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Vol 09 No. 11 - August 1932
On the cover -- Molly Bailey
Old Circus Days In Texas
By C. G. Sturtevant, Dallas, Texas.
In this excellent story, Colonel Sturtevant supplies some interesting and valuable data, particularly in regard to the affair at Jacksonville, Texas, in 1875, when there was a riot and fight and several people were killed and injured. Another very interesting part of Colonel Sturtevant's article is that portion devoted to Mollie Bailey's show, which traveled through the South and was one of the most popular of all road shows. All over West Texas people had high regard and great enthusiasm for the old showwoman. Here is some excellent history indeed.
Further Mentions: The BOSTON CIRCUS * John Robinson's Great Southern Show * Mabie's Circus and Menagerie * S. B. Deland * Orton and Older's Circus * The United States Circus owned by Haight and Chambers * two very funny clowns, Lathrop and Seamon * Col. Ames' menagerie * The famous clown, Dan Rice * Another favorite show was that owned by Charles W. Noyes known as the Crescent City Circus * W. W. Cole started his first railroad circus from Galveston * George Conklin, Cole's menagerie superintendent and lion tamer * "Old Texas Circus Days." * the town of Denison * Allison * Gil Robinson, son of "Old John" * Vinita * Jacksonville, Texas * Sell Bros., Adam Forepaugh, Barnum & Bailey, and the Ringling Brothers * William and Mary Kirkland * Jas. A. Bailey (not Barnum's partner) * Bailey enlisted in Hood's Texas Brigade, and his wife became a nurse in the Confederate Army * James Eugene * William Kirkland was band leader, George Albertine a performer, and Brad Scott lot superintendent * The names of the other daughters were Mattie, ' Minnie and Ada * "The Circus Fans Association" * Father Morfi * Frederick C. Chabot * Naylor Printing * Fray Juan Agustin de Morfi, a Franciscan Monk *
Edinburg And Hidalgo County Then And Now
Here is a story about a vast semi-tropic region covered with native growth, scrub palms, ebony mesquite, cactus, with underbrush dense, green and thorny, in which wild game abounded; a land of plenty, where lions, bobcats. Wolves and coyotes preyed upon deer, turkey and other game; a place where huge rattlesnakes basked in the sun, and lizzards ran across the hot sands; a climate unsurpassed in any land, with bright days and cool nights. Nature's paradise! Such was the scene first met by man, when in his primitive wanderings he stumbled through the jungle and made his first camp in what is now Hidalgo County, Texas.
Hidalgo, (pronounced ee-dahl-go) a little Mexican village named after a great Mexican general, was and still is located diagonally across the Rio Grande river at Reynosa, Mexico, a village older than the Government of the United States. Hidalgo county took its name from the town of Hidalgo, and its history is perhaps the most outstanding of that of any other county in the State.
Further Mentions: Chapin, now Edinburg * William Brewst * to W. F. Sprague and John Closner, who came to Hidalgo county in 1883 * Mr. Closner * Victor, Dr. Dougherty and Miss Lillian Dougherty * W. D. Day erected a commissary, and John Closner built the first house which' still stands upon another location. Tom Gill, present sheriff of Hidalgo county, dug the first wells. * John Lipscomb, father of W. L. Lipscomb, a present resident of Edinburg, and John Closner operated the San Juan Cane Plantation * the old Military Trail, established by General Zachary Taylor * Brazos de Santiago, Port Isabel * Dennis Chapin * A. Y. Baker, also a prominent figure in the history of Hidalgo county, came from Uvalde, Texas, as a State Ranger * McAllen, Mercedes and Mission * by J. R. Alamia, W; B. Barton and A. E. Chavez * "The San Antonio, Rio ,Grande Valley Railroad;" * the Missouri Pacific Company * Jim Crane her first conductor * . Dick Houston was her first engineer * "Flossie" * Charles Heck was conductor on "Flossie" * William Jennings Bryan onced owned a home in Hidalgo county * "Laguna Sal, de Rey" lake, Salt of King, * Ann Lipscomb and Manor Lipscomb * R. B. Greager, of Brownsville *
Recently Texas had as a visitor the only living man who saw the world's first oil well come in. The visitor was Pete Hoffman… the Drake Oil Company…
The Texas Navy
During the busy period of the Texas Revolution, which began in 1835, the "authorities" managed through the kindness of good friends, in the early part of the year 1836, to pick up a small navy of three vessels, the Invincible, Captain L. Brown;, the Brutus, Captain Hurd and the Independence, Captain Hawkins. These vessels were not idle, but were of infinite service to Texas in preventing the enemy from receiving supplies. The Texas Navy eventually acquired other vessels for war such as the Julius Caesar, The Champion, etc. This story recounts some of the notable events in the early days of this Navy.
Further Mentions: the battle of San Jacinto * the Mexican brig-of-war Urrea * the United States sloop-of-war Natchez * William H. Wharton * the Vincedor del Alamo * Brazos Santiago * Velasco * the island of Mugere * Sizal * the Mexican schooner Alispa * Another vessel, the Eliza Russell * William H. Wharton * Samuel M. Williams * Frederick Dawson of Baltimore * General James Hamilton, agent of James Holford * the steam ship-of-war Zavala * the schooner, San Bernard * the schooner San Jacinto * Commodore Moore *
Old Days In The Old Army
Lydia Spencer Lane (Continued from Last Month). Mrs Lane faithfully followed her husband through the most desolate and dangerous regions of the Texas frontier, and kept a journal through the whole time. This is fascinating reading and includes details of the army movements, as well as the terrors, the terrain, and the depravations endured by those who served the cause of peace and freedom in Western Texas. You will rarely find reading that includes so much minute detail of pioneer and soldier life than in this excellent account. Mrs. Lane was a fine communicator.
Until far out on the prairies we had an abundance of excellent wood and water, but as we traveled on both became scarce. Wood was unobtainable in the treeless country through which we marched, and the only fuel was "buffalo chips." The water frequently was from a standing pool hardly fit for horses or mules, and poison almost to human beings. One of the first things done on reaching camp was to put a guard over the water to prevent the animals from rushing into it and making it even worse than it was.
Sometimes a train with many mules or oxen had camped there just before we arrived, and as the teamsters were not particular to keep the poor thirsty creatures out of the water, its condition beggars description, and the taste was perceptible even in coffee, which was not remarkable after droves of mules and oxen had stood in the pond for hours.
Further Mentions: General Winfield Scott * Lorenzo Thomas * Mrs. Elliott * . "Prince John" Magruder * Fort Clark * Meek little Mrs. Blank * Mrs. Dash * Lieutenant Joseph Wheeler, afterwards major-general, Confederate States * Fort Union * the Baton Mountains * Chaplain McPheeters and family of St. Louis * Captain "Jack" Lindsey * Dr. Bartholow * Dabney Maury and wife * Fort Craig, New Mexico * Dr. Basil Norris, U. S. A * Fort Fillmore * the "Jornado del Muerto" ("Journey of Death,") eighty miles of it across where there was no water to be found * Colonel Bomford and Captain Ewell * Colonel Bomford * Dog Canyon * Mesilla * Major Gabriel Paul * Fifth and Seventh Infantry * Dr. J. C. MeKee and Dr. Alden * Major Lynde * the Organ Mountains * Many of oldest and truest army friends resigned and went South, several of them passing through Fort Fillmore on their way out of New Mexico. Among them were General Longstreet, who came into the post driving his own ambulance, en route to Texas; Cadmus Wilcox. Colonel W. W. Loring, Lawrence Baker, Major Sibley, and others whose names I have forgotten. Colonel George B. Crittenden, one of our best friends, also went down to Texas, and I never saw him again. Some left New Mexico via Fort Union, crossing the Plains to reach "the States." * C. H. McNally * Second Lieutenant E. J. Casey * Fort Bliss * Captain Alfred Gibbs, Mounted Rifles * Point of Rocks, on the Jornado, * (Continued Next Month)
Memories Of Early Texas Days, Recalled By Geologist
By Dr. Robert T., Hill, Dallas News, April 27, 1931.
Account of the earliest days and development of "Fort Concho", later to become the town of San Angelo, "one of the best-planned and prettiest built towns in Texas."
"Game of many kinds, chiefly the buffalo and antelope, abound everywhere. Besides there were deer and wolves (large and small.) Wild horses almost uncountable were always to be seen. The wooded rocks of Jim Ned Creek and Pecan Bayou were back with turkeys. Refreshing shade of giant pecan trees made grateful camping places along many streams. Flint boulders lay around for making arrow points. Thickets of plums harzery vines of delicious grapes and trees and loaded with luscious mulberries abounded. Now in a day's journey I have seen one quail, and one cotton-tail rabbit. That is all. Was it any wonder that the Comanche, the Kiowa, the Lipan Apache, the Wichitas, the Wacos and the Tonkawas loved these scenes and everywhere left traces of the their village sites?
Further Mentions: the valley of Ben Ficklin * the old Ben Butterfeld overland stage line * General McKenzie * the Double Fork of the Brazos * the Battle of the Quitague in 1847 * Lieut. A. W. Greeley * Concho point from Denison * Commodore Sehley * United States Senator Richard Coke *
Storming Of San Antonio De Bexar In 1835
IN DECEMBER, 1835, the Texan forces under General Burleson invested San Antonio, Then held by General Cos, with fifteen hundred regular troops. It bad been determined by the officers, after consultation, not to attempt carrying the place by storm against the great odds, but to go into winter quarters. At this juncture a deserter from the town gave information that the place was not as strong-as had been represented, and he advised an immediate attack.
Colonel Ben Milam at once made a call for volunteers, in these words: "Who will go with Old Ben Milam into San Antonio?" Officers and men to the number of about four hundred responded with a shout. General Burleson was requested to hold his position with the rest of the army until the result of the attack should be known, which he promised to do. The attacking force was divided into two companies, the first under command of Ben Milam, assisted by Colonel Frank and Major Morris; the second under command of Colonel F. W. Johnson, assisted by Dr. Grant and Colonel Austin. Arnold, Cook and Maverick, and Deaf and John W. Smith acted as guides. Colonel Neil was sent to make a feint on the Alamo, which he did in good style, and then joined Milam in town. The attack was made early on the morning of the 5th of December. This is the account.
Further Mentions: Deaf Smith, the spy of the army, the Harvey Birst of Texas* The impetuous Captain Thomas William War * General Cos *
CAPTAIN GHOLSON PASSES ON (Includes old photo)
This is a brief, but excellent account of Captain B. F. Gholson of Gholson's Cove, near Evant, just across the Hamilton-Lampassas county line, where he had lived since 1855
Benjamin Franklin Gholson was born in Robbinson Colony, Republic of Texas, near where is now located Reagan, a small town in Falls county, about twelve miles south of Marlin. He moved to the Evant section and engaged in the cattle business on a farm in Gholson` s Cove. He was married to Miss Jane Adaline Langford on July 18, 1862, at Langford's Cove, now Evant. Ten children were born to them, one son and seven daughters surviving. The son, Albert Franklin Gholson, is a customs officer at Marfa, Texas. The daughters are Mrs. Kate Walk of Hobbs, N. M. ; Mrs. Monte Warren of Weslaco; Mrs. Leila Lester, Abilene; Mrs. Delia Winters, Giles, N. M.; Mrs. Meda Smith, Evant; Mrs. Fannie Arnold, Evant, and Mrs. Pearl Welch, Dallas.
Further Mentions: the Langford Cemetery* Rev. Clarence Allen Morton, pastor of the First Baptist Church at Gatesville * Sul Ross * the noted Pease River fight * Cynthia Ann Parker * the famous battle of Galveston Island *
Fort Mason Last Post Occupied By Gen. Lee
By Virgil N. Lott. (see note in 09/32 Frontier Times for clarification(s) on this story).
Account regarding certain frontier army posts and the flood of historical reminiscences of many local writers that have devoted columns to recounting the several posts at which Robert E. Lee, Jeff Davis, Sheridan and Grant were stationed before the Civil War. There is a general impression that Robert E. Lee commanded practically every post on the Texas frontier at some time up to 1861, yet archives of the War Department biographers of Lee and the records at the posts still occupied show that Lee never commanded any Texas post for a long period. That he was temporarily stationed at some of these posts during short Indian campaigns is not denied. But that he was permanently located at a Texas post was not true,- according to records of the War Department.
According to this account, that Grant visited Fort Ringgold is also very doubtful; Sheridan, contrary to report, never saw the post, and if history is correct, Lee saw it but three days in 1860. It is doubted whether the little white frame cottage, pointed out as his headquarters, was even built in 1861. It is more likely that it was constructed some time during the 70's when Ringgold passed from an adobe post to a fort of frame and brick structures, most of them built in 1886.
Further Mentions: Marse Robert * General Scott * Fort Mason * the nortorious Cortina, a border raider * Fort Phanton Hill, Fort Gates * Fort Duncan at Eagle Pass; Fort Felipe at Del Rio, Fort Davis, Fort Stockton, Fort Hancock,Fort McKavett, * Capt. George B. McClellan * Taylor's march to Mamargo * the Bishop's Palace * old Fort Duncan * the Lieut. R. S. Williamson expedition * Generals. John J. Pershing * the red flag of Cortina, the revolutionist * the Mier Expedition of 1842 * a Camargo woman * Zachary Taylor and his army *
Introduction Of Barb Wire Remembered By Pioneer
W. S. Adair. "I remember when John W. Gates, as a very young man, came to Texas to introduce barb wire for making fences. Cattlemen as a rule laughed at him. It was the unanimous opinion of cowboys that a steer would run right over such a fence. But Gates knew his business. He singled out Col. Ike Pryor, big cattleman of Austin, and induced him to witness a demonstration. He fenced a ten-acre lot, and asked that the wildest steers be turned into it. Then he challenged the cowboys to make them break out. When it was proved that not a steer could get through, under or over the fence, Colonel Pryor ordered a trainload of wire. Then all the cattlemen wanted wire, and Gates and his factories were snowed under with orders. Gates, who had the exclusive right to sell wire in Texas, made a fortune out of it."
This is a first-hand account of S. J. Houghton and the early cattle business especially in Williamsville County and surrounding Austin area. It is excellent history.
Further Mentions: Judge Joel A. Houghton * Packsaddle, in Burnet County * an outfit under the management of Capt. J. C. S. Morrow, General Houston's son-in-law * brother, E. L. Houghton * Col. W. C. Dalrymple * the big lawyers were Charles West, Buck Walton, Judge Shelly, Joseph Lee, A. W. Terrell, A. Dalrymple * Georgetown * D. Cleveland & Co., of Houston * the private railroad of Smith & Steffins at Brownwood * Bill Harelson * Leon & H. Blum of Galveston *
Sherman Cyclone Wrought Havoc 36 Years Ago
H. L. Piner. This is a fascinating and detailed story of an immense and terrifying tornado which swept through Sherman, TX in 1896 killing fifty-six persons out-right, fatally mangling ten others, sending fifty-eight more to hospitals and maiming scores who were cared for in private homes.
An excerpt: For several days the metereological conditions had been favorable to cyclonic development-unusual humidity, variable winds of freaky fickleness and force, very high daily temperature, remarkably cool nights and a persistently low barometer. From noon until 4:15 p. m., when the storm struck Sherman, there was a stifling atmospheric condition that made breathing difficult. At the signal station the barometer stood at the danger point. Immediately preceding the onslaught of the tornado there was a heavy downpour of rain.
The tornado originated in a cloud about twenty miles southwest of Sherman. The tornado funnel wormed its way out of the lower edge of this cloud and began to descend to the earth, apparently feeling its way, reminding the observer of a huge elephant's trunk in search of food.
During the formation of the parent cloud in the southwest another cloud was moving toward it from the northwest. Between these two clouds there was a magnificent electrical display in a greenish cloudbank along the western horizon. With spectacular vividness sheet lightning kept the heavens illuminated, during which time frequent fiery zigzag bolts of intense brightness flashed down into the earth.
About five miles southwest of the city the second cloud dashed into the tornado's face as if it would devour the aerial monster. For one minute there was an absolute pause in the funnel's movement. The two colossal wind-demons were in a contest for supremacy. Two hundred yards above the earth clouds rolled upon clouds with appalling hisses and groanings. Long ghoulish arms of sooty blackness shot out into the surrounding atmosphere, their ragged fingers seeming to clutch at everything, within their reach. Objects that had been sucked into the vortex now whirled and tumbled and spun as if a dozen voices were juggling in them.
Further Mentions: a stone weighing 500 pounds * A piece of marble two feet long from a monument was found… * stones weighing 250 pounds each were lifted out of the creeks and hurled… * A piece of iron weighing 200 pounds was found… * A piece of iron from Houston street bridge… * . A young woman who was caught up and carried several hundred feet described the interior of the funnel as… * Mary Nash Institute and North Texas Female College, just across the street from each other * In these colleges were at least 400 girls * A ball of fire was seen in the wake of the funnel. Vegetation seemed to have been scorched. * The storm manifested a peculiar fondness for metallic substances * Circular iron bands around flower pots... * Wagon tires were wrung from wheels and twisted into odd shapes… * A splinter was driven through six… * A doctor was caught up and whirled… * A woman had two metallic milk coolers at the end of twenty foot ropes in a well. The coolers were… * That one touch of nature that makes the whole world kin elicited sympathies that were swiftly translated into helpful action. The living suffered the agonies of the dying. Merchants forgot their merchandise. Clerks abandoned their counters. Professional men rushed from their offices. Into the scene of death and devastation swift moving feet carried willing hands. Caste and class disappeared * For almost a week, with hasty meals and little sleep… * the Weather Bureau in Washington *
Four Noted Texans Are Buried In State Cemetery
This story offers a brief account of the lives of two notable Texans: Col. Josiah Wilbarger and Capt. Randal Jones.
Colonel Wilbarger was born in Bourbon Couty, Kentucky, Sept. 10, 1801, and at the age of 19 was Colonel of a regiment in the campaign against the Indians. In 1821, with his father and mother, he moved to Ashley, Pike county, Mo., where he married Annie Pugh. In 1829, with his wife and brother, Matias, he came to Texas and settled in what is now Matagorda county, where for a year he taught school. Nov. 19, 1829, his son, John Lemon, was born being the first white child to be born in Matagorda county. This son became a Texas ranger and was killed by Indians on the Rio Grande Aug. 20, 1850.
In August, 1833, Colonel Wilbarger with some newly arrived homeseekers named Christian, Strother, Standifer and Haynie left the home of Reuben Hornsby and rode out to look at the country. At noon they stopped at a spring three miles from the present city of Austin to eat their lunch. While eating they were fired on by Indians and returned the fire. Strother was killed and Christian and Wilbarger were wounded. Standifer and Haynie mounted their horses and escaped. Wilbarger, who had been pierced by arrows in both legs, was struck by a bullet from behind, which penetrated near the center of his neck. He fell in a swoon. The Indians, thinking he was dead, stripped him of his clothing and scalped him. He regained consciousness later in the afternoon and dragged himself to a pool of water below the spring. As night approached he attempted to make his way to Hornsby's but was too feeble to proceed more than 100 feet and sank unconscious. A relief party from Hornsby's arrived next day and rescued him. Although he lived for twelve years after being scalped. his wound was the cause of his death April 11, 1845.
Captain Jones was married to Mary Andrus, who was born in Louisiana Dec. 6, 1808, and died at Richmond, Texas, April 17, 1871. To them were born the following children. Wyly Martin, Jacob Austin, Martha Beale, Liza, Susan, Parmelia Ann, Sam Houston, James Miller and Sarah Chambers. All are dead except Sarah Chambers, who lives with her husband, Joe Bruckmiller, in Austin, Mrs. Bruckmiller was born July 21, 1849.
Randal Jones died in Houston June 1, 1873, but was buried in the family cemetery near Richmond.
Further Mentions: Mrs. Lipscomb Norvell of Beaumont * Columbia county, Georgia * Fort Adams, Mississippi * Col. Ferdinand L. Claiborne * Mount Vernon * Fort Madison * Natchez, Miss * Gen. James Long at Nacogdoches * Early in 1822 Captain Jones was in San Felipe de Austin as one of Austin's colonists * Brazoria County * the fight at Jones Creek * the affair at Anahuac *
Letter from an old veteran, Albert J. Davis, reads:
"Dear Mr. Editor: I have been given the pleasure during the past year or more to enjoy (more or less) your bloody pages, which I can well follow, as I was brought up in Minnesota, schooled down East, in and out of the Army for sixteen years, frontier service, war with the Nez Perces and Sioux, bad men North and bad men South, over two years in Texas, stormed by insurrectors in Rio Grande City, facing death in all sorts of ways; had a pleasant acquaintance with Capt. Jones, and a doubtful acquaintance with the notorious "Killer" Sebree and his side partner Dillard. Oh yes, I met and knew a whole lot of them and the frightful doings in and around Rio Grande City in 1886, '87, '88 and into '89, when I was delivered from all the bloody murders and small-pox also. As a government official sergeant - signal corps, in charge of telegraph and meteorological work in Rio Grande City, I was…
Further Mentions: Judge Kelsey and his family * with Miles chasing Geronimo * Miles' staff chasing Chief Joseph * Capt. Lawton * Mrs. McKinley
Adair; J. R. Alamia; Dr Alden; Col Ames; Mary Andrus; Fannie Arnold; Col Austin; Ada Bailey; Birdie Bailey; Brad Scott Bailey; Dixie Bailey; George Albertine Bailey; James Bailey; James Eugene Bailey; Jas A. Bailey; Mattie Bailey; Minnie Bailey; Mollie Bailey; William Kirkland Bailey; A. Y. Baker; Lawrence Baker; Cov Barker; Dr Bartholow; W. B. Barton; Cov Birch; Harvey Birst; H. Blum; Leon Blum; Col Bomford; William Brewster; Capt L. Brown; Maj Brown; Joe Bruckmiller; William Jennings Bryan; Burleson; Ben Butterfield; Lt E. J. Casey; Chabot; Dennis Chapin; Chapin; A. E. Chavez; Col Ferdinand L. Claiborne; Clark; W. D. Cleveland; John Closner; Victor Closner; Coke; W. W. Cole; George Conklin; Pres Coolidge; Jim Crane; Col George B. Crittenden; O. W. Curry; A. Dalrymple; Col W. C. Dalrymple; Albert J. Davis; Henry Clay; Frederick Dawson; W. D. Day; S. B. Deland; Dr Dougherty; Lillian; Capt W. L. Elliott; Capt Ewell; Ficklin; Adam Forepaugh; Col Frank; Cov Freemont; John W. Gates; Albert Franklin Gholson; Capt B. F. Gholson; Capt Alfred Gibbs; Tom Gill; Cov Gillett; Cov Goodnight; Dr Grant; R. B. Greager; Lt A. W. Greeley; Gen James Hamilton; Bill Harelson; Capt Hawkins; Charles Heck; D. B. Hicks; Robert T. Hill; Pete Hoffman; James Holford; Mrs Jack Horner; Reuben Hornsby; E. L. Houghton; S. J. Houghton; Dick Houston; ; Capt Hurd; John C. Ingram; Jennings; F. W. Johnson; Capt Bandal Jones; Mrs Bandal Jones; Capt Jones; Jacob Austin Jones; James Miller Jones; Liza Jones; Martha Beale; Parmelia Ann; Sarah Chambers; Wyly Martin; Chief Joseph; Judge Kelsey; Mary Kirkland; William Kirkland; Col Lane; Lt W. B. Lydia Spencer; Jane Adaline Langford; Capt Lawton; Cov Layland; Lehmann; Lemley; Leila Lester; Capt "Jack" Lindsey; Mrs "Jack"; Ann Lipscomb; John Lipscomb; Manor Lipscomb; W. L. Lipscomb; Gen James Long; Gen Longstreet; Col W. W. Loring; Virgil N. Lott; Maj Lynde; "Prince John" Magruder; Lt Dabney Maury; Mrs Dabney Maury; Capt George B. McClellan; Dr McKee; Dr J. C. McKee; McKenzie; Lt C. H. McNally; Chaplain McPheeters; Milam; Commodore Moore; Father Morfi; Fray Juan Agustin de Morfi; Col Morgan; Maj Morris; Capt J. C. S. Morrow; Rev Clarence Allen Morton; Mary Nash; Ned Nash; Col Neil; Dr Basil Norris; Mrs Lipscomb Norvell; Charles W. Noyes; Gabriel Maj Paul; Gen John J. Pershing; H. L. Piner; Moll Pitcher; Col Ike Pryor; Annie Pugh; Closner Chapin Ramsey; Rayburn; Dan Rice; Gil Robinson; John Robinson; Eliza Russell; Commodore Schley; Gen Winfield Scott; Judge Shelly; Phil Sheridan; Shipman; H. Wm Shon; Maj Sibley; John W. Smith; Meda Smith; Sowell; W. F. Sprague; Sprague; Gen Stanley; Dr Steck; G. G. Sturtevant; Zachary Taylor; A. W. Terrell; Lorenzo Thomas; Capt Thomason; Capt Thompson; Kate Walk; Cov Wallace; Buck Walton; Capt Thomas William War; Fred Warren; Mrs Monte Warren; Pearl Welch; Charles West; Col John H. Wharton; William H. Wharton; Lt Joseph Wheeler; Capt Wheelwright; Owen P. White; John Lemon Wilbarger; Joseph Wilbarger; Col Josiah Wilbarger; Matias Wilbarger; Cadmus Wilcox; Samuel M. Williams; Lt R. S. Williamson; Delia Winters; Sam Wylie; Col Zavala; Zarate
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