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Vol 01 No. 08 - May 1924
Murder of James H. Sewell by Indians in 1871.
By John Warren Hunter.
This eye-witness account of the murder of James H. Sewell, by Indians in I871, is given the writer by Mrs. Sarah Thorpe of San Angelo, who was the wife of Mr. Sewell at the time of his death. Mentions: James Gossett Jack Gossett, Johnny Sheen, Camp Colorado, Ft. McKavett, Mr. Adams Nyas, Menardville, Bear Creek, now in Kimble county, Kimble, Mr. Ranse Moore, John Jones, Steve Cavaness, Jim Bradberry
Breaking Up the Lawless Element in Texas.
Major W. M. Green, Texas. Born January, I854, near Peach Tree Village, in Tyler co., became Ranger in February, 1874, joined Captain M. R. Green's company of Rangers, but as soon as Richard Coke became Governor of Texas, enlisted in Company A, Frontier Battalion, commanded by Captain John R, Waller of Erath County. Green was part of the effort to dismantle the lawless endeavors of John Wesley Hardin and companions. This is his account Further mentions: Charlie Davis, . Marshal Jeff Green, Jim Beard, Charlie Webb, a deputy sheriff of Brown county, Jim Baird and Jim Buck Waldrip, John Wesley Hardin and Jim Taylor, others from Corsicana, including the Dickson boys, the two Anderson boys, and Alex Barekman, Bud Dickson, Liberty Hill, Kingsbury Hotel, Austin Governor Coke, Dave Hudson, Vayette Oxford, Clinton
Pen Picture of Pueblo Indians
Fascinating account of a different kind of Indian – the Pueblo. Account mentions: the Painted Desert, Santa Clara, San Juan, Santo Domingo, Isleta and Laguna, Acoma, Fray Juan Ramirez, the Santa Fe station of Laguna, Mesa Encantada, far-famed seven cities of Cibola, Zuni
Killing of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kensing.
By Leonard Passmore.
Great information on German immigration to Texas. In about 1846, a body of those honest sons of toil bade adieu to the scenes of their childhood, and with their wives and children came to seek new homes in. the wilds of Texas. They were led hither by one Baron Von Meusebach, a man well educated and withal well suited to be a leader of men. In. fact, all in the little company possessed a fair knowledge of-tile elementary branches of learning, due to the excellent system of compulsory education in the Fatherland. Such a class of people could not fail to build up the resources and increase the wealth of our Lone Star… But main account of story refers to very sad incident wherein on a beautiful day in spring, in the year 1863 between "Canaan" & " Platt Kopf,", Mr. Kensing and his wife were mercilessly attacked by Indians. The husband was killed in a, most brutal manner and scalped. The, woman was dragged away some distance, and treated shamefully, after which she was shot with an arrow, scalped and left, no doubt, for dead but she...
Further mentions: Threadgill Creek Beaver Creek , Conrad Mund, H. Welge Sr, John Dietz, the "Platt Kopf" or "Flat Head Settlement" Philip Buchmeyer, Fritz Winkel, William Geistweidt, Rev. Pluennecke, Mr. Theodore Wiedmann, H. Welge
Bandera County Man Foully Murdered.
Written by John F. Hodges
He who came to Bandera county in 1868. Account of a man named Simpson, who in 1872 settled, on, Red Bluff Creek, about twelve miles east of Bandera. Mr. Simpson had a beautiful daughter, named Elvira, about seventeen years of age, and in 1873 a young man named France Young came into the country, met this young lady and fell in love with her. Within a short time they were married and were living happily together when a man who gave his name as McCracken drifted in, from somewhere. He became acquainted with Young, and seemed to take a great fancy to the -young man. McCracken represented that he lived near Austin and had decided to move to Bandera county' and hired Young to take his wagon and team and go after his household goods, agreeing to pay him a certain sum of money to do so. Times were hard and money was scarce, and the young man was glad to get a chance to earn wages by honest labor, so he and McCracken set out, ostensibly to get the older man's household plunder, expecting to return within a very short time. But weeks passed and they did not return. No word was received from them. The young wife became alarmed over the husband's continued absence, and finally induced friends to go in search of, him. The searchers made inquiries along the route taken, by McCracken and Young, and found that they had camped at the edge of a large cedar brake near Austin, and there all trace was lost for the time being. Later it was learned from an old woman at, Dripping Springs that her dog had dug up a man’s head and brought it home. This proved to be the head of the missing man…
Some of My Experience on the Range.
By A. Huffmeyer
Mr Huffmeyer recounts his varied and interesting accounts of life on the frontier, including encounters with Indians. Mentions many names/places such as: James Blackhaller, who lived four miles above Frio town, Mr. Jake Vinton, Billy Votaw, Woodward and Oge ranch, Jim Newton, the Elm prarie, Frio River, old man Massey, Mr. Moore, Mr. Phillips, a deputy sheriff of Bandera County, Miss Mattie Rugh, Clara Kathryn, etc.
When Judge Roy Bean Lost a Case.
San Antonio. An Excerpt: "To J. W. Schofield, city salesman of A. B. Frank & Company of San Antonio belongs the distinction of having served as clerk in "Judge" Roy Beans court when "Law West of the Pecos," had application to all classes of cases, civil and criminal, and the "Judge" power to render judgment extending all the way from the, imposition of a petty fine, to the pronunciation of the death penalty. The honor is not to be lightly construed. Mr. Schofield is the only person known to have officiated in the dispensation. of justice in the most unique court in the history of judicial procedure. It was in, every sense a high honor, for Judgie Roy Bean, as was becoming his unusual prerogative, alone and unaided administered the "law" of his court. But the case under consideration was one in which the defendant threatened an appeal in the event the case went against him. Under the circumstances Judge Bean thought best to comply with the wishes of the attorney for the defense and Mr. Schofield was appointed to act as clerk." This account is classic Bean! Here’s "Law West of the Pecos" indeed! I cannot restrain from another brief excerpt: "Judge Bean, scratched his head and called for his friend, Mr. Schofield. "Now look here, Schofield, it ain't in keeping with justice that all this amount of beer I have imported for this occasion should go to waste," he. said. "It ain,'t economy, and it ain't accordin' to the statutes of the State of Texas." True account (as are all the stories in Frontier Times) further mentions: D. Hart a prominent sheepman of West Texas, "Jersey Lily," Judge Bean's saloon, J. P. Torres, Flanders, Mr. Cunningham
Early History of Arizona
The early history of Globe, and especially Gila and Pinal counties, were the center of many thrilling experiences and bloody contests, which, while not recorded, in history, dwell in the minds of witnesses, or those who took part in the dramas of the western country. Here is a record of some of those events.
Mentions: "Bloody Tanks," situated about three or four miles on the road to Iron ranch and Superior from the present site of the town of Miami, the Apache Leap, about three miles from Superior, Picket Post. , 'the old site of Pinal, the Raymert mine, Florence
A Cowboy Still in the Saddle at 94.
"When you hear of a 94-year-old man you picture him as having a long beard and white hair, a cane and rheumatism and a squeaky voice. Very well, meet Reese Barton, a 94-year-old cowboy. Go to Childress, Texas, out on the "Staked Plains," but, not far below the Oklahoma line. "Go out to the B. P. Smith ranch, and ask for "Reese," just " Reese. " He'll greet you with a booming voice and a slap on: the back and a "he-man's" handshake." everyone called him 'Old Man Barton.' He knew "Wild Bill" Hickok and "Bat" Masterson in the hectic Dodge City days. John Little and R. D. Fant and "Shanghai" Pierce and "Bob" Chisholm, famous trail drivers…
Some Early Day Outlaws.
By Taylor Thompson
Thompson, now deceased, was a well known printer, newspaper man, Ranger, and Confederate soldier. Mentions hangings in San Antonio: an officer named Finaberg, Jim Taylor, Captain W. B. Tobin, a well known citizen and ex, ranger captain, the old Mission Concepcion. the northwest corner of Military Plaza, West Commerce street north of the jail. South Flores street, etc.
Tragedies of the Frontier
Gruesome and tragic accounts of events that were sadly too common on the frontier. An excerpt: The savage who had attempted to shoot was then struck by Mrs. Friend with a smoothing iron. The blow almost knocked him down, but he recovered himself, fitted. an arrow to his bow and shot Mrs. Friend in the side; a second arrow passing through her arm, and a third striking her in the breast. After receiving the third wound, being unable to make further resistance, she seated herself upon the bed and leaned against one of its posts. Thinking she was dead, one of the brutes began to scalp her. This gave her so much pain she threw up her hand and caught the knife. The Indian drew it fiercely through her hand, cutting it severely. Attempting to seize it a second time, the savage dealt her three hard blows which completely disabled her and he then finished the fiendish operation of scalping her at his leisure, and left the poor woman for dead. But another fiend incarnate, thinking possibly she lived, returned and gave the arrow in, her breast several jerks backward and forward to see if she would flinch. But though perfectly conscious and suffering intensely, the heroic woman lay perfectly still and silent, and satisfied she was dead, the red devil...
Mentions a man named Miller and one of the Morrow boys, the settlement of Honey Creek Cove, Mrs. Johnson, old man Smith at Fort Mason, the settlement on the waters of the Leon, in Hamilton County. Mr. Pickett. Captain Crawfield. Mrs. Friend, the owner of a home in Legion Valley, about fifteen miles from Llano, and a less distance from Honey Creek Cove. Mrs. Samantha Johnson, Mrs. Rebecca Johnson, Miss Amanda Townsend, Malinda Cordle, Lee Temple Friend, Mr. Bradford, the J. C. Talley place
When Charlie Rivers Was Killed.
By John. O. Allen.
The 15th of June, 1872, This is a true account of the fight in which Charlie Rivers was killed, and this battle wound up the career of one of the bravest men that ever lived on the fr6ntier of Texas. Further mentions: . The Rev. W. G. Parsons, a Presbyterian minister, Dr. Ford, the Lovings, who were cattlemen. Dr. J. D. Parsons who lived in Dallas, Cookville, Texas. Rock Creek in Jack county, Salt Creek Prairie, Henry Heberson, Drs. W. C. Milliken and McDermett, Weatherford, George O. Burrows, a well known frontiersman and trail driver, whose home was at Del Rio for many years.
Buried Treasure of Jean Lafitte.
Account of the buried treasure of the old pirate, Jean Lafitte. J. C. Wise, of San Antonio, general manager of the Universal Exploration company, for the first time has revealed the history of the strange organization which sometime ago set out to hunt down buried treasure. Months and months were spent on perfecting a machine which would detect the presence of metal in the ground, it was tested out and found effective. Then, they set out to find a buried treasure, and after investigation they pieced the following tale together of Jean, Lafitte's treasure, which bore semblance of having been based on actual occurrences.
Mentions: Barataria, , the island of Galveston. Compeachy. Colonel Bean, Lieut Kearney, Port Lavaca bay, the Arenaso river, Mr. Wise
An Old Trail Driver Talks About Early Days.
Cora Melton Cross. Win. Simpson has been a resident of one county in Texas for forty-seven years and according to his idea , "there's no better place on God's green earth to spend the rest of the years he has to live than in Wise County." Here Mr. Simpson relates stories and experiences of pioneer days as seen and known by the Texas cattleman of that time. Mentions: Capt. Long, the Ouachita River, etc
Some Kimble County History.
Mentions: M. G. Coyle and wife, of Houston, Mo, the W H. McKee ranch. Bear Creek, Capt. Dan Roberts Major John B. Jones Adjutant General of Texas and Sull Ross was Governor. Sam Bass. The Potter and Dublin boys, Mr. Coyle, Geo. Harold, the little town of Loma Beaver Lake, Schriner-Hodges Co. store, John C. Townes, Dean of the Texas University Law School, the Double O Saloon. Billie McKee
Woman Kills a Texas Sheriff.
Story of 28 year old Ida Hadley (Mrs. Ida Lee Daughtery) who shot and killed Sheriff Jack Giles, of Beaumont in Oklahoma a few years ago, while the officer was bringing her husband back to Texas to answer a grand jury indictment. Mrs. Anna C. Johnson, William S. Estaver
An Ancestor of Trinity University
Early history of Trinity University, Mentions: Killough massacre, Bowles, Burleson, Douglas, Larissa College, L. Yoakum, A. M, Rev. J. B. Renfro, Rev. John Bell, Peter Burke, Mrs. M. Cosgrove, T. N. McKee, Nathanial Killough, H. D. McDonald, Lewisville, Texas; W, A. Pearson, Rusk, Texas; Miss Coronne A Erwin, Laraissa Texas; and, Miss Aurelia, B. Hodges Science Hill, Texas, Dr. P. L. Yoakum, whose son, B. F. Yoakum, is known among railroad men throughout the. nation,. An eight foot telescope, made by Henry Fritz of New York, probably the first one ever. mounted in Texas.
HEEL-FLY TIME IN TEXAS.(Continued from Last Month)
By John Warren Hunter.
During Civil War, certain individuals, known as the Home Guard were enlisted into service to force any able-bodied man into conscription. They exercised their "authority" in a way that made them odious to the populace of Texan citizenry, in the words of Mr. Hunter, "Such was the high-handed, outrageous conduct of the Home Guards, not only in a few sections but throughout the state generally, that they obtained the sobriquet of "Heel-Flies" on account of the similarity of their course to the tortuous proclivities of a pestiferous insect so well known to cattlemen all over Texas. No class of men, or rather striplings, in our great state has ever been the recipient of more righteous contempt heaped upon them by patriotic men and women of Texas- than these Home Guards" This is a lengthy and detailed account of life dodging "heel flies" in Texas. Many persons and place names are mentioned – a specimen: the old Atascosito trail, Columbus, the Navidad river, Mrs. Davis, Johnson & Rhine's cotton trains. Wiley Clampit, Rancho Davis on the Rio Grande, Mr. Charley Gollihar and Jake Hamersley, the McDonald settlement on the Lavaca, the Hogans, McDonalds, Tates, Heaths and Pontons, Miss Sue Chandler, Mayo's Mill on the Lavaca., Sally Scull, Creed Taylor and the Tumlinson's, Rancho Las Animas, near Brownsville, Matamoras, Zumwalt's, A. B. McDonald, Tom Hogan and the Tates, doctor Bellah, the Somers Thicket, Jernagin Thicket in North Texas, Dewitt's Colony, Clark's Creek, Mr. Harper.
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