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Vol 09 No. 07 - April 1932
Thrilling Life Story Of A Texas Ranger
THE FOLLOWING very interesting story of Fred C. Kaiser, (on the cover) written by himself a year or two before he died, gives the readers an insight into the hardships and troubles our frontiersmen had to contend with in the early days. Mr. Kaiser died at his home near Blanco, Texas, February 11, 1930. His story follows:
My parents came from Germany, father being a turner by trade. While I was quite young we moved to New Braunfels, some 30 miles distant. Father afterwards took up a homestead on the Guadalupe River, thirty miles west of New Braunfels, and we moved there in the fall of 1855. The land of course was unimproved, a log house was built…
Further Mentions: I was born near San Pedro Spring in San Antonio, December 15, 1849 * a man by the name of Hodge * a family named Walters * a family by the name of Bryant moved into the country and settled about a mile away * a man by the name of Dixon * a small store owned by a man named Krause at the head of Honey Creek * a man byname of Toler * Currey's Creek * A man by name of Randall * school at Lower Currey's Creek * for Dr. Nowlin who lived on Currey's Creek * with a man by name of Busby * May Manning * Heranda in Grayson county, Mississippi * Billy Manning * Ben Patton * Steve Ray * Bonham * Mills' Ferry on Red River * Hellemy * Mrs. Gathens * Jim Jones * Ammon's ranch * Capt. Sansom * Will Jones * Charlie Williams, Jeff Sansom * the settlement near Comfort * Company C * Charlie Patton, lieutenant * Louis Nelson, first sergeant * Perkins, third sergeant * Billie Caston, fourth sergeant * Albert Ammons fifth * Columbus Herring, first corporal * John Nichols, second corporal * Camp Verde, on Verde Creek, in Kerr county * Captain Richter * Fort Clark * Jeff Sanson * Jim Minear * Clint and Jeff Smith, who lived on the Cibolo * Red Water Hole on Devil's River * Enchanted Rock in Llano county * Frio Water Hole * Fort Griffin on the clear fork of the Brazos * the Double Horn Mountains *
Investigators Find Love Story Of Late President
HOPES FOR SUDDEN riches by many West Texas "Buchanan heirs," have repeatedly turned to disappointment. But what of the rumors of a fabulous fortune left by the former president. The investigation of the rumors of the mythical millions has revealed interesting stories of the love and money affairs of President James Buchanan. This story recalls some of the more notable ones.
Further Mentions: Glenn R. Lewis, 51st district attorney for Tom Green county * Thomas R. Buchanan, who is employed by the Bowen Plumbing Company * Mrs. Gus Obenhaus * Mrs. Jim Smith * Rob Lewis of Water Valley * Still other Buchanan heirs reside at Sonora, Menard * Daniel Kachel * Henrietta Buchanan * Mrs. Mary DeHoff * John Shaffer, who was the bachelor president's most intimate friend * Dickson College
Predicament Of Alabama Indians Told By Native Girl
By Miss Emily Sylvestine
This is a unique history of the Alabamas written by a member of the tribe near Livingston. The author, Miss Emily Sylvestine, who probably will be "the lucky girl" in the case, describes in simple and interesting fashion the trials and tribulations of the Alabamas from the time of DeSoto to the present day. She tells of witches and "medicine men" of the Green Corn dance and other time-honored Indian rites.
Further Mentions: Two chronicles of DeSoto's expedition tell of pushing through the Alabama village of that time * The good chief, Tomath Lee Mingo * a village on what is called "Horse-pen Creek" in Tyler county * Pecan Tree village, near the birthplace of John Henry Kirby * the present village and Woodville * close to the Big Thicket * " Abba Mingo" the chief in the sky above them all. * Coushattat * Dorothy Chambers Schotter * John Scott * Charley Thompson * Chief Sun-Kee * Mr. and Mrs. Currie of North Carolina * Rev. A. W. Jones of Woodville * Dr. Flowers * the Assembly Home Mission * Dr. Dork of Livingston * two Indian girls, Lizzie Battise and Elvina Sylvestine * Iva Battise * Mrs. A. W. Bulay of Livingston * Mr. Hobby Galloway *
It is said that soon after the transfer of General Johnston's remains from the Shiloh battlefield to New Orleans a lady visiting the cemetery found pinned to the temporary tomb the above beautiful epitaph. It was written in a delicate hand with a pencil, and the rain had nearly obliterated the characters. The lady made a verbatim copy of the manuscript and sent it to one of the New Orleans papers, with the request that if possible the name of the author should be published. This was gladly done and the beautiful lines went the rounds of the press of this country and England as a model of English composition. Public curiosity being aroused, the authorship was traced to John Dimitry, a young man of New Orleans. The young man, though only a boy, served in Johnston's army at Shiloh, and on visiting New Orleans and the grave of his chieftain, wrote the lines on the inspiration of the moment and pinned them on the headboard as the only tribute he could offer.
On the monument of General Albert Sidney Johnston, one of the great and popular generals of the Confederacy, in the cemetery at Austin, Texas, is inscribed the beautiful epitaph contained in this story, written by the young man. It is a truly amazing composition.
A Graphic Account Of An Indian Raid
This story is about the notable Indian raid that occurred in the Sabinal Valley, Uvalde, county, in 1859 and actually includes two accounts of the same event written by two authors. The first is the account written by the son of one of the victims, Mr. J. W. Davenport, whose father, John Davenport was killed in the attack, and is stated to be true and accurate in detail, according to the old settlers who lived in the area where this gruesome event occurred. Following his version of the story, is the account of the same event by Captain W. R. Russell of Harper, Texas, who was a member of Captain W. R. Henry's Frontier Rangers and who participated in the raid and subsequent pursuit.
Further Mentions: Doke Bowles * the Patterson settlement * the Blanco creek * his new ranch on the Leon * Weed on Ranch * John Kennedy's ranch * Lieut. W. L. Hazen * John McCormick * Ben Pulliam * William Thomas * Arnold, Arnette * Bushy Bead" Williams * Clabe Davenport, brother of John * Everett * Frank Isabell, Nobe Griner * John 'McCormick * a man named Wheat * Black Creek in Medina county * Admiral George Dewey * Mrs. J. Z. Brown * Ranchero Creek * Capt. W. R. Henry's Frontier Rangers * Fred C. Arnold * Sam Everette *
Surveying Under Difficulties In 1860
Col. M. L. Crimmins. This is an excellent account of the Topographical Engineers when Colonel Robert E. Lee, 2nd Cavalry, was in command and the incredible hardships they endured while surveying the Southwest, particularly a strip of country on either side of the San Carlos trail, between Fort Stockton and the Rio Grande, which was unknown and thought to be waterless. It was important that our troops have more information about it, so they could pursue successfully the Indians who hid there. Camels were the only animals which could be used to traverse these waterless regions. (Continued next month)
An excerpt: The poor famished mules, which were ordinarily so wild that they were never turned loose to graze without being hobbled, now fearlessly and frantically went to the water barrels to draw the bungs with their teeth and gnaw at the bungholes. It was expected that all the mules would be lost unless water was found that day. Only a canteen of water was issued each man, with enough to make a cup of coffee. This was the fourth day since the camels drank and the water was then brackish. It was the same kind of water they had in their barrels, which was so full of filth and impurities that, when the hung was taken from a barrel, a stench came forth.
Further Mentions: Lieutenant Colonel Joseph E. Johnson, Captain W. H. C. Whiting and Captain Nathaniel Michler * Captain John Pope * Second Lieutenant W. H. Echols * Twenty camels from Camp Verde, under Amasa Clark, and twenty-four pack mules were assigned as transportation * Camp Houston * Camp Houston was at the second crossing of the Devils River, about 40 miles northwest of Del Rio * Beaver Lake * Johnsons Run * Howards Springs * Lieutenant Holman * Piscas Creek abounding in fish. The commander caught a dozen large fish weighing from 10 to 15 pounds each * Makins Spring * Fort Davis * "Camel Hump Mountain," * San Francisco Creek * the Southern Pacific Railway and the road from Del Rio to El Paso * Military Border Highway. * Second Lieutenant James H. Holman *
After Many Years
Judge O. W. Williams, Fort Stockton, Texas.
Story of ‘ol Hank Herrick whose life and experience as a miner and adventurer on the frontier mirrors that of countless frontiersmen and wanderers in search of mines full of riches and freedom of the frontier. In the experience of hundreds of early American settlers in Arizona and New Mexico, saving only that very few of them ever had a stake like Hank to help out the desired return to the old home. A life of forty years in a country with a wide horizon of sky and mountain among a people whose habits, ambitions and passions were greatly loosened from the conventions of civilization, left the wayfarer helpless to rest content within the bounds of a small farming community.
Further Mentions: the territory from the Gila River to the Sacramento Mountains in the East and as far South as the Mexican border * Martin Bremen * Silver City * the East Bound overland stage coach at Silver City, New Mexico * T. D. Pettie * Mr. Lawrence, reporter for the Denver Mining News * Sam Marcial * Mr. Donaho * the two camps of Shakespeare and Lieutdorfs * the Pyramid Range * the Copper Queen Mine * the little town of Fairmont in Clark County, Missouri * Jornada del Muerto * Newton *
The first ice manufactured in the United States was in Texas. Jefferson, Texas, claims the honor, of being the home of the first ice factory in our country, the first ice made in the United States having been manufactured there in 1873… J. H. Boyle, of Jefferson
Wouldn't Swap Pioneer Days For Modern Times
THE JOYS AND thrills of the modern are nothing compared with those of the early days in Texas, when Indians and buffalo roamed over the State and the purchase of a calico dress once in six months made a woman happy, according to Elias Hardcastle, old frontier settler, and long time resident of Milam county and also Devine, in Medina county. He came to Texas in 1864 in an ox wagon, along with his parents, from Pike county, Alabama. He recounts in vivid terms, the life of the pioneer in those difficult times.
Further Mentions: Mrs. E. L. Shufelt * Bill Quinn * John Stockman * Little River * the head of Pine Oak Creek, eight miles west of. old Nashville * joined Capt. W. A. Thompson's Co. F of the 31st Texas Regiment *
Meteoric Ethan Allen
Ethan Allen was born, in 1737, in Litchfield, Conn., only five years after George Washington himself saw the light of day. When he was in his early thirties, Allen moved to Bennington, in what is now Vermont but was then disputed ground. Ethan Allen was made colonel and commanding officer of these "Green Mountain Boys" as they called themselves, but before they got very far with their private war, the Revolution broke out, and Ethan Allen dropped the cause of his particular Colony to embrace the cause of all the Colonies. Here began his military career, a short one, as it proved, but one long enough to include an outstanding feat that indirectly contributed to Washington's taking of Boston and that fixed the name of Ethan Allen forever in the minds of his countrymen.
Further Mentions: the "New Hampshire Grants," * Ticonderoga * Benedict Arnold * De la Placo *
Account of W. S. Austin, who was born in Fannin county, Texas, March 10, 1876. In the fall of 1879, he moved down 50 miles southwest of San Antonio and in 1888 left his home town for Arizona, arriving in Tempe July 4, three months later. He describes the hardships endured in the journey through those inhospitable parts during those stirring times.
Further Mentions: A. W. Austin * the San Pedro River and down into Florence * Rincon * old Geronimo * Maricopia * Gray crossing * We crossed the Gila and Salt Rivers on a ferry boat * the Hayden mill *
Speaker Garner is reported by. the United States Daily as again speaking of the possibility of the division of Texas into five States, in accordance with the Joint Resolution of Congress in 1845 providing for the annexation of Texas. His argument is based on the differing sectional needs of the area included in the State, and the influence that would accrue to the Southwest and the South, should these have eight additional votes in the Senate. For comparison he mentions five New England States, omitting Massachusetts, which unitedly have less population and far less area than Texas, yet have ten Senators as against two from Texas. Texas in fact has over four times the area of all the New England States combined…
Mentions: J. Evetts Haley * Frost Woodhull, San Antonio * Frank Doran, Hempstead * Dr. Gideon Lincecum * The Nibling papers * Messers. A. L. Nibling and Albert Nibling, Jr., of Belton * Jot Gunter and his grandson, Gunter Hardie * land firm operations of Gunter and Munson * Mrs. C. G. Pitts, Coleman * Miss Alice Clow * the Mavericks * Mrs. Emily Smith Cheesman * George W. Smyth, Texas pioneer * the Boundary Commission of 1840 * J. M. Daughterty, Van Horn * The Al McFaddin * Mrs. Al McFaddin * Mrs. Bula Whittington Connellee * Charles Ulrich Connellee *
A Hero Tragedy Stalks Beyond The Grave
Dr. W. N. Rowell. A very excellent account of A. J. (ANDREW JACKSON) Hitchcock Born at Columbia, Ga., Feb. 21, 1814. Coming from a home of wealth and refinement, he was one of that band of 112 volunteers from Georgia who came to Texas with Lieut. Col. Wm. Ward in December, 1835, to assist the colonists in their struggle against Mexico. This body of men, known as the Georgia Battalion, was placed with Col. J. W. Fannin's command and served under Fannin's orders until the time of his surrender near Goliad on March 20, 1863, the greater part of them being present and meeting death in the massacre in that place some days later.
Mr. Rowell declares that it was his "good fortune to be thrown in every close association" with Hitchcock. "A relative of my mother, who also was from Georgia, he was a welcome and honored guest in our home, where, during the last years of his life, he would often be for many weeks at a time and it was there, in the intimacy of the family circle while gathered around the old-fashioned fireside, that I heard from his lips, retold many times, the story of his escape from death at Goliad. It is perhaps not amiss for me to state here that, after his tragic death, my father, the late Dr. E. H. Rowell, was appointed administrator of his estate; and that the many facts brought out at that time by correspondence and otherwise, all corroborated in detail Hitchcock's story as he told it to us."
The record of Hitchcock’s life reads more like a tale of fiction than that of sober truth. A man, too, of such a lovable nature and endowed with such noble traits of character that it was truly said of him that he was "a brave soldier, a true friend and charitable Christian."
Further Mentions: the I. O. O. F. cemetery in Denton * Ward and King * James H. Christal, father of Jack Christal *
After going some distance they were ordered to halt, and their guards, about double their own number, immediately began firing into their ranks. A scene impossible to describe then followed. The first volley, fired at such close range, killed most of the Texans, and the greater part of those who survived were too badly wounded to make any effort to get away. Hitchcock did not think any would have escaped, had not the Mexican troops at once begun to strip the bodies of those fallen of clothing and valuables. So intent were they on that gruesome work that slight attention was at first paid to the very few who, like himself, remained unwounded, and who, as soon as the first shock of surprise and horror was over, started running in an effort to get away. Most of these were overtaken and butchered before getting very far. Hitchcock, so far as he then knew, was the only one fortunate enough to escape. As he fled a number of the Mexicans gave chase and forced him toward a high picket fence or stockade, which was apparently too high for him to get over. Hitchcock was sure it would have been impossible for him to have done so under less terrifying circumstances, but with the Mexicans so close upon him, he did succeed in scrambling over. He then ran into some brush and timber, through which he made his way to the San Antonio river nearby, he cautiously worked down stream and finally entirely eluded his pursuers…
With the horror of the scene he had witnessed ever before him, Hitchcock made every effort to keep hidden from the troops of cavalry that were soon sent out in search of Texans who might have escaped. But the following day he was discovered and retaken, and with his captors Hitchcock found four other prisoners who, like himself, had escaped death the day before, but were now recaptured. It is interesting to note that Hitchcock believed to the day of his death that only he and those four men survived the Hound massacre, though it is known that there were 25 or so who were so fortunate. Historians generally place the number at 27…
Once more free, Hitchcock and his companion now found themselves confronted with' a situation so desperate that not only was their ingenuity taxed to the utmost, but it seemed that Providence itself must favor them if they should be successful in winning their way to complete safety. They were many miles within the enemy lines, on a low level plain which would afford scant protection in case they should encounter any of the numerous bodies of troops then being concentrated by Santa Anna for what proved, some clays later, to be the decisive battle of San Jacinto.
Their intense suffering as prisoners was as nothing compared to what they now had to undergo. Traveling almost continually both day and night, spurred on by the fear of discovery and recapture, they soon began to feel the pangs of hunger. All their efforts to obtain food failing, they were finally forced to the extremely of eating the horned frogs which they found as they walked along. These, supplemented by two terrapins which they were fortunate enough to run across, constituted their entire food supply (luring their eight days' travel. While the expressions on Hitchcoks's face as lie told of the enforced fare of raw horned frogs indicated that the recollection was anything but pleasant, it was with a chuckle that he told of his enjoyment of the change in diet provided by the terrapins, although they, too, were eaten raw…
By Violet A. Haynes. Henry Perdue Haynes was born in Gonzales, the Republic of Texas, February 12, 1842. His parents were Charles Haynes and Miss Jane Power, who were married in the Republic of Texas in Gonzales county in 1840.
Charles Haynes settled in Lockhart for a time, and from there moved to Llano county in 1860. It was from here his two oldest sons, Henry and John, joined the Confederate army in 1862. Henry Haynes served in the 18th Texas Cavalry, dismounted, Darnells regiment, Grandherry's brigade and Pat Clebornes division. He and his brother John, were captured at Arkansas Post, taken to Chicago, where they were put in close confinement in Ft. Douglas prison.
Further Mentions: Miss Mary Alice Morrow * Mr. and Mrs. Haynes had only one child, Mary Alice, who was born in New York, February 28, 1892 * a little daughter, Margaret Jones * Rev. J. N. McKay * Andrew Rogers Haynes * William Clifford Haynes * George Kermit Slieley. * Charlie Power Haynes * Sterling Price Bowles * John Loyd Phillips and John henry Phillips * William Charles Russell * Etc.
By Bera V. Thomas. Account of "Jerry" Jeremiah Harwell, who resided for 65 years in Hunt county, five miles north of Commerce. Coming from Alabama by way of wagon train, the first stop on reaching Texas was in Marion county, near Jefferson. In a few years Harwell gleaned enough from his blacksmith shop to buy the land and home in Hunt county, where he so long resided. The sills for the house, built in 1870, were hewn oak, and the rafters were elm saplings. They still are in perfect condition.
Mentions: Old Sonora Cemetery * the Fourth Alabama Cavalry under Colonel Russell * Mrs. Mary Buram of Putman * Miss Elishiaba Furgerson. * four sons, Jerry Harwell, Jr., Fort Worth; Wash Harwell, Lubbock; Pike and Henry Harwell, Commerce; three daughters, Mrs. J. R. Smith, Dallas; Mrs. E. L. Anderson, Dallas, and Mrs. Will Jackson, Commerce
Some names mentioned in this volume:
Ethan Allen; Sgt Albert Ammons; Mrs E. L. Anderson; Benedict Arnold; Fred C. Arnold; Roger Ashley; A. W. Austin; W. S. Austin; Barker; Iva Battise; Lizzie Battise; Birch; Bob Blalock; Doke Bowles; John Bowles; Sterling Price Bowles; W. B. Bowles; J. H. Boyle; Martin Bremen; Mrs J. Z. Brown; George Buchanan; Henrietta Buchanan; Henriette Buchanan; James Buchanan; James Pres Buchanan; Thomas R. Buchanan; Henritta Buchannan; Mrs A. W. Bulay; Mrs Mary Buram; Sgt Billie th Caston; Rev Chambers; Mrs Emily Smith Cheesman; Albert Chowning; Jack Christal; James H. Christal; Mrs Amasa Sr Clark; Pat Cleborne; Alice Miss Clow; Mrs Bula Whittington Connellee; Charles Ulrich Connellee; Crimmins; John L. Daugherty; J. M. Daughterty; Blabe Davenport; Clabe Davenport; J. W. Davenport; Capt John M. Davenport; Mrs Mary DeHoff; George Adm Dewey; John Dimitry; Dixon; Dobie; Frank Doran; Dr Dork; Duval; Lt Echols; Lt W. H. Echols; Lt William Holding Echols; Sam Everette; Col J. W. Fannin; Dr Flowers; Forrest; Corp Frane; Freemont; Miss Elishiaba Furgerson; Hobby Galloway; Gillett; Goodnight; Dick Green; Nobe Griner; Grohman; Jot Gunter; Evetts Haley; Elias Hardcastle; Gunter Hardie; Henry Harwell; Jeremiah "Jerry" Harwell; Jerry Jr Harwell; Pike Harwell; Wash Harwell; Hayes; Andrew Rogers Haynes; Bert Power Haynes; Charles Haynes; Charles Earnest Haynes; Charles Hickman Haynes; Charlie Power Haynes; Henry Haynes; Henry Perdue Haynes; Henry Power Haynes; John Haynes; Leon H. Haynes; Mary Alice Haynes; Violet A. Haynes; Walter Ralph Haynes; William Clifford Haynes; Lt Hazen; Lt W. B. Hazen; Lt Wm L. Hazen; Capt W. R. Henry; Hank Herrick; Columbus Corp Herring; D. B. Hicks; Andrew Jackson Hitchcock; Lt J. H. nd Holman; Lt James H. Holman; Frank Isabell; Mrs Will Jackson; A. N. Jennings; Col Joseph E. Johnson; W. R. Johnson; Johnston; Rev A. W. Jones; Jim Jones; Lt Jim Jones; Judge Jones; Margaret Jones; Will Jones; Daniel Kachel; F. C. Kaiser; Fred C. Kaiser; Julius Kaiser; John Kennedy; King; John Henry Kirby; Col Knox; Sidney Lanier; Lanier; Layland; Lee; Lehmann; Lemley; Glenn R. Lewis; Rob Lewis; George Lichtheuser; Gideon Dr Lincecum; Billy Manning; May; John S. Mayfield; John McCormick; Al McFaddin; Rev J. N. McKay; Capt Nathaniel Michler; Jim Minear; Tomath Lee Chief Mingo; Miss Mary Alice Morrow; Sgt Louis Nelson; A. L. Nibling; Albert Jr Nibling; John Corp Nichols; Philip Nolan; Dick Nowlin; Dr Nowlin; Jim Nowlin; Mrs Gus Obenhaus; Ben Patton; Lt Charlie Patton; Sgt; rd Perkins; Capt Bill Perry; T. D. Pettie; John Henry Phillips; John Loyd Phillips; Mrs C. G. Pitts; Capt John Pope; Jane Miss Power; Ben Pulliam; Bill Quinn; Steve Ray; Rayburn; Capt Richter; Laura Sellman Rockefeller; Rose; E. H. Dr Rowell; W. N. Dr Rowell; Col Russell; Capt W. R. Russell; William Charles Russell; Capt Sansom; Jeff Sansom; Capt John Sansom; Jeff Sanson; Santa Anna; Saunders; Schon; Dorothy Chambers Schotter; John Chief Scott; John Shaffer; Shaffer; George Kermit Shelley; Mrs O. L. Shipman; Mrs E. L. Shufelt; Clint Smith; Mrs J. R. Smith; Jeff Smith; Mrs Jim Smith; George W. Smyth; Sowell; Elvina Sylvestine; Emily Miss Sylvestine; Sylvestine; Bera V. Thomas; William Thomas; Charley "Chief Sun-Kee" Thompson; Lutie Thompson; Capt W. A. Thompson; Capt Wadsworth; Wallace; Col Wm Ward; Washington; Ira Wheat; Capt Ww. H. C. Whiting; "Bushy Head" Williams; Charlie Williams; John Williams; O. W. Judge Williams; Woodhull; Woodhul Woodhouse.
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