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Vol 09 No. 01 - October 1931
General A. R. Johnson Adani Ranklin Johnson was one of the earliest settlers of Burnet County. He was influential in securing the settlement of many substantial people in Burnet County. More than once he participated in battles against the raiding Comanches, and he learned all the wiles and tricks of Indian warfare. He could ride, he could shoot, was physically brave, understood woodcraft, always had a perfect sense of direction and had acquired the Indian's quiet and sure footed ability to follow a trail. These qualities made him highly valuable when the Civil war came on and he put his services at the disposal of the Confederate government. This is his story Further Mentions: the town of Marble Falls, which remains one of the permanent monuments of his life * "The Partisan Rangers," * Miss Josephine Eastland * Mrs. Amelia Barr * W. H. Badger * Ruby Brooks * Samuel S. Posey * Mary Rives * S. E. Guthrie, a merchant of Burnet; * Robert Eastland * George Christian * etc Robert E. Lee Was Never Stationed At Fort Crog Was Robert E. Lee at one time stationed at Fort Crogan near Burnet? This story adddresses that question. The Town Of CalvertBy Marjorie Rogers, Marlin, Texas At one time this little town enjoyed the reputation of having the largest cotton gin in the world. Its main street was lined with saloons, cowboys, cotton wagons, and stacks of gold was a common sight on the tables of the famous gambling house. This peaceful village was the greatest trading point in this section of the country even though it was almost depopulated by yellow fever which took its toll in Texas many years ago. This is the story of the earliest days of that town and the area surrounding Robertson County. Further Mentions: Mary Keesee * Judge Robert Calvert * Milam Land District * Houston and Texas Central Railway * Judge William Davis and Major William Hanna * Old Sterling, Franklin, Wheelock, Eutaw and Owensville, were the leading trading centers until Judge Calvert saw the advantage of a railroad through the county * Hearne and Bryan * W. S. Allen, pioneer business man * Port Sullivan * Judge Ellison * Scott Fields * Wheelock * A. L. Brigarrce * Owensville * Morgan * the Bailey building * Mr. Conitz * E. Conitz of Posen * J. W. McCown * Cameron * Captain Hatfield * Captain John Woods * Little River CENTENARIAN CELEBRATES BIRTHDAY Account of Mrs. Mary Ann Ferguson, of Nacogdoches who came to Texas with her husband in an ox cart in 1859 When The Railroad Came To San AntonioBy Vinton L. James After the civil war the city of San Antonio was under Yankee control of Colonel J. J. Reynolds of the United States Army. Those prominent citizens of San Antonio who had not fled to Mexico were administered the oath of amnesty by A. Simering, who represented the United States government. It was necessary for the citizens to go to work to repair their fortunes which had been dissipated in promoting the cause of the Southern Confederacy. As Western Texas is a semi-arid country, depending entirely for its income on favorable seasons for agriculture, cattle and sheep, this was difficult. For a long time there was little improvement, as there was no market either for cattle, which had increased during the war to vast herds, or for the agricultural products produced. Cattle were valuable locally only for their hides and tallow. After a big crop, corn so glutted the market that a bushel sold for only forty cents, and during a drought, when there was a scarcity, the price advanced to three dollars. The only solution to this situation which resulted in great discontent was a market for the surplus crops and cattle and to reach markets a railroad was necessary. The is the story of the railroad development that occurred due to this necessity Further Mentions: * C. F. King * the Galveston, Harrisburg, and San Antonio Railroad * Mr. T. W. Pierce * John James * Col. H. B. Andrews * the G. H. and S. A. Railroad * J. M. Vance * Sam C. Bell * . J. J. Steven * Governor E. J. Davis of Austin * Don Jose Antonio Navarro * R. W. Andrews * Mrs. White * 'The Sunset Route.' * Cowdry and James * Buffalo Bayou, Brazos and Colorado Railroad * Turner Hall on Houston street * the Brady building * Milam County Pioneers HERE IS RARE AND EXCELLENT EARLY HISTORY AND GENEALOGY OF MILAM COUNTY! Mentions: Mr. C. F. Locklin * Alteman L. Locklin * Mrs. Mary Locklin * Mrs. Mary Fulcher, surviving wife of James Fulcher * Thorndale * H. N. Roberts * Thorndale * Cameron Herald * Aaron C. Dodd * The Caledonia * Daniel Robinson, Sr., Neil, John, * McLennan * Abigail Fokes * McLennans' Bluff * the "Sugar Loaf," not far from old Nashville, on, the Brazos, near the mouth of Little River * Dan Robinson and Abigail Pokes located their headright certificates side by side on the San Gabriel, some six miles north of where Thorndale now stands, Neil and Lauglin McLennan settling on Pond Creek, northeast of the present site of Cameron * Neil McLennan afterwards moved further up on the Brazos * Mrs. Pinkney S. Ford * He was one of the pioneers of Cameron, helping to make the first survey of the townsite and adjacent lands * Abigail Fokes * Mrs. George W. Guthrie * Dan Robinson * the Pond Creek settlement * the family of Neil McLennan * Catharine McLennan * the family of Laughlin * Aunt Peggy, Lauglin's wife * Bosque John * the San Gabriel. * John McLennan * Jesse and Peter Mercer * Mercer Fort * L. L. Lee and J. H. Fulcher * Davidson's Creek * Alf B. Lovelace * A. L. Locklin * Caldwell * Judge R. C. Crane, of Sweetwater, Texas * PIONEER RANCHMAN HAS SOUVENIRS OF LAST APACHE FIGHT Account of Joe Daugherty of the Figure 2 Ranch, near Van Horn, west of San Angelo, and a collection of trophies from the last Indian fight in the Apache region of the Davis Mountains. Following The Trail Of CoronadoBy Colonel C. C. Smith Mentions: Friar Marco de Niza * Melchoir Diaz * New Spain, Don Antonio * Guadalajara, Colima, Durango and Culiacan * Seven Cities of Cibola * legend of the "Black Mexican." * Zuni * Toh-yal-neh, or Thunder Mountain * Chametla * the S. P. R. R. * Galicia * Don Antonio de Mendoza * Don Hernando de Alareon * La Nativiclad, a port of Jalisco * Cristobal de Onate * Nueva Galicia * Jornada del Muerta * "Cierra Espanal" "Close Spain!" * Santiago, St. James * Guadalquivir * Rosinanrnte * Castile and Leon * Chichilticalli * Lake Guatavita * Chiricahua Mountains in Southson * Don Mariano Samaniego * the S. P. de Mexico R. R. * Nuno de Guzman * Esperanza or Cocorit, on the Yaqui river * Yaquimuri * Pedro Almendez de Chirinos near San Miguel * Badiraguato * Taraliumare Mountains * the Tarahumarex Indians * Sinaloa * Babiacora, which Castaneda, Coronado's chronicler, calls Suya. * Solomonville * Hawikuh, one of the Zuni pueblos in New Mexico * Garcia Lopez Cardenas and Hernando de Alvarado, * Kawakina, Hawikuh, Kayanawe, Hampassawan, Kayakime, Matsaki, and Halone. * Don Tristan de Arellano * Arellano * Buenguia and Tizon-Buenguia * the Arizona town of Ehrenberg * Fort Wingate, New. Mexico * Fray Benavides, the Junipero Serra of New Mexico * Acoma * Isleta del Sur, not far from El Paso. * Hawikuh * Tovar and Cardenas * Moqui Tovar * Oraibi * Walpai * Mishongnovi * Shipalovi * Hano, Siehomovi * Box S ranch in the Zuni Mountains * Cubero, Acoma, the Mesa Ensantada * Tiguex * pueblo of Sandia * Santa Ana, Zia, Jemez, San Felipe, Santo Domingo, Cochiti, San Ildefonso, Po,juaque, Santa Clara and Ahiquiu * Teseque, Nambe, San Juan, Picuris, and Taos * Padre Juan de Padilla * Guzman * General Don Diego de Varagas * Colonel Smith * Don Antonio de Mendoza * Don Antonio de Espejo * Valle de San Bartolo in Southern Chihuahua * Don Juan de Onate * Franciscan Friar Rodriguez * Zacatecas * The Penitent Brothers Charles F. Lummis. Mysterious and bloody rituals of a paganized Catholic sect in New Mexico of the 1890’s. Because the death and blood-shedding of Christ is seen as insufficient, these bloody superstitionists were drawn into a dark bondage of self-flagellations, torture and even crucifixion. This is the eye-witness account of a man who was allowed in as an observer to view the bloody secrets of this dark cult. Further Mentions: The Order of Los Hermanos Penitentes (the Penitent Brothers) * The order was unquestionably of Franciscan origin * The Tanos Indians, whose pueblos then occupied the country about Galisteo-Santa Fe's present site * the Queres tongue was Poo-ya-tye, from poo-ya, a thorn * Bandelier * Fariseos * Their strongholds were in Taos, Mora and Rio Arriba counties * Los Griegos, a hamlet just below Albuquerque * the Sandia Mountains, east of Albuquerque * San Mateo, in the western end of Valencia county * Mount Taylor * El Calvario * Juanito's house * Don Ireneo Chaves, * 'Hermanos de Luz (Brothers of Light, who do not castigate themselves, but act as attendants upon those who do) * Colonel Manuel Chaves * Cebolleta * Hermano Mayor, Jose Salazar * Don Ireneo * Manuel Martin * Puerto de Luna * Juan Baca * Don Ramon A. Baca * Santiago Jeems * Santiago Jaramillo * Don Lorenzo Sanchez * Mr. W, Buerlier of Seguin * Mr. and Mrs. Frank Brandenberger * The Pioneer MerchantMax Coleman, Lubbock, Texas HERE IS SOME EXCELLENT EARLY HISTORY OF LUBBOCK, TX Though not usually perceived as pioneer heroes, had it not been for the existence and progress of the pioneer merchant, the settlement of the west would have been materially hindered. This account especially focuses on one the notable early merchants, J. D. Caldwell and events that occurred in the Llano Estacado, and the present town of Lubbock, TX. Mentions: John Causey and George Causey, buffalo hunters * R. C. Parrack * the old 22 Ranch * the I O A * the X I T * the N U N * the JOL * Llano Land and Cattle Company * The SO * old Indian fighter named George W. Singer * R. C. (lollie) Burns * Mrs. E. W. Estes * Hanahans, Texas * Mrs. George B. Bean * Joe Boyd, Janie and Albert Taylor, A. G. and C. E. Hunt, Frank Wheelock and Burt McWorter * Bud Smith, who carne to the plains in 1874 * Senator R. S. Kimbrough * the Quaker Colony at Estacado * Mesquite, Texas * In 1891 occurred the first deaths in the then little village of Lubbock. They were two children, one of a man named Cobb, and the other of a lawyer named Hendricks * where Avenue P ' and Fourth Street now intersect * E. B. Green * Tubbs Brothers, a firm composed of Frank Tubbs and Oscar Tubbs * John P. Lewis * Cochran county * Llano County Town To Be Engulfed By New Lake Bluffton, a once important village in Llano county, which is to be buried beneath the waters of vast lake Buchanan. This is the story of the old Bluffton, and it contains excvellent, very early history of the area. Mentions: Marble Falls * Hamilton Dam * Myrtle McCordl of Kingsville * the little village of Kingsland * T. B. Maxwell, or "Uncle Ike." * Lottidale, Ripley county, Tennessee * Capt. J. S. Boland * A. E. Croft * Henry Collins * Porter D. Holland * Cris Dorbrant, one of the wealthier ranchers of Texas * The Dorbrant ranch * Romantic And Tragic History Seen In Old Army Posts This account focuses on old Camp Colorado which was situated in Northwest Coleman County on the upper waters of the Jim Ned Creek, a tributary of Pecan Bayou, about thirty miles below where it flows into the Colorado River. Mentions: David Donoghue * Pease River * Winship * the Blaugh place * the Caddoan people once lived in Arkansas * Quivera * Pauls Valley in Oklahoma * Vernon and old Preston * the Teuocanas or the Wacos * Buffalo Gap in Taylor County * Catlin, the famous painter of Indains * The engineer is D.W. Ross of Berkeley, Calif * Dr. Cyrus N. Ray of Abilene * Judge Simms * Portervi11e * Mentone * Loving county which adjoins Reeves on the northeast was created iu 1887 * Tom Green county BIBLE 333 YEARS OLD Mentions: E. A. Molt, of Wheeler * Christopher Barker, London printer OLDEST TEXAS CHURCH REPLACED What is said by historians to be the first church in Texas bas recently been replaced by a new building. The old church building stood near Crockett and was erected by the Franciscan missionaries of San Francisco De Los Tejas. Recently the church celebrated it two hundred forty-first anniversary by occupying a new building. POSTMASTER UNDER SIX PRESIDENTS Brief account of J. I. Carter, postmaster at Arlington, Tarrant county who held postal appointments from six presidents GRANDSON OF DAVID CROCKETT DEAD Thomas Oscar Crockett, who was a great grandson of Davy Crockett, hero of the Alamo, died at his home near San Benito a few weeks ago. Deceased was 58 years old and was one of five brothers who have been engaged in irrigation projects ins the Rio Grande valley.
Some names mentioned in the issue:
Don Hernando de Alarcon; Hernando de Alarcon; W. S. Allen; Hernando de Alvarado; Pedro de Alvarado; Catherine Anderson; Col Andrews; H. B. Col Andrews; R. W. Andrews; Don Tristan de Arellano; Tristan de Arellano; King Arthur; Austin; Don Ramon A. Baca; Juan Baca; Juan Bacca; Mrs Bettie Josephine Badger; W. H. Badger; Baker; Don Diego de Bargas (Vargas); Christoper Barker; Mrs Amelia Barr; Mrs George R. Bean; Sam C. Bell; Fray Benavides; Bertillion; E. W. Birch; Joe Boyd; Frank Brandenberger; Mrs Frank ; J. C. Gen Breckenridge; A. L. Brigance; Ruby Brooks; W. Buerher; R. C. (Rollie) Burns; J. D. Caldwell; Judge Calvert; Robert Calvert; Judge Robert Calvert; Don Garcia Lopez Cardenas; Lopez de Cardenas; Carson; ; J. I. Carter; George Causey; John Causey; Don Ireneo Chaves; Col Manuel Chaves; Pedro Almendez de Chirinos; George Christian; Judge George Eastland Christian ; Mrs Juliet Christian; Clark; Mrs Amasa Clark; Coke; Max Coleman; Collins; E. Conitz; Pres Coolidge; Gen Coronada; Crane; Col Crimmins; Crockett; Thomas Oscar; A. E. Croft; Peter Cardinal Damian; Joe Daugherty; Prov Gov E. J. Davis; Fred W. Davis; Gov Davis; William Judge; Melchoir Diaz; Capt Melchoir Diaz; Dixon; Dobie; Aaron C. Dodd; David Donoghue; Cris Dorbrant; Miss Josephine Eastland; Robert Eastland; Judge Ellison; Don Antonio de Espejo; Mrs E. W. Estes; Tant ; Mrs Mary Ann Ferguson; Judge Fields; Sr Scott Fields; Abigail Fokes; ; Charles H. Fokes; Daniel Fokes; John Fokes; Mary Fokes; W. F. Fokes; Mrs Pinkney S. Ford; Forrest; John C. Gen Freemont; J. H. Fulcher; J. H. ("Bud") Fulcher; James Fulcher; Mrs Mary Fulcher; Father Garces; J. H. Jr Gibson; John H. Gibson; P. C. Gibson; Gillett; Goodnight; E. B. Green; Bailey Grohman; Mrs Ethel Guthrie; Mrs George W. Guthrie; S. E. Guthrie; Maj William Hanna; Pres Harding; Capt Hatfield; Hayes; Porter D. Holland; Mrs E. A. Holt; Pres Hoover; Houston; A. G. Hunt; C. E. Hunt; Hunter; ; Don Ireneo; Pres Jackson; James Jackson; King Jackson; Santiago Jaramillo; Santiago (See Jaramillo) Jeems; Thomas Dr Jefferson; Gen A. R. Johnson; Adam R. Johnson; Dr Ranklin; Gen Ranklin; Joulet Spencer (Ranklin); Robert; Thomas Jefferson Dr; Mary Keesee; R. S. Sen Kinbrough; C. F. Mayor King; Eusebio Kino; Layland; A. T. Capt Lee; Lt Fitzhugh Lee; Gen Lee; L. L. Lee; Capt Robert E. Lee ; Lt Robert E. Lee; Lemley; John P. Lewis; Lee Lexington; A. L. Locklin; Alteman L. Locklin; C. F. Locklin; Mrs Mary Locklin; Longley; Diego Lopez; Alf B. Lovelace; Charles F. Lummis; Manuel Martin; I. B. ("Uncle Ike")Maxwell; Ike Maxwell; Myrtle McCord; J. W. McCown; Pres McKinley; Catherine McLennan; John McLennan; Laughlin McLennan; Lauglin McLennan; Neil McLennan; ; Peggy McLennan; Burt McWorter; Antonio Menchaca; Don Antonio de Mendoza; Don Antonio de Viceroy; Jesse Mercer; Peter Mercer; Jesus Mirabal; Antonio Montano; Jose Antonio Navarro; Daniel NcLennan; Ned NcLennan; Ned NcLennan; de Niza; Marco de Friar Niza; Ramon Novarro; Juan de Onadt; Cristobal de Onate; Don Juan de Onate; Artemis Orthia; Juan de Padre Padilla; R. C. Parrack; Col Pierce; T. W. Pierce; Col W. Pierce; Mrs Mary Rives Posey; Samuel S. Posey; Don Quixote; Dr Adam Ranklin; Dr Cyrus N. Ray; Rayburn; Frederick Remington; Col J. J. Reynolds; Roberts; H. N. ; Dan Robinson; Daniel Robinson Sr; Friar Rodriguez; Majorie Rogers; Pres Roosevelt; Rose; D. W. Ross; L. S. Capt; Jose Salazar; Juan de Saldivar; Juan de Saldozar; Don Mariano Samaniego; Lope de Samaniego; Don Lorenzo Sanchez; Saunders; Conrad Schmidt; W. William Schon; Junipero Serra; A. Simering; Judge Simmons; Judge Simms; George W. Singer; Bud Smith; Lon A. Smith; Peter Cardinal St Anthony of Padua; J. J. Stevens; John J. Stevens; Pres Taft; Albert Taylor; Janie Taylor; Pedro de Tovar; Frank Tubbs; Oscar Tubbs; Vaca ; Vaca; J. M. Vance; Don Diego de Vargas; Frank Wheelock; John Capt Woods; Gen Wool; Woohull;
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