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Vol 06 No. 09 - June 1929
General Edward Burleson (Cover picture)
Brief account of the life of this noble Texas hero, statesman and soldier. Among his chief virtues, for which he will always be remembered is his purity of character. His reputation as a soldier, built up by years of service and success was left behind him without a single strain; while the purity of his conduct as a legislator escaped even the breath of suspicion. In him were happily blended the attributes of a successful warrior, with the republican and patriarchal simplicity of a quiet and unassuming country gentleman, whose bravery was unsurpassed by his open and cordial hospitality.
Further Mentions: When a mere lad he went with his father, a captain in the Creek war * Virginia, where he was elected Lieutenant-Colonel of the militia. * elected Colonel of a regiment of militia * settled in Bastrop county * called upon to lead his fellow-citizens to repel parties of marauding savages * at Gonzales, in 1836, Burleson. was elected Colonel of the first regiment * It was Burleson's regiment, at the battle of San Jacinto, which was placed immediately in front of the Mexican breastworks * It was a party of Burleson's men, set to watch the retreating Mexicans, that brought in Santa Anna as a prisoner * In 1837, he was elected Brigadier General * Seguin he defeated the party of Cordova, * He chastised the Indians that murdered Mrs. Coleman * in 1838 he was appointed Colonel * his regiment participated in the war for the expulsion of the Cherokees from East Texas * he defeated a party of Cherokees on Cherokee Creek, in San Saba county * At the battle with the Comanches at Plum Creek, Burleson commanded one division of the Texans * In 1841 he was elected Vice-President of the Republic * In 1843 he was a candidate for the Presidency * Burleson was in Mexico during the war, on the staff of General Henderson * he settled his family at the beautiful spring which forms the San Marcos river * was immediately elected to the State Senate * he was elected President of the Senate by a unanimous vote * At the close of his term he was re-elected again to the Senate *
The following account, should forever put to rest the controversy involving the true spelling of the name Chisum or Chisholm associated with the great Chisholm Trail.
Further Mentions: the Old Time Trail Driver's Association * Old Jesse Chisholm * the famous "Jingle-Bob" steers * Col. Johnson of Dallas * Joe Waide, who lives on the old Chisum ranch * Josephine Wright * Crow Wright, pioneer cattleman * Jack Christal Co. Clerk, Denton, County, Texas * Mr. W. F. Gill of Paris, TX * Joe Hillhouse* R. Erl Ross, a Notary Public in and for Denton county, Texas * Alex Williams citizen of Denton, Denton county, Texas * P. Yocham * by R. G. Johnson and Alex Ferguson *
Account of old-time Texas cowboy, P. P. Ackley, who spent his life battling the elements in rounding up the herd on lonely prairies of the Lone Star state, and his efforts to have a national highway from Brownsville to Bismark, S. D., designated as the Longhorn Cowboy Chisholm Trail.
The road as Ackley visions It would begin at Brownsville and thence would run north through Beeville, San Antonio, Austin, Waco, Hillsboro, Fort Worth, Wichita Falls, Vernon (Texas), Mangum, Elk City, Fort Supply, Woodward (Oklahoma), Dodge City, Fort Hays, Kansas; Ogalala, Neb., and Bismarck, S. D.
Tribute To Dr. Shackelford
This excellent story is a detailed description not only of the life of the great “Red Rover”, Dr. John Shackelford, but also of a notable dinner given in honor of the Alabaman who was a noble Texas patriot. The "The Red Rovers" were a courageous military unit composed of Alabamans who came to the rescue of Texas at the time of the desperate situation at the Alamo. All the men of the unit were brutally slaughtered at Goliad, except three who feigned death on the firing squad and then proceeded on a daring escape back home. Dr. Shackleford was one of those escapees.
Further Mentions: Mrs. Shirley * General Sam Houston, Major Thomas J. Rusk, and the Honorable Judge Webb * Henry Shults * Levenhaven * the Hon. Bernard E. Bee, * Hon. A. Sidney Johnston * the Honorable James Webb * the Honorable R. G. Dunlap * the Honorable J. C. Watrous * Maj. Gen. Thomas J. Rusk * the Honorable Menucan Hunt * Doctor N. F. Smith * S. Perry * Dr. Ashbell Smith * Barnard E. Bee * John A. Newland * Dr. Wm. M. Shepherd * Col. H. McLeod * Col. G. N. Love * George C. Childress * A. C. Hinton * H. Thompson * Captain Kennymore * Col. C. H. Bell * John C. Watrous * P. A. Sawyer * Tob Robinson * Major James D. Cooke * the Brutus * Pass Cavallo * La Bacca * Dr. Joseph H. Bernard *
A. H. Polley Tells How He Turned The Western Trail
By Cora Melton Cross.
Lengthy and detailed account of A. H. Polley, known the cattle world over as Hub Polley of Austin, Texas. Narrative and personal recollections of Polley are brought together to provide a most excellent account of the emergence development and progress of the cattle industry in Texas.
Further Mentions: Joseph H. and Mary Bailey Polley * Brazoria County down on the Cibola Creek, thirty miles east of San Antonio * The town of Sutherland Springs was then unborn and it was a wild land * Mary Bailey * Josiah Bell * Jewett McGee, the son of a Presbyterian preacher * Colonel Wyatt * John James of San Antonio * Caswell * the Plaza Hotel San Antonio * Bell Brothers, jewelers * Vint James * Frank Newsome from Goliad County * Belle Beverly, daughter of Judge Beverly of Dodge City * the firm of Wright & Beverly owners of the largest dry goods and clothing store in Dodge City * Karnes County near the Beverly homestead * our Cibola ranch * Sebastian Bell * the King Ranch * George West * Tobe Odom * Floresville * Mr. Frasier * two brothers, named Brothers * Rancher Davis * Live Oak County * Bates and Beall of the Turkey Track ranch * Adobe Walls, where Charlie Goodnight ranched * Fort Reno * the Sac and Fox agencies, also to Fort Sill * Reno and Anadarko * a man named Healy * Captain Evans, formerly of Gonzales * Fort Griffin * Doc Day * a man by the name of Moore * Wright and Beverly * Conrad * Medicine Lodge * Gid Guthrie * Sam Kyger * John Moseley * Newman & Co., of St. Louis * Jess Evans *
The Romance Of Texas History
TEXAS HAS, SINCE the first white man set foot on its soil, lived under six flags. During the four hundred years of Texas history, Texans have endeavored to maintain the meaning of the word "Tejas" which in the language of its aboriginal inhabitants meant friendly. This story is Texas history from the perspective of the Rotarian view of Texas history and Texas development. This fairly lengthy account is a masterful synopsis of Texas history.
Further Mentions: J. Frank Davis, well-known magazine writer * Rotary Delegates from every corner of the earth will gather in Dallas at the International Convention * etc, etc, etc, etc…
Dr. Harrington, representing the Heye Museum of the American Indian, New York City, has been excavating a village site in the Big Bend country for about two years. He has made many rich interesting finds, which will throw light on the culture relations of the Pueblo Indians of New Mexico to those of the Plains. All the results of his researches go to New York.
A news dispatch brings information of the discovery of a remarkable cave near El Paso by some youths of that city. It contains the remains of many extinct animals, among others, of the giant sloth. It is to be explored by the American Museum of Natural History, New York, and the Museum of Yale University.
Expeditions are sent into Texas pretty much as they are sent into…
Recollections Of The Comanche Indians
H. W. Baylor, San Antonio, Texas.
In this account, Baylor whose father, John R. Baylor was appointed agent for the Comanche Indians, in 1856 recollects numerous events in his childhood being raised up in the vicinity and in close association with these Indians. He provides amazing inside views and numerous details regarding the lifestyle of the Comanches.
The agent was furnished with a house and a small field. The Indian chief also had a house, but he and his squaw lived outside. They said it made them sick to live in a house. The Indians had some fine horses, which I think had been stolen from the settlers. They were very fond of horse racing, and frequently raced with the officers and soldiers. There had to be daylight between the horses, or it was called a tie, and had to be run over. My mother was very much afraid of the Indians, and lived in constant dread of an outbreak. The Indians had no respect for your house. They would walk right in and go all over the place looking at everything, and pick up anything they fancied. One day a buck came into our house and got a shawl. Mother picked up a rifle, which was behind a door, and it was accidently discharged. The Indian ran one way, and Mother ran another way. An old Indian squaw told Mother that if she wanted to keep the Indians out of the house to put an owl's wing over the door. This worked fine. No Indian would walk under an owl's wing. There was one room in the house which was used as a council chamber, and when there was a pow-wow to be held, the owl wing was taken down.
I became very fond of the Indian boys, and often went fishing and swimming with them. They killed fish with arrows, and were indeed experts with the bow. Once a week beeves [steers] were killed to feed the Indians, and I have seen the squaws take the paunch, cut it in strips, give it a shake or two and eat it, like a dog would. The women did all of the work, or forced the prisoners to do it. The principal work was dressing buffalo hides. These were stretched on the ground and the women used wooden hoes, made from the fork of a limb of a tree, with the hoe sharpened and fine notches cut on the edge. After considerable dressing the hide would begin to get white and soft, and when finished was painted on the flesh side with some Indian figures and designs which no one but an Indian understood. The arrows were made from dogwood. Their shields were made of bull's hide taken from the neck. I think these shields were about three feet in diameter, and when finished they were turned over to the medicine man who would take each shield to some secluded spot where magic was performed to keep a bullet or an arrow from passing through it. I am sure the average shield was proof against an arrow or a lance. Father told a medicine man that he could shoot a hole through any shield at fifty yards. Old Chief Buffalo Hump, said he would bet a horse against the rifle that it could not be done. In a few days a shield was brought to our home and many Indians came to see the trial. The shield was hung up and Father promptly shot a hole through it. The Indians were very much disappointed in the medicine man's failure to make it bullet-proof, but he explained to them that he had not used his strongest medicine. Father gave Buffalo Hump back his horse, and told the medicine man that he knew he had a stronger medicine, and would not bet again. He said he did not wish to destroy the faith that the Indians had in the medicine man.
We could always tell when some of the warriors had been killed. At sunrise, on the hills east of the agency, we could hear the women wailing. This wailing was kept up for several days. The men would cut off half of their hair when some of their relatives died. The women had another way of mourning. They would build a fire and march around it, singing a doleful song, and scarifying their legs and breasts with a sharp butcher knife. Most of the women had scars on their legs and breasts. On one occasion some of us boys were watching four squaws go through this performance, when one of the squaws cut a vein and the blood spurted. One of us laughed, and that squaw grabbed a fire brand in one hand and a knife in the other and made for us, and there was a lively race. We were cautioned by Tito not to go near the squaws when they were performing this ceremony, as they would kill any one who made fun of their actions.
I saw the Indians kill a beautiful white horse, and pile the belongings of a warrior, which included the bow, shield, arrows, lance, clothing, all in a pile and burn them. I was told these things were to meet the warrior in the happy hunting grounds. I could not form any idea of the morals of the Indians, as I was too young at that time, but I understand that a squaw was killed because she had been unfaithful to her lord. It seems they also had the unwritten law, which applied only to women.
Further Mentions: the agency, which was located on the Clear Fork of the Brazos river, near Camp Cooper * cousin, Tucker Baylor * Col. John H. Moore, of Fayette county *
Brief account of Rev. J. N. Hunter, a native of Giles county, Tenn., who grew up in Obion county, West Tenn, a Confederate veteran who gives, in his own words some very interesting historical facts relating to himself and other incidents of the great conflict.
Further Mentions: In March, 1864, Gen. Forrest made one of his famous raids into West Tennessee * the 2nd Tenn. Cavalry, commanded by Col. C. R. Barteau * three companies of the battalion, H, I, and K * During 1864, Forrests command fought 50 battles and skirmishes; killed and captured 16,000 Yankees; captured 2,000 mules and horses; 67 pieces of artillery; 4 gunboats; 14 transports; 20 barges; 300 wagons; 50 ambulances; 10,000 stands of arms; 40 blockhouses destroyed 36 railroad bridges; 200 miles of railroad; 100 cars; 6 engines; $1.5,000,000 worth of Federal property * Camp Douglas, Chicago * the Hood raid in middle Tenn. in Dec., 1864 *
A Day In Texas History
J. H. Foster.
On a fateful day, February 18, 1865, from beyond the billowy-bound horizon, a sail ship hove in sight, moved majestically shoreward and cast anchor in the waters of a quiet little bay. As the wild-eyed Indians gazed, LaSalle, the French explorer, with soldiers in glittering chanting songs of praise and thanksgiving, landed, and from the strand hoisted the beautiful banner of France, which, as the breezes kissed its folds, gently unfurled, and the first national flag of any country cast its shadow on the soil of the Beautiful Land of Texas, at or near the mouth of the Lavaca River, in 1685.
New Braunfels Founded By German Colonists
By H. W. Baylor, San Antonio, Texas
Such credit is due the type of early settlers that came to this country to make their home in the wilderness of the frontier then existing. One is always thrilled by narratives alluding to the settlement of our country by these brave people and the hardships and privations that confronted them and they had to overcome. Interesting indeed is the early history of New Braunfels and the causes that led up to its settlement in Texas. Nothing compares in pathos and human interest with the story of the movement which, beginning in the Fatherland in 1842, at a meeting of noblemen, eventuated in the foundation of New Braunfels and Fredericksburg, and other scattering German settlements northwest of these two points. This is the story of those noble settlements and Pioneers.
Further Mentions: the Count of Castell * Counts Bass-Waldeck and Leiningen * Of the more than five thousand persons who landed at Galveston from the emmigrant ships between the time of the arrival of the Johann Dethard on November 23, 1844 * the German "League of Nobility," * New Braunfels and Comal county * Prince SolmsBraunfels * the "Mainzer Adelsverein" was organized for the purpose of establishing in the Republic of Texas a German buffer state * Upon the arrival in Galvestion the immigrants were transported to the mainland at a port which was named "Carlshafen" by Prince Solms, and after a short stay here were moved to Chocolate Bayou. where they were kept for several days and then moved farther inland to a point in the vicinity of the present town of Victoria * the Bourgeois contract * Las Fontanas * a man named Garza whose wife was a daughter of a former governor of Texas under Mexican jurisdiction, Veramandi * Baron von Meusebach * Colonel Buchel *
Account of W. H. Brown, who tells of the perilous days of 1874-75, when he served in the army border force under Gen. Nelson A. Miles. Brown enlisted for five years in the infantry service early in 1874, just after the Comanches, Kiowas and Cheyennes broke from their reservation in Indian Territory, under the leadership of old Satante, Comanche chief, and started their spectacular raid into Texas. Mr. Brown was detailed to Company K, Fifth Infantry, and came with the regiment to help round up the Indians, and was part of the decisive battle was fought at Staked Plains, in the Texas Panhandle, and many soldiers and Indians were killed. This is his story.
Further Mentions: the Twenty-Fifth and Twenty-Seventh Infantry, and the Ninth and Tenth Cavalry; four regiments of white soldiers and one of Kansas militia * The final round-up came in a big grove on the North Fork of the Canadian River, where we surrounded about 2,400 Indians, braves, squaws and children. The Indians had run out of provisions and game was scarce * We took eighteen chiefs from the three tribes, including old Satante, and lodged them, as hostages, in the Government jail at Lawton, Ok * Chief Big Tree of the Kiowas * Chiefs Gall and Rain-in-the-Face *
Old Times In San Antonio
By V. L. James (1st installment)
In this account, Mr. James describes his experiences and observations as a small boy, commencing when San Antonio was a Mexican town of one-story adobe buildings and a population of a few thousand American people. His home was on West Commerce street where North Presa street is at present. It was the first two-story built that had a chimney in San Antonio. His recollections are rich in interesting details of the early years of this great city.
Further Mentions: the Old Bat Cave building situated near the northwest corner of Military Plaza * Mayor Buquor * the Plaza Hotel and its companion thirty-five story Smith-Young Tower opposite on St. Mary's Street, and the many other gigantic . structures such as the Milam Building * the Union Cavalry Army rode their prancing horses victoriously down Commerce street * I remember, when the defeated Southern soldiers returned home from the war, poverty-stricken, hungry and how angrily they broke into the stores of Vance Bros., and others on Alamo Plaza and helped themselves to provisions, we boys appropriating to our use whatever they discarded * the first vaudeville or "Dingle Dangle" theater exhibited on Alamo Plaza where Fox Kodak Store is now * J. H. Kampmann * Grenet's store, where the Crockett Hotel now stands * The principal buildings that I remember were the Menger Hotel, the French. office building, situated on Southeast corner of Main Plaza, the Casino on Market street, the Old Bat Cave and Jail and last but not least the Old Market House and Bull Head Saloon on Market Street * the Rice Hotel, on North Flores Street kept by Mrs. Clements * the Gibbs building * the North side of Alamo Plaza and Houston Street where is now * land where the Bexar hotel building is now * Houston Street through Jefferson Street * I have shot rabbits in the mesquite brush where Dr. Adolph Herff's residence is on Avenue C * I remember when I accompanied Willie Walton (An old brother of Major Alex Walton, our prominent engineer) -on a duck hunt on the Alazan Creek (now one of the most populous parts of our city). Walton's gun was a muzzle loader, he carried a powder flask and shot pouch * the Plaza Hotel situated on the North side of Main Plaza, which was run by Captain William Tobin, the father of the late mayor John Tobin. * The back part of our lot on Commerce street had, a large front on the San Antonio River, which in those days was a bold running stream, full of the finest fish life * Mr. Blankenship * Blankenship was an Englishman who lived in a shack in the rear of the Umsheid home on the corner of Commerce and Alamo Street, he always carried for bait limburger cheese for catfish and a bucket of live minnows for black bass * One day some twenty of us boys went swimming in the Blue Hole which was in the rear of Washington Street where the river was deep and swift. A tow-headed boy named Zalmonsig who lived on North Flores street while in the most dangerous part of the river was attacked with cramps. He commenced to sink, continually crying for help * Another time Henry Krempkau (and older brother of William Krempkau, Secretary of the Old Freighter's Association) became exhausted in the river back of Losoya street *
The Hero Of San Jacinto
By Dr. Alexander Dienst.
This sketch of Sam Houston claims to portray the life of the great Texas hero-statesman as he was. Says the author, “There is no need of embellishing and adding romance to Sam Houston's life; it was colorful enough without added romance. The story of the war-scarred hero of San Jacinto, the political chief, the statesman, needs no romantic handling.”
The Swamp Fox
Account of Gen. Francis Marion, the "Swamp Fox" of South Carolina, who dared to defy Cornwallis and his teeming thousands, with only sixteen men and no weapons save a reap hook sharpened into a hunting knife! General Marion stands alone in American history, celebrated for having done things that were counted impossible and for a patriotism that was as crystal pure as that of George Washington's. Like Washington, the Swamp Fox never accepted defeat; like his great commander, Marion refused to stay beaten, but was promptly up and at it again, using what had seemed failure to win a victory.
Being raised in the lowland swamps of his beloved South Carolina, he could skip about in the swamp with the agility of a monkey. Accustomed to those drowned lands from their childhood, Marion and his men knew them as well as they did the open roads; they lived in them as safely and as comfortable as the wild creatures about them. Few men were ever more deeply loved and respected and obeyed by their followers than was the Swamp Fox. He died at his home, near Georgetown, in his sixty-third year, one of the most beloved and honored men in South Carolina. This is his life story.
Further Mentions: The big fort in St. Augustine was named in his honor as was the little city of Marion, in South Carolina * From fiery Huguenot ancestry did Francis Marion come, and he first arrived in the world in 1732 on a great plantation near Georgetown, S. C. * Etchowea * the battle of Sullivan's Island * the battle of Savannah * the terrible six weeks' siege to which Clinton subjected Charleston * Tarleton
P. P. Ackley; Moses Austin; Stephen Austin; ; Mary Bailey; Dr Eugene C. Barker; Col C. R. Barteau; Count Bass-Waldeck; Baron deBastrop; H. W. Baylor; Jack Baylor; Tucker Baylor; ; Hon Bernard E. Bee; Col C. H. Bell; Josiah Bell; Sebastian Bell; Dr Joseph H. Bernard; Belle Beverly; Judge Beverly; Chief Big Tree; James Bonham; Bowie; George D. Brown; W. H. Brown; Col Buchel; Chief Buffalo Hump; Mayor Buquor; Edward Burleson; Carter; George C. Childress; Jesse Chisholm; John S. Chisholm; Claiborne Chisum; John S. Chisum; Josephine Chisum; Jack Christal; James D. Maj Cooke; Francisco de Coronado; Crockett; Cross; Custer; J. Frank Davis; Doc Day; Johann Dethard; Dr Alexander Dienst; Dixon; Dobie; Driggs; R. G. Hon Dunlap; Duval; Capt Evans; Jess Evans; Fannin; Alex Ferguson; Gen Forrest; J. H. Foster; Chief Gall ; W. F. Gill; Gillett; Charlie Goodnight; Jesse Grimes; Gid Guthrie; Dr Harrington; Capt Jack Hayes; Dr Adolph Herff; Joe Hillhouse; A. C. Hinton; Hon Menacun Hunt; Rev J. N. Hunter; Andrew Pres Jackson; ; James Jackson; John H. Jackson; V. L. Jackson; Vint Jackson; Col Johnson; R. G. Johnson; Hon Sidney A. Johnston; Chief Jolly; Dr Anson Jones; J. H. Kampmann; Capt Kennymore; Henry Krempkau; William Krempkau; Sam Kyger; Rene Robert Cavalier de la Salle; Lafitte; ; Mirabeau B Lamar. ; Lehmann; Count Leiningen; Lincoln; ; Col G. N. Love; Francis Marion; Gov Martinez; Jewett McGee; Col H. McLeod; Miles; Moore; John Moseley; John A. Newland; Hunter Newman; Frank Newsome; Tobe Odom; William Penn; S. Perry; Alvarez de Pinardo; Chief Pinochama; A. H. Polley; Hub Polley; Joe Polley; Joseph Polley; Joseph H. Polley; Mary Bailey Polley; Chief Rain-in-the-Face; Tito Rivera; Roberts; Gov Robinson; Tob Robinson; R. Erl Ross; Thomas J. Maj Rusk; Louis Juchereau de Saint-Denis; Rene Robert Cavelier de l Salle; Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna; Saunders; Hon F. A. Sawyer; ; Capt Shackelford; ; Jack Shackelford; Dr Jack Shackelford; Dr John Shackelford; Dr Wm M. Shepherd; Mrs John A. Shirley; Henry Shults; Dr Ashbell Smith; Dr N. F. Smith; Prince Solms-Braunfels; Braunfels; Gen A. Somervell; H. Thompson; John Tobin; Capt William Tobin; William Travis; Vaca; Queen Victoria; Baronvon Meusebach; J. M. Waide; Joe Waide; Big-Foot Wallace; Alex Maj Walton; Willie; J. C. Hon Watrous; John C. Watrous; James Hon Webb; George West; Alex Williams; Louis J. Wortham; Crow Wright; Josephine Wright; Col Wyatt; P. Yocham; Yocha Yoast.
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