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Vol 12 No. 04 - January 1935

The Adams Diggings

By Max Coleman, Lubbock, Texas.

Coleman says, “there are a thousand and one explanations, stories and legends of the famous Adams Diggings. More money has been spent hunting this mine than will ever be taken from it if found. However, I searched for it in company with one man who personally knew Adams. He had hunted many years with Adams' partner, Captain Shaw. His name was Langford Johnson.” He goes on to clarify certain incidentals regarding the pursuit of the famous mine.

Further Mentions: Charles A. Gianini * Bob Lewis * Catron County, New Mexico * Socorro county * Bronco Bill * Billy Johnson * the I & M Ranch * Johnnie Payne, now of Tres Lagunas, Mexico * Las Teras Mountain * Alamosa Creek * Putney Mesa, * a youth named Baca * Quemado * Magdalena * Henry Coleman *

Fort Worth Man Tells Of Shooting Of Sam Bass

This is an eye-witness and unpublished recollection of how Sam Bass, Texas bad man of the seventies met his death at Rangers' hands at Round Rock. The account is told by the man who saw it, Mr. T. J. William of Ft. Worth.

Further Mentions: the home of Mrs. Byron Maddox in Palo Pinto County * Sheriff Grimes * A one-armed man by the name of Tubbs

Days When Much Meat Wasted For $1 Hide

Story of the sad days of Buffalo butchery when “Nothing was saved except the tongues and hides, therefore $15 to $20 worth of fine meat was destroyed to save a dollar hide.”

Fighter Of Indians In Old West Texas Is 89

Account of Captain Robert G. Carter, of Mackenzie's division of the Fourth United States Cavalry, who waged a four-year war on the Indians in West Texas. He was born at Bridgton, Maine, on Oct. 29, 1845. He also served with the troops which eradicated the warring bands of Comanches, Kiowas, Apaches, Arapahoes and Cheyenne Indians from the western frontier and opened West Texas to civilization. He engaged in numerous scouting expeditions after the Comanche and Kiowa Indians at the headwaters of the Concho, Trinity, Colorado, Red and Brazos Rivers and their tributaries. This is the story of the great Texan.

Further Mentions: Col. Lawrence P. Graham * Fort Concho * Kicking Bird and Lone Wolf's bands of Kiowas * Satank and Big Tree * Fort Griffin * the Brazos River, in Blanco Canyon * Quanah Parker * Fort Sill * Weatherford * the Battle of Palo Duro Canyon *


It is believed currently that the first telephone used in Texas was one in Galveston in 1876 - the year of …

Further Mentions: Alexander Graham Bell * Col. A. H. Belo, publisher of the Galveston News * The Southwestern Bell Telephone Company * Alexander Russell, editor of the Galveston Tribune * Manager David Hall of the Western Union * T. W. Milburn * George W. Foster * the firm of Dealy & Son, * G. B. Dealy, President of A. H. Belo & Co., of Dallas *


Mentions: the Belton Rotary Club * A. G. Vick * Daniel Alexander Vick *

Early History Of Settlers In Lavaca County

Paul Boethel, Hallettsville, Texas.

ASIDE FROM the difficulty of wrestling a meager living from the soil and the game in the forest, the settler on the upper Lavaca River was in constant danger of losing his life and the meager possessions he had earned. The Indians presented a real problem to the widely scattered settlers. Sudden in attack and quick in retreat, they often escaped unpunished with their booty and scalps. The Indians that committed the depredations on the settlers in Lavaca County were the Toncahues and the Comanches. The Lavaca Valley itself was comparatively free of Indians. however, the country to the northwest, the big hill section, was not settled and was open to the Indians. It was frequently used by the transient hostile tribes on their raids to the lower settlements. They would make their way through this uninhabited section undetected and fall without warning on the settlements near the coast. The northern, the northwestern, the western and the southwestern portions of Lavaca County were exposed to the Indian attacks because of their nearness to this path of the marauding savages. What record there is shows that the depredations were confined to this section. Here is EXCELLENT, VERY EARLY LAVACA COUNTY HISTORY.

Further mentions: Gonzales, the first Anglo-American settlement west of the Colorado and the nucleus of the settlement in Lavaca County * Burnham's Crossing * William Ponton, a member of De Witt's colony * James C. Davis, another Lavaca county settler in De Witt's colony * John Hibbins, a settler near Concrete, Fayette county * George Creath * Rock Camp, about six miles above Sweet Home * Captain John J. Tumlinson * Phillip Howard * he families of Douglas and O'Dougherty on Clark's Creek * families had come to Texas in 1832 from Pensylvania * The Runaway Scrape * the family of John Douglass * the Big Hill section * the Little Brushy * Zumwalt settlement * was one of the first immigrants to Austin's colony * Archie Smothers and a companion named Lumley were killed while splitting rails back of C. Ballard's home * W. P. Bashear, a veteran of the Texas Revolution * a man named Hensley, who lived on the Rocky Fork of the Navidad River in the northern part of the county * "Big Foot" Wallace * Jeff Turner, an Indian hunter * the Chicolete, a creek in the southern part of the county * Ponton's Creek * Dr. Joel Ponton, son of William Ponton * Foley * Adam Zumwalt * Victoria * a creek called the Marcado * Plum Creek * the home of Mrs. Hallett *

A Glimpse Of Plantation Life

By Emma L. Wofford.

In 1847 Dr. and Mrs. Robert Davis moved into their new eight-room house which had just been completed on their two-thousand acre plantation that lies along the river front at the Metropolis ford across the river from Austin. Dr. Davis, who was a skillful physician and surgeon, practiced his profession during the year he lived in Marshall and resumed his practice when he came to Austin. Although Dr. Davis lived only about eighteen months after coming to Texas, he served the scattered settlers of Texas Well. He died June 30, 1847. This is his story.

Further mentions: Mrs. Emily Van Zandt Wofford, widow of Benjamin Wofford, and daughter of Jacob and Mary (Isaacs) Van Zandt and sister of Isaac Van Zandt * Marshall, Texas * Patterollers *

After a perilous journey, the negroes reached the home of their "Miss Emily" and were so overjoyed that they shed tears. She was almost as overjoyed as the negroes. They said to her, "Miss Emily, we knowed we b'lon' to you, ca'se we'se `Vin Zandt' nigguhs and we don' nevuh wan't to be sol' fum you"; and they had their wish. Dr. and Mrs. Davis brought these negroes to Texas with them. Sam died a few years before the war, but Len lived many years after he was free and was always devoted to "Miss Emily and her chil'uns." Other property was sold instead of the negroes and the security debt paid.

Mrs. Davis was a woman of such nobility of character that all her slaves were as devoted as these two, and she had evidence that they wold have given their lives to protect her had it ever been necessary.


Brief account of Thomas D. Love, 73-year-old pioneer rancher, who captured Bill Cook, the outlaw, single-handed in 1893. The story of Tom Love's capture of the outlaw is the best of a dozen stories that fill the record of his career. He was sheriff of three or four West Texas counties when the railroads and the Federal Government posted a $15,000 reward for the capture of Bill Cook and Cherokee Bill…

Further mentions: Sierra Blanca * the Staked Plains * the White Mountains * He served as sheriff of Borden County for eight years and was County Commissioner for the same period * As wagon boss he operated roundup gangs in Borden, Dawson, Howard, Mitchell, Martin, Andrews, Midland and Gaines counties *


Brief story of the site of Fort Tenoxtitlan, in Burleson county.

Further mentions: L. W. Kemp * Robert Millican * Col. Francisco Ruiz * Francisco Ruiz * the Anahuac-Velasco clashes between the Mexicans and the AngloTexans * Three-legged Willie' Williamson * Mrs. Jud Collier of Mumford, Robertson county *


A diary kept by four men in succession after each had presumably murdered the previous owner, is being translated by scientists in Washington.

The "diary" was kept in picture writing by four Indians in the days of Indian war. It was found in the grave of the last owner and brought to the Smithsonian Institution, where experts are deciphering its contents with the aid of Richard Sanderville…

Further mentions: a Sioux Indian named Yellow Horse * Old-Man-Afraid-of-His Horse * Sioux named Little Bear * warrior named Crane * Howling Wolf *


Five miles southeast of Waco has been discovered the "first known American village to have been destroyed and buried by an earthquake," according to Frank Bryan, Texas geologist and archeologist, whose discovery is reported in the Literary Digest. The village covers some three acres which were submerged and covered by waters of the Brazos river to a depth of 14 feet. Age of the village cannot be estimated from the 14,000 different layers of. Brazos mud which covers the village, says the discoverer.

Expedition Through Unexplored Texas In 1854

By W. B. Parker. (Continued from last month)

Another installment in a series of lengthy and detailed articles where the author shares his experiences while attached to the expedition commanded by Captain R. B. Marcy, to explore Northwest Texas in the Summer and Fall of 1854. Fascinating eye-witness & day-by-day journal of events on early frontier. One of the many excellent things the writer details, is the manner of provision while on the trail. In many places, he goes into great detail regarding the hunting and fishing that was necessary for their survival. You will be surprised to hear of some of the adventures this afforded. (We can provide you with the rest of the installments in this excellent series - just ask).

Further mentions: Thomas Morton * Colonel Fremont * Fort Belknap * Major Neighbours * Connor, John Jacobs, .John Wagon, John Jackson, John Jacobs, Jr., and John Hunter *

Fort Rickerson, Greatest Cattle Ranch In Southwest

By Earle R. Forrest.

John W. Young was a son of Brigham Young, one of America's great empire builders, and even though we may not agree with his doctrines and practices, nevertheless he was one of the greatest men of his time. Like his father, this son was a man with a vision, and he was quick to grasp opportunities. With Jacob Hamblin, the "Leatherstocking of the Southwest," he had explored Arizona as early as 1859, and in the seventies he had led several parties of Mormon emigrants across the Grand Canyon. After establishing his construction and the camp in the Fort Valley, he realized the wonderful possibilities for the cattle business afforded by the rich pasture lands on the San Francisco Mountains and the adjacent range. A market was all that was needed, and the new railroad would make that possible. As soon as his grading and the contracts were completed, Young embarked in the cattle business on a large scale, and with other Mormons from Utah and the Little Colorado settlements he organized the Moroni Cattle Company, with his old camp at Fort Moroni as the home ranch. This is his story.

Further mentions: Babbitt brothers * Second National Bank of Santa Fe, New Mexico * Arizona Cattle Company * B. B. Bullwinkle, agent and general manager. * John C. De La Vergne, president ; Henry R. Von der Horst, vice president; Ellis Wainwright, managing director, and H. W. Guernsey, secretary * Charles Goren * The Arizona Cattle Company was known as the A One Bar outfit * the Atlantic & Pacific Railroad * Clark's valley * Ash Fork * Some of those old-time brands owned by this company were the Bar X, the back-handed K H P L connected, the 0 Bar, and the 0 V 0 connected * Cedar Ranch, the best known of all the old-time camps * the C 0 Bar was the largest, outfit in Northern Arizona * Lot Smith * Frank Vanderlip, another cattleman * Sandy Donahue's saloon * William Thomas, a Texas cowman with a past * Jack Diamond, the last A One range boss * Frank Livermore, a practical stockman of the old school * In addition to Cedar Ranch, winter camps were established at Squaw Tank and Tappan Spring * the Navahopi road * Jack Diamond * Charles L. Rickerson * liam F. Baker, of Manistee, Michigan * Saginaw Lumber Company * One of the most colorful characters in the history of the Northern Arizona frontier was Lot Smith. Member of the Mormon Battalion, elder in the church, commander of the Mormon militia that harassed General Albert Sidney Johnson's army in the bloodless Mormon war of 1857 and 1858, pioneer and leader of Mormon settlers * Mormon settlements at Sunset, Saint Joseph, Brigham City, and Obed * the Circle S * John W. Young was forced to leave the country after he started his settlement at Moenkopi Wash * Ed Stone * companion named Dittenhapper * as D. Hubble, who operated a trading post at a place called Tuvasita, twelve miles east of Moenkopi * Narney Williams, and Mrs. Stone * Babbitt brothers * C 0 Bar outfit * William Babbitt was manager of the cattle ranch, which was first located in Clark Valley, south of Flagstaff * the old Buckler ranch, on Hart Prairie * old Cedar Ranch *

Personal Recollections Of Big-Foot Wallace

Crawford Laxson, Pearsall, Texas recalls numerous events in his personal observations of the Texas great man, soldier and master Indian fighter.

Further mentions: Bramlett Lake * Wallace Lake on the San Miguel * his cattle from the Bisero Ranch in the eastern part of Frio County * Siestadero in the western part of Atascosa County * The McGuire lake where Captain Wallace's cattle ranged * the Barton ranch * Walter Wolfe * Judge John S. Thomas * Dock Cochran *

One evening, a Texas Mexican came. I noticed that they held a long, pleasant conversation in Spanish and both drank some coffee.

After the Mexican had gone, I asked if he did not yet want to kill every Mexican he saw.

"No," he said, "I have long since gotten over all that. I owe my life to the Mexican doctor who cut me loose from the stakes on the fourteenth day after I had been tied down in Mexico, and ordered me carried to the hospital where I received every attention available."

"When the doctor asked me what I wanted to eat, I told him I could eat a wolf." The doctor told him they had no wolves but that he could have almost anything cooked in whatever style he wanted.

"Well, then," said Captain Wallace, "I want the biggest, fattest hen on the place stuffed and cooked American style." Continuing, he said: "When I got hold of that hen with both hands, I ate all the stuffing without taking it from my mouth, then devoured the hen. Nothing ever tasted better in my life unless it was when I got hold of that gallon gourd of water and drank it all before they could take it away from me when we were recaptured after our escape from prison at Salado."


Brief story of Jesse Jackson Rose, born in the Ozark Mountains, of Arkansas, November 14, 1849, three miles from White River and moved with his father, B. C. Rose, to Texas in 1855. Early settler of Limestone and Freestone counties, then Hardin county, and Colorado county, and finally settled in Kendall county about four miles from Comfort.

Further mentions: the town of Columbus * Prairie Point, * brothers, John, Newton, Jim and Hige Rose * Miss Margaret Wilson *

Woman Stage Driver Masqueraded As A Man

The very interesting story of Charlie Parkhurst, a woman stage driver, who passed as a man driver through a long career of handling the reins. Among the many historic instances of women disguised as men playing the man's part through various masculine walks of life, Charlie Parkhurst contributes a strange case to the annals of staging. From a day in the early forties when she, as a small girl, escaped in boy's clothes from a poorhouse, until after her death at the age of sixty-seven years, her sex was never disclosed, perhaps never suspected.

Further mentions: Ebenezer Batch in Worcester * "What Cheer House" of Providence, Rhode Island * Pawtuxet * Birch and Stevens * Thomas Edwin Farish * Charlie Watson and Henry Monk * the Moss Ranch *

Camp Cooper Was Scene Of Indian Massacre

Henry C. Fuller.

Account of bloody Indian hostilities that occurred near the site of old Camp Cooper, which is located on the Clear Creek Fork of the Brazos River on December 18, 1860. It was on this occasion of this famous fight that the long-time white Indian captive, Cynthia Ann Parker was captured from the Indians and that her husband, Peta Nocona was killed. This is an excellent account of that fight and of much background on the sad tale of Cynthia Ann Parker.

“...she was brought to Camp Cooper and kept there while a message was sent to the home of her uncle, Isaac Parker, in what is now Parker county, asking him to come to Camp Cooker and ascertain, if possible, if the captive was in fact the long-lost Cynthia Ann or some other person. Parker came, but no word from the lips of the woman, who sat with her child in her arms, like some wild animal, seemingly fearful that rough hands would snatch it from her bosom, while one word, "Quanah! Quanah" was constantly repeated by her semi-savage lips. It was afterwards learned that the word "Quanah" was anxiety expressed for the son that was with Peta Nocona, when he and at least one other member of the family were killed in the fight that led to the capture of Cynthia Ann”

Further mentions: her baby, little Prairie Flower * Fort Griffin * Throckmorton county * John B. Baylor was Indian agent * Companies A, F, and 11, Fifth United States Infantry * B, C, and 1, First Infantry * Companies A, B, D, and F of the Second Cavalry * Col Robert E. Lee, Maj. Geo. H. Thomas,' Captain and Brevet Major Earl Van Dorn * Lieutenant Samuel B. Holabird, quarter-master, First Infantry. Albert Sidney ,Johnson * Capt. Lawrence Sullivan Ross * Capt. N. G. Evans * John Larn * Elder John Parker, Ben Parker, Sam Parker, and Robert Frost * The people who were dangerously wounded were Mrs. John Parker, Granny Parker and a Mrs. Duty * The following were taken away as captives by the Indians, after the fort and other buildings had been burned : Mrs. Rachel Plummer, daughter of James Parker, and her little son, James Plummer, 2 years old ; Mrs. Elizabeth Kellogg, Cynthia Ann Parker, 9 years old, and her little brother, John Parker, children of Silas Parker. John Parker was taken by one bunch of Indians and Cynthia Ann was taken by another bunch. John Parker grew to be a veritable Indian * Col. Len Williams * the chief being Pahuaka * the old Billy Foster cemetery about two and one-half miles from Fosterville * Becker Mission cemetery, four miles west of Cache, Oklahoma, which is in Comanche county * Neda Parker Birdsong * S. B. Burnett of Fort Worth * . Edward Clark, Lawton Okla. ; Baldwin Parker, Indiahoma, Okla. ; Mrs. Bessie Parker Asenap, Indiahoma, Okla. ; and White Parker, Lawton, Okla. * T. J. Starr, of Palestine *

In Defense Of King Fisher

This letter is written by Mr. F. C. McKinney who was a long time close associate and friend of James King Fisher. Fisher was considered by some (if not most) to be a desperado and associate of the infamous Ben Thompson. This account raises many questions about the true character of Fisher and here, from a very close source, is history that can be found nowhere else. If you are a student of Ben Thompson, King Fisher, etc, you must add this information to your understanding of those times and the men of those times.

Further mentions: T. H. McKinney * Sheriff Ben Boatwright of Uvalde county * Zavalla county * Huntsville * Foster and Sims * the old grudge with Jack Harris * Coy * the eldest daughter, Florence * Holtville, California * J. D. Dillingham, Austin

Old Time Shoe Blacking

Mentions: A. Huffmeyer * Bixby's Shoe Blacking * the old Alligator Sulphur Match *

Skunks, Alive!

Captain Ben M. Roberts.

Account of a very interesting cave located in Kimble county, about eight miles below Junction, on the Llano river. There in the steep side of the mountain is a cave that…

Early Penal And Criminal Codes

Interesting data from Penal and Criminal Codes of Procedure of the State of Texas, adopted by the Sixth Legislature, printed at the News Office, Galveston, Texas, 1857.


Though the discovery of oil there in 1929 focused the attention of the world upon Van Zandt County, the "free State of Van Zandt" as it was called in the old days, has a colorful history that dates back to the discovery of a salt dome there in 1845. This is the account.

Further mentions: In 1845, Allenby T. McGee camped on a lonely prairie in the Eastern part of Van Zandt. * Grand Saline * The Texas & Pacific Railroad * Wills Point * Canton * Governor Hubbard


Some names mentioned in this volume:

Allen; Charles J. Babbitt; David Babbitt; George Babbitt; William Babbitt; William F. Baker; Ebenezer Balch; C. Ballard; W. P. Bashear; Bass; ; John B. Baylor; Alexander Graham Bell; Col A. H. Belo; Neda Parker Birdsong; Ben Sheriff Boatwright; Paul Boethel; Boethel; Bracht; Brewer; Frank Bryan; B. B. Bullwinkle; Capt B. B. Bullwinkle; S. B. Burnett; Capt Robert G. Carter; Castaneda; Chabot; Mrs Edward Clark; Dock Cochran; Henry Coleman; ; Mrs Jud Collier; John Connor; Bill Cook; George Creath; Dr Davis; James C. Davis; Dr Robert Davis; Mrs Robert Davis; John C. De La Vergne; G. B. Dealy; Jack Diamond; J. D. Dillingham; Dobie; Sandy Donahue; Augustus Douglass; John Douglass; Thaddeus Douglass; Emmett Douglass; Capt Evans; Capt N. G. Evans; Thomas Edwin Farish; Florence Fisher; James King; Tucker Foley; Earle R. Forrest; Billy Foster; George W. Foster; Francis; Col Fremont; Robert Frost; Fuller; Charles A. Gianini; Gonzales; Charles Goren; Col Lawrence P. Graham; Sheriff Grimes; H. W. Guernsey; Haley; David Hall; Jacob Hamblin; Harris; Fred Harvey; John Hibbins; Lt Samuel B. Holabird; Phillip Howard; Hubbard; Thomas D. Hubble; Huffmeyer; Hunter; John; Felix Huston; John Jackson; John Jacobs; John Jacobs Jr; Col Albert Sidney Johnson; Billy Johnson; Langford Johnson; Jones; Elizabeth Kellogg; Kemp; Maj Kerr; John Larn; Crawford Laxson; H. N. Laxson; Pope Lee; Lemley; Bob Lewis; Frank Livermore; Livermore; Thomas D. Love; DeWitt Lyons; Warren Lyons; Mackenzie; Mrs Byron Maddox; Marcy; Allenby T. McGee; F. C. McKinney; T. H. McKinney; T. W. Milburn; Miller; Robert Millican; Henry Monk; Thomas Morton; Maj Neighbours; Peta Nocona; Bernard O'Dougherty; John S. Oglesby; Chief Pahuaka; Baldwin Parker; Ben Parker; Bessie Parker; ; Esther Parker; Granny Parker; Isaac Parker; James Parker; Elder John Parker; Mrs John Parker; ; Sam Parker; Susanna Parker; Charlie Parkhurst; Parks; Johnnie Payne; Peak; James Plummer; Dr Joel Ponton; William Ponton; Charles L. Rickerson; Capt Ben M. Roberts; B. C. Rose; Hige Rose; J. J. Rose; Jesse Rose; Jim Rose; John Rose; Newton Rose; Capt Lawrence Sullivan Ross; Col Francisco Ruiz; Alexander Russell; Richard Sanderville; ; B Schon Schmidt; Scott; Capt Shaw; Sherman; Lot Smith; Archie Smothers; T. J. Starr; Ed Stone; Frank Tappan; Maj Geo H. Thomas; Judge John S. Thomas; William; Thompson; N. Howard Thorp; Capt John J. Tumlinson; Jeff Turner; Capt Earl Van Dorn; Isaac Van Zandt; Jacob Van Zandt; Mary Isaacs Van Zandt; Frank Vanderlip; A. G. Vick; Daniel Alexander ; Henry R. Von der Horst; John Wagon; Ellis Wainwright; William A. A. Wallace; Charlie Watson; Col Len Williams; Narney Williams; T. J. Williams; Willie Williamson; Margaret Wilson; Benjamin Wofford; Emily Van Zandt ; Emma L. Van Zandt; Jacob Henry Van Zandt; Walter Wolfe; Woodhull; John W. Young; Adam Zumwalt; Zumberg

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