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Vol 03 No. 10 - July 1926
Adventures On The Old Cattle Trail
Veteran trail boss A. Collatt Sanders describes a cattle drive made in 1884, which, as he says "was the hardest one I ever made." The herd of long horned steers numbered 3200 ranging from three to fifteen years in age and the drive was made for J. H. Stephens, from the M. K. Ranch in Cameron county, owned by M.. Kennedy, near Brownsville. Excellent first-hand account of true trail-driving experience including Indian troubles, etc. on the old Chisholm trail.
Further Mentions: Laredo at Panio Station; Fort Ewel, on the Nueces River; Dick Head, of Deer Creek.
Riding The Range With The Rangers
D. S. Howell, Abilene, Texas. Mr. Howell gives details in this excellent account of his experiences as a Ranger on the frontier under Colonel Jim Balland, whose headquarters were at Gainesville.
Further Mentions: Choctaw Creek, in Grayson county; Fannin county; Dr. J. C. Smith, in Townsend's Brigade, Col Gid Smith's Regiment, Bill Dulaney's Company; Navasota; Velasco; General Magruder; Hubbard Springs in Hunt county; McNealey's plantation, out some twenty or thirty miles from Velasco; Fannin, Hunt, Hopkins and Titua counties; James S. Moore as captain; Camp Lubbock; General Henry E. McCulloch; Hubbard's Creek, where we found the King and Painter families corraled in shacks picketed in; second lieutenant, Joe Ab Oarrett; Throckmorton county; Fort Phantom Hill; Dead Man's Creek; Red River Station, at the mouth of Salt Creek in Montague county, J. B. Partman; McFarland's company; Gainesville; Cross Timbers; Captain Moore; Cross Timbers; A young man named Bowen; a man named Davenport; Bob Baker
Negro Brought Master’s Body Home
There were few adventures of the old cattle trailing days that were like that of the old negro, George Glenn who was 21 and iron-sinewed when he mounted a chuck wagon and started up the trail with Bob Johnson of Columbus. At Red River a new bunch of cowhands were substituted and the Texas hands returned home. Johnson and his negro cook went on to Abilene. There, after the long-horned steers were sold, Johnson died, alone with the negro. Glenn placed his master's body in a metallic coffin, and that in turn, in his chuck wagon, and then started the long, lonesome trek across three states, back to Columbus. Forty-two days and nights through Indian lands, with the mournful howls of coyotes to make his nights more hideous, Glenn traveled with the body of his friend and master. Back in Columbus his hands guided the reins of the horses that bore Johnson's body to the cemetery.
Further Mentions: Foltz; Bob Johnson; Oliver Loving; Colonel Charles Goodnight
Mentions: Mary Daggett Lake; Wm. E. Hawks; Tom Ketchum; Bill Waterman; Leonard Albertson, Walter Huffman; Dave Atkins, Ed Bullion, Will Carver, Sam Ketchum, Bronco Bill; Mr. A. W. Thompson.
Location Of Some Frontier Posts
Excellent list of various locations of frontier Posts of TX as well as the dates established and abandoned: LANCASTER (Fort), Texas. ' Half a mile above the junction of ...QUITMAN (Fort), Texas. On the Rio Grande, 80 miles... COLORADO (Camp). Texas. Six miles north of... CONCHO (Fort), Texas. At the junction of... DAVIS...STOCKTON... HUDSON... etc, etc
The Salt Creek Fight
Mrs. Minnie C. Gray. Mrs. Gray, whose husband was wounded in the fight recalls the events of that terrible Indian raid which occurred on May 16, 1869
Further Mentions: Ira E. Graves; James W. Gray; Wm. Crow; John Lemley; Chapley Carter; Col. Harmeson's ranch; Jason N. McLane; Win C. Kutch; Rubin Segreat; George Lemley; Joe Woody; the agency at Fort Sill; Jacksboro; Alva Gray of Miami.
Lige Bevins And Gang Exterminated
G. A. Beeman, of Comanche, Texas
Details the final assault upon the lawless element comprised of Bevins and deserters in Bell county, in 1863. The Bevins neighborhood was on Stampede Creek, and was noted for its outlawry during the reconstruction period. When Texas was under military government, which was distasteful, inefficient, and largely a matter of favoritism, men of the above neighborhood were stealing horses and committing other depredations, and when arrested and turned over to Federal authorities at Waco, they had only to claim they were Union men during the war and were being persecuted for that fact. On this plea they were turned loose and came back for further outlawry.
Further Mentions: Company K of the First Texas Cavalry; Swan Bigham; Bob Kuykendall; Colonel Buchell; Captain Garen; Miles and Jim. Bishop; Frank Van deer Stucken
Was Bill Longley Killed By Hanging
L. C. Rummel. Mr Rummel mentions a variation to the account of history that states that the notorious gunman, Bill Longley was killed by public hanging. Perhaps when that rope stretched as long as it did, it...
"Seco" Smith, Bandera County Pioneer
By J. Marvin Hunter. (Includes old photo of Smith).
Account of William Densley (Seco) Smith, of Medina, Texas, who offers recollections of early Bandera co. history and mentions numerous place and person names and details many early events.
Further Mentions: his father, Robert M. Smith; the Olmos; San Pedro Springs; John Jones, father of Andy Jones; A. D. Jones; Miss Amanda Coker of San Antonio; two girls, Frances and Josephine married Joe and Frank Moffett; William A. Smith; Miss Julia A. Long, the daughter of S. A. Long, a San Jacinto veteran who lived on the Hondo; R. S. Smith of Medina, J. D. Smith of Poteet, Frank M. Smith and A. E. Smith of San Antonio, Mrs. Mary Mayfield of Medina, Mrs. Rosa Stevens of Bandera, and Mrs. Laura Hand; Elizabeth T. Akin, the daughter of J. T. Akin, an early settler of Bandera county; Mrs. Esther Skinner of Port Arthur, Miss Beulah, Smith, Austin Milam Smith, Sidney Raymond Smith, and Miss Valentine Smith; There were three different Smiths in that region. W. L. Smith lived on the Frio ; he was known as "Frio" Smith. Rube Smith lived on the Hondo; he was called "Hondo" Smith. I lived on the Seco, and ever since I went there people have called me "Seco" Smith. These are all Spanish names. In that language ,`frio" means cold, "hondo" means deep, and "seco" means dry. I do not know which is most distressing, to be cold, deep or dry. However, the nickname has stuck to me and I have had to carry it; While I lived on the Seco my nearest neighbors were Ben Ragland and Squire Boone; the Indians killed Berry Buckelew; old man Schreiver; Dr. Schoffhausen; Sam Long; Julia Long; old man Sanders of Uvalde; the attack that was made on the Kincheloe home, when Mrs. Bowlin was killed and Mrs. Kincheloe was fearfully wounded; the Indians killed Captain Robertson and Henry Adams; killed Dud Richardson on the Frio, and scalped a little girl alive; band of Indians killed Mr. and Mrs. Stringfield; "Big Foot" Wallace; Bill Davenport; the head of Devil's River, out near where Sonora is now located; Captain Meyers; Sam Maverick and a young man named Simpson; old Fort Territt; Rube Smith was a cowman; Colonel Duran was a member of Jack Hays; I located on Wallace Creek, in Bandera county, in 1878, and remained there about three years, then bought 640 acres on Benton's Creek from B. F. Bellows...
Some Verde History
Colonel .M. L. Crimmins. Camp Verde was established six miles from the mouth of Verde Creek, and sixty miles northwest of San Antonio. Company "D" 2nd U. S. Cavalry, took station there July 8, 1856, to curb the activities of the hostile Comanches, Lipans, Apaches and Kiowas.
Further Mentions: Lieut. Cornelius Van Camp; First Sergeant Walter McDonald with a detachment of Troop "D" ; San Geronimo Creek; Fort Mason; Gen. David L. Twiggs; Col. C. A. Waite, 1st Infantry; Brevet Colonel Robert E. Lee, 2nd, Cavalry; General Scott; Francis Preston Blair of Missouri
Life And Adventures Of Ben Thompson
W. M. Walton, of Austin, Texas. Who was this enigmatic, but notorious character? This is the first installment in the six-part series of the history of the man written by Mr. Walton. Thompson is a figure who seems to defy description. On the one hand, he was notorious and ruthless, while on the other, it could be said of him in the words of the writer of this account:
The fame of Ben Thompson has spread from the center to the extreme borders of this country, over its mountains and valleys, though the mines of Mexico, the placers of California, the mineral fields of Colorado, the great emporium of commerce, on the ocean's deeps, and the far interior, and his fame has been that of a brave, fearless man, retiring an charitable as a woman when not aroused by the perpetration of wrong and injustice on himself or others unable to cope with assailants; but dangerous, deadly and quick as a bolt of lightning when the supreme moment of necessity, safety and action came. His eye is soft and laughing, playful amid active when his indignation is not on fire; but glittering, piercing and steady as the eagle's while gazing at and flying towards the sun, on the approach of an enemy bent on mischief, or when his ear is hurt by the groans of distress drawn forth by the rough hand of the oppressor, or the trembling wall of the weak when trodden on by the strong.
You decide for yourself: but this article is a great place to start. We can supply you with the other installments as well. Just inquire.
Further Mentions: R. T. Browning, Esq; the Governor, H. R. Runnels; . The Burlesomts, McCullochs, Fords, Lees,, Bells, Jack Hayes, Wilbargers, 'Aornbys, Bowies, Caldwell, Ross; Col. John R. Baylor; Lieutenant Haigler; Captain Hamper; Fort Clark; Phil Coe; the little town of St. Bernard, ; Captain Tobin; Pyron's regiment at the La Fourche; Col. John S. Ford (Old Rip); Mr. Martin Moore; Buffalo Hump; Cortina; Piedras Negras; Capt. Ware; Major John Henry Brown; Judge Munger; Round Rock; Joe Buck; Mr. Riddle; Santos Benivides, a Confederate captain; Mr. Riddle, a wealthy, liberal, hospitable gentleman
Historic Old Inge
Miss Bertha Dalton. Interesting account of history and development of Fort Inge and it’s surroundings about three miles south of Uvalde on the' Leona River.
Further Mentions: Captain William J. Hardu; Fort Clark; Captain Richards of the Ranger force; Captain Robert P. McClay; Camp Verde in Bandera county; Robert E. Lee; Judge J. P. Robinson; the Comanche Crossing on the Frio; Captain Edmond K. Smith; General E. Kirby Smith; General J. B. Hood; Thomas Duncan, who cornmanded the fort in 1858; Brigadier General Joseph Wilson Duncan; Fort Ewell, which was situated on the present site of Cotulla
Tells Of Early Days
C. J, Vanmeter, Rhome, Texas. Brief but excellent account of early pioneer days and original settlement of Wise co., and the town of Rhome, from eye-witness of early settler.
Further Mentions: settled two miles northeast of Prairie Point, and nearly where Rhome is now located; Oliver Creek; Mr. Harris; Decatur; the Huff family; Sandy Creek
King Fisher, A Noted Character
Judge W. A. Bonnet, Eagle Pass, Texas
A superb account, not only of this true pioneer character, but of the town of Eagle Pass as well. Good historical data here.
An excerpt: When I came to Eagle Pass as a boy in 1878, King Fisher was very well known around here, for not standing any foolishness. Some called him a desperado, but I do not think him as bad as some pictured him. He at one time lived on the Nueces River, at a place known as King Fisher's Crossing. But at the time I first knew him he lived on a ranch in Dimwit and Zavala counties. Where you turned off the main road to go to his ranch he put up a sign, "This is King Fisher's road, take the other." Some people thought it a funny sign, but I could never see anything wrong with it...
I once asked King Fisher how many men he had killed, and he said, "Seven." I said I thought it was more than that. He said, "Oh I don't count Mexicans." One day some of King Fisher's men came to town, and celebrated, as was the custom then, by shooting around town some. Judge Stone fined them, and they became angered, as they were only showing that they were happy and having a good time, according to the style and custom of the day. So they went back and shot into Judge Stone's house. Later while they were riding around a brush fence and through a mesquite thicket (now the center of business of Main Street in Eagle Pass) some Mexican friends of the Judge shot and killed two, wounding the third. The two were buried on the spot, and the third was taken to a house two blocks away where he died later. It was the skeletons of these two that were found a few years ago when they were excavating for the Aztec theater, and caused some excitement, until some old timer remembered the killing.
Further Mentions: the "Old', Blue Saloon," where the Eagle Hardware store now is; Jim Vivian; Jimmy Butler; "Pest House Pete," a man by the name of Coy; Ben Thompson; William Kelso, who now lives at the mouth of Nueces Canyon...
When General Sherman Escaped
E. H. Alexander, Llano, Texas. Account of post Civil-war incident involving General W. T. Sherman and his confrontation in May, 1871, with hostile Indians who he assumed were rather "low down Texans and Ku Klux."
Further Mentions: Fort Concho, Fort Belknap, Fort Griffin and Fort Richardson; Fort Sam Houston; General McKenzie; Fort Sill; L. W. Alexander; Wilson Gilbert, of Gainesville; the Van Dorn Crossing on Big Wichita river; chiefs, Satanta, Satank, Yellow Wolf, Kicking Bird; Montague; Denton; Decatur; Jackshoro; Weatherford; Major Arnold; S. W. T. Lanham; Governor E. J. Davis
The Founding Of Bandera
J. Marvin Hunter. Includes old photo of Mrs. John Adamietz.
In the early spring of 1853 A. M. Milstead, Thos. Odem, and P. D. Saner, with their families, came to Bandera county and camped on the Medina river, where they engaged in making cypress shingles. They lived in tents for awhile, or until rude cabins could be provided. P. D. Saner and family came from Tennessee. Along about this time Mrs. Rees and her sons, Sidney, Adolphus and. Alonzo, and a daughter who afterward married Judge. Starkey, arrived in this county and located homes. The Witt family came here about the same time. Messrs. Milstead, Odem and Saner purchased the Hendrick Arnold Survey, consisting of half a league of land running from Bandera Creek to the Medina River. Mr. Saner built a house on the river, just above the site of Bandera's present school building, and lived there with his family. Other people began to come in, and a settlement was soon formed. In the fall of that same year, Chas. de Montel established a horse-power sawmill here, which afforded employment for a number of men. A commissary store was put in, two or three cabins. were erected, and the settlement became a village which was, from the start, called Bandera. Associated with Mr. de Montel was John James, a surveyor, and the firm, which became known as James, Montel & Co., platted the townsite of Bandera. Previous to the location of the town, and when the three original families were still living in tents on the banks of the Medina, came Amasa Clark, who is still with us, and now over 100 years old.
On March 1, 1854, Elder Lyman Wight's company of Mormons, numbering about 250 persons, reached Bandera...
Further Mentions: "Mormon Camp."; Medina Lake; Elder Wight; James, Montel & C; Polish colonists; original Polish colonists being Mrs; F. L. Hicks, Mrs. John Adamietz, Mr. and, Mrs. John Pyka, John, Gabe and Joe Anderwald, Mrs. Jake Postert, Mrs. Frances Moravietz, Mrs. Joe Kalka, Mrs. Anton Anderwald, Constant Dugos; August Klappenbach, a German; the residence of Mrs. George Hay; John Dugosh; A. Savery; Col. H. C. Duffy; Clements Kalka; and P. P. Pool; O. B. Miles, Chief Justice; William, Curtis, Sheric ; Irvin P. Carter, Tax Assessor and Collector ; P. P. Pool, County Clerk. At that time Bandera county was in the 17th judicial District and Judge Thomas Buckner Was District Judge, and George H. Noonan was District Attorney; Among the early settlers, was Capt. Charles Jack, who -purchased a large body of land in Bandera and Medina Counties. He established the Jack Ranch; A. Moneur, William Ballantyne, Robert Ballantyne, and Eugene Oborski; Charles Montague, Sr; Milstead and Saner; Frank M. Montague; Hendrick Arnold; Castroville; The establishment of Camp Verde; Robert Ballantyne raised a company of minute men; Robert Ballantyne, lieutenant commanding; Francis Towle, first sergeant; August Pigenot, second sergeant; George Hay, first corporal; Joseph S. Curtis, second corporal. Ten privates; Richard Bird, G. W. Lewis, James Sier, Charles W. Wheeler, John Thomas Murray, Thomas L. Buckner, Laomi L. Wight, Heber L. Chipman, Thomas L. ,Miller and Leonard Estes; Charles Montague, Jr., Andrew Mansfield, Anton' Anderwald, Richard Bird, William Ballantyne, W. A. Walker, John Walker, James Walker, Thomas Bandy, James Bandy, John Bandy, Oscar Johnson; John and Frances Pyka; the families of Verner, Koerdles, Pittel, John Pyka, Kasper Kalka, Albert Haiduk, Frank Anderwald, Samuel Adamietz, Frank Jureczki, John Dugosh; 'Mr. Munroe, a Mormon, erected a flour mill just below town; Mr. Hepke; Father Zielenski; An American neighbor named Curtis; Anton Pyka, Sr., Tom Mazurek, Jakob Jureczki, and some came from' the Polish colony in Karnes county, Mr. Zerner, the father of Mrs. Kasper Dugos and Mrs. Albert Jureczki; Gideon Carter, a Mormon; Herman Thallman's stable that was located near where the Davenport store now stands; Albert Haiduk; Frank Buckelew; Theodore Kindla; Dr. Thompson...
What Became Of Old Man Barnes?
Written by J. Marvin Hunter
In the early 1860’s there lived in the western part of Bandera county, near where the present village of Tarpley is located, a man named Barnes. What his first name was nobody knows. This poor old potato farmer lived in a cave, but had a lot of money which he would from time to time lend to settlers in the area. One day, after collecting a large debt, he was found burned to death in his cave – what happened? Read the story. Here is some more good Bandera co. history.
Further Mentions: Veteran Amasa Clark of Bandera; Barnes' Bluff; an old man living on the Seco, who. knew Barnes well...
Attempted Train Robbery At Coleman
J. Marvin Hunter.
It was in June, 1898, that an attempt was made by four bandits to rob the express car on the Santa Fe railroad, running from Brownwood to San Angelo. The robbers were captured not far from Sonora, and proved to be well known men of that section. This is the account of that attempted robbery.
Further Mentions: Coleman Junction; four men, Pierce Keaton, Bill Taylor, Jeff Taylor and Bud Newman, the Taylor boys; the engineer, James Stanton, and Fireman Johnson; L. L. White; Messenger White; W. F. Buchanan; Sheriff Rome Shield of Tom Green county; Deputy United States Marshal Hodges.
Some names mentioned in this volume:
John Adamietz; Mrs John Adamietz; Samuel Adamietz; Henry Adams; Elizabeth T. Akin; J. T. Akin; Leonard Albertson; E. H. Alexander; L. W. Alexander; Robert M. Anderson; Anton Anderwald; Mrs Anton Anderwald; Frank Anderwald; Gabe Anderwald; Joe Anderwald; John Anderwald; Hendrick Arnold; Maj Arnold; Dave Atkins; Bob Baker; Col Jim Balland; Lt Robert Ballantyne; William Ballantyne; James Bandy; John Bandy; Thomas Bandy; Col John R. Baylor; G. A. Beeman; B. F. Bellows; Capt Santos Benivides; Lige Bevins; Harry Biggs; Swan Bigham; Pvt Richard Bird; Jim Bishop; Miles Bishop; Francis Preston Blair; Judge W. A. Bonnet; Squire Boone; E. A. Brinninstool; Joe Brown; Maj John Henry Brown ; Julius Brown; Sheriff Brown; R. T. Browning; W. F. Buchanan; Col Buchell; Joe Buck; Berry Buckelew; Frank Buckelew; Thomas Judge Buckner; Pvt Thomas L. Buckner; Ed Bullion; Jimmy Butler; Caldwell; Chapley Carter; Gideon Carter; Irvin P. Carter; Will Carver; Julius Ceasar; Pvt Heber L. Chipman; Clark; Wallace David Coburn; Phil Coe; Amanda Coker; R. C. Crane; Col M. L. Crimmins; Wm Crow; 2nd Corp Joseph S. Curtis; William Curtis; Bertha Dalton; Bill Davenport; Davis; T. S. Dennis; Col H. C. Duffy; Constant Dugos; Mrs Kasper Dugos; John Dugosh; Dugosh; Bill Dulaney; Gen J. N. Duncan; Gen Joseph William Duncan ; Thomas Duncan; Col Duran; Capt Seth Eastman; Pvt Leonard Estes; King Fisher; John Edwards Foltz; Col Ford; John S. Col Ford; Capt Garen; Lt 2nd Joe Ab Garrett; Wilson Gilbert; Gillett; Geo Glenn; George Glenn; Col Charles Goodnight; Ira E. Graves; Alva Gray; James W. Gray; Minnie C. Gray; Green; Albert Haiduk; Haiduk; Lt Haigler; Capt Hamner; Laura Hand; Hardin; ; Capt William J. Hardu; Col Harmeson; Wm E. Hawks; 1st Corp George Hay; Mrs George Hay; Jack Hayes; Dick Head; Mrs F. L. Hicks; W. C. Holden; Gen J. B. Hood; D. S. Howell; Walter Huffman; Capt Charles Jack ; John James; Bob Johnson; "Fireman" Johnson; Oscar Johnson; A. D. Jones; Andy Jones; John Jones; Mrs Albert Jureczki; Frank Jureczki; Jacob Jureczki; Clements Kalka; Mrs Joe Kalka; Kasper Kalka; Pierce Keaton; William Kelso; M. Kennedy; Sam Ketchum; Tom Ketchum; Chief Kicking Bird; John Kindla; Theodore Kindla; August Klappenbach; Wm C. Kutch; Bob Kuykendall; Mary Daggett Lake; (see Bishop Miles) Lallacooler; Harriet Lane; S. W. T. Lanham; Robert E. Lee; Robert Edward; George Lemley; John Lemley; Pvt G. W. Lewis; Pres Lincoln; Andy Long; Julia Long; Julia A. Long; S. A. Long; Sam Long; Longley; Oliver Loving; Gen Magruder; Andrew Mansfield; Sam Maverick; Mary Mayfield; Tom Mazurek; Anton Mazzanovich; Capt Robert P. McClay; Gen Henry E. McCulloch; Sgt Walter McDonald; John B. McDonnell; J. E. McDowell; Capt McFarland; Gen McKenzie; Jason N. McLane; Capt Meyers; Ben Milam; O. B. Miles; Pvt Thomas L. Miller; A. M. Milstead; C. I. Mitchell; Frances Smith Moffett; Frank Moffett; Joe Moffett; Josephine Smith Moffett; A. Moncur; Charles Montague Jr; Charles Montague Sr; Frank M. Montague; Charles de Montel; Chas de Montel; Capt James S. Moore; Jas S. ; Martin Moore; Mrs Frances Moravietz; Judge Munger; Pvt John Thomas Murray; Bud Newman; George H. Noonan; Capt James Oakes; Eugene Oborski; Thos Odem; J. B. Partman; Jim Partman; Sgt 2nd August Pigenot; P. P. Pool; Mrs Jake Postert; Anton Sr Pyka; Caroline Pyka; Frances Pyka; Frances Jr Pyka; John Pyka ; John Jr Pyka; Mrs John Pyka; Ben Ragland; Adolphus Rees; Alonzo Rees; Sidney Rees; Capt Mayne Reid; Capt Richards; Dud Richardson; Rupert N. Richardson; Carl C. Rister; Capt Robertson; J. F. Judge Robinson; N. H. Rose; L. C. Rummel; H. R. Gov Runnels; Charles M. Russell; A. Collatt Sanders; Collatt Sanders; P. D. Saner; Chief Satank; Chief Satanta; A. Savery; Dr Schoffhausen; Scott Schoffhausen; M. J. Schoffhausen; Martin Schoffhausen; Rubin Segreat; Selman ; Gen Sherman; Gen W. T. Sherman; Sheriff Rome Shield; Pvt James Sier; Esther Skinner; A. E. Smith; Amanda Coker Smith; Austin Milam Smith; Beulah Smith; Gen E. Kirby Smith; Capt Edmond K. Smith; Elizabeth T. Akin Smith; Frances Smith; "Frio" (see W. L. ) Smith; Col Gid Smith; "Hondo"(see Rube) Smith; Dr J. C. Smith; J. D. Smith; Josephine Smith; Julia A. Long Smith; R. S. Smith; Robert M Smith. ; Rube Smith; Rube (see "Hondo") Smith; Sam Smith; "Seco" Smith; Sidney Raymond Smith; Valentine Smith; W. L. (see "Frio") Smith; William A. Smith; William Densley ("Seco") Smith; W. D. Smithers; James Stanton; Judge Starkey; Henry Stephens; J. H. Stephens; Rosa Stevens; Judge Stone; Tommy Stringfield; Taylor Stringfield; Bill Stringfield; Jeff Stringfield; Herman Thallman; A. W. Thompson; ; ; Billie Thompson; Billy Thompson; Dr Thompson; Capt Tobin; Emile de Tour; Sgt Francis Towle; Gen David L. Twiggs; Lt Cornelius Van Camp; Frank Van der Stucken; Sgt Billy Vance; C. J. Vanmeter; Z. T. Vernor; Jim Vivian; Col C. A. Waite; James Walker; John Walker; W. A. Walker; Buck Maj Walton; W. M. Walton; Capt Ware; John Ware; Bill Waterman; Pvt Charles W. Wheeler; L. L. White; Pvt Laomi L. Wight; Lyman Wight; Maj Wilmoth; Joe Woody; Chief Yellow Wolf; Father Zielenski; Zielensk Ziegler.
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