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Vol 11 No. 06 - March 1934
A Bakery of Pioneer Days
by Esther Mueller, Fredericksburg, Texas
Very lengthy and detailed account of early settler, Conrad Wehmeyer and his family of Fredericksburg. Depicts lengthy and troublesome life of a pioneer settlement. Conrad Webmeyer was born in Huttenhausen, Westphalia, Prussia, February 16, 1816. In Berlin, where be was a soldier in the regiment of the Crown Prince Frederick, who later became Frederick III of Prussia. Came into area with manby German Immigrants, many of whom are named in this article: Sussmann, "Stadt Creek.", Herman Hitzfeld, who was a "tischler", (cabinet-maker,) the Adelsverein, the Verein, Louise Klingelhoefer, Johann Jost Klingelhoefer, Eibelshausen, Amt. Dillenburg, Herzogturn Nassau, the school in Dillenburg, Lungkwitz, Apoteke Muller, Heinrich Kespohl, wilnn Huttenhausen, Westohalia, seven of their nine children grew to maturitv, and scattered, from home. Pauline and Robert died in infancy. The other children, in order of age, are: August Wehmeyer, who died at Quincy, Ill., in 1929: Sidonie, (Mrs : August Sembritsky) of Fredericksburg. Alwine, (Mrs. August Weber,) who died in 1929, Elise, (Mrs. Richard Tatch) of San Antonio. Adolph Wehmeyer of Fredericksburg-, Bertha, (Mrs. W. C. Kiehne) of Menard, and Emma, (Mrs. William Mueller) of Fredericksburg. Baron's Creek, or Stadt Creek as it is known in "Fredericksburg Deutsch," Saenger and Schaper, Mr. Guenther, Mrs. Tatsch, Schmidt, Albert Keidel.
A Cowboy and a Scout of Texas
by Crawford E. A. Laxson, Pearsall, Texas. Detailed and eye-witness account of early cattlemena nd scouts at turn of century along the border with Mexico in the Big Bend area of West Texas.
Mentions: the Halffs of San Antonio near old Dog Town, now Tilden, in McMullen county, Rufe Moore, superintendent of the Halff ranch, La Salle county, the half million acre Piedra Blanca ranch in Coahuila, Mexico., Piedras Negras, Dryden, Texas., Carranza soldiers, Boquillas, Piedra Blanca Ranch, Del Rio, Huck Stanley, John R. Blocker, third owner and superintendent of Piedra Blanca Ranch, Mr. Blocker, Carranzistas, Mr. Reagan, Delemain, the Centinella mountains in the Western part of Piedra Blanca, Tanco Biente, Cash Burridge, the horrors of the Glenn Springs raid, Persimmon Gap, Roy Stillwell, Marathonor Alpine, Colonel Langhorn, the G. H. & S. A. railway, old San Vicente on, the Rio Grande, El Gato (the cat,), Sierra Mojada, Boquilias, El Ozo, Yaqui Indians
Five Years a Cavalryman
By H. H. McConnel. (Continued from Last Month) Mentions: General W, T. Sherman, Fort Richardson, Texas, and Fort Sill, Captain Henry Warren, Fort Griffill, Flat Top Mountain, about half way between Jacksboro and Belknap. Nathan Long, James Elliott, Samuel Elliott, M. J. Baxter, Jesse Bowman and James Williams. Thomas Brazale, John Mullins, W. W. Duke, R. J. Winters, Peter Hart, J. R. Robinson, W. M. McConnell and " General" H. H. Gaines. Lowrie Tatum, the agent of the Kiowas and Comanches, an estimable Quaker gentleman, Satanta, Satank, Kicking Bird and Lone Wolf, Ockmulgee, Fort Gibson, Fort Leavenworth, Colonel Starr Colonel R. S. Mackenzie, Judge Charles Soward, S. W. Eastin Hon. S. W. T. Lanham, the district attorney, and Thomas Ball and Joe Woolfork Thomas Williams (a brother of the famous "Blue Jeans" of Indiana, and a pioneer settler,) ; John Cameron, Evert Johnson, Jr., H. B. Verner, Stanley Copper, William Hensley, John H. Brown, Peter Lynn, Peter Hart) Daniel C. Brown, L. P. Bunch and James Cooley. General R. S. Mackenzie, Lowrie Tatum and Thomas Mr. Lanham Mr. Jones, a remarkable man, who had lived among the Kiowas and Comanches for many years, Edmund J. Davis, then Governor of Texas, Uncle Billy Benson, "Wasbington and Texas Land and Copper Company," Kiowa Peak, in Haskell county. Mr. Chandler, from Norfolk, Virginia, Professor Roessler, sometime State Geologist, of Texas, and the most thorough and ideal crank of any age; Troutman, a professional photographer, W. M. Beard, Dr. Loew, chemist, Sam Robbins, one Plummer, and one Winklepaugh, "Colonel" McCarty, Mr. Chandler "Barbara Fritchie" Shooterville, Gilson
Indians of the Country
An eye-witness depiction of the Plains Indians by Captain Randolph B. Marcey in northwestern Texas in 1852. Mentions: Wacos, Rush Creek, Keehies and Quapaws, Chouteau's creek, (of the Canadian) The Wichitas , Quapaws, Father Charlevoix, Du Pratz, Chickasaws, Wild Cat.
William W. Hunter a Coleman County Pioneer
by Beatrice Grady Gay, account related by Mr. Williallim W. Hunter (the Patriarch of Coleman county) of Santa Anna, Texas. First-hand account of experiences and particulars of the settlement of central Texas. An Excerpt: "In the fall of 1870 the Indians made one of the worst raids into our county that had ever been made since we had been here. There was a family named Williams who lived farther down Mud Creek just across the line into Brown county. Our place on the Jim Ned was only about a mile from the Brown county line. Mr. Williams was out in the woods cutting logs not very far from home, and his wife and their three children were at home alone. About the middle of the afternoon Mr. Williams heard screams from the direction of the house and started on a run towards it. When be came near he could see that it was entirely surrounded by a bunch of painted, screaming Comanches. Being unarmed he could do nothing to save his family. The Indians killed his wife and boy outright. They tortured the baby, either by dragging it through the fire at the end of a lariat, or by just dragging it, causing burns from…
Interesting article mentions: Grayson county. brother Haywood , the Jim Ned Creek near Camp Colorado., . The lines of Brown, Callahan, and Mills counties were considered the frontier, and the 'hardy souls who ventured beyond the borders were indeed pioneers., a family named Jeff Morgan, the first white child born in the county., L. D. St. Clair and family are said to have been the first settlers at the post., R. C. Morgan, Mr. St. Clair's second daughter, Nancy, married L. D. Greaves, . F. M. Alexander, who afterwards became night watchman at the town of Coleman, also came with the troops and married Miss Pollie St. Clair. , Trickham, Lieutenant General E. Kirby Smith, 'Mr. Davis, Col. Dalrymple, Gen. E. Kirby Smith, Col. J. E. McCord, Gen. Smith, Captain Ike Mullins, Fort Mason, Camp Colorado, the Tonkawas., Ike Blackwell, Colonel R. E. Lee, Sam Gholson's ranch, Buffalo Gap, Jim Hart, George Lewis, who lived up in the northwest of the county on the Pecan Bayou, Logan's Gap. C. M. Grady, Rich Coffey, one of the earliest settlers in the western part of Coleman county. Colonel Snively, Rich Coffey, GREAT GENEALOGY HERE!
Tribute to John R. Reagan
Speaks of the Hon, Judge John R. Reagan, Palestine, TX.
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