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Vol 03 No. 02 - November 1925

Surveyed in the Plains Country

by W. S. Adair

This article first appeared in the Dallas News, 1923. Follows the life and adventures of E. M. Powell, land agent. Contains info on the Texas & Pacific Railroad, International & Great Northern, Frisco, Cotton Belt, Santa Fe, Galveston, Harrisburg & San Antonio, and Dallas & Wichita railroads. E. L. Gage, E. M. Powell, General McKenzie, T. D. Lovett. Also interesting account of settling the panhandle, of Quaker settlements in Crosby Co., conflict between cattlemen and settlers. Crocker, Brewster, Pecos and Tom Green Counties.

From an Old Texan

by J. E. Cosper

This letter from J. E. Cosper includes information on his family, friends, adventures, and work in Texas. Azzlee Carmichael, Jim Lee, W. E. Cureton, Captain Jack Cureton, John Cureton, Jimmie Cureton, Dick Cureton, Ole Neastol, Nick Coulson, Doug Coulson

Tells of Indians and Cattle Thieves

by Cora Melton Cross

This article appeared in the Dallas Semi-Weekly News, 1925. G. L. Epperson tells of his early life and times in Llano County. Lib Wykoff, Cannady, Miller, Whitlock, Mason, Judge Bourland, Mrs. John Friend, Bob Roundtree

Declare Church was Saved by Prayer

This article appeared in The Youth’s Companion in 1896. A church in Bell County is set on fire, but is saved after a Methodist preacher prays and rain is sent.

Charlie Power Haynes

by Violet A. Haynes

Obituary of Mr. Haynes, his involvement as a Texas Ranger. Contains extensive details regarding family relations, of great genealogical value. His involvement in "Buckeye Rangers" and Free Masonry. Many names mentioned: here’s a sample: Sarah Jane Dunman, Rev. Bird, John James Haynes, Henry Haynes, Sarah Ann Gibson, Leon M. Haynes, Charlie Hickman Hayes, Albert Power Haynes, Josie Shelley, E. Stribling, Robert Waldrope, Alfred Dans, Carl Smith, Eli Shelley, Wid Hardin, Jane Power, Henry Pardue

Laughs at the Years

Mrs. Martha M. Duncan celebrates her 101st birthday with remembrances of the past.

Pioneer Mother Tells of Early Years 

by Mrs. M. J. Lee

Mrs. Lee tells of early days in Hunt county. Relates details regarding the Porter Family in Cook CO, by Indians. More stories of Indian attacks, farming, school, and homesteading. Green C. Ely, Polly Keith Ely, Pendleton Porter, Lydia Porter, Tom Ely, George Porter, George Ely, Pete Campbell, Sammie Rogers, Billie Rogers, Barbara Bishop, Henry Bishop, Tommie Bishop, Martha Bishop, John Keith, Abijah Keith.

One Indian Faced Twenty Soldiers

by R. C. Crane

As published in the Dallas Semi-Weekly News. Exciting episode in the Civil War involving Robert E. Lee, E. Kirby Smith, Fitzhugh Lee, John B. Hood, Earl Van Dorn, George H. Stoneman, S. P. Heintzelman, W. H. French, S. D. Sturgis, Gen. Thomas. Tells of events that occurred around Big Stink Creek E. of Sweetwater.

Catrina Cortez, the Bandit

by W. B. Hardeman

Mrs. Vick Jackson tells the story of Catrina Cortez, bandit and gentleman.

My Recollection of Negro Brit

by Dot Babb

Story of the life and death of Brit Johnson. Speaks of activities in and around Young Co, on the Cimarron R. and how he was killed by Kiowa Indians.

The Life of John Wesley Hardin

Very detailed and lengthy account continues from previous issue telling of the life and times of Mr. Hardin. (If you want other installments of this fine article, let me know – we have them all and will be glad to supply). Mentions many names such as: George Tennille, Manning Clements, Jack Helms, Jim Taylor, John Taylor, Scrap Taylor, Jim Cox, Jake Christman, Joe Tomlinson, Dave Blair, Wiley Prigon, J. Brosius, Gip Clements, Aleck Barrickman, Gabe Slaughter, Charles Webb, Henry Ware, Jack Wright, Frank Wilson, Dave Karnes, Bud Dixon, Alf Day, Bill Stones, Mac Young, Bill McCulloch, Gus Kenedy, Cliff Lewis

A Long, Useful Life Ended 

by Olive K. Dixon

Obituary of J. J. Long. Mary Richardson, M. R. Coffee

Ad Lawrence’s Leap 

by James T. DeShields

Adam (Ad) Lawrence’s encounter with Indians and subsequent leap to safety.

Robin Hood of the Tonkaways

By John C. Jacobs

Stories of the Tonkaway Indians; their practices and rituals, and a young white man who joined their tribe.

Buffalo Skinner’s Song

by Dot Babb

The Battle of the Alazan

by John Warren Hunter

Continues the narrative of Beltran. Pablo Rodriguez, Delgado, Gutierrez, Francisca Ochoa, Elisondo, Rafael Delgado, Perry, Taylor, Kim.

Some names mentioned in this volume:

W. S. Adair; Allstrom; Ham Anderson; ; Jim Anderson; Sam Anderson; Nell Andrew; Andrew; Lt Armstrong; Capt Arreola; Dot Babb; F. C. Baker; J. D. Baker; W. E. Bard; Aleck Barrickman; ; Joe Barrickman; Bass; Col J. R. Baylor; W. K. Col; Rev Bird; Barbara Bishop; Henry Bishop; Martha Bishop; Tommie Bishop; Dep Sheriff Dave Blair; Dr O. C. Boone; Judge Bourland; Brown Bowen; Neal Bowen; Dr Brosius; J. B. Brosius; Dr J. B. Brosius; Dr J. Brosius; N. C. Brown; Rube Brown; Chief Bugler Hauser; Sam Burnet; AaronBurr; Neal Campbell; Pete Campbell; Azzlee Carmichael; Jack Christman; Pvt Hugh Clark; ; Joe Clements; ; Mrs M. R. Coffee; D. F. Combs; Mrs J. F. Comer; Caleb Conover; Catrina Cortez; J. E. Cosper; Doug Coulson; Nick Coulson; Riley Cowan; Jim Cox; Hiram Craig; R. C. Crane; Dr Cromwell; Cora Melton Cross; Bill Cunningham; Dick Cureton; Capt Jack Cureton; Jimmie Cureton; John Cureton; W. E. Cureton; Gen Custer; Alfred Dans Jr; Tip Davis; Alf Day; Capt Rafael Delgado; James T. DeShield; Melissa E. Dillard; Bud Dixon; ; Olive K. Dixon; Tom Dixon; ; Col C. F. Doan; Rev J. C. Dodgen; A. J. Dragoo; B. C. Dragoo; B. C. Dragoo Jr ; I. M. Dragoo; J. F. Dragoo; L. L. Dragoo; Sarah Elizabeth Dragoo; Jack Duncan; Martha M. Duncan; Sarah Jane Dunman; George B. Ely; Green C. Ely; Henry Ely; Polly Keith Ely; Tom Ely; E. P. Epperson; G. L. Epperson; W. S. Ethridge; Ehrenbergh Fahrten; Gen W. H. French; Mrs John Friend; E. L. Gage; Joe Garvin; Sarah Elizabeth Gephart; Sarah Ann Gibson; Capt A. M. Gildea; Gillett; ; Ed Glover; Col Chas Goodnight; Kittie Gray; Tom Green; Alexander Gregg; Bernardo Gutierrez; Col Gutierrez; Bill Haddock; Alex Hall; W. B. Hardeman; Shep Hardie; J. D. Hardin; Jeff Hardin; Joe Hardin; Joe G. Hardin; John W. Hardin; Mollie Hardin; Wid Hardin; Frank Harper; Albert Power (Bert) Haynes; Charles Haynes; Charlie Hickman ; Charlie Power Haynes; Henry Power Haynes; Henry Pardue Haynes; John James Haynes; Leon M. Haynes; Mary Jane Haynes; Sarah Ann Haynes; Violet A. Haynes; Gen S. P. Heintzelman; Jack Helms; Capt Jack Helms; Bob Hext; Bill Higgins; Gen John B. Hood; Dick Hubbard; Billie Hunter; J. W. Jackson; Mrs Vick Jackson; William Jackson; John C. Jacobs; Birt Johnson; Brit Johnson; C. E. Johnson; Capt Johnson; Bill Jones; Dave Karnes; Sheriff John Karnes; Abijah Keith; John Keith; Gus Kenedy; Capt Kimm; Sheriff Langhamer; Langhamer; Ad Lawrence; Adam Lawrence; Gen Fitzhugh Lee; Jim Lee; Mrs M. J. Lee; Gen Robert E. Lee; Mrs W. E. Lee; Cliff Lewis; Harry Long; J. J. Long; J. J. Long Jr; T. D. Lovett; Lt Lowe; Jim Man; Capt Manchaca; Lt Marshall; Bill McCulloch; Sam McCullock; Mrs A. B. McDonald; Capt Bill ; Gen McKenzie; Neal McMellon; Capt James McNeal; Dr Menger; Gen Miles; Harve Miller; Jim Milligan; George Moore; William Murphy; Francisca Ochoa; Nepomuceno ; Dan Parker; Jenny Parks; Milly Parks; Dr T. J. Percifull; Maj Perr; Col Perry; Billy Porter; George Porter; Mrs George Porter; Lydia Porter; Pendleton; E. M. Powell; Jane Power; Chief Prieto; Wiley Prigon; Thad Rees; Mary Richardson; D. S. Robinson; Pablo Rodriguez; Billie Rogers; Sammie Rogers; Col Ross; ; Bob Roundtree; Padre Senobio; Eli Shelley; Josie Shelley; Pvt Casper Siddel; Gabe Slaughter; Carl Smith; Gen E. Kirby ; Gov Henry ; Pat Henry; Count St. Denis; Mrs G. A. Stanley; Will Stigler; Gen George H. Stoneman; Bill Stones; Stones; E. Stribling; Bill Sutton; Mrs Bill Sutton; Harry Swain; Mrs Harry Swain; J. H. Swain. ; Mrs J. H. Swain; Bud Tatum; Billy Taylor; Capt Taylor; Jim Taylor; ; John Taylor; Capt Joseph Taylor; Scrap Taylor; George Tennille; Tennille; S. H. Terrell; Gen Thomas; Gen George H. Thomas; Maj Thomas; Thompson; Joe Tomlinson; Tomlinson; Dealton Valentine; Gen Earl Van Dorn; Filisola D. Vincente; Dick Wade; Robert Waldrope; Jim Buck Waldrup; Wallace; Bill Waller; Capt Waller; Henry Ware; Charles Webb; Charley Webb; George Westfield; Capt Wilkinson; Gen Wilkinson; Frank Wilson; Mark Withers; Jack Wright; Lib Wykoff; Mac Young; John Zito; Zit Zipps.

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Our Testimonials

Frontier Times is an invaluable resource to the staff at Washington  on the Brazos State Historic site, as it contains several articles about  Washington and the part it played in the Texas revolution. We are  thrilled to add the Frontier Times to our collection.
Thanks again,
Ginger Moreland
Washington on the Brazos
State Park Association