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Vol 09 No. 10 - July 1932

Steve Moss Passes On (Cover Picture)

Account of Stephen Boyce Moss, notable Llano county pioneer. Mr. Moss was born on June 20. 1848, near Round Rock, in Travis county, Texas, being the fourth child in a pioneer family, the son of Mr. Matthew and Mrs. Mary Ann Moss. He moved to Llano Co. with the family in 1857, his family being one of the first to settle in this county, which at that time was a part of Bexar county, later being organized into Llano county. While he never belonged, to any military organization, he was a natural soldier and frontiersman, and the services rendered by him in the protection of the citizenship of Llano as well as adjoining counties against the depredations of the hostile Indians, can not be over estimated. He participated in one of the most gallant affairs known to Texas history: the final and decisive battle with Comanche Indians known as the Packsaddle Indian fight, after which Llano county was never again raided by the Red man.

Further Mentions: Carl Moss, at Oxford * He was married in 1880 to Miss Nannie Muse. She died April 16, 1881, approximately fifty years before her husband's death. Mrs. Moss left one child. Mrs. H. D. Smith of Stockdale, Texas * "On October 20, 1881 he was united in marriage to bliss Laura J. Ratliff, who preceded her husband in death on March 28, 1922. Ten children were born to this union, five of whom have gone before their father. They were Mrs. Lon Nazlet, Mrs. Luther Porch, Mrs. Glen Martin, Mrs. Johnnie Rouse and Miss hula Moss. The children who survive are Jeff Moss of Brownwood ; Mrs. Claude Forehand, Mrs. Grover Walker, Mrs. Jess Ricks and S. B. Moss. Jr., all of Llano county. Besides his children there are many grandchildren and great grand children who reside in various places over the State. Only one brother and one sister survive. They are A. F. Moss and Dlrs. Elizabeth Moore, both of San Antonio, yet there are scores of nephews, nieces and other relatives.* Dave Harrington of Pantano, Arizona and Eli Loyd, Medina, Texas * Capt. D. W. Roberts * the home of Jess Ricks * the Six Mile cemetery * Rev. Wesley Prince * Miles Buttery * Luke Moss, Cash Moss, Matt Moss, Vic Moss, J. D. Slator, Jr., Allie Ratliff, Paul Myers, Lincoln Moore and Cecil Cone * C. N. Farris, Geo. M. Watkins * H. T. Duncan, E. L. Stewart, Jim Wyckoff, Green Harwell, F. M. Johnston, Ed Handy, Tom Ratliff and W. H. Roberts *

Chipeta, Queen Of Utes And Her Husband Chief Ouray

By Wallace Stark and Albert B. Reagan. Account of the famous Indian who was born June 10, 1843, was of the Tabeguache band of the Ute. She was a very beautiful maiden. She became the wife of Ouray in 1859 and his fortunes with the Utes were hers until his death. Chipeta was a heroin and was responsible for saving the lives of certain white settlers in what was known as the "Meeker massacre". When certain of the Utes became hostile and began their outrage against the whites, Chipeta flew into action and showed her metal and made herself a name that the ages will hand down. Upon learning of a raid to be made upon her white neighbors, she mounted her pony, swam the Gunnison, a treacherous, swift, whirling river, then large, at flood time, and delivered her message in time to save the settlers lives. At this time she rode four days and nights to rescue the white women and children held as hostages by the hostile Utes. An old squaw silently led her to the tent in which the Meeker family was kept. She then accompanied them on their long journey to Ouray's home.

Further Mentions: Gene Field * He was a firm believer in the Christian faith * Charley Shavenaux succeeded Ouray * N. C. Meeker * Dick Wash * Spinera * Sapinero * the Meeker massacre * the San Miguel mountains * Maj. Thornburgh * Col. Merritt * Mr. Carl Schurz * Seuque * Sawahratonce * Atchu * Antonio * Pootquas * Queashegut * Fort Lupton * Bitter Creek * McCook * F. A. Gross * Mr. Hugh Owens * Rev. M. J. Hersey * Jesse Bell, F. D. Catlin, Jr., Harry Monell, Fred Ducket, E. E. Frasier, Alva Galloway, S. J. Phillips, and Al. Wood * C. E. Adams * Rev. Mark T. Warner * Hon. Jno. C. Bell * Yagah * Maurice Rhodes * Lauda Lunpe * Jose La Crosse * John Peta * Captain Abbott's place and Randlett *


The oldest complete structure still remaining in Texas is the stone Fort at San Pedro Springs, San Antonio, Texas…

`Packer The Cannibal' Case Nearly Fatal To Publishers

By Charles Lee Bryson. Account seeks to correct errors and common misunderstandings regarding the most spectacular criminal who ever served time in the Colorado penitentiary, Packer the Cannibal. Packer was found guilty of multiple murder, but it is to be doubted that he was guilty; on the other hand, while he denied the accusation that he had practiced cannibalism, there is little doubt that he did save his life by that means. Gives details regarding the shooting of Fred G. Bonfils and Harry Tammen, owners and joint editors of the Denver Post who sought to exonerate the supposed cannibal.

Alfred Packer had served in the Union army and, after Appomattox, he became a hunter, trapper and guide in the Rocky Mountains. In the autumn of 1873 he was in Salt Lake City when a party of five men came, seeking a guide who would dare take them across the mountains to the Rio Grande valley in Colorado. The names of the five were Miller, Bell, Humphreys, Swan and Noon.

It was very late in the season before they had cleared the mountain passes. The deep snow was exhausting, game grew scarce, and finally they were snowed up with almost no food at all, a few miles from where the mining town of Lake City, Colo., was later built. Nobody will ever know exactly what took place in that terrible camp. among those six desperate men.

It was late spring when Alfred Packer, almost dead from cold and hunger, appeared at the Los Pinos Indian Agency and told a story of being caught in the mountains by the winter, and of camping alone in the heights. He was fed, and then he disappeared.

Some time afterward friends of the missing five made inquiry and learned that they had entered the mountains late in the fall and had never reached their destination. Search was made and the seekers found the bodies of the five, wasted to mere skeletons-but they had not died of starvation. They had been killed and parts of their flesh had been cut away.

Five years after the tragedy Packer was arrested, charged with the murders…

Further Mentions: feature writer, Polly Pry * Canon City * W. W. Anderson, nick-named "Plug Hat" * Charles S. Thomas *

Tragedy Rules History Of Kidnap Cases

The kidnapping of small children has made some of the most tragic eras in the history of Texas and the United States as a whole. This account gives glimpses into many notable kidnappings.

Accounts included: the sensational Charlie Ross* the mysterious disappearance of little Freddie Leib in Quincy, Ill., in 1871 * the tragic case of Melvin Horst of Orrville * the kidnaping of 13 month-old Bleakely Coughlin, who was stolen from his crib in his father's summer home near Norristown, Pa * the kidnaping of little Bobby Franks of Chicago by Nathan Leopold and Richard Loeb * the tragedy of 12-year-old Marian Parker, kidnaped in Los Angeles by William Edward Hickman * Little Billy Dansey * Six-year-old Mary Daly * Harrison Noel * the tragic story of Dorothy Schnieder, 5, of Mount Morris, Mich * the murder of 6-year-old Marian McLean in Cincinnati * the murder of Irvin Pickelny, aged 5, of New York City. * the kidnaping of Edward Cudahy, Jr., son of the Omaha meat packer, in 1900, by Pat Crowe, famous bandit * Adolphus Busch Orthwein * Jackie Thompson, aged 5 * Corine Modell, a 10weeks-old baby * the kidnaping of Leopold Minking, the 7-year-old son of a city judge * little Billy Whitla was stolen from his home in Sharon, Pa *

What Kept Texas On Confederate Side

Account refers to a letter drafted by the aging Sam Houston to Abraham Lincoln, calling for troops be sent to Texas to protect it from the "rebels," and to keep Texas from the ranks of the seceding states. Houston saw the rising storm of secession, and joined forces with those fighting to preserve the Union. His stand against the Southern position was not due to any degree of sympathy with the abolitionists or their cause, for he rejected them as a menace to the nation's peace. He believed both abolition and secession threatened to destroy the nation. From early manhood he had lived in the Jackson tradition, "The federal union! It must and shall be preserved!" But, in the end, the letter was not sent to Lincoln, but rather destroyed. This is an excellent account of that fateful decision.


Emanuel Dubbs, 89, first judge of an organized county in the Panhandle and a hero in the Adobe Walls fight was buried at Clarendon recently. Beside his first wife, who died in 1911, was laid to rest after services held by his grandson and namesake Rev. Emanuel Dubbs pastor of First Christian Church at Drumwright, Okla. He is survived by five sons: C. W., W. F., and S. S., Amarillo; C. D., Newkirk, N. M., and F. A. Dubbs, Bristow, Ariz.. This is the account of the part he played at Adobe Walls.

Old Days In The Old Army

By Lydia Spencer Lane. (Continued from Last Month). Mrs Lane faithfully followed her husband through the most desolate and dangerous regions of the Texas frontier, and kept a journal through the whole time. This is fascinating reading and includes details of the army movements, as well as the terrors, the terrain, and the depravations endured by those who served the cause of peace and freedom in Western Texas. You will rarely find reading that includes so much minute detail of pioneer and soldier life than in this excellent account. Mrs. Lane was a fine communicator.

An Excerpt: We left Fort Bliss for San Antonio on the 13th of October with an escort and enough men to pitch our tents. Mrs. Elliott and her family had an ambulance for themselves, while we used one belonging to an army officer who wanted it sent to San Antonio, so we were mutually accommodated. We had four mules in our team which husband was to drive the whole six hundred miles, and he did it in a very creditable manner. Many an anxious day and night we spent on that journey. The Indians were ever on the lookout for small parties, and eternal vigilance was required to keep them at bay, and "the lieutenant" was always on the alert. Our camps were kept as dark as possible at night, no fires nor candles were allowed. but such precautions were often useless, for, just when everything should have been quiet, one or the other baby was sure to set up a roar as might have been heard ten miles or more. …

Woe to the hapless party that fell into the devilish hands of a band of Indians ! Men were generally put to death by slow torture, but they were allowed to live long enough to witness the atrocities practiced on their wives and children, such things as only friends could devise. Babies had their brains dashed out before the eyes of father and mother, powerless to help them. Lucky would the latter have been, had they treated her the same way; but what she was forced to endure would have wrung tears from anything but an Indian. Do you wonder at our dread of them?

Further Mentions: Fort Craig * Crittenden and Colonel Andrew Porter * Colonel George * Captain and Mrs. Nicholls. She was a daughter of General De Russey, U. S. Army * Cantonment Burgwin * Major McCrea, with his wife and daughter, Lieutenant Alexander MeD. McCook, Lieutenant Alexander McCrea * at Fort Union, New Mexico * Fort Leavenworth * Captain Washington L. Elliott * Mrs. Elliott * Hatch's ranch * Lieutenant John Edson * Fannie Clark * Lieutenant Edson * Colonel Benjamin Roberts * Colonel Charles Ruff and family * Lieutenant Edson, * Fort Defiance * Captain and Mrs. Shoemaker * Colonel Ruff and Major Rucker * Colonel I. V. D. Reeve * Colonel Magoffin * Van Horn's Well, Eagle Spring, and Dead Man's Hole * (To be continued next month.)

Stories Of Old Trail Drivers Of Long Ago

By Cora Melton Cross. Account of Jack Pettus, who

Young Jack Pettus, whose full name read John Freeman, son of Will Pettus, and twig of the old tree, while yet in his teens forged to the front, fighting with Ben Milam at San Antonio and on through to victory at San Jacinto in Mosely Baker's company. With the capture of the arrogant Mexican General, the defeat of his army and the establishment of the Lone Star Republic of Texas, Jack Pettus and Sarah Yorke were married and in time was born to their union four daughters and an equal number of sons, one of whom was J. E., commonly called Jim, the subject of this sketch.

"So far as my boyhood was concerned-it was much like that of all other boys in early Texas," said Jim Pettus, continuing with : "I was born in DeWitt County and a better one couldn't a' been found for all it was a wild country, even when I got to where I could tally up on it, and I wasn't any bigger than a banty chicken, although I was riding my pony on herd alongside of father at the time. Indians were plentiful and range was high, wide and open with cattle grazing everywhere without hindrance.

"Father and mother set up house. keeping on Mill Creek in Washington county. But when immigration began pouring in they moved to De Witt and later on to Bee where their home formed the nucleus around which the town of Pettus, named for our family, was built.

Further Mentions: Stephen F., son of Moses Austin * the founding of the DeLeon, DeWitt and Edwards colonies * Sarah Yorke, a 15-year-old-Tennessee beauty, immigrated to Texas with her parents just in time to participate in what was afterward styled "the run-away," an exodus of women and children from Gonzales and vicinity under guard of Texas troops with General Sam Houston, toward the Sabine River. This to escape massacre at the hands of General Santa Anna's men should he prove victorious in his proposed invasion * Uncle George Yorke * Jim Bell * a fellow named Sykes * the Dry Escondido * Ben Milam * W. J. Lott * Miss Anna H. Reed of Rockport *

Discovery Furnishes New Clew To Prehistoric Texas

Franklin Bryan. Account describes discoveries in McLennan county, which indicate that Yucatan explorers were discovering Texas long before the Spaniards, Mexicans or frontiersmen.


Dallas News, Dec. 18, 1931-Revived interest in the case of John St. Helen, resulting from the examination of his mummified body by Chicago physicians, are again brought to light in Fort Worth the autobiography of a Methodist minister who had known St. Helen in Granbury, Texas, in 1875.

In this, St. Helen is quoted as having said "I am not John St. Helen, I am none other than John Wilkes Booth, who killed the best man that ever lived-Abraham Lincoln."

The late Rev. William Jones Moore whose autobiography is in the possession of his son, Carrol Moore. of Fort Worth, wrote that when he went to Granbury in 1875 he met two other young men there, and attorney, F. L. Bates, and a man who called himself John St. Helen…

Further Mentions: Glen Rose, a small, obscure village * Granbury * . Dr. A. E. Hanna, father of T. S. Hanna of the firm of Hanna, Blake & Baker * the old Granbury College * Penis L. Bates *

And Let The Desert Bloom

By Olga Eldridge. Excellent account of the early history and development of Potter county (Then part of Bexar) and the Amarillo area.

Further Mentions: Captain R. B. Marcy * the XIT Ranch, the largest in the world, comprising 3,500,000 acres * The Frying Pan Ranch * Mrs. W. W. Wetsel * the Amarillo Business and Professional Women's Club * the Fort Worth and Denver railroad * a tent town called Ragtown * by H. T. Cornelius, whose father was the first physician of the town * May Vi Amarillo, was the first baby born in Amarillo * James Goher * Miss Belle Plemons, * first baby boy born here was John Murphy * H. B. Sanborn, who owned the section of the original townsite, built the Hotel Amarillo * In the fall of 1889 the first public school was begun with C. G. Witherspoon, now of Hereford, as school teacher * This old school and court house building was afterwards made into a dwelling and is located at ninth and Van Buren Street * The First National Bank was the first building erected of stone * S. Lightburne *

Pioneer Wounded In Battle With Indians

By George B. Gamble. Here is an excellent, brief account of the flourishing little silver mining camp of Georgetown, New Mexico, at a time when a wonderful silver strike had just been made at Lake Valley, about 60 miles though the mountains from Georgetown. This account describes a bloody Indian raid that occurred there.

Further Mentions: the Mimbres river for about 15 miles, to the mouth of Gavilon canyon * George Perault * an old blacksmith named Black * "Fort Domingo." * A Mr. Daly, superintendent of the mines * the Gavilon Trail toward the Mimbres river * Superintendent Daly * Clifton *

When Robert E. Lee Was At Ringgold Barracks, Texas

By Colonel M. L. Crimmins.

Robert E. Lee first arrived at Ringgold Barracks, September 28, 1856, as a member of a general court-martial. On September 30th he writes the court was adjourned to Fort Brown, Texas. He arrived at Fort Brown, Brownsville, Texas, November 4, 1856, a hundred miles down the Rio Grande River; therefore, in the year 1856 lye was at Ringgold Barracks about one month, and as he was not stationed there for duty and no part of his regiment was ever at that post, he was probably assigned such vacant quarters as were available. He was not the senior officer present for duty, and was never in command of this station, but this story traces his relationship to the old fort.

Further Mentions: Fort Mason and Camp Cooper * the battle of Palo Alto, Texas * Brevet-Major Samuel Ringgold * "Samuel Leo" by Fitzhugh Lee * John Murphey * Billy Mason * Captain George Price *


Mrs. Sarah E. Lentz served a Texas office as postmistress forty-five years. The office served by Mrs. Lentz was Biardtown, Lamar county. She was appointed postmistress for Biardtown, April 2, 1882, and served continuously forty-five years.

Some names mentioned in this volume:

Capt Abbott; C. E. Adams; May Vi Amarillo; W. W. "Plug Hat"Anderson; ; Mrs Lawrence Baker; Mosely Baker; Barker; F. L. Bates; Fenis L. Bates; Jesse Bell; Jim Bell; Hon Jno C. Bell; Birch; Charles Bischoff; Fred G. Bonfils; Frederick G. Bonfils; Booth; Helen Boyle; Jim Boyle; Franklin Bryan; Charles Lee Bryson; Burnet; August A. Busch; F. D. Jr Catlin; Amasa Sr Clark; Fannie Clark; Cecil Cone; H. T. Cornelius; Bleakely Coughlin; Will H. Craig; Crimmins; Col George B. Crittenden; Cross; Pat Crowe; Edward Jr Cudahy; Mary Daly; Billy Dansey; Clarence Darrow; Gov De Garza; Gen De Russey; Dixon; ; Dobie; Chief Douglas; C. D. Dubbs; C. W. Dubbs; Emanuel Dubbs; Rev Emanuel Dubbs; F. A. Dubbs; S. S. Dubbs; W. F. Dubbs; Fred Ducket; H. T. Duncan; Duval; Lt John Edson; Lt Edson; Olga Eldridge; Capt Elliott; ; Capt Washington L. Elliott; C. N. Farris; James Fernando; Gene Field; Mrs Claude Forehand; Bobby Franks; E. E. Frasier; Freemont; Gen French; Alva Galloway; George B. Gamble; Gillett; James Gober; Goodnight; Dick Green; Grohman; F. A. Gross; Ed Handy; Dr A. E. Hanna; T. S. Hanna; Dave Harrington; Green Harwell; Kit Hawkins; ; Mrs Lon Hazlet; Rev M. J. Hersey; William Edward Hickman; Melvin Horst; Horst; Adolph Hotelling; Hotelling; Houston; ; Hunter; ; John C. Ingram; Chief Jack ; Jackson; A. N. Jennings; Johnson; F. M. Johnston; Jose La Crosse; M. B. Lamar; Dr Lane; Lydia Spencer; Layland; Gen Robert Edward Lee; Lehmann; Freddie Leib; Lemley; Mrs Sarah E. Lentz; Samuel Leo; Nathan Leopold; S. Lightburne; Richard Loeb; W. J. Lott; Eli Loyd; Lauda Lunpe; Col Magoffin; Marcy; Mrs Glen Martin; Billy Mason; Harry Arthur McArdle; Lt Alexander McD. McCook; Lt Alexander McCrea; Pres McKinley; Marian McLean; N. C. Meeker; Col Merritt; Milam; ; Leopold Minking; Corine Modell; Harry Monell; Carrol Moore; Mrs Elizabeth Moore; Rev William Jones Moore; A. F. Moss; Carl Moss; Cash Moss; Eula Miss Moss; J. R. Moss; Jeff Moss; Luke Moss; Mary Ann Moss; Matt Moss; Matthew Moss; S. B. Jr Moss; Stephen Boyce Moss; Steve Moss; Vic Moss; W. B. Moss; John Murphey; John Murphy; Miss Nannie Muse; Paul Myers; Capt Nicholls; Harrison Noel; Adolphus Busch Orthwein; Chief Ouray; Chief Ouray "U-ray" "Arrow"; Hugh Owens; Alfred Packer; Marian Parker; Jane Pawvett; George Perault; John Peta; J. E. "Jim" Pettus; Jim Pettus; John "Jack" Freeman ; W. A. Freeman; Will Freeman; S. J. Phillips; Irvin Pickelny; Miss Belle Plemons; Mrs Luther Porch; Col Andrew Porter; Potter; Capt George Price; Rev Wesley Prince; Polly Pry; Allie Ratliff; Miss Laura J. Ratliff; Tom Ratliff; Rayburn; Albert B. Reagan; Miss Anna H. Reed; Col Reeve; Col I. V. D. Reeve; Francis B. Reitman; Maurice Rhodes; Jess Ricks; Mrs Jess Ricks; Brev Maj Samuel Ringgold; Col Benjamin Roberts; W. H. Roberts; Rose; Charlie Ross; Walter Ross; Mrs Johnnie Rouse; Irene Rucker; Maj Rucker; Col Charles Ruff; H. B. Sanborn; Saunders; Dorothy Schnieder; Schon; Carl Schurz; Secrtry Schurz; Charley Shavenaux; Shipman; Capt Shoemaker; J. D. Slator Jr; Mrs H. D. Smith; Lt Smith; Sowell; John St. Helen; Wallace Stark; E. L. Stewart; Harry Tammen; Tammen; Charles S. Thomas; Jackie Thompson; Maj Thornburgh; Maj T. T. Thornburgh; Mrs Grover Walker; Wallace; Rev Mark T. Warner; Dick Wash; Geo M. Watkins; W. W. Wetsel; Billy Whitla; C. G. Witherspoon; Al Wood; Jim Wyckoff; George Yorke; Sarah Yorke

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