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Vol 01 No. 03 - December 1923
‘Humpy' Jackson Wreaks Vengeance.
By John Warren Hunter
John Jackson settled on the San Saba river below the ruins of the old Spanish Mission before the war, and engaged in stock raising. He was one of the few who during the long years of the struggle between the Northern and Southern armies, alone and unaided defended their homes against the incursions of Apaches and Comanches, whose raids extended at that period as far south as Kerrville and Boerne, and as a consequence these pioneers, on many occasions were brought into direct conflict with these savages. Excellent history of shocking events around San Saba Valley, Fort McKavett, Menardville. Good early history of the area.
Further Mentions: General McKenzie, Peter Robertson, George Harvey, Pete Crane, and Steve Caveness, George Kemp, Bear Creek, Lieutenant Bullis, Jim Jackson, Milam Taylor, the Mose Taylor ranch, at the Ten Mile crossing below Menardville., Pat Coglan's ranch above Menardville., Ace Ellis', at that time living on the Las Moras, above Menardville., Mrs. Grider's, Mrs. Jackson and her children, Billy Epps, Air. Tomerson, Bill Tipton Tull Smith, Henrietta, now Mrs. Harkey
Rev. Z. N. Morrell Tells of Woll's Invasion in 1842
On September the 11th, 1842, a Mexican force, under General Adrian Woll, about 1300 strong, captured the city of San Antonio, making hostile demonstrations toward other points farther east. This is the account of the resistance and pursuit under Captain Jack Hays, written not only by an eye-witness, but by a truly gifted writer.
Further Mentions: Gonzales, Seguin, Colonel Caldwell, Henry McCulloch, Captain Dawson from Lagrange, The Honorable Judge Hemphill, Mrs. Jakes, A. H. Morrell, Colonel Corasco, Arch Gibson, Brenham
Colonists of Navarro and Denton Counties Fight Indians
By A. J. Sowell
The early settlers of Navarro county, like all others, were. harassed by hostile Indians. Some of the lands were located as early as 1833 and surveyed by J. Elliot, surveyor under the Mexican government. After the Texas revolution a new set of locaters came along and re-located most of the old surveys. It was while parties were out surveying lands that the incidents of this great story occurred.
Further Mentions: three men, Sparks, Berry and Holland, who were killed the same day on the south side of Richland, about twelve miles from the present town of Corsicana., William F. Sparks, from the town of Nacogdoches, Captain Chandler and Lieut. William M. Love, Col. C. M. Winkler, Denton county was organized in July 1846, and named for Captain John B. Denton, who was killed in a fight with Indians on the Trinity. Denton creek, Clear Creek, Mr. Roll's little boys, Capt. R. H. Hopkins, Stephen Curley, Captain Hopkins, the ranches of Thomas Eagan and George McCormick., Tarleton Bull, E. Allen, the North Hickory, Chrisholm's ranch., Sevier Whartenburg, William Eaves
Note: There is some great Navarro county and (early) Denton county area genealogical data here as well: an excerpt: "The first settlements made in what is known as Denton county were on Hickory and Prairie creeks, from 1842 to 1845 by the Wagners, Claryses, Kings and others. In June 1845 , there were seventeen families in all. In the latter part of 1845 came Murphy, the Harmasons, the Holfords, Welders, Frenches, and others, and in the early part of 1846, the Carters, S. A. Venters and the Yockhomises settled on Clear creek and the Stricklins on Isle de Bois..."
Seven Mexicans, Dressed as Indians, Captured and Executed
By Taylor Thompson
Taylor Thompson, now deceased, was a well known Printer, newspaper man, ranger, and Confedederate soldier. Account of Mexicans who had gone to the border to evade the conscript law, and made frequent raids, disguised as Indians into TX. "My men promptly announced that they were going to hang the entire outfit, I told them they should not do this. Justo Rodriguez remarked: "Sergeant ordinarily we will obey your orders, but we are going to hang these men." There were seventy men against me, and of course I had to yield. Accordingly the arms of the prisoners were tied behind them, they were placed on their horses, including the two wounded men, their own lariats placed around their necks, thrown over the limb of one large live oak tree and tied and their horses led out from…
Further Mentions: Devil's river, Fort McKavett.
Interesting Life Story of An Early Texan
By Mrs. Mary E. Lesesne, Hennessy, Texas
Speaks of Colonel John Durst who was born in Missouri February 4, 1797. He was raised in Texas by Mr. Samuel Davenport, who, taking young Durst with him, abandoned the country about 1814 on account of the war between Spain and 'Mexico. He married Miss Harriet M. Jamison, a native of Harper's Ferry, Va., whose father, Col. Jamison, had been appointed Indian agent for the United States and in that capacity was then living in Louisiana. The marriage took place in Natchitoches February 21, 1821. In 1827 Colonel Durst and his wife moved to Nacogdoches, Texas, and bought the old stone house which the missionaries had built in 1778. This house. was their home while they resided in Nacogdoches and was fort as well as home. Col. Durst kept well in view the protection of his family.
Further Mentions: Col. Piedras, Milam and Bowie, General Rusk, Col. Durst moved to Angelina county and commenced farming on the river of that name., Flores and Canales, Judge John H. Reagan, Eliza Almira Durst, was born in Natchitoches, La., in 1823. Louis Orlando Durst was born in Nacogdoches, Texas, September 1, 1827, Benigna Durst, April 7, 1830. Biuno Durst, October 11, 1832. Alexander Horatio Durst, December 28, 1834. Angelina Durst, March 20, 1837. Harriet Matilda Durst, July 29, 1839. John Sterling Durst, October 20, 1841. Horatio Durst, March 16, 1844. Clara Elizabeth Durst, September 6, 1846. Eugenia Marcelino Durst, 1849.
Reminiscences of a Texas Ranger
Written by Ed Carnal
Ed Carnal who was born September 30, 1849, and died in San Antonio February 18, 1921. He was a member of the Old Time Trail Drivers' Association, and was well known among the early cowmen of the State. This is his story.
Further Mentions: Perry's company, Menard county. Maltby's company, Captain Waller's company, Captain Stevens' company, Cook county. Lieutenant Wilson, Major Jones, the Clear Fork of the Brazos river. old Big Tree and Satanta, Salt Creek., Lone Wolf, the great Kiowa chief
Ben Dragoo Tells of the Capture of Cynthia Ann Parker.
Exciting and true account of Capt. Ross' capture of long-time Indian hostage, Cynthia Ann Parker and his duel with her husband, the big Indian chief. The Indians were more troublesome in the fall of '59 than ever before; their raids were more numerous and covered a broader extent along the frontier. Each of these invasions left its trail of blood along the border and the mutilated remains of its victims in its path. In many instances it was reported that white men often led these raids and their cruelties were, if possible, exceeded by those of the savages. It was claimed that these white men had been outlawed by their countrymen for crimes committed and had sought refuge among the Comanches, and having all the instincts of a savage and the shrewdness of the white man, they soon found favor and turned it to account by leading raids against the settlements, always careful not to expose themselves to danger, and driving off herds which commanded a good price in Kansas and New Mexico.
Further Mentions: Parker county, the Pease river, Ross' company of rangers and Cureton's company, Fort Belknap,, Peter Robertson, of Cureton's company, Lieut. Callahan, Frank Cassidy, Buffalo Hump, Camp Cooper
Made Saddle Strings of An Indian's Hide
Related by D, P. Smith, San Antonio, Texas. Story of Rube Smith, of Castroville, Medina county. Smith who had enviable golden hair (enviable, that is to a scalp-thirsty Comanche) was brutally killed and scalped. The rangers pursued, killed the chief and put his body to useful purposes.
Further Mentions: Policarpo Rodriguez, Seco Smith, the Casadero, Lycurgus Woods', the Rock Water Hole on the Chicon.
Pat Garrett Was a Noted Peace Officer.
Pat F. Garrett, was in his day one of the most noted characters of the Southwest. His most famous exploit as a peace officer in the early days, when conditions along the border were disturbed and many bad men were abroad, was the killing of "Billy the Kid."
Further Mentions: Gen. Lew Wallace, Col. Albert J. Fountain, Oliver M. Lee, Moses Dillon
James R. Moss, Pioneer Llano Citizen
By Henry C. Fulcher
Moss, a pioneer Llano citizen, born in Fayette county, January 24, 1843, and was reared in in Williamson county where his parents settled four years later. Later he came to Llano area with his father, settling near Bullhead mountain. He saw the Indians of Texas first hand, participated in one of the last Indian fights in Texas-the battle of Pack Saddle Mountain and was one of the oldest and most successful stockmen of Llano county, He had a ranch of about 9,000 acres located in the southern part of Llano county, which he stocked with high-grade cattle - a notable early citizen.
Further Mentions: Stephen B. Moss, William B. Moss, all brothers, Dever Harrington, Eli Lloyd, Robert Brown, Arch Martin, Pink Ayres
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