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Vol 05 No. 03 - December 1927
Killing of Dan Arnold and Lapoleon Lemmons
By J Warren Hunter
Account of a desperate and daring struggle between Comanches and two courageous young men, Dan Arnold and Lapoleon Lemmons. The engagement left them brutally murdered and mutilated. At the time of this fight, and Arnold and Lemmons were eighteen years old. This fight took place on June 1, 1871, on Spring Creek, in Coleman county. Texas.Characters: Dan Arnold, John Coffey, Lapoleon Lemmons, Dick Robertson, Nip Hammond, John Furguson, W. A. Bedo, Rich Coffey, Miss Mollie Brown, Locations: Spring Creek, Coleman County, Flat Top Ranch, Brazos, Hood County, Concho, Colorado River, Little Devil’s River, Noxville,
Tells Of Early Times In Coleman
Here is some excellent Coleman Co. history
by By Austin Callan
"It seems strange what changes have taken place since that day away back there in 1882 when the first copy of the " Coleman Voice" went out. Coleman was small then; it didn't have a water or a lighting system until years later. It didn't even have telephones. The first telephone there was in the Voice office and the first conversation over a telephone I ever heard was between Rich Coffey and the operator at Baird. Uncle Rich said, "Get that d-d June bug out of the box and talk to me." The line ran to Babb's ranch and on over to Baird.
The night that Cleveland was elected in 1884 they shot anvils in front of the courthouse. There was a big bonfire and a man named Hyde Nails was carrying the powder and it went off in his hands.
They couldn't flash the results of an election on the boards then as they do now. Some local politician would generally get up on a beer keg or goods box in front of a bonfire and tell the latest and then make a Democratic speech. There was a one-legged fellow they called S. Fogle and some of the gang got him up on a box to deliver an oration in praise of Queen Victoria and an Irishman shot the box from under him.
Many if not all of those who used to participate in the election celebrations there on the square forty years ago, are gone. Walter Perry, Tom Dixon, Coon Dunman, Frank Rose, Frank Alexander and other familiar to all who have ever lived in Coleman…"
Characters: Charley Govan, Ben Pittman, Rich Coffey, Bob Moore, Hyde Nails, S. Fogle, Walter Perry, Tom Dixon, Coon Dunman, Frank Rose, Frank Alexander, Tom Austin, Pete Callan, F. M. Kane, Sam Hill, Kin Elkins, Clay Mann, L. D. Graves, Jesse Johnson, John Sinclair, John Elkins, Henry Sackett, Jesse Johnson, Dud Johnson, etc.
Locations: Robertson Peak, Coleman, Baird, Camp Colorado, etc.
Scouted on Pease River
By J. W. Bud Ellison
Account of the experiences of J. W. (Bud) Ellison, who served as a Ranger under Thomas Harrison's Company, with Lieut. P. F. Ross as First Lieutenant. This Company, along with others were on the frontier in the early part of 1861 in the vicinity of old Camp Cooper, which Baylor's Company, Sublet's Company and Harrison's company captured in the first part of February 1861. Account foes on to detail their 43 day scout on the headwaters of Red River, Prairie Dog river and Pease river. It was an eventful expedition – this is the story.
Characters: W. K. Baylor, Sul Ross, Dave Sublet, Buck Barry, Thomas Harrison, R. F. Ross, Mart V. Jones, Pete Ross, Tom Arnold, Jim Whittington, J. W. Ellison.
Locations: Camp Cooper, Arbuckle Road, Elm Creek, Red River, Prairie Dog River, Pease River, Bear Creek, Lampasas Springs, Waco, Dallas, Bird’s Creek, Brazos County.
Medicine Lodge Treaty Sixty Years Ago
By E. S. Godfrey
Characters: Albert Barnitz, Joel H. Elliott, Henry Inman, Tom Wallace,
Locations: Smoky Hill River, Fort Ellsworth, Fort Harker, Ellsworth City, Fort Zara, Walnut Creek, Fort Larned, Pawnee Fork, Arkansas River, Dodge, Rattlesnake Creek, Medicine Lodge Creek, Washita, Fort Sill, Saline Valley, Soloman Valley, Republican Run Valley.
James W. Taylor, Texas Ranger (Includes photo of Taylor)
James W. Taylor was born January 20, 1843, at Dallas, Texas, and died May 17, 1917, at Gem City, Texas. When he was nine years old he picked pecans and sold them to the immigrants for enough money to buy a little old shot-gun. His father died with yellow fever and Hamp Witt raised him. He carried the mail from Dallas to Fort Worth when he was thirteen years old. In 1874 he joined the Texas Ranger company of D. Rufus Berry, when the Indians in Jack county threatened an uprising if the whites did not turn over Captain Hanen to them. This is the account of a very courageous Ranger.
Characters: James W. Taylor, Hamp Witt, D. Rufus Berry, Charlie Rivers, W. K. Baylor, Brit Johnson, Lula Taylor
Locations: Dallas, Gem City, Jack County, Weatherford, Palo Pinto County, Salt Creek Prairie, Young County, Canadian,
Letter of Luke Porter, Falfurrias, Texas to long-time friend, George W. Saunders, of San Antonio.
The Killing of Ruben Smith
Account describes the killing of Rube Smith, by Lon Moore, and is narrated, by A. J. Sowell. Describes events of a raid on the Hondo when Indians attacked and killed Rube Smith, one mile west of his house, on Liveoak slough. Smith and Manuel Wydick were out on foot hunting horses and had separated, when a large body of Indians attacked Smith. Here is the story.
He had a ranch and owned about one thousand head of cattle, and 150 head of horses. He left surviving him his widow, Lovina Smith, and six minor children, Mary E. married John S. Swan; Martha Anne, married Geo. G. VanPelt, Jr; Alice S. married Willie Robbins; George W. Smith; Lavine P. married C. P. Holden; William Butler Smith. His widow, Lovina Smith, was married again, Nov. 30, 1865 to George VanPelt, Sr., and they moved to Caldwell county, Texas. Includes photo of Smith’s grave.
Characters: Rube Smith, Lon Moore, A. J. Sowell, Smith Wydick, Manuel Wydick, Nathan Davis, William Mullins, Jerry Bailey, Monroe Watkins, Zed Watkins, Louis McCombs, Sam McCombs, Wesley McCombs, John Brown, Rubin C. Smith, Lovina Smith, Mary E. Smith, George G. VanPelt, Alice S. Smith, Willie Robbins, George W. Smith, Lavine P. Smith, C. P. Holden, William Butler Smith,
Locations: Hondo, Hondo Creek, Liveoak Slough, Fort Ewell Road, San Miguel Creek, Cescadara Creek, New Fountain, Caldwell County
A True Memorial
By Phebe K. Warner
Account of famous old Rock House of the South Plains of Texas located in Crosby county. This beautiful valley of several hundred acres is artistically framed by the circular cap rock, of Blanco canyon. It was on September 20, 1877, that Hank Smith, then a young man in the prime of life, drove his ox team, hitched to a wagon load of supplies, down through the canyon and brought them to a halt at the front door, of this historic home.
That was a great event. But no one knew it then because no one knew what that event was to mean in the history of the great commonwealth, of Texas. The Old Rock House was new that day - as new as the country it was built in And like the canyon in which it stood, all it possessed was its four walls and a floor. All the rest was an empty space without even a memory in it.
On that eventful day in September, 1877, Hank Smith was alone except for some cowboy companions. He had left Mrs. Smith and the children, George and Lelia, back at Old Fort Griffin in Shackelford county until he could complete their new home and get ready for them.
Characters: Hank Smith, George Smith, Lelia Smith Wheeler, Robert Burns Smith, Mary Smith Kirk,
Locations: Crosby County, Old Rock House Of The South Plains, Blanco Canyon, Old Fort Griffin, Shackelford County, Old Emma, the little cemetery at Old Emma, the first county seat of Crosby county.
Brief account of Thalis T. Cook, a noted Texas Ranger by Joe T. McKinney, of Willcox, Arizona
Heroes of the Frontier
By Eugene Cunningham
Since their inception, the Texas Rangers have kept watch and ward upon the peace of an empire. Originally their chief duty was the education of the Red Man-teaching Comanche, Lipan, Kiowa, Apache et al. that the way of the transgressor was hard, indeed, when his transgressions were committed within the bailiwick of the Texas Ranger.
Forward, ever forward, went the frontier, creeping onward in the shadow of the Rangers. As the Indian menace vanished, as the roaring days of trail, herd and railroad construction camp came on, as white men rode honestly or on devious errands where once the savage had raided, then the Ranger's duties altered. But perhaps they became even more dangerous than before. It is recorded that at one time the Rangers held a list of wanted desperadoes that totaled a thousand and more! This is a story of the historical legacy of the Rangers.
Characters: Texas Rangers, Governor Coke, John B. Jones, Major W. M. Green, Captain Jim Gillett, Joe D. Jackson, Bill Kingston, Ben Thompson, Bill Thompson, Jim Callan, Dan W. Roberts, Wild Bill McLane, Ben Gholson, Sam Gholson, Captain J. M. Smith, Sul Ross, Captain John R. Hughes, Kiowa Jones, Bill Mcdonald, Sod Durst, Thalis Cook, Burk Humphreys,
Locations: Corsicana, Austin, Colorado City, Menard County, Marfa, Alpine, Old Spanish Trail, Fort Stockton, Ozona, Big Bend, Austin, Celery Creek, Las Moras Creek, San Saba River, Rio Grande, Waco, Otter Creek, Little Wichita, Glass Mountains,
Difficulties of Getting Married on the Frontier
Mrs. R. A. Winn, of Rocksprings, Texas describes what it was like to get married in reconstruction days in Menard area, dodging marauding savages and scratching out a living on the frontier.
Characters: Tul Smith, Mr. R. A. Winn, Sam Phillips,
Locations: Menard County, San Saba, Menardville, Mason, Fredericksburg, Llano County, Bluffton, Burnett, Burleson County, Washington County,
The Life of Bigfoot Wallace (Continued from previous issue)
Characters: General Cordova, General Ed Burleson, Bigfoot Wallace, General Matthew Caldwell, Captain Jack Hays, Creed Taylor, Calvin Turner, William Simms, General Sam Houston, General H. E. Mcculloch, Captain Nicholas Dawson, Captain Ewing Cameron, Captain Jesse Billingsly, Milford Day, Solomon Brill, Ezekiel Smith, French Smith, Clay Davis, John Henry Brown, William King, John King, Henry King, James Nichols, John Nichols, Tom Galbreath, Ben Highsmith, Wilson Randle, Andrew Sowell, Calvin Turner, William Turner, Hardin Turner, Kit Ackland, Mike Chevalier, Arch Gibson, James Clark, Miles Dikes, Henry Whaling, Rufus Perry, Sam Luckey, George Neill, Rufus Taylor, Pipkin Taylor, Josiah Taylor, Samuel H. Walker, Ad Gillespie, Green McCoy, Robert Hall, Lee Herrill, General Woll, General Alexander Somervell, Colonel J. L. Bennett, William S. Fisher, Ewing Cameron, Eastland, Reese, Pierson, General Ampudia, Captain Baker, Dr. Sinnickson, Beasly Louis, Legs Louis, Joe Berry, Lieutenant Alderette, Thomas J. Green, Captain Arroyo, Tom Davis, James Ogden, Santa Anna, James C. Wilson, Henry Whaling, Robert Beard, M. C. Wing, Bill Moore, L. L. Cash, J. D. Cocke, Robert Durham, William N. Eastland, Edward Este, Robert Harris, S. L. Jones, Patrick Mahan, James Ogden, Charles Roberts, William Rowan, J. L. Shepard, J. M. N. Thompson, James N. Torry, James Turnbull, Thomas Tatum, James Armstrong, William F. Wilson, William Morehead, Peter Jungman, Phil Hodge, Jeff Bond, Sam Lytle, Charley Lytle, Joseph Blair Wallace, Edwin Dixon Westfall,
Locations: Seguin, San Antonio, Salado, Hondo, Quihi, New Fountain, Medina, Castroville, Verde River, Rio Grande, Laredo, Guerrero, Gonzales, Mier, Alcalde, Alcantra Creek, Goliad, Monterey, Saltillo, Monclova, Gonzales County, Wilson County, Karnes County, San Luis Potosi, Molina Del Ray, Perote, Vera Cruz, Jalapa, Galveston, Medina River, Sabinal Canyon, Fort Belknap, Pinto Trail Crossing, Guadalupe, Bandera, Kerrville, Frio River, Llano River, Seco River, Nueces, Continued Next Issue…
Jim Goff Tells Of Hitson’s Fight With Indians
By Cora Melton Cross
Jim Goff tells in this account, "My mother, Nellie Knight, was born in Cherokee County, Georgia, and father, J. M. Goff, in Payette County, Georgia. Shortly after they were married, along in the late 1850s, they pioneered to Texas in an ox wagon. Old Babe Honey, a longtime family servant, gee'd and haw'd those oxen and when they were particularly unmanageable he spent his time repeating, "I sho' don' know what us'll do, efen Injins come while dese here oxen is so pow'ful contrary." He never found out what turn they would have taken under such circumstances, for the trip, long and tiresome from the red hills of Georgia to the green prairies of Texas, was made without Indian interference.
"Father's aim in coming West was to raise cattle. The stop was made on Rock Creek, ten miles west of Fort Worth. There was no town to speak of where the skyscrapers now stand, but the garrison of soldiers made it safe to live close by. When war between 'the States was declared, father volunteered, and was from the beginning to the end of it in Hood's Brigade. Those were trying times at home, as well as on the battlefields, for the live stock had to be taken care of, grain raised for bread, and nobody but mother, the children and old Babe Honey to do it.
"Ten years' after establishing the Rock Creek ranch, father took a notion to move farther west, and his next location was made on Tecumseh Creek in Throckmorton County…
Characters: Jim Goff, Nellie Knight, J. M. Goff, Old Babe Honey, J. W. Hitson, T. J. Martin, Wes Watson, Cal Holcombe, Ab Vest, John Shelton, Bill Odin, Pete Ernest, Frank McClaren, Walter Zinn, Jim Killem, John Scharbauer, H. E. Crowley, Clay McGonigal, Walter Zinn,
Locations: Rock Creek, Fort Worth, Tecumseh Creek, Throckmorton County, Camp Cooper, Midland, Cross Tie, Mobeetie, Y-Bar Ranch, Staple 5 Ranch, , owned by H. E. Crowley, brother to A. F., Clabber Hill Ranch, El Paso, Tarrant County, Spur, Crowley and Bishop owned a place a piece out from Midland, known as the Burton ranch
Rustling The Rustlers In The Eighties
By John H. Brandt
Account of the role that the Army of the late 1880's played in clearing the Oklahoma Territory and the Indian Territory of squatters and other undesirables just before the great homestead run which occurred on April 22, 1899. The entire section was overrun with squatters, men who had, without any authority, moved in with their families, cleared farms, and generally established themselves. In addition there were horse thieves, fugitive from justice, as well as cattle rustlers, moonshiners, and a general collection of outlaws. When Congress decided to open the Oklahoma Territory to homestead settlers, it became necessary to free the country of the element which held the land unlawfully. The Army was called upon to do this work. This is the story.
Characters: Captain Fosbush, Corporal Jerry Dunn,
Locations: Red River, Wingfield, Chickasha River,
The Red Murder Yearling Of West Texas
By Mrs. O. L. Shipman
This is the story of a calf and a killing at a roundup that led to many other killings. This calf, the cause of the killing of H. H. Poe once well known pioneer cattleman about Alpine, was branded "Murder" by cowboys at the roundup and released. Many are the stories told of this outlaw yearling in later days. Judge H. H. Van Sickle, for many years prosecuting attorney at Alpine, asserts that he roped the calf a number of years later, but released it.
Some say it was last heard of on the plains in the vicinity of Odessa, but there are others who aver that the calf returned to Alpine on occasions and bellows through a window of a former saloon where the last of the string of killings in connection with the original affair, took place. This is the story.
Characters: H. H. Poe, H. H. Van Sickle, Walter Gillis, Fine Gilliland, John R. Hughes, T. T. Cook, Beau McCutcheon, Jeff Webb, Sam Taylor, Victor Leaton Ochoa, Frank Sorrells, Andrez Rodriguez,
Locations: Marfa, Alpine, Odessa, Brewster County, Pecos County, Fort Stockton, Leoncita, El Paso,
Oldest Living Pioneer Of Eastland County
By Marjorie Rogers
Account of Mrs. Susan Elizabeth Steele, who was born Susan Elizabeth Bedford in Cherokee County, Georgia, on her father, Johans Bedford's plantation near the village of Canton, January 18, 1841. She lived there until she was married to John. L. Steele, March of 1859. The couple settled in Eastland, Eastland County. She says, "During the four years of the Civil War, I did not have one grain of sugar, salt nor coffee. We had what is now known as graham flour. The blockade cut us off from everything and we could not get foodstuff shipped in. We had a hard time getting anything to eat in those days. This is her story.
Characters: Susan Elizabeth Bedford Steele, Johans Bedford, John L. Steele,
Locations: Eastland County, Fort Worth,
Two Old Muskets
IN AN INTERESTING collection of relics of early Texas history, owned by the Rev. C A. Tower, pastor of the First Methodist Church of Jefferson, are two old flintlock muskets, with one of which a Texan is said to have fought the Mexicans in the battle of San Jacinto and with the other of which Capt. Bob Smith is said to have killed Chief Bowles in a battle between Texans and Cherokees in the present Van Zandt County in 1839. Here is the story of those weapons and the engagements which made them famous.
Characters: Reverend C. A. Tower, Bob Smith, Chief Bowles, John H. Reagan, Judge Robert T. Brown, John Dunn Hunter, B. C. Waters, G. W. Jowers, Martin Lacy, Stephen F. Austin,
Locations: Jefferson, San Jacinto, Van Zandt County, Henderson, Three Forks, Trinity River, Dallas, Alto, Cherokee County, Nacogdoches, Bowles Spring, Grand Saline, Jacksonville, Battle Creek, Chandler, Neches River,
The Language Of The Cowhand
Describes the frontier Texas phenomenon known in this article as, "Cowboyese", the dialect of the ranges that is intricate and changes almost daily. Some of the terms used in pioneer days have come down, unchanged through the years, but other influences-mainly that of the cavalry in which most of the cowhands fought are apparent in the dialect.
"The top screw mounted his cutting horse, and followed by a group of chuck eaters, started to train a bunch of cattle. The corral rope was on his saddle, next to the sougan, and as he placed a brain tablet in his mouth, the mount began to swallow his head and soon turned the pack."A "top screw" is a ranch hand who has been on the ranch for years and knows the business of that particular ranch from top to bottom. A "Waddle" is another name for the same individual.
A "cutting horse" is the highest type of cow pony used for separating one lot of animals from a large group.
"Chuck eater" is the name applied to the young man from the east who comes out to learn the game.
"Trailing a bunch of cattle" means taking them on an extended trip from one place to another.
The "corral rope" was used to make an enclosure for the horses at night, being spread about the bushes.
The "sougan" is the blanket or comforter used by the puncher. He usually carries three of them and a cotton pillow. It is also called a "velvet couch" or a "hot roll."
A "brain tablet" is a cigarette, etc, etc
Where did the Indians obtain the flint for their arrowheads and what was their method of shaping them? This is an answer to those questions.
Some names mentioned in this volume:
Ackland; Lt Alderette; Frank Alexander; Gen Ampudia; Dr Archer; James Armstrong; Dan Arnold; G. Tom; Capt Aroyo; Enofre Baca; Jerry Bailey; Mrs Addie Glenn Baker; Capt Baker; Henry H. Baker; A. F. Banta; Col Baragan; Lt Baragan; Barnes; Capt Albert Barnitz; Col Barragan; Buck Barry; James Beaird; Robert Beard; Ole Beck; Mrs Anna Glenn Beckham; Grip Beckham; Johans Bedford; Susan Elizabeth; W. A. Bedo; John Behan; Col J. L. Bennett; Thomas Benton; Bates Berry; D. Rufus; Joe Rufus; Capt Jesse Billingsly; Miss Belle Bird; Lola Miss Bird; Jeff Bond; Sion R. Bostick; James Bowie; Chief Bowles; Col John H. Brandt; Bill Brazelton; Dr Brenham; Soloman Brill; Dick Broadwell; John Brown; Miss Mollie Brown; Robert T. Judge; William Jennings Bryan; John Buchanan; Mrs Lizzie Glenn Buchanan; (William Cody) Buffalo Bill; Ned Buntline; Col Burleson; Gen Ed Burleson; Gen Caldwell; Matthew Caldwell; Austin Callan; Jim Hon Callan; Pete Callan; ; Ewing Cameron; Capt Ewing Cameron; C. D. Carlisle; Dr W. F. Carver; Will Carver; Lt Casey; L. L. Cash; Cassidy; "; Juan Chepeta"Castro; Bill Chadwell; Mike Chevalier; Charles Chibbell; Dr P. H. Chilton; Jesse Chisholm; Clark Chisholm; James Chisholm; Richard W. Chisholm; Will Chisholm; Jim Clements; Joe Clements; W. T. (Slick) Clements; Doug Coalson; J. D. Cocke; William F. Cody; John Coffey; Col John Coffey; John W. Coffey; Rich Coffey; T. T. Cook; Thalis Cook; Thalis T. Cook; Fenimore Cooper; Gen Cooper; Gen Cordova; David Crockett; Gen Crook; Miss Ann Crosby; A. F. Crowley; H. E. Crowley; Cunningham; John Custer; Dalrymple; Bob Dalton; Grat Dalton; Clay Davis; Joe Davis; Nathan Davis; Tom Davis; Capt Nicholas Dawson; Alford Day; Milford Day; (Richard W. Clark) Deadwood Dick; Miles Dikes; Tom Dixon; Ben C. Dragoo; Bob Drennan; Howard R. Driggs; Coon Dunman; Jerry Corp Dunn; Robert Durham; Sod Durst; Boney Earnest; Wyatt Earp; William N. Eastland; Jesus Maria Elias; John Elkins; Kin Elkins; Maj Joel H. Elliott; J. W. (Bud) Ellison; Jesse W. (Bud) Ellison; Pete Ernest; Edward Este; Chris (alias Bill Powers) Evans; Tom Evans; Mrs Melissa G. Everett; John Ferguson; Mrs C. C. Ferrell; Capt Fisher; William S. Fisher; Chief Flying Hawk; S. Fogle; Bob Ford; Charlie Ford; Capt Fosbush; Dr Foster; Sim Francis; Tom Galbreath; Pat Garrett; Lt Gault; Ben Gholson; Sam Gholson; Arch Gibson; A. M. Gildea; Ad Gillespie; Capt Gillespie; Jim Gillet; Capt Jim Gillet; Maj Jim Gillet; Fine Gilliland; Walter Judge Gillis; Anna Glenn; Lizzie Glenn; Margaret Glenn; Samuel Glenn; Gen E. S. Godfrey; J. M. Goff; Jim Goff; Chief Frank Goodlance; Jim Gorman; Charley Govan; Miss Hybernia Grace; L. D. Graves; Maj Green; Thomas J. Green; ; John G. Gregg; Robert Hall; Nip Hammond; George Hand; Capt Hanen; Cov Hardin; Gen Harney; Robert Harris; Capt Harrison; Capt Thomas Harrison; Ralph William Haynes; Texas Bob Heckle; John Heith; Lee Herrill; Ben Highsmith; Sam (see F. M. Kane) Hill; J. W. Hitson; Phil Hodge; Cal Holcomb; C. P. Holden; Mrs Lavine P. Smith Holden; Pete Holden; Babe Honey; Henry C. Hooker; Capt John R. Hughes; Samuel Hughes; Burk Humphreys; John Dunn; John R. Hutte; Maj Henry Inman; Chief Iron Crow; J. D. Jackson; Joe Jackson; Frank James; Dud Brit Johnson; Jesse Johnson; John B. Jones; Kiowa Jones; Mrs Louis Jones; Mart V. Jones; Nat B. (Kiowa) Jones; S. L. Jones; W. G. W. Jowers; John Jungman; Peter Jungman; R. C. Kaiser; F. M. Kane; Black Jack Ketchum; Frank Killem; Jim Killem; Kilpatrick; Henry King; John King; Miss Mollie King; William King; Bill Kingston; Mary Smith Kirk; Pete Kitchen; Nellie Knight; John Lackey; Martin Lacy; Pres Lamar; John Lane; Lily Langtry; W. J. Layland; Robert N. Leatherwood; Hermann Lehmann; Lapoleon Lemmons; Bill Lewis; Maj Gordon W. Lillie; Lincoln; Chief Logan; Harry Longbaugh; Longley; Beasly Louis; "Legs" Louis; Sam Luckey; Dr Lyons; Charley Lytle; Sam Lytle; Patrick Mahan; Chief Mangus; Clay Mann; Capt R. B. Marcy; T. J. ("Uncle Tom") Martin; Lt Maus; Capt May; Col Mayfield; Frank McClaren; Judge McComas; Louis McCombs; Sam McCombs; Wesley McCombs; Green McCoy; Gen H. E. McCulloch; Lt H. E. McCulloch; Gen Henry E. McCulloch; Beau McCutcheon; Alwilda McDonald; Gov McDowell; Clay McGonigal; Gen McIntosh; Joe T. McKinney; Bill McLane; J. Meyer; Col Ben R. Milam; Clel Miller; Jeff D. Milton; Henry Mims; Bill Moore; Bob Moore; Jeff Moore; Lon Moore; William Morehead; William Mullins; Andy Murchison; Hood Murchison; Murphy; Miss Winnie Murray; Hyde Nails; George Neill; James Nichols; John Nichols; Victor Leaton Ochoa; Bill Odin; James Ogden; Jack Omehundra; W. S. Oury; Maj Page; ; George A. Parker; Chief Quanah Parker; White L. Parker; Bob Paul; Col W. B. Pearson; A. Peck; Rufus Perry; Walter Perry; Montgomery Wright (Gum) Phillips; Sam Phillips; Frank Pierce; Jack Pierce; Ben Pittman; Charley Pitts; H. H. Poe; Mrs H. H. Poe; Lake Porter; Bill (see Chris Evans) Powers; Capt Sterling Price; John Putnam; Wilson Randle; Cov Reagan; Chief Red Cloud; Ed Reed; R. N. Richardson; C. C. Rister; Mrs Alice S. Smith Robbins; Willie Robbins; Charles Roberts; ; ; Emmett Roberts; R. C. Roberts; Dick Robertson; Andrez Rodriguez; Marjorie Rogers; Frank Rose; William Rowan; Dick Russel; R. R. (Dick) Russell; Henry Sackett; Gov A. T. K. Safford; Chief Satank; Jim Satterwhite; John Scharbauer; Miss Constance Schmidt; Mary Miss Schmidt; Al Seiber; Ed Seiker; Col Shannon; John A. Shannon; Jim Shaw; John Shelton; J. L. Shepard; Gen Sheridan; R. E. Sherrill; E. A. Sieker; Col L. P. Sieker; William Simms; John Sinclair; Dr Sinnickson; Chief Sitting Bull; W. B. Slaughter; Alice S. Smith; Capt Bob Smith; Clinton L. Smith; Ezekiel Smith; French Smith; George Smith; George W. Smith; Green River Smith; Hank Smith; Mrs Hank Smith; Capt J. M. Smith; Jefferson D. Smith; Lavine P. Smith; Lelia Smith; Lovina Smith; Martha Anne Smith; Mary E. Smith; Robert Burns Smith; Rube Smith; Ruben Smith; Ruben C. Smith; Tul Smith; W. D. (Seco) Smith; William Butler Smith; Gen Alexander Somervell; Gen Somervell; John Sontag; Frank Sorrells; Andrew Sowell; William Timberline Sparks; John A. Spring; R. C. Stanford; Henry Starr; John L. Steele; Susan Elizabeth Steele; Mrs Susan Elizabeth Steele; Lt Dave Sublet; John S. Swan; Mrs Mary E. Smith Swan; Capt Tackett; Dr Richard Tanner; Thomas Tatum; Capt Creed Taylor; James W. Taylor; Josiah Taylor; Mrs Lula Taylor; Pipkin Taylor; Rufus Taylor; Sam Taylor; J. M. N. Thompson; J. W. Throckmorton; W. J. Tomerlin; James N. Torry; Rev C. A. Tower; James Turnbull; Calvin Turner; Hardin Turner; William Turner; Chief Two Lance; Judge H. H. Van Sickle; Judge Sickle; lt; George G. VanPeJr; lt George VanPeSr; Mrs Lovina Smith VanPelt; Mrs Martha Anne Smith VanPelt; Acado Vasquez; Ab Vest; Queen Victoria; Pancho Villa; A. G. Vogel; Lyman Wakefield; Sam Walker; Samuel H.; Phebe K. Warner; George Warren; Maj B. C. Waters; Monroe Watkins; Roe Watkins; Zed Watkins; Wes Watson; Jeff Webb; Edwin Dixon Westfall; Henry Whaling; Lelia Smith Wheeler; Jim Whitington; James C. Wilson; James C. Judge; Vernon Coke; William F. Coke; M. C. Wing; W. C. Wing; Mrs R. A. Winn; Sam Woody; Manuel Wydick; W. H. Young; Bob Younger; Cole Younger; Jim Younger; Frank Zinn; Walter Zinn.
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