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Vol 06 No. 05 - February 1929
Frank Gholson's Dangerous Ride
By J. Marvin Hunter
Benjamin Franklin Gholson was born November 17, 1842, in the days of the Republic of Texas, in Robertson's Colony, now Falls county. He is the second son of Albert G. Gholson, a son of Colonel Sam Gholson, who was a colonel in General Jackson's army and led a regiment of. soldiers known as the Kentucky Riflemen in the Battle of New Orleans. This Samuel Gholson was born in Kentucky about 1772. Albert G. Gholson, father of the subject of this sketch, was also born in Kentucky, near Paducah, May 25, 1818. He moved with his parents to Madison county, Tennessee, in 1825, and from that place he and his father came to Texas with a train of of immigrants, leaving Jackson, Tennessee, on April 3, 1832, and landing at San Felipe, Texas, about July 29 of that year. The immigrants were members of Robertson's Colony, then being settled under the government of Mexico. When the war broke out between the Americans and the government of Mexico, Albert G. Gholson enlisted in Captain Carey White's company of volunteers. He participated in several battles, and was with old Ben Milam in San Antonio when that intrepid commander was killed. He was also in the Battle of San Jacinto. In 1839 he was married to Miss Elydia Anderson, also of Robertson's Colony. She died in 1843. In 1852 Albert G. Gholson moved to McLennan county, and settled twelve miles above Waco, at what is now Gholson, and what was first known as Gholson's Valley. In 1855 he moved with his family and a herd of cattle to what is now Mills county, to a place on Owl Creek.
Benjamin Franklin Gholson, and his brother, Samuel S. Gholson left the ranch in 1858 and went to San Saba and joined the Texas Rangers, under Captain John Williams. This company of Rangers did much valuable service. They did an unusual amount of scouting, and were engaged in a number of Indian fights. The company was disbanded in April, 1859, and B. F. Gohlson afterward enlisted as a Texas Ranger with a company organized by Captain J. M. Smith, early in March, 1860. L. S. Ross, later governor of Texas, was first lieutenant in this company. T. H. Calehaugh and A. F. Gault were elected second lieutenants of the company.
Further Mentions: Evant, Texas * General Edward Burleson and Thomas Ross * Lieut. Sul Ross * Col. M. T. Johnson * S. P. Ross, better known as Pete Ross * Plasedo, chief of the Tonkawas * Fort Cobb * Fort Belknap * the Wichita Mountains * Lieut. Gault * Fort Radsminske * Dave Peaveler's stock ranch * of the young Peavelers, John and Lewis * Capt. France Peaveler * Mr. Nicholson of Dallas * Mr. F. J. Francis, of Enon Valley, Pennsylvania * Mr. J. W. Bryant
Crossed The Desert In 1872
By J. Marvin Hunter
Account of Mr. Sol Reed, of Austin, Texas, and especially of his interesting trip from California to Texas in 1872, by way of the wagon route. In those days there were no railroads across the American Desert and the only means of transportation was the ox-drawn or horse-drawn wagons of the emigrant trains, and the stage coaches. Solomon Reed was born near Los Angles, California, January 27, 1854, and came to Texas when he was eighteen years old. His father moved to California in 1853, from Texas, lured there by the glowing accounts of the wonderful opportunities in the Golden State. Here is his story of the trip back to Texas. Further Mentions: Leonard Reed * two cousins, Stephen and Peter Reed * we were joined by two other families, the Courtneys and Harpers * Williams Valley, near Prescott * Jack Cureton and family (none other than the well known Captain Cureton, Texas and Indian fighter) * Old Man Hale and family * a man named Morris and his family * a stream called Beaver Creek * Agua Frio * Deb Harper * the Pecos at Seven Rivers * Bartlett * a one-legged man named Charlie Remson * W. C. Taylor, Dave Bradley, Jim Hisaw
Mentions: Lorenzo D. Walters * the Acme Printing Co., of Tuscon * Joe T. McKinney * Black Bill Wootan * the Pulliams, the Bates, the Habys, Hickmans
Interesting Diary Of A Pioneer
Account of the diary which D. M. Morris kept as he made his pioneer pilgrimage from Indiana to Texas in 1847. In this diary are many interesting things which show how much these pioneers noticed as they drove along the pathways, for there were few real roads in those days. But this did not daunt their spirit to push forward. When Morris, (who is the grandfather of S. M. Morris, well known in Williamson county), started for Texas he was headed for a village he had heard of by the name of San Marcos. That is where he finally landed. This is the story of his travel to Texas from Rockville, Indiana. They had heard of the wonders of the great state "way down South." It was this spirit of adventure which led many young men to start with their families as pioneers to Texas.
Further Mentions: R. N. Allen and family and George G. Davidson * the famous Raccoon creek * a Mr. Houston * Cluey , in Richland county * Greenville * the Current river * Red River at Fulton * Mrs. Nash's farm * Little Cypress * Milbern, 5 miles from Blechers Ferry on the Sabine * a town called Fredonia consisting of four houses * La Grange * Mr. Merriweather who owned land near San Marcos * New Braunfels is a pretty place for a. new country but is exceedingly Dutch * a man named McGee * a Mr. Thaler * Cartwrights * General Burleson, Dr. Merriman * a Mr. Lindsey * buried near Giddings, Texas
Mrs. Mattie A. Maddux, 922 West Ninth St., Dallas, Texas, writes:
"The writeup of Mason county in your November number was a pleasure to read. The picture of James E. Ranck is very life-like. He was a boarder in my father's family for three years, and I knew him quite well. He came to Mason in 1860 from Austin and first opened a store in a small house on the road from the old Caughlan place and the Greenwood homestead. He brought with him a man by the name of Barker. Later D. L. Emmett and C. W. Grooms were his clerks. C. W. Grooms married Mollie, Greenwood, my sister. D. L. Emmett married Hattie Turner. James E. Ranck should be called the "Shepherd of the Hills." It was through his efforts that many poor boys were made ambitious. There are one or two discrepancies in the article you published first. Someone says there had not been any white settlers in Mason prior to 1850. When my father, William Greenwood, moved to Mason in 1852, on to his homestead, there were three or four old shacks, in one of which we lived…
"Then in another place in your article it reads:, a little child, Alice Todd, was captured by Indians. Alice was near my age, between 13 and 14 years old, and well grown for her age. May I relate to you all about this sad affair? Marie Crosby, Nannie Greenwood, Mattie Groonwood and Alice Todd had been attending school at what was then called San Saba City. We had just returned a couple of weeks before and Alice and her parents were on their way to Mason to visit Mrs. Lewis, who had a young baby, Perry Lewis (cousin to Alice.) When a short distance from home they noticed men riding at the foot of the hill and supposed they were cow-hunters. On drawing near they discovered their mistake. The Indians began shooting. Mr. Todd's horse became unmanageable, and Alice, who was riding behind her father, fell off. Mrs. Todd was shot through by an arrow, and the negro girl riding behind Mrs. Todd was killed. After Mrs. Todd was shot a young Indian buck lifted her from her saddle and placed the saddle on the ground and made her as comfortable as possible. After all had left this Indian remained and looked at her tenderly, saying 'Poor Squaw.' The last that was seen of Alice an Indian was on each side of her holding her by the arm. She was begging her father to come to her and not let them carry her off. My mother, Mrs. William Greenwood, was with Mrs. Todd almost every day from the time she was shot until she died. Mrs. Todd, Mrs. McSwain and Mrs. Peters were almost like sisters to my mother. Alice Todd had a half-brother, Jim Smith, who at the time was a soldier wearing the gray. He was at Fort Smith, Arkansas, and as soon as the news was conveyed to him he got a furlough and came home, to search for his sister. He went over into Mexico, and everywhere where he thought she might be. One old Indian told hint of the capture of a white girl that he thought might be Alice Todd, saying that she had died after a long journey in which there was plenty of cold and snow. Jim Smith lost his life searching for his sister. So far as I can remember no one ever made much effort to find the poor girl but Jim Smith, her half-brother. Jim Smith was my playmate and later my schoolmate. He was a good man…
Further Mentions: Oliver Murrell * Uncle Fagan, Major Peters * Mrs. Head, afterwards Mrs. Lewis * Aunt Viney
Brief History Of The Early Days In Mason County
By J. Marvin Hunter. (Fourth installment – continued from last month)
[SELLER’S NOTE: Actually, Mr. Hunter should have titled this series of stories “A detailed and extensive account of the Early Days in Mason County.” This great series (5 installments) includes some of the most painstaking historical research to be found anywhere, and it all pertains to the life of Mason County and its early history, settlements, frontiersmen, family movements, development, Indian raids, political, social, economic development, etc, etc. As well as including the most minute detail, this series also includes many, many old B&W photo images of NUMEROUS early settlers of Mason County. Truly Mr. Hunter has done an inestimable service to those interested in Mason County, Texas history and genealogy. Suffice it to say, if you live in Mason County, Texas, or have ancestors there, or just have genealogical or historical interest in the area, YOU WILL FIND NO RESOURCE BETTER THAN THIS GREAT SERIES.]
In the year 1849, under the administration of President Taylor, the government, with the view of encouraging the settling of the southwestern border in Texas, established a line of forts from the Red River to the mouth of the Rio Grande at a distance of forty or fifty miles apart.
An expedition in the charge of Captain Mason was sent out to choose locations for these posts. He recognized the natural advantages of a hill just south of the present town of Mason and marked it for a fort, which was called Fort Mason in his honor. The land upon which the fort was built was purchased in a hundred and sixty acre tract from Mr. Hick, the father-inlaw of another Mason resident, Mr. Jacob Schuessler.
The next year, 1850, Major Merril and four companies of soldiers began working on the much desired fort, but it was not completed for two long years. From the time of the arrival of the contingent under Major Merril until the outbreak of the Civil War, the fort was constantly garrisoned by from two to eight companies of soldiers, depending. upon the ever-changing hostility of the savage hordes about it. Before the soldiers came into this frontier country, no known white man had visited it. The Kiowa, Apache, and Comanche Indians, and the buffalo, antelope, and deer had been the only inhabitants. The tribes resented the intrusion of the white-men and very soon they took the war-path against them. Their natural ferocity, strengthened by an intense hatred of their new enemy, kept all but the most daring away; even the most zealous and fearless frontiersmen kept at a distance. The nearest settlement to Fort Mason was Ferdericksburg, where the Fisher & Miller Emigration Company founded a colonly of German emigrants, who had left their crowded Fatherland for a more properous life in America. Many of these emigrants were revolutionists who were forced to leave Germany because of their apparently radical views. Their descendants fought "Kaiserism and Kulture" during the World War and were among the best soldiers our country posessed in the Civil War. One soldier, of whom all Texans are proud. Louis Jordan, was the first Texas officer to fall in action in France and was among the first eighty picked men to be sent from Texas to the front lines.
To each settlement in this southwestern borderland the State of Texas gave a grant of six hundred and forty acres, and well did they deserve it, for the dangers, privations- and hardships these poor settlers endured were almost inconceivable. Some died of starvation, others were slaughtered by the Indians, and a great many died of disease produced by lack of nourishment and other terrible privations. To some fourteen or fifteen families an assignment of land was made in the southern portion of Mason county, then under the jurisdiction of Gillespie county, but these people were compelled to wait until the soldiers had arrived before they could take posession. In 1855 and 1856 the Kothmanns, Leifesters, Jordans, Lemburgs, Simons, Kneeses, Hasses, Beherns, Ellebrachts, and others, whose descendants are filling Mason County today, comprised the small band of settlers in that untamed land. They faced their uncertain future bravely and tried to live as normally as possible, erecting homes and producing what foods they could in their new environment. Henry Hoerster, now a cattleman and one of the most prominent citizens of Mason, Texas, claims to be the first white child born in Mason County. The hardships and discouragements which awaited them were many for, in spite of the vigilance of the soldiers, the Indians would destroy the fruits of many day's toil in a twinkling and sweep away to safety with bands of stolen horses and cattle. Above all, their lives were in constant danger. Nevertheless, they were determined to found permanent homes for themselves and their posterity. They trusted in God, being devout Christian men and women. As soon as they became settled they created an altar to their God. It consisted not in an ordinary church as we have today-building materials were too scarce for a real church to be had; so each family made a little altar in their log cabin and each cabin served as a church. The meetings were held in a cycle, and the entire populace attended them. At the conclusion of each meeting the good folk remained and ate dinner with the host…
And so begins this excellent historical account of the rich history of Mason county.
(The preceding introductory excerpt is from the first installment, found in the November, 1928 volume, which is available from us here at oldventures – just request)
This installment Mentions: the Ranck building * a man by the name of Harry Garland * Dr. C. K. Gatliff * the Calhoun & Garner saloon * Charlie Gatliff * Bud Frazier and Frank McNealey * a man by the name of Ed Gould on a ranch on Little Devil's river * Zach Light killed Joe Kyle in the Tom Kinney saloon * County Judge G. L. D. Adams * Joe Kyle was a son of Captain Ferg Kyle * Leslie Dow * Johnnie Simmons * a man named Allison * Sheriff P. C. Baird * Deputy Sheriff John C. Butler * Jesse Simmons * killing of Billie Boyce, in 1878 * Bud Garner was killed on the streets of Mason * H. B. Gibbs * Joe Caveness killed Jack Parker on a ranch on James river * Caveness was convicted in district court at Menardville * Miss Adele Kaufman * East Comanhce neighborhood * Luke Chamberlain, an itinerant horse trader * Ernest Kelley * a man named Pharris * George Willingham * the Mason County War * Don H. Biggers * a man named Stieler had the contract to carry the mail from Mason to Camp Colorado * Ben Ficklin * Quitman Canyon, several miles west of Fort Davis * the old Mason House, now the Denver Hotel, northeast corner of the square in Mason * Loyal Valley between Mason and San Antonio * Major D. Doole * the old Mason House Livery Stable * the old livery stable was the place where the mettle and muscle of men were often tested and proved. Men who gathered there did not always agree on the question of which candidate for sheriff was best qualified to discharge the duties of the office sought, neither did they agree on the influence exerted by the moon on the weather and vegetation, or on the great and important question of whether meat should be salted on the eve of the killing, before the animal heat had passed therefrom, or next morning, after the meat had cooled. There were divisions of sentiment over the correct mode of baptism and final perseverance of the saints, and it was not always possible to discuss these questions with the serenity and brotherly love taught in the Sermon on the Mount. * Leo Zesch (Includes old B&W photo image) * Rudolph Doell * Silas Mayo * Will Bickenbach * John Schaeg * Frank McKinney was quite a character * Wm. Wilkinson (Includes old B&W photo image) * Bud Garner * Ovey Garner * Sam Capps (Includes old B&W photo image) * the King brothers, George, Pete and Lyon King. They were Virginians, but came to Texas in 1866 or thereabouts, and later to Mason county * Co. B, 25th Virginia Infantry * Rich Mountain, Greenbriar River and Allegheny Mountain * He joined Stonewall Jackson's forces in 1862 * Four children were born to them, all of whom are still living, Manks D. King, J. Sterling King, G. H. King, of Mason, and Mrs. Mae Leslie of McAllen, Texas * J. F. (Pete) King came to Mason in the 70's and was married to Miss Naomi Cox * Mrs. Pearl Zesch and C. C. King of Mason * Mrs. Mollie Hayes of San Antonio * Probably the most outstanding of early day citizens of Mason county are the three Smith brothers, C. C. Smith, Glenn W Smith and Walt Smith * Little Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. S. King, Feeding Pet Fawn (Includes old B&W photo image) * Miss Anne Schmitz * William Geistweidt * Lyon H. King * Miss Nora A. Dowell * C. C. Smith * Jim Biddy's camp * G. W. Todd * Miss Caroline Hoerster * John W. Gamel * Ed Howard and Wes Smith * Glenn W. Smith * William Hofmann * the Geistweidt building * Miss Nannie Schuessler * Mrs. Alta Swink * Mrs. Kittie Rau of Mason, Mrs. Leach Brown of Mason, and Miss Mamie Smith of Mason * Walt Smith * Miss Louisa Graf of Fredericksburg * Charles Smith * In 1872 a sixteen-year-old lad by the name of Louis Schmidt drifted into Mason (Includes old B&W photo image) * Jim Finney * the Doole store * Ed Smith's residence * Tom Faulkner * Charlie Wahrmund's blacksmith shop in Koocksville * Col. Ike Pryor, Doe Burnett, and Major Smith * Will Schuessler (Includes old B&W photo image) * August Arhelger (Includes old B&W photo image) * Littlefield & White, and Captain Charles Schreiner, and Mrs. Anna Martin * Will Schuessler (Includes old B&W photo image) * Dan Hoerster *
Ere The Coming Of The Cattlemen
John A. Rickard.
The "Llano Estacado" or "Staked Plains." Region of TX was thought by early travelers and others to be a vast region too dry for either human or animal occupation. The existence of this belief is evidenced by the name given to it: that is, that the early plainsmen, when crossing the region, drove up stakes in order to blaze a trail across the vast expanse, so that they might retrace their steps or travel that way again. Eventually a cattle trail was marked out in the southern portion of the region. Thus from the beginnings of road making made by Colonel Marcy in 1849, and later development of routes by stage lines, travelers and trail drivers, the South Plains region was brought into prominence; cattlemen came to know of its value for cattle ranching; and the old notion that the region was only a desert, fit for neither animal nor human habitation, was dispelled. The path had been paved for the coming of the cattlemen.
Further Mentions: Col. R. B. Marcy * the Texas and Pacific Railway * General Arbuckle * the town of Big Spring * the present town of Colorado * the Clear and the Double Mountain forks of the Brazos * John Butterfield, * the Butterfield Southern Overland Mail Stage Line * Forts Belknap, Phantom Hill and Chadbourne * John Chisum, or Chisholm * Charles Goodnight * A. G. Boyce, later manager of the Capitol Syndicate holdings * Horsehead Crossing, on the Pecos River, * H. H. Campbell * John C. Cureton and his son, W. E. Cureton * Lynch and Cooper of Shackelford County * John Gamel and Isaac Cox * Sam H. Nunnely * G. W. Scott of Uvalde, Texas * Vovina * Amarillo, Hereford *
J. B. Slaughter, Of Post, Travels Last Long Trail
By Cora Melton Cross.
Account of J. B. Slaughter of Post, one of the most popular and prominent frontier ranchmen in the State. It is superfluous to enumerate the many attributes that endeared John Slaughter to his multitude of friends. In 1857, George W. Slaughter and sons drove their cattle to Palo Pinto County, where the well-known Slaughter ranch was established, five miles north of Golconda, now known as Palo Pinto, where 2,000 acres of land were purchased and 960 more located by certificate, and it was on this ranch that John B. Slaughter began his real work as a top cow hand at the age of 9 years. It is said by those intimately associated with him that John Slaughter was by birth and education a cattleman. Working on the home ranch from the time he could ride a horse until he was 17 years old, young John was inoculated with trail fever. His father and brother, C. C., were at that time planning to drive a herd, and he was employed to go along as a regular cowboy, at the munificent salary of $15 per month, which to the youth at that time seemed fine wages. He did not squander his earnings, which so surprised his father that on his return he gave him a herd of thirty or forty head of cattle for his very own, and it was this small nucleus that formed the foundation of John Slaughter's fortune in later years.
Further Mentions: Mr. Slaughter was born in Sabine County Dec. 15, 1848, being one of six sons born to George Webb and Sarah Slaughter * Chief Bowles * George Slaughter was appointed Captain of the Sabine company * a skirmish with redskins on Cedar Creek, Palo Pinto County * the Bob Stevens ranch * Lookout Mountain * horses of Counts & Hughes * J. C. Loping * John set up a ranch in Blanco Canyon on Catfish River * he located in Glasscock County on 100 sections of land * In 1901 he bought from the Nave-McCord Cattle Company 150,000 acres of land * the Square and Compass headquarters * the Garza County ranch * C. W. Post * the U-Lazy S * the cattalo, a cross with the buffalo and Brahma cows * Vernier * Mr. Slaughter was married to Miss Nelle May of Dallas * Mrs. J. B. Lott * Old Trail Drivers' Association *
San Antonio Vigilantes Hanged Ten In One Day
Charles A Herff.
Account of the rough days of San Antonio, when it was only a small frontier town with about 4,000 inhabitants, and the lawless element proceeded without any abatement. At the outbreak of and during the Civil War, many undesirables drifted in. Horse thieves, gamblers, cutthroats and desperadoes bore full sway. Intimidation was resorted to; lawyers, judges, officers of the law, and prospective jurors shirked their duties. At last things became intolerable and so some three hundred of the best citizens joined a vigilance committee to take the law into their own hands.
Primarily, this story concerns the lynching of Bob Augustin, which the author was an eye-witness to. Bob Augustin was an exceedingly goodlooking man, about six feet two inches tall, slender, about 35 years old, and as he had spent half of his life in the saddle a slight bowleggedness could be noticed. For all his charm and good looks, he was nevertheless subject to the raging mob of the Vigilantes.
In all my life I have never heard a human being bellow as did Bob Augustin. He pleaded in vain. Please don't hang me, please don't, do it out of consideration for my mother, what will she say when she hears Bob was strung up with a rope? Please don't hang me. Shoot me, I'll stand up like a man, please." Just then someone tapped him on the head with a sixshooter saying, "Shut up you varmint." For a few moments he stopped bellowing.
Somebody said, "Let's hang him on a China tree in front of the Bishop's house." The crowd rushed him under one of the trees, tied his hands back of him, his legs were free, then Bob commenced bellowing again. All this commotion brought out the Bishop. On his knees he begged them not to hang him in front of this sanctified building. The crowd cursed him; the Bishop arose, held his hands heavenward and said, "Almighty God, forgive these men for they know not what are doing, forgive them."
He walked calmly towards the building, ignoring taunts and insults, opened the door and disappeared. Bob, in the meantime, was still bellowing and begging for mercy. Some one shouted: "We want a volunteer with a good horse to pull him up," and instead of one or two coming forward, there were at least 20 who wanted the job.
The account goes on to describe the ruthless, out-of-hand hanging of 9 more victims of the vigilante mob that sad day in old San Antonio.
Further Mentions: Bill Lyons, chief of police * Mr. Seffel was a policeman * Asa Mitchel was Irish, and Penaloza was a powerful, handsome Mexican * Fritz Schreiner, a Frenchman from Alsace * the northwest corner of Military Plaza * the Alameda (East Commerce Street) near where now is the Southern Pacific depot * the San Pedro district* a Frenchman by the name of Poingsard * Bull's Head Saloon on Marquette Street * Paul Sauer * Lanky Pete * Cameron (Crawfish) Street * corner Nueva and South Flores Streets * Stumberg's store * Mr. L. A. Renick, of Cutter, New Mexico *
Survivor Of Medina County Indian Fight
San Antonio Express, October 7, 1928
Account of Sam McCombs, survivor of an Indian fight which took place April 16, 1864, on Chicon Creek near the present town of Devine, TX. In the Chicon Creek fight there were 12 settlers and 25 savages engaged. McCombs was the youngest of the 12 men who fought there. This is his story.
Further Mentions: On the morning of April 16, 1863, the depredating redmen passed through the valley of the Hondo and came upon Rube Smith on Live Oak Slough, 10 miles south of the present town of Hondo* Emanuel Widick * Louis McCombs * John Brown * the Watkins ranch near the present town of Yancey * Zed and Roe Watkins * Lon Moore * Wesley McCombs, Nath Davis, Bill Mullins, Jerry Baily and Bradford * Nath Davis * Miss Lee Widick * Eighteen years they ranched in LaSalle County * they owned their own home on Hafer Avenue in San Antonio * Jess Campbell, John Redus, Wilson Baily, Jim Speed, Tom McDonald and John Lytle * Mr. Ernest A. Logan, of Cheyenne, Wyoming *
Long-Haired Jim Courtright
Eugene Cunningham.
Courtright was the long haired ex-marshal of Ft. Worth was reported to have been a wizard with the Colts, and gunman equal in ability to Wild Bill Hickok, John Wesley Hardin or Ben Thompson, but who remains relatively unknown. Of the meaning of the word fear he seemed utterly ignorant. This faculty, together with an amazing skill at handling weapons, plus a wide and intimate knowledge of the frontier, made him splendid potential material for an Army Scout. Through the influence of General Logan; he was employed in this capacity and served with the army over much of northwest Texas, Arizona and New Mexico. If Logan's word secured Courtright the detail as scout, his own outstanding ability was the reason for his retention of it. This is his story.
Further Mentions: Captain Jim Gillett, the famous old Texas Ranger, marshal and sheriff, was a contemporary of Hardin, Thompson and Courtright* General John A. Logan * Courtright was tall above the averse of men. His shoulder-length hair was black; so were his deep-set eyes. His skin was naturally dark and, tanned as he was by years in the outdoors, he needed but the Indian's high cheekbones to pass as a red man.* Colonel A. J. Fountain * the Mills brothers, Anson * Lake Valley, above Rincon in New Mexico * Jim McIntire * Luke Short of the White Elephant * Hays and Ellsworth * Mr. Wm. P. Hughes of Northport, Washington * Mr. W. G. Grady, of Indian Creek, Texas * Wash Chandler *
Recalls Days Of Pioneer In Falls County
By Marjorie Rogers.
Account of Mrs. William Price, (Includes old B&W photo image) oldest pioneer woman settler of Stranger, Falls County, TX. Mrs. Price was born in Bowling Green, Ky., in 1847. Her father, David Busby, migrated to Texas, with his family in an ox wagon in 1849, settling in Limestone County for a short time, later moving to Cotton Gin, Freestone County, where he died. Miss Margaret Busby was married in 1867 to Captain William Price, a member of Green's regiment, Walters battalion. Mr. Price was on the flat boat that captured the Harriet Lane at Galveston in 1863. He rode home after the war on horseback clad in a suit that he made by hand out of bed-ticking. In 1871 they settled in Falls County.
Further Mentions: Fairfield Female College a Baptist school, was located in Fairfield, the county seat of Freestone County * Henry Graves * Miss Mollie Graves * John and Milton Busby * Fort Donaldson * The first train I ever saw was the Houston and Texas Central that came to Kosse * the Sarah Pillow League * Mrs Price has four children: Mrs. C. 0. Robertson, Kosse; Mrs. Dave McKinney, Marlin; Will Price, Stranger, and Miss Margaret Price * Captain R. G. Carter, U. S. Army * F. S. Millard * Fred S Millard, Faywood
Account of John L. Menges who taught General George A. Custer how to shoot deer and was with the famous Indian fighter when he brought down his first buck, a 12-pointer, while stationed in Texas. Menges was a freighter, carrying provisions by ox-cart between towns and forts in West Texas. Custer was stationed at Fort Mason and Fort Concho to protect the settlers against Indians. Though a good rifle shot Custer complained that he was unable to kill a deer. Menges undertook to show him and succeeded.
Further Mentions: * Menges' father was a deserter, from the Imperial German Army, who migrated to Texas and settled near where Gonzales now is * He was born November 30, 1851, at Fredericksburg, Texas * Asa Stanford * R. C. Stanford * Captain E. Hocker, * Major A. B. Ostrander * Maurice Barrymore * the I. & G. N. R. R at Tyler, Texas * Owen P. White *
Below we are giving the names of those who have responded to our call for 200 subscription renewals have come in up to January 10, 1929. Other names will be published in our next issue:
THOS. J. BATEN, Beaumont, Texas. MRS. A. E. BATEN, Cisco, Texas. HESTER ROBINSON, Ropesville, Tex. L. B. RUSSELL, Comanche, Texas. FAYETTE TANKERSLEY, Mertzon, Texas. WEBSTER WHITTER, Saspamco, Texas MAJ. A. B. OSTRANDER, Seattle,Washington. G. WRIGHT, Bandera, Texas. J. W. MILLER, Medina, Texas. CHAS. A. GIANUNI, Poland, New York. JOSHUA B. POWERS, New York, City. DAYTON MOSES, Ft. Worth, Texas. F. J. FRANCIS, Enon Valley, Pa. J. B. BAIRD, Victorville, California. OWEN P. WHITE, Kew Gardens, New York. J. W. ROSS, Johnson City, Texas. W. J. LAYLAND, Cleburne, Texas. CECIL LAYLAND, Cleburne, Texas. JOE BENTON, Nocona, Texas. W. O. DICKERSON, Roosevelt, Texas. TED HILLMAN, Vance, Texas. MISS ESTHER FELLOWS, Bandera, Texas. D. H. MARTIN, Texas City, Texas. J. N. DEAN, Pampa, Texas. J. F. W. MEYER, Atascosa, Texas. R. J. EDMONDSON, Mullin, Texas. BEN N. POWERS, Los Angeles, Calif. M. W. PURCELL, Dale Texas
Some names mentioned in this volume:
Judge G. L. D. Adams; John Adams; Leonard Adams; R. N. Allen; Elydia Anderson; Gen Arbuckle; August Arhelger; Bob Augustin; Austin; Jerry Baily; Wilson Baily; J. B. Baird; P. C. Sheriff; Dr Eugene C. Barker; Barrymore; Mrs A. E. Baten; Thos J. Baten; Joe Benton; Will Bickenbach; Jim Biddy; H. W. Bierschwale; Don H. Biggers; Bowles; A. G. Boyce ; Billie Boyce; Capt Boyd; Dave Bradley; Bridger; John Brown; Mrs Leach Brown; J. W. Bryant; Burleson; Doc Burnett; Col Busby; David Busby; John Busby; Margaret Busby; Milton Busby; John C. Butler; John Butterfield; T. H. Calehaugh; H. H. Campbell; Jess Campbell; Roy Capps; Sam Capps; Capt R. G. Carter; Joe Caveness; Luke Chamberlain; Wash Chandler; John Chisholm; John Chisum; Jim Courtright; ; Isaac Cox; Naomi Cox; Marie Crosby; Cross; Cunningham; Capt Cureton; Jack Cureton; John C. Cureton; W. E. Cureton; Gen George A. Custer; George G. Davidson; Nath Davis; J. N. Dean; W. O. Dickerson; Olive K. Dixon; Dobie; Rudolph Doell; Maj D. Doole; Leslie Dow; Nora A. Dowell; Duval; Ellen Earl; Wyatt Earp; R. J. Edmondson; D. L. Emmett; A. R. Evans; Tom Faulkner; Esther Fellows; Ficklin; Jim Finney; Col A. J. Fountain; F. J. Francis; Bud Frazier; J. W. Gamel; John Gamel; John W. Gamel; Harry Garland; Bud Garner; Ovey Garner; Sheriff Garner; H. P. Gartrell; Dr C. K. Gatliff; Charlie Gatliff; A. F. Gault; Lt Gault; Geistweidt; Albert G. Gholson; ; Benjamin Franklin; Col Sam Frank; Samuel S. Frank; Chas A. Gianuni; H. B. Gibbs; Gillett; Capt Jim ; Chas Goodnight; Ed Gould; W. G. Grady; Louisa Graf; Henry Graves; Mollie Graves; Mollie Greenwood; Nannie Greenwood; Mrs William Greenwood; C. W. Grooms; Mattie Groonwood; R. Grosse; Hardin; ; Deb Harper; Jack Hayes; Mollie; Charles A. Herff; Ben Hey; Hickok; Ted Hillman; Jim Hisaw; Capt E. Hocker; Caroline Hoerster; Dan Hoerster; C. L. Hofmann; H. J. Hofmann; William Hofmann; Doc Holliday; ; Ed Howard; Wm P. Hughes; Stonewall Jackson; J. J. Johnson; Col M. T. Johnson; Adele Kaufman; Phil Kearny; Ernest Kelley; Wm Kenedy; C. C. King; G. H. King; George King; J. F. King; J. S. King; Mrs J. S. King; J. Sterling King; Lyon King; Lyon H. King; Manks D. King; Pete King; Tom Kinney; William Koock; W. L. Kothmann; Capt Ferg Kyle; Joe Kyle; Cecil Layland; Layland; Lehmann; Mae Leslie; Perry Lewis; Zach Light; Gen Ernest A. Logan; ; Gen John A. Logan; J. C. Loping; Mrs J. B. Lott; Loving; Bill Lyons; John Lytle; Mattie A. Maddux; Col R. B. Marcy; Anna Martin; D. H. Martin; Masterson; Nelle May; Silas Mayo; Louis McCombs; Sam McCombs; Wesley McCombs; Tom McDonald; Jim McIntire; Mrs Dave McKinney; Frank McKinney; Joe T. McKinney; Frank McNealey; John L. Menges; Dr Merriman; J. F. W. Meyer; Milam; Millard; J. W. Miller; Anson Mills; W. W. Mills; Asa Mitchel; Lon Moore; D. M. Morris; S. M. Morris; Dayton Moses; Bill Mullins; Oliver Murrell; Sam H. Nunnely; A. B. Maj Ostrander; Jack Parker; Dave Peaveler; Capt France Peaveler; John Peaveler; Lewis Peaveler; Maj Peters; Mrs Peters; C. W. Post; Ben N. Powers; Joshua B. Powers; Margaret Price; Will Price; William Price; Col Ike Pryor; M. W. Purcell; Ranck Purcell; Kittie Rau; John Redus; J. B. Reed; Leonard Reed; Peter Reed; Sarah Reed; Sol Reed; Solomon Reed; Stephen Reed; Charlie Remson; L. A. Renick; John A. Rickard; Roberts; Mrs C. O. Robertson; Hester Robinson; Marjorie Rogers; J. W. Ross; L. S. Ross; Pete (See S. P. ) Ross; S. P. Ross; Lt Sul Ross; Thomas Ross; Carl Runge; Roscoe ; Rusk; L. B. Russell; C. D. Sanders; Paul Sauer; Saunders; John Schaeg; Herman Schmidt; Louis Schmidt; ; Otto Schmidt; Anne Schmitz; Schreiner; Capt Fritz Charles ; Nannie Schuessler; Will Schuessler; G. W. Scott; Oscar Seaquist; Luke Short; Jesse Simmons; Johnnie Simmons; Bill Slaughter; C. C. Slaughter; Capt Slaughter; George Slaughter; J. B. Slaughter; ; J. B. Jr Slaughter; John Slaughter; John B. Slaughter; Louie Slaughter; Sarah Slaughter; C. C. Smith; Charles Smith; Ed Smith; Glen W. Smith; Capt J. M. Smith; Jim Smith; Judge Smith; Maj Smith; Mamie Smith; Rube Smith; lt WaSmith; Wes Smith ; Sowell; Jim Speed; Asa Stanford; R. C. Stanford; Bob Stevens; Alta Swink; Fayette Tankersley; W. C. Taylor; Thompson; Alice Todd; G. W. Tood; Hattie Turner; Charlie Wahrmund; Wallace; ; Lorenzo D. Walters; Roe Watkins; Zed Watkins; George Webb; Capt Carey White; Owen P. White; Webster Whitter; Emanuel Widick; Lee Widick; Wm Wilkinson; Capt John Williams; George Willingham; Pres Wilson; Black Bill Wootan; Louis J. Wortham; G. Wright; Mamie Yeary; Harold Zesch; Leo Zesch; Pearl Zesch; W. A. Zesch; Zesc Zertuche.
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