J Marvin Hunter's



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Vol 04 No. 11 - August 1927

Texas Rangers Battle with Outlaws In 1880

This story is the report of Sergeant E. A. Sieker to Captain D. W. Roberts of This account between a band of outlaws and of Captain D. W. Roberts some time in July, 1880. Most of the Rangers in this fight were old Menard county boys: Sergeant Sieker; George (Red) Bingham, etc

Further Mentions:Characters: Captain W. B. Gillett, Captain D. W. Roberts, Sergeant E. A. Sieker, George Red Bingham, R. R. Dick Russell, Tom Carson, Jesse Evans, Billy The Kid, L. Sender, Sgt., Caruthers, Sam Henry,

Locations: Marfa, Big Bend, Mason, Menard County, Kerrville, Presidio County, Lincoln County, Fort Davis, Pecos County, Fort Stockton, Rio Grande,

The Valley Springs Fight

By C. C. Patton

ON NOVEMBER 7th, 1870, fifteen Indians made a raid into Blanco county and stole Sam Richardson's horse out of his stable on the old Smith ranch. Twelve citizens organized a company of men consisting of C. C. Patton, J. A. Patton, C. P. Haynes, John Backus, George Green Jim Green, Sam Cady, D. Harrington, Will Davidson; J. B. Hardeman, Doc Smith and John Smith, to follow them. This event precipitated the notable Valley Springs Fight, of which this is the account.Characters: Sam Richardson, C. C. Patton, J. A. Patton, C. P. Haynes, John Backus, George Green, Jim Green, Sam Cady, D. Harrington, Will Davidson, J. B. Hardeman, Doc Smith, John Smith, Tom Bird, Jim Ship, Cam Davidson, Lewis Green

Locations: Blanco County, Smith Ranch, Valley Springs, Round Mountain

 Builders of Menard 
(Including a catalog of old photos of prominent Texans)

Not least among the builders of Menard, Texas, may be mentioned Wm. Bevans, Judge J. D. Scruggs, Col. Thomas A. Gay, Wm. Tipton, Felix Mann, John Sheen, Irve Ellis, Ben Ellis, W. W. Lewis, Ed Sieker, Lamb Sieker, J. W. Mears, James Callan, Joe Callan, Andy Murchison, Ed Murchison, Emil Vanderstucken, Owen Mann, B. H. Waller Gus Noyes, John Vaughn, W. J. Wilkinson, J. L. Noguess, Tom Somerville, Fred L. Napier, Judge A. B. Wyatt, Adam Bradford, Wm. Johnson, L. J. Decker, George Bradford, D. G, Benchoff, C. C. Schuchard, J. O. Russell, Abner Harris, Fritz Luckenbach, Lee Russell, Walter Russell, Emil Toepperwein, Henry Vander Stucken, Dave Maddox, John Callan, Dick Godfrey, Charlie Graham, John Graham, Max Russell Plunk and Frank Tipton, John Tipton, W. P. Bevans, and many others, most of whom drove back the savage, reduced the wilderness, established beautiful homes, acquired wealth and became in every sense the true builders of Menard.


Captain Dan W. Roberts was born in Winston county, Mississippi, October 10, 1841, and came to Texas with his parents in 1843. His life from childhood was spent on the frontier, and to him, probably as much or more, is due for the work of driving out Indians and freeing the state from outlaws than any other one man in Texas. The beginning of his career as a Ranger began in 1873, on an afternoon just after Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Phelps were murdered by Indians near Round Mountain in Blanco county. Several young men of the neighborhood gathered at the home of Captain Roberts' father, and after considering every detail, appreciating the danger and facing the hardship, they formed a compact to wage a relentless warfare against the Indians. So well did young Roberts handle this small body of men in combatting Indians that he was commissioned a lieutenant and was soon awarded a captaincy. He was a charter member of the celebrated Company D, which was stationed in Menard county and worked in every direction. Here is his story. A sketch of his portrait is featured on the cover of this magazine.

SERGT. ED. A. SIEKER (Included is a photo of Sergt.)

Ed A. Sicker, a well known Texas Ranger, member of Company D, Capt. D. W. Roberts. Mr. Sieker, with his brother; L. P. Sieker, was among the first to join Captain Roberts' company at Menardville, and served several years with much credit and distinction. Some of his exploits are recounted in this issue of Frontier Times. Mr. Sicker was married at Menardville to Miss Sallie Gay, daughter of Colonel and Mrs. Thos. A. Gay, early settlers.

R. R. (DICK) RUSSELL (Included is a photo of Russell)

Richard Robertson Russell who was born in Daweson county, Georgia, October 8th, 1858, the son of J. O. and Jane Robertson Russll. He moved to Texas with his parents when he was 12 years of age, and worked for his uncle, Peter Robertson, who branded a cow for him. He was never out of the cattle business from that time until his death. Mr. Robertson said that, at 13 Dick Russell was the best hand on the ranch. He enlisted in 1880 with Capt. D. W. Roberts' Ranger company, which was stationed in Kimble county. He served two years and resigned to look after his cattle interests. In November, 1886, he was elected Sheriff of Menard county, which office he held for ten consecutive years.

Further Mentions: Miss Mattie E. Strickland, daughter of the late George Strickland, a pioneer ranchman of Tom Green county , Mrs. Corinne Russell Judkins , Dr. O. H. Judkins , and Mrs. Elma Spencer, wife of Judge R. F. Spencer


One of the prominent figures in Menard county in days gone by was Captain James Callan, who spent the best years of a noble, vigorous manhood for Texas and the welfare and advancement of her people. Captain Callan was born at Georgetown, District of Columbia, May 6, 1833, and on Christmas day, 1857, landed in Texas, he being at the date of his arrival twenty-four years of age. He located in Coleman county, which was then on the extreme frontier, and married in 1859.

Further Mentions: Camp Colorado , Bankhead's Brigade , General Hood's army in Virginia , Fort Chadbourne , Fort McKavett , the Coleman Voice

CAPTAIN JUNE PEAK (Included is a photo of Captain June Peak)

Captain June Peak, one of the heroic Old Guard of the Texas Rangers. He was in command of a company of Rangers on the frontier and saw much hard service. His Indian service began in May, 1861, with the Confederate Indian Brigade on the Western border of the old Indian Territory, at the age of 16, against the Arrapahoes, Cheyennes, Comanches and other tribes.

Further Mentions: D. H. Cooper , the Choctaw and Chickasaw Regiment , Chilly McIntosh , Otis Welch of Denton , Panola county, Texas , Captain Baker , Round Mountain, Byrd's Creek and Chuestenhla

W. W. LEWIS (photo of included in this volume)

He is One of the out-standing figures of frontier days around Menard, Texas. Mr. Lewis was born September 7, 1855, at Carrollton, Kentucky and after finding a home in Texas, his early life on the border was one continual danger fighting Indians.

Further Mentions: Burnet , W. T. Burnam , DaVas , Major John B. Jones , Bear Creek, Kimble county , Miss Nina B. Splittgerber , Gillespie county , W. T. Burnamn's cow outfit


Further included in this volume is an old photo of Jno. O. Allen, of Cookville, Texas.

Allen was Chaplain for the Texas Ex-Rangers' Association. Mr. Allen was born in Kaufman county, Texas, June 22, 1850. He was raised on the frontier, and worked as a cowboy and Texas Ranger. He joined the Texas Rangers at Austin in the spring of 1874 and was placed in Company D, Rufus Perry captain, and served until the fall of that year, when on account of illness he asked to be discharged from the service. Mr. Allen was in several battles with the redskins while he was on the frontier, and received four wounds.

Further Mentions: Salt Creek Prairie, in Young county , Charlie Rivers , Rock Creek , fight near Lost Valley


Included is a splendid photo of Uncle John Lane, Voca, Texas. For over sixty years Uncle John has fiddled for dances and celebrations in West Texas counties, and is remembered by hundreds of people who have danced the old time dances to his music.

The Vengeance of Humpy Jackson

by John Warren Hunter

The senseless murder of a negro for the fun of it, results in the Vengeance of Humpy Jackson, and a hasty departure to Old Mexico.

Characters: John Jackson, General McKenzie, Peter Robertson, George Harvey, Pete Crane, Steve Caveness, George Kemp, Milam Taylor, Mose Taylor, Pat Coglan, Ace Ellis,

Locations: San Saba, Fort Mckavett, Kerrville, Boerne, Menardville, Pegleg, Summerland, Llano County, Bear Creek, Mason, Salado, Burnet, Las Moras, Rio Grande, Knickerbocker, the Mose Taylor ranch, at the Ten Mile crossing below Menardville, the Pat Coglan's ranch above Menardville.

The Interesting Life Story of A Pioneer Mother

By Mrs. Mary A. Nunley, Thorp Springs, Texas

Account is an autobiography of Mrs. Mary A. Nunley, of Thorp Springs, Texas who was born on Sugar Mountain in Lee county, Virginia, in 1848, but then emigrated to Texas when she was about four years old and settled within four miles of Ruterville, Fayette county, and twelve miles from LaGrange. That was in 1852. Her nearest neighbor was a German by the name of Huller and her next neighbor was John Pain. Later her father bought cattle and moved to the frontier, Palo Pinto county, where she then experienced all the dangers, privations and hardships of a frontier life. This is her story.Characters: Mary Nunley, Rev. V. A. Woodward, Mary Woodward, Isaac W. Cox, Elizabeth N. Cox, James M. Cox, George Cox, John Pain, Will Huller, Anetta Huller, Tom Pollard, Parson Slaughter, William Eubank, Mary Eubank, Bob Dillingham, Mrs. J. H. Baker, Pete Garland, Cynthia Jewell, Molly Dilly Hunty, Sallie Jewell, Will Covington, Sallie Shallenbarger, John Alexander,

Locations: Sugar Mountain, Lee County, Rutterville, Fayette County, LaGrange, Richmond, Houston, Galveston, Tazwell, Palo Pinto County, Brazos River, Golconda, Weatherford, Menard County, Bowie Spring, San Saba, Cellery Spring, Fort Mckavett, Menardville, Burnet, Horsehead Crossing, Pecos River, Llano County

Capture And Escape Of Mrs. Shegog

By H. G. Bedford

This account depicts in detail, the capture of Mrs. Shegog, one of the most horrifying incidents of all the tragic events that occurred in pioneer days in Texas.

Mrs. Shegog, with her child a year or more of age, and the two little Menasco girls, four and six years of age, were taken as prisoners. They then went to the house, of Menasco and, surrounding it, began whooping and yelling like infuriated demons. Of course, they intended to kill, rob and carry off as captives the inmates of the house, as might suit their momentary fancy, but Mrs. Menasco, taking her stand in the door, with her gun presented, told them that some of them must die, should they attempt to enter there. Just think of this brave woman, standing there all undaunted in the presence of such dreadful danger, seeing her sister-in-law and her own dear children there, captives, in the merciless hands of the savages! Calmly and determinably she stood for home and for fireside and all that was left her there. Those cruel old warriors read in her appearance the fate of that one who dared to enter there. So they turned to the horse lot, took the two valuable horses that were there and departed. Just after they surrounded Menasco's house, Shegog and Menasco came in sight, but it would have been worse than folly for them to have attacked such an overwhelming force, and they could only watch and wait to see what the dreadful result would be. When these people were carried off, it was quite warm and pleasant for the time of year, consequently they were not clad for cold weather on that day…They had not taken their prisoners far before they killed Mrs. Shegog's child, and took its mother on with them, until one night…

Characters: Mr. Gray, Mrs. Gray, Mrs. Shegog, Colonel Sams, Mr. Menasco, Judge Brown, Captain Shegog

Locations: Benjamin, Black Creek, Upper Cross Timbers, Upper Red River, Pease River, Navarro County, Denton County, Clear Creek, Red River, Gainesville, Pilot Point

How Bill Brazelton Was Killed

By L. D. Walters

Mysterious hold-ups, robberies and finally death of Bill BrazletonCharacters: Sheriff Shibbell, Bill Brazelton, A man named Elias

Locations: Tucson, Silver Lake


Colorado, Texas.

Included is an excellent old photo of Major W. M. Green, who joined the State Rangers in February, 1874 at Comanche, Texas when E. J. Davis was Governor. Later he joined Company A Frontier Battalion made up of one-half of Erath county and one half of Comanche county men, commanded by Capt. J. H. Waller of Erath county. This was about the time of what was known as the Hardin war at Comanche, when the Hardin Gang killed Charley Webb of Brownwood at Comanche. Company A's first work was - to cope with the Hardin gang. Five of the gang were killed at Comanche and seven others we captured at Hamilton.


Another excellent photo, this time of Ruby May Green, youngest daughter of Major and Mrs. W. M. Green was born in Coleman county, Texas. She moved with her parents to Mitchell county when two years old and attended a rural school near the farm home ten miles northwest of Colorado City. Afterwards she attended high school at Westbrook and Colorado. She attended John Tarleton College, Stephenville, Texas, one year, and Meridian Methodist College at Meridian, Texas, three years. She was elected Secretary-Treasurer of the Texas Ex-Rangers Association at Menard, Texas, in August, 1924. Miss Green has just closed a term as teacher of intermediate grades in a three teacher school of Mitchell county.

Dan Saunders Murdered

 By Renegade Indians

Account of the killing of Dan Saunders, a former Menardville boy, by renegade Indians in New Mexico. Dan Sanders was well known throughout West Texas and was a young man of splendid character.Characters: Daniel A. Saunders, Dr. Coleman, L. W. Gillespie, Ed Armer, A. A. Johnson, H. J. Brown, David Saunders, Miss Goodin

Locations: Menardville, San Antonio, Menard, Kingston, New Mexico, Animas Creek, Sierra County, Black Range, Hillsboro, Guadalupe River, San Antonio, Fredericksburg, Barton’s Creek, Travis County, Hays County, Rock Springs, Edward County, Sierra County.

The photograph was taken by Emit Toepperwein at Mason, Texas, in 1895. Shown in the photo are: Miss Constance Schmidt, Miss Mollie King, Miss Lola Bird, Miss Mary Schmidt, Miss Winnie Murray, Miss Belle Bird, and Miss Ann Crosby.

Further Mentions: Miss Constance Schmidt married Frank Husband; Miss Mollie King married Arthur Hayes; Miss Lola Bird married Joe Hightower; Miss Mary Schmidt married Charlie Stapleton; Miss Winnie Murray married Marion Morrow; Miss Belle Bird married George Leslie.

Sergeant James B. Gillett, Texas Ranger

Includes photo of James Gillett with Herman Lehmann

SERGEANT JAMES B. GILLETT, cowhand, Texas Ranger, peace officer, stockman and banker, joined D. W. Roberts company of Rangers at Menardville in 1875. He was with Captain Roberts' company of Rangers in many expeditions against the Indians, one of which was the desperate fight on the North Concho Plains, when Herman Lehmann, a white captive came near meeting death. The picture accompanying this article shows Captain Gillett meeting Lehmann for the first time, forty-nine years, after this fight.Characters: James B. Gillett, D. W. Roberts, Richard Coke, John B. Jones, Herman Lehmann

Locations: Marfa, Menardville, Corsicana, North Concho Plains

Herman Lehmann, The Indian (Includes a photo of Mr. Lehmann)

HERMAN LEHMANN was captured by Apache Indians in Mason county, Texas, when he was barely ten years old, and spent nearly five years with that tribe. In a tribal feud he slew the big medicine man of the tribe, and was forced to flee for his life. He had become so thoroughly Indianized that he feared to go back to the white people, and was afraid to go to the Apaches, so he went out into the hills and lived as a hermit for almost a year. Later he went to the Comanches and was adopted into that tribe, becoming one of the fiercest warriors, and was the last of his band to surrender and consent to go to the reservation at Fort Sill. Quana Parker induced him to go to his headquarters on the reservation and adopted him as his own son. Finally, through the orders of General McKenzie Lehmann was restored to his people at Loyal Valley in Mason county, after being with the Apaches and Comanches for a period of about ten years. He was to all intents and purposes an Indian. This is his fascinating story.Characters: Herman Lehmann, Quanah Parker, General McKenzie, D. W. Roberts, James B. Gillett, Ed Sieker

Locations: Mason County, Fort Sill, Loyal Valley

The Menardville I Knew Forty Years Ago

By J. Marvin Hunter (Included is an old photo of the great flood at Menardville by Noah Rose)


"...the school, which was then taught in an old two-story lumber

building located in a mesquite flat…there was no residence south of the big ditch, for many blocks away. Judge J. D. Scruggs was the first to erect a dwelling anywhere near the school house, Charles Schuchard was next; then my father built a home, which later became known as the Dave Maddox place, directly in front of the school house. About that time the new court house was built, and later the jail. I remember quite well that the first prisoner in the new jail persuaded me to give him an iron bar with which he pried his way to freedom that night. The next house to be built in that part of town, following the erection of our home, was a little two room dwelling that was occupied by Grandpa and Grandma Murray, and just a few days after they moved into it, their son, Thad Murray, brought home a blushing bride, in the person of Miss Almeda Thomerson...

Further Mentions: the McKavett road , The Freeman place, the Lish Gooden place, Joe Glasscock's, Newt Rose's, Williamson's , E. Vander

Stucken's , Fred Napier , the Benchoff building , the old Decker Hotel , Williamson's store , W. W. Lewis , Australian Hote , Uncle Johnnie Sheen place , a man named Saunders, who was from Australia , Enoch Ballou , Wm. Johnston , A. H. Murchison , old Rock Saloon , Emil Vander Stucken, Enoch Ballou, Willia.mson, Dr. Doerr, Joe Glasscock, Dave Sanders, Joab and Jim Ab Alexander, J. D. Scruggs, Chas. Schuchard, Wm. Dexter, the Deckers, Win. Johnston, A. B. Wyatt, Coloneil Gay, D. T. Priest, Abner Harris, Uncle Johnny Sheen, Felix Mann, O. D. Mann, Old Man Mann, J. W. Mears, J. O. Russell, Lish Gooden, Old Man Freeman, Waddy Burnham, the Chapmans, Humpy Jackson, Adam Bradford, William Tipton, Bill Lewis, Jeff Murray, Sim White, Jim Murray, Thad Murray, Grandpa Murray, Grandpa Chastain, Newt Rose, Wii'liam Stanton, Peter Robinson, Capt. J. J. Callan , Colonel Gay, a typical Kentucky colonel , Jim Crowford , Jack Potter , Rev. Keith , Miss Emma Estell , Grandpa Estell , Charlie Lewis , Dr. Wiggins , Miss Dona Redmon of Mason , Mr. and Mrs. Abner Harris , William Johnston , Peter Robinson. Scruggs & Schuchard , Columbus Redmon , Menard's first newspaper, The Menardville Monitor , the McKavett Breeze , B. L. Bourland , Dave Maddox , Menard County Enterprise , Mason Herald , Anotin Callan , Noah Rose had a photograph gallery , Prof. Cook , Dr. McKnight , John Callan's drugstore , J. N. Maddux's , Lee Russell , Crovell's residence , Patton's house , Tom Turner , Felix Mann , Noyes' farm , Owen Mann , Mr. Nogness , J. J. Callan's residence , Mr. Noyes, Mr. Lewis and Mr. Waller

Reminiscences of T. R. Moore

The author was born in Old Henderson County, Tenneseee, in 1849; and moved with his parents to Missouri in 1856. In 1868 they came to Texas, where he went to freighting with a twelve ox team out of Sherman, Texas. This is his recollection of notable events in frontier Texas.Characters: Ben F. Mcculloch, William Moore, General Price, Miss McAvoy

Locations: Henderson County, Tennessee, Berry County, Missouri, Springfield, Fort Arbuckle, Pea Ridge, Denton County, Hill County, Houston, Herron, Dallas, Waco, Gainesville, Knox County, Edwards County, San Antonio, Wilson Creek

Black Bill Wootan Tells His Experience

By W. E. Wootan

W. E. Wootan was born in Llano county Texas, November 10, 1858, and lived in that county until 1878, when his father, W. E. Wootan, and his brother, J. R. Wootan, moved their cattle to McCulloch county, above old Camp San Saba on the San Saba river, at the mouth of Calf Creek, and near the old Sanders sheep ranch. There were no wire fences in that country then and the country was a free land, with plenty of wild honey, fish, turkeys, deer and antelopes by the thousands. In the fall of 1879 they moved their cattle on up to the head of Brady Creek, near where the town of Eden is now located, on Harden Gulch. The narrative of his life continues as he describes events in that area.Characters: W. E. Wootan, J. R. Wootan, Miss Sarah Hickman, Kane Wootan, Frank McBride, Mark Kempton, Graham County, Frank Haynes, Jeff Power, Tom Power, Tom Sissons, W. P. Hunt, Brig Stewart, Bill Murchison, John Gamel, Dan Roberts, Sam Tate, George Wolf, Ben Phillips, George Latham, Hick Dunman, Tom Ward, Joe Allsup

Locations: Llano County, Mcculloch County, Camp San Saba, Calf Creek, San Saba River, Brady Creek, Brady City, Harden Gulch, Salt Creek, Kemper County, Packsaddle Mountain, Safford, Wolf’s Crossing, Paint Rock, Colorado River, Concho County, Llano River, Mason County, Gentry Creek

How Two Lipans Met Death on the Saline

Characters: James Gillett, Narcisco Leal, Dan Roberts, N. O. Reynolds

Locations: Marfa, San Antonio, Saline, Menard County, Junction, Lampasas Springs

Two Company D Texas Ranger Boys, 1875

Photos and captions for Slick Clements and Dug Coalson. W. T. (Slick) Clements and Dug Coalson, were popular members of Company D, (Capt. Robert's Rangers) stationed at Menardville in 1875. These were brave boys, and never hesitated when called upon to perform any service in the line of duty.

Rangers Forty Years Ago Had No Easy Life

By W. S. Adair

Henry Putz, Dallas, likes to talk about his experiences in the Texas ranger service during the 1880’s and here offers rich and colorful details of notable events that occurred while he served.Characters: Henry Putz, H. W. Baylor, Will Scott, Tom Bell, J. H. Rogers, Geronimo, Ben Cabell, Thomas R. Knight,

Locations: Dallas, Uvalde County, Rio Grande, Edwards County, Fort Clark, Barksdale, Sabine County, Lake Charles, Wichita County,

Found First Buffalo in Fort Stockton

Characters: Cabeza De Vaca, Mendosa, Joseph E. Johnson, George Giddings, Clint Giddings,

Locations: Pecos, Rio Grande, Ojinaga, Crane County, Buenavista, Leon Springs, Fort Stockton, Gorvin, Comanche Springs, Fort Worth, Fort Concho, Fort Davis, Fort Hancock,

Benjamin Franklin Gholson, Texan

Benjamin Franklin Gholson of Evant, Coryell County, is one of those few men who had personal acquaintance with those great Texans, Gen. Sam Houston, Gen. Ed. Burleson and Thomas Ross. This hardy old frontiersman and his wife lived just in the edge of Lampasas County about three miles south of Evant. They were married sixty-two years and lived on the same pace for over fifty-five years, where they have reared their family of nine children. Mr. Gholson has, long been known far and wide as an outstanding example of the Texas pioneer. This is his excellent story.Characters: Benjamin Franklin Gholson, Sam Houston, Ed Burleson, Thomas Ross, Cynthia Ann Parker, Chief Nocona, Albert G. Gholson, Samuel Gholson, Cary White, Ben Milam, Tom Barron, Elydia Anderson, A. N. Morris, John Williams, Gideon P. Cowan, Rome Vaughn, Jack Brown, Gabe Choate, John Jackson, Tobe Jackson, Rebecca Jackson, Rebecca Stroud, Tom Priddy, W. T. Shaw, Hiram Casner, E. P. Turner, N. A. Hall, J. M. Smith, L. S. Sul Ross, T. H. Calehaugh, A. F. Gault, Ellen Earl, S. P. Pete Ross, John Peaveler, Lewis Peaveler, France Peaveler, R. G. Hampton, John A. Wagner, Jim McMahan, W. M. Vaughn,

Locations: San Antonio, Evant, Coryell County, Lampasas County, Gholson’s Gap, Robertson’s Colony, Falls County, San Felipe, Gonzales, Fort Washington, Limestone County, McLennan County, Waco, Mills County, Simms Creek, Blue Water Hole Ranch, Bosque County, Owl Creek, San Saba County, Brown County, Round Mountain, Lookout Mountain, Burnet County, Goldthwaite, Bitter Creek, Nolan County, Sweetwater, Wilbarger Creek, Dry Creek, Hamilton County, Llano County, Georgetown, Bluffton, Sylvester, Fort Belknap, Fort Cobb, Otter Creek, Red River, Gainesville, Cross Plains, Del Rio, Silverton,

Nervy Express Messenger Kills Two Train Robbers

ON THE NIGHT of March 13, 1912, Train No. 9, of the Southern Pacific, running between El Paso and San Antonio, was held up by two robbers near Dryden, Texas. Both of the robbers were killed by the express messenger, David Andrew Trousdale. The robbers were later identified as Bin Kilpatrick and Ed Welch, both noted desperadoes, and both had but recently been released from prison. The following story was taken from the San Antonio Express of March 15, 1912, and gives the true facts in regard to the hold-up, and the killing of the robbers.Characters: David Andrew Trousdale, Ben Kilpatrick, Ed Welch, M. E. Banks,

Locations: El Paso, San Antonio, Dryden, Sanderson,

The Fate of the Benders

The infamous "Bloody Benders" – what in fact was their fate? Did they remain alive after fleeing their bloody cabin? Or did the vigilance committee, sworn to secrecy, provide for their doom on the plains of southeast Kansas? Here is Dr. York’s (who was a victim of the Benders) companion, another physician from Missouri, who tells the tale.Characters: L. Weeden, Bender Family, Dr. York, Kate Bender,

Locations: Rio Grande, Kansas, etc

Photo and caption for Curley Hatcher

Rube Boyce, Ranger and Frontiersman

Account of Mr. Reuben Hornsby Boyce, who was born in Williamson county on January 8, 1853, oldest in a family of ten brothers and one. Sister. Mr. Boyce grew into his rugged manhood while civilization in Texas was in its infancy. As a Ranger he brought to justice some of the worst outlaws that frequented the Texas border and won the enviable reputation of getting his man on every occasion. He was also active in Indian fights, helping to free the country of these marauders. One of the engagements in which he participated was thee battle of Horse Head Crossing on the Pecos River in 1878, in which the entire Indian band was annihilated. He was prominent among the heroic men who were on the trail of the crafty and relentless Geronimo. This is the great man’s story.Characters: Reuben Hornsby Boyce, Adiline Pearl, Bill Mcdonald, Sid McCauley.

Locations: Williamson County, Horse Head Crossing, Pecos River, El Paso, Rock Springs, Coahoma,

Last Indian Raid in Southwest Texas

TEXAS’ last Indian raid took a toll of two lives. United States troops followed the raiders into Mexico, whence the Indians had come, and killed six of the seven bucks in the raiding party. In April, 1881, a party of Lipan Indians looted the house of John M. McLaurin about 10 miles north of Leakey, and killed his wife and Allen Lease, a 16-year-old-boy. United States soldiers at Fort Clark (now Bracketville), under Lieutenant Bullis, were notified and they followed the band into Mexico, surprised them in camp near the Santa Rosa Mountains, killed six braves and captured a small boy and a squaw. In this account, Mrs. Chas. M. Harpole, of San Antonio a girl of 5 at the time of the murder of her mother, tells of the tragedy which was indelibly stamped upon her memory.Characters: John M. McLaurin, Allen Lease, Mrs. Chas M. Harpole, George Fisher, H. J. Tobe Edwards, Frank Sanders, Hugh Coston,

Locations: Leakey, Fort Clark, Bracketville, Santa Rosa Mountains, San Antonio, Rio Frio, Uvalde, Joy Creek, Nueces River, Spring Creek, Fort Clark,

Ranching on 10c Land in Texas

Mr. Black, in 1876, made a location of 30,000 acres of land at the headsprings of the San Saba River in what was supposed to be Crockett County but was afterwards made a part of Schleicher County. He only paid ten cents an acre for the land, and was thought to be an escaped lunatic from a St. Louis insane asylum, for buying the land. This account goes on to describe his experience and successes on the cheap Texas land.Characters: Billy Bevans, William L. Black, Thomas Palmer, A. B. Priom, C. C. Doty, Dick Russell, James R. Stanley, H. Leslie Jones, Harry A. Jones.

Locations: San Saba River, Crockett County, Schleicher County, Menard, B. S. Ranch, Del Rio, Knickerbocker, Eldorado, Fort Worth, Dallas, Sonora.

Includes photos of: Texas cattlemen, Frank Pierce, Jim Gorman, Bob Drennan, Dick Russell, Sim Francis, Hood Murchison, and Jeff Moore.

The Old Man of the River

THIS is the record of a man who says true happiness comes only to him who lives among the wild things of Nature. It is the account of Uncle Jim McMahon. At age 85, he was still catching 150 beavers every year. He had the dubious distinction of being possibly the ugliest man in Texas. Once he was sleeping in a prairie schooner as it jolted along a winding Rio Grande road. His brother Bob was riding horseback ahead-a custom of the country in an earlier day.

Bob met a stranger, who, without a word, handed him a silver dollar.

`What's this for?' inquired Bob.
`Well,’ the stranger said, ‘I've always had a standing bet of a dollar that I was, the ugliest man in Texas, but you win. Here's your money. So long.
'Wait!' Bob called out. `Both of us lose, neighbor. Hey, Jim, come out here and get your money!'

But there was much more to the man than ugliness... (an excellent story!)

Characters: Jim McMahon, Bob McMahon, Judge Roy Bean, Willis Pafford,

Locations: Rio Grande, Del Rio, El Paso, Santa Helena, Mariscal, Boquillas Canyon, Langtry, Point Isabel, Laredo.

Some names mentioned in this volume:

Adair; Jim Ab Alexander; Joab Alexander; John Alexander; Jno O. Allen; Chaplain Jno O. Allen; Joe Allsup; Elydia Anderson; Ed Armer; Mrs M. Armer; John Avants; John Backus; Capt Baker; J. H. Baker; Wesley Baker; Mrs Emma Estell Ballou; Enoch Ballou; Ballou; M. E. Banks; Capt Tom Barron; H. W. Baylor; Judge Roy Bean; Olie Beck; H. G. Bedford; Tom Bell; D. G. Benchoff; Kate Bender; Max Bentley; Billy Bevans; W. P. Bevans; William Bevans; George Bingham; George (Red) Bingham; Red Bingham; Belle Miss Bird; Capt Bird; Miss Lola Bird; Tom Bird; William L. Black; Dr Boerr; Herbert E. Bolton; B. L. Bourland; James Bowie; Mrs Adiline Pearl Boyce; Reuben Hornsby; Rube Hornsby; Adam Bradford; George Bradford; Bill Brazleton; Sgt Brooks; A. J. Brown; H. J. Brown; Jack Brown; Sgt Jim Brown; Judge Brown; Capt Bullard; Lt Bullis; Gen Ed Burleson; W. T. Burnam; Waddy Burnham; Ben Cabell; Sam Cady; T. H. Calehaugh; Austin Callan; Capt Callan; J. J. Callan; Capt J. J. Callan; James Callan; Capt James Callan; Joe Callan; John Callan; Carson; Sgt Caruthers; Hiram Casner; Steve Caveness; Jim Chapman; Gabe Choate; W. T. ("Slick") Clements; Grover Pres Cleveland; Dug Coalson; Pat Coglan; Dr J. H. Coleman; Nick Colston; Bill Conner; Bubber; Fred Connor; Leander; Prof Cook; Col D. H. Cooper; Evant Coryell; Hugh Coston; Will Covington; Lt Gideon P. Cowan; Elizabeth N. Cox; George Cox; Issac W. Cox; Ivy H. Cox; James M. Cox; Judge Shelby Cox; Valentine Cox; Pat Crane; Ann Miss Crosby; Jim Crowford; Cam Davidson; Will Davidson; Davis; L. J. Decker; William Dexter; Bob Dillingham; Sam Doss; C. C. Doty; Dick Dowland; Bob Drennan; Hick Dunman; Miss Ellen Earl; H. J. (Tobe) Edwards; Parson Edwards; Henry Elberson; Ace Ellis; Ben Ellis; Irve Ellis; Billy Epps; Emma Miss Estell; Miss Mary Eubank; William Eubank; Jesse Evans; Mary Ewing; G. W. Fisher; George Fisher; Hal Fisher; Sim Francis; Bill Gamel; John Gamel; Pete Garland; A. F. Gault; Col Gault; Lt Gault; Gault; Col Gay; Miss Sallie Gay; Col Thomas A. Gay; Mrs Thomas A. Gay; R. J. Gerald; Albert G. Gholson; Benjamin Franklin Gholson; S. S. Gholson; Col Samuel Gholson; Clint Giddings; Davis Giddings; George Giddings; L. W. Gillespie; James B. Gillett; Sgt James B. Gillett; Capt James Gillett; Jim Gillett; Joe Glasscock; Dick Godfrey; Lish Gooden; Jim Gorman; Charlie Graham; John Graham; George Green; Jim Green; Lewis Green; Ruby May Green; Miss Ruby Green; ; Mrs W. M. Green; N. A. Hall; R. G. Hampton; J. B. Hardeman; Mrs Henrietta Harkey; Mrs Charles M. Harpole; D. Harrington; Abner Harris; Mrs Abner Harris; John A. Hart; George Harvey; Capt Curley Hatcher; Arthur Hayes; Mrs Mollie King Hayes; C. P. Haynes; Frank Haynes; Sam Henry; Sarah Hickman; Joe Hightower; Mrs Lola Bird Hightower; Gen Hood; Anetta Huller; Will Huller; Molly Dilly Hunty; Mrs Constance Schmidt Husband; Frank Husband; John R. Hutto; "Humpy" Jackson; Jim Jackson; John Jackson; Rebecca Jackson; Tobe Jackson; Cynthia Jewell; Sally Jewell; A. A. Johnson; Capt Johnson; Col Johnson; Joseph E. Johnson; M. T. Col Johnson; William Johnson; William Johnston; H. Leslie Jones; Dr Harry A. Jones; John B. Maj Jones; Mrs Corinne Russell Judkins; Dr O. H. Judkins; Rev Keith; George Kemp; Mark Kempton; Ben Killpatrick; Ben Kilpatrick; Miss Mollie King; Thomas R. Knight; John Lane; George Latham; Narcisco Leal; Allen Lease; Herman Lehmann; Gen McKenzie; Mrs Belle Bird Leslie; George Leslie; Bill Lewis; Charlie Lewis; Mrs Nina B. Splittgerber; W. W. Splittgerber; William W. Splittgerber; Hugh M. Lincecum; Longley; Fritz Luckenbach; Dave Maddox; J. N. Maddux; Felix Mann; O. D. Mann; Owen; Masterson; Maury Maverick; Marion McAvoy; Frank McBride; Sid McCauley; Ben F. McCulloch; James Evans McCulloch; McDonald; Col Chilly McIntosh; Gen McKenzie; Dr McKnight; Bill McLaurin; John M. McLaurin; Mrs John McLaurin; Maud; Jim McMahan; Jim McMahon; Lt McMillan; J. W. Mears; Milam; Capt Miles; Lt Millicans; Lt Frank Moore; Jeff Moore; T. R. Moore; William Moore; A. N. Morris; Marion Morrow; Mrs Winnie Murray; Dr J. A. Munk; A. H. Murchison; Andy Murchison; Bill Murchison; Ed Murchison; Hood Murchison; Jeff Murray; Jim Murray; Thad Murray; Miss Winnie Murray; Chief Nacona; Fred Napier; Fred L. Napier; A. J. Nicho; J. L. Noguess; Gus Noyes; Mrs Mary A. Nunley; Willis Pafford; John Pain; Thomas Palmer; Quana Parker; C. C. Patton; Den Patton; J. A. Patton; Jim Patton; Capt June Peak; Miss Adiline Pearl; Dave Peaveler; Capt France Peaveler; John Peaveler; Lewis Peaveler; Capt Rufus Perry; Thomas Phelps; Mrs Thomas Phelps; Ben Phillips; Frank Pierce; John Pollard; Ray Pollard; Jack Potter; Jeff Power; John Power; Tom Power; Gen Price; T. J. Priddy; Tom Priddy; D. T. Priest; A. B. Priom; Henry Putz; Sam Rainey; Columbus Redmon; Dona Miss Redmon; Allen Reiss; Lt N. O. Reynolds; Sam Richardson; Rivers; Capt Dan Roberts; Pete Robertson; Peter Robertson; Peter Robinson; J. H. Rogers; ; Newt Rose; Noah Rose; Roland; L. S. (Sul) Ross; Pete Ross; S. P. Ross; Thomas Ross; Dick Russell; J. O. Russell; Jane Roberston; Lee Roberston; Mrs Mattie E. Strickland Roberston; Max Roberston; R. R. (Dick) Roberston; Richard Robertson; Walter Robertson; Col Sams; Dave Sanders; Frank Sanders; Dan Saunders; Daniel A. Saunders; David Saunders; Nat Saunders; Miss Constance Schmidt; Miss Mary Schmidt; C. C. Schuchard; Charles Schuchard; Capt Scott; Capt Will Scott; J. D. Scruggs; Judge J. D. Scruggs; L. Sender; Susie Shallenbarger; W. T. Shaw; John Sheen; Johnnie Sheen; Johnny Sheen; Capt Shegog; Sheriff Shibbel; Jim Ship; Gen Sibley; Ed Sicker; Sgt E. A. Sieker; Ed Sieker; Sgt Ed A. Sieker; Sgt Ed Sieker; Gay Sieker; L. P. Sieker; Lamar Sieker; Lamb Sieker; May Sieker; Mrs Sallie Gay Sieker; Sgt; Sieker; Tom Sisson; Arthur Sheriff Slaughter; Col C. C. (Lum) Slaughter; Cynthia Jewell Slaughter; Parson Slaughter; Doc Smith; John Smith; Capt S. M. Smith; Tull Smith; Tom Somerville; Mrs Elma Dill Spencer; R. F. Judge Spencer; Nina B. Miss Splittgerber; Dr James R. Stanley; John Stanton; William Stanton; Charlie Stapleton; Mrs Mary Schmidt Stapleton; Capt A. L. Steele; Brig Stewart; Miss Mattie E. Strickland; Mrs Rebecca Stroud; (See Vander Stucken) Stucken; John Tarleton; Sam Tate; ; Miss Almeda Thomerson; Bill Tipton; Frank Tipton; John Tipton; Plunk Tipton; William Tipton; Emil Toepperwein; David Andrew Trousdale; Capt Turner; E. P. Turner; Tom Turner; E. Vander Stucken; Emil Stucken; Henry Vander Stucken; Emil Vander Stucken; John Vaughn; Rome Vaughn; W. M. Vaughn; John A. Wagner; Jim Waldy; B. W. Waller; Capt J. R. Waller; L. D. Walters; Cov Walton; Tom Ward; John Warren; Charley Webb; Dr Weeden; Dr L. Weeden; Ed Welch; Otis Welch; Capt Cary White; Sim White; Col Stand White; Dr Wiggins; W. J. Wilkinson; Capt Williams; Capt John Williams; Judge Williams; Pres Wilson; George Wolf; Hiram Wolf; Wash Wolf; Frost Woodhull; Alexander Woodward; Mary (Polly) Ewing Woodward; Rev V. A. Woodward; Black Bill Wootan; J. R. Wootan; Kane Wootan; W. E. Wootan; Judge A. A. Wyatt; A. B. Wyatt; Dr York; Yordt.

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My boyfriend just got interested in his own heritage and I've  discovered some VERY exciting connections to Texas history. His 3rd  great grandfather was William Gordon Cooke, who helped shape Texas' rich  history. I can't wait to see what we can learn through this new  database you've made available to eager genealogists like myself.
Thank you, in advance, for rescuing this data.

Jen G.
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