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Vol 10 No. 06 - March 1933
General John Bell Hood
By Col. M. L. Crimmins.
GENERAL ROBERT E. LEE wrote to General Louis T. Wigfall at San Antonio, Texas in. September 1862 asking for more Texas troops. He said he needed them very much and relied on those he had, in all tight places, and feared he had to call on them too often. He wrote that they fought grandly and nobly, and that "with a few more such regiments as those which Hood now has, as an example of daring and bravery, I could feel much more confidence of the result of the campaign."
Who was the man who could lead the daring Texans by being braver than they were? It must be remembered the frontier troops would be much harder to handle than those of the more central states. Many were men who went west because their wanderlust prevented them from submitting to inhibition at home and others had their wander lust "thrust upon them." Those who left their homes for Texas were usually unmarried men, and they as a rule, make the best fighters. They had fewer responsibilities and fewer ties... It took a leader to handle such men, one who was firm, strong, just and brave. One who would lead his men and not order them to do anything he, himself feared, to do. Such a man was John B. Hood and it was in Texas that he first won his fame for fearlessness. General Hood, notwithstanding his misfortunes, bore up bravely and showed perfect self-control. He was the most unfortunate of the Confederate generals and probably the least esteemed leader of the Rebellion, but there was no man braver in either army than General Hood. Here is an excellent account of the enigmatic Civil war hero and dauntless Texan.
Further Mentions: John B. Hood was born at Owensville, Bath county, Kentucky, on June 29, 1831. He was graduated from the Military Academy at West Point, July 1, 1853…; his surperb courage in the Indian fight at the head of Devil's River, Texas on June 20, 1857; Privates, Thomas Ryan and William Barry; wounded-Privates John Davitt, William B. Williams, John J. Kane, and Thomas E. Terrell, all of Company G, Second U. S. Cavalry; Sergeant Joseph P. Hanley, Corporai Henry Jones, Farrier Charles Wessenger, Privates David M. Bodfish, William Conroy, Benjamin Dudley. Michael Dougherty, Timothy Griffin, Richard Hopkins, John; Kendall, William S. B. McManus, Patrick McCasker, Joseph B. Perkins, Herman Rost. William Roughan, Francis Sommers, Thomas Swan, and Benjamin H. Wancoop; General Longstreet's Corps; Gaines' Mill; General Bragg; the Federal works near McGee's house; took part in the second battle of Bull Run, South Mountain, Antietam,, and Fredericksburg; He commanded the largest division in General Longstreet's Corps; the now historic letter urging the junction of the troops of General Polk and Loring and then uniting with General Longstreet; the battle of Peach Tree Creek; General Logan's Corps; General Cheatham's Corps; General George H. Thomas
This is the amazing story of Colonel Albert C. Pelton, who, flamed by a deep spirit of revenge, became a spectacle of blood-thirsty bravery against the Apaches"Colonel Albert C. Pelton, whose beautiful twenty thousand acre ranch is out toward the Rio Grande, near Laredo, has been the "Peter the Hermit" of Texas for years. He has believed that he held a divine commission to kill Apache Indians. Colonel Pelton came to Texas in 1844, a common soldier. By talent and courage he rose to the rank of colonel, finally, in 1867, he commanded Fort McRae. That year he fell in love with a beautiful Spanish girl near Tlbequin, New Mexico. Her parents were wealthy and would not consent to their daughter going away from all her friends to live in a garrison. The admiration of the young couple was mutual, and parental objections only intensified the affection of the lovers. The nature of the Spanish girl is such that once in love she never changes. Finally, after two years of courtesy and devotion, Colonel Pelton won the consent of the beautiful Spanish girl and they were married.
"Then commenced a honeymoon such as only lovers shut up in a beautiful flower-environed fort can have. The lovely character of the beautiful bride won the hearts of all the soldiers of the fort, and she reigned a queen among the rough frontiersmen. One day, when the love of the soldier and his lovely wife was at its severest, the two accompanied by the young wife's mother and twenty soldiers, rode out to the hot springs, six miles from the fort, to take a bath. While in the bath, which is near the, Rio Grande, an Indian arrow passed over their heads. Then a shower of arrows fell around them, and band of wild Apache Indians rushed down upon them, whooping and yelling like a band of demons. Several of the soldiers fell dead, pierced with poisoned arrows. This frightened the rest, who fled. Another shower of arrows and the beautiful bride and her mother fell in the water, pierced by the cruel., shafts of the Apache. With his wife dying before his eyes, Colonel Pelton leaped upon …
Colonel Pelton seemed to think that he had a sacred mission from heaven to avenge his young wife's death. He surrounded himself with brave companions, and consecrated himself to the work of revenge. He was always anxious to lead any and all expeditions against the Apaches. Whenever any of the other Indians were at war with the Apaches, Colonel Pelton would soon be at the head of the former. One day he would be at the head of his soldiers, and the next day he would be at the head of a band of Mexicans. Nothing gave him more pleasure than the sight of dead, Apaches. He defied the Indian arrows and courted death. Once, with a band of the wildest desperadoes, he penetrated a hundred miles into the Apache country. The Apaches never dreamed that anything but an entire regiment would dare follow them into their camp in the mountains…What Pelton soon discovers is an amazing story – True, and worth the price of the magazine alone.
Cassidy of Wyoming
Max Coleman, Lubbock, Texas.
This is an excellent account of Butch Cassidy and the Hole in the Wall gang. Butch Cassidy was without doubt the brains of the organization. Harvey Logan from Texas and Harry Longbaugh were his two able lieutenants. Of these three leaders, Cassidy however, boasted he never killed a man. This was probably made possible by two reasons. One was his unfailing ability to keep cool in any crisis. The other was that being an expert shot himself, he had a contempt for the average man's marksmanship. Just how many robberies were committed by Cassidy and the Wild Bunch, will never be known. How many thousands of horses were stolen can also never be figured. The horses were all taken, however, from the large cattle companies, and never from a little rancher. The country ridden over by the Wild Bunch was known as the Outlaw Trail. This was a misnomer as in reality there was no trail. It was simply a large territory, the only place in the United States where four States corner. Scattered conveniently over this district were rendezvous, occupied by minor members of the gang. They belonged to that breed who, in an earlier age, would have been buffalo hunters. They were tall and lank, leathern faced, made sour-dough bread, used canned milk on a range covered with cattle, ate the other man's beef, and drank Arbuckle coffee.
Further Mentions: Brown's Park; the Lost Cabin Country; Castle Gate; the Pinkerton detectives and railroads were combining to capture Cassidy and the Wild Bunch; Alma, New Mexico; Jim Low; the Datils and Mogollons; the First National Bank at Winnemucca, Nevada; George Curry, another member of the Wild Bunch was killed in Utah; Bob Leigh, a lesser light; Ben, Kilpatrick and Will Carver;
There, slumped against a post lay Cassidy. The empty rifles were beside him. His forty-five was clenched in his hand. Every bullet had been discharged. A hole between his eyes told the story. Butch Cassidy had killed his man.
Indian Raid in Atascosa County
A. J. Sowell. DURING THE YEAR 1860, '61, and '62, the Indians were numerous on the western border towards the Rio Grande, committing many murders, carrying of stock, etc., but in a fight on the Seco, the chief, Lone Wolf, was killed, which somewhat checked them in that quarter; but along the San Miguel, Atascosa, and other, streams, they were almost constantly on the move. Among the settlers in and around the village of Pleasanton, just then starting on the banks of the Atascosa, were O'Brien, Herndon, N. B. Tucker, Calvin S. Turner, Anderson, and others. This story is about one bloody raid that occurred involving Napoleon Tucker, Herndon and Anderson.
Further Mentions: Pleasanton; the San Miguel country; James Winters; A small band of settlers including Winters, West, Davidson, Kirg, Ward, and five or six others; Black Creek;
Another Frontier Episode
Lula Blair Ellis, Eagle Pass, Texas. Account of a very interesting period of Medina county history, the facts are authentic. Refers to an interesting round-up of law-breakers – the fence-cutters, and the final ride bring them to justice at Castroville in 1884. The raid was a surprise, and the arrests were almost a hundred per cent. The cutters were rounded up in small groups and gathered to a center, until the entire territory had been covered. Then the march to the county seat began. The old highway from Hondo to Castroville was the route of this strange procession. Every cutter was mounted and his horse's bridle was tied to the tail of the horse ahead of him. Thus a string of twenty-five single-filed riders, every horse tailed to the horse ahead, with guardsmen to the front, the right, the left, and the rear, made a slow approach to Castroville. The hill overlooking the town was reached just as the glow of sunset radiated over the beautiful valley in, which the antique village nestled, and spending the night in jail looked big in the minds of the cutters who saw it as they topped the hill.
Further Mentions: John Nixon; Redus; McAlister's; Davis;
Early History of Camp San Saba
Camp San Saba was the largest town and principal settlement in McCulloch county until after the organization of the county and establishment of Brady as the county seat in 1876 The road leading from Fort Mason is said to have been established in 1850 by direction of Col. Harvey of the Second U. S. Dragoons, and Camp Colorado, on Jim Ned Creek about nine miles east of where Coleman, Texas, now stands, which was established by Major Van Dorn of the Second Cavalry in 1856 crossed the San Saba river at a point known as the Hardee of Camp Colorado Crossing. The name Hardee was evidently after William Joseph Hardee, an officer who served with distinction in the Mexican War and who entered the Confederate Army in the Civil War, with the rank of colonel and was promoted to lieutenant-general. He was at one time commandant of West Point Military Academy and was also author of Hardee's Tactics, the standard military tactics manual during the Civil War period.
It was at or near this spot that John 0. Von Meusebach, the founder of Fredericksburg and commissionergeneral of the "Adelsverein," met with a large band of Comanche warriors and their chiefs in the early part of 1847. After being in council with them for several days he arranged for another meeting at the next full moon at which time he again met with them at a point evidently several miles below, and made a treaty allowing the Germans to survey and explore the whole San Saba country. The territory was surveyed in 1847 under the supervision of John J, Giddings. This land is part of the Fisher and Miller grant by President Sam Houston to them in 1843; they ceded or sold their rights to the "Adelseverin," or German Immigration Company.
In the early part of the Civil War companies of state troops known variously as "rangers," mounted volunteers, etc., were organized all over the state. The ones in this particular part of the state were a part of Col. J. E. McCord's regiment. One or more of these companies had a camp on the San Saba River about a mile or a mile and a half south and east of the Hardee crossing above referred to, near another crossing known as the "Flat Rock" crossing. They were quartered in log cabins and a few tents. It was from this camp of rangers that the town of Camp San Saba took its name. It is said that the first soldiers to oecupy the camp were members of Capt. McMillan's company of San Saba and among the members of that company is said to have been W. W. Brooks, Mart Bolt, "Doe" Hansford, the company physician, W. L. Hays, Tom Fry, Dick Nelson, Tom Forker and others… This great article is excellent geneaology and history of the area.
Further Mentions: Capt. W. G. O'Brien; Capt. McMillan; Colonel .J. E. McCord; Captain ; J. M. Wood, lst Lt.; T. P. C. Hambin,, 2nd Lt.; R. H. Flippen, 2nd, Jr. Lt.; G. B. Cooke. 1st Sergeant ; J. R. Phillips, 2nd Sergeant ; N. Lawyer, 3rd Sergeant ; C. G. Wood, 4th Sergeant;. C. Y. Vanderveer. 5th Sergeant ; J. A. Taylor, First Corporal; G. R. Chapman, Second Corporal ; J. Tanner, Third Corporal ; W. T. Shugart, Fourth Corporal; Jasper Bradford, First Bugler; John J. Altman, Second Bugler ; and R. Caviness, Farrier. Capt. O'Brein's Company, Enlisted men: Altman, Matt, Altman, Josiah, Barker, M. W., Binion, R. G., Boone. R. J., Begole, A. W., Bradford, John, Brantley, W. W., Caveness, S., Caveness, Wm., Crosby, J., Coots, M. J., Clock, J., Coleman, H., Chaplain, J Clucky, J., Deats, F., Davis, B. W. G. O'Brien, Emmit, L. L., Farrar, H. G:, Farquhar, D. L'., Farquhar, T., Gammenthater, G. A, Gardner, E. M., Gambol, G., Gibson, B. M., Hardin, R. W., Hardin, G. W., Howard, G., Hanna, Joe, Hanna, Jack, Hinton, W. D., Hunthall, E. S.. Hambrick, B. M., Manbrick, T. F., Hubbert, A. J., Hall, J. A., Haynes, C. B., Jackson, J. W., Kelley, T., Lowe, J. B., Lindsey, T. D., Lindsey, W. M., Linn, W. T., Lackey, J., Morriss, L. B., Modgling, E., Mulkey, L. A., Milne, Harvey, McFarland, F. M., Mabry, R. E., McDowel, J., New, W. H., Nobles, N.,. Nabers, A. W., Norris, J. 0., Nix, H., Olney, S., Pope, J. 0., Pankey, E. S., Phillips, J. W., Russell, H., Russell. John, Rambolt, L. W., Rambolt, N., Rambolt, J., Roberts, A. J., Reeves, S. J., Stayton, W. T., Smith, W. A. Shel. ley, T, H., Shelley, E., Snow, P. G., Shilling, C. C., Turner, T. A., Williams, A. J., Williams, Wm., Williams, J. D. Whitehead, James, Wood, C. P., Wood, Wm., Wood, J., Willis, S., Watson, J. S,. Rank, J. E., Ragsdale, R. A., Wilson, N. D.; James E. Rank; Geo. Gamel and the three Rambolts should be Rainbolts; These men were from the counties of McCulloch, Mason, San Saba, Llano, Burnet and possibly one or two from Blanco; Lieut. Decator Barton's Company and Capt. Dan Wills Company; James A. Williams; Hugh Allen; Katemey Creek, the old Fisher and Miller map published in 1855 has it Katemsey's Creek; Tecumseh Creek; The Vanderveer family settled about three miles east of Camp San Saba in 1862; Wm. R. Turner and his family moved to the Hugh Allen place on Feb. 12, 1861, according to a member of the family; W. F. Middleton, Henry Nix, W. A. Pope, a family named Hindslay, and possibly a few others lived in Camp San Saba during the Civil War. A number of families seem to have moved into the county about 1862, there was quite a settlement on Lost Creek a few miles east of Camp San Saba. These early settlers lived in log or picket houses, some with puncheon floors, and some with flag stone-floors. Wm. R. Turner mentioned above was the first to build a stone house. This residence was quite large. and, having several children, his home must have been the social center of the time; the fiddling of Van Buren and of Bob Flippen; "Shorty" Brown, Paddy Fields and Bob Caveness; Judge Woodall is said to have taught school in Camp San Saba at a very early day, as did a Miss Moss and Miss Allen; Camp meetings were held in the early days of Rev. Moorehead, Parson A. J. Potter, Rev. Stewart, Rev. Lyons and others. Probably the most noted of these is Rev. A. J. Potter, the story of whose life is running in the Frontier Times at this writing; A Masonic lodge was organized at or near Camp San Saba in 1864 thought to have been principally among the members of the "ranger" camp. This lodge later became McCulloch Lodge No. 273 A. F. & A. M., and was moved to Mason, Texas, and the Masonic Lodge at that place still retains the same name and number. The first known merchant establishment was that of Col. T. A. Burns, established in a picket building in 1866. A man named Sanders is said to have purchased the business from Col. Burns and at, or near the same time, a store was opened by a Mr. Ward of San Antonio, and is referred to as " Z Vanresaler Ward." The only stone store building was built by Charlie Smith and later sold to the Masonic Lodge. The lodge still uses the second story as a meeting place but the lower story has been vacant for a number of years. Just after the Civil War quite a number of people maved into the country up and down the river and started cattle ranches. Among these were the Staytons, Watsons, Cavins, Mrs. Eubanks, Popes, Presslars, and Gargers; Jim Hudson, who was killed in the Appleton pasture, about two miles west of a little south of, the Otte place; Smith and Ruff; "Flat Rock" crossing; several artesian wells, the Lowry Bluffs, the old Turner home, Masonic Hall and the old burial oak in the Brooks field, where the "ranger", camp was located.
Brief account of the thesis that John Hanson was the first President of the United States. John Hanson was "President of the United States in Congress Assembled," but he was not President of the United States. "The "president of the United States in Congress Assembled," under the old Articles of Confederation, had no executive powers worth mentioning. He, was president of the Congress and not of the Nation. Mentions Thomas McKean, Samuel Huntington, Samuel Johnston, Doctor Burnett.
Brief account of Josiah Wilbarger, Texas patroit who was scalped by the Indians in 1833 and lived 11 years afterwards, who recalled a remarkable dream that came to Mrs. 'Sarah Morrison Hornsby, a pioneer, that enabled rescuers to find Wilbarger and save his life after he had been set on by the red skins. Mrs. J. L. Mims of Fort Worth related the dream that came to her great grandmother, Mrs. Hornsby, in connection with the incident.
After Wilbarger had been scalped and wounded by the Indians at a point near Austin, where he and other newly arrived homeseekers out to see the country had stopped to eat lunch, Mrs. Hornsby in a dream saw Wilbarger alive beneath a tree so vividly that after she dreamed it for the third time she awoke and sent her husband and sons to his rescue. After the Indian attacked and scalped him, leaving him for dead, Wilbarger had managed to drag himself to a pool of water. It was there that Wilbarger was found after Mrs. Hornsby's dreams had directed searchers to that spot. Mrs. 'Mims said that Mrs. Hornsby nursed Wilbarger for four months and after he had recovered sufficiently he was pulled on a sleigh to his home at Bastrop. She said a sleigh was used because the jar from a horse or wagon was too painful to him. Eleven years later Wilbarger died from effects of a hurt on his head that became infected. He had worn a silver plate on his head.
Andrew Jackson Potter, the Fighting Parson
(Continued from Last Month.) The following intensely interesting story of the well known Methodist circuit rider, who was born in Charito county, Missouri, April 3, 1830. He was the son of Joshua and Martha Potter, natives of Kentucky. In early years, wild, rebellious, routy and untamed, he eventually became a fierce Indian fighter, soldier, teamster, frontiersman, and preacher, whose fame and courageous reputation preceded him and whose respect was legendary. The story recites many of his thrilling experiences while in New Mexico, Arizona and Texas in those stirring days when the Indian and the desperado made life unsafe. This is the third account of several installments in Frontier Times.
Further Mentions: THE GREAT drouth of 1859; Mr. Miller of Lockhart; Mr. Jesse Jennings; the Rev. Mr. Mabry, of the Methodist Protestant Church; Captain Stoke Homes' Company, Wood's regiment, Thirty-second Texas Cavalry; The company was organized at Prairie Lee in February, 1862; Dr. P. C. Woods of San Marcos; Dr. Ship; Mr. Bonnell; Marion Rails; Doe Persons; Col Wood's regiment; J. H. Cummings; Preston Phillips, W. R. D. Stockton, Columbus Sawyers; Rev. Mr. Powell, Missionary Baptist, and Rev. James Baker, Primitive Baptist; King's Ranch; Brownsville; Col. Duff's regiment; Gen. Bee; Colonel J. J. Myers, commanding DeBray's regiment, twenty-sixth Texas Cavalry; Mr. Lee Rogan; Yellow Bayou, near Simmsport; the town of Crockett; two regiments, Woods' and Debray's; Longcoat's establishment; Hon. L. J. Story, afterwards Lieutenant-Governor of Texas; Mrs. Dorcas Gwinn; (Continued Next Month)
Escaped the Fannin Massacre
THE MASSACRE of Colonel J. W. Fannin and his men at Goliad, March 27, 1836, by Mexican troops under General Urrea, was by order of Santa Anna. This articles records the account of this massacre and the escape of the remnant given by two perspectives: Yoakum's History of Texas, and one written by Dillard Cooper, which appeared in the "American Sketch Book, in 1881 under the title, "Dillard Cooper's Remembrances of the Fannin Massacre:"
These are fascinating and heart-wrenching accounts. An excerpt: "FortLaBahia southeast of us, and the point we were making for, was about where Goliad now stands. We proceeded in a circuitous route in a northeasterly direction. We approached within a short distance of the fort, and could not at first account for the numerous fires we saw blazing. We were not long in doubt, for the sickening smell that was borne towards us by the south wind, informed us too well that they were burning the bodies of our companions. And, here I will state what Mrs. Cash, who was kept a prisoner, stated afterwards; that some of our men were thrown into the flames and burned alive. We passed the fort safely, and reached a spring, where we rested from our journey and from whence we proceeded on our travels. But the night was foggy, and becoming bewildered, it was not long before we found ourselves et the spring from which we started. We again started out, and again found ourselves at the same place; but we had too much at stake to sink into despondency. So once more took our wounded comrade, thinking we could not miss the right direction this time; but at last when day began to break, to our great consternation, we found we had been: traveling around the same spot, and were for the third time back at the identical spring from which we had set forth. It- was now impossible to proceed further that day, as we dared not to travel during the day, knowing we should be discovered by the Mexicans. We therefore concealed ourselves by the side of a slight elevation, amidst a thick undergrowth of bushes."
Massacre of the Peddlers
A J. Sowell. This story features VERY early (1830’s) history of area around Gonzales on the Guadalpue river, Seguin. This is a very sad account of the slaughter of the French merchant, Greser and 10 others in his party, at the hands of bloodthirsty Comanches. Greser had camped the night at the ranch of John Castleman, west of Gonzales when the raid occurred. Account further describes pursuit that followed and mentions Captain Matthew Caldwell, James C. Darst, Dan McCoy, Ezekiel Williams, B D McClure, John Davis, Tom Malone, White, Jesse McCoy, Wash Cottle, Almarion Dickinson who was later killed at the Alamo, Dr. James Miller, A J Sowell Sr. and John. Captain. A. J. Sowell, DeWitt's colony at Gonzales, Old San Antonio Road, Darst creek; Mill Creek; the York creek divide.
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