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Vol 03 No. 12 - September 1926
The Irish Progenitors Of Texas
Roy Miller
Within the narrow confines of San Patricio and Refugio Counties, which border the coast immediately north of the city of Corpus Christi, very early pioneer events occurred that pre-dated the settlement of the remainder of the State and the frontier. These events tell a story of patriotism, perseverance and fortitude that finds no parallel in the annals of any nation--things that almost stagger credulity. The Irish settlers, James McGloin, John McMullen, James Power and James Heweston, Mrs Rosalie B Priour and others were at the heart of these events. This very lengthy and detailed story provides MOST EXCELLENT EARLY HISTORY OF THESE AREAS AND THE IRISH SETTLERS INVOLVED.
Further mentions: Saltillo,the Mission of Refugio,the McGloin and McMullen colony,McGloin's Bluff, now known as Ingleside, on Corpus Christi Bay,San Patricio de Hibernia (Saint Patrick of Ireland),the parish of Ballagarret,County Wexford, Ireland,Mr. James Power, Sr,Mrs. O'Brien,Mrs. O'Brien had three or four boys and three girls. The only names of-he- children that I can now remember are those of her sons, Morgan O'Brien and John O'Brien, and her daughters, .Agues or Aggie, and Mrs. Bowers,Copano, Texas,Mrs. Peterson,Mr. Wm. St. John,Mr. Redinan,the O'Dochartys,the Bay of Biscay,Cork, Ireland,Elizabeth Hart,Aransas Pass,the Wild Cat,Col. Power,Mr. Paul Keogh,St. Joseph's Island,Mr. Hart,a Mr. Quirk,the Gulf Coast Line,Captain Ward,Capt. Aaron B. King,Capt. Aaron B. King,Melon creek,Carlos de la Garza,Capt. King and his men,The McGloins, the Powers, the O'Briens, the O'Connors, the Welders, the Gaffneys, the Foxes, the Shellys, the Dorseys, the Lamherts, the Heards, and scores of other names as familiar half a century ago, are leading citizens of both counties
Fighting With Sibley in New Mexico
John Warren Hunter
S. W. Merchant was born in Texas and was raised in Titus county, near Mount Pleasant. When the war broke out between the states, Mr. Merchant, then in the vigor of a joyous young manhood, was in El Paso Del Norte, and when the Federal troops were withdrawn from the frontier posts of Texas, early in 1861, he and a few others were employed to take charge of Fort Bliss, near El Paso, and to look after the post and the property belonging thereto. In February, 1861, Bethel Coopwood, the two Holden boys and a man by the name of Winn and S. W. Merchant set about and organized a body of troops known as the Arizona Spy Company, with Bethel Coopwood as captain. This company was made up of 64 men, who, like Mr. Merchant, were seasoned to border life, and were ripe for any adventure, however daring or desperate. They were all Texans and many of them bore the scars of many fierce conflicts with Indians and border ruffians. From the date of the organization of the Arizona Spy Company until the disastrous termination of the Sibley invasion of New Mexico in May, 1862, these Rough Riders of. the border were almost constantly in the saddle. This is their story.
Further mentions: In the organization of the forces to unite the Sibley expedition, Captain Coopwood's company was attached to Col. John R. Taylor's command, and their first smell of Yankee gun powder was at Mesilla, New Mexico, August 3, 1861,John E. Baylor,The battle of Valverdle, Colonel Canby, Col. Steele,Captain McRae,Fort Craig,Socorro,Davis, Tanner, Rapp, Jim DeSpain,the little town of Alamosa,Mescalero Apaches,Tanner a good swimmer,Fort Filmore
Rich Coffey, Early Day Ranchman
Col. Lewis Ginger
Excellent account not only of the pioneer ranchman, but of an experience that took place when the author (a good friend of Mr. Coffey’s) and Coffey went fishing for Channel cats on the Colorado and ended up the target of Comanche warrioirs.
Further mentions: the Lew Ginger Pioneer Minstrels at Fort Concho, in Western Texas,the Coffey Ranch, at the mouth of the Concho, where it entered the Rio Colorado,Bob Taylor,
Life And Adventures Of Ben Thompson
W. H. Walton, of Austin. (Continued from last month.)
Notorious gunman, gambler, mercenary to Emperor Maximilian, Marshal of Austin, and longtime friend of Bat Masterson (whose life he saved), this is the account of Ben Thompson. Blood flowed wherever Ben Thompson was present – he just seemed always to invite trouble. This is an excellent multi-part story of his life written with much detail and historical accuracy. If you need the other installments of this great story, they are available from us – just ask.
Further mentions: the First Louisiana Cavalry, commanded by Colonel Badger,John Hancock, Andrew J. Hamilton, James H. Bell, Dr. Phillips, E. M. Pease,Benito Gomez and Jasper Spain,General Mejia,Maximillian,Captain Gilly,Sergeant, Gomez and Jack Brickhouse,Captain Frank Mullins,General Escobedo,Sergeant Gomez,a fight near Camargo,Mr. Twohig, banker, at San Antonio,Miramon,forces of Juarez,Ignacio Morales,Queretaro,Nestor Moxan at Brownsville,Judge Stephen Powers,General Bazaine,Vera Cruz, Bazaine,Sister Josefa,J. W. Throckmorton,the killing of John Coombs,Cedar Mountains,the Houston and Texas Central Railway,Bryan,a man by the name of King,the ."Blue Wing" saloon,John Watson,John Eikel,Dan Gallagher,Henry Coffield,beautiful town of San Marcos, situated in Hays County,Watson, Johnson, Gallagher,Bill Johnson,Lawson W. Collins,Burke,Tom Neill,Burleson County,the Yegua,McGuire,Theophilus Brown,General Reynolds
Finds Sister After Sixty Years
Account of Rev. J. M. Strickland of Alvin, Texas who is a staunch old pioneer of Comanche County. He settled on the Scott farm, on Coperas Creek about eight miles from De Leon, although there was no De Leon for some years after he came. Comanche was a mere village in 1875, when he landed there. He tells the very sad story of the desperate plight of his youth and family who were ravaged and scattered during the dark period of the post-Civil war days. He lost track of his siblings, most of whom died in the interval, but amazingly met up with his sister 60 years after they had been brutally separated.
Further mentions: There was a store at Hazeldell and a couple at Sipe Springs in 1875,the only churches in the County were at Van Dyke and South Leon,he saw the redskins killing a man named Leslie, between De Leon and Comanche,Mrs. Mary E. Forsyth,Cane Hill, Ark.,,uncle, William Land,J. M. Strickland,Mrs. William Land in Scott County,northern preacher named Springer,Mary Elizabeth Strickland,the Baptist Church at Balko, Ok now of Alvin, Texas,Fort Bayard,G. W. Strickland of Gravitt, Ark.,,Eagle Ford,Deckman's postoffice,Capt. Work of Dallas,Jacob Howarth,C. C Rister,W. C. Holden,John R. Hutto,Frank Grimes,W. A. Stephenson
The Daring Feat Of Three Texas Boys
Account occurs in Burnet county, Texas which had its share of Indian troubles in the early days, one of which is the subject of this account.
A young boy by the name of John Tedford went out early one morning to help his mother milk, and was sent after the calves. She waited quite a long time for him to return, then decided to go up in the pasture herself. When about ready to start she heard the boy coming, uttering scream after scream, and as he neared she saw two big Indians reach down and pick him up. They bound him hand and foot and rode away at full speed, giving Comanche yells that filled the mother heart with terror.
Further mentions: Billie Magill Jr., Jim Cooper and Tom Cooper,Billie Magill
Helped To Tame Bad Men
Account of Captain J. W. Cottrell, long-time resident of Comanche County who settled in what later became known as Cottrell Valley. This story details his courage as a United States Deputy Marshal and many of the desperate engagements which he endured in the area.
Further mentions: Captain J. B. Gillett of Marfa, Rome Shield of San Angelo, P. C. Baird of Menard,Will Wright,Floresville,Baldwin County, Alabama,Cottrell Cemetery,the Cottrell residence in Comanche,the Bancroft Ranch house in Erath County,Johnson Peak, in Bosque County,The nearest grist mill was at Towash, in Hill County,Paul Frick,the Mexican Caterino Garza,Duval County,San Diego, the capital of Duval County,Garza,the Wall-Brookes-Roberts feud,Bill Longley, John Wesley Hardin, Ben Tholmpson, Sam Bass,the Dalton boys.
James Dunn, The Texas Ranger
Vinton L. James
James Dunn was renowned as one of the most daring Indian fighters of his day. His exploits with wild Indians, and his many narrow escapes from death would make as interesting reading as the adventures of Big Foot Wallace, who was his companion in many exciting encounters with Indians. James Dunn, while a red-headed, freckled-faced Irish boy, was, in the early 1830s captured on the streets of San Antonio by Indians during one of their raids in the city. The color of his hair, and his tender age probably saved his life, for his captors stopped at the Alazan Creek, where Commerce Street now crosses it, to allow the squaw time to wash the freckles from his face and what they thought was red paint from his head. He was a prisoner among the Indians for some time, finally escaping and returned to San Antonio. While he was with the savages he became proficient in woodcraft, Indian ways and the trapping of wild game, which afterwards proved as a geat assistance to him in the stirring life he was to lead.
Further mentions: The Council House fight in San Antonio,John James, the surveyor,a young man named Jack Hays,Ben and Henry McCulloch,Kit Ackland,Henry Castro,Medio Creek,Potranco Creek,the Medina river,Samuel Maverick,Bandera Pass,the Nueces Canyon,Perry and Carlin,a place called Carricitis. near Brownsville,Clemente Dunn,Chas. Malecheck,Deaf Smith and Jim Doghtry,Captain Will Frels,Adam Wangemann.
First Account Of Custer Massacre
Published in the Bismark, (Dakota Territory) Tribune, July 6, 1876.
The Tribnne's Special Correspondent Was Among the Slain
Account of the terrible battle written by the Bismark Tribune special correspondent with Gen. Terry, who was the only professional correspondent with the expedition. His last words were: "We leave the Rosebud tomorrow and by the time this reaches you we will have met and fought the red devils, with what result remains to be seen. I go with Custer and will be at the death." This is his account of the battle from eye-witness view.
Further mentions: Col. Reno,the Rosebud,Col. Benteer,McIntosh, Hodgson and Dr. DeWolf,Charley Reynolds,Bloody Knife,Fred Girard,Col. Smith,Captains Boylan, French,J. C. Wagoner,Lt. Bradley,Col. Tom and Boston,Cols. Geo. Yates, Miles Keogh, James Calhoun, W. W. Cook, Capts. McIntosh, A. E. Smith, Lieutenants Riley, Critenden, Sturgis, Harrington, Hodgson and Porter, Asst Surgeon De Wolf,De Rudio.
An Arizona Tragedy
Vida Ericson
Years ago an immigrant, weary of wandering, came upon a sheltered spot in the foothills of the Chiricahuas. Here, beside a spring he built his house and made a home for his wife and, boy and girl far from the homes of other settlers. Often his work took him far out on the prairies and his wife was left alone with the children for days at a time. Aunt Diana, as she was fondly called, was loved by all her distant neighbors; not even fear of the Indians could keep the young people from riding eight and ten miles to spend the day with her and then back home again in the evening. One bright forenoon Aunt Diana and the children were alone. She was ironing and Mary, her daughter, was busy with the morning chores. Johnny was playing somewhere in the yard. After one of her trips into the front part of the house, Mary came running to her mother and said, "Oh, mamma! there's a big ugly man coming in at the gate." Almost at the same time a step was heard outside the kitchen door. Aunt Diana glanced up to see a wicked looking Mexican standing before the screen door...
A Foul Murder In Mason County
On December, 1892, there was committed the foulest murder that was ever perpetrated in Mason county, Texas. Although committed thirty-four years ago, the event is yet fresh in the memories of most of the people there, who can recall vividly the thrill of horror which pervaded the public mind when the news was carried from lip to lip that Adele Kaufman. a pretty seventeen-year old girl, had been murdered while returning home from school. The mystery of the murder of that beautiful girl is as deep and profound today as it was Thirty-four years ago, although every effort was made by diligent officers, backed by a justly enraged public, to ferret out the murderer and, bring him to justice. If the red-handed murderer is still living, if he still dwells among the people of the earth, a burning conscience must inflict on him all the tortures of the damned.
Mentions: the Mason Herald of December 22, 1892,Mr. Joseph Kaufman, a well-to-do German farmer residing six miles north of Mason,the East Comanche school,Mr. Niel Wilson,Prof. Wood's school,Adele Kaufman,Sheriff Baird and Justice Garner,Dr. J. D. Beck
The Hunter’s Last Stand
Account of bloody events that occurred in the fall of 1873, to a party of ten men who were in the Big Spring country hunting buffaloes. Big Spring was a large pool of clear, cold water, in the head of a gulch, about two miles south of the present town of Big Springs, and was the only water then known in that direction until you reached the Canadian River.
Further mentions: George McEntire, the U ranch...
Some names mentioned in this volume:
Kit Ackland; Col Badger; Sheriff P. C. Baird; Gen Banks; Buck Barry; Bass; John E. Baylor; Capt John R. ; Gen Bazaine; Dr J. D. Beck; James H. Bell; Col Benteen; Capt Boylan; Lt Bradley; Jack Brickhouse; Brickhouse; Brininstool; Theophilus Brown; Caldwell; Col Calhoun; James Col Canby; N. E. Carter; Henry Castro; Coburn; Rich Coffey; Richard Coffey; Henry Coffield; Ludovic Colguhon; Lawson W. Collins; Col W. W. Cook; John Coombs; Jim Cooper; Tom Cooper; Bethel Coopwood; Capt J. W. Cottrell; Lt Critenden; Boston Custer; Gen G. A. Custer; Dennis; Jim DeSpain; DeSpain; Dr DeWolf; Jim Doghtry; Clemente Dunn; James Dunn; ; Capt James Dunn; John Eikel; Vida Ericson; Gen Escobedo; Mary E. Forsyth; J. M. Franks; Capt Will Frels; Capt French; Paul Frick; August Friedrich; Dan Gallagher; Justice Garner; Carlos de la Garza; Caterino; Gillett; Capt Gilly; Col Lewis Ginger; Fred Girard; Benito Gomez; Frank Grimes; Andrew J. Hamilton; John Hancock; Hardin; ; Lt Harringhon; Lt Harrington; Elizabeth Hart; Rosalie Hart; Capt Hays; Capt Jack Hays; James Heweston; Lt Hodgson; Hodgson; Hodgson; W. C. Holden; Houston; Jacob Howarth; John R. Hutto; John James; Vinton L. ; Bill Johnson; Pres Johnson; Adele Kaufman; Joseph Kaufman; Mark Kellogg; Col Miles Keogh; Paul Keogh; Capt Aaron B. King; Rev J. Land; William Land; Mrs William Land; Jean Lefebre; Longley; Maj Lyon; Billie Jr Magill; Charles Malecheck; Chas Malecheck; James Mason; Samuel Maverick; Emperor Maximillian; Mazzanovich; Capt McRae; Ben McCulloch; Henry McCulloch; McDonnell; George McEntire; James McGloin; Capt McIntosh; Lt McIntosh; John McMullen; Gen Mejia; ; S. W. Merchant; Milam; Roy Miller; Ignacio Morales; Nestor Moxan; Capt Frank Mullins; Angel Senor Navarro; Tom Neill; Agnes (Aggie) O'Brien; John O'Brien; Morgan O'Brien; E. M. Pease; Dr Phillips; Lt Porter; Col Power; James Power; James Sr Power; Stephen Judge Powers; Rosalie B. Priour; Col Reno; Charles Reynolds; Charley Reynolds; Gen Reynolds; Lt Riley; C. C. Rister; N. H. Rose; Russell Rose; Col George W. Saunders; Rome Shield; Capt A. E. Smith; Capt Smith; Col Smith; D. B. Smith; Deaf Smith; W. D. Smithers; Jasper Spain; Rev Springer; Wm St. John; Col Steel; Col Steele; W. A. Stephenson; G. W. Strickland; Rev J. M. Strickland; Mary Elizabeth Strickland; Rev W. A. Strickland; Lt Sturgis; Bob Taylor; John Tedford; Gen Terry; Bill Thompson; Billy Thompson; J. W. Gov Throckmorton; Col Tom Throckmorton; John Twohig; J. C. Wagoner; Wallace; ; W. M. Walton; Adam Wangemann; Capt Ward; John Watson; Col Weir; Niel Wilson; Gen Adrian Woll; Prof Wood; Capt Work; Will Wright; Col Yates; Geo Col Yates.
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