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Well Known Trail Driver Dead
[Obituary from J. Marvin Hunter's Frontier Times Magazine, July, 1927]
John Albert Miller, aged 75, died at his home near Bandera, Texas, May 22, after a brief illness. Mr. Miller was a well known trail driver, and was an enthusiastic member of the Old Time Trail Drivers' Association, and was a tireless worker for the monument to be erected as a memorial to the early day cowboys. He was a true type of the old West Texas cowman, big-hearted, generous, and loyal to his friends, and in his passing Texas loses one of her best citizens. Mr. Miller was born in San Antonio, Texas, September 10, 1851, and grew to manhood there. His parents, Mr. and Mrs. John G. Miller, located in that city some time during the year 1848. On February 26, 1878, Mr. Miller was happily married to Miss Jennie C. Davenport, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Davenport, pioneer settlers of the Cibolo region, 16 miles northeast of San Antonio. With his family, Mr. Miller moved to Bandera in 1881 to occupy the John James ranch of 3500 acres which he had purchased and engaged in the cattle business.
He is survived by his wife Jennie Miller, one daughter, Miss Minnie Miller of Bandera, one brother. George C. Miller of Brewster county, and one sister, Mrs. Julia Meyer of Belton, Texas.
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