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Vol 08 No. 03 - December 1930

Moses Austin

Account of the father of Stephen F. Austin. It was Moses Austin’s early intitatives that led to the work that his son, Stephen accomplished in the early Texas settlements and colonies for which he is rightly famous.

Further Mentions: two sons, Richard and Anthony * Rev. Elizur Goodrich, pastor of Durham * his brother-in-law, Moses Bates * Long Prairie * Felipe Enrique Neri * Commanding General, Joaquin de Arredondo *

Sixty-six Years With the Indians

Account of Millie Durgan, a captive of the Kiowa Indians for sixty-six years. Remarkable story.

Further Mentions: Millie Durgan's daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. George Hunt, Ben Brothers of Quanah, Henry C. Williams of Newcastle, and Harry A. Stroud, manager of the Chamber of Commerce at Lawton, Oklahoma * Harry A. Stroud * Henry C. Williams and Mann. Johnson * the Newcastle school * Graham High School * Mrs. E. J. Fitzpatrick's son, Joe Carter * Aperian Crow * Charles Tsoodle * La Rue Hufhines * Edith White * Mrs, J. T. Rogers * Lottie Durgan

Pioneer Tells of Indian Raids

By Linton Otis Pendergrast

Account of the Benjamin Gholson family, Gholson’s Cove, Gap, Hamilton county, TX, Robinson’s Colony

Further Mentions: Falls County * a ranch at the Blue Water Hole * the Blue Water Hole Ranch, now in Mills County * Miss Jane Adeline Langford * Langford's Cove, now Evant in the southeastern edge of Hamilton County * Brother Hugh M. Childers * Sam Sneed * Capt. John Williams * Berry Fulcher, the oldest native born citizen of Hamilton County * Fulcher * Cynthia Ann Parker * Goldthwaite in Mills County * Rebecca and Tobe Jackson * Jack Stroud * the Jonesboro community in East Hamilton County * Mrs. Stroud died a widow at Melrose, N. M., in 1927 * Ranger Captains J. M. Smith and L. S. Ross * Company F, Second Texas Cavalry * Capt. W.. G. Tobia and Col. C. L. Pyrons *


Mentions: Dr. O. Eastland * J. W. Holt, Bandera, Texas, J. E. Cosper, Duncan, Arizona, and Mrs. W. T. Dover, Leo, Texas * Haskell County * R. E. Sherrill * Hon. Temple Houston * Judge J. V. Cockrell * Hon. Jas. F. Cunningham then of Anson, now of Abilene * R. C. Crane. * Mrs. Bessie Tibbs Bowman * John Tibbs *

Adventures of Texas

Account of William Sanders Oury, including an escape from the Alamo, participation in the battles of San Jacinto and Monterrey, service in the Texas Rangers and traveling across country to California during the gold rush in '49.

Further Mentions: his grandson, Col. William Oury Smith * his father, Augustus Oury * Abingdon, Va * Mrs. Mary Anne Pettibone * Wythe County, Va * John W. Smith * R. A. Gillespie *

A Kansas City Pioneer

Account of William D. Godkin, important early KC resident and veteran. Mr. Godkin was born July 4, 1836, in. Brockville; Ontario, Canada, son of William G. Godkin, who came to America from Bailey Canew, Ireland, in a sailing vessel. The family settled at Brockville, an old trading town, and then moved to Rock Springs, where the forest had to be cleared before a log house was built. Here the six children were reared. He came to Kansas City in 1865 and was naturalized about 1871.

Further Mentions: Col. Walter Godkin, a son * Pipe Creek, in Bandera county, Texas * Canton Falls, N. Y. * Grinnell * He worked for "Bill" Wiley at Seventh and Main streets in his carriage shop * Peter Switzebel; John J. James, another Missouri pioneer of 1863; the Looses and the Peets, all pioneers * Mr. Godkin's old home was located where the George B. Peck dry goods store now stands * John Taylor Dry Goods Company * Eighth and Walnut streets * Pauline Adele Carter * two sons, Walter Godkin and Fred Godkin * Mr. Godkin married Anna Coulter of Elkton, Ky * three daughters, Mrs. A. C. Barks, Santa Monica, Cal.; Mrs. E. O. Warren and Miss Grave Godkin, both of Kansas City * Mrs. Frank V. Smith and Jane Warren; of Kansas City and Suzanne Fisher of Santa Monica * Ex-Chief of Police Jorn Hayes * Samuel J. Tilden * the Hannibal bridge * J. C. McDouough * W. R. Nelson * the Passeo * South Passeo * M. M. Ferris *

The Killings of Rube Burrows

Account of the bloody death of Rube Burrows, noted bandit and robber.

Further Mentions: Mr. Jno. McDuffe * the Southern Express Company * Marengo * Linden * Mr. Agee and Mr. Fisher, both superintendents of the Southern Express company * J. C. Carter * David Jackson *

Back to 1838 at Clarksville

Excellent very early history of Clarksville, TX, the Donoho family and the area which used to be Miller County Arkasas.

Further Mentions: Judge J. M. Deaver of El Paso. * Mrs. Gordon * the Trilling opera house * Bob Figures * the New Donoho hotel * Phil Duty and Willis Dean * Dick Hopkins * Mrs. Pinkie Washington * Judge Mills * the Donoho House * Bennett H. Martin was a prominent lawyer of that day * lawyer by the name of Craig * Ochiltree, the father of the now famous Tom * the Bonfoy murder case * The Donoho Hotel * Col. B. H. Epperson * Bowie county * McKenzie College * the Texas & Pacific railroad, then called the Memphis & El Paso road * Travis Wright * Swanson * Dick Runnels of Bowie * The brilliant and fiery Wigfall * Captain Sutton * Roderick * Judge A. H. Lattimer * John L. Carroll * Davidson, the federal commander at this place * Jake Gaffney * the "Clarksville Cotton Exchange." * Goalts Sutton * Frank White, justice of the peace at Manchester * W. B. Wright * Judge A. H. Lattimer at Boston, Bowie county * E. J. Davis *

Adventures of Big-Foot Wallace

Continued from Last month – Some very enjoyable first-hand observations of early Texas life through the eyes of the great Indian fighter, soldier, Texas patriot and rancher.

Further Mentions: Bill Hawkins * Nathans, an old Rocky Mountain hunter * Bill Sykes, an old frontiersman and Indian fighter * Mr. Cooper *

Tells of An Indian Fight

Account of Mr. A. G. Mills, Gideon Mills and people who came to Erath county, Paluxey River area in 1854 - excellent early history of the region.

Further Mentions: his father, Gideon Mills * John W. Middleton * the Middletons * an old man named Adams, about 15 miles below where we lived on the Paluxey River * Paluxey and Squaw Creek * Kickapoo Creek * a young man named Deavers * Ike Cowan, an old frontiersman *

Dumb Heros of the West

By Max Coleman

Account of Ad Lawrence, B J Brownlow, the L F D ranch, Jack Andrews, Pony Bob, the Circle Ranch, and some famous horse heroes.

Further Mentions: the Trinity River * the old Block 8 ranch * B J Brownlow an outlaw * Lazy S line camp * Jack Andrews known as "Rattle-snake Jack," * Pony Bob * Old Mellow Blossom * Jim Kerlin, top hand for the Circle * Ben Kerlin * Johnny Payne, veteran rancher of Tres Lagunas * Brushy Bill * Magdalena * Datil * Morley's ranch * Doctor McCreary * McFall's * Navajo Lodge * the ranch of Fred Baldwin * Fred Newman, of El Paso *

E. B. Baggett Tells of Chisholm Trail

By John R. Lunsford

Excellent early Bell County history and story of this great family of early settlers in the region.

Further Mentions: Temple * Old Howard, only a few miles from where Temple now is located * Silas Baggett * Belton * Monroe Baggett * Christoval, in Tom Green county * E B. Greathouse * Torreon * Crockett county * New Braunfels * the San Marcos river * Ozona, Crockett county * Mrs. Chris Hagelstein * Mrs. W. J. Fox * Mrs. J. W. Simmons, Dallas * Eli Baggett is a native of Rusk county in east Texas but early in his life his father moved to Bell county, settling at what is now known as Old Howard, where he established one of the three stage stands that marked the stage trip from Waco to Belton * Masterville * Lorena * the Katy * Westbrook's *


By E. E. Dale

Some Animals of the Southwest Lengthy and detailed account of how the early pioneers viewed buffalo, mountain Lion, snakes, bears and other animal residents of the frontier

Further Mentions: "Buffalo Jones" * Fort Fetterman * The Mount Dome antelope refuge in Siskiyou county, California * fine soldier, Henry Heuser * Padres Benavides, and Picolo * Fort Wingate, N. Mex * St. Johns, Arizona * Mr. Longears * Mr. Walter Vale * Lieut. R. K. Evans * Fort Lowell, Arizona * George Wharton James *

Pioneer Struggles in Bell County

Seller’s note: If you want EXCELLENT early (we’re talking about the origins) history and genealogy of BELL COUNTY, TEXAS that is extremely rare, here it is!

Bell county was created in 1850. by an act of the Texas legislature, and named after P. Hansborough Bell, who was governor of Texas from 1849-1853. As it was first created, a strip of territory six miles wide, including the towns of Troy and Oenaville, was left in Falls county. This strip was given to Bell county in 1856.

The first settlements in the county were in 1833 and 1835. Bell county was included in the Sterling C. Robertson survey. During this period Michael Reed and sons, John, Jefferson and William; Moses Griffin, Goolsby Childers and sons, Robert, Frank and Thomas, Col. Sparks, Mr. Davidson, Judge O. T. Tyler, Wiley Carter, Mr. Taylor, and wife, located here. The Taylor family located about 3 miles east of Belton, where the present day site of Taylor's valley is...

Further Mentions: Miss Mabel Pendleton * in 1835 the Taylor family was attacked * Nashville, Texas * Among the first settlers were the Robertsons, Reeds, Carters, Tylers, Davidsons, Childers, Sparks * Michael Reed * Mr. Davidson and a man named Crouch were killed on Walkers Creek east of Cameron * Captain George B. Erath * A. L. Nibbling Jr * Temple Telegram * fight with the Indians on Elm Creek, in Milam county, a few miles below the Bell county line * A Mr. Clark and Frank Childers, uncle of the late George W. Tyler were killed in the battle * Bird's Creek was named for Captain John Bird * Little River * Fort Griffin * James Robinet * Mrs. Nancy Ferguson * Col. W. G. Cook * Three Forks * In 1859 the Indians attacked the Riggs family on Cowhouse creek * The first meeting of the county commissioners court met in 1850. The following officers were present: Jno. Danley, chief justice, (Miss Myrtle Danley of Beltoni is his grand daughter), Jno. Taylor, Jas. M. Cross, Peter Banta, James Blair, Wm. Reed, first sheriff and Jno. C. Reed, county clerk. At this term of court a license was issued to D. R. Hill to… * The first district court was held in 1851. R. E. B. Baylor, was judge, J. F. Clark, district clerk, and Wm. Reed, sheriff. The first grand jury was David Havens, M. W. Damron, J. M. Cathey, John Anderson, Allen Bryant, James M. Glen, B. L. Stuart, Thomas I. Havens, Horatio Shelton, Mathew Wilkins, John Bowles, Warren Puett, J. T. Sherrod, William Caldwell, Walter Birch... * Mrs. Matilda F. Allen, nee Connell * the Connell league * Nolanville later changed to Belton * Nolanville and Nolan creek are supposed to have derived their names from Philip Nolan * Ellis P. Bean * the Beans who now live near Stampede * Judge X. B. Sanders was the first mayor of Belton * The first newspaper in Belton was started in 1857 by a Mr. Marschalk, and was called the "Independent." * the "Belton Democrat" * John Henry Brown * In 1880 the population of Bell county was ... * Salado college * In 1870 the population of Bell county numbered …* Col. E. S. C. Robertson * Temple was started in 1881 by the Gulf, Colorado, and Santa Fe railway * the J. E. Moore farm * the M. K. and T. * B. M. Temple, chief engineer of the Santa Fe railway * Killeen * F. P. Killeen * Captain John T. Bartlett * In 1871 the total property value of Bell county was …* Thomas Arnold at Salado * the Belton Male academy * Baylor is the oldest educational institution in the state, having been chartered in 1845. It is named for R. E. B. Baylor, judge of the first district court held in Belton.

Indian Bow and Arrow

Detailed description of the materials used and the manner of forming and using the early weapons of the savages of the frontier.

The Osage and the Kansa tribes are held to have had the best bows-not that their workmanship was superior but because they managed to get hold of the most suitable wood. The Osage and the Kansa called it smooth bow, the Omaha knew it as yellowwood, the French voyageurs as bois d'are. It was procured along the Arkansas River. It did not grow well north of Kansas, and where it was not available ash, white elm, or ironwood was used, because they would take on a polish and would not warp when exposed to wet weather. The general preference was for young ash killed by a prairie fire, because then it was sure to be well seasoned.

The wood for the arrow was selected with equal care and handled with equal patience. Experience had taught that the more serviceable were the ash and a species of dogwood, known to the Omaha, Ponce, Osage, and Kaw as arrowwood. Of the latter, saplings were preferred on account of their straightness and freedom from knots. Mature ask, on the other hand, was taken, the sapling being too pithy and soft. Both woods can be polished and are flexible. When neither ash nor dogwood was obtainable, wild cherry was used, but only in emergency, since this wood breaks easily. The shafts were cut the desired length and roughly shaped, then tied in a bunch and hung over the fireplace to season. Etc, etc, etc


Account of E. L. Haddix, of Waco, conductor on the Cotton Belt railway, and an active railway worker for-sixty-one years. Mr. Haddix was born in Indiana in 1848, and began his railroad career in 1869. His first railway service was as brakeman with the Kansas City, St. Joe & Council Bluffs Railway. He was advanced to the position of conductor in due time, and in this capacity he served the Union Pacific before coming to the Cotton Belt. In the forty years that be served the Cotton Belt as conductor, Mr. Haddix scored a perfect record. The road was never called on to pay one cent by reason of carelessness or negligence on his part.


Mrs. Laura Lara, of Rio Grande City, Texas, claims to be 140 years old. The venerable woman has no birth certificate, since the record of the churches of, Northern Mexico were destroyed during the revolution, but her recollection of past events and the testimony of her relatives seem to leave no doubt that she is as old as claimed.

Mrs. Lara was a grandmother when General Robert E. Lee, then in the United States army, was at Fort Ringold during the war with Mexico in 1848. She was 58 years. old then, she says, and had several grand children.

Mrs. Lara says she, remembers General Lee well,, and was his laundress while he was at Fort Ringold.

Further Mentions: Mason L. Rountree * Mother Lee's hotel * George and Louis Lehne * Pat Lee * Robert G. Sutton of Stacey, Montana * Mr. and Mrs. Dave Baker of Mobeetie, Texas * Billie Gray's family * Mrs. Carmen Lacey Clark, of Fellows, California * Mr. John R. Mott * Charley Lacey * Ann Hogg at Monahans * Dudley R. Dobe, principal of Westover School.

Some names mentioned in this volume:

Matilda F. Allen; John Anderson; Jack Andrews; Thomas Arnold; Joaquin de Gen Arredondo; Anthony Austin; Elias Austin; Moses Austin; Richard Austin; Richard Austin Jr; Mrs Richard Austin; Stephen Austin; Bright Baggett; E. B. Baggett; Early Baggett; Edward Baggett; Eli Baggett; Maggie Baggett; Monroe Baggett; Nona Baggett; Silas Baggett; Silas Jr Baggett; Mrs Dave Baker; Fred Baldwin; Peter Banta; Mrs A. C. Barke; Barker; John T. Capt Bartlett; Moses Bates; R. E. B. Baylor; Bean; P. Hansborough Bell; Padre Benavides; Campbell Binkley; Walter Birch; Capt John Bird; James Blair; Bowles; Bessie Tibbs Bowman; Ben Brothers; Brown; Allen Bryant; Allen Burrows; Rube; Hinton Caldwell; William; John L. Sheriff Carroll; Carson; J. C. Carter; Joe Carter; Pauline Adele; Wiley; J. M.Cathey; Frederick C. Chabot; Frank Childers; Goolsby Childers; Hugh M. Childers; Robert Childers; Thomas Childers; Carmen Lacey Clark; J. F. Clark; Judge J. V. Cockrell; Max Coleman; Col W. G. Cook; J. E. Cosper; Anna Coulter; Ike Cowan; Crane; Crimmins; Jas M.Cross; Chief Aperian Crow; Hon Jas F. Cunningham; Prof E. E. Dale; Prof Dale; M. W. Damron; Jno Danley; Myrtle Danley; E. J. Davis; Willis Dean; Judge J. M. Deaver; Dixon; Dudley R. Dobe; W. N. Dobe; Dobie; J. B. Donoho; William; Mrs W. T. Dover; Lottie Durgan; Millie; Phil Duty; Duval; Dr O. Eastland; Dr Orin Eastland; Col B. H. Epperson; George B. Capt Erath; Lt Evans; Lt R. K. Evans; Nancy Ferguson; M. M. Ferris; Bob Figures; Suzanne Fisher; Mrs E. J. Fitzpatrick; Mrs W. J. Fox; Berry Fulcher; Jake Gaffney; Adeline Gholson; Mrs Benjamin Franklin ; Roy Franklin; R. A. Gillespie; Gillett; James M.Glen; Fred Godkin; Grace Godkin; Walter Godkin; Col Walter Godkin; William D. Godkin; William G. Godkin; Jose Gonzales; Goodnight; Rev Elizur Goodrich; Billie Gray; E. B. Greathouse; Green; Moses Griffin; Grindstead; E. L. Haddix; Mrs Chris Hagelstein; David Havens; Thomas I. Havens; Bill Hawkins; Jack Capt Hayes; Jorn; John Henderson; Pink; Henry Heuser; D. R. Hill; Cynthia Ann Hogg; J. W. Holt; Dick Hopkins; Hon A. W. Houston; Hon Temple Houston; Hon Wm B. Houston; La Rue Hufhines; George Hunt; Mrs George Hunt; Hunter; ; David Jackson; Rebecca; Tobe; George Wharton James; John J. James; Britt Johnson; Mrs Britt Johnson; Mann; Ben Kerlin; Jim Kerlin; F. P. Killeen; Charley Lacey; Jane Adeline Langford; Laura Lara; A. H. Judge Lattimer; Ad Lawrence; Pat Lee; Lehmann; George Lehne; Louis Lehne; Lemley; Lincoln; Longley; John R. Lunsford; Bennett H. Martin; Gov Martinez; Jim Mast; Dr McCreary; J. C. McDonough; Jno McDuffe; Meadows; John W. Middleton; A. G. Mills; Gideon; Judge; J. E. Moore; John R. Wren ; Mott; W. R. Nelson; Felipe Enrique Neri; Fred Newman; A. L. Jr Nibbling; Philip Nolan; Tom Ochiltree; Augustus Oury; William Oury; William Sanders ; Parker; Johnny Payne; George B. Peck; Linton Otis Pendergrast; Mabel Pendleton; Mary Ann Pettibone; Padre Picolo; Warren Puett; Col C. L. Pyrons; Jefferson Reed; Jno C. Reed; John Reed; Michael Reed; William Reed; Wm Reed; Rister Reed; Gov Roberts; Col E. S. C. Robertson; James Robinet; Mrs J. T. Rogers; Rose; L. S. Ross; Mason L. Rountree; Dick Runnels; X. B. Judge Sanders; Saunders; Horatio Shelton; Sherrill; J. T. Sherrod; Mrs J. W. Simmons; Smith; Mrs Frank V. Smith; J. M. Smith; John W. Smith; Col William Oury ; Sam Sneed; Col Sparks; Harry A. Stroud; Jack ; B. L. Stuart; Capt Sutton; Coalts; Robert G.; Peter Switzebel; Bill Sykes; Taylor; Jno Taylor; John Taylor; B. M. Temple; John Tibbs; John Jr Tibbs; Samuel J. Tilden; Capt W. G. Tobia; Charles Tsoodle; George W. Tyler; O. T. Judge; Walter Vale; Martin Van Buren; Big-Foot Wallace; Mrs E. O. Warren; Jane Warren; Mrs Pinkie Washington; Edith White; Frank White; Bill Wiley; Mathew Wilkins; Henry C. Williams; Capt John Williams; Nevin O. Winter; Wortham; Travis Wright; W. B. Wright; Wrenn...

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