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Vol 10 No. 03 - December 1932
Aunt Nellie Smith, Slave Mammy
By Marjorie Rogers, Marlin, Texas
"Aunt" Nellie Wardlaw Smith, was born on the Lewis Wardlaw plantation. She fell in love with a slave living on an adjoining plantation but because her master wouldn't sell her and the man wouldn't sell her sweetheart, they couldn't marry, and so she came with fifteen other slaves to Falls county in 1857 about five miles from the Brazos near Reagan, Texas. This is a great story about a woman of character.
A few excerpts:"We did not know what a cook stove was in them days : I never saw one until I was a middle aged woman. We cooked on large fireplaces; some of them was large enough to use eight foot sticks of wood. There were iron cranes at each end of the fireplace' these could be turned in and out. We hung the pots on them and swung them back over the fire. You could not go off and leave your dinner for fear- a pot might turn over and spill your grub. You had to be skillful to manage them pots. We baked pretty, yellow poundcakes in the ovens what set on legs over the fire. Taters baked in the ashes was hard to beat;' the sugar just naturally oozed outer dem. Saleratus was used in those days to make bread rise, Aunt Nellie said. It turned the bread yellow but it tasted good. Soda was the cook's delight.
"Old Massa had a big smokehouse near the outside cookroom where he kept hams, shoulders, sidemeat, barrels of lard, sausage and other things. He gave his slaves provisions enough at the time to run them a week. They had plenty of 'lasses, cornmeal, taters and bacon. We had plenty of milk and butter.
"Ole Massa was getting ready to go enlist in the Confederate Army along in '63, when he died. We did not have any trouble during the war. One day John Wardlaw called us all up to the house and told us we was all just like him; we were free, and we could stay with him, and he would pay us. We was lost like a chicken from his mammy. We stayed on with the Wardlaw family for a while and then we moved on Mr. Churchill Jones' plantation."
Voting In Texas Elections
By Evangeline Chatmas, Marlin, Texas
Elections in Texas were not always held in a nice, dignified and orderly, manner; and the system in effect today is one that has grown out of years of experimenting that began with a system quite different from the modern one.
In the days when Texas was a part of the Mexican province of Texas and Coahuila, elections were different indeed. The voter had his choice of voting by voice or by writing. If he chose to make it by writing, the election secretary read the ballot to him in a very loud voice. The voter then wrote down his choice and the clerk entered the vote in a register in the presence of the voter and of any one else who might be interested. Vocal votes were popular, because many of the voters were not able to read and write.
Frontiersmen, visitors, cowhands, farmers-all could vote without restriction for whom they pleased. Those were the days when voters were really free. No poll tax and no registry of qualified voters! This is the story of some very interesting frontier-style elections indeed!
Further Mentions: the election of 1838 in which Mosely Baker defeated Colonel Lynch * For two weeks before the election, saloons in that congressional district were kept open to all consumers, and drinks were supplied free at the expense of Baker * A mob turned out for the election The election window was besieged The crowd started shoving, pushing, and then fighting. The sheriff arrived to restore order, but succeeded only in getting knocked to the ground and trampled upon. After the election was over, it was found that…* Much discussion was carried on as to who could and could not vote, especially in regard to the negro * At one time even woman suffrage was recommended, but this recommmendation was considered an insult to the sex by the implication alone that the women were so unwomanly as to want it. *
The following remarkable story was written by a correspondent at Sandy Point, Barzoria county, Texas. It appeared in the Burnet {Texas) Bulletin many years ago. It is believed to be true, and was substantiated by numerous old citizens of Texas who recall the incident. It is a fact that such a strange creature was captured on the Brazos at the time, but finally died in captivity. If you are an animal rights activist, here is something for you to howl about.
Letter from Colonel C. C. Smith, U. S. A. Retired wherein he mentions: Col. Crimmins article on General Chaffee and provides yet fuller details on the great soldier whose story was published in the October, 1932 volume. He Further Mentions: I knew the General and later as an officer, served under him, always with great admiration * Sergt. Z. T. Woodall * First Sergeant of Troop "K", 6th Cavalry * the fight at the Washita river * Remington's picture `Caught in the Circle.' * the Sioux campaign in South Daktoa in the winter of 1890-'91 * the Geronimo campaigns from 1881 to 1886 * the Germaine sisters (the two younger ones, Addie and Julia) * Mrs. Juanita Williams-Foote, daughter of the late Major General Frank D. Baldwin, (rescuer of the two girls) * Leopold Holman, who was in Company "D," 5th Infantry, *
In February, 1839, five men who had been named commissioners by President Mirabeau B. Lamar, to select the site for the Capitol of Texas, halted on the banks of the Colorado river and looking out on the level space beyond which were violet crowned hills said, "Behold the Capitol of Texas."
For $21,000 these men purchased the rights of 7,735 acres of land from H. C. Horton, J. W. Burton, William Minifee, Isaac Campbell and Louis P. Cooke. In their report to President Lamar the commissioners explained their reasons for choosing the site for the capitol, and the report read in part as follows…Mentions: the upper San Antonio road* Judge Edwin Waller * the H. & T. C. tracks from Houston * In the election Austin received 7,640 votes, Palestine 1,854, Tehuacana 1,143. In 1872, the vote for the permanent seat of government resulted in Austin receiving 62,297; Houston 35,148; Waco 12,176; Bryan 10 *
First College In Texas Began 1840
This is an excellent account of Texas’ first college, Rutersville College, located seven miles from LaGrange, the county seat of Fayette county, Chauncey Richardson, the first president of the college. The college opened its doors in 1840, almost a half a century before the University of Texas was established. During the first year, 63 students were enrolled in the college and the attendance increased to 100 in the second year. This story offer the details.
Further Mentions: Mrs. Rebecca J. Fisher of Austin was the last person living who attended Rutersville College * for a quarter of a century president of the Daughters of the Republic of Texas, Mrs Fisher attended Rutersville college from 1845 to 1848 * Caesar's Commentaries, Cicero's Select Orations' the Georgics, Virgil's Aenid, Jacob's Greek reader, and St. John's Gospel in Greek, as well as Davies' Arithmetic, Algebra, and Ancient and Modern Geography. * the Methodist Episcopal Church * 'Dr. Martin Ruter, Dr. Littleton Fowler, and Dr. Robert Alexander * Robert Alexander, D. D.; A. P. Manly, M. D.; Robert Chappell, Franklin Lewis, and John Rabb * Thomas Bell * Alfred Alway, Sarah Alway, Rutersville ; L. Blair, Rutersville ; Duncan Murchison, Hon. John Murchison, Fayette- Co., Joseph Mendes, Rutersville; Francis Ayres, Theodore Ayres * The first trustees of the college were: President, Chauncey Richardson; treasurer, John Rabb, Hon. Andrew Rabb, John H. King, James S. Lester, Wagner S. Smith, Jonas Randall, Joseph Nail, Dr. A. P. Manly, Dr. W. P. Smith, and. Thomas D. Fisher. * The honorary trustees were: Hon. James Webb, Francis Moore, R. Alexander, William Menefee, G. W. Barnett, and R. B. Jarmon. * The first college faculty in Texas was composed of the following members : President, Chauncey Richardson, A. M. tutor, Chas. W. Thomas, A. B.; Preseptress, Martha G. Rich ardson, David Ayres, Center Hill ; Lionel Brown, Samuel Brown, Washington Co.; J. P. Bowles, Henry S. Bowles, E. Bowles, James H. Dennis, William Evans, Hon. Musgrove Evans, Rufus Fisher, Rutersville ; Monroe Hill, Asa Hill, John C. Hill, Asa C. Hill, Thomas D. Fisher, Rutersville; Constance Killough, Mr. Killough, Rutersville ; James Matson, Richard Matson, Captain Fuller, Washington Co.; James L. Morrow, John C. C. Moore, Edwin L. Moore, Rutersville ; James J. Norton, Dr. A. P. Manly, Rutersville; William A. W. Nail, Lewis M. Nail, P. M. Nail, Quincy S. Nail, Clark B. Nail, Joseph Nail, Rutersville ; Z. P. M. Rabb, George W. Rabb, John W. Rabb, John Rabb, Rutersville ; Chas. Randall, Jonas Randall, Rutersville ; Enoch B. Simmons, Daniel Barrett, Jordan Sweeney, " Mr. Sweeney, Matagorda Co.; James A. G. Smith, Dr. William P. Smith, Rutersville ; George C. Tennell, J. N. MeD. Thompson, Alexander Thompson, Milam Co. In the female department, the enrollment was as follows: Martha Ann Alway, Celia Alway, Sarah Alwayy, Rutersvile; Martha Davis, Rev. Davis, Rutersville ; Mary A. Edwards, Dr. M. Barier, Rutersville; Isabella H. Fisher, Thomas D. Fisher, Rutersville ; Col Lee Grey, Rutersville ; Amanda Jarmon, Col. R. B. Jarmon, Fayette Co.; Indiana Grey, Angelina H. Gilbert, Abram Gilbert, Mary H. Hall, E. K. Hall, Columbia ; Sarah A. Hill, Mary A. R. Hill, Martha A. E. Hill, Asa Hill, Rutersville; Jane H. Kerr, William Kerr, Washington Co.; Mary J. A. Kerr, George Kerr, Rutersville ; Eliza Moore, Lovick L. Moore, Washington Co.; A. M. F. Moore, Edwin L. Moore, Rutersville ; Melissa C. Rabb, Rutersville ; Martha Reagan, Mr. Reagan, Rutersville; Susan 'C. Thompson, Alexander Thompson, Clarissa M. Tennell, Ann Tennell, George Tennell, Rutersville; Mary Jane Hayden, Rutersville ; N. Caroline T. King, John A. King, Rutersville, Elvira Nail, Joseph Nail, Rutersville ; Ann Sophia Richardson, Rev. C. Richardson, Rutersville ; S. A. Hill, L. Elizabeth Hill, Rutersville; Mary A. Simmons, Daniel Barnett, Austin Co. * the Texas Military Institute * Col. G. C. Forsbey * Col. Timmons and Major William Thornton * The Hon. Ashbel Smith *
Ex-Ranger, Who Helped Clean Out Texas Outlaws
With little fighting, army life became irksome to Frank Dalton, ex-ranger, so in the spring of 1877 he quit and joined the Texas Rangers in hope there would be more action. He found what he was looking for. After the battle of the Little Big Horn, where the gallant Custer and four companies of the Seventh Cavalry were killed, the Sioux Indians got scared and crossed over into Canada. That about ended the fight along the northern border, therefore his regiment was ordered to Texas to assist in subduing the Comanches and Apaches who had become pretty bad west of the Pecos River. His regiment was scattered among the posts of Western Texas. with regimental headquarters at Ft. Concho, just across the Concho River from San Angelo. He recounts, in writing of the last battles with outlaws in the Big Bend Country.
Further Mentions: Alpine Avalanche * Fort Sill, in the Indian Territory * Most of these crooks and outlaws from ether states picked out Brewster county as a base for their nefarious operations * ranger company was stationed at Fort Davis * a big pock-marked Mexican by the name of Martinas Labro * Frank Denson
Explorers Win Battle With Death
This account tells the terrifying and descriptive story of how Col. Martin L. Crimmins, curator of anthropology of the Witte museum, and Lieut. Com. Clause S. Young, fought a 30-minute battle with death and won. They were members of the CrimminsYoung expedition to explore and photograph the Patricia and Long canyons of the Rio Grande. The two, without food for 30 hours, spent a lonely night on a sandbar, huddled over a tiny fire, and finally reached Langtry, and thence came into San Antonio where news of their experience first came to light. The experience they related was that their boat capsized at the head of one of the dangerous rapids in the Long Canyon gorges of the Rio Grande, caught in the whirlpools of the swollen stream and sucked to the depths of the muddy torrent, This true account is very gripping.
This is the brief account of William L. "Lod" Calohan, six foot two and bowlegged from years in the saddle, a man who committed more than 15,000 brands to memory to outwit cattle rustlers. Cattle thefts virtually ceased and in his last years as a brand inspector.
Further Mentions: the Livestock Exchange in Kansas City * the Texas and Southwestern Cattle Raisers' Association *
Little Known About Capt. Sterling
"Who was Captain Sterling for whom Sterling County was named?
Sterling County was named in honor of Captain Sterling, an old Indian fighter and buffalo hunter, but little is known about him. The act of May 1891, creating this county recites that it was named for Captain Sterling, an old buffalo hunter, and Indian fighter, but forty-one years of inquiry fails to reveal who he was, where he lived, or what became of him.
Further Mentions: W. F. Kellis of the Sterling City News-Record * The ruins of an old ranch settlement a little ways above the mouth of Sterling Creek was pointed out to the writer 40 years ago by W. N. Miler, the first Sheriff of Sterling county, as being the place where Captain Sterling had his ran * Col. Baker, the representative from San Angelo * S. M. Carter and his crew of surveyors * the Southern Pacific Railroad lands * Tower Hill, five miles south of Sterling City * Lacy Creek * Coffee Creek * this creek was named by the early settlers in honor of some of the Coffee family who settled near the mouth of the Concho in the early 50's * Kiowa Creek was formerly known as Bat Creek *
Disastrous Battle With Indians In Kerr County
A. J. Sowell. Actually, this account describes three notable and bloody Indian fights that were endured by certain Kerr County settlers, notably the bungled attempt by settlers, William Kelso, Spence Goss, Jack Herridge, Tom Wherry, Dan Murff, Tom McAdams, and Newt Price, who had they been more cautious, the terrible disaster which followed might have been averted. Secondly there is the very sad account of the fight which occurred in 1859, five miles above Kerrville, involving a settler named Roland Nichols. Finally there is the story of Mr. Samuel Lane who lived two miles above Comfort, on the Guadalupe river. In the fall of 1860, he started on horseback up the river to visit a man named John Conner, who lived where Center Point is now, above the mill on the north side of the river. The bloody fight that followed is included in this excellent but sad and terrifying account of what the early Kerr Co. settlers had to endure in their fight for frontier life.
Further Mentions: the Guadalupe river valley * Joshua D. Brown. Mr. Brown was the founder of Kerrville, which was named after James Kerr, relative of the Browns. * Mr. Daniel Adolphus Reese * Dimmitt county * Bandera * an Indian fight on the head of the Pedernales river * Alonzo Reese * Judge Stribbling * Judge Starkey, Foster Cocke, DeWitt Burney * Hondo Canyon * Sabinal Canyon *
Frontier Experiences Of Julius Kott
By Esther Mueller.
The fields of Gillespie county, cultivated by modern machinery, and the stock farms, where thoroughbred livestock of all kinds are found, differ vastly from the unfenced wilderness in which German immigrants settled. It was on a 320 acre grant of land on Bear Creek about 16 miles from Fredericksburg, 7 miles from the nearest neighbor, that Ernst Kott, the father of Julius Kott settled with his family. The land then, was infested by wild animals, and still occasionally visited by Comanches and Delawares, who used it for their hunting grounds. During the 78 years he spent in Gillespie county he had, as part of his everyday life, many interesting experiences. He recalls them vividly and with remarkable accuracy in this excellent account. Here is some very fine early Gillespie Co. history, especially of the German settlement there, and of the area around Comfort, TX.
Further Mentions: the family for, a short while lived at the place on the Pedernales, where Dr. William Keidel had settled. Dr. Keidel had been the one to lead the settlement of farms at Pedernales, promising all of those who would go with him to settle there, that he would treat their ailments without charge. Later Dr. Keidel was married to one of the daughters of Ernst. Kott. * the Emil Wahrmund home at Bear Creek not far from where the Pedernales school * Fourth of July dance at Fredericksburg * Hedwig Schmidt * Mr. Kott's sister, Alma, now Mrs. Otto Schmidt * school in Fredericksburg, the q directions.
Interesting Narrative Of Capt. W. L. Rudd, Ex-Ranger
By Mrs, G. C. Mayfield.
[Note: This article under a different title appeared in the September, 1923 issue]
Capt. W. L. Rudd "Colorado Chico, & Little Red", they called him back in those wild days in pioneer Texas, venerable and honored citizen of Yorktown, traditional German stronghold of DeWitt county, Texas, was born at Everingham, Yorkshire, England, Aug. 10, 1845. He came to America in 1872, first touching Texas soil at Galveston. He lived an incredibly eventful life in this area serving as a Rnger and engaging in many notable Indian fights. This is his dramatic story.
Further Mentions: Jack Hays * Capt. John Hemphill * Ranger Capt. Sul Ross * Pete Nocono * Cynthia Ann Parker * Tamaulipas * the famous "Cortina War" * Gustave Scheicher, then congressman from Texas * Cuero * John Wesley Hardin * Maj. Jones of Civil War fame * Col. George W. Taylor, Capts. C. W. Arrington, Frank Jons, D. W. Roberts, Neal Caldwell of Kerr county and John R. Hughes. * Capt. L. H. McNelly * the McNelly plantation in Washington county * the bloody Sutton and Taylor feud. * Clinton * the old Indianola-to-San Antonio freight road * the home of Capt. Joe Tumlinson * of "Bo" (Bolivar Jackson) Pridgen, a State senator of Thomason, Victoria county * Robert Kleberg, Texas congressman * Palo Alto Prairie * N. A. Jennings * the Los Cuevos rancho * a Scotch adventurer, Dr. Headley * King Fisher, notorious "chieftian of bad men," who lived on the Pendencia Creek, near the Nueces river in Dimmit county. * Sergeant Armstrong * a big battle at Lake Espinosa * one Pancho Ruiz, a desperado wanted at Corpus Christi * Yorktown the pioneer German settlement * old Shiloh * the bloody "Brazell killings," * the character of Ortheris * Capt. Lee Hall * Oglesby and * McKinney * the Frontier Battalion * Company F * Jess McCoy * Fort Ewell on the Nueces * W. T., or "Brack" Morris, a brave and valiant officer * "Bud" Wright * Capt. Will Wright * The Harper girls, Evelyn and Dixie * Mary Hunter * From 1886 to 1888 Rudd was sheriff of Karnes county. * Mrs. Rex Person *
Jack Slade Couldn't Hold His "Liker"
Account of Joseph A. Slade, variously known as "Jack" Slade and "Cap" Slade, hard character of the Old West, who has become a legendary figure, due to his ability to guide stage coaches through Indian-infested regions of the Frontier without harm from bandits or Indians. It was his "bad" reputation that made him a good man for this job. The hardy teamsters who drove the Overland stage coaches were not, by any stretch of imagination, wimps. They were, to put it bluntly, tough men and wild, and it took a strong man and a rough one to be their boss. Whatever else may have been said of Slade, he got his coaches through despite Indians, highway men or drivers, and his name was a terror across Colorado and the West.
Further Mentions: the Overland Stage line * Virginia Dale * a young fellow named Sam Clemens * Washoe * Virginia Dale * Maria Virginia Slade * Fort Collins * Tie Siding Wyo * Thomas B. Bishop * the old Mormon trail * Carlyle, Ill., * Alder Gulch * Ft. Benton. * Sheriff Henry Plummer and his gang of outlaws * Bannock *
Scouting With Goodnight
J. Evetts Haley.
Charles Goodnight was born in Macoupin County, in 1836; when he was nine years old, his family moved to what is now Lamar County, Texas. In 1867 he entered the cattle business in the Cross Timbers country. He was one of the scouts at the recapture of Cynthia Ann Parker, on the Pease River, by Sul Ross; during the Civil War he was a scout for Captain J. J. Cureton's company of the Frontier Regiment of Texas Rangers. After the War he and Oliver Loving opened into New Mexico and Colorado the trail which came to bear both their names. In 1867 he established a ranch on the Apishapa River in Colorado and later moved to that territory. He returned to Texas in 1876, and became the first ranchman in the Panhandle; here he built up the JA Ranch, comprising at one time almost a million acres of land and grazing a hundred thousand head of cattle. He is generally recognized as the most representative of American cowmen. It was he who saved the buffalo of the Southern Plains from extinction; it was his idea also to cross them with domestic cattle to produce a new breed of stock, the cattalo. In 1927 he moved from the Goodnight Ranch, which he founded in 1887 to Clarendon. He died two years later in Arizona, where he had gone because of failing health. Goodnight loved the soil of the earth and the creatures that it nourished. He hated hypocrites, liars and cow-thieves with a wholesome hatred. Until the day of his death, December 12, 1929, he remained fiery, alert, and energetic. This is the story of his intense love of scouting as well as his methods and techniques.
Further Mentions: J. Frank Dobie * upon a remarkable undated letter from Colonel Goodnight to Mrs. C. A. Brown * Upper Cross Timbers * the Staked Plains * Llano Estacados * Captain J. J. Cureton * Fort Belknap * the Palo Duro * Quitaque * Los Lenguas, and Casas Amarillas, and the Double Mountain Fork * Tejanos * the JA Ranch * The Vernon country * Lieutenant Woolfork * Dr. J. P. Vollintine, the one-armed surgeon for Cureton's company * Mark Dalton * Dick Jowell and Tom Pollard * Weatherford * Simpson Crawford, neighbor to Goodnight on the Keechi and a member of the "home guards," or militia *
Meat was the principal fare. There was little flour or meal, and no pan to cook bread in, except occasionally a frying-pan. When parties had bread at all they usually baked it over the coals on sticks; a forked stick was the skillet. They always tried to keep a little flour on hand to thicken soup, and used flour for this more than anything else. Prairie dogs, being very fat, made good soup, but this was not very satisfying: after a meal of it one became hungry again in two or three hours. Rangers would boil a prairie dog or two, the more dogs in the kettle the better, and with a little flour make quite a pot of soup. A command could be carried farther with a little flour-soup and meat than with anything else.
Editor's Page Mentions: Captain C. M. Grady * Captain Maltby, a Burnet county man * Captain A. G. Mills, of Houston * C. Stanley Banks of San Antonio * Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Weibling and daughters, Misses Josephine and Bessie May Weibling, Miss A. Junck, and Mr. and Mrs. Mose W. Hays, of San Antonio * Mr. Charles L. Fagan * Mr. A. S. Hooe * Burk Yates and Myra Yarborough, whose fathers were cowmen who fought and worked together to create the cattle empire that was typified by the Y brand * Eugene Cunningham
Some names mentioned in this issue:
Dana Abbey; R. Alexander; Dr Robert Alexander; Miss Isabel Allardyce; J. Taylor Allen; Alfred Alway; Celia Alway; Martha Ann Alway; Sarah Alway; Sgt; Armstrong; Capt C. W. Arrington; David Ayres; Francis Ayres; Theodore Ayres; Col Baker; Mosely Baker; Gen Frank D. Baldwin; C. Stanley Banks; W. R. Banks; Dr M. Barier; Daniel Barnett; G. W. Barnett; Daniel Barrett; Bass; Thomas Bell; Thomas B. Bishop; L. Blair; Annie Webb Blanton; E. Bowles; Henry S. Bowles; J. P. Bowles; Mrs C. A.. Brown; Joshua D. Brown; Lionel Brown; Samuel Brown; DeWitt Burney; J. W. Burton; Capt Neal Caldwell; William L. "Lod" Calohan; Isaac Campbell; S. M. Carter; E. G. Cattermore; Allen Chaffee; Gen Chaffee; Robert Chappell; Evangeline Chatmas; Amasa Sr Clark; Sam Clemens; Foster Cocke; Ruth Miss Coit; John Conner; Louis P. Cooke; Gen Cortina; Col Crimmins; Crockett; Cunningham; Cureton; Capt Cureton; Capt J. J. Cureton; Frank Dalton; Mark Dalton; Martha Davis; James H. Dennis; Frank Denson; Dobie; Mary A. Edwards; Chris Emmett; Ethridge; Hon Musgrove Evans; William Evans; Charles L. Fagan; Isabella H. Fisher; Mrs Rebecca J. Fisher; Thomas D. Rufus; Juanita Foote; Col G. C. Forsbey; Dr Littleton Fowler; Capt Fuller; Addie Germaine; Julia Germaine; Abram Gilbert; Angelina H. Gilbert; Col Charles Goodnight; Charlie Goodnight; Col Chas Goodnight; Spence Goss; Capt C. M. Grady; Indiana Grey; Col Lee Grey; Zane Grey; Haley; E. K. Hall; Mary H. Hall; Hardin; Dixie Harper; Evelyn "Nina"; Mary Jane Hayden; Mose W Hays.; Dr Headley; Capt John Hemphill; Heinrich Herman; Jack Herridge; Herridge; W. N. Sheriff Hiler; Asa Hill; Asa C. Hill; John C. Hill; L. Elizabeth Hill; Martha A. E. Hill; Mary A. R. Hill; Monroe Hill; S. A. Hill; Sarah A. Hill; Leopold Holman; A. S. Hooe; H. C. Horton; Houston; John R. Hughes; Capt Hunter; Mary Hunter; Amanda Jarmon; R. B. Jarmon; Col R. B. Jarmon; George W. Jayroe; N. A. Jennings; Churchill Jones; Capt Frank Jons; Dick Jowell; A. Miss Junck; Henry Watt Karnes; Dr William Keidel; W. F. Kellis; William Kelso; George Kerr; James Kerr; Jane H. Kerr; Mary J. A Kerr.; William Kerr; Constance Killough; Mrs J. M. Kincaid; Caroline T. King; John A. King; John H. King; Robert Kleberg; Alma Kott; Ernst Kott; Herman Kott; Julius Kott; Richard Kott; Martinas Labro; Stuart N. Lake; Mirabeau B. Pres Lamar; Samuel Lane; Lemley; James S. Lester; Franklin Lewis; L. Marion Lockhart; Loving; Col Lynch; Maltby; A. P. Manly; Dr A. P. Manly; James Matson; Richard Matson; Mrs G. C. Mayfield; Tom McAdams; H. H. McConnell; Jess McCoy; John H. McGinnis; Capt McNelly; Joseph Mendes; William Menefee; Capt A. G. Mills; William Minifee; A. M. F. Moore; Edwin L. Moore; Eliza Moore; Francis Moore; John C. C. Moore; Lovick L. Moore; Sgt Morris; W. T. "Brack"; James L. Morrow; Esther Mueller; Duncan Murchison; John Hon Murchison; Dan Murff; Clark B. Nail; Elvira Nail; Joseph Nail; Lewis M. Nail; P. M. Nail; Quincy S. Nail; William A. W. Nail; Roland Nichols; Pete Nocono; James J. Norton; Capt Oglesby; Parker; Charlotte Person; Mrs Rex Person; Henry Sheriff Plummer; Tom Pollard; Newt Price; Bolivar Jackson "Bo" Pridgen; Hon Andrew Rabb; George W. Rabb; John Rabb; John W. Rabb; Melissa C. Rabb; Z. P. M. Rabb; Chas W. Ramsdel; Chas Randall; Jonas Randall; Martha Reagan; Adolph Reese; Alonzo Reese; Daniel Adolphus Reese; Jules Reni; Reni; Ann Sophia Richardson; Rev C. Richardson; Chauncey Richardson; Martha G. Richardson; Roberts; Rogers; Rose; Capt Sul Ross; Capt Rudd; Corp Rudd; Lt Rudd; W. L. Rudd; Capt Will L. Rudd; Pancho Ruiz; Dr Martin Ruter; Saunders; Gustave Scheicher; Hedwig Schmidt; Mrs Otto; Schon; Capt Joe Shelby; Joe Shelley; Enoch B. Simmons; Mary A. Simmons; Jack Slade; Joseph A. "Jack" "Cap" Slade; Maria Virginia Slade; Mrs Maria Virginia Slade; (Jack Slade) Slade of the Overland; Hon Ashbel Smith; George Smith; Gus Smith; Harriet Smith; James A. G. Smith; Nellie Smith; Nellie Wardlaw Smith; Dr W. P. Smith; Wagner S. Smith; Dr William P. Smith; Sowell; Judge Starkey; W. A. Stephenson; Capt Sterling; Judge Stribbling; Jordan Sweeney; Walden E. Sweet; John Tackett; Col George W. Taylor; Ann Tennell; Clarissa M. Tennell; George Tennell; George C. Tennell; Chas W. Thomas; Alexander Thompson; William Maj Thornton; Col Timmons; Capt Joe Tumlinson; A. M. Tutor; Twain; Twain; Dr Vollintine; Dr J. P. Vollintine; Emil Wahrmund; Edwin Judge Waller; Mrs Elizabeth Wardlaw; John Wardlaw; Lewis Wardlaw; S. D. Warner; R. S Watson; Hon James Webb; W. P. Webb; Bessie May Weibling; Josephine Weibling; R. L. Weibling; Tom Wherry; Mrs Juanita Williams-Foote; Z. T. Woodall; Lt Joe A. Woolfork; Dudley G. Wooten; Bud Wright; Capt Will Wright; Myra Yarborough; Burk Yates; Lt Com Clause S Young; Col Harry Young; Youmans
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