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Vol 09 No. 05 - February 1932
On the cover: General Nelson A. Miles
How U.S. Troops Caught Geronimo
Lieutenant-General Nelson A. Miles, U. S. A. (Retired).
The Apaches believed themselves to be the first superior man. They excelled in activity, cunning, endurance and cruelty. They recognized no authority nor force superior to their own will. Led by Mangus-Colorado, Cochise, Victorio, and later by Geronimo, Natchez, Chatto and Mangus they kept that whole country in a state of terror.
General Crook had for years been trying to subjugate them and bring them under control and finally on April 1, 1886, he asked to be relieved from command of that department. On April 2, President Cleveland assigned Lieutenant-General Nelson A. Miles to the command. To Miles, it seemed a very undesirable duty and a most difficult undertaking. Under a military rule at that time, he had just been deprived of personal staff officers and was obliged to go to Arizona alone. He knew but few of the officers or troops serving in that department and less of the topography of the country.
He had, however, been closely following the history of those Indian hostilities and traced the movements of the Indians on the military maps. On arriving at Fort Bowie, Ariz., and proceeded to devise his plan to capture the furious chief and bring the region to rest. This is his first-hand account of that effort.
Further Mentions: Lieutenant General Sheridan * Captain H. W. Lawton, of the Fourth Cavalry * Lieutenants Johnson, Finley, Benson, Brown, Walsh and Smith * Assistant Surgeon Leonard Wood, a young athlete fresh from Harvard Medical College * Captain Lebo, Lieutenants Powhatan H. Clark, H. C. Benson, Captain C. A. P. Hatfield, and Lieutenants Brown, Walsh and Brett * Captain Hatfield * Lieutenant Gatewood * Lieutenants Wilder and Finley * Fort Bowie, Ariz * Captain Lawton * Colonel Wade *
John C. Ware Passed Away Sunday Dec. 20
JOHN C. WARE, one of the early pioneers of Texas, first settler of the Sabinal canyon and at Utopia, formerly known as Waresville, since he was a 13 year old boy. This pioneer early settler lived to the age of 92, having known a very eventful life. He was buried at the Waresville cemetery.
John C. Ware was born on Ware Creek in Montgomery county, July 20, 1839. His father, Capt. William Ware, was born in Kentucky in 1800 and came to Texas in 1828. He played an important part in helping Texas to obtain its independence from Mexico. He was wounded in the fighting around the old Veramendi house on Soledad street in San Antonio with Colonel Ben Milam. Later, he was one of the twenty-two captains who led their men to victory against Santa Anna on the fields of San Jacinto. William Ware was the Sabinal .canyon's first white settler, and his son, John C. Ware, was the first white child to view the canyon.
John C. Ware's mother who was Betsy Ann Crane, daughter of Capt. John Crane, who was killed in a battle with Cherokee Indians and for whom Crane county takes its name, died Dec. 20, 1849. Exactly 82 years later to the clay, her son, John, passed away. This is the story of this notable Texan and frontiersman.
Further Mentions: Elder A. E. Wood of Sabinal * Elder Arthur Slater * John Davenport * Company B of Duff's regiment * Capt. Ware was married to Miss Mattie Bates April 29, 1880 * Elizabeth Ann Fenley * Mrs. Emmaline Ware Holderness of New York City; William Ware, San Antonio; Joel Ware, Utopia; Ira and Oscar Ware, New Mexico; Berry Ware, Sabinal; Media Ware Fenley, Sanderson, and Mrs. Agnes Ware Woodward, Wichita Falls. Children of the second marriage now living are Mrs. Minnie Miller, Utopia; Mrs. Harvey Donoho, Sabinal ; Mrs. Gaylord Keener, Elizabeth, La., Geo. Ware, Utopia; Burgess Ware, Sabinal; Miss Leo Ware and the adopted son, Bobby 'Vi are, of Utopia. Surviving also are two sisters, Airs. Amanda Bowles of Los Angeles, Cal., and Airs. Emma Taylor of Uvalde * J. W. Bryant, of Dallas, Texas *
San Angelo Pioneer Passes
Account of Mr. Sam Pollock, long time resident of San Angelo and one of the survivors of the Ben Ficklin flood. "I landed here without a nickel," Mr. Pollock often said. He came to the United States with his parents from Ireland when he was less than two years old, and arrived in San Angelo, then composed of a few houses, stores and saloons. Mr. Pollock worked in Oklahoma, Illinois and Kansas in the pioneer construction of railroads in that part of the United States. In Wichita, he was employed by a firm of cattle raisers who grazed their herds near Wichita, then the shipping point for all of the "lower country," as Oklahoma and Texas were called. The wagon train with which Mr. Pollock enlisted carried supplies into the Arapaho, Cheyenne, and Kiowa Indian Nations, and terminated its journey at Fort Sill. This account relates his involment with cattle and also his experience in the notable Ben Ficklin flood which occurred at the heads of the Middle and South Conchos, and Dove and Spring Creeks. The water rose rapidly, but did not reach Ben Ficklin until daylight, giving the citizens of the town time to get to the higher grounds and preventing any deaths in the town proper. The town was destroyed.
Further Mentions: Camp Colorado * the present town of Coleman * the Colorado River at Eighteen Mile Crossing * Fayette Tankersley * a man name McElvay * Asa Frary, a pioneer merchant * Charles Frary * a merchant named Sessman * Clint Johnson and Lewis Hindle, an uncle of Dr. H. K. Hinde * survivors of the flood: * Mrs. Charles W. Hobbs and Clint Johnson. C. B. Metcalf * Schwartz and Raas * the Probandt store * West Harris avenue * NEGRESS DIED AT AGE OF 125Without doubt the oldest person in Texas passed away a few weeks ago when Aunt. Mary Humphries, a colored woman, breathed her last at her little home in the Durgin community of Rusk county. That this venerable negress was born in 1805 is a fact well established by records. The place of her birth was near Memphis, Tennessee. She was born a slave and remained a slave until freed by the proclamation of President Abraham Lincoln in 1865, following the great struggle between the armies of the North and the armies of the South.
Her first owner was named Ware, whose property she was until she was nearly grown. But one day she suddenly found herself the property of another… Further Mentions: a man named Trammel * The Trammel family moved to Texas in 1836, bringing Mary Ware, a grown woman, with them * Aunt Mary's husband was named Humphries *
Recalls Early Days In Kerrville Country
By Cora M. Cross.
J. D. L. Lowrance, pioneer cowboy whose father, Miles A. Lowrance, was the second man to locate his family at Center Point. He was a great believer in establishing industries in every neighborhood, preaching that it was the salvation of frontier settlements to, as nearly as possible, provide for themselves. And he backed up his belief by building the first cotton gin, grist and saw mills in the Kerrville section. The little plants were all operated by water power, but they did good work and were invaluable to early settlers. The settlement first had the name of Carl's Haven, because Prince Carl Solms selected it as his choice of landings for the German immigrants who came over to locate in his colony. This is excellent early history of the area.
Further Mentions: Lowrance Mill * Powder Horn-the town that changed its name like a chameleon does its color * Mrs. Terry * the Center Point schoolhouse * Captain Schreincr, one of the biggest cattle owners and drivers of the day * Dick Russell & his brother, Lea * Miss Alice Stephens * Georgetown * Leon Springs * the Gunter Hotel *
Our good friend, H. C. Miller, Sr., of Brenham, Texas, writes as follows:
Dear Mr. Hunter: For some time I have been thinking of asking you to get some one of the old timers to give Frontier Times an article on two subjects that would interest many of your readers. One would be a write-up of a bank robbery in San Antonio that was pulled off by a lone bandit in about 1875. I remember that the bandit had buried kegs of water along the route he intended to take across the barren lands on his way to Mexico after the robbery. The kegs of water refreshed him and his horse, after which the water not consumed was poured out on the ground. It is not clear to my mind, but if I recollect aright those giving chase had to abandon the trail because of lack of water. The other subject I think people would be interested in is of the days when the Texas cowmen were called upon to volunteer rangers service without recompense in order to break up cattle rustling on the Mexican border in West Texas. The State was not able to pay for the service and no doubt the cattlemen were more than anxious to volunteer their services in such a good cause. In the last issue of Frontier Times I read an article quite interesting by Mr. J. B. Polley of Floresville on the subject `El Tordillo Holds Secrets. In this article Mr. Polley refers to Captain John F. Tom and his brothers, Alfred and Charles, also to Mrs. Ellen Tom and to Captain Simp (Simpson) Tom. These were all my mother's people, Captain Simp Tom being her brother. You will pardon the reference, but I am proud of the Toms. One of my mother's brothers, Joe Tom, of Brenham, Texas, reared me, and as I often put it, brought me up on turnip greens and stirrup leather. He was a grand man of the old school of the South…Further Mentions: the Southern Pacific depot at Rosenberg, Texas * Wharton * a Mr. Burke * a Mr. Burt * a Mr. Moulton * Eagle Pass * Chas. J. Moulton, a sheepman * Captain Tom's ranch * Chas. Moulton * Mrs. S. J. Fowler of Crandall * J. P. Henderson, Crandall, Texas * Allen Wetzell * Robert Prewitt, P. L. Filer and Mason Thurlow * Len Porter * A. J. Porter *
With Custer On The Plains
By J. Marvin Hunter.
Lengthy and detailed account records military operations against the Indians of the Plains. Excellent eye-witness details of events taken largely from Custer’s own writings.
Further Mentions: the valley of the Platte river * the forks of the Republican * Fort Sedgwick * Fort Wallace * General Sherman * Major Joel A. Elliot * Colonel West * Lieutenant Robbins * Colonel Cook * Fort McPherson * Fort Hays * chief Pawnee Killer * Captain Louis Hamilton, a lineal descendant of Alexander Hamilton * Doctor Coates * Beaver creek * Colonel Myers' * Great Battle on Open Plain * Comstock, the favorite scout *
Texas Seventy-Five Years Ago
By Col. M. L. Crimmins, U. S. Army Retired.
Story describes the Texas of 1857-8 from the perspective of Mr J. De Cordova, long-time resident of Texas and was a resident before she separated from Mexico. He was an eye witness in the struggle for independence, and went on to be a careful chronicler of subsequent historical, political and social development of the state. This account records unmerous intersting and pertinant historical and social developments and data such as:
The story about Dr. Anson Jones, the last president of Texas and an Englishman * In September, 1836, there were only five thousand seven hundred and four voters in the State, while in 1857 there were ten times that number and the population was estimated at 550,000, with a yearly increase of about one hundred thousand, in prospect. * The first places of higher educations: The Baylor University, at Independence; The Texas Monumental and Military Institute at Rutterville ; The Live Oak Seminary, at Gay Hill; The Guadalupe High School, at Seguin; The Austin College, at Huntsville; The Gonzales College, at Gonzales; The St. Mary's University; and The College of the Immaculate Conception, at Galveston. * The, old school Presbyterian Church had one synod consisting of four presbyteries, fifty-three churches, fortythree resident ministers, and twelve hundred and sixty-one members tinder his jurisdiction.
The Cumberland Presbyterians had more than twice the number of ministers and were located throughout the State.
The Episcopal churches had talented clergymen at Eaton, Gillett, Fontaine.
* The Baptists had numerous churches and were well supplied with clergymen. They were prosperous and had established two institutions of learning.
The Methodists were very numerous and were found all over the State. They were usually the first to estab six subordinate lodges.
The Methodists had the following educational institutions of learning: The Andrew's Female College, at Huntsville; The Bastrop Male and Female Academy, at Bastrop; The howler's Institute at Henderson, The Gilmer Female College, at Gilmer; The McKenzie Institute, near Clarksville; The Paine Institute, at Goliad; The Paris Female Institute, at Paris; The Soule University at Chappell Hill; The Starrville Female College; and The Waco College at Waco. Etc, etc
Further Mentions: * Texas Almanac, 1858 * two periodicals in Galveston, the Christian Advocate, weekly, and the German Apologist.
* The Grand Lodge of the Ancient York Masons * The Grand Lodge of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows * the Commercial and Agriculture Bank at Galveston *
The railroads of Texas at that time consisted of the Houston & Texas Central Railway, which extouded fifty miles from Houston to the town of Hampstead. The Buffalo Bayou, Colorado, and Brazos railway extended thirty-five miles from Harrisburg to Richmond. The Galveston, Houston and Henderson Railway was then being built from Galveston to Houston. The bed of the San Antonio and Mexican Gulf Railway had already extended twenty-five miles from Lavaca, but the mails had only been laid five and one-half miles. The Pacific Railway, or the Southern Pacific as it is now called, had, by the fifteenth of February, 1858, extended to within five miles of the city of Marshall, and was given sixteen sections of land for every mile they had completed.
Spanked By A President
John Mayfield.
Mayfield records a situation involving Mr, Chauncey H. Graves, an 85 year old Missourian, who gave details in a letter in which he said Lincoln was no weakling in applying a barrel stave. Graves, Robert Lincoln, a son of the president, and some other boys in the neighborhood were putting on an animal show in the Lincoln barn in Springfield. The "Wild" animals were dogs suspended from the rafters in a fashion to cause them to "growl" like lions. A neighbor reported the cruelty to Lincoln, who, stave in hand, unexpectedly visited the show. After loosing the dogs, Lincoln rounded up the show managers and applied the barrel stave so effectively that the show business stopped.
Further Mentions: Colonel Albert Sidney Johnston and Lieut. Colonel Robert E. Lee. * Nathan Henry Miller * 7th Pennsylvania Cavalry, Company A * James H. Casey *
Taught Young Texans Their Three R's
Account of pioneer Medina county couple, Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Lamm of Hondo who turn the pages back to pioneering days and relate to the moderns some of the trials that came with instilling into young Texans the rudiments of the three 'R's in pioneer Texas. Mrs. Lamm’s teachers' certificate was granted her Sept. 14, 1871, by the superintendent of public instruction for the State of Texas.
As that was the period following the cessation of Civil. War hostilities it was also an era of depression. So it became necessary for the patrons of Prospect School near Bryan, where Mrs. Lamm taught, to levy an assessment of 5 cents a day for pupils so the teacher might have funds enough for food and clothing. For eight years she instructed the young idea bow to shoot, in a mental way. Here is their intersting story.
Further Mentions: Mr. Lamm was born in Muscogee county, Georgia, Oct. 20, 1841, and in 1851 the father moved to a vilrage near Louisville, where a year later, the father died leaving Angus Madison Lamm an orphan with no means * the Third Regiment, Alabama Volunteers * the Southern Rifles at Union Springs, Macon county, Alabama, Ga., * T. Forsythe of Mobile, Ala * the Battle of Seven Pines * Battle's Brigade * the Battle of Chancellorsville, where. Stonewall Jackson was killed * the fight between the Merrimac and the Monitor. * Vic Bryant, D. Pipkin, W. O. Farrier, Tom Yarrington and Neil Graham * . On Dec. 9, A. M. Lamm and Miss Lennie S. Gillen were married * A. W. Leedom, supervisor of the 28th judicial district * Dr. DePort Smythe * In 1890, Mr. and Mrs. Lamm came to Hondo, Texas, where Mr. Lamm started a mercantile business * Mrs. Souter * Rudolf Oerter of San Antonio, Texas * , Mr. Adolph Brandl, Lagennd Hauptpost, Augsburg, Bavaria, Germany * Mr. Brandl * C. D. Carlisle of San Antonio, Texas *
Mentions: Mr. J. L. Allhands of Joplin, Mo., and Dallas, Texas. * Veteran W. D. Crump, of Shallowater, Texas * The great evangelist, Sam Jones * Gen. I. H. Morgan * Max Coleman *
Mentions: Mr. R. Stocks Watson; Covina, California * Joseph Lamb * Bancroft * the Espinosa brothers, who terrorized Colorado Territory in the early 1860's * California Gulch * Vivian Espinosa * Tom Tobin * Fort Garland * Judge Delos R. Johnson, of Franklinton,, La. * Victor M. Scanlan, Hattiesburg, Miss * Jacob K. Johnson, Bogalusa, La. * Lee D. Flynt of Uvalde, Texas * Jim Dalrymple, Uvalde, Texas
Rome Shield, A Texas Sheriff
Story of GEROME W. SHIELD, former sheriff of Tom Green county, Texas, who was identified with the livestock industry here for 48 years and the nemesis of cattle thieves while serving as the last sheriff of Tom Green county before a half dozen other counties were carved from it.
Born in Panola county, Mississippi, March 22, 1862, the youngest of five boys in a family of nine children, Mr. Shield came to Texas in 1869. The family settled in Hunt county and moved in 1874 to Trickham, Coleman county. It was from there that Mr. Shield came to Tom Green county on June 3, 1884. He worked first on the William Hewitt ranch on Live Oak Creek, then in Tom Green, now in Coke county, which a brother, Lee Shield, later purchased. Lee Shield sold his interest in 1886 and Rome Shield remained on the ranch until 1888 when he was elected hide and animal inspector and moved to San Angelo.
Mr. Shield served four consecutive terms ending in 1900, being re-elected three times without opposition. His efficiency as hide and animal inspector from 1888 to 1892 won for him the sheriff's office. Curbing cattle thieving and leading the posse that trailed and captured three of the four men who in June, 1898, held up a Santa Fe passenger train at Coleman Junction were some of Mr. Shield's achievements in public office. His friends said that during his eight years as sheriff he never failed to get a man for whom he had a warrant, although some were fugitives for several years.
Further Mentions: * Mrs. E. D. Klinger, formerly Miss Mary Shield, from Cornwallis, Oregon * Joyce A. (Curley) Shield, Gerome W. Shield, Jr., and Brown Shield * Miss Emma Emerick, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Emerick * Centralia creek near Stiles * the Naylor Hotel * Ed Dozier, ex-sheriff of Concho county * Perry McConnell, Sutton county sheriff at Sonora * The men who held up the train were Bill Taylor, his brother, Jeff Taylor, Pearce Keeton and Bud Newman. All lived in Sonora and Junction country and operated along Devil's River and the Llano * R. E. Buchanan of Fort Worth * Engineer Jim Stanton and Fireman Lee Johnson * Pearce Keeton * Bud Newman * D. R. Hodges, then a deputy sheriff * Deputy Sheriff Henry Decker * Bill Taylor * the S. P. railroad * Red Tom," a Ranger * Captain E. Rocker * Vinton L. James. of San Antonio, Texas * Charles Herff * Dr. Ferdinand Herff, pioneer physician *
"Deaf" Smith's Heroic Deeds Are Revealed
M. L. Earle.
Account of Erastus Smith, generally known as "Deaf Smith," a brave and distinguished Texan in the days of the Texas Republic. Smith was in Texas three years ahead of Moses Austin, four years ahead of Stephen F. Austin, and 15 years ahead of Sam Houston. He was a man who had lived under more different flags, and had been in more skirmishes and battles in Texas than any other man, high or low, who fought in the final battle of the revolution, at San Jacinto.
Smith was born in Duchess county, New York, April 19, 1787, under the flag of the United colonies, nearly two years before the flag designed by George Washington and Betsy Ross, came into use. It was as a pilot, that Deaf Smith first came into the lime-light in Texas. He piloted Dewitt's colony into Texas and became a member of that colony himself, but soon wandered away alone to San Antonio, where he married a Mexican, but this Mexican marriage did not interfere in the least with his loyalty to his own people.
Erastus Smith gave himself the nickname by which he became famous in Texas history.
Shortly after his arrival here, when he was seeking better health, Smith, accompanied by his faithful dog, was hunting on the Guadalupe river. A favorite gun was momentarily placed on the bank and for some reason it slipped into the stream. Smith did not for an instant think of losing the gun, although he could not swim. Smith then tied a rope to a nearby tree and lowered himself into the water. He was some time recovering the gun, and when at last he had finished the water pressure on his eardrums had robbed him of his hearing. Ever after that time he was deaf.
Further Mentions: Hayden Edwards * "The Republic of Fredonda," * he was with Jim Bowie, at Mission Concepcion * He was with Milam at the storming of Bexar * Mrs. Dickinson and her 15-month-old child, Angelina * General Sesma * Buffalo bayou * Anahuac * Lynch's ferry * General Cos * General Filisola * the name of Karnes * Mrs. H. R. Wofford, granddaughter of Deaf Smith * J. E. Cosper, of Duncan, Arizona *
Mrs. Margaret Weaver, who died at Cleburne a few weeks ago, arrived in Texas on the very day the battle of San Jacinto was fought, April 21, 1836. She was 99 years old. She came with her people in an ox wagon 95 years ago, when she was four years old. The party crossed Red river just before the battle of San Jacinto was fought, and the men in the party hurried to join General Houston's forces, only to find before they reached him that the battle was over and Texas independence had been won.
In Andrews county lies a most remarkable body of water known as Shafter Lake. This lake covers two sections of land, lies 3,500 feet above the sea level, and 50 feet below the elevation of the surrounding country. It is a lake of clear salt water, free from alkali. In this respect it differs from other salt lakes of the Southwest. The lake is fed by flood rains, having no outlet.
The remarkable feature of this inland salt lake is... Some names mentioned in this volume:
J. L. Allhands; Allison; Austin; Baker; Mattie Bates; Lt H. C. Benson; Birch; Jim Bowie; Amanda Bowles; Adolph Brandl; Lt Brett; Lt Brown; J. W. Bryant; Vic Bryant; R. E. Buchanan; Caldwell; C. D. Carlisle; James H. Casey; O. S. Clark; Lt Powhatan H. Clark; Pres Cleveland; Dr Coates; Coleman; J. E. Cosper; Betsy Ann Crane; Capt John Crane; Crimmins; Crook; Cora M. Cross; W. D. Crump; Col Custer; Jim Dalrymple; Davenport; Davis; J. De Cordova; Dep Sheriff Henry Decker; Angelina Dickinson; Dixon; Dobie; Mrs Harvey Donoho; Ed Dozier; M. L. Earle; Hayden Edwards; Maj Joel A. Elliot; Maj Elliott; Emma Emerick; Harry Emerick; Mrs Harry Emerick; Julian Espinosa; Vivian Espinosa; W. O. Farrier; Elizabeth Ann Fenley; Media Ware; Adam Fetter; P. L. Filer; Gen Filisola; Lt Finley; Lee D. Flynt; T. Forsythe; Mrs S. J. Fowler; Asa Frary; Charles Frary; Freemont; Fuller; Lt; Gatewood; Miss Lennie S. Gillen; Gillett; Goodnight; Neil Graham; Chauncy H. Graves; Green; Grohman; Howard Grove; Alexander Hamilton; Capt Hamilton; Capt Louis Hamilton; Capt C. A. P. Hatfield; J. P. Henderson; Charles Herff; Dr Ferdinand Herff; William Hewitt; Dr H. K. Hinde; Lewis Hindle; Mrs Charles W. Hobbs; Capt E. Hocker; D. R. Hodges; Emmaline Ware Holderness; Henry F. Hoyt; Mary Humphries; Stonewall Jackson; Clint Johnson; Judge Delos R. Johnson; J. Willis Johnson Sr; Jacob K. Johnson; Lee Johnson; Lt Johnson; W. R. Johnson; Johnston; Dr Anson Jones; Pearce Keeton; Mrs Gaylord Kenner; Mrs E. D. Klinger; Joseph Lamb; A. M. Lamm; Mrs A. M. Lamm; Angus Madison; Capt Lawton; Capt H. W. Lawton; Layland; Capt Lebo; A. W. Leedom; Lemley; J. D. L. Lowrance; Miles A. Lowrance; John S. Mayfield; Perry McConnell; C. B. Metcalf; Col Ben Milam; Gen Nelson A. Miles; H. C. Miller Sr; Gen I. H. Morgan; Charles J. Moulton; Lt Col Myers; Bud Newman; Rev Bishop Odin; Rudolf Oerter; Chief Pawnee Killer; D. Pipkin; J. B. Polley; Sam Pollock; A. J. Porter; Lon Porter; Robert Prewitt; Rayburn; Lt Robbins; Roberts; Rose; Betsy Ross; Guadalupe Ruiz; Dick Russell; Lea Russell; Saunders; Victor M. Scanlan; Schon; Capt Schreiner; Gen Sesma; Lt Gen Sheridan; Sherman; Brown Shield; Gerome W. Shield Jr; Jerome W. Shield; Joyce A. Shield; Lee Shield; Mary Shield; Rome Shield; Charlie Siringo; Arthur Slater; Erastus Smith; Dr DePort Smythe; Carl Prince Solms; A. J. Spradley; Jim Stanton; Alice Stephens; Tankersley; Taylor; Emma Taylor; Jeff Taylor; Thompson; Mason Thurlow; Tom Tobin; Alfred Tom; Charles Tom; Ellen Tom; Joe Tom; Capt John F. Tom; Simpson Tom; Capt Simpson Tom; W. B. Travis; Col Wade; Lt Walsh; Berry Ware; Bobby Ware; Burgess Ware; Geo Ware; Ira Ware; Joel Ware; Miss Leo Ware; Mary Ware; Oscar Ware; William Ware; Washington; Margaret Weaver; Col West; Allen Wetzell; Lt Wilder; Mrs H. R. Wofford; A. E. Wood; Leonard Wood; Agnes Ware Woodward; Tom Yarrington; Yarringto Yarbrough;
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