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Vol 10 No. 01 - October 1932

Captain Adna R. Chaffee In Texas (on cover)

By Colonel M. L. Crimmins. This story of a great soldier, recounts the time Chaffee served in Texas on the frontier, near the northern line of Shackelford county, three hundred and five miles north of San Antonio and about fifty miles north of Abilene. This post was soon to become the biggest buffalo trading station in the country, and in one year received as many as two hundred thousand buffalo hides; consequently, it was a place where there was a big exchange of money and where money was spent freely, with the result it brought out-laws, desperadoes, gamblers, bad liquor, and worse women to that place. Organized bands under a man named Lee matched the Indians in their atrocities. Captain Chaffee also saw service in the field in pursuit of the Quahada Comanches, who were raiding his territory. The Comanches had been ordered to Fort Sill Indian Territory, but this band under Quahada refused to go. They were joined by some mulattoes and Mexicans, and they lived on such game as they could kill and by stealing from the settlement. They selected a dry section for their camp, that would keep off all troops not accustomed to a campaign in an arid country.

Further Mentions: General Chaffee made an amazing record in the Civil War, the Cuban campaign, the Boxer War in China and elsewhere. * the steamship "Herman Livingston" * Captain William Price Saunders * troops F, I, and K of the Sixth Cavalry * George Saunders, the president of the Old Trail Drivers' Association, * Leo Getters' Ranch * Dead Man's Creek * the Clear Fork of the Brazos * Fort Phantom Hill * Privates John F. Butler * Charles Hoffman * James Regan of F Troop * S. D. SRURGIS * Canton, Van Zandt county * Sulphur Springs, Hopkins county * Chaffee's gerillas * Tyler, Smith county * Corsicana, Navarro county * Fort Richardson, at Jacksboro, Jack county Texas * Camp San Saba in McCullough county * The Adobe Walls' fight at a trading post on the Canadian River in the Panhandle again brought Capt. Chaffee to Texas * General Nelson Miles, * Colonel J. W. Davidson * Colonel Ranald S. MacKenzie * Fort Concho at San Angelo * William R. Price * Fort Sill * Sergeant Z. T. Woodhall, Co. "I" Privates Peter Rath, Co. "A," John Harrington, Co. "H," and George W. Smith Co. "M," 6th Cavalry, and Scouts Amos Chapman and William Dixon * McClellan Creek * Camp Supply, I. T. * Private Smith * Sergeant Woodhall * Private Harrington and Scout Chapman * Pvt. Rath * the two little Germaine girls were rescued from the Indians * McClellan Creek in Gray county, Texas * Lieutenant F. D. Baldwin, 5th Infantry * Adelaide. was five and Julia was seven * The troops were deeply moved by the story of horror told by the girls. They related the indescrible sufferings and atrocities imposed on them and their two elder sisters by the Indians * a hostile camp on the Staked Plains *

A 74-Year-Old Camp Meeting (Old Camp Cherokee)

By Mrs. Laurence Hamrick. Account of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South camp meeting ground on Cherokee Creek, San Saba county. The camp ground, covering several acres is located on the banks of Cherokee Creek, was given by Mrs. Matsler, widow of David Matsler, first permanent settler in San Saba county. Mrs. E. E. West and R. H. Walton later supplemented the gift with additional ground. Here is history of the place.

Further Mentions: Rev. A. B, Benningfield of Goldthwait * Revs. J. R. Ragsdale of San Saba, J. R. Smelser of Chappel and C. L. Sherman of Comfort * Mrs. Richard Kolb of the Colony community * Sterling A. Houston, who assisted in the organization of San Saba county, and who was a member of the Houston family in Tennessee from which Sam Houston came * The minister laid his gun aside or hung it on a nearby tree, so it would be convenient if the Indians appeared * Mrs. Kolb * Rev. Tunnell was the first circuit rider to hold a meeting there. * Revs. Carden, Mussett, Glass and Kelley. Rev. A. J. Lone, father of Mrs. J. D. Patterson of the Harmony community, was the first Protestant Methodist * Rev. Davis, who was also sheriff of San Saba county * John Hudson * Mr. G. H. Lonkey of Shiocton *

Some Incidents In The Life Of Captain Nelson Merrill

By Mrs. Starkey Duncan.

Captain Nelson Merrill, made history in Williamson county and in Travis there can be no doubt, but he left no written record of his adventures, nor his accomplishments in the agriculture and the commerce of the day. The pen may be mightier than the sword, but the gun and the plow, the axe and the whip saw, were Captain Merrill's tools with which he made the opening wedge into civilization. Captain Merrill made his home on Chandler Branch in what is now Palm Valley, two miles east of Round Rock. Kenney's Fort was only a mile away on Brushy Creek, and a few neighbors to the eastward were near enough to prevent complete isolation. For several years, however, it is said, that there was not a house between the Merrill's and the Rocky Mountains. Certainly, the Indians held undisputed sway to the west. Captain Merrill's activities were not confined to farming. He was a great hunter. He hunted Indians, he hunted bear, buffalo and deer, but especially was the chasing of mustangs, (wild horses) his soul's delight. He contrived to make the business profitable, as well as pleasant, for in one chase, with a little assistance, he captured twenty-five mustang colts, which he drove to the Colorado settlement and exchanged for cattle.

Further Mentions: An amazing two-mile long mustang catch pen three miles above where Georgetown is now on the old Bagdad road, which is Leander today* Captain Merrill came to be known as "Old Brushy," * A spring decided the location of a commodious log cabin, which he built; and to this day the community is known as Merrilltown, for its founder and first citizen. * at a settlement several miles away toward Hornsby's * Frank Brown * Merrill and Ziller." * Michael Ziller * Smithwick * Little River * the fine old Masonic school in old Round Rock * Round Rock * Mrs. J. M. Jester * the International and Great Northern railroad * Mrs. Bella French Swisher * Col. W. C. Dalrymple, Col. Frank W. Johnsan, Judge R. Sanson, Judge W. K. Makemson, Captain L. M. Mayes, J. A. Muir, Esq., and others of Williamson county * Martha Jane Pennington *

Heinrich Klaerner, A Minute Man

By Esther Mueller, Fredericksburg, Texas.

Account of Mr. Heinrich Klaerner, born at Live Oak, TX on July 27, 1855, He grew up in that community, where he and his brothers, as children, often found prowling Indians slipping between the trunks of pecan and oak trees. In 1873 he became a member of Captain Lacey's Company F. Minute Rangers, whose headquarters were at Spring Creek, Gillespie county. The life of the Ranger was not an easy one. He must be ready on a minute's notice to be gone for days carrying only his gun, his blanket and a few biscuits. There was always meat enough, wild turkey, deer and antelope, but this fare grew tiresome. He slept on his blanket on the ground. Mr. Klaerner recalled that often he picked grass to make a softer bed. In winter he awoke sometimes to find his blanket frozen stiff, so that he could set it up like a tent. Such was the common experience of this great pioneer and Hill country Indian fighter.

Further Mentions: Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kuenemann * Fort Concho * John. Menges * Captain Kelland * Captain Lacey * Squaw Creek * Adolph Fischer, who as a boy was captured by the Indians from his home on the Pedernales * the James River into Kimble county * a cedar thicket near Sonora * the Braeutigam place, which is near the Fredericksburg tourist park * General McKenzie * John Durst *


This communal effort was on the Llano River, between Mason and Llano, which in 1850 had only 32 residents. German students from the University of Heidelberg and from the University of Keisson, 40 of them, led by Gustav Schleicher, from whom Schleicher county was named, agreed to land 200 families in the Llano country for $12,000. This is the story.

Further Mentions: The students formed a communal colony, one mile below the town of Castell where Elm creek flows into the Llano. * the group had moved to farms around New Braunfels * The great period of German occupation of this section began in 1831 and ended in 1861 * "Society for the Protection of German Immigrants." * In 1847 there was another Communistic group of communities established on the Llano. The communities, which disappeared, were Leiningren, Schoenburg and Betina. * the Rev. P. V. Zizelmaa *


San Saba, February 28.-On the 24th instant quite a novel wedding occurred on our street. Mr. Wallace Willing and Miss May Baker were married sitting in a buggy, the bride groom armed with a winchester and the bride with a sixshooter and the official officers and Justice Thomas were surrounded with a large crowd looking like a funeral procession. Opposition on the part of the bride's father and relatives was the cause of the strange proceeding, but the loving couple were made happy...

Old Days In The Old Army

Lydia Spencer Lane (Continued from Last Month). Mrs. Lane faithfully followed her husband through the most desolate and dangerous regions of the Texas frontier, and kept a journal through the whole time. This is fascinating reading and includes details of the army movements, as well as the terrors, the terrain, and the depravations endured by those who served the cause of peace and freedom in Western Texas. You will rarely find reading that includes so much minute detail of pioneer and soldier life than in this excellent account. Mrs. Lane was a fine communicator.

Further Mentions: Fort Union * Fort Marcy * the beautiful, "Glorietta Canyon," * J. Cooper McKee and David L. Huntington * Mike, the Irishman * Senorita Elanco * Senorita Dulce * Colonel Charles Whiting * Kit Carson * Second Lieutenant Napoleon Smith * Ketchem & Cheatham * Lieutenant John W. Bubb and wife, just from Fort Fetterman * the "Avenue Hotel" in Austin * General and Mrs. Canby * the Menger Hotel San Antonio * Fort Mason, a small but pretty post * that good fellow "Jakey Gordon * "Horsehead Crossing" * the Limpia Canyon, or Wild Rose Pass, in the vicinity of Fort Davis * Fort Quitman * Fort Selden *

(Concluded Next Month.)

Texas' First Garden Club

By Marjorie Rogers, Marlin, Texas. The first Garden Club was organized, in Philadelphia in 1904. Garden clubs were organized all over the United States with the idea of studying the principals of landscape designing and the proper planting and cultivation of plants and trees. Bulletins and letters were exchanged among various clubs over the country. Ideas were exchanged. The work spread so rapidly that the National Garden Association was founded in 1923 with a slogan of "a garden club in every town, a federation of clubs in every state", a National Federation of Garden Clubs, and the promotion of National Observance of Garden Week.

The Texas State Federation of Garden Clubs was organized by Mrs. Gross R. Scruggs, Dallas, Honorary Life President of Texas Federation, in November, 1928. Seven or eight clubs met in Dallas to form the first federation of the kind in the Southwest, Texas being the sixteenth state to federate its Garden Clubs. The aim of the federation is to do co-operative work and make a mighty plea for the preservation of Texas native flowers and shrubs. The Texas Federation has a membership of over 1600 women who have as their slogan, "All Texas Highways Beautified by Centennial time, 1933."

Further Mentions: Mrs. B. J, Linthicum, Sr. of Marlin * the Lang Brazos Bottom plantation * Ida Pauleen Anders (Linthicum) * Mrs. Linthicum's father James, Hammet Anders * Captain Willis Lang * Miss Pauleen Yarborough * the H. & T. C. railroad * Falls county * Mary Sharp :College, Winchester, Tennessee * Ida Anders married Lysias B. Chilton * Mr. Chilton died November 7, 1892, leaving his. wife and six children: Hugh A., ,Ida P., Annie Louise, Lysias Brown, Horace Lee and Albert Hunter. *

In Packsaddle Mountain Fight

By Judge J. M. Deaver. This is the account of William Harvey Dever, Indian fighter and scout under Stephen F. Austin, who was engaged in many of the conflicts with the Indians in the early days of Texas. A nephew of his, Elijah Deaver Harrington, was horn in Blanco county the 5th day of April, 1885. In his young days he likewise engaged in many conflicts with the Indians and is now one of the few survivors of the Pack Saddle Mountain Indian fight, accounts of which have appeared in recent issues of this magazine. This is the story of that notable fight from the perspective of Elijah Deaver Harrington *.

Further Mentions: Nathaniel Dever, and Arrabella Gray Dever * Washington county, Texas * Moses Austin * Jim Moss' ranch * were J. R. Moss, Steven B. Moss, Robert. Brown, William B. Moss, Eli Loyd, Arch Martin and Pink Airs * John Dunkin *

History Of Montell


THE FIRST RECORD of the interest of the civilized world in this particular place dates back to the year 1715, at which time the old San Bruno Mission was founded by Catholic missionaries at the present site of Montell on the west bank of the Nueces river. This the oldest building in West Texas, was one of the chain of missions built from San Antonio to California, and, like all old missions, was built for the two-fold purpose of Christianizing the Indians and mining gold. In 1832 all the Franciscan monks were killed by the Indians. Since then the building has not been used, but at the present time, one of the old brick walls is visible west of the Montell post office and very near the highway.

Further Mentions: the San Bruno mission * De Montel of Castroville * the upper Nueces river in the Western District of Bexar * Charles D. Schiedemontell, later he changed his name to De Montell * In 1865 Steve Walker built a log house about one mile south of Montell This was the first house in the surrounding country to have glass windows * The first permanent settlers came at this time. John Tinley settled at the old Baylor place about 1865 * In 1866 the father of the late William Wells settled at the Wells ranch, now known as the McMains of White ranch * Judge Mabery * Miller Creek * Crown mountain at Camp Wood * Round mountain at Laguna * Dr. Donges home * The last Indian raid now known in Montell was in 1879 * Cedar creek * the McGowan place * Fort Clark * Palace cave was discovered by Willam Wells in 1876 * The first wedding in Montell, in 1833 * Miss Margaret Clark and Dr. Whitfield * The first person buried in the Montell cemetery was John W. Baylor of Corpus Christi, a Baptist missionary * Bishop Elliot of the Episcopal church * Mrs. O. D. Coleman * the Reverend Richard Galbraith. * Bishop James S. Johnston * Miss Frances Courtney Baylor * Tom Sutherland * Miss Elizabeth Margaret Clark * Miss Eva Whitfield * the old Patterson store * Mrs. A. G. Beecroft * The first store was built by Wallace and Keenan * A. G. Beecroft * J. J. Alsop * the old Mercer store * The first Montell school was taught by Mrs. H. W. Baylor * Miss Maggie Clark * the J. W. Bones place * Misses Mildred Mc. Knight, Fanny Ethridge, and J. E. V. Covy * Misses Flora Mae Walker and Margaret Coleman * Two Arnold brothers * J. W. McFatter ranch about five miles north of Montell * Pat Coleman and Crofton Hall * Camp Wood * Barksdale * Jack Patterson opened a store on a very small scale * John D. Sutherland * In 1907 the Baptists of Texas established an encampment about one mile north of Montell on Mrs. Tom Baylor's place * P. C. Witt * Dick Marlin, Ira Wells, Colie Humphries * Maxwell Whitfield * Ira Welsh, and George Baylor. * Jay Whitecotton * E. L. Witt * the Perkins, Jones and Coleman families * the J. S. Whitecotton ranch * Fern Lake about five miles north of Montell * the Mountain Side ranch, one-half miles across the Nueces river from Montell * the J. C. Jones ranch about five miles south of Montell * Montell is in the district that ships the famous Uvalde honey, the finest in the world. * Miss Fannie Jones * Schreiner Institute, Kerrville *

Eventful Life Of Mrs. Mary A. Smith Of Pleasanton

Written by her daughter, Mrs. Irene Davis. MARY ANNE GOODWIN was born December 7, 1838 in Brentford, Middlesex, England, and she was one of a family of eight children born to William and Martha Merritt Goodwin. In 1869 Mary Anne met and married W. H. Smith. They moved to the little town of Pleasanton, and Judge Smith held county offices for some thirty years and was a very successful lawyer. She lived a very eventful life, and this is her story.

Further Mentions: six children, Fount, Mattie, Will, Irene, Walter and Vernon * The descendants of Mrs. Smith, are Fount Smith, who married Madis McGirk * Eight children blessed them, but five have passed on. Vernon, of Utopia, Alfred, of Pleasanton, and Theo., of Pleasanton, survive. Mattie married W. F. Richardson and lives in Pleasanton. Will married Nettie Wilson and they live in Corpus Christi, Mrs. Elmer Stewart and Lois Smith are their living children, three have passed on. Irene married Clarence Dana, and three daughters were born to them; Mrs. French Faulkner, of California, Mrs. Jeff John, of San Antonio, Mattie Sue, who passed away in 1930, age 20; Mr. Davis died in 1918. -Vernon married Kate Knaggs and they have two daughters, Margaret and Katherine. Mrs. Smith has seven greatgrand children living : French, Dorothy and Walter Faulkner, Davis Smith, Annette Smith, Annette and Jean Stewart * Mrs. C. H. Brewster, of San Antonio * Mrs. Chapman, of Corpus Christi * Mrs. Hindsdale * Doctor Prevost, an Army doctor * Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Brewster. Nathan, Ebenezer, Mrs. Hinsdale, Mrs. Martha Smith, and Lydia and William Goodwin * Mrs. Lawton *

A Texas Circus History Incident

COL. C. G. STURTEVANT, of Dallas, writes another interesting Texas circus history incident, (see August issue. If you are interested in very early circus history, these two articles are exceptional and contain material hard to find anywhere else) which happened at Boston, Bowie county, Texas, and resulted in the cleaning out of a dangerous outlaw gang in the middle of a performance – 11 were left dead. That is the subject of this account.

Further Mentions: Mr. J. N. Rentfrow proprietor of a Dramatic Company * Rentfrow's Pathfinders * members of Cullen Baker's gang * the Orton boys * This circus company at that time, consisted of the following members. Hiram Orton, proprietor; the Orton brothers (Miles, Den, Lester and Arge) riders, gymnasts, and acrobats; Andrew Gaffney, cannon ball performer ; Lamour Bros. (Newton & William,) horizontal bar performers, leapers and tumblers ; Billy Andrews, principal clown ; Mat Hosmer ringmaster ; Orton Sisters, (Irene and Celeste,) riders, and Leon and Jessie Orton, slack wire artists, and Mr.' Rentfrow. The company carried a female brass band, and the side show was run by W. W. Cole who afterwards conducted W. W. Cole's Colossal Circus. *

Behind The Scenes Of The Old West

R. E. Fletcher.

No man of sense should object to citizens carrying side arms, for the lawless element will carry them, and in the days this article is written about the same conditions were in force, weapons were a necessity. As the cowman told the engineering easterner. "I may carry my gun a long time and not need it ; but when I do need it, I need it bad."

It can be said truthfully that few men were troubled by conscience when they made a "killing," and many preened their feathers over the incident, carrying a chip on the shoulder until they met a "quicker man." Those were the days when schoolboys drew knives on their teachers and often their parents abetted them.

If a smoke was seen on the edge of the timber, it paid to approach it carefully, the man on the quedado who had committed a cold-blooded killing was as touchy as a viper or rattlesnake; he did not enjoy close companionship, very often he possessed a disposition or complex that caused him to think the 'rest of mankind wert, "slighting" him. The cold,. hard eye of some of these fellows was often hiding the thought, "Must I kill this interloper?"

The following are some incidents that occurred in eastern and northern Texas among a people who respected the culture and learning of old Virginia and Kentucky, who read the "Courier-Journal" and believed Henry Watterson was infallible, yet they had the wild Texas spirit and furnished the men for the Snively expedition in 1843, and many of them were with Scott in Mexico. One old chap of Irish, birth related to the writer his experiences on the Snively raid and in Mexico. He wished another war would start so he "could steal some more of the little silver Jesus's out of Mexican cathedrals." He took a homestead of 160 acres in Grayson county, but got disgusted with the quiet life and traded it for a pony and some chewing tobacco years ago. I presume it was worth $100 per acre.

Further Mentions: Silas Wegg, a grocer * A ferry on Red River at the mouth of Mill Creek * the famous Jernigan Thicket * Pilot Point * Denton Creek * old Fort ' Phantom Hill * the deeds of Quantrell's men * of the James' and Younger's, of Hickok's and Horn's killings * Ben and Bill Thompson * one of Littlefield's corporals * the Taylor and Sutton feud * Luke Short * the Olive brothers * settlers on San Gabriel and Brushy * South Loup in Nebraska * the Milletts ranch * Joel Collins and Sam Bass * Chisum's jingle bob cattle * Hunter & Evans * fights at Seven Rivers on the Pecos * Mrs. Zuma Rouse Head, of San Antonio

Editor's Page Mentions: Rev. F. D. Jackson * a campmeeting near Fredonia * a school house on the line of San Saba and Mason counties, between Faulkner and Allen on one side and the two Woodall brothers on the other * A man named Burner * Joe T. McKinney, Wilcox, Arizona * the Graham and the Tewksbury families * the Pleasant Valley War * Joe T. McKinney * the Monk Brothers ranch * E. A. Brinninstool, noted author * Colonel C C. Smith * Mr. Virgil N. Lott * Major Brown (for whom Fort Brown, Texas was named) * Geo. T. Mason (Ft. Mason, Texas * the skirmish at La Rosia, near Ft. Brown


Pink Airs; J. J. Alsop; Ida Pauleen Anders; James Hammet Anders; Billy Andrews; William Waldorf Astor; Austin; Cullen Baker; Miss May Baker; Lt F. D. Baldwin; Bass; ; Frances Courtney Baylor; George Baylor; Mrs H. W. Baylor; John W. Baylor; Mrs Tom Baylor; A. G. Beecroft; Beecroft; Mrs A. G. Beecroft; Rev A. B. Benningfield; J. W. Bones; Bones; Mrs C. H. Brewster; E. A. Brinninstool; Frank Brown; Lt John W. Bubb; Mrs John W. Bubb; Pvt John F. Butler; Gen Canby; Mrs Canby; Rev Carden; Carson; Gen Adna R. Chafee; Capt A. R. Chaffee; Gen Adna R. Chaffee; Capt Adna Romanza Chaffee; Amos Chapman; Albert Hunter Chilton; Annie Louise Chilton; Horace Lee Chilton; Hugh A. Chilton; Ida Chilton; Ida P. Chilton; Lysas Brown Chilton; Lysias B. Chilton; Chisum; ; Elizabeth Margaret Clark; Maggie Clark; Miss Margaret Clark; W. W. Cole; Margaret Coleman; Mrs O. D. Coleman; Pat Coleman; Missy J. E. V. Collins; Col W. C. Dalrymple; Clarence Dans; Lt Col J. W. Davidson; Irene Davis; Rev; Deaver; Arrabella Grey Dever; Nathaniel Dever; William Harvey Dever; Dixon; Dr Donges; Tom Duke; Mrs Starkey Duncan; John Dunkin; John Durst; Bishop Elliot; Chris Emmett; Fanny Ethridge; Dorothy Faulkner; Mrs Faulkner; Walter Faulkner; Adolph Fischer; R. E. Fletcher; Andrew Gaffney; Rev Richard Galbraith; Leo Getters; Rev Glass; Ebenezer Goodwin; Lydia Goodwin; Martha Merritt Goodwin; Mary Anne Goodwin; William Goodwin; Jakey Gordon; Gen U. S. Grant; Green; Crofton Hall; Mrs Laurence Hamrick; Hardin; Elijah Deaver Harrington; Pvt John Harrington; Pvt Harrington; Mrs Zuma Rouse Head; Pvt Charles Hoffman; Mat Hosmer; ; Sterling A. Houston; Judge Hubbell; John Hudson; Colie Humphries; Hunter; ; David L. Huntington; John Hurst; Rev F. D. Jackson; Mrs J. M. Jester; Mrs Jeff John; Col Frank W. Johnsan; Johnson; James S. Bishop Johnston; Fannie Jones; J. C. Jones; Mrs J. C. Jones; J. C. Jones; Ben Keese; Capt Kelland; Rev Kelly; Heinrich Klaerner; Kate Knaggs; Mrs Richard Kolb; Charles Kuenemann; Mrs Charles Kuenemann; Capt Lacey; Newton Lamour; William Lamour; Col Lane; August Lang; Capt Willis. Lang; Capt Lange; Lee; Lemley; B. J. Linthicum; B. J. Linthicum Jr; Mrs B. J. Linthicum; Herman Livingston; Rev A. J. Lone; G. H. Lonkey; Virgil N. Lott; Eli Loyd; Gov Lubbock; Judge Mabery; Col Ranald S. MacKenzie; Judge W. K. Makemson; Dick Marlin; Arch Martin; Lt Geo T. Mason; Mrs David Matsler; Capt L. M. Mayes; J. W. McFatter; Alfred McGirk; Madis McGirk; Theo McGirk; Vernon McGirk; J. Cooper McKee; McKenzie; McKinney; Mildred McKnight; John Menges; Capt Merrill; Nelson ; Capt Nelson ; Nelson A. Miles; Nelson A. Col; Gen Nelson ; J. R. Moss; Jim Moss; Steven B Moss. ; William B. Moss; Esther Mueller; J. A. Muir; Rev Mussett; Arge Orton; Celeste Orton; Den Orton; Hiram Orton; Irene Orton; Jessie Orton; Leon Orton; Lester Orton; Miles Orton; Mrs J. D. Patterson; Jack Patterson; Martha Jane Pennington; Gen Pope; Dr Powell; Dr Prevost; Maj William R. Price; Rev J. R. Ragsdale; Pvt Peter Rath; Rayburn; Pvt James Regan; J. N. Rentfrow; W. F. Richardson; Rogers; Rose; R. Judge Sanson; George Saunders; Capt William Price ; Charles D. Schiedemontell; Gustay Schleicher; Schon; Mrs Gross R. Scruggs; Mary Sharp; Rev C. L. Sherman; Short; Rev J. R. Smelser; Annette Smith; Davis Smith; Fount Smith; Pvt George W. Smith; Irene Smith; Kate Knaggs Smith; Katherine Smith; Lois Smith; Margaret Smith; Martha Smith; Mary A. Smith; Mattie Smith; Mrs Napoleon Smith; Pvt Smith; Tyler Smith; Vernon Smith; W. H. Smith; Walter Smith; Will Smith; Lt Col S. D. Sturgis; Annette Stewart; Mrs Elmer Stewart; Jean Stewart; Col C. G. Sturtevant; J. D. Sutherland; John D. Sutherland; Katherine Sutherland; Tom Sutherland; Mrs Bella French Swisher; Justice Thomas; Thompson; John Tinley; Rev Tunnell; Col Wade; Flora Mae Walker; Steve Walker; Mrs R. H. Walton; Henry Watterson; Silas Wegg; Ira Wells; William; Ira Welsh; Mrs E. E. West; J. S. Whitecotton; Jay Whitecotton; Dr Whitfield; Eva Whitfield; Maxwell Whitfield; Col Charles Whiting; Wallace Willing; Nettie Wilson; E. L. Witt; P. C. Witt; Sgt Woodhall; Sgt Z. T. Woodhall; Pauleen Yarborough; Michael Ziller; Rev P. F. Zizelman

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Our Testimonials

Frontier Times is an invaluable resource to the staff at Washington  on the Brazos State Historic site, as it contains several articles about  Washington and the part it played in the Texas revolution. We are  thrilled to add the Frontier Times to our collection.
Thanks again,
Ginger Moreland
Washington on the Brazos
State Park Association