheridan. And by popular acclaim Sheridan was considered the hero. Here is his story and his role in Texas history.

Mentions: Brig. Gen. Persifer F. Smith * Lieut. Jerome Napoleon Bonaparte * Lieutenant Alfred Gibbs * Gen. E. V. Sumner * Lieut. Col. Thompson Morris and Capt. Eugene E. McLean * Camp La Pena, about 60 or 70 miles east of Fort Duncan near what is now the Catarina ranch * Frankman * Capt. M. E. Van Buren * Dilley * Captain Van Buren * Capt. John R. King * La Pendencia * Capt. J. G. Walker of the Mounted Rifles * Lieut. Thomas G. Williams * Cedar Run * Gen. J. J. Reynolds * General E. Kirby Smith' * Major-General Canby * Maj. Gen. F. J. Herron * Major-General Geo. F. Steels * Maj. Gen. J. A. Mower * Maj. Gen. G. A. Custer * Maj. Gen. Wesley Merritt * Governor J. Madison Wells * Judge Durell * Brvt. Maj. Gen. A. Baird * Bvt. Maj. Gen. John A. Rawlins

Bill Hiler: First Sheriff Of Sterling County

By Georgia Hays

William Napoleon Hiler was the first sheriff of Sterling county, and held that office eight years. He paved the way for others to come and make safe homes He gained the second best record in Texas for catching bad men. In early days around 1878, the bad men had a habit of moving farther west along the rivers where, game was plentiful, and a few of them attempted to hide out on the north and middle Conchos, but after about four years of Bill Hiler's activity as a fearless sheriff, trailer, and sure shot with six-shooter and rifle, bad men began to move farther west to the Pecos. And there were times, when he went as far as "West of the Pecos" to get his man. This is his story.

Mentions: the Landons and the Findlaters of San Angelo * his wife, Bettie * the old Hiler Ranch * Miss Elizabeth T. Slaughter * Benjamin Slaughter, of Friotown * Charles Slaughter * Jim White, discovered the world-famous Carlsbad Cavern * her sister, Mary Votaw * for M. Z. Smissen, a Swiss who owned a ranch just east of the present, Sterling City * the Smissen ranch * Bynams * China Valley and Montvale schools *

Let’s Know Texas And Texans


Mentions: Col. Charles De-Morse * Gen. L. S. Ross * James L. Truehart * Henry Fanthrop * Chas. L. Fagan * Kenneth L. Anderson * James L. Truehart * John O. Truehart * Robert Wooding Chappel * the "Battle of Brushy Creek * Richard Ellis * Vicente Guerrero * Gen. Anastacio Bustamente * Gomez Pedraza * Texana, which was first known as "Santa Anna," was at the junction of the Lavaca and Navidad rivers in Jackson County * Henry Fanthrop

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