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Vol 02 No. 01 - October 1924
An Indian Gave Masonic Distress Sign
Account by W.R. Russell, of band of Lipan Indians near town of Leakey who killed ox belonging to John Q. Daugherty. Group of TX Rangers pursued (W.R. Russell, H.M. Robison, Clint Rain, RM Ware, Geo. Patterson, Dan Turney, HP Courtney, Lambert, Bowles, Williams and Bishop. Prior to killing Indians, they were surprised to be greeted by them with Indians giving Masonic distress sign showing that free Masonry had influenced them.
Last Indian Raid in Denton CO
Oct 30, 1868 last white man killed by Indians in Denton CO. This is the account of Sevier Fortenberry, events near Elm Creek
Indian Raids in Nacogdoches County
Account of Indians attacking scouting party at Hutchinson Settlement near Fort Houston. Many other accounts listed as well, slain women, children captives. Pursuit by Capt. Denton up Brazos and Trinity Rivers
The Old Frontier: Events of Long Ago
Describes events relating to settlement of Grayson, Denton, Parker, Palo Pinto, Eastlend, Brown, Lampasas, Burnett, Kendall, Bexar and San Patricio Counties. In mid to late 1850’s. Many accounts of Indian attacks Kinney, Val Verde Counties, Clear Fork of Brazos and Hubbard’s Creek. Jack CO. the courageous efforts of Capt. Hamner (many other Rangers mentioned), Charley Goodnight, Col Baylor. Mentions events around Fort Belknap, the killing of Major Neighbors.
Further Mentions: Mr. and Mrs. Cameron, who were brutally mutilated. Calvin Gage, Mrs. Sanders, Captain H. A. Hamner, Captain Jack Baily, Captain Joe Ward, Captain, Jack Cureton, Captain C. L. Jordan, Captain Ross Pollard, Capt. Jim Norris; Capt. Carroll. Dillingliam's, Prairie in Jack county, Captain J. B. Barry, Jno. P Baylor, a citizen of Weatherford, Fort Cobb, George B. Erath, Richard Coke, John Henry Brown, Joseph M. Smith and Dr. Josephus M. Steiner, Ed Cornett, Joe Howell, J. V. Howell, Chancellor King,
Ben Bickerstaff: the Noted Desperado
By T.U. Taylor
"Ruthless" Bickerstaff of Sulphur Springs is described along with his deeds around Alvarado , assoc. with Cullen Baker, and a man named "Thompson". Was killed April 5, 1869
Major David Doole
Born in Ireland, Veteran of fights incl Mormon Rebellion. He was Oldest Mason in TX.
Complete Version of Sam Bass Song
The Ill-Fated Schniveley Expedition
Excellent and detailed account of Jacob Schniveley, prospector, 1866, and the "discovery" of gold in the mountains of the Rio Grande. The journey with his many companions is assaulted by courageous Kiowa Indians. Finally expedition resumes with great loss, to vicinity of Eagle Springs where search for mine is pursued until…
Last Indian Raid in Southwest Texas
San Antonio Evening News, 1924. Killing of Mrs McLaurin by Lipan Indians 10 mi North of Leakey, described by her daughter, Mrs. Chas Harpole. Further killing of Allen Reis – Rio Frio
The Seven Sisters: Daughters of Texas
Longevity of Texan Women described: Orlena Erap, Rachel Brooks, Marg. Ethridge, Cammie Woods, Eugenia Graham, Artimitia Young, Sarah King. Locations lived and personal ancestry described and accounted.
Ex- Rangers Hold Reunion at Menard
Ex-rangers assoc. meeting , Aug 13, 1924. Lengthy list of names – way too many to mention:
A sample: J. R. Renick, Ed H. Walace, H. E. Conn, Floresville, Texas ,A T. Richie, Sidney, C. E. Taylor, Brownwood, Texas, W. A Spencer, Atoka, Okla, Dan W. Roberts, Austin, Texas, etc, etc bid now Was a Survivor of the Nueces Battle Speaks of Capt Henry Schwethelm, a survivor (one of two) of the "Nueces River Massacre" near town of Comfort. Speaks of His birth, ancestry back to Germany, immigration, and settlement in Comfort, TX. Detailed account of events of massacre.
Further Mentions: The neighborhood of Goliad and Helena, Curry's Creek, below Sisterdale, Capt. John W. Sansom, Johnson's Creek above Ingram, William Tegener, a brother of Judge Fritz Tegener, Emilie Stieler, Turtle Creek, about 15 miles west of Kerrville, Tegener's Creek, Kusenberger, Adolph Real, a brother to Casper Real, who lived on Turtle Creek. Carl Graf, Carl Griesenbeck, Mr. Griesenbeek's camp , Capt. Kampmann, Dr. Dressel,
Smaller articles include: Death of elder John S. Durst: L.A. Franks: a Pioneer: plus many more. Mag. Abounds in genealogical nuggets and historical wealth.
Some Names mentioned in this volume:
C. W. Allen; Capt C. W. Allen; J. O. Chaplain; John O. Chaplain; Reuben Allison; Oliver Allstrom; L. T. Arnold; John Avants; Capt Jack Baily; J. E. Baird; Cullen M. Baker; Henry H. Baker; Judge Barker; Capt J. B. Barry; Sam Bass; Leopold Bauer; Col Baylor; Jno R. Col Baylor; W. K. Baylor; (See Singletary-Bedford) Bedford; Narnie Harrison Bell; Mrs J. P. Berne; Ernst Beseler; Ben Bickerstaff; C. Bierschwale; F. F. Bihl; Bill Bishop; Capt Black; Samuel B. Boggus; Pete Bowles; W. C. Bradshaw; Brininstool; Alex Brinkmann; Rachel Brooks; Henry J. Brown; John Henry Brown; Capt John Henry Brown; Rufus E. Brown; Lt Bullis; Dr Bunnells; Gen Ben Butler; FrankCaldwell; Kate Camp; Capt Carrington; Capt Carroll; Kit Carson; Mose Carson; P. S. Carter; M. R. Chetham; Dr P. H. Chilton; Clark; Rich Coffey; John Cohen; Richard Coke; Joel Collins; Nick Colston; H. E. Conn; William E. Connelley; L. H. Cook; Ed Cornett; Mrs Ed ; Hugh Coston; H. P. Courtney; A. F. Cox; I. W. Cox; Mart G. Coyle; Capt Aron Cunningham; Capt Jack Cureton; Tom st Lt Dailey; Col Dalrymple; ; William C. Dalrymple; John Q. Daugherty; J. H. Davenport; E. J. Davis; Capt Denton; David Jr Doole; David Maj Doole; Holmes Doole; Dr Paul T. Doole; Dr Downs; Dr Dresel; Dr Dressel; Capt Duff; John M. Durst; John S. Durst; John Sterling ; K. G. Sterling; Leon Sterling; S. O. Sterling; John C. Duval; H. J. Edwards; Parson Edwards; Tobe (see H. J. ) Edwards; S. P. Elkins; Orlena Erap; George B. Erath; Margaret Ethridge; Norma Farmer; Ben Ficklin; Bernice Finley; G. W. Fisher; George Fisher; Sevier Fortenberry; T. J. Frank; L. A. Franks; Calvin Gage; Mrs Calvin Gage; B. F. Gholson; Mrs J. B. Gillett; Ben Gooch; Charley Goodnight; C. M. Grady; Carl Graf; Mrs Billy Graham; Eugenia; Capt M. R. Green; Ruby Green; W. M. Green; Carl Griesenbeck; Col A. H. Lt Hamner; Capt H. A. Hamner; Col Lt Hamner; Gen Hardeman; Anna Harms; Mrs Chas M. Harpole; George Hay; Matthew C. Henson; Capt John E. Hess; Tom Holly; Wesley Hoover; Mrs Jack Howe; J. V. Howell; Joe Howell; Abe Hunter; ; Malcolm Hunter; Warren Hunter; Anna Hutchinson; Maj Jones; Tom Jones; ; Capt C. L. Jordan; Capt Kampmann; Chancellor King; Sarah E. King; Lilla Kittrell; Nat Lambert; E. P. Lamborn; Col Lane; J. T. Latham; Cleve Law; Layton; Allen Lease; Capt B. P. Lee; Bob Lee; Emma L. Lee; Capt Alonzo de Leon; W. W. Lewis; Charles L. Martin; Bill McDonald; W. B. McLane; Bill McLaurin; John M. McLaurin; Mrs John McLaurin; Maud McLaurin; Dr McReynolds; Col John Meek; A. W. Moursund; Joseph Munarco; Jim Murphy; R. S. Maj Neighbors; Capt H. L. Nelson; Joe Ney; Francis Nona; Capt Jim Norris; E. J. Lt Noyse; James G. Odiorne; T. L. Odom; A. B. Paine; J. D. Paris; Frank C. Patten; George Patterson; Frances Poindexter; J. M. Polk; Capt Ross Pollard; Tom Pollard; Fannie Putegnat; Clint Rain; Sam Rainey; John H. Reagan; Adolph Real; Casper Real; Allen Reiss; J. R. Renick; Dr Reynolds; Gen J. J. Maj ; P. H. Rice; A. T. Richie; Maj Riordan; Dan W. Roberts; Capt Dan W. Roberts; R. C. Roberts; W. H. Roberts; Bud (See W. H. ) Robinson; W. H. Robinson; H. M. Robison; Temp Robison; N. N. Rogers; N. N. Capt; Willie Williamson; R. D. Routh; Gov Runnels; Capt W. R. Russell; Frank Sanders; P. D. Saner; Capt John W. Sansom; Saunders; E. V. Schnively; Jacob; Albert Schutze; Capt Schwethelm; Heinrich Joseph; Henry Capt ; T. Sieker; Mrs Lou Singletary-Bedford; Small; W. P. Smart; Henry Smith; Joseph M. ; W. A. Spencer; Kit Stanford; Dr Josephus M. Steiner; Emilie Stieler; Lt Stout; Riley Strickland; F. C. Striegler; C. E. Taylor; T. U. Taylor; Judge Fritz Tegener; William Tegener; L. C. Thompson; J. W. Thorp; W. B. Traweek; Dan Turney; W. T. Vavin; Mrs J. M. Waide; Ed H. Walace; Jim Waldy; Bigfoot Wallace; Ed H. Adj; Capt Joe Ward; C. L. Ware; Dick Ware; R. M. Ware; Washburn; W. Y. Luke Weatherrford; Owen White; A. Whitehurst; John Williams; R. H. Williams; D. W. Wonsley; Cammie Woods; Billie Wortham; Col W. B. Wortham; Artimitia Young; C. H. Young; O. S. Young; Youmans.
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