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Vol 09 No. 08 - May 1932
Jim Berry, Of Frio County (Cover Picture)
By Frost Woodhull Says the writer of this story, "Jim Berry's story isn't a story of high lights and deep shadows, nor of battle, murder and sudden death's; it isn't a story of stampedes and bar room fights and painting the town red. There aren't any bright greens nor pleasing pinks. His soil was too hot for hot-house plants, too dry for wild flower springs. His story is only the story of the Live Oak - in the limestone rocks and hot sun of Southwest Texas, growing, in spite of it all, into something big and useful. And his story has not been, and never will be, told by Jim Berry. It took ten years of direct suggestion to get the ten minutes of fact here hurriedly set down. Jim Berry is the "silentest" man I ever saw. This is an excellent account of a notable frontier settler and a good man, as well as some great Frio co. history.
Further Mentions: his wife, who was Martha Bigford of Frio county * They had eight children, all living and r.ost of them living in Frio county Kitty, who married Frank Davis of Frio county; Ora, who married Sid Martin of Laredo; Peggy, who married Dick Prassel of San Antonio ; Ollie, who married Karl Ward of Big Wells; Ruth, who married Calvin Woodward of Firo county ; Ernest, Jack and Esther, who live in Frio county * He was born in 1858 on Francisco Creek, a few miles southwest of Castroville * R. H. Williams * the big flat between the Anacacho Hills and where Spofford now is * Devil's River * the old Laredo Road *
Early Schools In San Antonio
By Vinton L. James. Very interesting and detailed account of the earliest schools in San Antonio, including: the German-English school; the first San Antonio public school, inaugurated in the Kloepper Hotel with Mr. Martin, a former Presbyterian minister, as principal; and the old school of Professor Plaugge, which rivaled the German-English School.
Further Mentions: the German Casino Association * Julius Berends * the north side of Commerce Street, where Newton & Weller's crockery store is now * Crockett Street * the Martin Muench Building on the corner of South Alamo and South Street * Pastor Mueller, William Schuwirth and Pat Troy were the first teachers * Among the students in 1858 and 1859 were Dave Alexander, John Fraser, F. A. Piper, Andrew Wren, John H. James and Nic Tengg. * . Mr. Duviniek, Mr. Probandt, Mr. Bookout, Mr. Pollmer, Mr. Briedenbach, and a lady, Mrs. Milner, were added to the faculty * . Mr. Schuwirth, who was the most efficient teacher, taught German * the old German song "Lauf Yager Lauf." * 433 Madison Street. * at Pat Troy and Mr. Duvinich * Dick Burns * Belger Baylor, a cowboy from the wide open spaces and a nephew of General John R. Baylor * Charles Herff * Fred Newman * Oscar Lefering * Crockett Hotel * Briedenbach * Loyal Valley, situated between the towns of Fredericksburg and Mason. * the Marshal Hicks administration * Mrs. Milner * Mr. Lawhorn in South Texas * Mr. Duvinick. * the southeast corner of the Navarro and Houston Street intersection * Mrs. Baur.
A Gold Brick
Story of swindler, Rev. (he posed as a minister) Prescott J. Jernegan, who devised a scheme for the extraction of gold from salt water from the sea. Both before and since the Jernegan fraud many attempts have been made to extract gold from salt water, some of them fraudulent, some genuine and based on scientific grounds that have from time to time appealed even to deep students. But all so far have failed dismally. Though traces of gold are to be found in salt water, commercial application is practically impossible. This is his interesting story.
The Wild Stallion Of The Guadalupes
By Sam Ashburn and L. C. Sloan. J. A. Ursher. This is a beautiful story of an almost immortal horse.
Mentions: Veteran horseman of Sierra Blanca, Texas * Polly Hollebeke * Delaware Springs * Wild Horse Creek *
Goliad Highway Has Colorful Story Of Many Fights
J. D. Fauntleroy.
HE ROAD PASSING through Goliad played an important part in the history of Texas, during the days of the State's domination by Mexicans and the war for Texas independence. Over it have traveled many characters famous in the romantic story of the Lone Star State. Goliad, which is remembered by loyal Texans today as it was by Sam Houston's men at the battle of San Jacinto, is one of the most interesting places on the old highway. The modern automobile tourist gazing on the heavy masonry walls and towers of the old Goliad mission scarcely can realize that this place has possibly the bloodiest history of any place in Texas.
Further Mentions: Bernardo Guiterrez de Lara * Presidio of Adaes * Simon Herrera * Manuel Salcedo * Gallinas Creek * Gov. Arredondo * Col Perry and Maj. Gordon * Gen. Tres Palacios * Milam, John Austin and Christy * La Bahia del Espiritu Santo * Santa Dorotea * Copano and La Bahia * Nuestra Senora del Refugio * The Caranchua Indians * Lafitte * Louis Lafort * Mexican Gen. Canalizo * Linville * Plum Creek * Gen. Burleson * Gen. Felix Huston * Gen. Paint Caldwell * Chambers county * Trinity River * Field Marshal Rubi * the town of Anahuac * Patrick C. Jack and William B. Travis * Col. Juan David Bradburn * two Americans named Briscoe and Harris * Capt. Tenorio * Col. Domingo Ugartecha * Lieut. Redfield and Dr. Lynch * a French colony under the direction of Gen. Lallamand * Marshal Grouchey and Gen. Rigaud *
Important "contributory evidence" that Texas originally was bought by the United States in the Louisiana Purchase in 1803 and that the Rio Grande rather than the Nueces River was the southern boundary of Texas is contained in Thomas Salmon's Geographical Grammer published in Kilmarnock, Scotland, in 1767. On a map of North America published in this 165-year-old book, Louisiana is shown as the property of France and extends as far west as 100th parallel.
Mentions: Mrs. Linnie W. Barrett * William Henry Wright * Leslie, Scotland * Thomas and Catherine Comyn Briggs * Andromanche * Josia McGehee Wright * Rev. William Henry Wright *
J. C. Burdett, who has been engaged in farming and ranching near Goldthwaite most of his life, has 160 living descendants. Mr. Burdett is 83 years old. Included in his 160 descendants are eleven children, seventy-six grandchildren, sixty-nine great grandchildren and four great-grand-children.
First Anniversary Of The Battle Of San Jacinto
John S. Mayfield.
Historic Ground In Texas
J. Marvin Nichols.
This is a story about Washington County, situated in Southwest Texas. The original Municipality of Washington embraced a vast territory, but the present Washington county is the very core and heart of the primitive municipality. For within its present boundaries are the original capital of the Republic of Texas; the seats of learning to which gravitated the leading families of that day; the very site of the first and original white settlement made by Austin; the vast estates -the very first soil ever granted to an American in Texas; the moss-grown churches where worshipped the great men and women of another age; the ancient cemeteries where sleeps the dust of those who made us what we are; remains of. once palatial homes, built of cedar and adorned with rich carving, wherein still dwell the worthy descendants whose sires have long since entered upon the Great Adventure.
Further Mentions: Austin's Colony-the very first in Texas * Chappell Hill * Jacksonville * Turkey Creek * Rock Island Academy * the Rock Island Railway * Mustang Gray, the Texas Ranger of renown * Mount Vernon was once the county seat of Washington county * Tiger Point * Phil Coe * Gray Hill, once a community of thrift and culture * Live Oak Female seminary * Evergreen * Union Hill, near which in 1838 the Gocher family was massaered by the Indians * the great Tonkawa-Waco Indian fight in 1837 * Rufus Burleson * Baylor * Baylor Female College * Dr. J. E. Muse, father of Judge and J. C. Muse * William Gray Crane, Dr. Horace Clark, and Miss Mary Davis * General Jerome Robertson * General Felix Robertson * Judge Seth Shepard * General Herbert, ex-governor of Louisiana * Sul Ross * Judge Robert Williamson * James and Asa Willie * James Willie * Stephen F. Austin, ,John P. Coles, Sam Houston, Mirabeau B. Lamar, Anson Jones, Martin Ruter, Judge Baylor. Rufus Burleson, Robert Alexander, W. M. Tryon, Horner S. Thrall, the Hoxies, the Clays, 11w Revers, the Gillespies, the Giddings, the Shepards, the Robertsons, the Bassetts, the Campbells, the Routts, the Luthers, the Muses, the Sewards, the Thornhills, the Ross family * the Coles Settlement. Chappell Hill Females College * old Soule University * Brenham * president of the Female College was a Mrs. Halsey * Old Austin at Huntsville * Andrew Female College * Rr. Martin Ruter * Alleghaney College * Rutersville College * Dr. Francis A. Mood * old McKenzie College up on Red River beyond Clarksville * Thorp's Spring * Tehuacana * J. D. Sayers * Daniel Baker * Thomas H. Ball * Henderson Yoakum * Miss Trask of Boston * Henry Gillette * Judge R. E. B. Baylor * Henry L. Graves * Anson Jones * Rufus C. Burleson * George W. Barnes and William Cary Crane * The first Law School in the State of Texas was at Baylor University * Royal T. Wheeler * John Sayles, R. T. Smith, James E. Shepard and Ben H. Bassett * . Dr. William Cary Crane * Hosea Garrett
From Round-Up To Rodeo
By Mary Daggett Lake. The round-up of other times was the beginning of the rodeo of today. Often a new man in camp was the signal to try out the worst outlaw horse in the bunch. The game brought zest to the sport and skill to the rider. Frequently, after the work of the day was ended, the gang would vie with each other as to prowess. Eventually, betting was indulged in, and later a special time was set aside for the events, and tickets were sold. Now we have the great American sport, the Rodeo, with its competitive events. This is the story of that transition, and of the earliest days of Rodeo.
Further Mentions: The first rodeo that was held for prize money in Northern Texas, was at Seymour, Baylor county, in July 1896 * Harry Dougherty, county clerk of King county * Emeline Gardenhire * Ranch, owned and managed by John Daggett * Mantana Blizzard * Bill Parks, better known as "Pitchfork Kid" of the Pitchfork outfit in King county, run and owned by G. B. Gardner * Jeff Scott, who worked for the Mill Iron Ranch in Hall county, near Memphis * "Old Red Eyes" was King of the Carnival * E. M. (Bud) Daggett, a veteran Texas cattleman of Fort Worth * Jerry Barbee, live stock agent of the Cotton Belt Railroad, Charles Ware, of the Port Worth & Denver, V. S. Wardlaw, Van Zandt Jarvis, S. B. Burnett, James D. Farmer, H. C. Holloway, W. E. Skinner, A. M. Keene, the Hovencamp brothers, E. M. (Bud) Daggett, John P. Daggett * Miller Brothers of Bliss, Oklahoma * Mme. Constance Whitney Warren, of Paris, France * Paris Salon Des Artistes Francaise * Charles Canson, vice-president of the Chemical National Bank of New York City * Mr. Cason *
La Caramboda, The Female Bandit
The following story of the Mexican woman, La Caramboda, the female brigand, long a terror to travelers in this region, died with a bullet in her heart. Her operations extended over a number of years, and were of the most daring description. For a long time the authorities found it very difficult to trace or even to explain the crimes which she committed, for no one suspected that a woman was the guilty person. No two of her robberies were committed in the same manner. Sometimes she was a passenger and at other times she was with the bandits and took part in the shooting if any was to be done. A woman of some personal charms when appropriately dressed, she was a fiend when about her business of murder and pillage, whom very few cared to encounter.
Further Mentions: lion Vasquez * San Juanico * Connindad *
Mrs. Laurence Hamrick. Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Franklin Gholson, who live just in the edge of Lampassas county three miles south of Evant, are well into the seventieth year of their married life, and are still alert, jovial, hospitable and apparently free from any bitterness of past struggles which took place in this and other sections of the state of Texas. Gholson, who had a personal acquaintance with General Sam Houston, General Edward Burleson and Thomas Ross, was born in Robertson's Colony in what is now Falls county in November, 1842. His father, Albert G. Gholson, was with old Ben Milain when that intrepid commander was killed, and was also in the battle of San Jacinto. His mother, who was Miss Eldyia Anderson, was also of Robertson's Colony. She died the next year after B. F. Gholson was born, and soon after the family moved to McLellan county, settling 12 miles above Waco at what is Gholson. In 1855 the Gholson family moved with a herd of cattle to Mills county to a place on Owl Creek…
Further Mentions: Mrs. Adeline Lankford Gholson * Lankford Cove, now Evan * Coryell, Hamilton, Miles * the Texas Rangers under Capt. John Williams * Capt. J. M. Smith * L. S. Ross * Cynthia Ann Parker * Quanah Parker * the Jackson family *
Surveying Under Difficulties In 1860
Col. M. L. Crimmins. (Continued from last month)
It was not until 1860 that an extensive topographical reconnaissance was made of the Big Bend of the Rio Grande region of Texas. This massive and dangerous survey was frought with innumerable hardhsips due to the arid climate, dangerous and hostile Apaches and other notable factors. Finally under the direction of Lieutenant
Colonel Robert E. Lee, 2d Cavalry, commanding, the reconnaissance was made by
Second Lieutenant William II. Echols, Topographical Engineers, from San Antonio, with an escort under Second Lieutenant J. H. Holman and ten privates of Company 1, 1st Infantry, with one sergeant and ten privates of Company A, 1st Infantry from San Antonio, and one corporal and ten privates of Company A, 8th Infantry, from Camp Hudson. Twenty camels and fifteen pack mules were furnished for transportation. The object of the reconnaissance was to find a shorter and better route from the Pecos River to Fort Davis. This proved a failure, but this is a very interesting and detailed account, not only of their experiences on this reconnaissance, but also of the regions explored.
Further Mentions: the Santa Helena Canyon * San Francisco Creek * Camels Hump Mountain * Fort Stockton * the Comanche Trail * Fort Davis * the present location of Alpine. * Mitre Peak * Leon Waterhole * Presidio * Musquiz Ranch * Cabeza de Vaca * Espejo, the founder of Santa Fe, New Mexico * San Esteban * the arroyo Rancherillo * Pelegas * Alamite Creek * Penitas * Varras and Punta del Agua * Alamo Springs * The famous Shafter Silver Mine * Presidio del Norte * Fort Leaton * Ben Leaton * spring was named "Ternesa" * "Torneros Ranch." * "Bear Spring." * "Icy Branch" * "Agua Frio." * "Terlingua," * Lajitas Crossing * "the Grand Canyon of Santa Helena." * Las Chisos Mountains * Santiago Peak * Sulphur Spring * 'Camp Hudson * Fort Lancaster * the Orient Railroad *
Courts Of The Panhandle
N 1876 the Legislature created the Panhandle of Texas. With Oklahoma on the north, the New Mexico line on the west, the Caprock on the east and south, it constitutes the largest fertile body of land without waste in the United States.
Its richness was not realized at that time. It was called the Great American Desert, and was destined to become the domain of the cowman. Trappers were abundant, and from 1873, when the buffalo hunters rushed in, until 1878, when the bison passed forever, there were very few families or settlers here. In the 80's, however, the covered wagons with women and children began to appear. This was about all these first settlers possessed, as the ranches mostly belonged to absent owners and companies.
In 1891 the Legislature created what was known as the 50th Judicial District, which comprised all that vast territory from Seymour to the New Mexico line, and originally consisted of Baylor, Knox, King, Dickens, Crosby, Lubbock, Hale, Floyd, Motley, and Cottle counties, but three unorganized counties of Hockley, Cochran, and Lamb were attached for judicial purposes.
On June 22nd, 1891 according to the records of Lubbock county, Hon. W. R. McGill, District Judge, held the first term of court. The jury commissioners were W. D. Crump, J. B. Mobley and John Green. G. W. Singer, Albert Clark, W. S. Clark, Henry Crump, John Kennedy, W. P. Nelson, J. F. O'Harrow, M. A. Woods, Isham Tubbs, William Tubbs, E. H. Estes, and. F. E. Wheelock composed the grand jury.
The story goes on to depict the early court hearings, and further developments of the Panhandle courts of those early days.
Further Mentions: The first case ever tried in Lubbock county being No. 1, on the docket was J. D. Caldwell vs. O'Harrow * That year two deaths occurred, one a child of W. F. Hendricks, a lawyer, and the other belonging to Fred Cobb * the first graves in Lubbock county * The nearest doctor at that time was M. V. Marshman * the Quaker colony of Estacado * lawyers, George E. Rosen, W. C. Henderson, R. L. Rodgers, J. I. Montgomery and L. G. Wilson * . R. L. Rogers published the first newspaper in Lubbock county * The first pettit jury in Lubbock county was impaneled Dec. 24, 1891, and consisted of J. D. Caldwell, J. C. Coleman, W. S. Clark, R. F. Kidney, W. P. Phoenix, Isham Tubbs, J. T. Tierce, W. C. Carsyle, W. P. Nelson, Frank Boles, R. C. Burns, Ed T. Cox, E. C. Knight, J. R. McAlister, J. B. Jones, J. B. Legget, G. W. Singer, William Tubbs, M. A. Wood, W. D. Crump, J. I. Irwin, L. E. Freeman, W. Y. Freeman, P. F. Brown, and S. W. Smith. L. E. Freeman, W. Y. Freeman, P. F. Brown, and S. W. Smith.* Mattie J. Straight vs. Hiram D. Straight * W. R. McGill * Jim Hogg * the Hon. S. I. Newton, Judge * the Hon. H. C. Randolph * attorneys : John R. McGee, John J. Dillard, J. W. Jarrott, Chas. E. Cones, L. S. Kinder, J. Wilson, Boles, Geo. R. Bean, and G. G. Wright * Mr. Newton * Joel P. Dickson, Judge * the late S. I. Newton * . G. Abernathy * E. M. Overshiner, L. S. Kinder, C. S. Kinchen, S. W. Burkhalter, Geo. L. Beatty, and John R. McGee * the Hon. J. W. Jarrott the first person to be murdered in this county * J. M. Morgan, Judge * the case of J. B. Earhart vs. J. B. Holloway * the estate of D. McDonald * Judge W. R. Spencer * Ballinger * Brownfield * Chas. (Chili) Smith * Hon. Pat M. Neff, * Clark M. Mullican * Jack Dempsey * Judge Parr * Sulphur Springs * the Hon. J. E. Vickers * the Hon. W. D. Girand * and J. L. Pearson, U. S. Commissioner. Mr. Girand * Mr. Pearson * Victor H. Lindsey * the firm of Lindsey and Berry *
Some Incidents Connected With The Civil War
Julia Thompson Neal, San Antonio Tex.
These are sad but intereting personal recollections of what the great war meant to the pioneer family.
An excerpt: The first thing I remember before war was declared was the general excitement in our neighborhood. Everyone seemed to be talking War! War!
Soon after this, the men in the community organized themselves into a company and arranged to meet every Saturday to practice drilling for service. They needed a leader of experience. Fortunately there lived in the neighborhood an old ex-soldier who served in the Mexican War. He was noted also for being the first man who carried mail on horseback from Austin to El Paso. His name was John Anis, better known as "Uncle Jack" by the neighbors. It was voted unanimously that Uncle Jack be selected as the leader of the company.
Dr. Herman, who lived above our neighborhood, on the Medina River, invited them to meet for practice on his property. He owned a large tract of land and they cleared out the underbrush and left the beautiful pecan trees covering more than an acre.
One thing that impressed me as a child was the sumptuous dinners served on a long L shape table. Everyone contributed to these dinners. A roasted pig with an apple in its mouth took my eye more than the roast turkey or chicken. It is strange how we remember events that happen in our childhood better than we do later in our lives.
Perhaps I enjoyed the drilling more than some of the grown ups who no doubt could sense to some- degree what the sequel might be.
More than anything else the music was indelibly impressed on my mind. Mrs. Enoch Jones, whose old home is still standing I have heard, had her piano brought on the ground and Mr. Mudd brought his clarinet and violin. He was a great musician and could play any instrument. Mr. Tomkins, a brother of Mrs. Jones, was a fine bass singer. How they made the woods ring as they played and sung that old southern melody, "Dixie," which I had never heard before!
It was not long after this that a call to arms was made for all who were eligible to service. When the time came to bid us all good-bye, we children then realized that something serious was at hand. We had no brother to go, the nearest relative was a cousin, but in those days our neighbors were like one family. All were in sympathy with one another.
So now, in memory, I am back at home with my sisters and the little colored children. All gathered around the fire place with our little bunches of cotton in the seed on the hearth, heating them before the fire to make the seed easier to pick out of the fiber. We had to prepare enough for next day's carding and spinning…
Greatest Single-Handed Fight In American History
Walter Noble.
WILD BILL IIICKOCK'S fight with the "McCandless gang" is one of the classic stories of the West. It has been called "the greatest single-handed fight in American history." It has been printed countless times. So thrilling is this tale of desperate heroism, so picturesque in its quick, vivid drama, that it seems little short of sacrilege at this late day to impugn its veracity. But is it merely fiction, or fact? This story seeks to sort out truth from fantasy.
The old story runs in this way: Ten members of the "McCandless gang," bound on a horse-stealing foray, swooped down on the relay station of the Overland Stage Company at "Rock Springs, Kansas," at the outbreak of the Civil War. They were led by "Bill McCandless," horse-thief, murderer, terror of the border. Wild Bill was alone. He barricaded himself in the cabin and when the bandits broke down the door and stormed the house, he emptied his rifle and six-shooter and then fought on with his bowie knife. Some stories say he killed ten men, some, eight. None credits him with having killed fewer than seven. He himself is said to have been so desperately wounded that it was a year before he recovered. Mr Noble offers a different view in this lengthy and very detailed account.
Further Mentions: Tames Woods and James Gordon * Rock Creek, Nebraska * Woods, his cousin, Gordon * Munroe McCandless * Horace Wellman * Sarah Kelsey afterward Mrs. Sarah Billings * Kate Schell * Beatrice, Nebraska * the cemetery at Fairbury * Lizzie McCanles * the farm of Mr. William Compton near the village of Endicott * "Irish John" Hughes * Pike's Peak * Newton Glenn's ranch * Elkhorn station * Fort Leavenworth * Ross Helvey * Harry Goff * Tom Helvey * Ben Holliday * West Rock Creek * Hays City, Abilene, and Ellsworth * Jack McCall * Yankton *
First Texas Paper Established 1829
By Mary Daggett Lake. It is impossible to study the history of a people in this day and time without taking into account the newspapers. Texas' wonderful progress during the last half century is no where better shown than in the development of its press. This is very good history of the origins of the newspapers that served the Texas frontier, filled with many dates and details.
Further Mentions: veteran newspaper man, Ben C. Stuart * The following list shows name, location. and year of issue: Cotton Plant, located at San Felipe in 1829; Texas Gazette, at San Felipe in 1832; Mexican Nation, at San Felipe in 1831; Advocate, at Brazoria in 1832; Republican, at Brazoria in 1834; Advocate, at Nacogdoches in 1835; Telegraph, at San Felipe in 1835; Telegraph, at Houston in 1836; Bulletin, at Matagorda in 1837; Redlander, at San Augustine in 1837; Chronicle, at Nacogdoches in 1837; The People at Brazoria in 1837; National Banner, at Houston in 1838; Civilian, at Houston in 1838; Intelligencer, at Houston in 1838; Brazos Courier, at Brazoria in 1838; Intelligencer, at Galveston in 1838; Civilian and Gazette, at Galveston in 1838; Galvestonian, in Galves.. ton in 1839; Mosquito, at Houston in 1839; Austin City Gazette, at Austin in 1841; San Luis Advocate, at San Luis in 1841; Times, at Galveston in 1841; Star, at Houston in 1841 Standard, at Houston in 1841; Standard, at Clarksville in 1842, and News at Galveston in 1842. * The first paper printed west of the Colorado River was the Texan Advocate, by John D. Logan and Thomas Sterne. They brought their offices from Van Buren, Ark., by water on flatboats to New Orleans and from there to Victoria by means of Mexican carts by way of Port Lavaca. * San Antonio's first paper was the Western Texan * James P. Newcomb * a Mr. Cleveland * the Wesleyan Banner * Texas Presbyterian * Rev. R. B. Wells * F. Muir issued the first number of a Democratic weekly, entitled Die Union * Capt. James Allen * Galveston, on Market near Tremont street * State Gazette at Austin * the Ranchero at Brownsville * Texas Ranger at Navasota * George B. Dealey * Frank Doremus * W. M. O'Leary * J. C. McNealus and J. H. Sullivan * Frank Brady
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