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Vol 06 No. 07 - April 1929
Vernon Wilson Was A Texas Ranger (Cover Picture)
By J. B. Gillett, Marfa, Texas.
Vernon Coke Wilson, nephew of the late Governor Richard Coke of Texas, born near Abingdon, Virginia about 1855, came to Texas and was sent by his uncle to the frontier in 1876 to become a Texas Ranger. Wilson was assigned to Captain Neal Coldwell's Company "A", Frontier Battalion. (Major Jones' escort company)and showed a green, awkward young man fresh from the States, who knew very little about a horse and much less about fire-arms. He was highly educated, of a pleasing personality, and all the thirty rangers in camp at once took a liking to him and undertook to show him how to handle his horse and fire arms. Besides, Wilson had a fine voice, sang well and played a guitar beautifully. This was all interesting `to the rangers and Wilson's playing and singing away out on the frontier broke the monotony of every day camp life. Vernon made a good ranger from the very start.
Further Mentions: Major Jones * the Sam Bass gang * Round Rock, Texas * Lieutenant Reynolds * Vernon Wilson as chief of Mounted Inspectors * Vernon Wilson as a special officer for the Southern Pacific railroad * train robbers, Evans and Sontag, at Sampson's Flat, Fresno County, California *
History Centers About Cynthia Ann Parker's Home
Mamie Folsom Wynne.
When Cynthia Ann Parker, (Includes old B&W photo image of Cynthia Ann and her baby "Prairie Flower.") was 9 years old, she was carried away by Comanche Indians from the Parker fort after a raid in which she saw her loved ones tortured and slain or fleeing terrorized through the bottom lands of the Navasota River. 25 years a Comanche, she could never adopt back into the white man’s world and lived out her remaining days in grief and detachment. Nevertheless her life history remains an unmistakable monument to the sacrifice and pain endured by the settlers and frontiersman of early Texas. This is a well-documented and detailed account, of both the raid that led to her captivity, and her experience among the Comanches.
Elder Parker was stripped, horribly mutilated and scalped in the sight of his loved ones. His aged wife was stripped, stabbed and left for dead, but by feigning death she later recovered and was restored to health.. When found many hours after the tragedy, she, although clothed only in a single white garment and covered with blood, was trying to drag herself to safety. A possible motive for the raid may have been the $106.50 hidden beneath a book in her room. This money was recovered next day by her directions. Mrs. Kellogg was taken captive. Mrs. Sarah Nixon, however, had reached the fields and given warning. Mr. Plummer lashed his horse to gain the aid of the Faulkenberrys, Lunn, Bates and Anglin. James Parker and Nixon started for the fort Parker meeting his family and secreting them in the river bottoms five miles away
Further Mentions: she was recaptured by Texas rangers led by Lawrence Sullivan Ross * Isaac Parker * Tarrant county, east of Birdville * G. Carter of Fort Worth * . "Shady Oaks", on Lake Worth * the Society of Daughters of the Republic * Mrs. J. E. Taulman of Fort Worth * Elkhart * John Parker * Cole county Illinois * Grimes county * John Parker chose to settle one mile west of Navasota, about two and a half miles from Groesbeck in 1834, on the Navasota River in what is now Limestone county * James W. Parker * Mrs. Rachel Plummer * L. M. T. Plummer * L. D. Nixon and wife Sarah * Silas M. Parker * Benjamin F. Parker * Mrs. Nixon, Mother of Mrs. James W. Parker Mrs. Elizabeth Kellogg, a sister of Mrs. Parker Mrs. Duty; Samuel B. Frost * David Faulkenberry and son, Evan; Silas Mates and Abram Anglin * Rachel Plummer * Samuel Frost * Mrs. Kellogg * Silas Bates, Abram Anglin and Evan Faulkner * land owned by John H. Reagan * Sul Ross and his rangers met the Comanches in a fight on Pease River * Major Earl Van Dorn and the United States Dragoons * Peta Nocona, chief of the Comanches and husband of Cynthia Ann * Lieut. Tom Kelliheir * Camp Carter * her brother, Silas, in Van Zandt county * Mrs. John Henry Brown and Mrs. N. C. Raymand * John Henry Brown * One of her sons was Chief Quanah Parker (Includes old B&W photo image) *
John Twohig, A Texas Patriot
One of the outstanding characters in San Antonio in the early days was John Twohig, who, in many ways proved his patriotism and devotion to Texas, when the struggling young republic was beset by many difficulties. One instance of his devotion to the cause of liberty is here referred to. On March 5th, 1842, General Vasquez and his Mexican army invaded San Antonio. On the approach of the Mexican troops Mr. Twohig, who owned a store on Commerce street, blew up his establishment to prevent the ammunition it contained from falling into the hands of the enemy. At a later time, when General Woll and his Mexican troops invaded San "Antonio (September 12, 1842) John Twohig, Samuel Maverick, Major Colquhoun were taken to Mexico, where they languished in prison for some time. Further Mentions: St. Mary's Street, in San Antonio, in honor of John Twohig, and Hon. Albert Steves *
The Battle Of San Jacinto
The following account of the Battle of San Jacinto was written by Alonzo Steele, who joined Captain Dagget's company of volunteers and started for Texas, from Louisiana, Crossed the Sabine and marched to Washington on the Brazos. He joined a small body of men under Joe Bennett and started for San Antonio to join Travis, but soon heard that the Alamo had fallen. He then moved down the river and fell in with General Houston close to Beeson's Crossing, on the Colorado, and then on into the battle. This is his eye-witness account.
Further Mentions: Captain Bennett was promoted to lieutenant-colonel. James Gillespie was my captain and Mat Finch my first lieutenant, with Sidney Sherman as our regimental commander. * a man named Roberts, who kept a hotel * the Brazos bottom opposite Grossis * Harrisburg * Mr. William P. Zuker * Sherman * the "Twin Sisters," * Dave Rusk * General Tom Green *
Survived The Alamo Massacre
Fascinating account of Mrs. Dickinson, (later Mrs. J. W. Hannig), the only white survivor of the Alamo massacre. The story is written by Charles W. Evers, journalist, of Northern Ohio who interviewed Mrs. Hannig in person and got this amazing first-hand, inside-the-fort account of the bloody situation endured by the Alamo patriots, and her own amazing escape.
The room had become dark with smoke and to this circumstance, and the intervention of the Mexican colonel, Almonte, who was educated in New Orleans, and could speak English, and who drove the bloodthirsty Mexicans from her room, she feels indebted for her life. She was shot through the leg between the knee and ankle, but her little child was unhurt. The last she ever saw of her husband he rushed into the room and said, “My dear wife, they are coming over the wall, we are all lost!” He embraced her and the babe, saying “May God spare you both!” then drew his sword and went out. His body when found was riddled with bullets, and later burned by the inhuman victors with the rest of the slain.
Further Mentions: Mrs. May Evers Pumphrey of San Antonio * Dr. Charles W. Ramsdell, department of history, University of Texas * Col. Dupre, editor of the Austin Statesman * Frank Mayo * Deaf Smith and Captain Carnes *
An Old Time Texan Tells His Story
Written by J. T. Wood, Parksdale, Texas.
Mr. Wood (Includes old B&W photo image) was raised on the frontier of Texas, having been born in San Saba county, Texas, January 6, 1857. His father was among the early settlers of that county, and his sister, two years older, was the first white child born in San Saba county. His grandfather settled on a little creek known as Richland Creek. He had a large family and owned several negro slaves. His children all married and settled up and down Richland Creek. Later, Mr Wood was married to Miss Mary Thompson, who lived on Pulliam Prong of the Nueces river, and went to Kimble county to reside on a piece of land on the North Llano, about a mile above the mouth of Copperas Creek, and then later to the Nueces Canyon and then later back to the headwater of Pulliam Prong of the Nueces River, in Edwards county. In this account, he relates much vital, early San Saba County information.
Further Mentions: A young man named Grub Hamilton * Belle Delia * old man Beardy Hall * the Round Mountain * the Runaway Scrape * Uncle Spence Wood * J. A. Thompson * Uncle John Myers * Uncle Boze Wood * Uncle Henry Wood was out north of Richland Creek at what was known as Cottonwood Pond. * There was a man who lived two or three miles up the creek from us by the name of Jackson Brown * Newt Brown * Wiley Williams, who lived at San Saba * a girl by the name of Warren * My father and Dave Low owned a blacksmith shop in San Saba, and Mr. Low ran a hotel there * Captain Riley Wood * the Harkey children * Joe Harkey * Alex Hall * a man named Bomar * Parson Davis * Widow Lindley's house * Pick Duncan and family * a little further up was Uncle Spence Wood's place. Above him lived George Barnett * George Barnett * Mrs. Beattie * Mrs. Duncan * a little town called Bagdad * a man named Oliver * a settlement called Scabtwon * Fort McKavett * There were bears in the McKavett country in those days, and lots of deer and turkeys, and we often enjoyed hunts * a man named Blackwell, Blufe Hamrick, Hiram Hamrick, Virgil Wood * trickham * Oak Creek * Brown's Ranch * old Fort Chadbourne * Yellow Wolf creek * San Angelo country, working for Ike Mullins * Kimble county, where George Hamrick lived * Frank Cloudt * Peter Robertson and Billie Bevans in Menard county * Rocky Creek * Captain D. W. Roberts * Menardville * I enlisted in this company at a salary of $30 per month, to serve one year in Company D. Frontier Battalion State Troops. D. W. Roberts was Captain, Lamb Sieker was first sergeant, Ed Sieker was second sergeant, Henry Ashburn and Doc Gourley were corporals * Pegleg Station, between Menardville and Mason * the South Llano river just below Painted Rock * a little creek called Contrary * Doug Coalson * Tom Carson * George Hamrick * R. T. Craig *
Account of the banking firm of E. Nolte & Son, known as Edward Nolte, a Seguin banking institution in 1870 that was doing some kind of banking business as far back as the late 1840's or early 50's. The first bank was located in a building which was formerly a Methodist Church on the corner now occupied by the Post Office. Here a general store was run by Mr. Nolte and here a safe, possibly the first in Seguin, housed most of the local currency…
Old Cattle Trails Of Texas
Harry Williams.
This is an excellent account of the famous James B. Gillett, who as a lad of 19 years, joined with the famous Capt. D. W. Roberts and became a Texas ranger. All his life, he had dreamed of being a ranger and fighting Indians. He was destined to soon have a-plenty. He served well and faced bloody days, as a western fighting man. He made his home in Marfa, Texas on a large ranch called the Barrel Springs.
Further Mentions: Lam Sieker, Texas ranger * the Frontier hotel, at old Fort Mason * Second Sergeant Jim Hawkins, Privates Paul Durham, Ni'k Donnelly, Toni Gillespie, Mike Lynch,Andy Wilson, Henry Maltmore, Jim Trout, William Kimbrough, Silas B. Crunip, Ed Sicker, Jim Day, John Cupps * Wash Delong's ranch on the headwaters of the South Concho * Herman Lehmann * W. L. McDonald of Carlsbad, New Mexico * Lafe McDonald * Asa Stanford * Armstrong and Crane *
Breaking A Stampede Of 10,000 Buffalo
Cora Melton Cross.
Account of the life of Mr. A. D., or "D," Cantrell, who came to Texas with his father from Alabama fleeing the depredations of the carpetbaggers following the war of Northern aggression. They settled at Morgan's Mill, about twenty-five miles away from Thorpe Springs in Erath County, and bought 1,476 acres of land.
Good valley land it was, too, and we only paid $2 per acre for it. There wasn't many settlers in that part of the country and those that were there lived ten and twelve miles apart. With the exception of J. B. Hightower, who lived two miles from us on the north end of the tract father bought, we did not have a single close neighbor. But of wild game there was no end. It was no feat at all to scare up a big drove of deer, and I just can't tell how thick the wild turkey were. I killed seven the first night we got there.
Further Mentions: Indian raid down about Bluffdale * Jim Counts, John Williamson, Andy Hunter, John Middleton * Robertson's Creek * Arch Deaver * old man Wire * the Flat Top Ranch, located on Elm Creek, six miles from the mouth of the Concho River and owned by R. K. Wylie and Sammie Coggin * 'Uncle Rich' Coffey, his wife, 'Aunt Sally;' daughter Belle and sons John, Bill and Fogg, * Coggin National Bank at Brownwood * Coggin and his brother Moodie * Charlie Price * Granbury * Trickham * Holmes Creek * Pink Robertson * Panther Creek * Earle `Brown, afterward Sheriff of Stephens County * Elm Creek * named Jordan * Ferguson and Hysaw * Castle Gap Mountain. * Tartner * John Chisholm's herd * Ferguson, Dulaney * a fellow named Huff * Devil's River * Flat Top * a little ranch close to Fairview Church * a family from Hood County; Parks was the name * I went into partnership with A. J. Davis in the cattle business * Dr. McClenny, now of Fort Worth * Newt and Jasper Davis and Henry Trammel * a man from Arkansas, whose name was Felk * Mr. T. D. Walker * Hoover's Valley * Rocky Comfort * Walker alias Cotton * Sheriff Wolf * Miss Gould *
If a person could roll back the scroll of time he might see the first primitive unclad man groping thru dense forests searching for berries, meats and herbs. Because he doubtless had no weapons he must have experienced difficulty in obtaining food, and therefore devoured everything as he obtained it. He had no need for dishes. But a little later…
Horse Racing In Texas
John Warren Hunter.
In the fall of 1856 Col. Bales attended the races at San Antonio, where his sorrel mare, Blaze, established the reputation of being the swiftest mile animal in Texas. Capt. Creed Taylor, a noted ranger and turfman, had matched his favorite horse against Blaze and lost $5,000 on the race. Col. Wyatt, another stalwart turfman of that day, also lost heavily, and Taylor and Wyatt got together and laid plans to recuperate their fortune at Bales' expense. They came to an agreement with Bales to produce a horse that could beat Blaze in a mile heat and that the race should be pulled off at Austin six months later. The stake was to be 100 young mules, 100 bales of cotton and $5,000, with a forfeit of $2,000. These terms were duly arranged and ratified, the forfeit put up, and Col. Bales departed for Waco fully confident of his mare's ability to outrun any piece of horseflesh that could be found on the American continent. This is the story of what happened.
Historical Reminiscences
By Chas. Beseler
The following reminiscences of Charles Beseler, a pioneer of Kendall county, Texas, are rich in detail and history of the romantic life of the pioneer settlers of the village of Sisterdale, in one of the most beautiful valleys of the Guadalupe river in West Texas. If you are interested in the early history of this area, and especially of the German settlements there, this article is invaluable!
Further Mentions: Mr. Max Beseler, a leading merchant of Boerne, Texas. * the place of Ottmar Behr * Franz Haddenbrock * Louis Von Donop Nicolas Zink, J. von Hujus * Mr. Behr, served as lieutenant in the Cavalry in the Russian army Dr. E. Lapp; Hon Ed. Degener, late members of Congress; Dr. H. Runge *
Account of Tom Blakney, Ex-Ranger and Confederate veteran and veteran peace officer. He was mustered into service as a Texas Ranger, and was assigned to Jone's division, Company E. A few months after his initiation into the Ranger organization, he fought the bloodiest Indian encounter of his career, the struggle occurred in wilds of Dimmitt county, south of San Antonio, Texas. "Faced suddenly by sixty Indians, it was either fight or run," Mr. Blakney explains. Of the ten companions, who went into the struggle with Mr. Blakney, two ran away, one was killed and one knocked from his horse in a bunch of prickly pears. The Rangers stood their ground and finally repulsed the attack. Years after Mr. Blakney left the Ranger force, he continued to add to his rich store of everyday adventures as a pioneer and made another epochal chapter to his life as a cowman when he captured twenty-eight horses single handed from a band of Indians.
Further Mentions: the Hope community * the famous Tom Green brigade *
"Uncle" Ben Dragoo, A Texas Ranger
By J. Marvin Hunter
Benjamin Crawford Dragoo (Includes old B&W photo image) one of most colorful characters in the history of Texas and one who did much to free the great state from the perils and hardships of the frontier, was born in Washington county, Ill., in 1835, and came with his parents to Texas when he was three years old. His father settled on Blossom Prairie in Red River county, and a year later located his headright and settled in what is now Titus county, 4 miles from where Mount Pleasant now stands. After locating on this headright, the Indians became so troublesome that the father moved where the people had erected a blockhouse and palisades for protection. This fort was on Big Cypress creek, near the county line, and among others who had gathered in that fort were the Coots family, Gibson, Dial and Bell families. Some of the descendents of these families are now living in Llano, Mason and McCullough counties. In the course of time the Senior Dragoo disposed of his headright and moved to the Navasota river and settled near Fort Parker. Ben Dragoo says that when a small boy he often played with Cynthia Ann Parker and lived only eight miles away when the Indians attacked the fort, murdered members of the Parker family and carried Cynthia Ann into captivity. This story relates some of the hard service he experienced as a ranger, and his life on the Texas frontier. Also Dragoo’s first-hand account of the freeing of the captive white woman, Cynthia Ann Parker.
Further Mentions: John R. Baylor's company of rangers * stationed on Cottonwood creek, twenty miles above Ft. Belknap * Captain Baylor, Dalrymple and Ross * three companies under Ross, Baylor and Buck Barry * A man by the name of Gray * Waco Village * Captain Sul Ross * my younger brother, Jim Dragoo * Fort Griffin * F. M. Cassidy who lived at Llano * Lieut. Callahan, the gallant ranger for whom Callahan county was named * the Pease river country * Cureton's company * Peter Robertson, of Cureton's company * Quanah Parker * Frank Cassidy * Buck Barry * Buffalo Hump * we left Cynthia Ann at Camp Cooper, where the ladies gave her clothing and the tenderest care. Captain Ross took Quanah Parker to Waco *
Sergeant John Hoffer, of San Angelo, sends in the following bit of information about Captain G. W. Arrington:
"The article in Frontier Times, January 1929, by Mr. J. B. Gillett, relating to Capt. G. W. Arrington, company, "C," Frontier Battalion, is correct except as to Canadian being his place of residence after retiring from the service, and that he was elected sheriff of Hemphill county. His home was Mobeetie at the time of his resignation, August 31, 1882, and he was elected sheriff of Wheeler county in November following. He married under his right name at Mobeetie during his term as sheriff, and later established a ranch on the Washita in southern Hemphill county where he lived and died. The name of Arrington by which he was known was his mother's maiden name. I served as his first sergeant, and took command of the company as First Lieutenant Sept. 1, 1882, by appointment by Governor O. M. Roberts."
"Law West Of The Pecos"
By Millard L. Cope.
No other character in Texas history is as well known on the cattle ranges, than Judge Roy Bean, self-styled "Law West of the Pecos. He was a native of Kentucky, but nothing is shown in any of his belongings as to the date of his birth, or his birthplace. He was attending public school in the Bluegrass State when he left home, at the age of 16, to answer the call of the West. There is only one man in Texas who can give authoritative information concerning this rugged western character. He is W. H. Dodd, who lived at Langtry, Texas, and who succeeded Judge Bean as Justice of the Peace. Langtry was the capitol of that vast domain over which Judge Bean presided at his barroom-court bench. Dodd was an intimate friend of the Judge; cared for him, and was at his beside when he died.
Further Mentions: In Alamo City he was proprietor of a dairy for some time * favorite expression, "By Gobs," * Lillian Langtry * "Jersey Lily," * "Roy Bean's Opera House, Town Hall, and Seat of Justice." * One of his best known decisions was declaring innocent a man whom he knew to be guilty. He said he could find nothing in the Texas statutes which said it was against the law to kill a Chinaman. The killing occurred in a construction camp at the high bridge of the Southern Pacific Railway, across the Pecos river, which is one of the highest bridges in the world. This bridge is a few miles east of Langtry. The man is alleged to have killed the Chinese cook because a meal was not prepared to his liking. * "By Gobs," the Judge roared, "I fine the deceased $30 for carrying a concealed weapon." He kept the $30 and presented the Mexican's gun to the deputy who found the body. That was the deputy's share. of the fine. * Mr. Dodd tells of a time when the Judge divorced a Mexican couple, charging them $5. Before leaving the courtroom they declared they wanted to be remarried. Thereupon the Judge charged them another $5 for performing the marriage ceremony. *
Account of J. Fernando Raven, last of the band of citizens who shot it out with a gang of outlaws that attempted to rob the state treasury at Austin in 1865. The raid on the state treasury was one of the most turbulent and picturesque incidents of the reconstruction in Texas
Negro Took Collection For Gov. Hogg
By Dabney White.
None but the Southern-born and reared can fully appreciate the love that once bound the master and servant together; the fortunate and the unfortunate; the powerful and the helpless and the rich and the poor. General Hogg, Jim Hogg's father, was an aristocratic salveholder. Naturally, Jim Hogg had been reared under the cherished memories of the happy past, yet he was a very poor boy, as well as young man. While a young lawyer in Tyler he attained some legal distinction at the bar, accumulated some property and made many friends. He and French Bill naturally became close friends, one possessing power, the other being helpless, each respecting the other. Jim Hogg was massive. French Bill was a runt, for his ancestry contained the blood of the Indian, the French Canadian and the negro of African origin. In short he was a "Red bone," composite character found only in Lower Louisiana.
Further Mentions: Gov. Al Smith * Marse Jim and Miss Sally * Tyler * Justice Roberts * Hampson Gary or Cone Johnson or John Duncan or Judge Hurt or Judge Gaines * Judge Edwin Smith of the San Antonio court *
E. E. Townsend of Alpine has been appointed curator of the West Texas Historical and Scientific Society, which is located in the Administration building of the Sul Ross State Teachers College. Founded in 1925, the Museum has rapidly become one of the best in its field, and now no scholar who does research work on the life of the Apache Indians or the flora or fauna of the Big Bend section can neglect the collection which is housed there.
Mr. Townsend is eminently fitted for the' curatorship. He is an oldtimer who came to the Rio Grande region 40 years ago and he has watched the growth of the region from its infancy…
The Border Command
By Colonel Martin L. Crimmins, U. S. Army, (Retired)
This is especially an account about old Fort Griffin which was established July 31, 1867, and was first called Camp Wilson. It was situated on the Clear Fork of the Brazos River, 73 miles west-southwest of Fort Richardson at Jacksboro; 150 miles west of Dallas, which was the nearest railway station and 305 miles north of San Antonio. After a careful survey of the surrounding country, the site for the fort was selected on Maxwell's Ranch, on a plateau 100 feet above the Clear Fork, as to be well above high water, with a well-wooded valley half a mile to the East.
The fort was called after Major General Charles Griffin, who commanded the District and who died Septmber 15, 1867, after twenty-five years of honorable and distinguished service, from the Mexican War period to the Civil War. During the latter, he was breveted for gallantry at Bull Run, the Wilderness, Weldon, and Five Forks with ranks from Major to Major General.
Further Mentions: A line of forts stretched across our western frontier from Jacksboro to El Paso, starting with Fort Richardson on the East, next came Forts Griffin, Concho, Stockton, Davis, Quitman and Bliss * the men bathed in Collins Creek * Among the distinguished officers who were stationed at this post may be mentioned Adna R. Chaffee. He had a very gallant career during the Civil War and was one of our' leading heroes at Santiago during the Spanish-American War and at Pekin, during the China Relief Expedition * a band of Quahada Comanches * Troops F, I, and K, Sixth Cavalry and Tonkaway Indian Scouts * Ledbetters Ranch and Dead Man's Creek * Phantom Hill * Privates John F. Butler and Charles Hoffman of Troop 1, and Private James Regan of Troop E. * S. D. Sturgis, Lieutenant Colonel, Sixth Cavalry *
In the March issue of Frontier Times appeared an article written by O. M. Bley, and published in the Bastrop Advertiser,' which told of the killing of John and Abner Russell, of Post Oak, Jack county, Texas, by Sam Bass and his gang. We have no record whatever of Sam Bass ever killing anyone, other than Grimes at Round Rock, Texas, at the time Bass himself received a death wound at the hands of the Texas Rangers in the fight that took place there. Since this article appeared in Frontier Times we have received a number of letters from people who knew of Bass operations, and all seem astonished that such a story should be given credence. Some letters supporting this view are supplied in this article.
Further Mentions: Copprel's store * Mr. Alex Williams of Denton, Texas * Buck Hills country * Denton County * Joel Collins * Abner Russell * Mr. John Hudson and Mrs. Chas. Brim and Mr. Geo. W. Smith of Sonora * Alex Williams *
Mentions: J. W. Epperson * McClelland * Doughtery * Secretary of State Stewart * Dr. Marshall, the president's physician * Mrs. Surrat *
A Border Landmark Passes
Malory McDonald.
The oldest institution on the lower Mexican border, the Brownsville-Matamoros ferry, which served as a means of transportation between the United States and Mexico for almost 110 years, and which was until recently a property of the Missouri Pacific Lines, made its last trip across the Rio Grande…
Captain Marsh And His Rangers
Included in this volume is a large old photo of Captain Marsh Company B, Texas Rangers. The names of the men in the group are: Ton row-Frank Chapman, J. H. Williams, W. F. Buchanan, L. B. Wells, David Gains. Second row-Corporal J. M. Sedberry, William Paugh, B. H. Markley, G. W. King, N. L. Jenkins, D. H. Brown. Third row-Corporal Marshall Gibson, Charles Threntam,. Captain Bryan Marsh, first Sergeant John W. Hoffer, R. Fisher. Fourth row-Jim Werner, teamster; A C. Grant, Howell Brown, a Texas Ranger in full dress. The group picture was taken by M. C. Ragsdale, an early day photographer, shortly after the trouble at San Angelo, when the negro troops stationed at Fort Concho shot up the town of San Angelo. The trouble was caused by the killing of a negro soldier by a white man named McCarty, during a drunken brawl in a saloon. Led by rumors that McCarty was in hiding at the Nimitz Hotel the colored troops formed and marched into the town, clamoring for vengeance. Within the hotel the wildest excitement prevailed as volley after volley of shots raked the walls announcing that the building was surrounded. The hotel at that time was the refuge of many women and children of the town, as their men folks had presumed there would be less danger there than at any other place in San Angelo while the ugly mood of the soldiers lasted. After riddling the building, the troops…
Further Mentions: Mr. John Hoffer, of San Angelo * Colonel Grierson * Ragsdale at Fort Concho * Bryan Marsh, had been sheriff of Smith county * Ira Long of Wise county * Marshall Gibson and J. M. Sedberry * W. F. Buchanan *
Mentions: Jack Teddlie, assistant cashier of the Farmers First National Bank and a grandson of the late Mrs. G. W. Oaks* A. J. Kelly * Gold Hill, California * Hiram Roach
Excellent history of origins and development of the historic city. The first authentic account we have of this historic town was June 21, 1819; then it was with all of Texas under Mexican rule. To this place, on a high bluff, the west side of the Brazos River, at its junction with the Navasota, came Captain Randall Jones, some authorities say Capt. James Walker, with twenty-one men. They were sent by General James Long with instructions to erect fortifications, build boats with which to explore the river and establish headquarters or a port. This early effort at colonization resulted disastrously, as a force of Mexicans attacked and dispersed them Oct. 15 of the same year.
The next effort was made two years later, when Andrew Robinson and his son-in-law, John W. Hall, came and located. The former built the ferry across the Brazos river at old Washington. This useful ferry carried many famous men and women, and only succumbed to decay in 1880.
Further Mentions: In the fall of 1822 John B. Coles, Amos Gates and other members of Stephen F. Austin's colony settled here * Baron de Bastrop * Robinson * Robinson gave Hall and his wife, Patsy, 640 acres of this land * Dr. Asa Hoxie * Richard Ellis * H. S. Kimble * Geo. C. Childress * David C. Burnet * Chief Justice Seth Shepard * Mrs. Jack Hall * Rev. A. Buffington * The second Baptist Church * Fort Henry * Velasco and Quintana * Brenham. * the Brazos bottom from Hempstead * Navasota *
How Julius C. Chevalier, Gainesville soldier of fortune, built a power plant of 3,000 killowatts out of junk and kitchen utensils while serving a ten-year sentence in the Arctic exile imposed by the Russian bolsheviki is told in an article by Mr. Chevalier in the February issue of Power, a magazine of the electric industry. Mr. Chevalier came out of Russia in January, 1927, and reported at the American embassy in Berlin.
The Gainesville man in his article deals almost excusively with the technical description of his operations in constructing the power plant in the prison camp on the island of Salofsky in the White Sea.
The rusting wreck of an old cruiser, a junk pile of dilapidated copper kitchen utensils, a pair of cathedral bells, a few acres of scraggy timber and a peat bog were the materials out of which he built his plant and maintained it, he says in his story of the adventure. By means of the power generating in the plant, the prison camp, containing 8,500 "starving, freezing political exiles thief, beggar, counter-revolutionary prostitute and ecclesiastic," as the builder describes his associates, was lighted and the machine shop furnished with current to drive the laths. "Out of nothing but ingenuity and inadequate raw materials this man brought modern conditions to a backward corner of the earth," the editor of Power says in commenting on Mr. Chevalier's article. After serving with the British Army in the Transcaucasus, he was made manager of the Standard Oil Company station in Batum, Russia. When the station was confiscated by the bolshevikie he was arrested and charged with American espionage and a number of other equally fictitious crimes. He was sentenced to death by the special committee of the Tche-ka or secret police, without a hearing. This sentence subsequently was commuted to ten years' imprisonment on Salokfy Island.
The following information concerning Luke Short, the subject of a good story by Dean T. U. Taylor in the March issue of Frontier Times, was furnished by E. P. Lamborn, historian of the Middlewest, whose address is Route 2, Leavenworth, Kansas. Mr. Lamborn has spent many years collecting manuscripts, books, photos of noted bandits, noted peace officers, famous detectives, buffalo hunters, and frontier characters, and one considered an authority on such characters.
Luke Short died at Gueda Springs, Kansas, Sept. 8, 1893. He was born in Arkansas, in 1854…
Further Mentions: Charley Bassett, W. H. Harris, W. H. Petillion, Neal Brown and McNeal * Governor Glick of Kansas * Jim Courtwright * Short's White Elephant saloon * Salida, Colo * Charley Wright's gambling den in Ft. Worth * Col. Thomas Moonligtht * Bat Masterson * Wyatt Earp * Ben Thompson *
MRS. J. A. MILLER, Bandera, Texas. C. A. NUHN, San Antonio, Texas. E. D. BOX, Olmito, Texas. H. T. HAYS, San Francisco, California. JOHN YOUNG, Alpine, Texas. OWEN MAHAN, Gonzales, Texas. J. T. LAUGHLIN, Del Rio, Texas. H. R. JONES, Corpus Christi, Texas. E. B. SAYLES, Abilene, Texas. J. -W. JACKSON, Bartlett, Texas. MRS. ALBERT MAVERICK, San Antonio, Texas. J. W. ELLISON, Phoenix, Arizona. C. W. BARRETT, M. D., Bennington, Vermont. MRS. L. M. EVANS, Medina, Texas. JOE LANIER, Medina, Texas. W. E. KENNYMORE, Kerrville, Texas. CECIL J. BARTON, Pontiac, Michigan. A. C. SMITH, San Antonio, Texas. J. E. LORD, Cheapside, Texas. D. S. BARKER, Alpine, ' Texas. MRS. JOHN W. SHIRLEY, Washington, D.. C. MRS. JOHN G. TYNDALL, Ft. Sheridan Illinois. W. L. McDONALD, Carlsbad, N. M. R. I. NICHOLS, Louise, Texas.
Some names mentioned in this volume:
Abram Anglin; Arrington; Henry Corp Ashburn; ; Col Bales; Tom Col Bales; D. S. Barker; Dr Eugene C. Barker; George Barnett; C. W. Barrett; Dr C. W. Barrett; Barry; Cecil J. Barton; Bass; Charley Bassett; Baron deBastrop; Silas Bates; Baylor; Roy Bean; Ottmar von Behr; Capt Bennett; Joe Bennett; Chas Beseler; Max Beseler; Billie Bevans; Tom Blakney; O. M. Bley; Booth; E. D. Box; Mrs Chas Brim; D. H. Brown; Earle Brown; Howell Brown; Jackson Brown; ; Mrs John Henry Brown; Neal Brown; Newt Brown; W. F. Buchanan; Rev A. Buffington; David C. Burnet; Pvt John F. Butler; Lt Callahan; A. D. Cantrell; D. Cantrell; Capt Carnes; Carson; Amon G. Carter; Capt R. G. Carter; F. M. Cassidy; Frank Cassidy; A. R. Chaffee; Adna R. Chaffee; Capt Chaffee; Frank Chapman; Julius C. Chevalier; Geo C. Childress; John Chisholm; Frank Cloudt; Doug Coalson; Belle Coffey; Bill Coffey; Fogg Coffey; John Coffey; Sally Coffey; Moodie Coggin; Sammie Coggin; Richard Coke; Capt Neal Coldwell; John B. Coles; Collins; Maj Colquhoun; Millard L. Cope; Jim Counts; Courtright; R. T. Craig; Gen Creek; Col Martin L. Crimmins; Crockett; Cross; Pvt Silas B. Crump; Pvt John Cupps; Capt Dagget; A. J. Davis; Newt Jasper; Parson; Pvt Jim Day; Arch Deaver; Ed Hon Degener; Wash Delong; Lt Dickinson; Mrs Dickinson; Dixon; Dobie; W. H. Dodd; Lou Dodson; Pvt Nick Donnelly; Louis Von Donop; Louis von Donop; Ben Dragoo; Benjamin Crawford; Jim Crawford; Driggs; John Duncan; Pick Duncan; Col Dupre; Pvt Paul Durham; Duval; Wyatt Earp; Richard Ellis; J. W. Ellison; J. W. Epperson; Mrs L. M. Evans; Charles W. Evers; David Faulkenberry; Evan ; Evan Faulkner; Lt Mat Finch; R. Fisher; Robert Frost; Samuel Frost; Samuel B. Frost; Judge Gaines; David Gains; Hampson Gary; Amos Gates; Marshall Gibson; Marshall Corp; Capt James Gillespie; Pvt Tom Gillespie; J. B. Gillett; Pvt James B. Gillett; Gov Glick; Chas Goodnight; Doc Corp Gourley; A. C. Grant; Green; Gen Tom ; Col Grierson; Gen Charles Maj Griffin; Frank Haddenbrock; Alex Hall; Beardy Hall; Mrs Jack Hall; John W. Hall; Patsy Hall; Grub Hamilton; Blufe Hamrick; George Hamrick; Hiram Hamrick; Mrs J. W. Hannig; Joe Harkey; W. H. Harris; Judge Hart; Sgt Jim nd Hawkins; Sgt Hawkins; Jack Hayes; H. T. Hays; J. B. Hightower; John Hoffer; Sgt John Hoffer; Sgt John W. ; Pvt Charles Hoffman; Gen Hogg; ; Jim Hogg; Sally Hogg; Dr Asa Hoxie; John Hudson; Warren; J. von Hujus; Andy Hunter; J. W. Jackson; N. L. Jenkins; Cone Johnson; Frank Jones; H. R. Jones; Capt Randall ; Dr E. Kapp; Lt Tom Kelliheir; Elizabeth Kellogg; A. J. Kelly; W. E. Kennymore; H. S. Kimble; Pvt William Kimbrough; G. W. King; Lamborn; Lillian Langtry; Joe Lanier; J. T. Laughlin; Gen Lee; Lehmann; Ponce de Leon; Lincoln; Ira Long; Gen James Long; J. E. Lord; Dave Low; Pvt Mike Lynch; Owen Mahan; Pvt Henry Maltmore; B. H. Markley; Capt Bryan Marsh; Dr Marshall; Masterson; Silas Mates; Mrs Albert Maverick; Frank Mayo; Dr McClenny; Lafe McDonald; W. L. Malory; John Middleton; Mrs J. A. Miller; Col Thomas Moonlight; Ike Mullins; Gov Murrah; John Myers; R. I. Nichols; L. D. Nixon; Sarah Nixon; Peta Nocona; E. Nolte; Edward Nolte; C. A. Nuhn; Mrs G. W. Oaks; Benjamin Parker; Benjamin F. Parker; Isaac Parker; James Parker; James W. Parker; Mrs James W. Parker; John Parker; Lucy Parker; "Prairie Flower"; ; Silas Parker; Sarah Parks; William Paugh; W. H. Petillion; L. M. T. Plummer; Rachel Plummer; Charlie Price; Mar Evers Pumphrey; M. C. Ragsdale; Dr Charles W. Ramsdell; Austin J. Fernando Raven; Mrs N. C. Raymand; Reagan; Pvt James Regan; Reynolds; Hiram Roach; O. M. Gov Roberts; Peter Robertson; Pink Robertson; R. P. Robertson; Andrew Robinson; Capt Ross; Lawrence Sullivan; Dr H. Runge; Dave Rusk; Abner Russell; John Russell; Saunders; E. B. Sayles; J. M. Sedberry; Seth Shepard; Sidney Sherman; Mrs John W. Shirley; Luke Short; Ed Sieker; Lam Sieker; Sgt Lamb Sieker; A. C. Smith; Al Gov Smith; Deaf Smith; Edwin Judge Smith; Geo W. Smith; Victor Smith; Asa Stanford; R. C. Stanford; Alonzo Steele; Fred Sterzing; John Stevenson; Hon Albert Steves; Charley Storms; Col S. D. Sturgis; Mrs J. E. Taulman; Taylor; Capt Creed Taylor; T. U. Dean Taylor; Jack Teddlie; J. A. Thompson; Mary Thompson; Charles Threntam; E. E. Townsend; Gen Zachary Taylor; Henry Trammel; Travis; Pvt Jim Trout; Twohig; Mrs John G. Tyndall; Earl MajVan Dorn; Gen Vasquez; Capt James Walker; T. D. Walker; Big-Foot Wallace; L. B. Wells; Jim Werner; Dabney White; Alex Williams; Harry Williams; J. H. Williams; Wiley Williams; John Williamson; Vernon Willson; Pvt Andy Wilson; Corp Wilson; Vernon Wilson; Vernon Coke Wilson; Sheriff Wolf; Woll; Belle Wood; Boze Wood; Bunk Wood; Dan Wood; Delia Wood; George Wood; Henry Wood; J. T. Wood; Jim Wood; Riley Wood; Capt Riley Wood; Spence Wood; Virgil Wood; Louis J. Wortham; Charley Wright; Col Wyatt; R. K. Wylie; Mamie Folsom Wynne; Young; Lorenzo deZavala; Nicolas Zink; Zink; William P. Zuker; Zuke Zuercher.
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