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Vol 06 No. 02 - November 1928
The Father Of Mason
Account of James E. Ranck, known as "the Father of Mason." There were other men in Mason at the time Mr. Ranck arrived, but he seemed to take the lead in all matters pertaining to the upbuilding of the frontier post town. This is his story.
Mentions: It was in the late fifties that W. C. Lewis established a store in Mason * the Ranck building * the Ricks family * The first saw mill in Mason was put in by Messrs. Ranck, Lockhart & Lemburg. * Lockhart was a brother-in-law to Mr. Ranck. * the first gin ever built in West Texas * one of his partners in the cattle business being Wilson Hey * P. J. Willis, of the wholesale firm of P. J. Willis & Bro. of Galveston * the Post Hill tract of land * MRS. ROBERTS WRITES A BOOK
Mentions: "A Woman's Reminiscences of Six Years in Camp With the Texas Rangers," written by Mrs. D. W. Roberts, wife of that gallant old Texas Ranger, Captain Dan W. Roberts * J. R. Martin, pioneer Texan * Major J. B. Nicholson of Dallas *
The Disappearance Of The Buffalo
Undoubtedly one of the principal causes of the more rapid destruction of the buffalo after the Civil War was the projection of, railway across the great plains. The building of the Kansas and Pacific; Union Pacific; Missouri, Kansas and Texas; and numerous other lines, with establishment of many small stations and towns, provided for numerous bases from which the hunters could operate into the buffalo country. Then, too, hundreds of travelers, passing over these lines, carried rifles with them and shot the buffalo from the windows of the train coaches for the sport of seeing them fall. Where formerly it had been necessary to haul the meat or hides for hundreds of miles to the nearest railway station, now it was a matter of but a few hours drive. Over the rolling plains radiating from these railway towns were roads leading into the buffalo country, frequented by caravans of wagons piled high with the hides of the slain animals…
"In place of the buckskin suit of the Rocky Mountain hunter, the buffalo hunter goes clad in a coarse dress of canvass, stiffened with blood and grease. His hair often goes uncut and uncombed for months together, and his hands are frequently unwashed for many days. The culinary apparatus of a whole party consists of a single large coffee pot, a `Dutch oven,' and a skillet, and the table set, of a tin cup to each man, and the latter vessel often consisting merely of a battered fruit can. Each man's hunting knife not only does duty in butchering the buffalo, but is the sole implement used in dispatching his food, supplying the places of spoon and fork as well as knife. The bill of fare consists of strong coffee, often without milk or sugar, 'yeastpowder bread,' and buffalo meat fried in buffalo tallow. When the meal is cooked, the party encircles the skillet, dip their bread in the fat, and eat their meat with their fingers. When bread fails as often happens, `buffalo straight,' or buffalo meat alone, affords them nourishing sustenance. Occasionally, however, the fare is varied with the addition of potatoes and canned fruits. They sleep generally in the open air, in winter as well as in summer, subjected to every inclemency of the weather. As may well be imagined, a buffalo hunter, at the end of the season, is by no means prepossessing in his appearance, being, in addition to his filthy aspect, a paradise for hordes of nameless parasites. They are yet a rollicking set, and occasionally include men of intelligence, who formerly possessed an ordinary degree of refinement. Generally none are more conscious of their unfitness for civilized society than themselves, and after a few years of such free border life they can hardly be induced to abandon it and resume the restraints of civilization."
Mentions: Major Long, a noted Western explorer * Josiah Gregg * General W. F. Reynolds * Hayden's Geological and Geographical Survey, 1875 * the Mooar brothers who came to Texas in 1874 * they established a camp where Haskell, Texas, now stands * hides gathered here were sold to Lobenstein and Company at Leavensworth, Kansas * Camp Supply on the north to the Concho River * F. E. Conrad's general merchandise store * Adobe Walls, Anderson's Supply Camp, Big Spring, Camp Reynolds, in Texas * Colonel Dodge *
The following description was written a good many years ago for The Sun by M. J. Doran
An old squaw at about sundown led the wedding procession to the hogan. She gave orders and several Indians began to prepare the wedding supper, of boiled mutton, corn, roast ribs, flapjacks and cornmeal mush, most of which was furnished by the white visitors. When supper was ready the bride was brought by her uncle and placed at the left of her intended husband. The marriage basket was placed before them. The Indian medicine man with his finger made lines on the mush representing the four points of the compass. He made another mark around the edge of the mush from east to west, telling them…
Andrew Henry
Account of Major Andrew Henry who was born in Fayette county, Pennsylvania, some time between the years 1773 and 1778. He was an adventurer, trapper and notable leader in the fur trade, mostly in the upper Missouri river area of Montana, from Great Falls westward into the upper Madison region area. The great Henry’s Fork river which originates in the Yellowstone plateau derives its name from Henry. This is his story.
Mentions: Alexander Culbertson * Alexander Henry * Hudson's Bay company * the St. Louis Fur company, which Manuel Lisa organized * Campagnie du Haut du Missouri * Pierre Choteau * Arkara villages * Henry took a party in 1810 up the Missouri probably to Lisa's fort at the mouth of the Big Horn and then set out overland to the Three Forks of the Missouri * Chittenden * Ashley * the Missouri Republican * William H. Ashley * James Bridger * J. Cecil Alter * Etienne Provot * Thomas Fitzatrick, Milton and William L. Sublette * the Assinniboines * Miss Darling * Blackfeet or Gros Ventres * Pryor's fork of the Yellowstone * Father De Smet * Jedediah Smith * Colonel Leavenworth * Colonel Leavenworth's forces * Sioux, oldtime enemies of the Arikaras * the Mandans * Joshua Pilcher * Hugh Glass, the story of whose almost miraculous escape from death has been so often related * South Pass into the Green river valley. * San Buenaventura * Seedskeedee, which latter translated is Prairie Hen river *
Capt. Shapley P. Ross Kills Old Big Foot
Among the most noted frontiersmen and Indian fighters whose deeds of daring are recorded in the annals of Texas, the name of Captain Shapley P. Ross, father of the late Governor L. S. Ross stands in the forefront. He was born in Jefferson county, Kentucky, six miles from Louisville, January 18, 1811, and in his early manhood removed to Iowa, where he engaged in agricultural pursuits until 1839, when, with his family, he emmigrated to Texas and settled at what was known as "Old" Nashville, on the Brazos river, in Milam county, planting a small crop of corn and killing buffalo to supply the family larder. The Ross family and others afterward removed to Little River, in Bell county, and formed a settlement for mutual protection against the Indians, with whom they had many encounters. This account describes Ross’ encounter with a Herculean savage known as "Big Foot" a chief noted for his powers. Account includes photo of Mr. Ross.
Mentions: Sharpely Woolfork * Capt. Monroe * a man named Bryant * the "Knob," within a few miles of where the town of Temple is now located * Captain Monroe *
The Capture And Rescue Of Lon White
Frontier Times has published accounts of children being taken captive by the Indians, but one of the most interesting of these stories is given in this account. Lon White, a nine year old boy was captured by Comanche Indians in Young county, Texas in July, 1864, and was held by them for nearly two years. The father, David White lived in Jack county, Texas, on Keechi creek, at the time the Indians took his son. This is the striking story of that event.
Mentions: a man by the name of Kemp * Dr. Valentine * Weatherford * Will Lee * Salt Creek, Young county * Britt, a free negro of frontier renown * Smith-Paul-Valley agency on the Washita river * the Caddo tribe of Indians * Palo Pinto county, on Palo Pinto creek near where the town of Santo is now located * Decatur * Gen. Jim Throckmorton * Colonel Bowland * Col. Stanwaity * George Light of Parker county * Mrs. Rowland lived in Jack County. Her little boy was 8 or 9 years old and was taken * chief Essahaba * Bonham, Tex * Gen. McCulloch * Frank Carter * Frank Carter's mill * A Mr. Jackson * Mrs. Spriggs who lived not far from Weatherford * Fort Arbuckle *
Six Flags Have Flown Over Texas
TEXAS has not only a glorious history, but one which is decidedly unique. Few countries and no other state since the days when Nero, ruler of Rome, have given allegiance to as many flags as the Lone Star State-Texas. Here is a chronological outline of Texas history which reveals this unique feature.
Legendary Treasure Cave In Central Texas
By Jack Hawkins
Account of a long and deep cavern with a most interesting history located on the Hooker farm, near the McLennan and Hill county line about 22 miles northwest of Waco Texas.
Mentions: one Ben Loftin, a prospector formerly the county judge of Limestone county. * The main room of the cave is quite large, being about 75 feet in length, 12 feet in width and about 15 feet in height. In addition, as in every other cave, small lateral branches extend in many directions * Senator Joseph W. Bailey * A company of men from Corsicana, with a mineral rod, visited the cave. The needle on the rod danced wildly when placed near the cave's entrance *
Brief History Of The Early Days In Mason County
[SELLER’S NOTE: Actually, Mr. Hunter should have titled this series of stories "A detailed and extensive account of the Early Days in Mason County." This great series (5 installments) includes some of the most painstaking historical and genealogical research to be found anywhere, and it all pertains to the life of Mason County and its early history, settlements, frontiersmen, family movements, development, Indian raids, political, social, economic development, etc, etc. As well as including the most minute detail, this series also includes many, many old B&W photo images of NUMEROUS early settlers of Mason County. Truly Mr. Hunter has done an inestimable service to those interested in Mason County, Texas history and genealogy.
Suffice it to say, if you live in Mason County, Texas, or have ancestors there, or just have genealogical or historical interest in the area, YOU WILL FIND NO RESOURCE BETTER THAN THIS GREAT SERIES.]
In the year 1849, under the administration of President Taylor, the government, with the view of encouraging the settling of the southwestern border in Texas, established a line of forts from the Red River to the mouth of the Rio Grande at a distance of forty or fifty miles apart.
An expedition in the charge of Captain Mason was sent out to choose locations for these posts. He recognized the natural advantages of a hill just south of the present town of Mason and marked it for a fort, which was called Fort Mason in his honor. The land upon which the fort was built was purchased in a hundred and sixty acre tract from Mr. Hick, the father-inlaw of another Mason resident, Mr. Jacob Schuessler.
The next year, 1850, Major Merril and four companies of soldiers began working on the much desired fort, but it was not completed for two long years. From the time of the arrival of the contingent under Major Merril until the outbreak of the Civil War, the fort was constantly garrisoned by from two to eight companies of soldiers, depending. upon the ever-changing hostility of the savage hordes about it. Before the soldiers came into this frontier country, no known white man had visited it. The Kiowa, Apache, and Comanche Indians, and the buffalo, antelope, and deer had been the only inhabitants. The tribes resented the_ intrusion of the white-men and very soon they took the war-path against them. Their natural ferocity, strengthened by an intense hatred of their new enemy, kept all but the most daring away; even the most zealous and fearless frontiersmen kept at a distance. The nearest settlement to Fort Mason was Fredericksburg, where the Fisher & Miller Emigration Company founded a colony of German emigrants, who had left their crowded Fatherland for a more prosperous life in America. Many of these emigrants were revolutionists who were forced to leave Germany because of their apparently radical views. Their descendants fought "Kaiserism and Kulture" during the World War and were among the best soldiers our country possessed in the Civil War. One soldier, of whom all Texans are proud. Louis Jordan, was the first Texas officer to fall in action in France and was among the first eighty picked men to be sent from Texas to the front lines.
To each settlement in this southwestern borderland the State of Texas gave a grant of six hundred and forty acres, and well did they deserve it, for the dangers, privations- and hardships these poor settlers endured were almost inconceivable. Some died of starvation, others were slaughtered by the Indians, and a great many died of disease produced by lack of nourishment and other terrible privations. To some fourteen or fifteen families an assignment of land was made in the southern portion of Mason county, then under the jurisdiction of Gillespie county, but these people were compelled to wait until the soldiers had arrived before they could take possession. In 1855 and 1856 the Kothmanns, Leifesters, Jordans, Lemburgs, Simons, Kneeses, Hasses, Beherns, Ellebrachts, and others, whose descendants are filling Mason County today, comprised the small band of settlers in that untamed land. They faced their uncertain future bravely and tried to live as normally as possible, erecting homes and producing what foods they could in their new environment. Henry Hoerster, now a cattleman and one of the most prominent citizens of Mason, Texas, claims to be the first white child born in Mason County. The hardships and discouragements which awaited them were many for, in spite of the vigilance of the soldiers, the Indians would destroy the fruits of many day's toil in a twinkling and sweep away to safety with bands of stolen horses and cattle. Above all, their lives were in constant danger. Nevertheless, they were determined to found permanent homes for themselves and their posterity. They trusted in God, being devout Christian men and women. As soon as they became settled they created an altar to their God. It consisted not in an ordinary church as we have today-building materials were too scarce for a real church to be had; so each family made a little altar in their log cabin and each cabin served as a church. The meetings were held in a cycle, and the entire populace attended them. At the conclusion of each meeting the good folk remained and ate dinner with the host…
And so begins this excellent historical account of the rich history of Mason county.
This installment Further Mentions: Reverend C. A. Grote, father of the venerable Fritz Grote * Mr. Pluennecke was another of the pioneer ministers * About the year 1863, several American and German families took up homesteads around Fort Mason. The. names of the men were: William Greenwood, Henry Lemburg, Isaac Jones, Tommie Cox, Milligan Bick, Lee W. Todd, Peters, Louis Martin, and the Gamels, and Vandevers. * Mason county had no regular mail service until 1857 when two post offices were established, one being placed at Hedwig's Hill in charge of Charles Martin and the other three miles from the fort at the home of G. W. Todd, the postmaster. Later Todd's post office was moved to Mason where Miss Maria Crosby acted as postmaster with W. C. Lewis as deputy. Miss Crosby became the wife of William Wheeler. * G. W. Todd * John McSween * T. Milligan, Sheriff; Commissioners, William Greenwood, Stephen Peters, Henry Houston, and Fritz Kneese; treasurer, Leopold Burgdorf; assessor and collector, R. Biberstien; and W. C. Lewis, district clerk. * The first marriage license was issued to W. C. Lewis and Mrs. Celia Head * Perry J. Lewis of San Antonio, Texas * old Sam Peters * Major J. S. Peters * James E. Ranck * Major David Doole, William Koock, Christie Crosby, Wilson Hey * Photo of MR. AND MRS. JACOB SCHUESSLER * J. O. von Meusebach laid out a town which was called Loyal Valley * the Buchmier hotel, the Christian Keyser home, the Hans Marschall dwelling and the little rock school house which is still in use. * Christian and Henry Keyser, William Kidd, Harve Putman, Ship Martin, Dan Martin, Henry Dye, Fred Ottens, William Puryear, Bob Moseley, William Cooper, Aunt Ann Schultz, Mrs. Buchmier, August Jones, Wiley Haynes * W. T. Linn, John O'Hait, James Crosby, Robert Cavaness, Lewis Mulkey, Charles Vandever * Hall's Ranch, three miles from the present town of Richland Springs * the killing of Mrs. Todd, wife of George W. Todd, near Todd Mountain five miles southeast of Mason * the carrying off by the Indians of Alice Todd, a little girl, the killing of Jim Biddie by Indians * the capture of the two Lehmann boys Herman and Willie * Adolph Korn was captured by Comanches in Mason county * the Bridgers brothers, Van, S. F. (Lace) and Joe, Lockhart, Taylor, William Koock, and Major J. M. Hunter * Major Doole * James E. Branch * Methodist Episcopal Church * John Gamel * Rev. Peterson * J. D. Bridges and Ben F. Gooch * D. Doole * Ben F. Gooch and Whitmill Holland * William Koock * Koocksville * W. G. Lewis and Oliver Merrill * the Greenwood's cattle * 'Miss Annie Loring * Prof. Dunlap * Max Martin * Ben F. Gooch * Jacob Schuessler * F. W. Henderson * R. Roehm * Beaver Creek * Mr. Bierschwele * Major Seth Maberry * C. C. Smith * Whitmill Holland * Charles Lemburg * the "Hoe Doo War," * Mrs. Kate Gamel * the Kellers * Crosbys * a man named Lockhart * Dave Garner * The Garner store * Lemburg's store * old Ed Taylor * Wm. Geistweidt * John Wilson's furniture store, L. H. King's grocery, Wm. Sands' grocery and market, Dr. Grandstaff's office * Dodd's drug store * the Southern Hotel * August Arhelger's blacksmith shop * Mebus * W. N. Morrow's drug store * Archie Gamel's residence * John Simmons saloon * John Schaeg's saddle shop * V. M. Loring * the old John Lemburg homestead * Charlie Gowan put up a saloon building, Marshall Fulton, a lawyer, erected a two story building, the Hoffmann Dry Goods Co. erected a two story building * H. Zork & Co., dry goods and groceries; H. Bierschwale, furniture and hardware; H. C. Fellmore, hardware; J. W. Leslie, groceries, Wm. Geistweidt, dry goods and groceries; D. Doole, general merchandise; Schmidt & Moran, saloon; Charlie Gowan, saloon; G. W. Todd, general merchandise; L. H. King, groceries; Dan Bickenbach, grocery and market; F. Lonsdale, confectionery; Fred Sten gel, bakery and groceries; H. Puckey, barber; J. L. Traweek, barber; Dr. J. D. Beck, physician; Dr. J. D. Granstaff, physician; Dr. R. J. Baze, physician and Burg store; H. C. Boyd, book store; C. Holmberg, jeweler; J. W. Williamson, photographer; Herman Schmidt, blacksmith; A. Arhelger, blacksmith; Samp Garner, livery stable; Rudolph Doell, livery stable; John Schaeg, saddle shop; T. A. Christianus, shoe shop; R. McKinney, shoe shop; Ed Lemburg, Tin shop. E. Lange, tinner; Holmes & Bierschwale, real estate; R. Runge, attorney; M. Fulton, attorney; Stapleton & Meek, attorneys. * Old photo of HARRY PUCKEY Pioneer Barber at Mason * Old Bob Cuenton * Adele Kaufman, a beautiful school girl, was brutally murdered while on her way home from school * John Butler was sheriff of Mason county many years * Fritz Hoerster, Charlie Eckert, Louis Kettner and Jim Milligan are authorities on the early history of Mason county * Don H. Biggers * Uncle Billie Cox * The first German settlers, according to Messrs. Hoester, Eckert and Kettner were Louis Martin and Christopher Voges, who located at Hedwig's Hill, on the Fredericksburg and Fort Mason road, in 1853; Peter Birk, who located about a mile west of Mason, and Henry Hick, who located three miles from Mason on the Fredericksburg and Fort Mason road. Birk and Hick came into this section prior to 1854 * Willow Creek settlement * Blaylock, Henry Hoerster, Henry Kothmann, Ernest Jordan, Ernest Danheim, Mecheer Bauer, Henry Hoerster, Conrad Pluenneke, Fritz Leifeste, Christopher Leifeste, and Julius Lehmberg * The first settlers in the Simonville community were: Paul Bast, Mitchell Thomas, Phillip Simons, Friederich Schmidt, William Dangers, Robert Zesch, Francis Kettner, John Keller, L. Bergsdorff, and Felix vander Stucken * The earliest settlers in the Beaver Creek community were Gottlieb Brandenberger, William Geistweidt, John Anderegg (Anderegg was a Swiss), Charlie and Phillip Eckert, George Ischar, Theodore Weidemann, August Brockmann, Friedrich Ellebracht, Carl Lehmann, Moritz LAmann, Fritz Kneese, Charlie Lemberg, Fritz Brandenberger, and Henry Kensing. * the Castell settlement * Henry Durst and August Leifeste * The very first settlers in the Loyal Valley section were Henry Keyser, Christian Keyser, and a Mr. Gersdorff * Frederick Koenig, who settled near King Mountain on the line of Llano and Mason counties, about 1855 * Henry Keller, who settled near the mouth of Schepp Creek * Ludwig Eckert * four Martin brothers * Louis Martin, and Alvin Mebus * Charlie Martin * Anna Martin * Mrs. Mebus * Max Martin * Ernest Martin * August Martin and Otto Martin * Francis Kettner * Otto Mebus and Louis Kettner * Oliver Murrell * Mat Allen * Tom Milligan * W. C. Louis * Mrs. M. E. Lindsay * John and Walter Lindsay * Mrs. Lydia Elliott * Mrs. Mary Bird * J. E. Milligan * Mrs. Belle Murray, Mrs. Martha Frazier and Mrs. Margaret Kuhn * Old Photo of AL J. LINDSAY * J. B. Lindsay * John A. Buck * William Greenwood * the Crosby place * Brady Highway * Mrs. Mattie A. Maddux * George W. Todd * Major Jim Biddy, Adam Ritter, Jim Bolt, Paddy Sam Peters * Wm. Behrens * Wesley Kirkpatrick, Alf Hunter * Peters Creek * Mill Creek * Miss Dixenia Peters * Alice Todd * Miss Bertha Mebus * George W. Todd * B. F. Weatherby * Louis Kettner * Dr. John McSween * Bluff Creek community * Uncle Billie Gamel * Major James M. Billie * Tom Gamel * Mrs. F. M. Carter * Mrs. Erv. Hamilton * Ed and Bob Caveness * Ed and Jim Caveness * Mrs. Jerry M. Hunter * Jim Bradburg * Charlie Wattenbach * Dedrich Koth * Tom Rainey * Louis Cixacebner * Major Seth Mabry * William Leslie * Dave Garner * Frank Garner and Rich Garner * C. C. Woods * Mack Leslie, R. A. Howard, Ham Biddy * Old photo of COLONEL TOM RAINEY * Kit Wood * T. J. Wood * R. L. Wood * Charlie Wartenbach * Miss Metzger * Mr. Don H. Biggers * General David E. Twiggs * Centennial Creek * Comanche Creek * Gustav Schleicher * I, G. Schleicher * Wesley Kirkpatrick * the German Emigration Company, commonly known as the Adeleverein * Biebrich, Germany * Mainz * the German colonies located in Comal and Gillespie counties * a Frenchman, one Burgoise d'Orvanne * Prince Solms Braunfels * Henry Fisher, a Texas consul at Bremen * The Fisher & Miller grant * John Giddings * Lachsen, Duke of Saxe-Gotha * Prince Frederic of Prussia * zenburg-Rudolfstadt, Prince Moritz * Prince Charles Leinongen * Franklin L. Paschall * Prince of Schwarton * Old Photo of THE OLD JAIL WHICH STOOD ON THE SQUARE. TORN DOWN IN 1894 * Hon. Sam Maverick * Giddings, Paschall and Huck * Photo of THE OLD COURT HOUSE AT MASON...(Continued in next issue.)
Sallie Skull
Account of a truly unique frontier character, Mrs. Sallie Skull of Banquette, Texas. She was known as a two gun woman, possessing that remarkable accomplishment of being able to use firearms with either hand, and there was no aim more deadly than hers. Yet she was equally renown for her many charitable acts of kindness to strangers and the needy, and her fearless and courageous spirit, especially in times of danger when Texas was infested with bandits, and other menaces such as the early pioneer days afforded. This is her story.
Mentions: She was married three times, to one Mr. Skull; her second one Mr. Robinson, and the third Mr. Horsdorff * Mrs. Skull. had a daughter from whom she was estranged because of a small incident happening upon the occasion of one of her visits * Skull was actively engaged in the trading of horses * she was captured by Cortina * Agua-Dulce Creek * Charlie Siringo *
William Parker is one of the pioneers who made Texas with their blood and toil. He is one of the Parkers of Anderson County. Cynthia Ann Parker, whom the Comanches kidnapped in the early days, was one of his illustrious line. Quanah Parker, half white chief to the Comanches, was of his blood.
So when William Parker stood before United States Commissioner Winston McMahon charged with selling beer, the pride of his blood and the honor of his heritage kept his lips sealed. But there was one in the courtroom who knew William Parker and who knew his story. He was A. L. Zachary, and when Parker, threadbare and with age and illness stamped indelibly on his meager frame, stood before the bar of justice, he spoke:
"This man knew my father in the days of reconstruction," Zachary said. "They worked together." He told of the long line of illustrious Parkers in the history of Texas. "The Parkers are not lawbreakers. They have helped to build this State with their blood and toil. So' I will help this man if he will but tell his story."
Further Mentions: Further Mentions: Commissioner McMahon * Mr. Zachary * Circleville, Utah, the birth place of George Parker, alias Butch Cassidy * Harry Longbaugh, alias the "Sundance Kid" * Burns Detective Agency * Morenci, Arizona * Bill Carver * R. Stocks Watson.
Tells About Trailing Cattle, Stampedes And Indians
By Cora Melton Cross
Account of W. F. Neal who came to Texas from Tennessee in 1851 and settled as an early pioneer in Colorado County, at which place home and ranch were built. "It was in this home that the boy, W. F., grew up with the country. His boyhood days were filled with tasks and responsibilities beyond his years, for that was the inheritance of the West for her pioneer children. Live stock had for him a fascination and while but a lad he made a top hand with cattle. Realizing that the life of a cowboy was one of endurance and hardship, or grinding work with stampedes, Indians, grubless periods and catch-as-catch-can sleep, oftentimes wrapped in a single blanket, the rain beating down in his face, or snowflakes covering him from sight, he declared for it unhesitatingly." Here is his story.
Mentions: W. H. Carleton and, F. G. Mahon * Bill Cherry, James Byars, Al Nave, Sam Nail, Ad Wiser * The town of Columbus was, at that time, the terminal of the, S. P. R. R * the town of Glidden, a division point of that same road, between Houston and San Antonio
Account of F. A. Karger of Kerrville, long-time County Commissioner in Texas and one of the pioneers who lost all of his possessions in the flood that wiped out the little community of Ben Ficklin in 1882.
Mentions: F. C. Taylor, who operated the stage line from Ben Ficklin to San Antonio and El Paso * the Texas & Pacific Railroad * H. B. Tarver * W. W. Wells * Stilson & Chase * the Willow Water Hole * Harry Karger * Lone Wolf and the Blue Ribbon * the Nimitz Hotel * Mr. Taylor
The Mustang Returns To Europe In Tin Cans
Russell Lord
Story of the Spanish Mustangs. Cortez and his Spanish adventurers brought the first horses to America in 1519. Fine, full-blodded Spanish mustangs, sixteen head. He and his men swam these horses ashore near the present site of Vera Cruz, Mexico. The fruit of that importation for years afterward gave white men, mounted, prestige and dominion over the Indians afoot and counted profoundly in the West. These were the first of the present stock of American wild horses. Account relates the irony of this horse being rounded up by the thousands, slaughtered and shipped to Europe as horse meat for human food.
The word "Arizona" means many things, depending on the language or dialect into which its syllables fit. Some claim it was taken from the Spanish, aride, meaning arid or dry, and zona, meaning zone. On the contrary, many Spaniards insist the name Arizona was not derived from their language. Some claim it originated in …
Old Fort Davis
Account of the old Army Post at Fort Davis, Tex, which saw it’s day as a military outpost and stronghold and served a useful purpose in taming the Wild West before and after the war between the States. This is the story.
Mentions: the Painted Comanche Camp * John A. James * the James children * A. L. Lewis * Franklin K. Pierce * Mr. Charles Mulhurn * a Ranger captain, by the name of Bird * Albert Sidney Johnston * Joseph E. Johnston * a fellow by name of Bug Johnson * Limpia Canyon * The Old Mill house * George Miller, a German * Limpia Creek Springs * Canyon Springs * General Grearson *
Wright Williams
R. R. Smith
Wright Williams was born in Little Rock, Arkansas, almost like that hardy pioneer who got away with the declaration that he was "born in a covered wagon, headed west." The family was on the way from Tennessee to Texas when their journey was halted by the advent of Wright, Junior, on March 13, 1851. The event seemed so important that the stop was prolonged. The Williams family did not reach Atascosa county until 1859. They settled on the Gallinas, and later acquired property on the Galvan, where the first Wright Williams died at a peaceful old age, and on a part of which the last Wright Williams died...
They passed up all the black land in Texas, to settle on the sandy loam of the Galvan. They were not seeking riches but just a home. That was the general idea of all sturdy pioneers. The bad men sought adventure and quick money. But the sturdier, more dependable breed that made this country wanted "just a home."
Wright Williams was fourteen years old "at the surrender," as he quaintly described that tra is incident at Appomattox Court House, Virginia. Brother "Babe," two years older, was in the home guard on the Rio Grande. Young Wright soon drifted into that country which "Babe," returning from the war, told about.
Around Cotulla, when there was no Cotulla, and Frio Town, which is not much town now, he worked cattle by day and fought Indians by night. Many times he went up the Chrisholm trail, and through to Montana, with a rope on one side of his saddle-horn and a carbine on the other. And he was an expert with that which hung on both sides of his saddle. He was a perfect shot and an adept "throw." His shooting meant mere life, which was not prized very highly by anybody in those days, but his roping meant bread and meat: and in his "throw" he took great pride. If he missed a throw he pulled off his hat and stamped it. But his hat was seldom mussed with boot heels...
Mentions: "Uncle": Ike Cayender * cousin Bob Ford * Jesse James * Among the contemporaries and early cronies of Wright Williams were Bobbie Neill, Alse Franks, Joe Cotulla and the Slaughters * Uncle Morgan Williams * Frank and Lucindy Fagan * In 1881, Wright Williams married Miss Rambie * were Mrs. Roy Knox, Mrs. K. T. Cook and Dan and Rambie and Morgan Williams * Shiloh cemetery *
Mentions: the Carneie Institution's expedition to Mexico and Central America * Dr. Sylvanus O Morley * Chichen Itza * the "Temple of the Two Lintels," * "Old Chichen," *
By A. R. Bemis, Jr.
What friend has man, truer, less appreciated and more abused than the horse?
The fidelity of the dog, the courage of the lion, patience immeasurable-these are the attributes of the horse.
The Light Brigade at Balaklava, Waterloo, Sheridan at Winchester, Paul Revere's classic ride-none of these heroic events could have been but for-the horse.
A faithful servant in times of peace, a noble aid in times of war, the very soul of mighty conflicts, courageous and steadfast -the horse.
In the fields of the world, with the herds and flocks, on verdant plain or barren waste, what is the one indispensable prop on which laboring humanity leans? What it the unfailing servant to the world's endless demand for food? To what do we turn when Pluvius makes bogs of our fields or when suffering cries out for succor in the dead of winter? What? The horse!…
Traded Pound Of Coffee For Heifer Back In 1876
W. E. Pruett of Santa Rita, N. M., one of the first settlers of Texas west of the Pecos, was in Alpine recently trying to find friends and acquaintances of fifty years ago. He says there are very few left. There are only two persons at Fort Davis who were mature in 1880, when Mr. Pruett lived there. He found only one person at Alpine who lived in the Big Bend country in those pioneer days. Mr. Pruett tells an interesting story of the first Missouri herd of cattle driven over 1,000 miles in 1876 to Ben Ficklin, in Tom Green County.
Mentions: P. J. Pruett * White County, Arkansas * Trinidad, Colo * Santa Fe, N. M * Ben Ficklin, Tom Green County * Presidio County * the Tores farm * Horsehead Crossing * A man named Dutchover, at Fort Davis * Milton Flavors, an ex-soldier of the Mexican War and a Virginian * Shafter * Frank Duke.
Some names mentioned in this volume:
John Adams; Mat Allen; J. Cecil Alter; John Anderegg; A. Arhelger; August Arhelger; Gen Ashley; William H Ashley. ; Mary Jourdan Atkinson; Moses Austin; Stephen Austin; Joseph W. Bailey; Mary Virginia Bales; James E. Banck; Bass; Paul Bast; Baron deBastrop; Bates; Mecheer Bauer; Dr R. J. Baze; Roy Bean; Dr J. D. Beck; Wm Behrens; A. R. Jr Bemis; L. Bergsdorff; R. Biberstein; Milligan Bick; Dan Bickenbach; Jim Biddie; Ham Biddy; Jim Biddy; H. Bierschwale; H. W. Bierschwale; Chief Big Foot; Don H. Biggers; George Bird; Mary Bird; Peter Birk; G. T. Bloodworth; Jim Bolt; John Wilkes Booth; B. A. Botkin; Col Bowland; H. C. Boyd; Bate Bradburg; Jim Bradburg; James E. Branck; Fritz Brandenberger; Gottlieb Brandenberger; Solms Prince Braunfels; James Bridger; Joe Bridgers; S. F. (Lace) Bridgers; Van Bridgers; J. D. Bridges; August Brockmann; John Lee Brooks; Paul Bunyan; Leopold Burgdorf; David G. Burnett; Wm J. Burns; John Butler; James Byars; Caldwell; Roy Capps; W. H. Carleton; Mrs F. M. Carter; Frank Carter; Bill ("Franks") Carver; Cassidy; Robert Cavaness; Bob Caveness; Ed Caveness; Jerry Caveness; Jim Caveness; Ike Cayender; Bill Cherry; Pierre Choteau; T. A. Christianus; F. E. Conrad; Mrs K. T. Cook; William Cooper; Joe Cotulla; Billie Cox; J. C. Cox; Tommie Cox; John R. Craddock; Crockett; Christie Crosby; James Crosby; Maj Crosby; Maria Crosby; Cross; Bob Cuenton; Alexander Culbertson; Kid (See Harvey Logan) Curry; William Dangers; Ernest Danheim; Jeff Davis; J. M. Deaver; Mrs Chas Dickerson; Bertha McKee Dobie; ; Col Dodge; Rudolph Doell; D. Doole; D. Maj Doole; David Maj Doole; Maj Doole; M. J. Doran; Mrs Jerry Doyle; Matthew Doyle; Driggs; Frank Duke; Prof Dunlap; Henry Durst; Henry Dye; Charlie Eckert; Ludwig Eckert; Phillip Eckert; Friedrich Ellebracht; Lydia Elliott; Martha Emmons; Chief Essahaba; Essahaba; Ethridge; A. R. Evans; Frank Fagan; Lucindy; H. C. Fellmore; Ficklin; Ficklin; Paddy Fields; Henry Fisher; Henry E. Fisher; Thomas Fitzatrick; Milton Flavors; Bob Ford; Alse Franks; Martha Frazier; Prince Frederic of Prussia; M. Fulton; Marshall; Newton Gaines; Alf Gamel; Archie Gamel; Billie Gamel; John Gamel; John W. Gamel; Kate Gamel; Tom Gamel; Acel Garland; Dave Garner; Frank Garner; Rich Garner; Samp Garner; William Geistweidt; Wm Geistweidt; John Giddings; Gillett; ; Hugh Glass; Ben F. Gooch; Charlie Gowan; Louis Gracebner; Dr Grandstaff; Dr J. D. Granstaff; U. S. Grant; Gen Grearson; Green; ; William Greenwood; ; Josiah Gregg; R. Grosse; Rev C. A. Grote; Fritz Grote; Rev Grote; Mrs Erv Hamilton; Jack Hawkins; Wiley Haynes; Hays; Celia Head; F. W. Henderson; J. Pinckney; Alexander Henry; Andrew Henry; Maj Henry; Patrick Henry; Ben Hey; Wilson Hey; ; Henry Hick; Fritz Hoerster; Henry Hoerster; H. J. Hofmann; Whitmill Holland; C. Holmberg; H. M. Maj Holmes; Henry Houston; ; R. A. Howard; Henry Huck; Alf Hunter; J. M. Maj Hunter; James M. Maj Hunter; John M. Hunter; George Ischar; A. T. Jackson; James Jackson; John A. Jackson; Will Jackson; Thomas Jefferson; Bug Johnson; J. J. Johnson; Capt Richard Johnson; ; Joseph E. Johnston; Anson Jones; August Jones; Isaac Jones; William Claude Jones; Ernest Jordan; Louis Jordan; F. A. Karger; Harry Karger; Capt Karnes; Adele Kaufman; Henry Keller; John Keller; Henry Kensing; Charlie Kettner; Francis Kettner; Louis Kettner; ; Christian Keyser; Henry Keyser; William Kidd; ("Tall Texan") Kilpatrick; J. S. King; L. H. King; Wesley Kirkpatrick; Dr Knapp; Fritz Kneese; Mrs Roy Knox; Frederick Koenig; William Koock; ; Adolph Korn; Dedrich Kothmann; Henry Kothmann; W. L. Kothmann; Margaret Kuhn; Duke of Lachsen; Lafitte; E. Lange; Robert Adger Law; Col Leavenworth; Robert E. Lee; Will Lee; Carl Lehmann; Moritz Lehmann; Willie Lehmann; Julius Lehmburg; August Leifeste; Christopher Leifeste; Fritz Leifeste; Charles Prince Leinongen; Charlie Lemberg; Charles Lemburg; Ed Lemburg; Henry Lemburg; John Lemburg; Will Lemburg; Capt Alonzo de Leon; J. W. Leslie; Jess Leslie; Mack Leslie; William Leslie; A. L. Lewis; Perry J. Lewis; W. C. Lewis; W. G. Lewis; George Light; Lincoln; Al J. Lindsay; Buck Lindsay; Catherine Lindsay; J. B. Lindsay; John Lindsay; John A Lindsay; Lizzie Lindsay; Mrs M. E. Lindsay; Tom Lindsay; Walter Lindsay; Hugh M. Linecum; W. T. Linn; Manuel Lisa; Ben Loftin; Logan; Maj Long; Harry (See Sundance Kid) Longbaugh; James Longstreet; Maj Robert L. Longstreet; F. Lonsdale; Russell Lord; Annie Loring; V. M. Loring; W. C. Louis; King Louis XIV; Maj Seth Mabry; Mattie A. Maddux; Madison; F. G. Mahon; Hans Marschall; Anna Martin; August Martin; Charles Martin; Charlie Martin; Dan Martin; Ernest Martin; J. R. Martin; Louis Martin; Max Martin; Otto Martin; Ship Martin; Capt Mason; Charlie Mason; Harriet Mason; Mat Mason; Sam Hon Maverick; Seth Maj Mayberry; Gen McCulloch; R. McKinney; Winston McMahon; John McSween; Dr John McSween; Alvin Mebus; Bertha Mebus; Mrs Mebus; Otto Mebus; Maj Merril; Oliver Merrill; Gen Merritt; J. O. von Meusebach; John O. von Meusebach; F. S. Millard; ; B. Miller; George Miller; J. E. Milligan; Mrs J. F. Milligan; Jim Milligan; T. Milligan; Tom Milligan; Capt Monroe; Prince Moritz of Nassen; Dr Sylvanus G. Morley; W. N. Morrow; Bob Moseley; Charles Mulhurn; Lewis Mulkey; Belle Murray; Oliver Murrell; Sam Nail; Al Nave; W. F. Neal; Bobbie Neill; J. B. Maj Nicholson; Kate Stoner O'Connor; John O'Hair; Burgoise de Orvanne; Fred Ottens; George Parker; "Sally" (See George) Parker; William Parker; H. B. Parks; Franklin L. Paschall; Isiah A. Paschall; A. W. Penn; Col Henry Perkins; Father Perrier; Dixenia Peters; J. S. Maj Peters; Maj Peters; Sam Peters; Sam Maj Peters; Stephen Peters; Rev Peterson; Franklin K. Pierce; Joshua Pilcher; Conrad Pluenneke; Etienne Provot; P. J. Pruett; W. E. Pruett; H. Puckey; Harry Puckey; William Puryear; Harve Putman; Tom Rainey; Col Tom Rainey; J. E. Ranck; James E. Ranck; ; Paul Revere; Gen W. F. Reynolds; Rister; Adam Ritter; ; Mrs D. W. Roberts; ; R. Roehm; Rose; L. S. Ross; Capt S. P. Ross; Capt Shapley P. Ross; Carl Runge; R. Runge; Roscoe ; Thomas J. Rusk; Thos J. Ruske; Wm Sands; Santa Anna; Saunders; Duke of Saxe-Gotha; John Schaeg; Schaeg; Gustav Schleicher; Friederich Schmidt; Herman Schmidt; Louis Schmidt; Otto Schmidt; Charles Schreiner; Jacob Schuessler; Schuessler; Mrs Jacob Schuessler; John Schuessler; Ann Schultz; Prince of Schwarzenburg; Oscar Seaquist; Addison E. Sheldon; Sheridan; John Simmons; Phillip Simons; Chas A. Siringo; Siringo; Sallie Skull; De Father Smet; Dr Ashbel Smith; C. C. Smith; "Deaf" Smith; E. Kirby Smith; Gov Smith; Isaac D. Smith; Jedediah Smith; Nicolas Joseph Hutchinson Smith; R. R. Smith; Sowell; Col Stanwaity; Fred Stengel; Jeb Stewart; John K. Strecker; Felix vander Stucken; Milton Sublette; William L. Sublette; H. B. Tarver; Ed Taylor; F. C. Taylor; Gen Thomas; Gen George H. Thomas; Mitchell Thomas; Raymond W. Thorp; Gen Jim Throckmorton; Palmer A. Throop; Edward D. Tittmann; Tittmann; Alice Todd; G. W. Todd; ; George W. Todd; Lee W. Todd; Mrs Todd; J. L. Traweek; Philip C. Tucker; Gen David E. Twiggs; Dr Valentine; Maj Van Dorn; Felix vander Stucken; Charles Vandever; Taylor Vandever; Christopher Voges; Wallace; ; Charlie Wartenbach; R. Stocks Watson; Charlie Wattenbach; B. F. Weatherby; Theodore Weidemann; W. W. Wells; William Wheeler; Dave White; David White; Lon White; "Babe" Williams; Dan Williams; Jimmie Williams; Morgan Williams; Rambie Williams; Wright; Wright Jr; J. W. Williamson; P. J. Willis; Wilson; Ad Wiser; Kit Wood; R. L. Wood; T. J. Wood; C. C. Woods; Sharpely Woolfork; A. L. Zachary; Lorenzo deZavala; Harold Zesch; Robert Zesch; W. A. Zesch; H. Zork; Zook.
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