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Vol 13 No. 12 - September 1936
The Story Of A Young Emigrant's Suffering
Account of a settler, a Scotchman, "McLeod" and his Irish wife Nora, who saved a few hundred pounds, and came to try their fortune in Texas. The McLeods, like many other settlers, had rashly followed their own ideas, and neglected to ask the advice of experienced dwellers in the country. The consequences of their imprudence soon made themselves apparent; and in a short time, McLeod was stretched upon his bed in a slow and lingering fever… difficulties mounted in their new home along with unspeakable terror. This is the story.
"At this moment a sound full of horror struck upon the mother's ear. There was a sudden shriek, and then the fearful shouting of fifty savage voices burst loudly, and suddenly forth, startling the echoes for miles around. And well did Nora recognize the cry she heard. It was the voice of her who had been playing in unconscious glee. Quicker than thought, she sprang to the door, and gazed distractedly on the scene before her. Her darling was in the hands of the Indians, of Indians, too, whose aspect was totally unknown to her. In a moment she guessed the truth, and that the dreaded Comanches were upon them. In vain she struggled to free him; in vain did the child hold up his little hands, and implore help from her, who never yet had been deaf to his prayers. Amidst the stunning sounds of the terrible warwhoop, the petted child was held up before his mother's eyes, and while she was forcibly held back, the scalping knife did its revolting office. The bright sunny curls were hung at the belt of the savage warrior who performed the deed, while the boy was flung palpitating, and barely possessed of life at the feet of his parent...
…It was now Nora's turn to suffer, and another of these relentless savages, speedily seized hold of his now unresisting victim…"
Mentions: Mr. Phillip C. Tucker * Thomas M. League * T. Jeff League, the brother of C. J. * the De la Vega and Aguirre heirs * the Llano Estacado settlement * the JA and JJ ranches * the Palo Duro Canyon * the old Colton Atlas, was Dockum's Ranch on what is now the dividing line between Dickens and Crosby counties, on the Blanco or White river, which flows into the Salt Fork of the Brazos river near the division line of Stonewall and Haskell counties. * T. H. Behrens of Dallas, Texas * Charles Goodnight * Most of the historical writers speak of the old ranches of that section by brands. Goodnight's had JA, JJ, and XIT. * the Adairs, his ranch was subsequently divided up into several ranches * H. T. Burton * Dockum's Ranch * the Matador Ranch, the Spur Ranch and Pitchfork Ranch * the Capital Syndicate Ranch * Philip J. Tucker * Mr. J. Ralph Dailey of Legion, Texas * The Good Intent Stage Company * the Germantown Rail Road Depot * Mr. Van Amburg * Messrs. Tomkins and Neill * Bob Acres * Bridewell *
Major George W. Littlefield
By T. U. Taylor, Austin, Texas
The writer of this sketch knew Major George W. Littlefield for over thirty years in the city of Austin. He was a unique pioneer character and looked on everything with a pioneer man's eye. Taylor gives his reminisces of the good man’s life in this account.
Mentions: Uncle Johnny Reagan, Uncle Bobby Lee, Sidney Johnston, and Jim Hogg * Phelps White and Charlie McCarty * Gonzales ranch * Governor Colquitt * the Wren Library * President Vinson * R. E. Vinson * the purchase of the Yellow House Ranch * Caprock county * he added one in Menard * the Capital Syndicate * Iris ranches * the Littlefield ranches * Guadalupe * John H. Began * Woodrow Wilson * wife, Alice Littlefield * the Driskill Hotel * Mr. Nalle * Joe Nalle, * Mrs. Ferguson * Will Long *
Looking Backward Through The Years
By James A. Wright, Bandera, Texas
In this account the author relates the difficulties of travel on the Texas frontier and especially of a trip made in 1883, from San Antonio to Eagle Pass.
Mentions: Cotulla * the old San Antonio-Lartdo road to the Medina river * the then new towns of Lytle, Devine, Moore and Pearsall. * Moore * Carrizo Springs * Joe Tumlinson * the famous Cutting case * Sheriff Tumlinson * Geronimo * the White ranch * old Fort Ewell * the Hall or Dull ranch * Lee Hall, the famous Texas Ranger captain * the Hall ranch * the Duli. ranch * Tilden, or Dog Town * Pleasanton * old town of Fairview * the Musgrove ranch near the present site of Christine, * the ranch of Tom Wright * Ysleta, Texas * the road from Pecos to Menlone * Oliver Loving *
More About Jesse Chisholm
By T. C. Richardson, Dallas, Texas
Account by T. C. Richardson adds some further details to Dean T. U. Taylor’s very detailed and excellent "Life Sketch of Jesse Chisholm," which appeared in the Frontier Times for August, 1936 (the immediately preceding issue).
Mentions: his Little Arkansas post * Gen. Stand Watie * Cherokee Town (which was on the Washita somewhere in the vicinity of the present Paul's Valley and Wynnewood) * Boggy Depot * Creeks, Chicasaws, Cherokees, Seminoles * Kiowas, Comanches, and Arapahoes * General Pike * Major Vore *
Account of murder of Mr. H. Harvel which was committed in Williamson county, TX. The original story appeared in the Florence (Texas) Vidette, June 16, 1900.
Further Mentions: Billy Smith of the Spring Valley neighborhood * George Smith * Corn Hill * Mr. Harvel's brother * Esquire Ray of Youngsport * The Harvel boy *
A Journey Through Texas In 1856
By Frederick Law Olmsted
Olmsted and his crew are caught in a raging wildfire in this installment of the excellent exploration series. (Continued From Last Month)
"The grandest and most remarkable picture that had painted itself on my memory, had presented itself at the time when I came up the hill in the rear of the fire. The ground under me, and above the level of the eyes before me, was black as the darkness of the darkest night. I could see nothing and knew not on what I might place my foot. I stretched out my hands before my face, to defend me from anything that might stand in my way, and I could not see my hands. I particularly noticed this, and it seemed to me I was groping in a sea of darkness, when just over me there was an atmosphere of light. My eyes, looking upward, were dazzled. The tide of the fire moving on, in one grand clean sweep, and, through the waving flames and the turbid surge of hurrying sparks and lurid smoke, I saw, in distant brightness, the ragged edges of the protruding rocks, and of the rough bark on old trunks and branches of dwarf-oaks, and the young leaf points of their branches in the springing life, against the dim red dusk of the general grassy slope-and further up, the outline of the hill itself against the dark distant sky."
Mentions: the Comanche Spring road to San Antonio * Currie's Creek * Mr. Vogt, a herdsman on the Cibolo * the Salado * Mr. Brown * Matamoras * Seguin * Mr. Wuppermann * the San Geronimo Creek * Mount Capote * Gonzales * Gonzales is a town of perhaps one thousand inhabitants *
(Continued Next Month)
Career Of Captain James W. Winters
A. J. Sowell
Account of Capt. James W. Winters, a San Jacinto veteran and renown Indian fighter who, after serving with General Sherman and then later as a mounted Ranger, finally settled near the Big Foot post office in Frio county.
Mentions: the town of Pulaski in Giles county, Tennessee * father, James Winters * Miss Rhoda Beall * Benjamnin Beall * the battle of Talledega * the Forked Deer river * William C. Winters * Billington Taylor Winters * Orin L. Winters * John F. W. Winters * Benjamin Franklin Winters * Elisha Willis Winters * James W. Winters * A family named Bankhead * Shelby county * Big Thicket, twelve miles below where Huntsville now stands * Winters Bayou * Gen. Stephen F. Austin * Mrs. Dickinson * Captain William Ward * William C. Winters * Joe Collard, George Lamb * Albert Gallatin * William C. Winters * John F. W. Winters * Dewee's ford * Mercer's farm below Columbus * "Groce's Retreat. " * Dunman's where Hempstead now is. * Harrisburg * Deaf Smith * Buffalo Bayou * Lynch's Ferry * Vince's Bridge * J. C. Neill * Private E. G. Rector * Private G. W. Robinson * Lieut. George A. Lamb * a neighbor named Hadley * Mrs. Taylor * the town of Anderson * Jerry Washam * Montgomery * Navasota * Hardwick * A man by the name of Tullis * Miss Pearcy Tullis * General Woll * Berry Crane * the Nueces, near Oakville, in Liveoak county * Prairie Lea * Tuxpan, Mexico * Bee county, Texas, * Francis Marion * Harriet Lane * Fort Donelson * Miss Laura V. Hamner of Amarillo, Texas
Let's Know Texas And Texans
Mentions: Copano Landing * Tejas Indians * "Taos," "Tezans," "Taguas," "Taguaces," "Tehuacanas," * Alfonso Alvarez Pineda * McGregor, McLennan county. * the Texas School of Mines * Philip Nolan * General James Wilkenson * Lemuel S. Blakely, Bastrop * Benjamin R. Brigham, Brazoria * George A. Lamb, Walker county * John C. Hale, Sabine county * Thomas P. Fowle, * Mathias Cooper * William J. Motley, Gonzales; Ashley R. Stephens, Washington county; Olwyn J. Track * Puw der Horn Wharf near Indianola * William Jennings Bryan home near Mission, Hidalgo county * Will H. Mayes *
Recollections Of Early Days In California
By Upton Lorentz, Comfort, Texas
Mr. Lorentz offers excellent eye-witness record of San Francisco and other parts of California in 1874.
Mentions: old Fort Phil Kearny * the Central Pacific * The Pacific Mail & Steamship Company * San Francisco in the middle 1870's was mostly wooden buildings, except for a few blocks on Montgomery Street between Market and Clay, and a few blocks on California and Sacramento Streets, between Montgomery and where those streets intersect Market towards the water front. The Merchants Exchange, Bank of California, and Miner's Exchange were on California Street, east of Montgomery… * the Pacific Mail S. S. Co., * by R. B. Woodward, of the Woodward Gardens on Market Street. * the old "What Cheer House," a great resort for miners in those early days * Dr. Cox * King Kalaqua * General Slocum * the Comstock Lode and Gold Hill mines * the Miner's Exchange on California Street * Emperor Norton * Collis P. Huntington, Mark Hopkins, Stanford * The Bank of California * D. O. Mills * Ralston * Ogden Mills * San Pedro * Bakersfield * Tulare * Captain Jesse Billingsly * Ysleta * Marcos de Niza
W. A. Peril Makes Five World Records
By T. U. Taylor
Account of was W. A. Peril, who lived and died in the southwest corner of Gillespie county, on a ranch about half way between Kerrville and Harper. He was a pioneer cow man and ranchman who held several records in the Olympic game of the cattle business. Peril held the world's record for a drive over the Horsehead Route. The route he went measured 1940 miles - it holds the record and this is his story.
Mentions: a small cemetery on the Peril ranch in sight of the highway from Harper to Kerrville * Goodnight, Oliver Loving * John Simpson Chisum * Horsehead Route * W. C. Lewis of Fredericksburg, and Pleasant Catman of San Antonio * Joe A. Slade * Castle Gap * Fruitland * the old Chariot Wheel quilt that has attracted attention in the county fairs at Fredericksburg
Brought An Aerolite Out Of Mexico
By August Santleben
Account of a meteorite that had fallen on the ranch of Mr. Henry Mueller, near San Lorenzo, about ten miles from the city, which was said to be one of the most massive known to the scientific world. The stone weighed 5400 pounds and was placed on exhibition at the World's Fair in Philadelphia.
Mentions: Mr. Mueller * Forts Davis, Stockton, and Concho * the Veramandi House * by Mr. Weber, a brother of Jacob Weber, who resides on North Flores Street * Captain Rufus Perry * Major Jones * Chihuahua to Luling * the Galveston, Harrisburg & San Antonio Railroad * Mr. Dan Price * Messrs. Heick & Helfrisch, of Galveston * Henry Vonflie * Davis' ranch * Landrum * Camp Radziminski was an outpost of Fort Belknap * Young county, near Eliasville, Texas
The Jibaro Head-Hunters Of Ecuador
By J. Marvin Hunter
Attention was made in the August, 1936 number of Frontier Times of a shrunken head, which was presented to Frontier Times Museum at Bandera, Texas, by Mr. Charles L. Fagan of Rahway, New Jersey. Since being placed in the museum this Jibaro trophy has been viewed by hundreds of people, all curious to know something about tire tribe of savages who practice head-hunting, and when they slay their enemies cut off their heads and shrink them in such a perfect manner that all the facial features are retained. Mr. Hunter offers the details of rituals and procedures for the ghastly paractice.
Mentions: the great rivers Pastaza, Morona, Upano-Santiago * Paute * Mendoza * Dr. A. Wetmore, assistant secretary of the Smithsonian Institution's United States National Museum, * Rafael Karsten * Dr. Robert T. Hill, of Dallas, Texas * Captain C. M. Grady, of Brownwood, Texas * Judge Lee Wallace * Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Gregory and their children, Martha Jane, Myrtle Marie, and Lloyd, Jr., of Houston, Texas * Miss Laura Hamner * Mrs. J. B. Michiner of Sanford, Texas * J. C. Reid * Mr. D. H. Martin of Gulfport, Mississippi * Ed Cosper of Duncan, Arizona * Jimmie Allred * S. S. McKay * Judge R. C. Crane * Frank P. Hill * G. C. Boswell * S. E. Settle * Anne Hammons * Loy William Hartsfield * John R. Hutto * Rupert N. Richardson * Mr. E. M. Landers, Abilene, Texas * Col. F. M. Getzendaner * Miss Elizabeth Getzendaner * Clyde Wantland
This is literally translated "the act of beheading or cutting one's throat." This particular bugle call is believed to have come into existence during the long wars when the Spaniards were driving the infidel Moors from their lands. The call was only for use either against Infidels or Rebels against the Spanish King; never in wars between Spain and another sovereign power. The Alamo defenders, of course, fought under the Mexican flag and were legally considered Rebels, and the no-quarter call was used against them.
This transcript was made by ear by Prof. Asbury of Texas A. & M. College after a veteran of the Alamo Campaign whistled the bars to him near the City of Mexico and is considered authentic.
Mentions: Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Comparette, of Kerrville, Texas * A. C. Schreiner * Captain Sansom's and Captain McFadden's companies of Rangers * Aime C. Schreiner, Gustav F. Schreiner, Louis A. Schreiner, Charles R. Schreiner, Jr., and Walter R. Schreiner * Mrs. Comparette * Among these who went to school in the old frame school house in Menardville were the children of O. D. Mann : Jimmie, Duke and Grace Mann, and also their cousins, Nora Mann, Clay Mann, Walter Mann and Arthur Mann, who lived two miles below town. Pretty little Grace Mann was the idol of the school, as well as a general favorite in the community. Today she is Mrs. George S. Allison, of Menard * Mrs. Grace Bevans Whaley, Jo Anne Whaley, Marie Dolores Whaley, of Fort Worth, and Jim Mann Bevans, Jr., of Columbus, Tennessee * Jo Anne Whaley, a * Peter Robertson, pioneer of Menard county * Lewis Strickland * Charles F. Gompertz * H. Tallichet
Some names mentioned in this volume:
Bob Acres; Andy Adams; Thomas; Mrs Grace (Geo S. Allison) Allison; Gov Jimmie Allred; Van Amburg; Prof Asbury; Gen Stephen F. Austin; Baker; Benjamin Beall; Rhoda Beall; T. H. Behrens; Bertillion; Jim Mann Bevans Jr; William Bevans; Capt Jesse Billingsly; Maj Black; Lemuel S. Blakely; G. C. Boswell; Benjamin R. Brigham; Ross J. Brown; William Jennings Bryan; H. T. Burton; Pleasant Catman; Chisholm; Chisum; H. M. Chittendon; Arthur H. Clark; Lt Job st Collard; Gov Colquitt; D. H. Comparette; Conwill; Cook; Mathias Cooper; Cosper; Elliott Coues; Dr Cox; Berry Crane; Col M. L. Crimmmins; J. Ralph Dailey; Davis; Wm F. Drannan; Duval; Elam; Fagan; Thomas E. Farish; Field; Fletcher; Foote; Thomas P. Fowle; Pres Franklin; Fulmore; Sgt Albert Gallatin; Gammel; Elizabeth Miss Getzendaner; Col F. M. Getzendaner; Mrs Charles A. Gianini; Charles F. Gompertz; Col Charles Goodnight; Francisco Graces; Capt C. M. Grady; Green; Lloyd Gregory; Loyd Gregory Jr; Martha Jane Gregory; Myrtle Marie Gregory; John C. Hale; Lee Hall; W. F. Hamilton; Anne Hammons; Laura Miss Hamner; Laura V. Hamner; Francis P. Harper; Loy William Hartsfield; H. Harvel; Hay; Messr Heick; Messr Helfrisch; Capt Henry; Hickok; Frank P. Hill; Dr Hitchcock; Hogg; Mary Austin Holley; Mark Hopkins; Collis P. Huntington; Hutto; Jackson; Sidney Johnston; Ben C. Jones; King Kalaqua; Rafael Karsten; Phil Fort Kearny; Kendall; Dr Thomas Kenney; George Lamb; George A. Lamb; E. M. Landers; Harriet Lane; Langford; Charles Larpentuer; C. J. League; Charles John League; T. Jeff League; Thomas M. League; Bobby Lee; W. C. Lewis; Linn; Alice Littlefield; Maj George W. Littlefield; Will Long; Lorentz; Loving; Arthur Mann; Clay Mann; Duke Mann; Grace Mann; Grace (see Allison) Mann; Jimmie Mann; Nora Mann; O. D. Mann; Walter Mann; Reina de los Cielos Maria; D. H. Martin; Queen of Heaven Mary; Hon Will H. Mayes; Charlie McCarty; Capt McFadden; S. S. McKay; Jamie McLeod; Nora McLeod; Mrs J. B. Michiner; D. O. Mills; Ogden Mills; Moos; William J. Motley; Henry Mueller; Joe Nalle; Col J. C. Neill; Newell; Marcos de Niza; Nolan; Emperor Norton; Olmsted; W. A. Peril; Capt Rufus Perry; Gen Pike; Alfonso Alvarez Pineda; Dan Price; G. P. Putnam; Lt Radziminski; Esquire Ray; Johnny Reagan; Pvt E. G. Rector; John H. Regan; J. C. Reid; Rupert N. Richardson; T. C. Richardson; Robertson; Pvt G. W. Robinson; Rose; Osborne Russell; Capt Sansom; August Santleben; A. C. Schreiner; Aime C. Schreiner; Charles R. Schreiner Jr; Gustav F. Schreiner; Louis A. Schreiner; Walter R. Schreiner; S. E. Settle; S. Ernest Settle; Sherman; Joe A. Slade; Gen Slocum; Billy Smith; "Deaf" Smith; Smithwick; Sowell; Stapp; Ashley R. Stephens; Granville Stewart; Lewis Strickland; Mrs M. L. Summers; H. Tallichet; Dean Taylor; ; ; Thalmann; Eugene Thumin; R. B. Townshend; Olwyn J. Trask; Philip J. Tucker; Phillip C. Tucker; Percy Tullis; Joe Sheriff Tumlinson; Pres Tyler; Pres Vinson; R. E. Vinson; Henry Vonflie; Vonflie; Maj Vore; Wallace; Lee Judge Wallace; Wantland; Capt William Ward; Ware; Jerry Washam; Gen Stand Watie; Watie; Jaiob Weber; Dr A. Wetmore; Grace Bevans Whaley; Jo Anne Whaley; Marie Dolores Whaley; Olin D. Wheeler; Phelps White; Wiemers; Wilbarger; Gen James Wilkenson; Wilson; Frank Wiltach; Benjamin Franklin Winters; Billington Taylor Winters; Elisha Willis Winters; Francis Marion Winters; James Jr James Winters; James W. Winters; Capt James W. Winters; John Winters; John F. W Winters.; Josephus Winters; Orin L. Winters; Percy Tullis Winters; Rhoda Beall Winters; Sgt Winters; William Winters; William C. Winters; Sgt; William C. 2nd Winters; Woll; R. B. Woodward; James A. Wright; Tom; Yoakum; Yett
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