J Marvin Hunter's



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Vol 03 No. 03 - December 1925

Burnet County Pioneers

Account of E. E. Brooks, and his wife pion­eers of Burnet county, TX. He was born in a log cabin in Arkansas and came with his parents who settled in Burnet county where the town of Burnet now stands. It was then called Fort Crogan and was on the extreme bor­der of civilization. Here they decided to stop, and carve a home out of the, then, wilderness of Texas. Brooks relates many thrilling experiences with Indians when it took men and women of courage to remain in their frontier homes and withstand the hardships of early days in that section. Be­fore coming to Burnet, Brook's parents camp­ed for a time near where Georgetown now stands, until they could decide upon a per­manent location It was there they had their first experience with Indians.

One day Mrs. Brooks with her three chil­dren, was left alone while her husband and some other men were off splitting out boards to build more room to the house (people in those days grew careless from the very familiarity of danger), and she walked to the door which was on the north side of the house overlooking the valley and saw a party of men on horseback, rapidly ap­proaching. She thought at first they were cow hunters, but felt some uneasiness and soon took another look, when to her horror she discovered that they were Indians. She ran to her children and cried out in agony of her soul: "Indians!" By this time the Indians had dashed up and dismounted, fill­ing the house and yard, there being about 40 In number. She had no hope to escape and could only await her fate. The eldest boy and girl crawled behind a large chest...

One of the Indians who seemed to be the leader said to: Mrs. Brooks in English: "We want bread", and although she thought she read her doom in their hideously painted faces and blood-thirsty looks, the heroic woman never lost her presence of mind. She implored the Indians who had addressed her in English to spare her children. The In­dian who had spoken English came over and sat down on the other side of her with her baby in her arms. Then another one came and sat down on the other side of her and one in front. With their spears and tomahawks and war paint they presented a fearful sight. The one in front of her reached for her baby. (The baby is now Mrs. J. K. Daugherty of Marble Falls.' The mother pressed the baby to her bosom. They took hold of the child and tried to tear it from her, but with a mother's desperate ef­fort to save her child, she clung to it, plead­ing for its life until she thought they would surely pull its little body in two. She let go and folded her arms in despair…

Further mentions: Elihu Casner, who lived 6 miles from the Brooks farm , Wofford Johnson and family , Mr. Casner , Mrs. Johnson. threw her baby into a clump of bushes where it was found alive the following morning, being the only mem­ber of the family that escaped.


E. A (Pat) Paffrath, of Fort Worth, a veteran pioneer plainsman offers a narrative of Indian and buffalo hunting in the 1870’s

"When I went to the Panhandle in 1876," he said, "I drove a herd of cattle belonging to Smith & Adams from South Texas to Fort Belknap and after delivering them decided to go to the buffalo ranges and hunt. Buffalo were being killed in large numbers and there was good profit in the hides. "I recall the incident of the rescue of the white woman, Cynthia Ann Parker, from the Indians," continued the old plainsman. "She was carried off by the Comanches when about 12 years old, and afterward, as the wife of Quanah Parker, the latter-day chief of the Comanches. She was a grown woman when rescued by Governor Sul Ross, who was then a Texas Ranger. Governor Ross and his followers had a fight with the Indians at a point between Quanah and Crowell, and found Cynthia Ann and her young daughter in the party. The chief, who was the father of Quanah Parker, was killed during the battle and the white woman was taken back to the settlement.

"The last Indian killed in Southwest Texas", continued the old plainsman, reminiscently, "was a Kiowa who was shot by Captain Arrington's rangers west of Quanah - in 1879, and his death brought about a raid by the Kiowas into that section in the way of reprisal. The last white man killed was named Earl and he was slain east of Quanah by the band of Kiowas which came down from the reservation to avenge the death of one of their number killed a thort time before in the same locality by the rangers. Earl had just arrived in the country and I met him and talked to him at the headquarters of the R2 ranch the night he was killed. He was traveling with Fred and Joe Estes and knew little about the habits of Indians. I warned the little pasty not to leave the ranch that night, as I had been informed that about thirty-five Kiowas was out on a raiding expedition bent on vengeance and that traveling might be dangerous. They did not listen to me, however, but continued their journey toward Quanah, and Earl lost his life.'

First House At Old Washington

Mrs. L. N. Throop

Account of Old Washington and the historic house built in the early days in 1834. House is described by Mrs. Isabella Buffington Herbert of Anderson, who was born in the first and original house built there for the use of the Re­public of Texas in its earliest days. Mrs. Isabella Buffington Herbert was born, in 1837, at which time her father the Rev. Anderson Buffington, one of the earliest Baptist pioneer ministers of the Republic of Texas, was living in the original house where the archives of the Republic were kept for a period of time for fear of their being captured by the invading foe.

Further mentions: The Cokesbury Press of Nashville, Tenn , Eugene C. Baker, Professor of American History, University of Texas

First Campmeeting In Grayson County

By Z. N. Morrell

Wonderful description of these grand old meetings which were THE highlight of the year for many weary and laboring pioneers. Particularly focuses on a large meeting held in Grayson co, TX in 1847.

Further mentions: the Rev. Mr. Brown, assisted by the Presiding Elder, Rev. Mr. Custer, held a campmeeting at Warren, in Grayson county , Jeffer­son Schuck , Andrew Davis , Casey creek , Bois d'Arc , two brothers by the name of Hiram and James Savage , Sheriman, J. A. McCutcheon, one of Wiiliam­son County's oldest pioneer settlers , Travis County , Miss Lue Noble , Rice's Crossing , P. N. McCutcheon , J. W. McCutcheon , Miss Sallie McCutcheon

John O. Meusebach

Brief account of Ottfried Hans Freiherr von Meusebach (John O. Meusebach), the founder of Fredricksburg, TX and leader of a mighty wave of German settlers in this area.

Further mentions: Cherry Spring-on the line of Mason and Gillespie Counties

A School Teacher’s Diary

This account records very interesting excerpts from a diary of the early In­dian days at Fort Davis, (or Fort Hub­bard Settlement), located up the Clear Fork river from Elias­ville about 20 miles in Stephens county, just across the line from Shackleford. It was kept by Sam Newcomb, who taught school in Fort Davis during 1865 and a part of 1866. The diary vividly reflects the conditions of the country, the isolation of the people and their means of doing things in these pioneer days.

Further mentions: the Olney Enterprise , T. E. Jackson , Mr. McCarty , A man by the name of Scott , Indian raid near Camp Cooper and another near Hubbard settlement , Camp Cooper , Belknap , Lynch's ranch on the Hubbard , Mr. Frans , Mariet Sutherlin , G. T. Reynolds and S. Huff , W. R. St. John , Mr. Newcomb , Weatherford , John Hitson , W. B. Hoover , Sam Lindsey, who "was not a doctor, but knew something about giving medicine." , the old Stone ranch' , B. W. Reynolds , Mr. Mosely

January 1, 1865- For the past year Indians have been troublesome, coming into the section in such large bodies that a great many families have left the frontier and moved into older settled counties, and those who remain are "forted up." There are now 125 per­sons in the fort and others are preparing to move in.

January 23- This day was made mem­orable by the marriage of J.. H. Brown­ing and Miss Angelina McCarty. It was a grand occasion, being attended by a number of people from the lower, fort, and all the visitors coming prepared to fight the Indians along the way, if nec­essary.

March 13- Commenced school here today for a term of fourteen: weeks. I have only nineteen scholars at present and mast of them are rude, wild and wholly unacquainted with school disci­pline.

May 7- T. B. Brownfield started this morning for Befknap to get a doctor for Miss Lucinda Selman, who is very sick. Several hours later Brownfield returned with some medicine but no doctor.

November 29- A large buffalo was driven into the fort this morning, causing a great deal of commotion and excitement. The animal was immediately attacked by forty dogs and killed in a very few minutes.

December 24- The first sermon ever preached in Fort Davis was preached here today by Parson Slaughter, and it was, the first sermon many of our people ever heard.

The Battle Of The Medina

Written, by John Warren Hunter (Continuing the narrative of Mr. Beltran)

The battle of Medina was fought on August 18, 1813, between the republican forces of the Gutiérrez-Magee expedition under Gen. Dubois and an army loyal to Spain under Gen. Arredondo. This battle which took place twenty miles south of San Antonio was the bloodiest ever fought on Texas soil. The noble efforts for the cause of Texas independence were entirely frustrated and a vicious slaughter of the republican army was the result. This lengthy, detailed, and thrilling account is from right off the battlefield through the eyes of brave Mr. Beltran who himself was wounded in the battle and records for us this heart-rending account of a terrible tactical mistake and of dashed hopes. The account continues through to the season when Mili­tary Plaza in glorious San Antonio de Bexar was bathed in blood and the butchery of heroes was a daily occurrence.

Further mentions: great victory at the Alazan , La Bahia , General Jose Maria Alvarez de Toledo , Elisondo's overthrow , General Gutierrez , Morelos , Kemper , General Wilkin­son , Senora Rodriguez , Pablo Rodriguez , Manchaca , Captain Bullard , Kemper and Taylor , Adolfo Perez , Captain Wilkin­son , Herrera and Salcedo

An Excerpt: And thus, with demoniac fury, the bat­tle raged, and these Americans fought until there were few left. to, tell the tale. Exposed to a withering fire on all sides, they maintained the unequal struggle. There were not fifty bayonets in Toledo's army, but charge followed charge on the part of these Anglo-Saxon heroes, who, with only their long knives and clubbed guns, essayed to cut their way through, only to meet the gleaming Spanish bay­onets and repulse. The battleground became a veritable inferno. The loose, sandy soil had been reduced to an impalp­able powder; the cloud of dust and the smoke of burned powder formed a dense mantle made lurid by the glare of flam­ing guns. But there was no wavering. In all that American host there was not a coward. They were the sons of Revolu­tionary sires; they were the bravest of the brave, and with them it was not hard to die. No quarter, was asked, none given, and the prisoners mentioned by Arredondo in his report were our unfor­tunate wounded. Finally, when nearly all had fallen, and when there was no longer a cartridge left to the bleeding staggering survivors, Kemper, covered with wounds, shouted: "Boys, save yourselves ! " The battle was ended, and the sleuth-hounds of blood were un­leashed and sent in swift pursuit.

The Life Of John Wesley Hardin (Continued from last month)

Hardin was perhaps the most bloody man in Texas history, having slain at least 30 men before he himself was shot down in El Paso on August 19, 1895. His life was tragic in that he made numerous efforts to live life as a peaceful man, but always ended up shedding more blood. While imprisoned he even studied law and returned to El Paso to engage in a legal practice. His ambitions once again fell to the power of his incredible abilities with a six-shooter and he returned to a life of bloodshed and lawlessness. Many believe he was miligned and was not in fact, a bad man. You be the judge. This multi-part story can be had from us in all of it’s parts – just ask

Mentions: N. O. Reynolds , Sheriff Wilson , man named Roe , Lieutenant Reynolds , S. H. Renick of Waco, T. L. Nugent of. Stephenville and Adams of Comanche , Frank Wilson , the killing of Webb , Charley Webb , Mrs. Anderson , my brother Joe and my cousins Tom and William , Mrs Susan Barrackman , Judge White , In that jail I met some noted men. Bill Taylor, George Gladden, John Ringo, Manning Clements, Pipes and Herndon of the Bass gang, John Collins, Jeff Ake ­and Brown Bowen. , John Maston a black­smith of Comanche , Bill Owens and Bill Terril from Waco , a lifetime man named John Williams , Marshal Gosling , Eugene Hall , Still & Co , Bohannon , As­sistant Superintendent Ben McCulloch , Col. A. T. McKinney, of the Huntsville bar , Hon. Thos. J. Goree , T. H. Thomas & Co., of St. Louis , A. T. M'kinney , Coleman , W. E. Jones , Karnes county , he married Miss Callie Lewis of London, Tex , Hon. Barnett Gibbs , Judge W. S. Fly , Thomas Haldeman , Man­ning Clements , McRose and Queen , the Acme saloon , Policeman Selman , Mrs. McRose, the mistress. of Hardin , Henry Brown , Capt..Carr , Mr. E. L. Shackle­ford , Frank Patterson , R. B. Stevens, the proprietor of the Acme saloon, , Sheriff George Scar­borough, of Jones county , Deputy Marshal Geo. Scarborough , General Steele , Lieut. Arm­strong of Hall's State troops , the Ave­nue Hotel , Detective Jack Duncan , W. D. Chipley, gen­eral manager of the Pensacola Railroad , A. J. Purdue of Escambia county , Deputy Sheriff J. C. Jones. , Sheriff W. H. Hutchinson , Jim Mann , Bill Taylor, his cousin , J. C. Landrum , the Carrington Place on Gilleland's Creek in Travis county , Bud Dixon , Tom Dixon and John G. Hardin

Frontier Justice Served Over A Bar

This remarkable frontiersman was a native of Kentucky. When sixteen years old he went alone to Santa Fe, N. M. Two years later found him fighting with the American troops in. the war against Mexico. Following that war he went to the little community at San Gabriel's, Mission, in Southern California, where he ran a saloon and dancehall for a few years. He next went into the business of hauling merchandise between San An­tonio, Texas, and Chihuahua, Mexico, had many encounters with Indians and bad men. When the Southern Pacific built its transcontinental line through the upper border of Texas, Bean ran a movable saloon at a number of points at the "end of the line," finally, opening a permanent establishment at Vinagaroon (later called Langtry). He was appointed justice of the peace at the instance of the higher officials of the Southern Pacific, who wanted some one they could depend upon to rid that part of the border of bad characters. Al­though Bean's term of office was two years, he held the job for twenty years without ever being re-elected.

His court “rulings” are legendary and quite amazing. This story details a number of those dubious attempts at “justice” in Langtry.

Further mentions: the Southern Pacific Railroad , Clarence Gilmore , Lily Langtry , to Del Rio , Comstock , Judge J. B. Falvey, of the District Court at El. Paso , Texas Folk Lore Society , Miss Fanny, Ratchford of the University of Texas , Mary Matlock, Griffith , W. D. Whatley , John K. Streck­ker, curator of Baylor University

John Braden’s Loaded Musket

W. A. Morris

Account of the deadly force of John P. Braden’s old flint lock-musket, in a desperate Indian fight in June 5, 1858, in Montague county.

Mentions: Capt. D. S. Hagler and his brother, Mar­ion Hagler , the town of Forestburg , Jim Ned lookout , Barrel Springs , Belknap creek , William Fanning, Joab Faulkner , Coffee Creek , Belcherville , the old Stitt farm

Fort Phantom Hill And Its Military History

C. C. Rister.

This is an excellent history of fort "Phantom Hill," also known as "The Post on the Clear Fork of the Brazos" located in what is now Jones County. It is an authoritative historical account that clears up much of the confusion surrounding the fort’s true origin, the identity and activities of the various commanding generals and it’s subsequent history.

Further mentions: General George Thomas , General Sam Houston , General Robert E. Lee , Old Record Section of the Adjutant General's office, at Washington, , Fort Brown , Generals Thomas, Albert Sidney Johnston, and Joseph E. Johnston , Joseph E. Johnston , Camp Cooper , Eagle Pass , Fort Belk­nap , the Fifth United States Infantry , Col­onel Loomis , Brevet Lieutenant Colonel Abercrombie , Lieutenant Colonel C: A. Waite of the Fifth Infantry , Lieutenant Col­onel Waite , Ringgold Barracks , the Second Dragoons , Brevet Major Henry Sibley. , The five companies 'of the Fifth United States Infantry and the officers of each company were as follows: Company B. Captain J. C. Robinson, Company C, Captain T. H. Fowler, Company E, Second Lieutenant J. H. McArthur, Com­pany G. Lieutenant F. T. Dint, and Com­pany K, Captain N. B. Bopell , Colonel Freeman , Dr. Taylor , Gen. W. T. Sherman , General Marcy , Fort Lancaster , Mayner's Creek , Fort Chad­bourne , Camp Hudson , Camp Wood , Fort Griffin , Captain Theodore Schwan , the Overland Mail Station at Mountain Pass , Merkel , Colonel Carlos A. Waite , Colonel Sibley , Anson

Early Days In San Antonio Recalled

This story of the early days was told by Mrs. Emily Brackett King five years before her death. Mrs. King wrote these memories of her journey to Texas and her life in San Antonio in the form of a letter to her great grandchildren, Emily and Danforth White of Los Angeles, California. Mrs. King came to Texas as a little girl in 1846, one year after Texas became a state, and though all the most bloody days of Texas history were then in the past, life in San Antonio was still that of the frontier. She was eighty-two years old when she wrote the sketch which follows.

Further mentions: Miss Sarah S. King, Nicholas Danforth, great-grandfather, Asa Danforth fought at Lexington and Bunker Hill,Burgoyne's surren­der,Onodaga county, New York, Patty Danforth, married Thaddeus Wood,Emily Wood,Emma Williard's school of Troy, New York,O. B. Brackett a merchant ;of Syracuse, New York,Decrows Point on Mata­gorda Bay, Mr... "Limpy" Brown, Victoria, Texas,Mr. Peter Gallagher,Anton Lochman,the old Navarro Louse, corner Commerce and Flores streets,the Trevino house, where the Frost Bank now stands.,Military plaza, Emily Wood, Sarah Webb,Mrs. James French,Enoch Jones,Olive Van Seicraig,Other Americans in San Antonio were the Jacques, Elliots, Bradleys, Riddles, Merricks, and .-Mavericks,The Jacques were "old-timers" in Texas-land and friends of. Stephen F. Austin,Mrs. Jacques had a boarding house at the corner of Commerce and Yturri streets,the original colonists from the Canary Islands,Garza, Trevino, Manchaca, Soto, Chavez, Rodreguez, Quintana, -Seguin, Navarro, Rivas, Riuiz, Lead, Cadena, Flores, Cruz, Zirnenes, Ra­mirez, DeZavala, Cassiano,Messrs. Maverick, Bradley, Twohig, Truehart, Ogden,Mexican dungeon called "The Castle of Perote, Our first teacher was Mr. Truehart, a mild' mannered gentleman,Our, next teacher was Mr. Edwards a lawyer,the Ursuline Nuns,the Brackett girls,Madeline de la Garza of the Garza family,Sallie Webb (Mrs. French), Olive Van Jones (Mrs. Washington), Ellen Sawyer (Mrs. Meyers), Augusta Evans Wilson, the novelist, Kate Campbell (Mrs. Clark­son), Esther Jackson (Mrs. Glass), Mary Campion (Mrs. Burke), Garza girls (Mesdames Lacoste, Neundorf and Glanton), Mary Wallace (Mrs. G. S. Newton's mother), Joseph, Susan and Lucy Smith (Medames Tobin, Campbell and Newton).,Mc­Cullough's school. It was established in 1851 by Rev. Mr. McCullough, a Presbyterian minister, and was an ex­cellent school,A beloved teacher was Miss Baldwin (Mrs. J. Vance, mother of Mrs. George Maverick.),Misses Thompkins (Mrs. Enoch Jones and Mrs S G Newton),the Garza or Veremendi home,the Garza home was where Wolf & Marx's now stand,the John James place on Commerce street,Maria Santissima,The "Montechinos",the Pastores' troop,Mrs. Allsbury and her sister (a Navar­ro), as-well as Mrs. Dickerson,A Mexican boy named Esperza,Don Francisco Rivas,Samuel Maverick,Dean Richardson, of St. Mark's,Van Ness,Van Ran­salaers and the Harper brothers,Jack Hays,Daniel Cleveland,My husband, Charles F. King,President Franklin Pierce,Commerce street was called the Paseo, Camino, Real and Main street,About 1849, these were the following families in San Antonio: Maverick, Riddle, Vanderlip, Elliott, Callaghan, Jacques, Lewis, Dwyer, Devine, James, Bradley, Jones, Twohig, Odgen, Guil­beau, Bowens, Lytles, Miles, Vance, Paschals, Merritb, Cupples, Herff...

Some names mentioned in this volume:

Col Lt Abercrombie; Jeff Ake; Allstrom; Ham Anderson; Shorty Anderson; Lt John B. Armstrong; Benedict Arnold; Gen Brig Arredondo; Capt Arrington; ; Stephen F. Austin; Dr Eugene C. Baker ; J. D. Baker; Susan Barrackman; Bass; Judge Bean; Roy Justice; Bud Bohannon; Capt N. B. Bopell; Brown Bowen; Jane Bowen; Matt E. Bowen; Ellen Brackett; Emily Brackett; Mary Brackett; O. B. Brackett; Sarah Brackett; John Braden; John P. Braden; E. E. Brooks; Mrs E. E. Brooks; H. S. Brown; Henry Brown; "Limpy" Brown; Rev Brown; T. B. Brownfield; J. H. Browning; Rev Anderson Buffington; Capt Bullard; Mary Campion Burke; Capt Carr; Kit Carson; Elihu Casner; W. D. Chipley; Mrs Amasa Clark; Kate Campbell Clarkson; Manning Clements; Daniel Cleveland; John Collins; Dan F. Connor; Caleb Conover; Rev Custer; Asa Danforth; Maj Nicholas Danforth; Patty Danforth; Champ le D'Asile; Mrs J. K. Daugherty; Andrew Davis; Hartman Dignowity; Lt F. T. Dint; Tom Dixon; Dobie; Jack Duncan; Rev Duncan; Fred Estes; Joe Estes; Julia Estill; Ehrenberg Fahrten; J. B. Judge Falvey; William Fanning; Joab Faulkner; Kelley Field; W. S. Judge Fly; Capt T. H. Fowler; J. M. Frans; Col Freeman; Mrs James (See S. Webb) French; Sallie Webb; Peter Gallagher; Madeline de la Garza; Barnett Hon Gibbs; Gillett; ; Clarence Gilmore; George Gladden; Esther Jackson Glass; Thos J. Hon Goree; Marshal Gosling; Malbone W. Jr Graham; Alexander Gregg; Mary Matlock Griffith; Gen Gutierrez; Capt D. S. Hagler; Mrs D. S. Hagler; Marion Hagler; Thomas Haldeman; Tom Halderman; Eugene Hall; Jim Hall; J. W. Hardin; John G. Hardin; John W. Hardin; ; ; Wes Hardin; Jack Hays; Isabella Buffington Herbert; John Hitson; J. S. Gov Hogg; W. B. Hoover; Houston; ; Justice Howe; Gov Hubbard; S. Huff; Victor Hugo; Sheriff W. H. Hutchinson; Gen Andrew Jackson; T. E. Jackson; John James; Wofford Johnson; Gen Albert Sidney Johnston; Gen Joseph E. Johnston; Enoch Jones; Mrs Enoch Jones; Dep Sheriff J. C Jones. ; W. E. Jones; Col Kemper; Charles F. King; Emily Brackett; Sarah S. Brackett; J. C. Landrum; Abner Lane; Lily Langtry; Gen Robert E. Lee; Callie Lewis; Sam Lindsey; Anton Lochmars; Col Loomis; J. C. Lynch; Nat Mackey; Capt Manchaca; Col Manchaca; Jim Mann; Gen Marcy; John Maston; Mrs George Maverick; Samuel Maverick; J. H. McArthur; Angelina McCarty; Sherman McCready; Ben McCulloch; Rev McCullough; J. A. McCutcheon; J. W. McCutcheon; P. N. McCutcheon; Sallie McCutcheon; W. C. McCutcheon; William McCutcheon; McDonald; Col A. T. McKinney; A. R. McTee; John O. Meusebach; Ellen Sawyer Meyers; Thomas S. Mills; A. T. M'Kinney; J. M. Hon Moore; Z. N. Morrell; W. A. Morris; Don Antonio Navarro; Sam Newcomb; Mrs G. S. Newton; Mrs S. G. Newton; Lue Noble; T. L. Nugent; Bass Outlaw; Bill Owens; E. A. (Pat) Paffrath; ; Cynthia Ann Parker; Quanah Parker; F. F. (See Frank) Patterson; Frank Patterson; L. W. Payne Jr; Adolfo Perez; Col Perry; Pres Franklin Pierce; A. J. Purdue; Fanny Ratchford; S. H. Renick; B. W. Reynolds; G. T. Reynolds; Lt Reynolds; N. O. Reynolds; Dean Richardson; John Ringo; C. C. Rister; Don Francisco Rivas; Capt J. C. Robinson; Pablo Rodriguez; Pablo Lt Rodriguez; Senora Rodriguez; Gov Sul Ross; Maria Santissima; Saunders; Hiram Savage; James Savage; Scarborough; Jefferson Schuck; Capt Theodore Schwan; Roy S. Scott; John Selman; ; John Selman Jr; John Selman Sr; Lucinda Selman; E. L. Shackleford; G. L. Shackleford; S. G. Sherard; Gen W. T. Sherman; Col Sibley; Maj Henry Sibley; Parson Slaughter; Geo W. Smith; Joseph Smith; Lucy Smith; Sarah Smith; Susan Smith; Victor J. Smith; Count St. Denis; W. R. St. John; Gen Steele; R. B. Stevens; John K. Strecker; John K. Streckker; Mariet Sutherlin; Bill Taylor; Bud Taylor; Dr Taylor; ; Bill Terril; Gen Thomas; Gen George Thomas; T. H. ; Thompson; Mrs L. N. Throop; Gen Toledo; Jose Maria Alverez de Toledo; Dealton Valentine; Olive Van Selcraig; Mrs J. Vance; W. N. Vilas; Filisola D. Vincente; Ottfried Hans Freiherr von Meusebach; Col C. A. Lt Waite; Carlos A. Col Waite; ; Mary Wallace; Olive Van Jones Washington; Charles Webb; Charley Webb; Sarah Webb; W. A. Whatley; W. D. Whatley; Alward White; Danforth White; Emily White; Judge White; Capt Wilkinson; Gen Wilkinson; John Williams; Emma Williard; Augusta Evans Wilson; Frank Wilson; Sheriff Wilson; Emily Wood; Thaddeus Wood; Capt H. C. Wright; Wrenn.

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