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Vol 04 No. 12 - September 1927

Murder of Mr. and Mrs. Riggs and Mr. Pierce

Account of the murder of Mr. and Mrs. Riggs and a Mr. Pierce by Indians in Bell county in the Spring of 1859. A new settlement was being formed in the northwest part of Bell county near Sugar Loaf Mountain by homesteaders and newcomers who were not familiar with Indian warfare. Mr. Pierce, Mr. Riggs. Mr. Elms and a few others lived in that particular settlement, near Sugar Loaf Mountain.

Further Mentions:Characters: B. F. Gholson, S. S. Gholson, Riggs Family, Pierce Family, Dave Elms, Ambrose Lee, A. M. Woods,

Locations: Evant, Bell County, Sugar Loaf Mountain, Sulpher Springs, Lampasas, Rock Springs, Edwards County, Bandera County,

Conditions at Eagle Pass In 1892

In 1892 Eagle Pass, on the Rio Grande, was a wide-open town, boasted of many saloons and gambling houses, and reflected the conditions as they existed in all border towns at that time. Here is an account of a fiery Methodist preacher who decided to preach in the saloon while surrounded by revelry and debauchery.

Further Mentions:Characters: W. A. Fitch, W. G. Rutledge, Dan Bogard,

Locations: Eagle Pass, Rio Grande,

Captain June Peak, Texas Ranger

Among the most notable of that great class of true men who adorned the ranks of the Texas Rangers in frontier times, was Captain June Peak. Captain Peak saw hard service on the Texas border for many years, fighting Indians and outlaws. He and his company of Rangers ran to earth the noted outlaw, Sam Bass, who was killed at Round Rock in 1878. He was in numerous battles with the Indians, especially at Round Mountain, and Bird's Creek, was wounded three times and several times had his horse shot from and him. This article relates some of his more notable experiences.

Further Mentions:Characters: D. W. Roberts, June Peak, J. W. Sansom, C. L. Neville, Frank Jones, George W. Baylor, J. A. Brooks, G. W. Arrington, John R. Hughes, W. J. Mcdonald, Pat Dolan, Lee Hall, James Tay, G. W. Campbell, Neal Coldwell, John B. Armstrong, N. O. Reynolds, James B. Gillett, L. P. Sieker, Ed Sieker, W. W. Lewis, B. F. Gholson, J. W. Ross, Sam Bass, Jefferson Peak, Jesse Peak, Martha M. Reasor, Thomas Floyd, James Bruton, Dick Armstrong, Ebb Dee, Sid Mchenry, C. R. Bodwell, Alexander Buchanan, W. Y. Buchanan, Tobe Daniels, Mat Peak, Will Scott, Charley Tucker, Lou Wright, N. L. Jenkins, Arthur Boren, Curron Longmyer, Hiram Berry, Pearce Stevens, Harry C. Carmack, Bob Williams, Ed Van Riper, Dick Ware, Ed Hagerman, Gip Gibson, Tom Chalmers, T. N. Duckworth, George Wright, Harvey Harrel, N. Y. Jones, William Butterworth, Oscar Oberwetter, Hugh Taylor, W. B. Anglin, P. H. Chilton, Joe Woods, Henry H. Luckett, Ed Hageman,

Locations: Round Rock, Dallas, Round Mountain, Bird’s Creek, Concho River, San Angelo, Camp Hackberry Springs, Mitchell County,

Old Fort Lancaster Settling Into Dust

On, the east bank of the Pecos river in the extreme western part of Crockett county, Texas, is found the sight of the old frontier post once known as Fort Lancaster, which was abandoned March 19, 1861. Here is the history of the old fort.

Further Mentions:Characters: Stephen D. Carpenter, Robert S. Granger, W. C. Davis, J. H. Norris, A. W. P. Lane,

Locations: Pecos River, Crockett County, Fort Lancaster, Live Oak Creek, Fort Davis, Fort Stockton, Marshall,

Reunion of the Texas Ex-Rangers

Here is a record of the reunion of the Texas ExRangers, held at Menard, Texas, July 27, 28 and 29, 1927.

Further Mentions:Characters: Mr. And Mrs. I. Greer, M. C. Henson And Wife, T. A. Morrison, J. L, Bomar, S. R. Boggue, John R. Hughes, T. J. Majors, Mr. And Mrs. J. C. Goar, F. C. Kaiser, W. F. Perrin, Mr. And Mrs. T. B. Forehand, C. W. Allen, F. W. Hamblodon, john W. Gregg, D. W. Wansley, Mr. And Mrs. B. F. Gholson, P. H. Rice, Mrs. Mary Fulkerson, Mr. And Mrs. C. C. High, W. W. Lewis, W. B. McLean, P. T. Arnold, J. M. Reed, T. Sieker, J. B. Gillett, J. D. Jackson, Buck Roberts, J. W. Lockhart, Mr. And Mrs. M. R. Cheatham, Capt. And Mrs. Dan Roberts, R. L. King, G. W. Ellington, John A. Shannon, W. B. Traweek, Mr. And Mrs. L. J. Decker, J. M. Lockhart, T. W. Clark, M. C. Lambeth, Commander W. M. Green, Miss Ruby Green, J. O. Allen, W. H. Arnold, Noah Armstrong, James Beard, S. R. Boggus, Henry H. Baker, L. H. Cook, A. S. Collins, S. P. Elkins, J. H. Elkin, C. M. Grady, Mrs. E. R. Griffith, W: M. Greer, John Hoffer, Sam Johnson, J. L. Latham, W. C. Lambeth, J. H. Rieger, W. H. Roberts, R. D. Routh, A. P. White, Olive O. Wood, W. B. Milan And Wife, And P. C. Baird

John Young Is Still Young

Interesting letter of Captain John Young, of Alpine, who recollects on early years and events in San Saba County and Gonzales Co.

Further Mentions:Characters: John Young, Tankersly, John Duncan, George Saunders, Henry Scott,

Locations: Alpine, Richland Springs, San Saba County, Gonzales County, Refugio, Rio Grande,

Old Time Puncher Reviews Cowboy Days

Account of J. W. Bigby of Runnels County and his life as a cattleman on the frontier range during the 1880’s.

Further Mentions:Characters: J. W. Bigby, Abe Millar, Roy Overton, George Grundy Kempson, George Gordon, Hart Morrow, Frank Stewart, Will Vaughn, Clint Hudspeth,

Locations: Runnels County, Fort Worth, Hominy Post,


Mentions: the Pioneer Freighters Association , Col. J. C. McArthur , Dr. Frederick Terrell of San Antonio , Fort Snelling, Minn , Col. W. E. Welsh, Third Infantry , Judge James O. Luby , I. M. Lowenstein , W. W. Levin , J. P. Harrison , William Atkinson of. Gonzales , William B. Krempkau ,

Indian Attack in Bass Canyon In 1880

Account given by Mr. J. J. Little, of Pearsall, Texas, well known ranchman of the Pearsall region, who also served as sheriff of Frio county for about eighteen years. He describes the murder of his sister, Mrs. Maggie Graham, by Indians in Bass Canyon May 13th, 1880. At the time the murder occurred Mr. Little was on the trail to Kansas with a herd of cattle belonging to B. L. Crouch and did not learn of the death of his sister until thirty days after it happened. When in Fort Griffin, Billie Henson, a friend, read an account of the attack in Bass Canyon in a newspaper, the San Antonio Express, he hastened out to the herd to carry the news to the brother. Mr. Little says that on the night before he received this sad news he dreamed a strange dream, wherein one of his sisters met him at the gate as he was returning, home and told him that Maggie was dead. Next day after this dream his friend brought the sad details of the murder.

Further Mentions:Characters: J. J. Little, Maggie Graham, B. L. Crouch, Billie Henson, Harvey Graham, Samuel Graham, Pat Murphy, Bryce Little, man by the name of Glassner , Bryce Little, a prominent sheepman of Frio county

Locations: Pearsall, Bass Canyon, Fort Griffin, San Antonio, Van Horn, Fort Concho, Fort Davis, Frio City, Frio County, Uvalde,


Captain A. B. Ostrander, who was Stationmaster for the I. & G. N. R. R. at Tyler, Texas during the 1870's. He writes of how for a period of three months in 1867 he spent from two to four hours every day with old Jim Bridger at Ft. Kearny, on the old Bozeman Trail when he was only 20 years old.

Further Mentions: Mr. Eugene Cunningham , Jim Currie , Petters , Father DeSmit , q


Mentions: Mr. Z. T. Vernor, Vance, Texas , a raid in which Mrs. McLauren and a boy were killed in April, 1881, Leakey , Gonzales county , Mason county , Mountain Home , Junction , Gonzales county...

Pioneer Life in Southwest Texas

Account of John Ware, who was born in 1839 in East Texas and came to the Sabinal canyon with his father, who died a year later, leaving him to care for six sisters, all younger than himself. With the courage that carried him through the rough places in life, he set about laying out his farm, the planting of an orchard, the building of a mill and engaging in early Indian fights around Uvalde. In 1861 he was married to Miss Elizabeth Fenley, the ceremony taking place in a fort in the Sabinal canyon. After her death several years later he married Miss Mattie Bates. This account describes these events as well as others in the region.

Further Mentions: the Fenley family , in Co. B, 33rd Texas Reg , Geo. Thompson, Kelley brothers of the Frio canyon, Robinson, Pilliam, Fenley, Davenport, Bowles, Black, Dillard, Kincheloes, Myers, Taylor, Patterson a ranchman in Uvalde County named John Davenport , the ranch of Doke Bowles , Lieutenant Hazen , the widow of General Hazen married Admiral George Dewey , John C. Ware, Elizabeth Fenley, Mattie Bates, Newman Patterson, Robinson, Ben Pulliam, John Davenport, Clabe Davenport, John Bowles, Doke Bowles, Black, Dillard, Kincheloes, Millers, Taylor, John Kennedy, W. B. Hazen, John L. Daugherty, James McCormick, William Thomas, Frank Isabell, Nobe Griner, Arnold, Arnette, Everette, And Bushy Head Williams, Locations: Uvalde, Utopia, Wareville, Sabinal Canyon, Leona River, Frio Canyon, Blanco Creek, Fort Inge, Leona River, Black Creek, Medina County.

The Battle at Ball’s Ranch In 1868

By John Warren Hunter

Very lengthy and detailed account. BALL'S RANCH was on the road leading from Decatur, Wise county, to Jacksboro. Fort Richardson was located at the latter place and was garrisoned by several companies of the Sixth U. S. Cavalry under Col. Paddy Starr. Ball's Ranch was several miles north or northwest of Decatur and some thirty-five or forty miles from Fort Richardson. It was a small ranch and until some years after the war, was the only habitation immediately on the Jacksboro road for a stretch of many miles. The following account of the raid on this ranch is furnished by, one of the participants in that struggle.

Further Mentions:Characters: Paddy Starr, Holford, Mr. And Mrs. Mose Ball, John Bailey, Willie Ball, Jimmie Ball,

Locations: Ball’s Ranch, Decatur, Wise County, Jacksboro, Fort Richardson, Jefferson, Sulpher Springs, San Antonio, Grayson County, Cross Timbers, Menard, Grayson County, Wise County,

Let’s Build A Monument to The Texas Rangers

Further Mentions:Characters: C. C. Thompson, Texas Rangers

Locations: Menard, Red River, Rio Grande, San Jacinto, San Juan, Austin

John Booker Bowles, A Frontier Character

By Hy J. Bowles

In 1860 there lived in Uvalde, Texas, one John Booker Bowles. He was a small man, about thirty years of age, a confirmed asthma ic, and he did not know the definition of fear. At that time he had a brother living in Belton, who had had trouble with certain parties there, and expected more trouble, so he wrote an urgent letter to Booker requesting him to come to Belton at once. He mounted a little half-broke mule and started for Belton at once. When he reached the crossing on the Sabinal river he found some twenty Mexicans bathing in the only water hole, and he had great difficulty in getting his mule down to the water's edge to drink. The Mexicans saw the mule was wild, and in a spirit of devilment they would splash the water with their hands, and make a great noise, and laugh heartily at Booker's attempts to urge his mule to the water. Being in a large crowd, naturally the Mexicans were impudent and saucy, and kept up their sport until the mule became thoroughly frightened and ran up the bank. Knowing the Mexicans were purposely scaring his mule, Booker called to them in Spanish to desist as he wanted his mule to drink, but they repeated the act every time he rode toward the water, and the third time it happened Booker drew his six-shooter and opened fire on the Mexicans...

Further Mentions:Characters: John Booker Bowles,

Locations: Uvalde, Belton, Sabinal River,

Trusted Negro Robs His Master

Account of General Albert Sidney Johnson who often visited Fort McKavett in the 1850's. In October, 1849, Johnston was appointed paymaster in the army with the rank of major and assigned to the Frontier department of Texas. He had in service under him, a negro cook, Randolph. When Johnston’s account were repeatedly coming up short, investigation was made into the cause of the discrepancy.

Further Mentions:Characters: General Albert Sidney Johnson, an old sergeant by the name of Bramlett,

Locations: Fort Mckavett, Austin, Fort Crogan, Fort Gates, Fort Graham, Fort Belknap, Fort Mason, Fort Chadbourne,

Amos Alexander and His Son Killed by Indians

Account of Amos Alexander, one of the early settlers who came to Texas to better their fortunes, who arrived in the spring of 1833. He came from Pennsylvania and brought with him, his son, Lyman W. Alexander, about sixteen years old. After looking over the country he selected land in the valley of the Colorado river, a few miles above the town of Columbus, in Colorado county. This account describes the killing which took place about two miles south of the present town of Ledbetter, and the spot is now marked by a granite boulder.

Further Mentions:Characters: Amos Alexander, Lyman W. Alexander, Col. J. H. Moore, C. C. Herbert, Ben Mcculloch,

Locations: Colorado County, Bastrop, Galveston, Moore’s Fort, LaGrange, San Antonio, Fayette County, Cooke County, the Wilbarger Trace near where the Gotcher Trace , Alexander Creek , Moore's Fort, where LaGrange now stands. , the battle of Mission Conception , Capt. C. C. Herbert's company , Col. Jack Hays , the battle of Monterrey ,

Chasing the Murderers of Isaac Kountz

By John A. Miller

Account of one of the Indian raids that were made into Kimble County in December, 1876, in which Isaac Kountz and a son of Dr. Spears were both killed.

Further Mentions:Characters: Isaac Kountz, Dr. Spears, George Miller, Frank Miller, Jerry Roberts, Dan Baker, Bill Estes, John A. Miller, Billie Wait, Billie Gilleland,

Locations: Kimble County, Johnson Fork, South Llano, Junction, Bear Creek, North Llano, Gentry Creek, Red Creek, San Antonio, Mason County, Guadalupe, Kerrville,

A Story of Buried Treasure at Austin

Account describes how the sum of $80,000 in buried gold after an eight-months' search following the uncertain lines of ancient maps, led to a creek bed a few blocks from the Austin business district whence a forty foot tunnel was constructed leading to the discovery of the pot of gold on April 13, and the fortune removed.

Further Mentions:Characters: Bankston, Dick Dowling, Mr. And Mrs. Bryant, J. C. Clark, J. W. Bass, O. Henry,

Locations: Austin, Sabine Pass, Caldwell County,

Perils Of Frontier El Paso Were Tame

Mrs. Mary Phillips who was snatched in the mouth of a coyote from the road she traveled to El Paso when a baby, recalls the primitive days of the now great city of El Paso

Further Mentions:Characters: Mrs. Mary Phillips, Benito Juarez, Jose Maria De Leon, Benjamin S. Dowell,

Locations: El Paso, Ysleta, Davis Mountain, Mount Franklin, San Antonio, Galveston.

Some names mentioned in this volume:

Amos Alexander; Amos R. Alexander; E. H. Alexander; Lyman Alexander; Lyman W. Alexander; C. W. Allen; J. O. Allen; Lee O. Allen; W. B. Anglin; Dick Armstrong; John B. Armstrong; Noah Armstrong; P. T. Arnold; W. H. Arnold; G. W. Arrington; William Judge Atkinson; John Bailey; P. C. Baird; Dan Baker; Henry H. Baker; Jimmie Ball; Mose Ball; Willie Ball; J. W. Bass; Joe W. Bates; Miss Mattie Bates; James Beaird; Bean; Hiram Berry; J. W. Bigby; Capt Jesse Billings; C. R. Bodwell; Dan Bogard; S. R. Boggue; S. R. Boggus; J. L. Bomar; Arthur Boren; Doke Bowles; Hy J. Bowles; John Bowles; John Booker; John Booker ("Book"); Sgt; Bramlett; Jim Bridger; J. A. Brooks; James Bruton; Little Bryce; Alex Buchanan; Alexander Buchanan; W. Y. Buchanan; William Butterworth; G. W. Campbell; Harry C. Carmack; Capt Stephen D. Carpenter; Tom Chalmers; James Chastain; Mrs M. R. Cheatham; P. H. Chilton; Dr J. C. Clark; T. W. Clark; Neal Coldwell; A. S. Collins; L. H. Cook; Cora Melton Cross; B. L. Crouch; Cunningham; Jim Currie; Capt Dameron; Tobe Daniels; John L. Daugherty; Clabe Davenport; John Davenport; W. C. Davis; L. J. Decker; Mrs L. J. Decker; Ebb Dee; Father DeSmit; Adm George Dewey; Pat Dolan; Benjamin S. Dowell; Dick Dowling; T. N. Duckworth; John Duncan; J. H. Elkin; S. P. Elkins; G. W. Ellington; Dave Elms; Bill Estes; Miss Elizabeth Fenley; Capt W. A. Fitch; Sgt Thomas Floyd; T. B. Forehand; Mrs T. B. Forehand; Mrs Mary Fulkerson; B. F. Gholson; Mrs B. F. Gholson; S. S. Gholson; Gip Gibson; Billie Gilleland; J. B. Gillett; James B. Gillett; J. C. Goar; Mrs J. C. Goar; George Gordon; C. M. Grady; Bryce Graham; H. B. Graham; Harry Graham; Harvey Graham; Mrs Maggie Little Graham; Mrs Maggie Graham; Samuel Graham; Robert S. Granger; Miss Ruby Green; W. M. Green; Comm W. M. Green; W. M. Greer; Jno W. Gregg; Mrs E. R. Griffith; A. W. Grimes; Nobe Griner; George Grundy; Sgt Ed Hageman; Sgt Ed Hagerman; Lee Hall; F. W. Hamblodon; Cov Hardin; Wesley; Harvey Harrel; J. H. Harrison; Gen Hazen; Lt Hazen; W. B. Hazen; Billie Henson; M. C. Henson; Mrs M. C. Henson; Capt C. C. Herbert; C. C. High; Mrs C. C. High; John Hoffer; Clint Hudspeth; Jno R. Hughes; John R. Hughes; Capt John R. Hughes; Frank Isabell; J. D. Jackson; N. L. Jenkins; N. L. (Buffalo) Jenkins; Sam Johnson; Gen Johnston; Frank Jones; N. Y. Jones; Benito Juarez; F. C. Kaiser; John Kennedy; R. L. King; Dr Kountz; Isaac Kountz; William B. Krempkau; M. C. Lambeth; N. M. W. C. Lambeth; W. P. Lane; J. L. Latham; Ambrose Lee; Jose Maria de Leon; W. W. Levin; W. W. Lewis; Capt Lindsey; Bryce Little; J. J. Little; Maggie Little; J. M. Lockhart; J. W. Lockhart; Curron Longmyer; Louis Lowe; I. M. Lowenstein; Judge James O. Luby; Henry H. Luckett; T. J. Majors; Humphrey Marshall; Col J. C. McArthur; James McCormick; McCulloch; W. J. McDonald; Sid McHenry; W. B. McLean; W. B. Milan; Mrs W. B. Milan; Abe Millar; Frank Miller; George Miller; John A. Miller; Col J. H. Moore; Lt Moore; T. A. Morrison; Hart Morrow; Pat Murphy; C. L. Neville; J. H. Norris; Oscar Oberwetter; Gen Ord; Capt A. B. Ostrander; Roy Overton; Newman Patterson; Jefferson Peak; Jesse Peak; Capt June Peak; Mrs Martha M. Reasor Peak; Mat Peak; Matt Peak; W. F. Perrin; Mrs Mary Phillips; Ben Pulliam; Martha M. Reasor; J. M. Reed; N. O. Reynolds; P. H. Rice; J. H. Rieger; Buck Roberts; D. W. Roberts; Capt Dan Roberts; Mrs Dan Roberts; Jerry Roberts; W. H. Roberts; Rose; J. W. Ross; R. D. Routh; Rev W. G. Rutledge; J. W. Sansom; George Saunders; A. Scot; Capt Scott; Capt Henry Scott; Will Scott; Jno A. Shannon; Ed Sieker; L. P. Sieker; T. Sieker; Col Paddy Starr; Pearce Stevens; Frank Stewart; James Tay; Hugh Taylor; Dr Frederick Terrell; William Thomas; W. B. Traweek; Charley Tucker; Sgt Ed VanRiper; Will Vaughn; Z. T. Vernor; Chief Victorio; Billie Wait; Billie Waits; Press Walker; Cov Walton; D. W. Wansley; Sgt Dick Ware; John Ware; John C. Ware; Col W. E. Welsh; A. P. White; Bob Williams; "Bushy Head"; Olive O. Wood; A. M. Woods; Joe Woods; George Wright; Lou Wright; John Young; Capt John Young.

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