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Vol 13 No. 01 - October 1935

The Story Of The Old French Colony

Louise Boyer

No incident in the history of Dallas was so great a factor in the molding of all Texas, as was the coming of the early French colonists. No bit of Dallas history carries more historical, courageous, self-sacrificing, humane or sweeter narrative than that of these brave, trusting, God-fearing, innocent and unassuming people. The Story of the Old French Colony is the history of "La Reunion," dream city of early Texas, and of the little band of French, Belgian and Swiss idealists, who sought Utopia on the banks of the Trinity River.

Mentions: Victor Considerant, engineer and adventurer * the ship Uriel * Mrs. Santerree * Mrs. Cesarine Redmond * John B, Louckx * Comet City, about two miles northwest of Oak Cliff * Frank Reagaugh * the "President's House" and "Community Store' * A. Bureau, a trained musician * Prosper Cantegral, and Allyre Bureau * M. Vreidrag * Abel Daeily * Cheve of Paris * Mayor Ben Long * Dr. Savardan * Mrs. Vigoureaux * Emile Demond * Julian Revercohn * Asa Gray * Francois Cantegral * Enginard * the Shaw Garden of St. Louis * colonists were: A. J. Jouffes, Jarob Nussbaumer, Henry Boll, Alfred and William Van Grinderbeck, Goudstill, Dr. Desmet, P. Prishot, Alfred Guilliee, Coiret, Julius Royer, John Mouland, Dominique Boulet, Julian Thevenet, Ferdinand Michell, August Guillot, Dr. Wilmet, Van Derbosh. * Athanase Cretien * Charles Capy and Mrs. Cesarine Remond * Francis Sauters


Mentions: Mr. R. W. Meitzen * Harper Herald * Chas L. Fagan * Frederick Law Olmsted * Mrs. Will Garner * "Aunt Mollie" Garner * Mary Elizabeth Elder * Grayson county * W. O. Garner * John Elder, a pioneer Baptist minister * Mrs. E. M. Womack of Brady, Ray Garner of Corpus Christi, Mrs. Jack Alexander of Austin, and Mrs. M. H. Johnson of Fort Worth * Jim Garner of Mason * the Mason Baptist church * Mrs. Gertrude Harris Cook of San Antonio * W. T. Jackman of San Marcos

The Celebrated Indian Fight Of 1831

Compiled from Mrs. Holly's Texas

Narrative by Rezin P. Bowie concerning confrontation with some one hundred twenty-four Twowokana and Waco Indians, and forty Caddoes, near San Saba, November, 2, 1831 where they ventured in search of the fabled silver mines

Mentions: David Buchanan, Robert Armstrong, Jesse Wallace, Mathew Doyle, Cephas Hamm, James Coriell, Thomas McCaslin, and two servant boys, Charles and Gonzales

Henderson Rich In Legends Of Younger Days In Texas

by Dabney White

Account detailing early history and events from this Rusk County town

Mentions: A. & M. College * communities Nip-an-Tuck, Rake Pocket and Lick Skillet and Mount Enterprise * the Dr. Miller plantation * the" Big Thicket," then embracing a large part of Angelina County * J. P. Henderson * the Joyner well on the old Miller plantation a few miles west of the town of Henderson * Sam Houston and Frank Bowden met * demerits of Known-Nothingism * Governor Roberts * Bill Buford * Martin Casey * Ned Morris * M. D. Ector * Ector County * R. T. Milner * the Campbell administration * Bob Milner * Dick Harris * Rusk County News * General James Smith * General Smith, who then owned 4,605 acres * General Thomas J. Rusk * James Smith * Chief Bowles * General Webster Flanagan

A Lonely Monument In A Lonely Cemetery

by J. Marvin Hunter, Bandera, Texas

"Not many people in Texas know that there is a monument to the widow of the immortal Davy Crockett, over her grave in a lonely cemetery near old Acton, four miles from Granbury, in Hood county, Texas."

Mentions: old Acton, four miles from Granbury, in Hood county, Texas * Dr. F. B. Plummer of the University of Texas * Dean T. U. Taylor *


Account of a real life romance, involving two Texas pioneers, Mrs. Annie V. Leinneweber, of San Angelo, and L. V. Arnold, of Fort Worth. The romance began more than a half century ago, when the two were children living on neighboring farms in Burnet county. As a little girl, Mrs. Arnold was captured by Indians, who named her "Queen Bee," and she lived 10 years with the Indians. L. V. Arnold, a neighbor boy, then 17 years of age, saw her in an Indian camp, bought her from the chief and married her.


Henrietta claims the distinction of having as a citizen the oldest practicing lawyer in Texas in the person of William G. Eustis, who this year celebrated his 104th birthday and the fifty-eighth anniversary of his admittance to the bar of Texas…


Mention of W. H. Pyle, whose lumber mill was near Marshall, TX. He is one of the veteran lumbermen of East Texas.

The Harassed Early Seventies

by Dr. Robert T. Hill

Account describes conditions on the western frontier of Texas during a time when the southern and eastern portions of the state were suffering the effects of carpetbagger rule. Explains events leading to and evolving from the Warren Wagon Train Massacre - the beginning of the end for the Kiowa and Comanche nations as we knew them.

Mentions: Camp Cooper, Chadbourne, Concho, McKavett and Fort Clark * the assassination of Major Neighbors * Hood, Harde, Thomas and other officers of Civil War fame * old Fort Belknap * Second Dragoons * Parrilla's troops * Situ Saba * Quahada Comanches * the battles of the Quitaque (rule Canyon) and Palo Duro Canyon * Western Cross Timbers * the horrible Salt Creek Prairie Massacre * Spanish Fort, in Montague County * Quanah * Nocona * Sul Ross * Mule Creek * Blanco Canyon, Tule Canyon, Casa Amarilla and Palo Dura Canyon * Dove Creek Battle * the Quahados * the battle of Village Creek, near Fort Worth * Gen. W. T. Sherman * Trooper Beck * Jacksboro * the Staked Plains * Barascules * Samuel Elliot * S. Long, N. J. Baxter, Samuel Elliot, James Bowman, James Elliot, James Williams and John Mullen * King Libit Istar

Storming Of San Antonio De Béxar In 1835

From the State Gazette, 1849

Account of how Texian volunteers took possession of the Alamo just three months before is fateful fall.

Mentions: General Cos * Colonel Ben Milam * General Burleson * Colonel F. W. Johnson * Dr. Grant and Colonel Austin. Arnold, Cook and Maverick and Deaf and John Smith * Frank and Major Morris * Colonel Neil * the Harvey Birch of Texas * Captain Thomas Win. Ward

The First Steps For Founding Bandera

Details and documentation of the earliest history of the town of Bandera, TX.

Mentions: Judge E. C. de Montel of Wichita Falls * John James, Charles de Montel and J. H. Herndon * Elder Lyman Wight * sixteen families of Polish colonists, who had come to America seeking homes * Castroville * Vendera Pass * the B. Ruiz Sy. No. 58 * Solomon Brill * Holly & Hendrick Arnold surveys

German Pioneers In Texas

by Frieda Meitzen Williams, Houston, Texas

"In 1849 Otto Meitzen, with wife, Jennie Holmgren Meitzen, and their several children, and a few possessions, arrived within sight of Galveston, after three months on a crowded sailing ship, traveling over the stormy Atlantic." From there they traveled to and settled in Biegel, Fayette County.

Mentions: Emperor Frederick William IV * a German settlement at Biegel, Fayette county, Texas * Liegnitz, Germany * Fayetteville * William Meitzen * Mai Pests * Schuetzen Vereins * Mrs. John Ligon of Robstown *


John M. (Tex) Moore, of Henrietta and Wichita Falls, 69-year-old former cowboy, has been named "Texas official cowboy artist" by the State Legislature. Moore, who was born in Tarrant county, has worked as a cowboy on many Texas ranches, from the Panhandle to the Big Bend country, and served on the ranger force for two years under the late Capt. Bill McDonald. Cattle, cowboys, and the scenic beauties of the Western range country are the subjects portrayed by this artist. Vice-President Garner has three of Moore's paintings in his office in the National Capitol. Governor Allred recently was presented a painting by Mr. Moore.

Bits Of Historical Information

by Esther Mueller

Various brief historical glimpses of Texas history from the first Spanish settlement to the first flag of Texas.

Mentions: De Leon * The first steamboat which visited Houston was the Laura, Captain T. W. Grayson, January 22, 1837 * Phillip Nolan * General Wilkinson * Mussuis * William A. A. Wallace * A. B. Dodson * Sarah Dodson * Mrs. Dodson's flag * David G. Burnet * the women of Zanesville, Ohio

The Texas Navy

(Compiled by Swante Palm)

Account of the Texas Navy from three vessels in the early part of 1836 to a respectable force by the end of the following year.

Mentions: three vessels, viz., the Invincible, Captain L. Brown ; the Brutus, Captain Hurd; and the Independence, Captain Hawkins * the Brutus * The Champion * William H. Wharton * Vincedor del Alamo * the Libertador * Eliza Russell * the Alieranes * Samuel Williams * Frederick Dawson * General James Hamilton * James Holford * Colonel Zavala, of Yucatan

Old Times On Brushy Creek

by Mrs. Jennie Davis

Excellent account of the site of Texas history in Williamson County since 1839. Good early history and genealogy of Williamson County.

Mentions: Mr. Frank C. Humphrey * Kennedy's Fort * Joseph Barnhart * Dr. Thomas Kennedy * Brushy Cove * the farm of Maj. T. J. Crosby * Joseph Wicks (or Weeks) * Maj. Chennyworth, James Rice, Henry Castleburry, Jack Angel * Dr. Kenney * Mr. William Stinnet * Webers Prairie * Mrs. Coleman * Kenney's Fort * Mr. Joseph Barnhart * Capt. Merrell * the Second Run-away Scrape, in 1842 * Chandler's Branch * Mrs. John Palm * the Barnhart place * Capt. Nelson M. Merrell was prominent among the first settlers * the old Freeman Smalley place below Round Rock * a Mr. Rogers, who came from the Coleman home to live at the Kenney Fort * Calvin Bell's farm * the Barnhart place * James G. Harrell, Mark Moss * F. M. Harrell of Round Rock * employed a man named Allen to teach the school * the I. & G. N. Railroad * Mr. George Johns * James G. Harrell * The Moss' cabins can be seen from, and is the place formerly owned by Mr. Trace White * Jacob M. Harrell moved from Austin with his family, built his cabin, and put up a blacksmith shop on the north side of Brushy creek, and named the place Round Rock * Mr. L. M. Mays * Mr. John Ledbetter * the battle of Brushy (then called Boggy) * Rev. James Gilliland, Jacob Burleson, Edward Blakey and John Walters

Early Railroading In Texas

by Upton Lorentz, Comfort, Texas

Account of experiences of early day railroading in Texas by one served long-time in the industry while it was growing. Here is some excellent early historical detail on railroad history in Texas.

Mentions: the Houston & Texas Central, main line, Houston to Corsicana, a distance of 211 miles, also a six-foot gauge ; but from Corsicana to Red River City, a distance of 131 miles, the gauge was four feet 8 1-2 inches… * The change of gauge was made north of Corsicana in anticipation of connecting with northern lines... * the Texas Central had the Austin branch from Hempstead to Austin, and the Waco tap from Bremond to Waco. Both of these latter branches were of the six-foot guage… * the Galveston, Harrisburg & San Antonio, running at that time from Harrisburg and Buffalo Bayou to the Colorado River, also sixfoot gauge, and controlled by Tom Pierce of Boston, Old Jimmy Converse being superintendent… * The Texas Pacific Railroad ran from Shreveport, La., via Marshall and Longview to Dallas, where the western terminus… * the Jay Gould interests * Tom Scott's Pennsylvania management * The International and Great Northern * a branch from Palestine, to Hearne… * The Texas Pacific also had a connecting branch running from Marshall north to Texarkana… * another branch then known as the Transcontinental, from…* the Iron Mountain * Denizon * the Texas Pacific and the Great Northern were all of the northern standard gauge of four feet eight and one-half inches * The Gould's Missouri Pacific interests * the fifty miles of the Galveston, Houston & Henderson from Houston to Galveston * the Tom Pierce interests of Boston. * the Texas Pacific via Fort Worth and Big Spring, and the Southern Pacific via San Antonio, Del Rio, and Sanderson * a short line owned by the Morgan Steamship Company (Charles Morgan of New York) * the G. H. & S. A. * Jay Gould * Russell Sage, and others * George Noble, who was then superintendent of the T. P. * William E. Dodge * William R. Baker * Paul Bremond * Mrs. Maria Van Alstine * W. R. Baker and Paul Bremond * the H. & T. C. * Charles Morgan, of the Morgan Steamship Lines * Buffalo Bayou * the Louisiana & Texas road * the Texas Central lines * the Southern Pacific * The passengers were also compelled to change cars at that point. In 1875 the road put in a hydraulic lift to change trucks under Pullman cars from narrow to broad guage and vice versa. This mode of operation continued until after Morgan took over the lines, when the southern 211 miles of main line was… * the Gould line and the Southern Pacific * Paul Bremond * the H. & T. C. * Paul Bremond's East and West Texas narrow guage road, and was headed direct towards Shreveport… * the fine long leaf pine region of San Jacinto, Polk, Angelina, Nacogdoches and Panola counties, but again Bremond and his associates made a mistake as to guage-this time two narrow! * the Missouri, Kansas & Texas * the M. K. & T. * etc, etc, etc…


Texas has been under the flags of seven nationalities instead of six, declares Mrs. Mary Jordan Atkinson, historical writer, who has completed a book on Texas Indians. The seventh flag, she says was that of the …


The Gillespie County Fair, oldest in Texas, will have its fiftieth annual show at Fredericksburg in September. The fair has grown from a small farm exibit, in 1885, to a large institution, owning its own grounds with extensive permanent improvements. The association has never missed an annual fair, good times or bad, since the first one in 1885.

Frontier Times Museum Growing

Mentions: Tom Robison of Bandera * two branding irons, a C and Circle H brand * Amanda Hay * H. H. Carmichael * Walter Trinkelbach * Willie Mueller, of Pipe Creek, Texas * "Comat Bottling Wks., K, C. Fletcher, Prop., New Braunfels, Texas." * Mr. and Mrs. Claud Haby of Leakey, Texas * Alex Brinkmann of Comfort, Texas * the old August Faltin store in Comfort * J. T. Dechert, of Fredericksburg * Nellie Schuehard * David Hogan * Mrs. M. B. Murray of Bandera * Wayne Singleton, of Tarpley, Texas * Mrs. R. G. Lackey of Phoenix, Arizona * George Thompson of Iraan, Texas * Fletcher Davis of the Hondo * Mrs. Stella Carmichael Lewis * Mrs. Maudsley's Select School for Young Ladies * Mary Carmichael, mother of Mrs. Lewis * Allen Graham, who lives near Sabinal, Texas * Mrs. John Eckhart * Mrs. Allen Graham * Chas. L. Fagan, of Rahway, New Jersey * J. J. Gregg, editor of the Santa Anna (Texas) News * A. S. Hooe * Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher Davis, of the Hondo * Judge H. E. Haass of Hondo * Benton City Era at Benton City, Atascosa county * Hal Gosling * the D'Hanis Star * the Castroville Era * John Morrison * Castroville Quill * Miss Adina De Zavala, Miss Mary De Zavala, and Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Hopkins, of San Antonio * Lorenzo de Zavala, the first Vice-President of Texas * John Cornelius * Dean T. U. Taylor and Dr. F. B. Plummer of the University of Texas * Cleburne and Alvarado * Mr. Woodward of Austin * Dr. Robert T. Hill, eminent geologist and scientist of Dallas * Mr. W. J. Layland * Captain A. M. Gildea

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